Summer menu. Summer menu: the best recipes. Sweet and sour potato salad

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Summer is just around the corner. July gives us such an abundance of vegetables that it’s simply a shame not to take advantage of this luxury. The Culinary Eden website offers you a summer menu for the week.


You can't go without breakfast at all. But you don’t always want to have a big breakfast. Therefore, breakfast recipes should be quick and satisfying at the same time.

1 bunch of green onions,
1 egg,
2-3 tbsp. flour,
2 tbsp. grated cheese
2 tbsp. sour cream,
salt pepper.

Chop the green onions and rub with salt until juice appears. Beat an egg with a drop of lemon juice, combine with the rest of the ingredients and bake the pancakes. It is good to serve green pancakes with sour cream, natural yogurt, horseradish or yolk mashed with mayonnaise.

1 bunch of greens (woodlice, chickweed, parsley, nettle or any other greens),
100 g butter,
50 g grated horseradish,
salt pepper.


Rinse the herb thoroughly, dry it on a towel and grind it using a blender. Combine softened butter and horseradish, add herbs and stir. Use instead of regular butter for sandwiches.

Vitamin rolls from Konstantin Ivlev

4 lettuce leaves,
20 g sprouts,
1 carrot,
¼ celery root,
½ green radish,
salt pepper.


½ tsp lemon juice,
1 tsp soy sauce,
1 tsp honey,
1 tsp olive oil,
1 clove of garlic,

Chop the greens into smaller pieces, squeeze the garlic through a press, add soy sauce, lemon juice and olive oil. Grate for Korean carrots carrots, celery and radishes, season with the resulting sauce, salt, pepper, mix. Place the mixture in the lettuce leaves, rolled into a ball.

4 tomatoes
4 eggs,
50 g grated cheese,
salt, pepper, spices.

Cut the “lid” off the tomatoes and scoop out the pulp with a spoon. Beat an egg into each tomato, stir the yolk, salt and pepper and sprinkle cheese on top. Microwave for 2-5 minutes. When serving, garnish with herbs.

1 young zucchini,
1-2 tomatoes,
3-4 eggs,
50-70 g grated cheese,
salt, pepper, spices.

Cut the peeled tomatoes and zucchini into slices and simmer in a frying pan with vegetable oil. Scramble the eggs, pour them over the vegetables, add salt and pepper. Fry on one side, then use a wide spatula to carefully turn the omelette over and cook until done. Serve sprinkled with herbs.

1 stalk of celery,
¼ sweet red pepper
¼ sweet yellow pepper
100 g cottage cheese,
100 g cheese,
1 tbsp. sour cream,
1-2 tbsp. finely chopped meat
salt pepper,
greens to taste,
toast, crispbread or dried slices of bread.

Grind the celery in a blender, Bell pepper and greens, squeeze lightly. Mix this mass with cottage cheese, grated cheese, sour cream, salt, and add hot pepper to taste. Add finely chopped meat (boiled chicken, veal, etc.). Mix well and spread on toast or bread.

2 stacks oatmeal (not instant)
2/3 stack. wheat flakes,
⅓ stack. coarsely chopped almonds,
2 tbsp. coconut flakes,
½ cup raisins,
2 tbsp. honey,
a pinch of cinnamon, vanilla on the tip of a knife.


Boil oat and wheat flakes in a small amount of water. Remove from heat, add raisins, almonds and coconut, stir and let sit. Before serving, add cinnamon and vanilla, drizzle with honey.

Summer cold soups made from fresh vegetables are just the perfect meal! There are many summer soups in Russian cuisine: okroshka, kholodniki, beetroot soups - they are full of vitamins, and they are not difficult to prepare. But ordinary light soups will also come in handy in the summer heat.

4 avocados,
200 g boiled shrimp,
1 cup vegetable broth,
½ cup cream,
2 tbsp. lemon juice,
2 tbsp. dry white wine,
salt, pepper, olive oil.

Grind the avocado in a blender along with broth, salt and pepper. Add cream, lemon juice, wine and mix well. Cool. Before serving, drizzle the shrimp with olive oil, lemon juice, and salt and pepper. Pour the soup into bowls, place shrimp in the center, garnish with herbs.

700 g zucchini,
1 onion,
2 tbsp. olive oil,
2 cloves of garlic,
300 ml water or chicken broth,
500 ml kefir or natural yogurt,
1 lemon,
pepper, salt, herbs.

Chop the onion and fry in oil. Cut half the zucchini into thin slices for decoration, cut the rest into pieces and add to the onion. After 3-5 minutes, add water and cook the vegetables until soft. Puree in a blender along with the garlic, mix with the rest of the ingredients. Pour into bowls and garnish with zucchini slices sprinkled with pepper, salt and lemon juice.

4 tomatoes
1 sweet pepper,
2 cucumbers,
1 onion,
2 cloves of garlic,
1 slice of white bread,
a bunch of parsley, a sprig of mint, olive oil.


Remove the crust from a slice of white bread and crumble the crumb. Puree all the vegetables and bread crumbs in a blender, add salt, lemon juice and hot red pepper. Add ice, stir until dissolved and serve. You can serve gazpacho with croutons, boiled chicken meat or boiled eggs.

200 g cabbage,
200 g cauliflower,
1 sweet pepper,
1 onion,
1 carrot,
100 g celery root,
1 kg ripe tomatoes,
herbs, salt, pepper, spices.

Place finely chopped onion and coarsely grated carrots and celery root into boiling salted water (1.5 l). Separate the cauliflower into florets white cabbage chop and also put in the pan. After 5 minutes, add the chopped bell pepper. Grind the tomatoes in a blender, strain through a sieve and add to the soup. Boil for 5 minutes and serve.

1 liter of kefir,
2 boiled beets,
2 cucumbers,
2 boiled eggs,
radishes, greens, green onions.


Grate the beets and radishes on a coarse grater. Cut the remaining ingredients into cubes. Mix all ingredients, add salt and add kefir. You can add boiled potatoes and boiled meat to this soup to taste.


2-3 potatoes,
1 carrot,
2-3 young beets,
2-3 tomatoes,
1 clove of garlic,
greens, sour cream.

Boil water, salt it, put the potatoes cut into strips into it. Cut the carrots and beets into thin strips (or grate them using a Korean carrot grater), and place the vegetables in a saucepan. Peel the tomatoes, simmer in a frying pan with butter, add to the soup and boil for another 5 minutes. Add garlic, herbs and serve with sour cream.

2 chicken thighs,
1 onion,
2 sweet peppers,
1 carrot,
3 potatoes,
2 handfuls of green beans,
½ head of cauliflower,
1 clove of garlic,
herbs, vegetable oil, salt.

Remove the skin from the chicken thighs, place in cold water and boil. Drain the water, refill with cold water and cook the broth. Cut the potatoes into cubes, cut the carrots into thin strips, onions into small cubes, pepper into strips, cut the beans into 1-2 cm pieces. Disassemble the cabbage into inflorescences. Place the potatoes in the boiling broth, boil, then add all the vegetables one by one. At the end of cooking, squeeze a clove of garlic into the pan. Serve with greens.


Dinner should not be dense at all, and even more so in the summer. Vegetable dishes perfectly satiate and do not give the notorious heaviness in the stomach. If vegetables alone are not enough, cook boiled or steamed fish, veal or chicken.

1 stack couscous,
3-4 medium carrots,
2 young zucchini
1 large turnip,
1 chili pepper,
1 small pumpkin
3 tbsp. olive oil,
1 ½ tsp salt,
½ tsp ground black pepper,
½ tsp saffron,
¾ tsp cumin,
2 cinnamon sticks,
1 liter of vegetable broth.

For the caramelized onions:
2 large onions,
1 tbsp. olive oil,
⅓ stack. light raisins,
½ tsp salt,
¾ tsp ground cinnamon,
1 tbsp. honey.

Soak the raisins in warm water, then squeeze and dry. Cut the onion into rings and place in a frying pan with ½ cup. water, bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes, covered. Remove the lid and evaporate the liquid, stirring constantly. Add olive oil and fry until golden brown. Add honey, cinnamon, pepper and salt, add raisins and fry, stirring constantly, for about 5 minutes. Cool. Cut the carrots and zucchini into large slices, remove the seeds from the chili pepper, cut the turnips into 4 parts, peel the pumpkin and cut into cubes. Heat olive oil in a deep frying pan, add spices and fry for a minute. Pour in the vegetable broth and bring to a boil. Add carrots, chilies and turnips, cover with a lid and cook over medium heat for 15 minutes. Add zucchini and pumpkin, simmer for another 15 minutes. From the frying pan with vegetables, take ½ cup of broth, pour it into a small saucepan, add 1 cup. water, salt, bring to a boil and add couscous. Cover with a lid and let swell. Serve the finished couscous with vegetables and onions..

