Lifehacks for winter. Winter life hacks for car enthusiasts. Recycling sweaters into mittens

05.11.2021 General

Winter, as the famous philosopher used to say, is already quite close. You should not forget about this: neglecting your own health and normal preparation for the coldest time of the year can lead to sad results. Who wants to be sick, for example, throughout the New Year holidays? And who happily spends half the morning reviving an icy car? Don’t be like the dragonfly that sang throughout the red summer: here is a useful list of winter life hacks that will be useful to absolutely everyone.

1. Cold water

Can you feel winter coming? Start gargling with regular cold water. A study conducted among four hundred volunteers showed that this is the best preventive measure for preventing colds. The fact is that the infection usually affects the upper Airways. By hardening them in advance, you will build a kind of defense mechanism against infection.

2. Oven

Utility services are not always able to cope with the onset of cold weather. Probably everyone is familiar with the unpleasant feeling of chilliness, because of which you have to put on warm clothes even in cold weather. own apartment. Try cooking your evening dinner in the oven. The food will turn out tastier and healthier, and the heat of the oven will easily heat the entire apartment.

3. Frozen glass

Clearing ice from the rear window of a car is not the most fun way to spend winter morning. Especially if you have a long commute to work. The problem can be solved simply: mix three parts vinegar to one part water, pour it into an old spray bottle and treat the glass with the resulting mixture in the evening.

4. Chicken soup

It turns out that mom was right all along: chicken broth really helps with illness. Scientists conducted several experiments on volunteers and found that the soup has an amazing effect on sick people. The broth slows down the movement of neutrophils, white blood cells that are distinctive feature acute infection. In other words, soup appears to help reduce inflammation caused by a cold.

5. Ice bed

No matter how hard you try to warm up the house, one place always remains cold. Remember how unpleasant it is to climb into an icy bed just when you want to warm up more than anything else! Go to the pharmacy and buy a very ordinary rubber heating pad. Fill it with hot water and throw it under the blanket: after ten minutes, not cool sheets will be waiting for you, but a cozy, soft and warm bed.

6. The power of light

Another useful life hack that every car enthusiast will enjoy. Try to park with the hood facing east: the first rays of the sun will begin to clean the windshield of your car - one less morning problem.

7. Treat cough

Hate the sickly sweet taste of cough syrup? Welcome to the club. The World Health Organization has confirmed that the tasteless (and also expensive) syrup can be replaced with regular honey. Just ten grams of good honey before bed will relieve cough symptoms and help you sleep better.

Step by step, winter is here. With winter comes cold weather and snow. Many people love winter and enjoy the snow. Winter is a wonderful time of year, but it often comes with a lot of stress in everyday life that simply shouldn't happen. For this reason, to make your life easier and reduce your daily stress in winter, we have made one collection of different winter hacks to help you survive this winter without problems and difficulties.

The following hacks and tips are easy and simple, but they will make a big difference in your daily life. They will help you cope with snow and colds as easily as possible. If you try some of these hacks, you will make your winter life easier and it will be your favorite time of year. Just learn how to help yourself and you will enjoy this winter in snowy and cold weather. Check out this truly amazing collection and find out the best winter hacks you should know to be winter ready. Enjoy!

Place a sheet of tin foil against the wall behind the radiator and it will reflect the heat back into the room instead of being absorbed into the wall

Stuck in the snow? Use your car's purse pad or floor mats to get traction and pull yourself out of a ditch or slippery situation

Prevent an icy windshield with vinegar

Cut wool insoles for extra warmth. An absolutely practical solution.

Are your boots creating clutter on your shoe rack? Cut out the empty noodles and stuff them into your boots, this will make them stand up straight for easy storage

Or use wine bottles

DIY Boot Tray – Not only does it look nice, it's perfect for catching snow and ice.

