Naval Museum Complex "Balaklava" (Sevastopol). Naval Museum Complex "Balaklava"

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The naval museum complex "Balaklava" was created in 2002 on the basis of the adits of an underground plant for the repair and maintenance of submarines. Naval base Black Sea Fleet Balaklava Bay has become even before war time- the 155th submarine brigade was located here. In 1955, large-scale construction of an underground facility of the first category of anti-nuclear resistance began. Complex with an area of ​​10 sq. km is carved into a mountain rising 120 meters above the western shore of the bay. Consists of a repair part and a nuclear arsenal.

A combined channel 8 meters deep, passing through the mountain, allowed the deployment of 7 submarines. By the end of the 20th century. The plant lost its significance as a military facility due to the rearmament of the fleet.

After the collapse of the USSR, all valuable equipment was taken out and the rest was looted. On the basis of preserved underground structures, exhibitions about the history of the Navy and the submarine forces of the Black Sea Fleet were organized former USSR, about the military and political aspects of the Cold War. The areas along the underground canal, the former factory workshops and the arsenal where torpedoes and nuclear warheads were stored are open for inspection. Models of warships, samples of equipment and weapons are presented. In one of the adits there is a large-scale exhibition of rarities from the Crimean War of 1853-56. from the collection of the private museum of the Kyiv Sheremetyev family: military ammunition, uniforms, awards, samples of cold and firearms, maps of battles, personal belongings, letters from soldiers and officers of the warring sides, coins, dishes and household items. During high season there may be queues and advance registration may be required.

The naval museum complex "Balaklava" is considered one of the central attractions of the city. For tourists, it is interesting not only for its exhibits; numerous visitors come here to see with their own eyes a secret military facility from the Cold War, after the construction of which Balaklava received the status of a closed area of ​​​​Sevastopol for several decades. Unique fortifications, built in a short time in the most difficult underground conditions, are an outstanding example of military engineering art. The idea of ​​an underground complex for servicing submarines, protected from atomic attack, appeared in the late 1940s, when the USA and the USSR developed the first samples of a new generation of weapons. For the construction of a secret base, they chose Balaklava, the bay of which is reliably sheltered from prying eyes by a narrow strait and can be completely isolated from the sea. Work continued for eight years, and the underground complex was completed in 1961.

In the 50s, at the very beginning of the Cold War, the USSR and the USA gradually increased their arsenals atomic bombs, warheads, missiles and torpedoes, threatening each other with preemptive strikes and retaliatory strikes. It was then that Stalin gave Beria a secret order: to find a place where submarines could be based to launch a retaliatory nuclear strike. The choice fell on quiet Balaklava: the city was immediately classified, its name was no longer mentioned on the map of Crimea. The leader examined and checked the project of the Balaklava underground submarine repair plant personally. Thus, the world's only underground harbor with a submarine repair plant was created - super-secret facility No. 825.

The anti-nuclear fortification structure was built in stages, workers worked in 4 shifts. Builders excavated more than 200 thousand cubic meters of rock from the western cliff of Mount Tavros, resulting in the appearance of a deep-water canal, a dry dock, workshops, underground roads, arsenals, storage facilities, a command post, and berths. The underground plant, located on the western shore of the bay, was so skillfully camouflaged from the bay side that its entrance was not visible even from close range. The plant is an arc-shaped channel cut into the thickness of the mountain. The length of the canal is about 600 meters, its diameter is up to 22 meters, and its depth is 8 meters.

The plant had an underground dry dock (a pool made of reinforced concrete, separated from the canal water area by a waterproof seal - a small bataport), where a submarine could dock for repairs. The average duration of dock repairs for a boat was 3-4 weeks. After maintenance and repairs, the submarine emerged from an underground channel on the opposite side of the rock. This exit is located at the end of Tavricheskaya embankment, closer to the exit from the bay. Once upon a time he, too, was carefully disguised. The entrance to the adit from the bay side was blocked by a multi-ton floating bathoport. In wartime, the facility could reliably shelter 9 small or 7 medium submarines and about 3 thousand people.

Naval Museum Complex "Balaklava" (Sevastopol, Russia) - exhibitions, opening hours, address, phone numbers, official website.