500 g small potatoes,
½ tbsp. Dijon mustard,
½ tbsp. melted butter,
½ tbsp. olive oil,
½ tbsp. dry white wine,
1 clove of garlic,
salt, pepper, Provençal herbs.

Cut the potatoes in half, dry and place in a bowl. Mix mustard with olive and butter, wine and spices, squeeze the garlic through a press and mix thoroughly. Combine with potatoes, stir. Place the potatoes in a single layer on a baking sheet lined with a sheet of foil or baking paper and place in an oven preheated to 210°C. After 15 minutes, turn over and bake until fully cooked.

500 g beef or veal,
2 onions,
2 carrots,
3 potatoes,
6 tomatoes
green peas, green beans, corn - to taste,
2 cloves of garlic,
3-4 tbsp. flour,
1.5 stack. meat broth,
1 stack water,
½ cup dry red wine,
2 bay leaves,
¼ tsp. paprika,
1 bunch of parsley,
olive oil, cumin, salt.

Cut the meat into cubes, salt, pepper and roll in flour. Cut all vegetables into large pieces. Pour oil into the bottom of a thick-bottomed dish and fry the meat until brown. Add onion, garlic, seasonings, water, broth and wine, cover and simmer over medium heat for about 1.5 hours. Then put the potatoes and carrots in the pan, bring to a boil and add the remaining vegetables to taste. Simmer for another half hour. Serve with greens.

200 g salmon,
2 young zucchini
100 g soft cream cheese,
50 g roasted nuts,
50 ml olive oil,
1 lemon,
1 bunch of dill,
salt, herbs.

Cut the lightly salted salmon fillet into thin slices, place on a plate, pepper, salt, sprinkle with olive oil and place in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Cut the zucchini into thin long slices using a vegetable peeler, place on a platter, drizzle with olive oil, salt and pepper and also set to cool. Mix cheese with chopped herbs. Assemble the rolls: place a slice of salmon, 1 tsp on each zucchini strip. cheese mixture and wrap it in a roll. Stick with a skewer. Place on a plate, pour over lemon juice, sprinkle with chopped nuts and garnish with herbs.

5-6 tomatoes,
2 sweet peppers,
2 zucchini,
2 eggplants,
2 tbsp. vegetable oil,
3 tbsp. tomato paste,
salt, pepper, seasonings and herbs - to taste.

Cut 2 tomatoes and pepper into small pieces and add salt. Fry tomatoes and peppers in hot oil for 2-3 minutes, add 3 tbsp. water and tomato paste, pepper and seasonings and simmer for 10 minutes. Cut the remaining vegetables into slices. Pour the tomato mixture from the frying pan into the baking dish and place the vegetables in rows, alternating them. Salt and add herbs to taste. Cover the pan with cling film and place in the oven for 15-20 minutes, preheated to 150-180°C.

4 chicken breasts,
3-4 potatoes,
2 carrots,
3-4 onions,
3-4 tomatoes,
100 g cheese,
100 g sour cream,
1 tbsp. mustard,
salt, seasonings, herbs.

Mix mustard, 1 tbsp. sour cream, salt, pepper and spices and rub the resulting sauce over the breast. Leave for 15-20 minutes. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, chop the onions and herbs, cut the potatoes and tomatoes into slices. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. In a greased pan, place layers of potatoes, breast, carrots, onions, tomatoes and cheese. Sprinkle with sour cream and bake in the oven.

Vegetable basket. Cut any vegetables to taste into thin slices and place in layers in a frying pan. Add some salt and pepper. Add herbs, pour sour cream and simmer under the lid until done. This is an excellent side dish for steamed fish or boiled veal.

Bon appetit!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Summer has come. And when we seem to be able to afford to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, we sometimes lack the creativity and imagination to prepare everything properly.

Only in the summer do we manage to treat ourselves to truly delicious vegetables, fruits and berries. Juicy sweet watermelons, fragrant melons, fresh strawberries, peaches, plums, herbs, cucumbers, tomatoes and other seasonal products reach our tables truly ripe, tasty and full of vitamins only in the summer. Therefore, let’s take advantage of the moment not only to keep our figure in shape, but also to replenish our body’s vitamin reserves.

The summer menu should be light, yet filling, tasty and nutritious. Below are recipes that will make your summer recipe just that:

Strawberry salad with shrimp

300 g strawberries,
2 lemons
1 avocado,
8 peeled boiled shrimps,
½ bunch of basil
2 tbsp. vegetable oil,
3 tbsp. raspberry vinegar,
1 stack natural yogurt,
salt, sugar, pepper - to taste.

Slice the strawberries. Grate the zest of 1 lemon and squeeze the juice from both lemons. Peel the avocado, remove the core, cut the pulp into thin strips, cut them in half and sprinkle with lemon juice. Combine strawberries, avocado and shrimp. Mix vegetable oil, vinegar, salt, pepper and sugar and pour this mixture over the salad. Mix yogurt with lemon zest and season the salad with this sauce. Garnish the finished dish with basil leaves.

Tomato carpaccio

4 large tomatoes,
1 red onion,
10 pitted olives
4 tbsp. olive oil,
2 tbsp. lemon juice,
1 tbsp. liquid honey,
3 cloves of garlic,
1 tsp dried basil,
¼ tsp. chili powder,
¼ tsp. ground black pepper,

Wash the tomatoes, make cross-shaped cuts on them and pour boiling water over them for a few seconds. Then immediately plunge them into cold water and remove the skins. Cut the olives in half lengthwise, cut the onions into rings, and cut the tomatoes into 4 parts, remove the partitions and seeds. Place the tomatoes inside down on a flat plate, place another plate on top of the tomatoes and place a jar filled with water on top, leave the tomatoes in this state for 15-20 minutes. At this time, make a dressing of vegetable oil, lemon juice, honey, salt, basil, pepper and garlic, passed through a press. Place tomato “petals” on a dish, place onion rings and olives on top; if you have a sprig of basil, you can decorate the finished salad with it. Pour the resulting dressing over the salad and serve.

Warm summer eggplant salad

1 large eggplant,
2 tomatoes
100 gr. cheese or feta cheese,
bunch of lettuce,
50 gr. shelled walnuts,
1 tsp mustard,
1 tsp honey,
3 tbsp. lemon juice,
olive oil,
2 cloves of garlic,
ground pepper,

Cut the eggplants into half rings, add salt and leave for 15 minutes. Make a salad dressing by pressing garlic, mustard, honey, lemon juice, salt, pepper and olive oil. Rinse the eggplants in water and dry on a napkin. Fry the eggplants in olive oil until golden brown. Pour the dressing over the finished eggplants and leave to marinate. Cut the tomatoes into thin slices and the cheese into cubes. Add tomatoes and cheese to eggplants. Place lettuce leaves on a flat dish, eggplants with tomatoes and feta cheese on them. Sprinkle the salad with finely chopped herbs and chopped walnuts.

Summer salad with tuna, cucumbers and arugula

Tuna salads are very quick to prepare, they are light and nutritious. They can be seasoned with lemon juice, olive oil, your own tuna juice, and garlic vinegar.

Ingredients for 2 servings:
Tuna canned in its own juice 1 can
Chicken egg 2 pieces
Onion 1 piece
Tomatoes 1 piece
Cucumbers 2 pieces
Arugula to taste

1. Take the tuna out of the can and place it on a napkin so that the excess juice drains and is absorbed into it. Peel the cucumbers and thinly cut into round slices. We also cut the tomato into thin round slices. Boil the egg, peel and cut into four slices. Attention, the egg does not require refrigeration, it must remain warm. Peel the onion and cut into rings. If it seems that the onion is bitter, then you can soak it a little, but so that it does not become soft.
2. Take a large plate. We put lettuce or arugula leaves on the bottom, put cucumber slices in a circle, put a tomato in the middle, onion on it, and put tuna on top and decorate with warm egg slices. I prefer to use tuna juice as a salad dressing, as well as garlic vinegar.

Sorrel soup

Sorrel soup is good both hot and cold. The main ingredient of this soup is, naturally, sorrel.

- beef (brisket on the bone) – 400 g. You can also use chicken (½ piece)
- potatoes – 4-5 pcs.;
- carrots – 1 pc.;
- onion – 1 pc.;
- fresh sorrel - a bunch (200-300g).
- parsley or dill (to taste);
- butter – ¼ piece;
- egg – 2 pcs.;
- salt, ground pepper (to taste).

Cooking method:
1. Rinse the meat, add cold water, add salt and cook until tender for 1-2 hours, constantly skimming off the resulting foam to make the broth transparent.
2. Place diced potatoes into the hot broth and cook for 15-20 minutes.
3. Chop the carrots and onions and fry in vegetable oil.
4. Wash the sorrel and parsley and chop fairly finely.
5. Melt a piece of butter in a small saucepan, add a little meat broth and add chopped sorrel and parsley. Simmer the sorrel, stirring constantly for about 5 minutes.
6. Add to the broth with potatoes: sorrel and carrots with onions
7. Season with ground pepper, quickly bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat.
8. Serve the soup hot, adding a spoonful of sour cream and half a boiled egg.
It will also be very tasty if you add a little lemon juice. The taste becomes richer and more fun!