Use pipe insulation to fill gaps under doors

Vacuum printed summer clothes for next year

Use balm on chapped hands

Make your own instant hand warmers in 5 minutes

Add a little extra insulation with thick bubble wrap over the windows. They'll still let the sun shine

Are your windshield wipers sticking to your windows? Hold them in the air when you're parked and cover them with old socks

Use a lighter and a key to thaw a frozen lock

Let a hot shower heat and humidify your home

Image via instructional material

CD case can work as an ice scraper

Use a razor to shave the pills off your hood and look new again

Add short screws to the bottom of your old runners to prevent slipping on ice and snow when you take your dog for a walk.

Store scarves in a clear plastic shoe bag

Recycling sweaters into mittens

Lifehacks for winter

In winter, many people face various difficulties, so in its episode, the Dipt channel prepared 5 life hacks that will help you cope with these winter difficulties.

Hand warmer battery

If you are going fishing or hiking, be sure to take a battery and foil with you. They won't take up much space, but they can be very helpful. If your hands get cold, wrap the batteries in foil and connect the plus and minus with the same foil. The battery will start to get very hot and you will be able to warm your hands. If you use a single layer of foil, you can even get burned. Such a powerful heater melts frozen butter in a couple of seconds. You can see how to make a fire using approximately the same principle in a life hack with batteries.

What to do to prevent snow from sticking to a shovel

If snow sticks to your snow shovel, simply rub it with the paraffin found in a simple candle. The snow will no longer stick to the shovel, even if it is compacted well.

How to avoid falling off your bike in winter

To avoid falling off your bike in winter, use simple plastic clamps. Attach a lot of them to the wheel, cut off the excess, and the wheel on ice will behave more stable.

Pepper patch will protect your feet from freezing

If your feet are constantly freezing, then use a pepper adhesive plaster. It is sold at any pharmacy and is relatively cheap. Glue it to your foot and you can safely go out into the cold, your feet will be warmed up by the blood flowing to the foot. True, the adhesive plaster is disposable.

The thing that will constantly warm your feet is a salt heating pad in the form of an insole, which can be bought at almost any pharmacy. Place a heating pad instead of a regular insole in your shoes and no frost is scary. This insole heats up to 50 degrees. In addition, it is very soft and comfortable.

Sandpaper to protect against falling in icy conditions

If your shoes are slippery and there is a high risk of falling on a slippery sidewalk, use sandpaper. You need to glue a piece of sandpaper to the sole and this will be enough for a while to protect yourself from falling. You can also use a regular adhesive plaster, but, unlike the skin, it is not so rough and comes off.

There are other tips to help you cope with difficulties. They're in .

Anastasia Sergeeva

10 smart life hacks that will help you easily survive the winter

If you are tired of fighting the cold, snow, ice, and you no longer know how to survive the winter, then you will definitely need some winter life hack from this collection. The most useful tips for the winter, read on!

Useful life hacks to make winter less scary

How to survive the winter and not go crazy from regular puddles of melted snow in front of the house? Try to find an old tray and fill it with ordinary pebbles. When you arrive home, immediately take off your shoes and place your shoes on the pebbles - this way you won’t have time to get the floor too dirty, and your boots will dry much faster.

Have you taken your favorite winter sweater out of the closet and found a bunch of pills on it? Nowadays, stores sell a special machine for cleaning knitwear, but in extreme cases, you can carefully use a regular razor and remove unnecessary lumps.

Many people have to clear snow from their homes in winter, and it always tries to stick to the shovel, which significantly slows down the cleaning process. But we have prepared another useful winter life hack: simply spray the surface of the shovel with cooking spray - and nothing will stick to it anymore!

We give useful tips to motorists: to easily open a frozen car lock, you need to heat the key with a lighter. It will be even more effective if you first insert the key into the lock and then start heating it - the main thing is that the key must be without plastic elements.

To protect your car windshield from frost, there is a simple life hack: you can leave some old blanket, rag or rug on it.

Here's a winter life hack if the glass is still frozen: in the absence of a special scraper, an old CD or credit card will help you remove the ice crust from your car.

Even when the house seems warm, the bed always remains cold! For this occasion, we have a very practical winter life hack: buy a heating pad, fill it with hot water before going to bed and put it under the blanket. Ten minutes - and the sleeping place will become warm and cozy again. You can replace the heating pad with a regular plastic bottle.