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The naval museum complex "Balaklava" is considered one of the central attractions of the city. For tourists, it is interesting not only for its exhibits; numerous visitors come here to see with their own eyes a secret military facility during the Cold War, after the construction of which Balaklava received the status of a closed area of ​​​​Sevastopol for several decades. Unique fortifications, built in a short time in the most difficult underground conditions, are an outstanding example of military engineering art. The idea of ​​an underground complex for servicing submarines, protected from atomic attack, appeared in the late 1940s, when the United States and the USSR developed the first samples of a new generation of weapons. For the construction of a secret base, they chose Balaklava, the bay of which is reliably sheltered from prying eyes by a narrow strait and can be completely isolated from the sea. Work continued for eight years, and in 1961 the underground complex was completed.

The naval museum complex "Balaklava" is considered one of the central attractions of the city.

The underground base, dug into the rocks at a depth sufficient for anti-nuclear protection, consisted of an artificial water channel with dry docks, technical areas for maintenance and repair of boats, fuel depots, and a secret mine and torpedo unit. On both sides of Mount Tavros there were two camouflaged exits: one into the bay, the other, on the northern side of the mountain, into the open sea.

From a military point of view, “Object 825 GTS” served as a base for submarines of the 613th and 633rd projects. Here it was planned to carry out repairs and maintenance of submarines, storage and replacement of ammunition, and refueling. The most secret part of the complex was “Object 820”, where work with atomic warheads was carried out.

IN last years During its existence, the secret base was practically never used for its intended purpose, as the navy switched to a new type of submarine. After the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the base was completely closed, and two years later the premises were finally vacated, the security was eliminated, and a long period of desolation and plunder began. The revival and restoration of the completely looted complex began in 2003, when, by decree of the President of Ukraine, the former military base was turned into a museum. In June 2013, the museum celebrated its tenth anniversary.

The Balaklava underground complex, together with the Mikhailovskaya Battery museum complex, is part of the Military Historical Museum of Fortifications.

Excursion routes

Museum visitors are offered two different excursion routes to choose from. Basic excursion - an hour-long walking tour through the artificial labyrinths of Mount Tavros with a visit to a secret anti-nuclear facility for sheltering submarines, an underground shipping canal laid in the bowels of the mountain, and a former arsenal nuclear weapons USSR Navy, converted into exhibition halls.

The second excursion is a short half-hour boat trip along an underground canal, during which tourists will see submarine maintenance areas. The list of unique objects includes a 100-meter dry dock at an eight-meter depth relative to sea level, as well as a genuine sea mine designed to destroy enemy naval targets and capable of destroying all life within a radius of 100 m.

In 2007, the Egyptian film “Taimur and Shafiqa” was filmed in the underground premises of the museum. The dungeon was constantly resounding with explosions; for greater effect, the directors decided to use pyrotechnics.

Helpful information

Address: Sevastopol, Balaklava district, Tavricheskaya embankment, 22. Website.

Phone: +7 (86-92) 63-75-90, 94-70-69 (order excursions).

From the bus station and railway station You can get to the museum by trolleybuses No. 17 and 20, as well as by minibuses No. 17, 20A and 26 to the final stop “5th kilometer”. Buses No. 9, 94, 98 and 99 run from the “5th kilometer” stop to Balaklava, as well as minibus No. 9 (Obolon stop). If you are coming from the eastern part of Balaklava Bay, then buses No. 9, 94, 98 and 99 (Obolon stop) are suitable.

Opening hours: Wednesday - Sunday from 10:00 to 17:00. Monday and Tuesday are sanitary days.

The entrance ticket cost is 300 RUB, for schoolchildren and students - 100 RUB. Entry with children under 5 years old is prohibited. For WWII veterans, military personnel, preschool children, visitors with disabilities, orphans and museum employees, admission is free.

Amateur photo and video shooting is free.

Don't forget to take warm clothes with you: the air temperature in the underground complex is only +16 °C.

Prices on the page are as of August 2018.

Any boy, whether he is a seasoned preschooler or a young pensioner, will gladly accept the offer to walk through the compartments of a real combat submarine. It’s just a pity that not everyone can get on an active submarine, and in Russia we can count the number of monument ships on one hand.

