Presentation on the topic "Sergei Yesenin". Presentation on the topic "Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin" Yesenin biography for elementary school presentation

04.03.2022 General

Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin 1895-1925 Important dates of the biography

  • October 3, 1895 - born in the village of Konstantinovo, Ryazan province.
  • 1897 - given to his maternal grandfather to raise.
  • 1904 - entered the Zemstvo School in Konstantinovo.
  • 1909 – graduated from college and entered the church teachers’ school.
  • 1912 - received a diploma as a literacy teacher and moved to Moscow.
  • 1913 - married Anna Izryadnova.
  • 1914 – birth of son Yuri.
  • 1915 - in Petrograd he met Blok, entered service on a medical train stationed in Tsarskoye Selo, and performed before the Empress.
  • 1916 - the first collection “Radunitsa”.
  • 1917 - marriage to Zinaida Reich.
  • 1918 – birth of daughter Tatyana.
  • 1920 – birth of son Konstantin.
  • 1921 - collections “Treryadnitsa” and “Confession of a Hooligan.”
  • 1922 - marriage to Isadora Duncan.
  • 1923 - collection “Poems of a Brawler”.
  • 1924 - the collection “Moscow Tavern” and the poem “Pugachev”.
  • 1925 - death at the Angleterre Hotel.
Childhood Sergei Aleksandrovich Yesenin was born on October 3, 1895 in the Ryazan province, in the rather large village of Konstantinovo, Kuzminsk volost. Sergei's father, Alexander Nikitich Yesenin, sang in a church choir in his youth, was an ordinary peasant, and then moved to Moscow, where he worked as a clerk in a butcher shop. Tatyana Fedorovna Titova, the mother of the future poet, was not given in marriage for love, apparently that’s why living together the marriage was short-lived. When little Sergei was 2 years old, his mother left his father, went to work in Ryazan, and his maternal grandparents, Natalya Evtikhievna and Fedor Andreevich Titov, were raising the boy. My grandfather’s family was quite wealthy; in addition to little Seryozha, his three unmarried sons lived in Fyodor Andreevich’s house, with whom the future poet spent a lot of time. It was they who taught the boy to swim, ride a horse and work in the field. When little Sergei was 2 years old, his mother left his father, went to work in Ryazan, and his maternal grandparents, Natalya Evtikhievna and Fedor Andreevich Titov, were raising the boy. My grandfather’s family was quite wealthy; in addition to little Seryozha, his three unmarried sons lived in Fyodor Andreevich’s house, with whom the future poet spent a lot of time. It was they who taught the boy to swim, ride a horse and work in the field.

Sergei Yesenin learned a lot from his grandmother

Immediately after graduating from school, Sergei Alexandrovich moved to Moscow, where at that time his father was already working in a butcher shop. At first, Sergei lived with him, worked in the same butcher shop, then got a job in the printing house of I. D. Sytin. The next year, Yesenin entered the historical and philosophical department at the Shanyavsky Moscow City People's University as a free student. Immediately after graduating from school, Sergei Alexandrovich moved to Moscow, where at that time his father was already working in a butcher shop. At first, Sergei lived with him, worked in the same butcher shop, then got a job in the printing house of I. D. Sytin. The next year, Yesenin entered the historical and philosophical department at the Shanyavsky Moscow City People's University as a free student. Creativity Seryozha began writing poetry in his early youth, while studying at a church teacher's school. The poet's poems were first published after he moved to Moscow, in 1915, in the children's magazine Mirok. In 1915 Yesenin went to Petrograd, where he met recognized Russian poets - Gorodetsky and Blok. Then Sergei managed to get a job

military service

, which he took place in Tsarskoe Selo. The poet, together with Nikolai Klyuev, even spoke to Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, reading his works.

I am weaving a wreath for you alone,

I sprinkle flowers on the gray stitch.

O Rus', peaceful corner,

I love you, I believe in you.

I look into the vastness of your fields,

You are all - distant and close.

The whistling of cranes is akin to me

And I am no stranger to a slimy path.

The swamp font is blooming,

Kuga calls for a long vespers,

And drops ring through the bushes

The dew is cold and healing.

