Cherry jelly is a light and delicious dessert. Cherry jelly with gelatin: the most affordable recipe for making cherry jelly for the winter

31.10.2021 Complications

Jelly is a special dessert that dates back to the Napoleonic era. They say that this exquisite dish was served on the table of the French emperor and was an extraordinary success at court.

Most often, jelly (French gelée) refers to a food solution based on fruits (cherries, apples, kiwis and others). In modern cooking, gelatin is added to the dish, but initially those products that contained the maximum amount of pectin were used in cooking. It is this element that gives the dish its gelatinous appearance.

Cherry jelly is distinguished by its original taste, and therefore has firmly taken root in Italian and French cuisines. In modern recipes for this delicious delicacy, frozen berries are most often preferred. This dessert will certainly decorate any table.

A special feature of cherry jelly is also its simple preparation algorithm, and this dish can decorate the table of any, even the youngest and most inexperienced housewife. Moreover, this dessert is low-calorie and light, so your chiseled figure won’t suffer one bit.

Cherry delicacy includes ingredients such as:

  • 300 grams of cherries;
  • 150 grams of sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons gelatin.

First, the berries need to be defrosted. It is best to do this in a natural way. Microwave and warm water will negatively affect the consistency. When the cherries reach room temperature, you will need to squeeze the juice out of them. You can do this either manually or using equipment (blender, food processor, juicer).

The cherry “body” and pulp must be poured with hot water (three tablespoons will be enough) and sugar added to the mass. The resulting mixture is brought to a boil on the stove. The resulting syrup will need to be filtered through cheesecloth. The best option is to fold it in three or four layers. This way you will achieve the best consistency for your future cherry jelly.

The next step is gelatin. It is he who will make your cherry jelly look like jelly and keep its shape. After cooling two glasses of strained syrup to seventy degrees, you will need to add two tablespoons of gelatin. The resulting mass must be thoroughly stirred until the last ingredient is completely dissolved, then strain the dessert through a fine sieve. This will avoid lumps.

The dish remains to be heated (but under no circumstances boil!), and then sent to the refrigerator to cool. In a few hours, the delicious delicacy will be ready. Bon appetit!

And a simple video recipe

You can talk about cherries for a long time and with rapture. This sweet, slightly sour berry quenches thirst well. The content of vitamins E, C, PP, B1, B2, B9, carotene, pectin, organic acids and a whole complex of microelements makes it truly healing. It is useful for arthritis, anemia and mental illness, helps prevent heart attacks and acts as a mild laxative. Cherry pulp has bactericidal properties. And finally, it's simply delicious. There are many recipes for making cherry jelly for the winter that will help preserve its beneficial properties, taste and aroma.

Cherry preparations for the winter

Berry desserts for the winter are prepared in several ways. The most popular are preserves, marmalade and confiture. Jelly is made less often, but in vain: its sugar content is lower than other desserts. All these preparations are made from berries with sugar, but differ in the preparation method and result.

  1. Jam. It is prepared simply: make sugar syrup and then place berries in it. This dessert can be thick or liquid, but the berries in it must retain their shape. For this purpose, the process is divided into several stages, allowing the workpiece to cool between cooking sessions.
  2. Jam has a thicker consistency with boiled fruits. This is achieved by strongly heating the workpiece for 15-30 minutes. Sugar is added directly to the fruit.
  3. Confiture is an intermediate link between jam and jelly: the whole berries are distributed in a thick mass. Recipes often call for gelling agents.

    4. Jelly is, figuratively speaking, fruit and berry jelly. When preparing, pectin, gelatin, agar-agar and their derivatives are used: Zhelfix, Quittin.

Cherry jelly: nuances of preparation

Classic jelly is made from berry juice with sugar and gelling agents. But the flight of creative thought of housewives cannot be stopped. Nowadays there are recipes for jelly both from puree and with whole berries. Various products are used as thickeners.

Many fruits and berries also contain pectin - currants, apples, especially sour ones, gooseberries. Cherry is no exception, so jelly can be made from it without gelling agents. You can also make your own pectin using apple peels or gooseberries.