One of these stands near the embankment of the Khimki Reservoir in Moscow. This is a real diesel-electric submarine of Project 641 “B” or “Bukakha”, as submariners lovingly and a little familiarly call it. It became the first exhibit of an entire museum complex dedicated to the history of the navy and also serving as a cultural and entertainment center.

The history of the Navy Museum in Moscow began with an appeal in April 1999 by veterans of the Russian Navy to the mayor of the city, Yu.M. Luzhkov that it would be nice to have your own naval museum in the capital, which would popularize naval service and work for the cause of patriotic education of youth. It was supported by the Moscow government, and already in 2003, work began on organizing a memorial complex for the history of the Navy in the waters of the Khimki Reservoir.

The matter was made easier by the fact that since 1998, on the balance sheet of the Moscow government there was a Project 641 “B” submarine purchased from the Northern Fleet with the tactical number B-396 and the name “Novosibirsk Komsomolets”, which was previously planned to be used as the main exhibit of the military shipbuilding museum.

The Submarine Museum as an administrative unit was created in August 2003, and officially opened on July 26 (Navy Day) 2006. It took three years to arrange the territory and bring the submarine into a form befitting a warship. The opening ceremony was attended by numerous officials, including Moscow Mayor Yu.M. Luzhkov and Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy V.V. Masorin.

At this celebration there were also officers of the Russian Navy, students of the Nakhimovsky and cadet naval schools, and many Muscovites interested in the history of the Russian Navy.

About the main exhibit

The main exhibit is the Project 641 “B” submarine, the construction of which began in 1972 at the Krasnoye Sormovo plant in Nizhny Novgorod(in those days the city of Gorky). A total of 18 submarines of this type were built.

These are large, 90.2-meter-long, ocean-class diesel-electric submarines capable of autonomous navigation for 80 days. They spoiled a lot of blood for their adversary during the Cold War, following the American Air Strike Groups. Boats of this project served in the Northern, Baltic and Black Sea fleets.

The exhibit of the museum was the submarine "Novosibirsk Komsomolets", having the tactical number B-396, which served in the Northern Fleet. The naval ensign was raised on it in 1979. The first commander was captain of the second rank M. Ya. Manachinsky. The main armament of the submarine is electric homing torpedoes of 533 mm caliber. To launch them, six torpedo tubes are installed in the bow compartment. On board the boat there were 22 torpedoes or 44 mines.

The speed of the boat on the surface is 13 knots, while submerged – 16 (about 32 km/h). She was capable of diving to a depth of 246–300 meters (maximum). 78 sailors served on it, including 17 officers. A hydroacoustic system was installed on board the boat, capable of detecting targets at a distance of up to fifteen kilometers.

During its service, "Novosibirsk Komsomolets" repeatedly went on military campaigns and served in the North and South Atlantic, Barents and Norwegian Seas. The submarine was withdrawn from the Navy in 1998.

"Novosibirsk Komsomolets" - museum

Therefore, the submarine B-369 “Novosibirsk Komsomolets” was slightly reconstructed and brought into a form suitable for visiting, including by people with disabilities.

The boat is placed 10 meters from the shore of the Khimki reservoir on a concrete base. Its hull is partially submerged in water; the propellers and rudder blade are left for inspection. In the right side of the first bow (torpedo) compartment there is an inlet hole sufficient for a person to pass through full height. To make it convenient to view the museum’s exhibition, almost all the mechanisms and rooms on the starboard side of the boat have been removed, a wide passage has been organized there, and full-size doorways have been cut into the waterproof bulkheads of the compartments.

Hermetically sealed hatches in the compartment bulkheads, mechanisms and living quarters on the left side of the submarine have been completely preserved. The upper deck of the B-369 is fenced with railings for the safety of visitors, which, of course, is not the case on a warship. For clarity, all retractable devices are raised above the wheelhouse: periscopes, radio antennas. The boat has the flag and flag of the Navy raised and is decorated with colorful flags. The submarine is not in service, it is completely disarmed and is a museum.

What can you see on board?

All seven compartments of the submarine are available for inspection.

It starts from the first (torpedo) compartment, where you can see models of torpedoes - the main armament of the boat, and control devices. A wetsuit is presented, which is used to exit the submarine in case of emergency, and an emergency buoy, also released through a torpedo tube.