In winter, you definitely need to warm yourself with mittens! And you don’t even have to buy them: a pair of simple mittens can be made quite quickly from an old sweater. Make two patterns according to the size and contour of your hand, cut out the necessary parts from the sweater, attach them to each other and sew them together. Then turn the mitten inside out and decorate if desired. That's all!

The most useful tips for the slipperiest weather! To adapt winter shoes to walking on icy surfaces, use Moment glue to glue a piece of sandpaper to the sole or cover it with a plaster.

New Year's life hacks for the winter: to make the tree look more magnificent and elegant, first decorate it with fluffy green tinsel, which will create the impression of additional branches, and then hang an electric garland closer to the trunk - so the tree will seem to be illuminated from the inside.

You will see other winter life hacks in the following video:

Take it for yourself and tell your friends!

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Winter is just beginning. And with it not only the long-awaited holidays, but also frosts with all that it entails. As they say, the most interesting things are yet to come. But getting sick in the midst of the New Year’s bustle, slicing Olivier and enjoying the legal weekend is far from the best idea. Therefore, we wish you to take special care of your health and try to avoid not only insidious infections, but also banal hypothermia. After all, it greatly undermines the body’s defenses. And these simple and not at all difficult to implement tips will help you keep warm both at home and outside.

I want to be healthy 365 days a year, in any season and bad weather. But being sick in the winter in the midst of the holidays is somehow especially offensive. And, unfortunately, it is natural. So don’t forget to regularly feed your immune system with fresh vegetables and fruits. Also, avoid hypothermia. Especially at home, where even a “harmless” draft can turn into much bigger problems. Find out below how to more effectively keep both your body and your home warm.

1. Start your day hot

Do you often sacrifice breakfast to save time and a lonely cup of coffee? In winter, it is better to quit this habit. After all, a hungry body is a weakened body, and it freezes much faster. And the risk of catching all sorts of bad things on public transport increases significantly. To keep your body warm and energized, start your day with a hot, high-calorie meal. Of course, not potatoes and sausage. But a serving of warm oatmeal with honey or rice pudding will be very welcome. And save some yogurt for lunch.

2. Layer!

What is warmer: a thick jacket over a thin knee-high or a jacket that is not so substantial, but under which a sweater, shirt and T-shirt are hidden? Let’s not bog down with guesses: “cabbage” always wins. After all, each layer of clothing is an obstacle that does not allow your warmth to evaporate under the influence of cold from the outside. So don’t be lazy to use this little trick in winter. But, of course, no one has yet canceled the ideal option: “cabbage” in the company of a warm jacket.

Surely most of us in childhood were those rebels who stubbornly ignore mother’s comments in the spirit of “put on a hat” and “don’t forget the gloves.” Well, or they took off the hated accessories on the staircase of the entrance. But mom said it all. And the problem is not only in cold ears: the brain does not perceive that the body is warm if the limbs are cold. No matter how fancy your down jacket is. So don't be shy, put on your hat. And don't forget the gloves.

4. Do your feet!

As follows from the previous paragraph, you can’t live without warm shoes in winter. At a minimum, do not forget to insulate your “demi-season” boots with thick insoles. And as a maximum, some craftsmen advise warming up your shoes with a hairdryer for a minute or two before going outside. And immediately put on your shoes. With good seams and a solid sole, the effect will last for a long time. As a last resort, run to the metro.

5. Declare war on drafts

Drafts in the apartment - invisible (in literally) is the enemy of your health both in winter and summer. But the problem can be solved quickly and inexpensively. Make a special stopper. For example, use a pair of nylon tights and two thin rolls of wallpaper leftovers. Cardboard “sleeves” from posters are suitable for the same purpose, and in some cases even rolls of food foil or film will do. Cut one stocking from the tights, put both rolls in it and place it under the door, as in the photo. The draft will not pass! And the door will open and close without problems.

6. Speaking of doors...

The simplest tip that will help preserve heat in the house is to close the doors to all rooms. Do not let the heat out while “walking” around your home. Yes, we warned you that it would be easy.