And even though your fog clears away

The stream of winds blowing with wings,

But all of you are myrrh and Lebanon Magi, secretly doing magic. Yesenin’s creativity, which can be called more “urban”. During the period of Sergei’s passion for imagism, several collections of his poems were published at once - in 1921, “Treryadnitsa” and “Confession of a Hooligan,” in 1923, “Poems of a Brawler,” in 1924, “Moscow Tavern” and the poem “Pugachev.”

After meeting the imagists, who considered metaphor and the creation of an image to be the main expressive means of poetry, a new stage of Yesenin’s work began, which can be called more “urban.” During the period of Sergei’s passion for imagism, several collections of his poems were published at once - in 1921, “Treryadnitsa” and “Confession of a Hooligan,” in 1923, “Poems of a Brawler,” in 1924, “Moscow Tavern” and the poem “Pugachev.”

After returning from a trip to Asia, in 1925, a cycle of poems “Persian Motifs” was published. Yesenin’s most famous works were not poems dedicated to his attitude towards the Soviet regime (at first enthusiastic, and then sharply negative), but beautiful poems dedicated to nature, love, and homeland: “The golden grove dissuaded me...”, “We are now leaving little by little” , “Letter to Mother” and others.

“Love in the works of Yesenin” - The bird cherry tree is pouring snow. The time of the poet's mental crisis. Poems of the last period of creativity. Lyrical hero. Love lyrics. Yesenin made a trip to Batumi. Cycle “Love of a Hooligan”. Love. Green hairstyle. A blue fire began to sweep. Creation. Imitation of a song. Birch girl. True love. The theme of love in Yesenin's lyrics.

“Nature in Yesenin’s lyrics” - Talyanochka. White birch. The golden grove dissuaded me. Village citizen. Love to motherland. I was born with songs in a grass blanket. Native nature in the lyrics of S.A. Yesenin. Silk herbs smell. Peasant hut. Favorite region. The most original poet. Don't be so sad about me. Konstantinovo. Yesenin's creativity. Evening light of the saffron region. Blue sky. Sergey Yesenin. Nature as an expression of the surrounding world.

“Yesenin about animals” - Red horse. The ruthless attitude of people towards animals. Image of a cow. Pink horse. Revolution. Horse. The image of a fox. Sergey Yesenin. Attribute of a peasant hut. Horse image. Black horse. Image of ravens. Long-standing friendship between dog and human. Statistical data. Our smaller brothers. Youth. The technique of anthropomorphism. Image of a cat. Image of a dog. Historical events. The people's symbol of misfortune. The harbinger of death.

“Photos of Yesenin” - Birch. Monument. Moscow. Sergei Timofeevich Konenkov. Isadora Duncan. Yesenin Sergey Alexandrovich. Yesenin with friends. Yesenin with children. Duncan. Yesenin. My friend. Letter to mother.

“The Image of the Motherland in the Works of Yesenin” - Razdolnye songs. Russia. The country of birch chintz. Lyrics. I forever have the tenderness of the sad Russian soul. Sergey Yesenin. Image of the Motherland. Monument to S.A. Yesenin. There is no poet without a homeland. The poet's childhood. Creativity S.A. Yesenina. The golden grove dissuaded me. Goodbye, my friend, goodbye. Icy maple.

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Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin

Presentation by Lyutgolts L.V. Literature teachers of Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 23” Biography of the writer of the day

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“From the age of two, I was given to be raised by a rather wealthy maternal grandfather, who had three adult unmarried sons, with whom I spent almost my entire childhood. My uncles were mischievous and desperate guys. At the age of three and a half, they put me on a horse without a saddle and "They immediately let me gallop. Then they taught me to swim. Uncle Sasha took me into the boat, drove away from the shore, took off my underwear and threw me into the water like a puppy."

Yesenin about his childhood:

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Zemsky Primary School

In 1904, Yesenin was sent to study at the Konstantinovsky Zemstvo School, and then to a church-teacher’s school in the town of Spas-Klepiki (1909-12), from which he graduated as a “teacher of a literacy school.”

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In the summer of 1912, Yesenin moved to Moscow and for some time served in a butcher shop, where his father worked as a clerk. After a conflict with his father, he left the shop, worked in book publishing, then in the printing house of I. D. Sytin

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Yesenin joined the revolutionary-minded workers and found himself under police surveillance. At the same time, Yesenin studied at the historical and philosophical department of Shanyavsky University (1913-15).