The second compartment is residential. It contains the commander's cabin, on the bulkhead of which there is a stand telling about the ship's combat journey. On the lower deck of the compartment there is a conference room that can accommodate 30 people.

The third is the central compartment, from where all control of the submarine is carried out. All instruments and mechanisms have been completely restored, some of them are connected and operational. You can see the hydroacoustic and chart rooms, and inspect the surroundings through the raised periscope. In the summer, people with good physical fitness can climb the vertical ladder to the submarine's navigation bridge and go out to the upper deck.

In the fourth (residential) In the compartment there is an exhibition hall, which tells about the history of the development of the submarine forces of the Russian Navy.

In the fifth (diesel) The compartment contains one of the diesel engines that propel the boat on the surface, as well as service mechanisms. All mechanisms and devices in the compartment are real, which worked during the service of the boat.

The sixth compartment is electrical. The electric motor with which the submarine moves underwater is available for inspection (because the boat is diesel-electric, because depending on its position, it moves under electric motors or diesel engines). In this compartment, all the stored instruments, control posts and mechanisms also correspond to reality.

The seventh compartment is residential. In it, suspended bunks of sailors are left for inspection; there are instruments and mechanisms that ensure the life of the crew and the operation of the submarine’s devices. In the ceiling of the same compartment, the emergency exit hatch tube is accessible for inspection, and in its aft part there are stern tube seals and shafting lines. The exit from the submarine is located on the starboard side of the seventh compartment.

All preserved submarine rooms have transparent doors so they can be viewed, and the lighting of the compartments has been changed for better viewing. Each compartment has interactive media systems that tell the story of the history of the Russian submarine forces and the ship itself. Not only men, but also girls show great interest in visiting the boat. On a submarine you can touch everything with your hands, there are no restrictions (within reason).

What else can you see

On the territory of the museum complex of the history of the Navy, in addition to the submarine, you can visit several other interesting exhibits.

In 2007, an ekranoplan "Orlyonok" - a special type - was installed on the territory of the complex aircraft, which, using the effect of the so-called aerodynamic screen, moves above the surface of the water at a height of half a meter. It is capable of flying at a speed of 400 km per hour not only over water, but also over tundra, ice - any relatively flat surface. Inside the ekranoplan, all instruments and mechanisms, seats and steering wheels of the pilots are preserved. In principle, he is able to fly even now. For those who want to try themselves as its pilot or passenger, there is a special computer stand simulator.

Also in 2007, the museum’s exposition was replenished with the combat landing hovercraft Skat. It is available for external inspection.

Where is the museum and how to get there

The Submarine Museum and the museum complex of the history of the Russian Navy are located on the southern outskirts of the Severnoye Tushino recreation center. The nearest metro station is Skhodnenskaya. From there you need to walk along Khimki Boulevard to Svoboda Street, which runs along the entire shore of the Khimki Reservoir.

Everything related to the submarine fleet is of great interest to inquisitive people. After all, this is one of the military spheres, and such a mysterious one at that. Feature films about the heroism of submariners only fuel interest, which sometimes cannot be satisfied. Therefore, museums on submarines are very popular here and abroad.

The Submarine Museum is located on a real combat submarine. Here you can clearly get acquainted with the environment in which the sailors of the submarine fleet find themselves, and you can feel what it’s like to serve on a submarine. This museum is not the only one in the world that is equipped on a submarine, but there has never been anything similar in Moscow before.

They organized a museum on the submarine in 2003. Then the military submarine Novosibirsk Komsomolets, which served honorably for twenty years in the Northern Fleet, was “retired” and towed to a parking lot near the embankment, in the famous Moscow park “Northern Tushino”. This exhibition is one step in a grandiose museum complex dedicated to the Russian fleet. Other military vessels and amphibious aircraft should open to visitors at some point. For now, these grandiose intentions are only in plans. But even in its current form, the museum is full of visitors.

In the skin of a “sea wolf”

During the excursion you can not only see and hear a lot of interesting facts about the fascinating and difficult service of submariners. Tourists are allowed to touch almost all the exhibits; they can ring the ship’s bell, sit in the navigator’s office chair, and try to dive into the hatch in a second (the standard requirement for a submariner). These interactive activities delight children; adults enjoy them just as much, although they are a little quieter.