Juicy berries with a pronounced taste and aroma are best suited for harvesting. The taste of the jelly can be varied by adding lemon juice, dry wine, herbs, and vanilla. Unlike jam, in which sugar also plays the role of a thickener, much less of it is added to jelly. On average, 0.7 kg of granulated sugar is added per 1 kg of berries. But there are recipes with a ratio of 1:0.3 and even 1:0.1.

The cooking vessel should be wide and have a thick bottom. Do not use aluminum dishes, as the jelly may darken.

Cherry jelly - a ready-made dessert and a healthy preparation for the winter

Jelly recipes for the winter

There are many recipes for making cherry jelly, but they have one thing in common - preparing the berries for subsequent processing. It is carried out like this:

Dessert with pulp without thickener


  • cherry - 1 kg;
  • sugar in a ratio of 1:1 to the volume of puree;
  • water.


  1. Place the cherries in a saucepan and add water, covering them completely. Don't remove the bones.
  2. Heat until boiling, cook for 1 hour over low heat, removing foam.
  3. Separate the broth and rub the cherries through a sieve.
  4. Measure the volume of the resulting puree, mix with the same volume of granulated sugar.
  5. Bring to a boil over moderate heat and cook for 15 minutes, stirring and skimming.
  6. Seal the finished product, turn the jars over and wrap them. Store without refrigeration.

Recipe with lemon juice without thickener


  • cherry - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • lemon juice - 1/4 cup.

Cooking method:

  1. Place pitted cherries in a saucepan, add water, and heat to a boil.
  2. Add sugar, cook until it dissolves.
  3. Pour in lemon juice and cook, stirring until thickened.
  4. Pack the finished product into prepared containers and seal.

Cherry jelly with gelatin

To prepare you will need:

  • cherry - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 0.3 kg;
  • leaf gelatin - 24 g;
  • water - 1.6 l.

Operating procedure:

  1. Crush the pitted cherries with a pestle or masher, add water and bring to a boil.
  2. Boil for 10 minutes, strain through a sieve. Do not squeeze so that the juice remains clear.
  3. Add sugar to the juice, cook for 15-20 minutes over moderate heat, stirring and skimming off the foam.
  4. Turn off the heat, cool the syrup a little, add pre-soaked gelatin, stir.
  5. Pack into prepared containers and cool. Store in the refrigerator.

Video: cherry jelly with gelatin

Dessert of crushed cherries with Zhelfix

For 1 kg of fresh cherries take:

  • sugar - 0.45 kg;
  • Zhelfix - 1 pack.


  1. Grind the pitted cherries in a way convenient for you. You can use a blender or meat grinder.
  2. Place the resulting puree into a saucepan and set the heat to medium.
  3. Add Zhelfix, add sugar in portions. Zhelfix is ​​added according to the instructions on the bag.
  4. Bring to a boil and cook, stirring for 5-10 minutes, turn off the heat.
  5. Place the hot mixture into prepared containers and roll up the lids. Leave for 6-8 hours until cool.

Video: crushed cherry jelly with Zhelfix

Recipe with pectin and tartaric acid


  • cherry - 2 kg;
  • water - 300 ml;
  • sugar - 0.7 kg per 1 liter of boiled juice;
  • pectin - 3 or 4 g;
  • tartaric acid - 1 teaspoon.

Operating procedure:

  1. Mash the berries with a masher, add water, cook for 5 minutes until the juice releases.
  2. Filter the juice through a cloth or several layers of gauze. Do not squeeze the berries; the juice should be clear.
  3. Reduce the juice by about half over high heat. Stir and skim off foam.
  4. Add 0.7 kg of granulated sugar for each liter of juice and cook for another 5-10 minutes.
  5. Add pectin dissolved in water, stir and cook until thickened.
  6. When the jelly is almost ready, add tartaric acid and turn off the heat.
  7. Pack the hot jelly.

Jelly with whole cherries


  • cherry - how much fits in a three-liter container;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • gelatin - 70 g;
  • water - 0.5 l.