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Having composed poetry since childhood (mainly in imitation of A.V. Koltsov, I.S. Nikitin, S.D. Drozhzhin), Yesenin finds like-minded people in the Surikov Literary and Musical Circle, of which he became a member in 1912. He began publishing in 1914 in Moscow children's magazines (first poem "Birch").

The poet's debut.

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Yesenin comes to Petrograd, where he meets A. A. Blok, S. M. Gorodetsky, A. M. Remizov, N. S. Gumilev, and becomes close to N. A. Klyuev, who had a significant influence on him. Their joint performances with poems and ditties, stylized in a “peasant”, “folk” style (Yesenin appeared to the public as a golden-haired young man in an embroidered shirt and morocco boots), were a great success.

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In the first half of 1916, Yesenin was drafted into the army, but thanks to the efforts of his friends, he received an appointment ("with the highest permission") as an orderly on the Tsarskoye Selo military sanitary train No. 143 of Her Imperial Majesty the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, which allows him to freely attend literary salons and visit at receptions with patrons, performing at concerts.

Military service

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Yesenin's first collection of poems, "Radunitsa" (1916), was enthusiastically welcomed by critics, who found a fresh spirit in it, noting the author's youthful spontaneity and natural taste.

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At the beginning of 1918 Yesenin moved to Moscow. Having met the revolution with enthusiasm, he wrote several short poems ("The Jordan Dove", "Inonia", "Heavenly Drummer", all 1918) imbued with a joyful anticipation of the "transformation" of life.


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Imagism S.A. Yesenin 1919

Searches in the field of imagery bring Yesenin together with A. B. Mariengof, V. G. Shershenevich, R. Ivnev, at the beginning of 1919 they united in a group of imagists; Yesenin becomes a regular at the Pegasus Stable, a literary cafe of Imagists at the Nikitsky Gate in Moscow.

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In the early 1920s. In Yesenin’s poems, motifs of “a life torn apart by a storm” appear (in 1920, a marriage that lasted about three years with Z. N. Reich broke up), drunken prowess, giving way to hysterical melancholy. The poet appears as a hooligan, a brawler, a drunkard with a bloody soul, hobbling “from den to den,” where he is surrounded by “alien and laughing rabble” (collections “Confession of a Hooligan,” 1921; “Moscow Tavern,” 1924).

"Moscow Tavern"

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An event in Yesenin’s life was a meeting with the American dancer Isadora Duncan (autumn 1921), who six months later became his wife.

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Yesenin and Isadora, 1922

A joint trip to Europe (Germany, Belgium, France, Italy) and America (May 1922 August 1923),

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Yesenin returned to his homeland with joy, a feeling of renewal, a desire “to be a singer and a citizen... in the great states of the USSR.” The best works belong to this period: “The golden grove dissuaded...”, “Letter to mother”, “Now we are leaving little by little...”, the cycle “Persian motives”, the poem “Anna Snegina”, etc.

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One of his last works was the poem “Country of Scoundrels,” in which he denounced the Soviet regime. After this, persecution began against him in the newspapers. The last two years of Yesenin’s life were spent in constant travel: hiding from prosecution, he travels to the Caucasus three times, goes to Leningrad several times, and Konstantinovo seven times. At the same time, he is once again trying to start a family life, but his union with S. A. Tolstoy (granddaughter of L. N. Tolstoy) was not happy.

Tragic ending

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Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin was born on September 21, 1895. in the village of Konstantinov, Ryazan province. Soon, Yesenin’s father left for Moscow and got a job as a clerk, so Yesenin was sent to be raised in the family of his maternal grandfather. My grandfather had three adult unmarried sons. Sergei Yesenin later wrote: “My uncles (three unmarried sons of my grandfather) were mischievous brothers. When I was three and a half years old they put me on a horse without a saddle and let me gallop. They also taught me how to swim: they put me in a boat, sailed to the middle of the lake and threw me into the water. When I was eight years old, I replaced one of my uncles hunting dog, swam through the water after shot ducks.”

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Sergei Yesenin's parents: father Alexander Nikitich Yesenin (1873 - 1931), mother - Tatyana Fedorovna Yesenina, nee Titova (1875 - 1955). On her knees is Alexandra's daughter

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When little Sergei was 2 years old, his mother left his father, went to work in Ryazan, and his maternal grandparents, Natalya Evtikhievna and Fedor Andreevich Titov, were raising the boy. My grandfather’s family was quite wealthy; in addition to little Seryozha, his three unmarried sons lived in Fyodor Andreevich’s house, with whom the future poet spent a lot of time. It was they who taught the boy to swim, ride a horse and work in the field.