Buckwheat pancakes with honey

Buckwheat porridge can be called one of the most delicious and popular. And what kind of thing is it... Buckwheat is used to prepare pilaf, jelly, and bake pancakes or pancakes. Today we invite you to try making buckwheat pancakes with honey.

1 tbsp. olive oil (can be replaced with refined vegetable oil)
eggs – 1 pc.
1 and 1/4 cups flour
2 tbsp. l. honey
1/2 tsp. soda
1 lemon wedge, squeeze juice
salt – 1/4 tsp.
1.5 cups cold milk
buckwheat flakes – 1/2 cup

1. Pour buckwheat flakes, salt into a deep bowl, break eggs and add honey, lightly beat the mixture with a fork, and pour in milk. Squeeze the lemon juice and leave for 15-20 minutes until the flakes swell slightly.
2. Then sift the flour and baking soda into a bowl and mix lightly with a fork. The mixture should remain a little lumpy, but should not become smooth - otherwise the pancakes will be rubbery. Add oil and mix, without achieving a uniform consistency.
3. Heat vegetable oil in a wide frying pan and fry the pancakes. Place the finished pancakes in a pile on a hot plate. Serve with condensed milk or jam.

Creamy pumpkin and spinach soup

– 500 gr. pumpkins
– ½ package (350 g) millefeuille spinach leaves
– 3 apples
– 2 carrots
– 2 slices of black bread
– 3 tbsp. l. olive oil
– Salt, pepper (to taste)

Cooking method:
1. Peel the pumpkin and cut into cubes. Also cut the apple and carrots. Boil everything until tender, grind with a blender and add salt and pepper to taste.
2. Pre-defrost the spinach and squeeze it out. Fry it in olive oil and blend in a blender.
3. Prepare croutons: thinly slice the bread and dry it for 10-15 minutes in an oven preheated to 70-90 0C.
4. Pour spinach soup on one side of the plate and pumpkin soup on the other side at the same time. Pour in a “string” of olive oil. Serve with croutons.
(Photo: Slava Pozdnyakov. All rights belong to Bonduelle-Kuban LLC)


eggplants 2 pcs. total weight 700 g
zucchini (or zucchini) 2 pcs. total weight 700 g
bell pepper - 2 pcs.
onion 1-2 pcs.
olive oil - 2 tbsp.
garlic-2-3 cloves
herbs - basil and thyme,
salt to taste
pepper to taste

Roast the peppers for the sauce. To do this, you need to put the peppers in a baking bag and put them in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes.
Cut the eggplants into slices, add salt and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse them under cold water and dry them on a paper towel.
Cut the zucchini into slices.
Tomatoes (700 g) cut into slices.
Fry finely chopped onion in a small amount of olive oil in a frying pan.
The remaining tomatoes must be peeled. To do this, you need to make a cross-shaped cut on the tomatoes and pour boiling water over them for a few minutes. After this, the skin will come off very easily. Cut the tomatoes into cubes and add to the pan with the onions.
Add peeled and chopped peppers.
Simmer everything for 5-7 minutes, and then grind in a blender. You don't have to grind it.
Pour the prepared sauce into the bottom of the mold.
Alternatingly, place slices of eggplant, zucchini and tomatoes into the pan.
Separately, grind the garlic with salt, add olive oil, herbs and spices to taste. Mix everything well. Pour over the vegetables.
Cover the pan with foil and place in the oven for 20 minutes. Then remove the foil and bake for another 15-20 minutes. Ready!

Juicy summer pizza

Ingredients for 4 servings:
250 g flour, 1 pinch each of salt and sugar, 1 packet of dry yeast, 7 tablespoons of olive oil, 2 onions, 500 g of cherry tomatoes, 1-2 tablespoons of tomato paste, 1 teaspoon. spoon of oregano, ground black pepper, grated cheese, basil leaves

Make a dough from flour, yeast, salt, sugar, 3 tablespoons of olive oil, 120 ml of water and leave to rise for 40 minutes.
Roll out the dough, make 4 flat cakes with a side, place them on a baking sheet. 3. Chop the onion and tomatoes, place on flatbread greased with olive oil and tomato paste, bake for 15 minutes at 220°C. Before serving, sprinkle with grated cheese and garnish with herbs.

Dorado with herbs and lemon

Ingredients for 2 servings:
1 chopped sea bream, 1 clove of garlic, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1 tablespoon breadcrumbs, 1 tablespoon chopped herbs (thyme, lemon balm), salt, ground black pepper, 1 lemon

Wash the fish and dry it. Chop the garlic. Mix butter with breadcrumbs, herbs and garlic, add salt and pepper.
Wash the lemon, cut into circles, and then in half.
Place the fish on a baking tray lined with baking paper. Make cuts on the top of the fish and add salt. Place a lemon slice into each cut.
Sprinkle the fish with breadcrumbs and herbs and fry in the oven for 20-30 minutes at 200°C.

Lavash with herbs

Ingredients for 4 servings:
15 g of yeast, 1/2 teaspoon of honey, 300 g of flour, 1 teaspoon of salt, 6 tablespoons each of water and olive oil, 1/8 liter of white wine, 1 bunch of herbs, 2 tablespoons of a mixture of herb seeds ( coriander, dill, lovage), a few leaves of sage and rosemary

Mix the yeast with honey in a cup, let it brew for 10 minutes, then stir until it becomes a liquid consistency. Wash the herbs, dry and chop.
Sift flour onto a board, make a well in the middle and pour the yeast into it. Mix everything well.
Add salt, water, oil, wine, chopped herbs and seeds. Knead the dough and let it rise (40 minutes).
Roll out the dough into a flat cake. Place sage and rosemary leaves on top. Brush the flatbread with olive oil. Let rise for another 15 minutes, then bake in the oven at 200°C until golden brown, about 20 minutes.

Trout with mint on red onion

Ingredients for 4 servings:
1 lemon, 2 tablespoons butter, 4 trout fillets, 500 g red onion, 1 tablespoon sugar, 50 ml red wine, 50 ml apple juice, salt, ground black pepper, a pinch of cinnamon and cumin, mint leaves

Rinse the lemon with hot water and dry. Cut long strips from the zest and lightly fry them in 1 tablespoon of oil. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze out the juice.
Wash and dry the fish, sprinkle with lemon juice. Let the juice absorb.
Peel the onion and cut into rings. Heat sugar in a frying pan until golden brown, pour in apple juice and wine.
Add onion, salt, pepper, season with cinnamon and cumin. Simmer covered with constant stirring for several minutes.
Dry the fish, add salt and fry for 1 table, a spoonful of oil for 3-5 minutes on each side. Sprinkle with pepper, place on the onion, garnish with strips of zest and mint leaves.

Fruit salad with yogurt

200 gr. fresh cherries,
2 apples,

2 pears,
2 tbsp. lemon juice,
2 tbsp. powdered sugar
150 ml heavy cream,
150-200 ml white yogurt,
2 tsp vanilla sugar.

Rinse the cherries well and remove the pits. Peel and core apples and pears. Cut apples and pears into small cubes, sprinkle with 2 tsp. lemon juice, sprinkle with powdered sugar. Add the cherries to the apples and pears and mix gently, being careful not to mash the cherries. Whip the cream with vanilla sugar until foamy, continuing to beat, add yogurt and the remaining lemon juice. Place the salad in bowls and garnish with whipped cream and yogurt.

Ricotta Parfait with Mango and Lime

Ingredients for 4 servings:
Mango -2 pieces
Sugar -1 tablespoon
Grated lime zest - ½ teaspoon
Lime juice - 1 tablespoon
Ricotta cheese -1.5 cups

1. Peel and pit the mango and cut into small cubes. Place sugar, lime juice and zest in a bowl. Stir and leave for 20 minutes.
2. Meanwhile, beat the ricotta with a mixer and place in bowls. Top with mango and serve immediately.