  1. Measure out the seedless berries. You will need a quantity that fits in a three-liter jar.
  2. Soak gelatin in 0.5 liters of water.

    Cover the cherries with granulated sugar and place on the stove.

    Bring the mixture to a boil, cook for 3-5 minutes. At the same time, heat the gelatin.

    Add gelatin to cherries, stir and turn off heat.

  3. Seal the hot jelly. Can be stored without refrigeration.

Felt cherry jelly

Felt cherry is different from regular cherry. It has a thin, delicate skin, smaller and sweeter fruits. It does not have a pronounced cherry flavor. You can also preserve it for the winter. Just do this if possible immediately after harvesting, since the berries do not last long. To make jelly you will need:

  • cherry juice - 1 liter;
  • sugar - 0.5 kg.

Operating procedure:

  1. Place the cherry and pit into boiling water and drain the water after 15 minutes.
  2. Crush the berries with a spoon or masher.
  3. Pass through a juicer, rub through a sieve or squeeze through cheesecloth - separate the juice in any convenient way.
  4. Let the juice settle and drain off the light part.
  5. Add 500 g of granulated sugar to 1 liter of juice and cook until thickened for about an hour, stirring and skimming.
  6. Pour into jars.

Recipe without cooking

Cherries, like some other berries and fruits, contain pectin. Therefore, you can make jelly from it without cooking.

Instead of sugar, it is better to use powdered sugar. The jelly is stored in the refrigerator. You can also put it in the freezer, but then you need to put it in plastic containers. The recipe is quite simple, but it is with this method of preparing for the winter that all vitamins and useful material

  • cherry - 2 kg;
  • berries For it you will need:


  1. sugar - 1 kg.
  2. Dry the washed cherries and remove the pits.
  3. Grind the berries in a blender.
  4. Add sugar, preferably powdered sugar, to the blender, continuing to grind.

Divide into jars.

Cherries are berries from which you can make a huge number of delicious and healthy desserts. Their taste will be varied, sweet and at the same time with a light and delicate sourness. Cherry jelly is very aromatic, healthy, it contains many vitamins, and it is prepared quickly and easily.

Cherry jelly recipe without gelatin step by step

  1. Berry jelly can be prepared not only with gelatin, but also without it. There is nothing complicated in the process of preparing it, you just need to prepare the ingredients themselves and devote a little time. This dessert can be served as a separate dish or added to baked goods.
  2. The berries are thoroughly washed in cold water, the stalks and seeds are removed from them and everything is transferred to a saucepan;
  3. Pour 15 milliliters of water into the pan, put on fire and stirring constantly, bring to a boil;
  4. Add sugar to the cherries, stir until it dissolves, pour in lemon juice;
  5. Cook the contents of the pan, stirring constantly, until the berry puree thickens;

Pour the jelly into jars, filling them ¾ full, cover them with lids and place in a water bath for 10 minutes.

When the finished jelly has cooled, it can be served or used to prepare other desserts. Thanks to the water bath, it will thicken well, but will not burn.

Cherry jelly with gelatin


  • To make cherry jelly, you can use not only fresh, but also frozen berries. This will not make the taste of the dessert worse, but will remain just as rich.
  • 400 grams of seedless berries;
  • 0.6 liters of water;
  • 200 grams of sugar;

40 grams of gelatin.

Calorie content per 100 grams: 54 kcal.

If frozen berries are used to prepare dessert, they do not need to be thawed.

  1. Pour water into a saucepan, bring it to a boil, add washed, pitted cherries and boil for 10 minutes;
  2. Pour sugar into the compote, stirring constantly and bring to a boil;
  3. Pour 200 milliliters of compote into a deep bowl or cup, add instant gelatin, mix thoroughly until completely dissolved and strain everything through a strainer;
  4. Remove the saucepan with the compote from the heat, let stand for 10 minutes, pour in the gelatin, stir, cool to 45 degrees;
  5. Pour the jelly into molds and place in the refrigerator.