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In 1904 Sergei Yesenin was taken to the Konstantinovsky Zemstvo School, where he studied for five years. In 1909 He graduated from the Konstantinovsky Zemstvo School and his parents sent Sergei to a parochial school in the village of Spas-Klepiki. In 1912 Sergei Aleksandrovich Yesenin, having graduated from the Spas-Klepikovskaya teacher's school, moved to Moscow and settled with his father in a dormitory for clerks. His father got Sergei to work in the office, but soon Yesenin left there and got a job at I. Sytin’s printing house as an assistant proofreader.

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In 1904, Yesenin was sent to study at the Zemstvo School in Konstantinovo, after which, in 1909, he entered the Spas-Klepikovsky Church Teachers' School, from which he left in 1912, receiving a diploma as a “literacy school teacher.” Education

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From his grandmother, Sergei Yesenin learned many folk tales, songs and ditties; according to the poet himself, it was his grandmother’s stories that became the first impetus for writing his own poems. The boy’s grandfather, in turn, was an expert in church books, so nightly readings were traditional in the family.

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Sergei Yesenin with his sisters Ekaterina and Alexandra (Shura); Yesenina Ekaterina Alexandrovna (1905 - 1977); Yesenina Alexandra Alexandrovna (1911 - June 1, 1981);

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Immediately after graduating from school, Sergei Alexandrovich moved to Moscow, where at that time his father was already working in a butcher shop. At first, Sergei lived with him, worked in the same butcher shop, then got a job in the printing house of I. D. Sytin. The next year, Yesenin entered the historical and philosophical department at the Shanyavsky Moscow City People's University as a free student.

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Anna Romanovna Izryadnova (1891 - 1946). Photo - 1910s. In the fall of 1913, Sergei Yesenin (18 years old) entered into a civil marriage with Anna Romanovna Izryadnova. On December 21, 1914, their son Yuri (George) was born. Further events developed in such a way that they parted sadly and tenderly, without quarrels or scandals. During his life with Anna Romanovna, Yesenin wrote about 70 famous poems that became Russian classics. During his life, Yesenin helped Izryadnova financially and visited his son. He came just before his death.

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In Moscow, Yesenin published his first poem “Birch”, which was published in the Moscow children's magazine “Mirok”. The white birch tree under my window is covered with snow, like silver. On the fluffy branches, like a snowy border, brushes blossomed like a white fringe. And the birch tree stands in sleepy silence, and snowflakes burn in golden fire. And the dawn, lazily going around, sprinkles the branches with new silver.

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In 1915, Sergei Aleksandrovich Yesenin went to Petrograd (now St. Petersburg) and met there with the great poets of Russia of the 20th century: Blok, Gorodetsky, Klyuev. In 1916, Yesenin published his first collection of poems, “Radunitsa,” which included poems such as “Do not wander, do not crush in the crimson bushes,” “The hewn roads began to sing,” and others. Poets - Sergei Yesenin (left) and Nikolai Klyuev Photo - 1916.

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In the first half of 1916, Yesenin was drafted into the army, but thanks to the efforts of his friends, he received an appointment ("with the highest permission") as an orderly on the Tsarskoye Selo military sanitary train No. 143 of Her Imperial Majesty the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, which allows him to freely attend literary salons and visit at receptions with patrons, performing at concerts. At one of the concerts in the infirmary to which he was assigned (the empress and princesses also served as nurses here), he meets the royal family.

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Yesenin's wife, actress - Zinaida Nikolaevna Reich (1894 - 1939) On July 30, 1917, Yesenin (21 years old) got married to actress Zinaida Reich in the Church of Kirik and Ulita, Vologda district. On May 29, 1918, their daughter Tatyana was born, whom Yesenin loved very much. On February 3, 1920, after Yesenin separated from Zinaida Reich, their son Konstantin was born. On October 2, 1921, the people's court of Orel ruled to dissolve Yesenin's marriage to Reich. Next, Sergei Yesenin helped Zinaida financially and visited the children. In 1922, Zinaida Reich married director Vsevolod Emilievich Meyerhold (1874 - 1940), he was 20 years older than her.