Pomegranate parfait

Ingredients for 6 servings:
Pomegranate seeds 1 cup
Pomegranate juice ⅔ glass
Lemon juice 1 tablespoon
Milk 275 ml
Vanilla pod 1 piece
Cream 30% 75 ml
Chicken egg 1 piece
Egg yolk 1 piece
Sugar ⅓ cup
Corn starch (maize) 1.5 tablespoons
Butter 1 tablespoon

1. For the jelly, mix 2 tablespoons sugar and 2 teaspoons cornstarch in a small saucepan. Add pomegranate seeds, pomegranate juice and lemon juice, mix. Bring to a boil over medium heat and cook, stirring, for about 5 minutes. Pour into a small bowl. Refrigerate while you prepare the pudding.
2. For the pudding, mix the milk and cream in a saucepan. Remove the seeds from the vanilla bean (or add vanilla extract). Bring to a boil over medium heat. Remove from heat, cover and let cool for 5 minutes.
3. Meanwhile, whisk the egg, egg yolk, 1/3 cup sugar and 1.5 tablespoons cornstarch in a medium bowl.
4. Carefully add 1/3 of the milk mixture into the eggs, whisking until combined. And pour everything into a saucepan with heated milk and cream.
5. Cook over medium heat, whisking constantly, until mixture thickens, 2 to 3 minutes. Remove from heat and add oil.
6. For the parfait, divide the pomegranate jelly between serving dishes, filling the container 3/4 full. Place pudding on top. Cover each pan with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 3 hours.
7. Use pomegranate seeds and mint sprigs for decoration.

Summer berry dessert

Ingredients :
Sour cream 500 g
Biscuit cookies 300 g
Gelatin 20 g
Fresh berries 300 g

1. Pour gelatin into a small saucepan, pour in 0.5 cups of cold water, and leave for 30 minutes. Meanwhile, beat sour cream with sugar.
2. After 30 minutes, put the gelatin on the fire and heat until completely dissolved (without bringing to a boil). Then pour the sour cream into the gelatin in a thin stream, stirring constantly. We cover a deep bowl with cling film, put strawberries and kiwis cut into halves on the bottom, then a layer of sponge cake broken into pieces, then again a layer of berries and a layer of sponge cake. Fill everything with a mixture of sour cream and gelatin, put the mold in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
3. Then take the cake out of the refrigerator and carefully turn it over onto a plate.
Tip: place the berries and biscuit in the mold in advance, and then immediately pour in sour cream and gelatin, since the mass thickens quickly and may not flow everywhere.

Mojito non-alcoholic

Ingredients for 1 serving:
Fresh mint 10 g
Lime ½ piece
Sprite 150 g

1. Slice the lime and put it in a glass.
2. Add mint, cane sugar and knead.
3. Add crushed ice and transfer the mixture to a shaker. Whisk.
4. Transfer to a glass and fill with sprite.
5. Decorate the cocktail with a mint leaf and lime - the drink is ready.

Quick lemonade

Ingredients for 4 servings:
Lemons 2 pieces
Sugar 200 g
Water 750 ml
Ice 6 pieces

1. Wash the lemons well.
2. Cut the lemons and put them in a blender.
3. Add sugar, cold water and ice.
4. Stir for 1 minute.
5. Strain through a fine sieve.
6. Garnish with lemon slices.
It is important to use cold water, otherwise the drink will taste bitter.

Lemon-cucumber ice cream

How to escape the summer heat? Eat some refreshing ice cream! You can make your own ice cream using healthy, low-calorie ingredients. This one is not as difficult as it might seem.

– 1 glass of cucumber, cut into strips;
– juice of 1 lemon;
– 2 glasses of water;
– sugar or honey;
– ice cream sticks

1. Take a plastic container and pour water into it. Cut the lemon into 2 halves and squeeze the juice into the water.
2. Add sugar or honey to taste.
3. Fill ice cream molds 2/3 full with lemonade. Place them in the freezer for 1 hour. After an hour, remove the molds from the refrigerator and crush the ice with a spoon.
4. Add about a tablespoon of chopped cucumber to a ramekin with ice. Stir. Insert the stick into the mold. Place the molds in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours until completely frozen.

Apple soufflé “Cloud”

This soufflé can be added to cakes or served with any toppings or syrups. This souffle can be made in large quantities, as it flies away instantly! You can serve in bowls or pour into large molds, and then cut into small pieces.
Cooking time: 30 minutes + cooling

Ingredients for 6 servings:
600 g apples
20 g gelatin
150 g sugar
150 ml apple juice + 4 tbsp.
100 ml water
¼ tsp. soda
¼ tsp. citric acid (or 0.5 tsp lemon juice
vanillin - on the tip of a knife

1. Peel and seed the apples and cut them into cubes. Transfer the apples to the pan, add 4 tbsp. apple juice and simmer covered over low heat until soft, cool.
2. Soak gelatin in 150 ml of juice and leave to swell. Mix sugar, water and vanillin in a saucepan and stirring occasionally, simmer the syrup over low heat and cool. Dissolve the soaked gelatin over low heat until completely dissolved, cool slightly. Grind the cooled apples in a blender until pureed.
3. In a separate bowl, begin to beat the sugar syrup, pouring in the gelatin in a thin stream. Beat the mixture for 5 minutes, then add citric acid diluted in 0.5 tsp. water, beat for 2 minutes.
4. Add citric acid
5. Then add soda, beat for another 2 minutes and begin adding applesauce one spoon at a time, continuing to beat.
6. Add applesauce
7. Place the soufflé in the molds and place in the refrigerator for 2 – 3 hours.

Strawberries in batter

400 g strawberries,
4 tbsp. wheat flour,
1-2 tbsp. ghee,
1-2 squirrels,
1 glass of beer,
1 glass of cognac,
powdered sugar.

Mix flour, melted butter, well-beaten egg white, beer and cognac in a bowl. Dip each berry into the batter and fry in vegetable oil. Sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving.

Strawberry cake with cottage cheese

400 g strawberries,
200 g flour,
250 g cottage cheese,
2 tbsp. natural yogurt,
2 tbsp. semolina,
1 egg,
2 tbsp. cocoa,
100 g softened butter,
150 g sugar,
5 g gelatin,
1 packet of vanillin,
a pinch of salt.

Mix together butter, yogurt and egg yolk. Stirring constantly, gradually add 150 g of flour and cocoa into the resulting mixture, knead the dough, make a ball and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Then roll out and place in a baking dish greased with butter. Make edges and prick the dough in several places with a fork. For the filling, mix cottage cheese, sugar, semolina and vanillin. In a separate container, beat the egg white with a pinch of salt until foamy and add to the curd mass. Place the form with the dough in an oven preheated to 180ºC for 5-7 minutes. Then take it out, put the filling on the resulting crust and bake for another 25 minutes. To prepare the syrup, put 5-7 berries in a saucepan, add sugar, 5 tablespoons of water and cook for 10 minutes over low heat, then strain, add gelatin, cool for 20 minutes, and then heat again, but do not bring to a boil. Cut the remaining strawberries into slices and place them in the shape of a flower on the cake, pour syrup over it and refrigerate for 3 hours.

Strawberry pudding

750 g fresh strawberries,
125 g sugar,
2 stacks milk,
1 tbsp. starch,
vanilla sugar, chopped nuts - to taste,
a pinch of salt.

Mix together sugar, milk, starch and salt and cook, stirring continuously, over low heat until thickened. Then add vanilla sugar and mix again. Cool the resulting pudding, mix with mashed strawberries with a fork and sprinkle with chopped nuts.

Orange and lemon sorbet

Sorbet is frozen fruit juice. Today we invite you to prepare orange and lemon sorbet for your loved ones.

orange – 2 pcs.
lemon – 2 pcs.
egg white – 2 pcs
sugar – 6 tbsp. l.

Wash oranges and lemons. Cut off the top of each fruit. Using a spoon, being careful not to damage the peel, scoop out the pulp from the oranges and lemons and place in separate bowls. Set aside the peel.
Dilute sugar in 150 ml of water, put on fire, bring to a boil, remove from heat. Let cool and place in the refrigerator for 10 minutes. Rub the pulp of oranges and lemons through a sieve without mixing. Add sugar syrup equally to each puree and mix.
Beat the whites into a fluffy foam. Add half of the whipped egg whites to the orange mixture, the rest to the lemon mixture; mix. Place the bowls of sorbet in the freezer for 3 hours. Every 30 minutes. The sorbet must be stirred with a fork. Place the prepared orange and lemon sorbet into the reserved peel. Place in the refrigerator before serving.

Banana casserole

Banana casserole is good not only for muscles, but also for the brain, since banana is an excellent source of glucose.

4 ripe bananas
1 cup powdered sugar
1 small baguette
250 ml coconut milk
2 cm fresh ginger root
vanilla stick
grated zest of 0.5 lime
4 tbsp. l. melted butter
2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
2 tbsp. l. coconut flakes

Peel the bananas, cut each one lengthwise and then cut each half lengthwise into 2 parts. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry bananas on all sides for 2 minutes.
Peel the ginger root and chop finely. Cut the vanilla stick and remove the seeds. Mix half of the powdered sugar with bananas, add the remaining half to coconut milk along with a vanilla stick and ginger.
Place the coconut milk on the stove and heat until the powdered sugar is completely dissolved. Add the lime zest, heat the milk for another 2 minutes, and remove from the heat.
Cut the baguette into thin slices and pour generously of coconut milk.
Preheat the oven to 170°C. Grease a fireproof pan with butter. Place a layer of bananas in it, and a layer of bread on top. Repeat layers until the mold is full, the last layer should be bread. Drizzle the casserole with the remaining butter and bake for 1 hour.
coconut flakes fry for 1–2 minutes in a dry frying pan. Allow the casserole to cool, invert onto a plate and remove the pan. Sprinkle casserole with coconut.