7. Freedom for the battery!

A table, sofa or chair right in front of the radiator is a typical “design” solution in almost every home. But in winter it is better to abandon it and make a small rearrangement. Let the path to the battery be cleared. And large pieces of furniture will not interfere with the precious heat, taking away some of it for their own “heating”.

8. Cover the floor

Carpets were invented for a reason. And to make it warmer. And they are very appropriate in a modern interior. Just don't hang them on the walls...

9. Warm bed

Do you feel cold even under two warm blankets? A typical situation for many apartments in our area. And our grandmothers knew the solution: just go to bed with... a heating pad. Warm, cozy and the effect will last for at least several hours.

For harsh realists, winter is far from a winter fairy tale, the eve of a new year and a festive mood. For them, winter is a time of constantly frozen hands and feet, chapped lips, knee-deep snowdrifts, puddles and dirt from snow in the hallway, and this is not all the “charms” of winter. Useful winter life hacks for 2017 should make your life this winter much easier.

A simple life hack that will help your feet not get cold in winter shoes

With winter approaching, we are all trying to insulate our home. As a result, protective films and foam rubber appear on the windows, and heat-reflecting screens appear behind the radiators. the site has already talked about it, now it’s time to talk about batteries, or more precisely about the material that is used for heat reflection and its alternative uses.

To ensure that the heat from the batteries warms only the rooms, various heat-reflecting materials are used. The most common of them are foil, penofol and Porilex with foil. After insulating the walls, there is usually unused material left, which is what interests us. Don’t rush to throw it away or adjust it for next winter, because it will become an excellent heat-saving insole for your winter shoes.

To do this, use the insoles from your shoes as a stencil to cut out the insoles to the required size. After this, place new heat-reflective insoles in your shoes under the old ones. But if you don’t have any consumables left, you don’t need to buy a roll of foam foam for these insoles; today you can buy them in any shoe store or bazaar.

Portable pocket warmer

The first thing that freezes outside in winter is your feet, hands and face. We already know how to help our feet keep warm. But how to warm your hands? Sometimes gloves and mittens can't cope with the cold. In this case, foil comes to the rescue again. You will also need a regular AA battery. And then everything is very simple. You just need to wrap the battery in foil so that it connects the “+” and “-” batteries. After this, the device will begin to heat up. It is also important to know that it is better to wrap the battery in several layers of foil, since the heat can be so strong that you can get burned.

Lifehack for a clean hallway

Winter turns our hallways into a permanent abode of dirt and puddles that form from melted snow. Of course, you can wash the floors in the hallway every day. But winter lasts three months and spending your time wiping up puddles every day is not rational. There is one simple and effective winter life hack that will help you get rid of dirty puddles, without daily cleaning. To do this you will need plastic trays with gravel. Every time you come home, place your shoes in it, so that melted snow and dirt will flow along with it to the bottom of the tray.

We remove snow quickly and efficiently

Owners of private houses and motorists will appreciate this life hack. After all, many of them, after enjoying the view of the falling snow outside the window with a cup of hot, invigorating coffee or tea, go to clear it from their car or the paths around the house. In this case, a lot of effort and time goes into shaking off the snow stuck to the shovel. But there is a simple solution to this problem. The shovel needs to be rubbed with paraffin or oil, as a result, the snow will no longer stick, which will make this morning ritual faster and less energy-consuming.

A few more simple and effective winter life hacks:

If the lock is frozen and you cannot open it, heat the key with a lighter.

Morning is already a difficult period, and in winter everything gets worse. First you need to get out of the warm bed into the hostilely cold outside world of the apartment, and then put on cold clothes on yourself. To make getting ready in the morning a more pleasant experience, before getting dressed, place your clothes on the radiator to warm them up.

In the same way, you can warm your shoes before putting them on. But it is better to place it near the radiators at night so that it has time to warm up and dry out if necessary. You can also use hot water bottles.

In addition, such heating pads can be used to warm up the bed before going to bed.

And also to avoid unnecessary adventures this winter - don’t lick the swing, don’t eat apples in the cold, don’t keep your hands in your pockets in icy conditions and don’t sew socks and mittens from old sweaters))

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