When the jelly has hardened, it can be served. The taste of this dessert is rich, light and pleasant. It will definitely please all family members.

Frozen cherry jelly with gelatin

Making jelly from frozen berries is just as easy as making jelly from fresh ones, but it has its own little peculiarities.


  • gelatin – 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar – 0.15 kilograms;
  • cherries – 0.3 kilograms.

Cooking time: 120 minutes.

  1. Thaw frozen berries at room temperature, then squeeze the juice out of them using a blender, strain;
  2. Pour 50 milliliters of water over the berry pulp, add sugar and stir constantly, bring to a boil, remove from heat and strain through a sieve or cheesecloth;
  3. Cool the liquid to 70 degrees, pour 200 milliliters of juice and dilute gelatin in it, strain through a sieve;
  4. Pour gelatin into the compote, mix everything and heat, but do not bring to a boil;
  5. Cool the future jelly to room temperature, pour into molds and put in the refrigerator.

In just a few hours, the whole family will be able to enjoy the aromatic and summer taste of the jelly.

Milk jelly with cherries

Jelly made from milk and fresh berries is an unusual, but very tasty and nutritious dessert that both adults and children will appreciate.


  • 40 grams of gelatin;
  • 0.175 kilograms of sugar;
  • 0.6 liters of milk;
  • 250 grams of cherries.

Cooking time: 150 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 grams: 105 kcal.

  1. Rinse the berries well several times, sort them, remove the seeds, sprinkle with sugar and put in the refrigerator for 60 minutes so that they release the juice;
  2. Pour gelatin into a cup, pour in 3 tablespoons of cold, boiled water, stir and let stand for 20 minutes;
  3. Pour milk into a saucepan, bring it to a boil, add the remaining sugar, add the swollen gelatin and heat until it is completely dissolved, remove from heat and cool;
  4. Remove the berries from the refrigerator, drain the juice, place the cherries in portioned plates, pour milk jelly over everything and place in the refrigerator.

The juice from the berries does not need to be poured out; it can be poured over frozen jelly or used to prepare other desserts and drinks.

Cherry jelly for the winter

Jelly can be prepared not only from fresh and frozen berries, but also prepared for the winter for the whole family. It turns out no less tasty and aromatic.


  • 0.5 kilograms of berries;
  • 0.8 liters of water;
  • leaf gelatin – 12 grams;
  • 0.15 kilograms of sugar.

Cooking time: 55 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 grams: 58 kcal.

This preparation will definitely be loved by all family members who love sweets.

Cherries canned in jelly for the winter

Cherry jelly can be prepared not only from juice, but also with whole berries; it turns out much faster and no less tasty.


  • 3 liters of seedless berries;
  • 70 grams of gelatin;
  • 0.5 liters of water;
  • 1000 grams of sugar.

Cooking time: 45 minutes

Calorie content per 100 grams: 64 kcal.

  1. The cherries are washed well, sorted and dried, and the pits are removed;
  2. Gelatin is poured with 2.5 glasses of water and left for 20 minutes;
  3. The prepared berries are transferred to a saucepan, covered with sugar and placed on the fire, boiled for 5 minutes from the moment of boiling;
  4. The container with gelatin is placed on the fire and heated until it is completely dissolved;
  5. The gelatinous mass is combined with the berries, everything is mixed well and removed from the heat;
  6. The finished jelly is placed in jars and rolled up.

You can store such a preparation not only in the refrigerator, but also in a cool, dark place. From this amount of ingredients, about three liters of jelly are obtained.

Cherry jelly pie recipe

Every housewife often thinks about how to please her family members. The pie with cherry jelly, which was prepared in the summer, turns out to be very tasty and unusual.


  • cherry jelly – 0.5 liters;
  • flour – 0.3 kilograms;
  • margarine – 80 grams;
  • sugar – 60 grams;
  • water – 30 milliliters.

Cooking time: 250 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 grams: 168 kcal.