Dumplings with strawberries

For the test:
2 cup flour,
⅔ glass. water,
a pinch of salt.
For filling:

Sift the flour, add water and salt and knead the dough. Roll it into a layer 2-3 mm thick and cut out circles using a cup with a diameter of 5-6 cm. Place strawberries, previously cut into quarters, in the center of each circle, add sugar to taste and seal the edges tightly so that the juice does not leak out of the dumpling during cooking. Boil the dumplings in salted water until done. Serve with sour cream.

Fruit jelly

Very easy to prepare!
According to the recipe, you can make jelly not only from raspberries, but also from strawberries, currants or plums. As alternative gelling agents, you can find vegetable gelatin pectin (from apple or orange peels) or agar (from red algae) in specialized stores. Please note that they have different degrees of gelling, so please follow the instructions on the package. If you feel bad about throwing away fruit pulp, then don't squeeze the juice in gauze. Jam is prepared in the same way.
Wash raspberries (1 kg), add 250 ml of water and cook for several minutes.
Line a colander with gauze, place it on a bowl and pour out the mixture.
Let the juice drain, then squeeze the mixture into gauze. Collect the juice in a bowl.
Add water to the resulting syrup to make 1 liter. Pour into a saucepan.
Mix the “Zhelfix 2+1” package with 2 tablespoons of sugar and add to the pan, stir. Bring to a boil, stirring. Add 0.5 kg of sugar and cook for another 1 minute. Immediately pour into 6 heated jars, close and let cool.

Strawberry marshmallow

700 g strawberries,
40 leaves of fresh basil,
½ cup sugar
1 tbsp. lemon juice.

Combine strawberries with remaining ingredients in a blender. Strain through a sieve to remove large basil leaves, add 1 tsp. water and cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until thickened. Then place on parchment paper in a baking dish, level the hot marshmallow over the entire surface of the mold, place in the oven and bake at 100ºC, drying slowly until the marshmallow thickens. Remove the finished marshmallow from the oven, roll it into a tube and store it in a cool, dry place.

Fried watermelon with cheese and ham

We suggest trying a summer dish of grilled watermelon with cheese and ham. Is this a snack? Dessert? Who cares... the main thing is it's delicious!

1 medium watermelon
olive oil
freshly ground pepper
300 g lean ham
300 g homemade cheese (very tasty with blue cheese such as dor-blue)
fresh basil leaves
balsamic vinegar

1. Preheat grill to 250° – 300° (medium-high);
2. Prepare the watermelon. To do this, you need to cut it crosswise into slices about 2 cm thick. Cut each slice into 4 parts, remove the seeds and cut off the peel;
3. Each prepared piece of watermelon must be greased with olive oil (this is convenient to do with a silicone brush for greasing hot pans), sprinkle with salt and pepper;
4. Grill watermelon pieces for 1 minute on each side;
5. Cut the ham into thin strips (or buy sliced ​​ham right away). Cut the cheese into small cubes;
6. For each fried piece of watermelon, place a piece or two of ham, a couple of pieces of cheese, and garnish with basil leaves. Drizzle balsamic vinegar over top and serve immediately.
This dish is especially delicious when served hot!

Aromatic peppermint oil

For 3 bottles- I advise you to cook
Fresh mint, high quality vegetable oil (such as olive or sunflower)
Wash the mint, dry it, place it in clean, dried bottles (fill the container halfway).
Pour in vegetable oil and seal. Leave to infuse for 1 week in a warm place. Store in a cool, dark place. The oil is suitable for all dishes in which mint is added. Using this recipe, you can also prepare oil infused with basil, dill and other herbs.

Summer drinks based on chilled coffee

In the summer heat, you just want to drink something chilled. Cold espresso drinks will come to the rescue. Interesting, tasty, and most importantly, refreshing!

Coffee mojito

Ingredients: Espresso, tonic water 100 ml, 4 mint leaves, 3 lime wedges, teaspoon cane sugar.
Recipe: Grind mint, lime and sugar in a glass. Fill a glass with frappe crumbs, pour in tonic, and pour in chilled espresso. Decorate with mint and lime.


Ingredients: Espresso, orange and pineapple juice 50 ml, strawberry syrup 20 g, frappe crumbs.
Recipe: Pour strawberry syrup into a glass and fill the frappe to the top. Mix the juices and cool in a shaker, pour into a glass. Top with chilled espresso in a thin stream into the center of the glass.


Ingredients: Espresso, milk 100 ml, frappe crumbs. Syrup to taste.
Recipe: In a shaker, cool the espresso with milk and 3 ice cubes, then pour it into a glass filled with frappe crumbs.

Ice latte with syrup

Ingredients: Strawberry syrup 20 ml, ice, whipped milk foam, espresso.
Recipe: Pour into the glass sequentially to preserve the layers.

We present a ready-made healthy menu for the family that will help you easily choose dishes for every day. You no longer have to worry about what to feed your family or guests!

Sample menu for a family for a week








Cottage cheese with sour cream.

Bread, butter, ham.

Oatmeal milk porridge.

Bread butter,

Fried eggs with bacon.

Bread, butter, coffee

Soft-boiled egg.

Boiled sausage.

Bread butter,

Bread butter,

Omelette with vegetables.

Bread, butter, cheese.

Boiled sausages.

Bread butter,

Beet salad.

Soup kharcho.

Chopped zrazy.

Fruit juice.

Black bread.

Beet salad.

Soup kharcho.

Pea soup.

Mashed potatoes.

Boiled sausages.

Pea soup.

Peppers stuffed with vegetables.

Tea with sugar.

Tomato and cucumber salad.

Cream soup with pepper

Chicken breast chop.

Fruit juice.

Cream soup with pepper.

Pork cutlets


Cream soup with pepper.


Pork cutlets

Drinking yoghurt

Tea with sugar,

Nuts, Cocoa, bun.

Drinking yoghurt

Berry cobbler.

Berry cobbler.

Peppers stuffed with vegetables.

Mashed potatoes.

Chopped zrazy.

Cottage cheese casserole.

Tea with sugar.

Fish under marinade.

Tea with sugar.

Cheesecakes with sour cream.

Tea with sugar.

Roast chicken with potatoes.

Tea with sugar.

Menu for two weeks for your family


Rice milk porridge

Ham sandwich

Tea with lemon

Soft-boiled chicken eggs


Sorrel soup

Sausages with potatoes in a pot

Before bedtime

Butter buns with raisins

Tea with lemon


Omelet with bacon and cheese

Coffee with milk

Shortbread cookies


Sorrel soup

Pink salmon baked in sour cream

Boiled potatoes

Before bedtime

Shortbread cookies

Apricot compote


Rolled porridge

Ham sandwich

Soft-boiled chicken eggs

Invigorating morning coffee


Chicken with steamed vegetables

Chicken noodle soup

Before bedtime

Black tea

Banana dessert


Muesli 200 gr

Milk 3.2% fat 150 g

Bananas 1 piece


Chicken noodle soup

Olivier salad (capital)

Before bedtime

Olivier salad (capital)

Bacon puffs

Dried fruits compote


Cottage cheese 9% fat 150 g

Natural yogurt 70 gr

White bread 100 gr

Butter 10 g


Fresh cabbage soup

Pasta with vegetables

Fish fried in batter


Cookies 200 gr

Butter 40 gr

Rolled porridge


Fresh cabbage soup

Pasta with vegetables

Fish fried in batter

Boiled chicken


Corn porridge with raisins


Solyanka soup

Pork with prunes

Potato dumplings

Tea with mint


Millet porridge with milk


Okroshka ordinary

Classic vegetable salad

Stuffed peppers

Before bedtime

Sandwich with fish and cheese

Tea with lemon


Oatmeal porridge with raisins


Ukrainian borscht with meat

Stuffed peppers


Before bedtime

Green cucumber salad with cabbage


Sour cream 100 gr


Ukrainian borscht with meat

Pilaf with chicken

Before bedtime

Charlotte with apples

Black tea in English


Oat flakes 150 gr

Bananas 1 piece


Meatball soup

Chicken breast stew

Before bedtime

“Light” salad (other option)

Oatmeal cookies "Hercules" or "Extra"

Tea with lemon


Corn porridge with raisins 1 serving


Meatball soup

Fish fried in batter

Before bedtime

The vinaigrette

Dried fruits compote


Omelet with bacon and cheese

White bread 50 gr

Butter 30 gr


River fish soup

Mashed potatoes

Stewed liver

Before bedtime

Delicious salad

Tea with lemon

Cookies "Bananas"