In order for the museum to be convenient for guests, the boat had to be slightly modernized. We made an entrance and exit for tourists, some internal hatches were replaced with passages, so that people with disabilities could also stay here on an equal basis with everyone else. The entire space of the museum submarine has seven compartments.

Visitors can visit the cabins, examine the control room, evaluate the medical isolation room, and look into the specific shower and latrine.

The torpedo compartments with ammunition - torpedoes and mines - are especially exciting. It's interesting to look at the diving suits. It is very informative to visit the compartments that support the life and maneuverability of the vessel: this is the air supply system, the hydroacoustics room, the radio room and navigation instruments.

In the submarine itself you can unexpectedly see the figure of a sailor in military uniform or vest, and a cook in a white coat suddenly appears on the stern.

On the territory of the museum in the souvenir shop you can buy souvenirs and books on marine topics. In front of the boat are several radar devices and a torpedo. Here you can admire the real, not souvenir, St. Andrew's flag.

Excursions are conducted in groups of no more than 13 people. Guides talk with guests not only in Russian, but also in many European languages, as well as Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Hebrew. Therefore, the museum is popular both among Russians and internationally.

After visiting the Submarine Museum, amazing facts become known that you never even thought about before. For example, why is all submariners’ clothing disposed of every ten days? After this you understand that simply serving on a submarine is already a courageous act. And the dangers that await the crew in battle are simply amazing. I would like to once again respectfully bow to our humble heroes - submariners.

On an excursion to the Museum of the Navy you can see:

  1. Large diesel-electric submarine B-396;
  2. Exhibition dedicated to the history of the Russian Navy;
  3. Hovercraft "Scat";
  4. Ekranoplan "Eaglet".

Excursion to the submarine B-396

Duration of the program is 1 hour.

There are no more than 15 people in a group of tourists on an excursion.

The standard excursion program includes a visit to the Submarine.

Currently, the B-396 submarine is located on the Khimki Reservoir.

The large diesel-electric submarine B-396 consists of seven compartments. All compartments are accessible to tourists during the tour.

Additionally, the program may include a visit to the wheelhouse and upper deck of the boat.

Cost of excursion to the submarine B-396

Adults, citizens of the Russian Federation - 8,000 rubles per group of tourists.

Children – 6000 rubles per group.

Children's group from Moscow - 4,500 rubles per group. If each tourist has a Moskvich social card.

When visiting the wheelhouse and upper deck of the Submarine, an additional entrance fee of 300 rubles per adult and 200 rubles per child is paid.

Excursion to the Navy Exhibition

Duration 45 minutes.

There are no more than 15 people in a group of tourists.

The program includes a visit to the exhibition of the Navy Museum, presented on two floors of the museum.

During the program, excursion participants will get acquainted with the history of the formation of the Russian Navy, the stages of its formation and features of development.

The exhibition displays a fairly wide range of documentary materials and photographs from the history of the formation of the Navy.

Cost of excursion to the Navy exhibition

Adult tourists, citizens of the Russian Federation – 8,000 rubles for a group of up to 15 people.

Children – 6,000 rubles for a group of up to 15 tourists.

Children's group from Moscow - 4,500 rubles for a group of up to 15 children. If each tourist has a Moskvich social card.

Comprehensive excursion program with a visit to the Navy and Submarine exhibition

Duration of the program is 1 hour 30 minutes.

The maximum number of tourists on the program is up to 15 guests.

Single ticket for excursions to the Navy Museum (museum + submarine):

Adults (up to 15 people) 11,000 rubles.

Pensioners, schoolchildren (up to 15 people) 8,500 rubles.

Schoolchildren from Moscow, upon presentation of a social card - 6,000 rubles for a group of up to 15 schoolchildren

The price of excursions to the Submarine and the exhibition of the history of the Russian Navy includes:

  • entry tickets,
  • excursion service,
  • services of a professional guide.

Attention! For foreign citizens, the services of a guide-translator with knowledge of a foreign language are additionally paid.

The City Voyage company is ready to offer guides and translators at your service in almost any language in the world.

The cost of services depends on the language of the excursion.