  1. Place flour, margarine, sugar into a deep bowl and thoroughly grind everything into crumbs, add water and knead into a tender and soft dough;
  2. Wrap the well-kneaded dough in film and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour;
  3. The chilled dough is taken out of the refrigerator, rolled out and laid out in a mold, while sides are formed so that the jelly does not leak out;
  4. Punctures are made using a fork, and the mold is placed in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 40 minutes;
  5. The cake is cooled, filled with berry jelly and placed in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

This pie is not only crispy, but also tender, light and summery. If you don’t have jelly prepared in advance at home, you can always make it from frozen or fresh berries.

To prepare cherry jelly, it is best to choose large and sweet berries, which contain many useful microelements. Small and sour cherries are best left for compotes and other drinks.

To make the jelly as good as possible, you need to use only high-quality and good gelatin.

If frozen berries are used to make jelly, they should be defrosted only at room temperature, without adding water.

The queen of berries is how cherries are often called. Indeed, we enjoy it with pleasure not only fresh, but also in desserts and baked goods. And we don’t want to put up with the fact that at the end of the season we will be left without our favorite treat. In addition to its great taste, cherries have a rich set of vitamins, which are so lacking in cold weather. Therefore, there are many different recipes for preserving berries. The most common are jam, marmalades, compotes. But for some reason we forget about another amazingly tasty delicacy that will delight us in winter - cherries canned in jelly.

What is the difference between jelly and jam and other preparations?

Berry jelly is often replaced in conversation with jam or confiture. But any cook will immediately say that this is wrong. How does jelly differ from its prepared counterparts?

Jam is usually called a sugar-berry or fruit mass, during the preparation of which the berries are boiled. In jam, on the contrary, the main task of the cook is to keep the berries safe and sound. To do this, the jam is cooked for a short time, several times, so that it has time to cool down between cooking times.

Confiture is a jelly-like berry mass, which is a type of jam. In finished form, it is permissible to have whole fruits or pieces in the confiture.

But the jelly is individual. It is not a type of preserve or jam. It is prepared with the addition of gelling agents: gelatin or agar-agar. And on appearance jelly is similar to jelly, not liquid jam.

So, we have decided on the differences, we can move on to choosing cherries for the blanks.

You can make a delicious and aromatic jelly from cherries.

What berries are suitable for jelly?

Any variety is suitable for this kind of preparation. You can take both sour and sweet berries. Even mixing varieties when preparing a delicacy gives a surprisingly delicate and refined taste. The main thing is that the berry is fresh and ripe, but not overripe. Frozen cherries should not be used. It is perfect for compotes, but freezing will negatively affect the consistency and taste of the jelly.

  1. We take fresh cherries, just picked. After all, this berry has a very thin and delicate peel. And cherries can easily go bad, even if they are slightly damaged.
  2. Berries for jelly must be whole, without cracks. Rotten and burst ones are removed during selection from the total mass.
  3. If we plan long-term storage throughout the winter, we remove the seeds.
  4. When the jelly is prepared for immediate use, the seeds do not need to be removed. They impart a light almond aroma to the product.
  5. Be sure to remove the stems.

Cherries for jelly are selected ripe and without blemishes.

How to make dessert more flavorful

Fragrant herbs and spices will give the jelly a more refined taste.

The French add tartaric acid to the jelly, 1 tsp. for 1 kg of berries. It is poured into the delicacy immediately after cooking. Acid is not only a good preservative, but also enhances the alluring aroma of cherries. You can buy this ingredient in the spice departments of supermarkets. If it was not possible to find a solution, it can be replaced with dry red wine at the rate of 0.5 tbsp. for 1 kg of cherries.

To make the jelly more fragrant, after cooking, add vanillin (at the tip of a knife). Mix gently so that the berries remain intact.

Cinnamon (on the tip of a knife) and sweet peas (2-3 grains) add a touch of mystery to this delicacy. They highlight the taste of cherries, making the aroma more subtle and refined.

If you want to add a little daring touches to the smell and taste of the jelly, you can add a few cloves 5 minutes before the end of cooking. It’s important not to overdo it, it’s better to stop at 2-3. Larger amounts may make the aroma too strong.