Baked apples 2 pcs

Bun 1 piece


River fish soup


Fish in batter

Before bedtime

Salad "Goldfish"

Tea with lemon

Cookies "Bananas"

Planning a family menu for the week

Eating Dish Products in dishes (quantity, volume) Notes
Breakfast Women's and children's: cottage cheese with dried fruits (2 servings) ;
Male: scrambled eggs with sausages,
tea (2 servings), coffee (1 serving)

3 eggs, 3 sausages, 2 slices of bread, ketchup, herbs, 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil;
Brake to work/school Female: chicken sandwich, juice;
Child: chicken sandwich, apple;
Male: chop and cheese sandwich, juice
For 2 servings (children's and women's): 4 slices of bread,
chicken fillet (250g),
2 lettuce leaves, 1 tomato; juice (0.5l), 1 apple;
2 slices of bread, pork chop - 200g, 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil, cheese (75g), lettuce, 1 tomato;
juice (0.5l)
Dinner Vermicelli soup,
beet salad
Chicken fillet (200g), vermicelli (50g), potatoes (2 pcs., medium), greens, sweet pepper (1 pc.);
beets (boiled, grated; 300g), garlic (2-3 cloves), mayonnaise, walnuts (50g);
bread (4-6 pieces)
Afternoon snack Fruit (or fruit salad) An afternoon snack on weekdays is more likely to be needed by a woman and child
Dinner Pilaf,
green salad,
Rice (250g), pork (200g), carrots (1 piece, medium), 3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil;
cucumber (1 pc.), tomato (1 pc.), Chinese cabbage(3 sheets), herbs, vegetable oil (1 tbsp);
bread (4-6 pieces);
Male: buckwheat with chicken,
Tea coffee

butter (20g);
buckwheat (60g), chicken (2 carbonates), 3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil, ketchup, bread (2 pieces);
tea (2 teaspoons - about 6g), sugar, lemon; coffee (1 teaspoon - about 5g)
Brake to work/school Female: curd mass, dried fruits, nuts;

Men's: yogurt, cheese and egg sandwich (2 servings)
Curd mass (1 cup);
raisins (15g), dried apricots (15g); nuts (30g);

yogurt (0.3l), for 2 servings: bread (4 pieces), cheese (150g), eggs (4 pcs.), lettuce (2 pcs.), mayonnaise
Dinner Fish soup, boiled fish, green salad
Fish (400g), potatoes (4 pcs.), greens, onions (1 pc.);
Chinese cabbage (3 leaves), radish (5 pcs.), cucumber (1 pc.), 1 tomato (1 pc.), 1 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil, bread (4-6 slices)
Afternoon snack Fruits
For 2 servings: grapes (500-750g)
Dinner The vinaigrette
fried chicken fillet with onions and garlic,
green salad,
berry compote
Beets (400g), beans (1 cup), potatoes (4 pcs.), onions (1 pc.), carrots (2 pcs., medium), pickled cucumbers (2 pcs.), 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil;
chicken fillet (400g), onion (1 pc.), garlic (2 cloves);
bread (4-6 slices)
Breakfast Cottage cheese casserole with sour cream,
tea (2 servings), coffee (1 serving)
Cottage cheese (or curd mass) (500g), eggs (5 pcs), sour cream (300g, of which 2 tablespoons in a casserole - 40g), sugar (1 tablespoon - 30g), salt (2-5g), raisins ( 30g);
tea (2 teaspoons - about 6g), sugar, lemon; coffee (1 teaspoon - about 5g)
Brake to work/school Female: vinaigrette, juice
Children's: cheese sandwich, apple;
Male: chicken and cheese sandwich, juice
Vinaigrette, bread (2 pieces), juice (0.3 l);
bread (2 pieces), butter (30g), cheese (100g); apple (1 pc.);
bread (2 pieces), chicken fillet (200g), cheese (50g), lettuce (1 piece), cucumber (1 piece, small), mayonnaise; juice (0.3l)
leftover from Tuesday evening
Dinner Buckwheat soup,
egg pasta sandwiches
Buckwheat (60g), potatoes (3 pcs.), sweet pepper (1 pc.), greens, carrots (1 pc.), onion (1 pc.), vegetable oil (1 tbsp. spoon), tomato paste(1 tbsp); bread (6-9 pieces); 4 eggs, 3 cloves of garlic, mayonnaise, processed cheese (1 pc.)
Afternoon snack Fruits Serves 2: 1 banana, 1 apple, 1 peach, 1 kiwi, sprinkle with lemon juice
Dinner Meat with vegetables, green salad, tea Pork (500g), mixed vegetables (500g), vegetable oil (2-3 tablespoons), onion (1 pc.);

tea (3 teaspoons - about 9g), sugar, lemon
Breakfast Women's and children's: oatmeal with dried fruits (2 servings);
Male: sausages and mash,
Tea coffee
For 2 servings: oatmeal (whole or flakes) (120 g), raisins (30g), dried apricots (30g),
butter (20g);
sausages (2 pcs.), potatoes (4 pcs.), butter (50g), ketchup; bread (2 pieces);
tea (2 teaspoons - about 6g), sugar, lemon; coffee (1 teaspoon - about 5g)
Brake to work/school Female: kefir, cottage cheese casserole;
Children's: yogurt, banana, nuts
Male: sandwich with meat and egg paste, juice
Kefir (0.3l), cottage cheese casserole (1 serving);
yogurt (0.3l), banana (1 pc.), nuts (30g);
bread (2 pieces), egg pasta, pork (200g), lettuce (1 piece), cucumber (1 piece);
juice (0.3l)
The casserole can be left over for you from Wednesday, or you can buy portions at the store
Dinner Vegetable soup,
Sweet pepper (1 pc.), carrots (1 pc.), beans (1 cup), potatoes (2 pcs.), onions (1 pc.), vegetable oil (1 tbsp.), tomato paste (1 tbsp. spoon); bread (7 slices), 3 eggs, vegetable oil (5 tablespoons)
Afternoon snack Fruits Serves 2: 1 banana, 1 apple, 1 orange, 1 kiwi, sprinkle with lemon juice
Dinner Fish with broccoli, green salad, berry compote Fish (700g), vegetable oil (5 tablespoons), onion (2 pcs.), lemon (1/2); broccoli (500g);
Chinese cabbage (3 leaves), radishes (5 pcs.), cucumber (1 pc.), 1 tomato (1 pc.), vegetable oil (1 tbsp. spoon); bread (4-6 pieces);
250g berries, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar
Breakfast Women's and children's: cottage cheese with dried fruits (2 servings);
Male: chop with tomatoes,
Tea coffee
For 2 servings: cottage cheese (250g), yogurt (250g), raisins (30g), dried apricots (30g);
pork (250g), tomatoes (2 pcs.), 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil; bread (2 pieces);
tea (2 teaspoons - about 6g), sugar, lemon; coffee (1 teaspoon - about 5g)
Brake to work/school Female: cheese sandwich, juice, banana;
Children's: muesli bar, juice, apple;
Male: fish sandwich, juice
Bread (2 pieces), butter (30g), cheese (100g); juice (0.3l), banana (1 pc.);
muesli bar (1 pc.), juice (0.3 l), apple (1 pc.);
bread (2 pieces), fish (200g); lettuce (1 pc.), mayonnaise, cucumber (1 pc.); juice (0.3)
You can use leftover fish from Thursday's dinner.
Dinner Soup with rice, cheese,
tomatoes cucumbers
Rice (75g), potatoes (3 pcs.), sweet pepper (1 pc.), carrots (1 pc.), onions (1 pc.), vegetable oil (1 pc.), tomato paste (1 pc.); cheese (200g); bread (6 pieces);
tomatoes (2 pcs.), cucumbers (2 pcs.)
Afternoon snack Fruits Serves 2: 1 banana, 1 apple, 1 peach, 1 kiwi, sprinkle with lemon juice
Dinner Chicken, baked vegetables, green salad,
Chicken (1 pc.), mayonnaise, lemon (1/2); sweet pepper (3 pcs.), tomatoes (3 pcs.), onions (2 pcs.), carrots (3 pcs.);
Chinese cabbage (3 leaves), radishes (5 pcs.), cucumber (1 pc.), 1 tomato (1 pc.), vegetable oil (1 tbsp. spoon); bread (4-6 pieces);
tea (3 teaspoons - about 9g), sugar, lemon
Breakfast Dumplings with berries, sour cream,
Tea coffee
Egg (1 pc.), flour (0.5 kg), salt, sugar (3 tablespoons), mixed berries (400 g); sour cream (200g);
tea (2 teaspoons - about 6g), sugar, lemon; coffee (1 teaspoon - about 5g)
You can always use frozen ones
Dinner Puree,
chicken and mushroom salad, tomato, cucumber, berry compote
Potatoes (10 pcs.), butter (50g);
chicken fillet (300g), mushrooms (300g), onions (1 pc.), garlic (2 cloves), vegetable oil (3 tablespoons), Korean carrots (200g), cheese (100g), mayonnaise;
tomato (2 pcs.), cucumber (2 pcs.); bread (4-6 pieces);
250g berries, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar
Afternoon snack Yogurt Yogurt (0.5l) You can offer a man tea and cookies
Dinner Shrimp with rice,
green salad,
Shrimp (350g), rice (200g), butter (50g), olives (1/2 can), greens;
Chinese cabbage (3 leaves), radishes (5 pcs.), cucumber (1 pc.), 1 tomato (1 pc.), vegetable oil (1 tbsp. spoon);
tea (3 teaspoons - about 9g), sugar, lemon
Breakfast Pancakes with curd,
Tea coffee
Milk (0.5 l), flour (250 g), cottage cheese (400 g), egg (3 pcs.), sugar (2 tbsp. spoons), salt, vegetable oil (7 tbsp. spoons); sour cream (200g);
tea (2 teaspoons - about 6g), sugar, lemon; coffee (1 teaspoon - about 5g)
Dinner Vegetable soup with broccoli,
pie, homemade,
tomato, cucumber,
Sweet pepper (1 pc.), carrots (1 pc.), broccoli (300g), onion (1 pc.), vegetable oil (1 tbsp.), tomato paste (1 tbsp. spoon);
puff pastry (0.5 kg), mashed potatoes (6 pcs. potatoes, 30 g butter), sauce (ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard - 150 g), 6 sausages, 2 eggs, flour (100 g);
tomato (2 pcs.), cucumber (2 pcs.);
juice (0.5l)
Afternoon snack Kefir Kefir (0.5l)
Dinner Spaghetti with cheese, olives, baked tomatoes,
green salad,
Spaghetti (350)g; cheese (150g), vegetable oil (2 tablespoons); olives (1/2 can), tomatoes (3 pcs.);
Chinese cabbage (3 leaves), radishes (5 pcs.), cucumber (1 pc.), 1 tomato (1 pc.), vegetable oil (1 tbsp. spoon);
tea (3 teaspoons - about 9g), sugar, lemon