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Children of Sergei Yesenin and Zinaida Reich: Konstantin Sergeevich Yesenin (02/03/1920, Moscow - 04/26/1986, Moscow), buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery. He was a famous football statistician. Tatyana Sergeevna Yesenina (1918 - 1992). Member of the Writers' Union. Lived in Tashkent. Director of the Sergei Yesenin Museum.

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At the beginning of 1918 Yesenin moved to Moscow. Having met the revolution with enthusiasm, he wrote several short poems ("The Jordan Dove", "Inonia", "Heavenly Drummer", all 1918, etc.), imbued with a joyful anticipation of the "transformation" of life. They combine godless sentiments with biblical imagery to indicate the scale and significance of the events taking place. Yesenin, glorifying the new reality and its heroes, tried to correspond to the times ("Cantata", 1919). In later years he wrote “Song of the Great March”, 1924, “Captain of the Earth”, 1925, etc.). Reflecting on “where the fate of events is taking us,” the poet turns to history (dramatic poem “Pugachev”, 1921). Sergei Yesenin at the birch tree. Photo - 1918.

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Searches in the field of imagery bring Yesenin closer to A. B. Mariengof, V. G. Shershenevich, R. Ivnev, at the beginning of 1919 they united in a group of imagists; Yesenin becomes a regular at the Pegasus Stable, a literary café of Imagists at the Nikitsky Gate in Moscow. However, the poet only partly shared their platform, the desire to cleanse the form of the “dust of content.” His aesthetic interests are directed to the patriarchal village way of life, folk art and the spiritual fundamental principle of the artistic image (treatise “The Keys of Mary”, 1919). Already in 1921, Yesenin appeared in print criticizing the “buffoonish antics for the sake of antics” of his “brothers” Imagists. Gradually, fanciful metaphors are leaving his lyrics. Sergei Yesenin (left) and Anatoly Borisovich Mariengof (1897 - 1962). Moscow, summer. Photo - 1919.

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In the early 1920s. in Yesenin’s poems there appear motifs of “storm-ravaged everyday life” of drunken prowess, giving way to hysterical melancholy. The poet appears as a hooligan, a brawler, a drunkard with a bloody soul, hobbling “from den to den,” where he is surrounded by “alien and laughing rabble” (collections “Confession of a Hooligan,” 1921; “Moscow Tavern,” 1924).

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Isadora's adopted daughter Irma Duncan (1898 - 1978), Isadora Duncan, Sergei Yesenin. Moscow. Photo - May, 1922. Yesenin met Isadora Duncan, who was 18 years older, in the fall of 1921 in the workshop of G. B. Yakulov. Yesenin and Duncan were married on May 3, 1922, and Isadora accepted Russian citizenship. After the wedding, we went to Europe - we were in Germany, France, Belgium, Italy, and lived for four months in the USA. The trip lasted from May 1922 to August 1923.

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Sergei Yesenin and Isadora Duncan, on the streets of Venice. Photo - August 1922. Sergei Yesenin and Isadora Duncan on the ship "Paris". Photo (3) - October 1, 1922.

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Their marriage, despite the passion of the relationship, was brief, and soon there was a break. They were divorced. In 1924, Duncan returned to the United States. Isadora did not survive Yesenin for long - by 1 year and 8 months. In Nice, tying her long blood-red scarf, she went for a car ride. Her last words were: “Farewell, friends! I’m going to glory.” The scarf wrapped around the wheel and tightened the death noose around the dancer's neck. The death was instant.

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Biography of the writer - hero of the day.

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  • Sergei Yesenin was born on September 21 (October 4), 1895 in the village of Konstantinovo, Ryazan province, into the family of peasant Alexander Yesenin.
  • Alexander Nikitich Yesenin (1873-1931) and Tatyana Fedorovna Yesenina (Titova) (1865-1955).
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    House-Museum of Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin

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    Yesenin about his childhood:

    • “From the age of two, I was given to be raised by a rather wealthy maternal grandfather, who had three adult unmarried sons, with whom I spent almost my entire childhood. My uncles were mischievous and desperate guys. At the age of three and a half, they put me on a horse without a saddle and "They immediately let me gallop. Then they taught me to swim. Uncle Sasha took me into the boat, drove away from the shore, took off my underwear and threw me into the water like a puppy."
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    Zemsky Primary School