Cinnamon will add a hint of mystery

To make the delicacy more flavorful, add lemon or orange zest when cooking. It is very important, when cutting the zest from the fruit, not to grab the white edge, otherwise the jelly will taste bitter. The zest is cut in a spiral. When cooking, it is placed in the cherry mixture, and then removed with a slotted spoon or spoon.

Speaking about mint as a taste and smell enhancer, it must be emphasized that there are quite a lot of varieties of this plant. These include spearmint, peppermint, longleaf mint, tarragon, field mint and apple mint. Not every one is useful for jam, compotes or jellies. We can use only 3 of these varieties for cooking:

  • Curly mint. It does not have a sharp cooling taste, but at the same time mint gives a wonderful refreshing effect. It is used in cooking and homemade preparations in fresh and dried form.
  • Many nationalities actively use long-leaf mint just to add flavor to drinks, desserts and preparations. It is also used to identify the more subtle taste of marinades, fermented foods, marmalades and jams.
  • Peppermint can be added fresh or dried. But, as a rule, it is not combined with spices. Peppermint is self-sufficient. Like spices, its dosage is minimal. Fresh mint is added from 1 to 5 g, dried mint 0.2 - 0.5 g per serving. Add spice 5 - 10 minutes before readiness.

Peppermint is added shortly before the jelly is ready.

Proportions of cherries and sugar to prepare a delicious dessert

Cherry jelly is not only a set of vitamins for the winter. It can become a full-fledged dessert or complement cakes and pastries. There is a belief among housewives that sugar cannot spoil the preparations. After all, if you do not add granulated sugar, the product may ferment or become moldy. But what should you do if your family likes moderately sweet treats? You can reduce the amount of sugar. The maximum amount of granulated sugar per 1 kg of cherries for jelly is 2 kg, the minimum is 350 g.

How long does a product prepared for the winter last?

Jars of jelly should be stored in cool and dry places. It is important that the ventilation in the cellar or basement works well, preventing the air from stagnating. The temperature for an unpasteurized product ranges from 0 to +10 o C. This jelly, according to experts, can be stored for no more than 6 months.

Berry delicacies that have undergone pasteurization and sterilization procedures can be stored at +20 o C. But this is the temperature maximum for fruit preparations. If the room is warmer, then there is a high probability that the product will become sugary or cloudy. When kept in appropriate conditions, pasteurized jelly is stored for about 12 months from the date of manufacture.

Pasteurization and sterilization

Berry preparations are usually subjected to heat treatment.

Pasteurization is a method of heat treatment of food products with the need for their disinfection and longer storage.

This effect is achieved through the destruction of bacteria and microorganisms. The method was proposed by the French scientist Louis Pasteur in the mid-19th century. The method consists of one-time heating of the liquid to a temperature of 60–90 degrees. The countdown begins from the moment the set water temperature is reached. The duration of the process depends on the type of workpiece. Berry jelly is usually pasteurized for a quarter of an hour (0.5 l jars) at a temperature of 85 o C.

Pasteurization is used for fruits, berries and vegetables whose cell sap is acidic.

  1. How to pasteurize berry preparations
  2. Place a clean rag or wooden grate at the bottom of the bucket or pan.
  3. Carefully pour water into the pan. Its quantity is easy to determine - the liquid level should reach the shoulders of the jar.
  4. Place the jars filled with jam and cover them with lids. To prevent the lids from accidentally lifting and water from getting into the workpiece, place a weight on top. For this purpose, you can take any large flat plate.
  5. Turn on the heat and bring the water to the required temperature.
  6. We pasteurize the dessert for the period specified in the recipe.
  7. After heating the product, the weight is removed, and the jar, without lifting the lid, is removed from the water using special tongs and placed on a table with a soft bedding (towel or clean rag).

The jars are hermetically sealed using a special sealing key.