Food for a large family every day

Mon Z oatmeal with fruit cottage cheese casserole
ABOUT cabbage soup borsch
P cottage cheese with banana (in blender) yogurt with fruit
U lasagna baked fish
VT Z rice porrige oatmeal with fruit
ABOUT meatball soup borsch
P fruits cottage cheese casserole
U lasagna vegetable stew with meat
SR Z buckwheat rice porridge with fruits
ABOUT meatball soup cheese soup
P homemade cookies + grapes sandwiches with salmon and avocado
U cutlets (pork) + vegetables vegetable stew with meat
Thu Z corn rice porridge buckwheat
ABOUT chicken noodles cheese soup
P cheesecakes + cookies fruits
U cutlets (pork) + vegetables chicken pie
PT Z multigrain porridge homemade cookies and fruit
ABOUT chicken noodles vegetable soup
P cheesecakes + charlotte corn rice porridge
U steamed beef balls + rice chicken pie
SB Z porridge friendship omelette
ABOUT lentil soup vegetable soup
P charlotte multigrain porridge
U steamed beef balls + vegetables pilaf
Sun Z semolina porridge cottage cheese with banana
ABOUT lentil soup mushroom soup
P corn flakes with milk bakery
U baked fish pilaf

Greetings! This time, the article will be about the summer menu. I've collected some recipes. Nothing complicated, these are simple dishes that can be prepared in your home kitchen.

I will give a description of the process, ingredients and try to depict the result as clearly as possible, what should happen. We are opening the summer season: switching to vegetables and fruits.

A short introduction

There will be two types of dishes in the article. Personally, I love meat in any form, but I really respect vegetarians and their conscious position. So as not to offend anyone, I selected recipes with both meat flavor and just vegetable ones.

Let's start with salads

Recipe one, vegetarian

It was borrowed from the “Collection of Recipes” for 1982. The book provides a complete list of ingredients and method of preparation. There is only a beautiful name. In cookbooks of this type, they didn’t come up with a name; it was more important to provide accurate information about the dish. Let's fix the situation. Let's call the salad “Hearty”. Not very elegant, but clear.


  • Young potatoes – 120 grams (considered already boiled). To put it simply, these are two medium potatoes.
  • Fresh cucumber – 170 gr. About two or three, depending on the size.
  • Fresh tomatoes – 160 grams. I took one good tomato.
  • Green onions – 120 gr., a bunch so that it fits in your hand.
  • Canned green peas – 80g, you can also use fresh ones, you just have to choose ones that are very soft.
  • For dressing sour cream.
  • For decoration - 3 boiled eggs.

Cooking process

It couldn’t be simpler: cut boiled potatoes and cucumbers into slices; tomatoes - slices; finely chop green onion; add peas; season with sour cream. Top the finished salad with half a boiled egg.

My review

The salad is really hearty, like a vinaigrette. I liked it, especially when chicken eggs I replaced it with quail and sour cream with mayonnaise (I have a love for mayonnaise).

Recipe two, liver salad

I am sharing some of my family's home recipes. A salad made from simple ingredients, let’s call it “Healthy”. The main component is liver, which is naturally very healthy, plus vegetables. It’s not difficult to prepare, and I’ll share a little secret on how to improve the taste of liver, if anyone doesn’t like the specific taste.

So let's take:

  • Fresh liver - 0.5 kg will be enough. You can have pork/chicken/beef. I prefer pork, it is softer and easier to prepare. Chicken can fail if it is suddenly poorly cleaned and an unpleasant bitter taste appears.
  • Fresh apple – 1 pc. Red/green doesn’t matter, better some variety with sourness.
  • Regular fresh cucumber.
  • Boiled chicken eggs – 3 pcs.
  • For dressing - sour cream or mayonnaise, you can also use olive or vegetable oil.

Cooking process

We take raw liver, do not boil it. Cut into cubes/slices of approximately 4 cm. Heat the frying pan well (this is important) and add vegetable oil. We place the pieces of liver in a plate with flour, roll them and throw them into a heated frying pan, so that the liver turns out juicy and not tough. Fry on both sides and only when a golden crust appears, you can add salt, add a pinch of sugar and lightly sprinkle with chalked coriander (seasoning). Fry for no more than 10 minutes in total.

Grate the apple onto a coarse grater; Cut the cucumber as you like, just not too large. But boiled eggs can be larger. Next is the serving option: in layers or mix all the ingredients, depending on how convenient it is for the hostess. Season with sauce/mayonnaise or butter. I don’t add enough salt to the finished salad, but that’s a matter of taste. What’s good about my “Useful” is that you can play around with the ingredients, the basis is the liver, and then there’s enough imagination. Sometimes I also add grated cheese, if I happen to have some in the refrigerator.

Let's move on to the first courses

Cauliflower Cheese Soup Recipe

Perfect for a summer menu. A light soup, delicious both hot and cold. There are a huge number of varieties of cheese soups. I chose the simplest one.


  • Cauliflower - one fork/inflorescence.
  • Green peas – 200 gr. Fresh is better, canned is also possible.
  • Potatoes – 5 pcs.
  • Processed cheese – 2 pieces.
  • Cream – 100 gr. This is for gourmets, you can do without them.

We take a family saucepan, mine is a three-liter one. Separately weld cauliflower(whole): in boiling, salted water for no more than 10 minutes. Cool and separate the cabbage into small inflorescences. Next in order: potatoes (diced or garlic) go into the pan first. When the potatoes are ready, add the cauliflower and green peas. Separately prepare the dressing: dissolve the processed cheese in a small amount of hot water. At the end of cooking, pour the cheese dressing into the soup. Do not boil too much, a couple of minutes will be enough. If desired, you can add herbs and cream.

My mark

Great recipe, very easy to prepare and doesn’t take long. A nuance: you need to choose processed cheeses good quality, not a cheese product. Otherwise, instead of a delicate taste, you will get an unpleasant floury aftertaste.

Cold borscht recipe

From the same book “Collection of Recipes”. The recipe is unusual, this is not traditional borscht. And yet I chose him. It’s easy to prepare, but I’ll share my impressions of the deliciousness of the dish a little later.

We will need

  • Beets – 200 g, about 2 pieces (not small).
  • Carrots – 50 gr.
  • Green onions – 50 grams (I took a small bunch).
  • Fresh cucumbers - 125 gr.
  • Boiled eggs – 2 pcs.
  • Sugar – 10 gr.
  • Vinegar – 16 g (3%).
  • Water – 800 gr.

This is a detailed bookmark calculation. I cooked it this way for the first time to understand how to play with the taste.