    • In 1904, Yesenin was sent to study at the Konstantinovsky Zemstvo School, and then to a church-teacher’s school in the town of Spas-Klepiki (1909-12), from which he graduated as a “teacher of a literacy school.”
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    • In the summer of 1912, Yesenin moved to Moscow and for some time served in a butcher shop, where his father worked as a clerk.
    • After a conflict with his father, he left the shop and worked in a book publishing house, then in the printing house of I. D. Sytin.
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    • Yesenin joined the revolutionary-minded workers and found himself under police surveillance. At the same time, Yesenin studied at the historical and philosophical department of Shanyavsky University (1913-15).
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    Poet's debut

    • Having composed poetry since childhood (mainly in imitation of A.V. Koltsov, I.S. Nikitin, S.D. Drozhzhin), Yesenin found like-minded people in the “Surikov Literary and Musical Circle,” of which he became a member in 1912.
    • Begins to be published in 1914 in Moscow children's magazines (the first poem "Birch").
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    • Yesenin comes to Petrograd, where he meets A. A. Blok, S. M. Gorodetsky, A. M. Remizov, N. S. Gumilev, and becomes close to N. A. Klyuev, who had a significant influence on him. Their joint performances with poems and ditties, stylized in a “peasant”, “folk” style (Yesenin appeared to the public as a golden-haired young man in an embroidered shirt and morocco boots), were a great success.
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    Sergei Yesenin with N. A. Klyuev. Autumn 1916

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    Military service

    • In the first half of 1916, Yesenin was drafted into the army, but thanks to the efforts of his friends, he received an appointment ("with the highest permission") as an orderly on the Tsarskoye Selo military sanitary train No. 143 of Her Imperial Majesty the Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, which allows him to freely attend literary salons and visit at receptions with patrons, performing at concerts.
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    Group photo of the train staff and crew June 7, 1916

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    • Yesenin's first collection of poems, "Radunitsa" (1916), was enthusiastically welcomed by critics, who found a fresh spirit in it, noting the author's youthful spontaneity and natural taste.
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    • At the beginning of 1918 Yesenin moved to Moscow. Having met the revolution with enthusiasm, he wrote several short poems ("The Jordan Dove", "Inonia", "Heavenly Drummer", all 1918) imbued with a joyful anticipation of the "transformation" of life.
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    • Searches in the field of imagery bring Yesenin together with A. B. Mariengof, V. G. Shershenevich, R. Ivnev, at the beginning of 1919 they united in a group of imagists; Yesenin becomes a regular at the Pegasus Stable, a literary cafe of Imagists at the Nikitsky Gate in Moscow.
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    "Moscow Tavern"

    • In the early 1920s. In Yesenin’s poems, motifs of “a life torn apart by a storm” appear (in 1920, a marriage that lasted about three years with Z. N. Reich broke up), drunken prowess, giving way to hysterical melancholy.
    • The poet appears as a hooligan, a brawler, a drunkard with a bloody soul, hobbling “from den to den,” where he is surrounded by “alien and laughing rabble” (collections “Confession of a Hooligan,” 1921; “Moscow Tavern,” 1924).
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    • An event in Yesenin’s life was a meeting with the American dancer Isadora Duncan (autumn 1921), who six months later became his wife.
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    Yesenin and Isadora, 1922

    • A joint trip to Europe (Germany, Belgium, France, Italy) and America (May 1922 August 1923),
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    Yesenin returned to his homeland with joy, a feeling of renewal, a desire “to be a singer and a citizen... in the great states of the USSR.”

    The best works belong to this period:

    • "The golden grove dissuaded..."
    • "Letter to Mother"
    • "Now we are leaving little by little...",
    • cycle "Persian motives",
    • poem "Anna Snegina" and others.
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    Tragic ending

    • One of his last works was the poem “Country of Scoundrels,” in which he denounced the Soviet regime. After this, persecution began against him in the newspapers.
    • The last two years of Yesenin’s life were spent in constant travel: hiding from prosecution, he travels to the Caucasus three times, goes to Leningrad several times, and Konstantinovo seven times. At the same time, he is once again trying to start a family life, but his union with S. A. Tolstoy (granddaughter of L. N. Tolstoy) was not happy.