Using tongs you can easily remove the jar from hot water


Sterilization is the basis for long and successful storage of workpieces. This process is a heat treatment of the product at a temperature of 115–120 degrees for 15–30 minutes. In addition, the steam sterilization method is popular - treatment with steam under pressure for 20 minutes at a temperature of over 130 degrees.

Jelly with a small sugar content should be refrigerated, but even in this way it is not recommended to store it for longer than 90 days. This is explained by the fact that sugar, in combination with natural pectin contained in the berry, forms a gelling mass. The amount of sugar in the jelly determines its gelatinousness and transparency - the main factors determining the quality of the dessert. Granulated sugar in a ratio less than 1:2 makes the delicacy more liquid, prone to fermentation and mold, which reduces the quality of the product. Thus, the product becomes perishable, and it is better to store jelly with a sugar content of 350 to 500 g per 1 kg of cherries in the refrigerator.

Which lids are best to use for winter preparations?

A seaming wrench is used to seal a metal cap without a thread.

Jelly can be rolled up with a special key (for this, metal lids without threads are used); for jars with screw threads, metal screw lids are used. But to facilitate the process of closing the blanks for the winter, you can use plastic ones. Simply immerse them in hot water for half a minute and close the jars tightly. This will require a minimum of effort and will not affect the deterioration of sealing quality and shelf life.

The cellar or basement where the jelly will be stored must be dry and ventilated

Cherry delicacy recipes

Let's look at a variety of recipes for making jelly.

We will need:

  • Cherry - 1 kg;
  • apple juice - 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 500 g.


  1. Remove pits from washed cherries. This can be done with a special machine or a pin.
  2. Steam in a saucepan with a small amount of water. The pan must be covered with a lid.
  3. After 3-5 minutes, remove the mass from the heat.
  4. Wipe through a sieve or colander.
  5. Gradually add apple juice and sugar to the resulting cherry puree.
  6. Place on low heat and cook until thickened.
  7. Pour the hot jelly into sterile jars.
  8. Tightly tighten the metal lids with a special wrench.

The degree of thickening of the jelly is checked as follows: drop a little jelly onto a clean saucer. If the product hardens quickly and does not spread, then the delicacy is ready.

To prepare a delicious delicacy from cherries, first remove the pits

Jelly with “Zhelfix” from pureed cherries

Many housewives have a pertinent question: “Zhelfix” - what is it? Just a gelling additive. In addition to other components, it contains large quantities of natural pectin, which is obtained from apples and citrus fruits. Gelatin, we remind you, is of animal origin, and “Zhelfix” consists only of plant substances, in addition, it completely preserves the color, taste and vitamins of the berries. If desired, “Zhelfix” can be replaced with pectin. The difference will not be noticeable.

  • Cherry - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 500g;
  • "Zhelfix" - 1 pack.


  1. To quickly remove seeds from berries, boil the cherries covered over low heat for 3 minutes.
  2. The juice formed as a result of cooking is poured into a separate bowl.
  3. Using a mixer or blender, beat the cherries in a saucepan until pureed.
  4. Rub the mixture through a sieve into the juice. Through the small cells, the pulp easily penetrates into the future jelly, and the seeds remain in the strainer.
  5. Mix “Zhelfix” with 2 tablespoons of sugar.
  6. While stirring, pour the Zhelfix mixture into the slightly warm cherry mixture.
  7. Bring to a boil.
  8. While stirring the mixture with a wooden spoon, add the remaining sugar. After which the cherry should boil again.
  9. After boiling, cook for 3 minutes.
  10. Pour into dry sterilized jars.
  11. Close the lids tightly and put away until winter.

Video: jelly with “Zhelfix”

Cherry dessert with gelatin

This is a type of jelly, but using gelatin. The cooking process itself takes little time and, despite the long-term settling of the juice overnight, is considered a convenient and fast method.

  • Cherry - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 700 g;
  • instant gelatin - 2 tbsp. l.