Cooking method

Cut the beets and carrots into strips. Sprinkle the beets with vinegar and simmer until tender (simmer with water). Saute the carrots separately too. Add beets, carrots, sugar to hot water, add salt and bring to a boil. Cool. The soup is almost ready. The remaining ingredients are seasoned immediately before eating: chopped cucumbers, green onions, eggs and sour cream.

My impressions

Tasty and unusual. I haven’t eaten borscht with cucumbers yet, but if it had been offered somewhere and I hadn’t cooked it myself, I would hardly have agreed. Well, now I can recommend it. It'll do for a change. It's easy to prepare. And yet, you can cook the same borscht with meat.

Second courses

Let's start with vegetable stew

There are many recipes for this dish. In my kitchen, stews are prepared from all the vegetables that were purchased and brought home. Fortunately, in the summer there are enough vitamin ingredients both in stores and on the market.

My recipe

  • Onions – 2 pcs.
  • Carrots – 1 large.
  • Zucchini – 3-4 medium.
  • Tomatoes – 2 pcs.
  • Sweet pepper – 4 peppercorns.
  • Rice – 1 glass.

Cooking method

I take a large saucepan (deep frying pan with a handle). I fry the onions and carrots, add diced zucchini and bell peppers in half rings. Simmer for about 10 minutes, then add tomato slices and rice. I fill it with water to cover the top by a centimeter. You need to cook on low heat.

I love cooking summer stew, it’s easy, tasty and satisfying. You can add grated cheese (preferably hard), seafood, in general, use your imagination.

Second course – stuffed zucchini

We will cook young zucchini with minced meat. Similar recipes are often found on culinary sites, but we will do it a little differently. I am sharing my personal recipe.

What will we cook from?

  • Zucchini – 2-3 pieces, always young with thin skin.
  • Onions – 1 pc.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Minced meat – 0.5 kg. You can take pork/beef/chicken. I prefer to cook with minced chicken. The taste is more delicate.
  • Cheese -200g.

So let's get started

We cut the zucchini into several pieces, 7-8 cm each (it is better to choose zucchini of the same size for the dish). These will be our vegetable cups. Carefully remove the core with a knife, but leave the bottom of the glass.

Let's prepare the filling: chop the onion, grate the carrots, mix and fry in vegetable oil. Add the roast to the raw minced meat and add salt. I never add eggs to minced meat.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. While the heating process is underway, fill the vegetable cups with minced meat. Place the stuffed zucchini tightly on a rimmed baking sheet or high frying pan (greased with vegetable oil) so that they stand together and do not fall. We bake for about 20-30 minutes, no more. Of course, you need to keep an eye on it, as soon as a golden brown crust appears on top, take out a baking sheet and sprinkle the glasses with grated cheese. And put it in the oven for another 5 minutes.

You can serve the finished dish with sour cream; in my opinion, it’s better with mayonnaise. It turns out very tasty. I love the combination of chicken and zucchini. The cheese also adds its own flavor. Try it, you won’t regret it.

And finally - dessert

I'll tell you how to prepare apple Sambuca. Using the same recipe, you can make plum.


  • Apples or plums – 800 gr.
  • Sugar – 200 gr.
  • Gelatin – 15 gr.
  • Eggs -2 pcs (whites only).
  • Water for gelatin – 420 gr.


Place seeded apples or pitted plums on a baking sheet and bake in the oven with a little water. Cool the baked fruits and puree them to a puree consistency. Add sugar, egg whites and beat with a blender (I haven’t tried a mixer) until fluffy. Prepare gelatin: dissolve in water and in a water bath, stirring constantly, until completely dissolved. The final stage: carefully, in a thin stream, pour the gelatin into the fruit mass, and do not forget to stir quickly with a whisk. Pour Sambuca into molds and place in the refrigerator. As soon as the gelatin hardens well, you can taste it.

The dessert is unusual. This is neither a mousse nor a jelly. This is Sambuc. Try to cook, baked fruits are 100% healthy and are better absorbed.

Well, here's my whole selection simple recipes. Bon appetit and good mood!

Your Glasha.

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“Summer” menu for one week



Tomatoes with cheese and sour cream sauce,

toasted bread,

apple-cherry juice.


Omelet with tomato slices,

tea with cherry leaves.

Egg salad, fresh cucumbers and green onions,

Polish Chlodnik,

beef liver with zucchini,

boiled potatoes with a sauce of butter and chopped dill,

gooseberry juice.

Scones with raspberry jam,

zucchini with sour cream and egg sauce,

strawberry and melon fruit salad,

tea with lemon balm.


Sandwiches with sausage and pureed vegetable paste,


gooseberries with sugar,

Ham and fresh cucumber salad,

soup with dumplings,

bream baked with cheese and tomatoes,

fruit juice cocktail.

Curd dumplings,

Apple juice.

Vegetable stew with pieces of boiled veal,

tea with mint.


Sandwiches with cheese and vegetable paste,

coffee with milk.


Pancakes with curd and fruit filling,

Appetizer of stewed zucchini, onions and tomatoes,

chicken soup with tomatoes,

meat baked with potatoes and herbs,

cookies with icing,

cocktail of mineral water and currant juice.

Sponge cake with apples and cherries,

Salad of tomatoes and cucumbers,

meatballs with vegetables,

tea with mint.


Potato cakes with herbs,

currant-carrot juice.


Puff pastry cake with fruit filling,

Salad of sweet pepper, feta cheese and green peas,

soup "Mastava" with tomatoes and onions,

veal rolls baked with cheese,

canapes with tomatoes and cucumbers,

fruit drink made from fresh apples and cherries.

Curd pie with slices of fruit (apples, pears),

strawberry milk.

Stew of potatoes, cauliflower and sweet peppers,

sandwiches with vegetable paste,

tea with fresh currants.


Sandwiches with sausages and chopped apples, tomatoes and cheese,


Semolina balls with fruit sauce,

plum juice

Beet salad with apples and nuts,

puree soup of potatoes and fresh green onions,

meat on skewers,

rice with vegetable sauce,

fruit drink from apples and plums.

pomegranate juice.

Vegetable meatballs,

toasted bread,

tea with cinnamon.


Millet porridge with apples and grated nuts,


Curd dumplings with sour cream and fruit sauce,

carrot-beet juice.

Salad of chicken fillet, tomatoes and fresh peas,

turkey schnitzel with vegetables,

cocktail made from apple juice, lemonade and raspberry syrup.

Pie with fresh berries,


Vegetables baked with cheese

hot drink made from rose hips and black currants.



Cottage cheese with fruits,

tea with mint, rose petals and calendula flowers.


Cheese soufflé with vegetables,

Salad of fresh tomatoes, fennel and apples,

fish soup with vegetables,

meatballs stuffed with vegetables,

fresh fruit compote.

Cookies with grated carrots,

blueberry milk.

Loin stuffed with vegetables

fruit salad with whipped cream sauce,

fruit and berry cocktail.

From the book Balanced Nutrition for School-Age Children author Melnikov Ilya

SAMPLE MENU FOR THE WEEK The number of products is given in grams. Monday Breakfast Buckwheat porridge 250, coffee with milk 200, bread and butter 60. Lunch Beetroot salad 50, mixed soup with bone broth 250, meat cutlets with fried potatoes and pickled cucumber 210, compote 200, bread

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SAMPLE MENU FOR THE WEEK MONDAY First breakfast: steamed meat cutlets, mashed potatoes, sweet rice porridge pureed with milk, tea with sugar and lemon. Second breakfast: pureed cottage cheese with milk and sugar. Lunch: soup with pureed meat in meat broth, soufflé

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SAMPLE MENU FOR THE WEEK MONDAY First breakfast: cottage cheese with milk, crumbly buckwheat porridge with butter, tea with milk. Second breakfast: apple. Lunch: vegetarian vegetable soup, noodle soup with boiled meat, apple jelly. Afternoon snack: tea, cookies. Dinner: fish

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The simplest menu for the week Sunday Breakfast 200 g of cottage cheese casserole (from low-fat cottage cheese) with apples, tangerine slices and dried apricots. 1 glass of rosehip and dried apricot infusion drink (mix the rosehip infusion with the water in which the dried apricots were soaked for the casserole).

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From the author's book

Approximate one-day summer menu for diet No. 10r First breakfast. Tomato and cucumber salad, white omelette of 2 eggs, steamed, buckwheat porridge in water with the addition of vegetable oil (250 g), coffee drink (200 ml with 15 g of sugar). Second breakfast. Apple,

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“Spring” menu for one week MONDAY FIRST BREAKFAST Early vegetables with cheese in a frying pan. Tomato juice. Bread roll with vegetables and herbs. SECOND BREAKFAST Sweet croutons. Vanilla milk. LUNCH Herring with mustard sauce. Potato soup with head. Casserole with

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Summer menu We offer you a summer menu designed for one