  1. Wash the cherries thoroughly and remove the pits.
  2. Add sugar.
  3. Mix carefully.
  4. Place the cherries in a cool place overnight. After this time, the berries will release juice.
  5. Now put the pan with the cherries on low heat.
  6. Stirring, bring to a boil and cook for 3-4 minutes.
  7. We dilute the gelatin with cold boiled water, then heat it until dissolved (do not boil!).
  8. After the cherries have boiled for the required time, add gelatin, stir, turn off the heat, and skim off the foam.
  9. Immediately place the hot jelly into dry and sterile jars.
  10. Cover tightly with plastic lids.
  11. Then we turn the container upside down and wrap it in a towel for 10–12 hours.
  12. The jelly is ready and can be put away in the cellar.

Important! Gelatin cannot be boiled, as this will worsen its gelling properties.

Instant gelatin is convenient because it does not need to be soaked and wait for the granules to swell

Cherry juice jelly

We will need:


  1. Pour the juice into the pan.
  2. Add granulated sugar there and mix.
  3. Place the container with juice on the stove.
  4. Stirring, bring to a boil.
  5. Boil over low heat until foam appears.
  6. When foam appears, remove it from the surface with a spoon.
  7. Cook the juice and sugar until the mixture thickens.
  8. Don't forget to stir all the time so that the delicacy doesn't burn.
  9. Place into sterilized jars.
  10. We roll up the jars.
  11. The resulting canned food is sent for storage in the basement or cellar.

Video: cherry jelly for the winter without gelatin

The unique taste of felt cherries


  • Felt cherry - 1 kg;
  • berries For it you will need:


  1. Wash the berries thoroughly and remove the stems.
  2. We rub the cherries through a sieve - you should get a puree.
  3. Add sugar.
  4. Mix.
  5. Cook until thickened.
  6. We distribute the finished treat into sterile jars.
  7. Close with screw-on metal lids.
  8. We put it in the cellar or pantry.

Felt cherry has a velvety flavor and is excellent for jelly.

Jelly with seeds in a slow cooker

Required Products:

  • Cherry - 500 g;
  • sugar - 2 cups;
  • granulated gelatin - 2 tbsp. l.


  1. Cover the berries with sugar.
  2. Leave for 2 hours until the juice releases.
  3. Mix.
  4. Set the multicooker to “Stew” and set the time: 1 hour.
  5. In a separate bowl, dissolve gelatin in the required amount of water.
  6. Let the sweet berry mass cook.
  7. Fill the gelatin with water. Before adding to the jelly, heat the swollen gelatin.
  8. As soon as the multicooker signals to stop cooking, add gelatin, mix and distribute the dessert into sterile jars.
  9. Roll up the lids with a special key and turn them over.
  10. We wait until the workpiece cools down and put the jars in the pantry or cellar.

Prepare jelly in a multicooker using the “Stewing” mode

Is it possible not to cook berry jelly?

As it turned out, it is possible. Fruit juice is gelled with a pectin content of 1% per 100 g of berry mass.
Cherry itself is rich in pectin and contains from 6 to 11.4% of this substance per 100g. Depending on the ripeness of the berries. The riper the cherry, the greater the amount of pectin it contains. But even unripe berries can be used for jelly. The hardness of cherries and other berries and fruits is explained by the fact that they contain protopectin. When the berries ripen or are exposed to temperature, the protopectin breaks down, releasing the pectin they contain. That is why the recipe calls for adding hot water. Of course, the jelly will not look exactly like store-bought jelly. But sugar, in combination with pureed berries, will really gel, as it is a thickener. You won't get a sweet liquid syrup when cooking.

  • Sugar 400 g;
  • cherry - 400 g;
  • hot water - 50 ml.


  1. Remove the pits from the washed cherries.
  2. We pour the released juice into a separate bowl - we won’t need it anymore. You can give it to children to enjoy.
  3. Grind the cherries through a meat grinder.
  4. Add sugar and mix well until completely dissolved.
  5. Add hot water and mix again.
  6. We roll them into jars, having previously placed parchment under the lids. The properties of parchment help prevent the appearance of mold on jelly and other products. It serves as a kind of barrier between the dessert and the environment where the fungus occurs.

Video: cherry jelly for the winter with gelatin