About the Museum of the History of the Russian Navy

The Museum of the History of the Russian Navy is unique complex objects, which is located in the north of Moscow.

The B-396 submarine was produced in 1979. For 20 years, she carried out government tasks in the Atlantic, Mediterranean, Norwegian and Barents Seas.

Since 2003, it has been a museum exhibit and the pride of Muscovites and the entire Russian Navy.

The submarine has seven compartments.

Compartment No. 1 – torpedo compartment. It contains weapons, control devices, and instrumentation.

Additionally, for tourists to see as part of the excursion, a wetsuit is presented, in which the crew of the submarine goes beyond its boundaries in the event of emergency rescue operations.

Compartment No. 2 – battery. Is residential. Currently, this compartment is equipped for lectures and conferences and can accommodate up to 30 people in a seated version.

Compartment No. 3. CPU or in other words, central control station.

The compartment is double-deck, has an upper and lower deck.

The upper deck is a radar room, a central post, a navigation and hydroacoustic room.

All the submarine's mechanisms have been restored and even some of the equipment is connected and in working order.

The periscopes are located here, they are raised to the top position. Anyone can explore the surrounding area using a periscope.

Compartment No. 4. Residential, also battery-powered.

The compartment contains two decks, upper and lower.

The upper deck is an exhibition hall, a museum of the history of submarine development.

Compartment No. 5. Diesel.

For the perception of tourists, the diesel submarine is presented in real form with all engine operating systems.

Compartment No. 6. Electric motor.

Tourists can see the electric engine of a submarine with all life support systems.

Compartment No. 7 is residential. Aft compartment.

Here are the submarine's crew's sleeping quarters, a standard aft hatch with a diving tube for the crew's emergency escape from the submarine, and you can also see the devices and mechanisms of the general ship system.

Performance characteristics of the submarine B-396.

Length 90.2 meters

Width 8.6 meters

Immersion depth up to 300 meters

Autonomy up to 80 days

Range up to 15 thousand miles

Travel speed: surface, knots / underwater, knots 13.5 / 16

Number of torpedoes 24

Crew 78 people.

During a tour of the territory of the Museum of the History of the Navy, you can additionally see:

The hovercraft "Scat", which is an air assault boat, was delivered to Moscow from Kaspiysk.

Ekranoplan "Eaglet".

Also from Kaspiysk, the combat naval transport and landing ekranoplane "Orlyonok" was brought to the Navy Museum.

The ekranoplan is unique in its kind; it is a mixture of an airplane and a ship.

There are significant differences between it and a seaplane. It can fly over water, go ashore, move over ice, tundra, regardless of the surface that is under the ekranoplan. Whether it's a swamp or concrete.

Opening hours of the Museum of the History of the Russian Navy

Excursions to the Navy Museum (Submarine B-396) are held:

Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday: from 11.00 to 19.00.

Thursday: from 13.00 to 21.00.

Day off is Monday.

If necessary, we are ready to provide transport for excursion groups for rent: comfortable buses, minibuses and cars.

Latest reviews

Skvortsova Anna Sergeevna

Alexey, good afternoon, Dmitry Alexandrovich expressed his deep gratitude for the perfectly organized event! Everything was at the highest level! Thanks for the work! Best regards, Anna E-mail: [email protected] Our partner’s impressions of organizing an individual excursion to the exhibition “Ilya Repin” in the New Tretyakov Gallery.

Sazonova Rosalia Sayarovna

Thanks a lot! Everything is cool, clear, competent, at the highest level! The guide is a wonderful woman who accommodates the children! Rosalia. Email: [email protected]. Impressions of our tourists about organizing and conducting an individual excursion to the Tretyakov Gallery in Russian.

Elena Tupika

Anna, hello! Sorry for not answering right away. We really enjoyed the excursion. Elena (the guide) prepared the program well with movement from painting to painting. She told me the most interesting thing. It was comfortable, cozy. The paintings and the artist himself opened up for us from a different perspective. We especially thank your organization. Behind fast decision question about creating an individual excursion. Everything is thought out to the smallest detail. All we have to do is pay, arrive on time and enjoy the trip. Thank you. Sincerely, Elena Tupika E-mail: [email protected] Impressions of our tourists about organizing an individual excursion to the exhibition "Arkhip Kuindzhi" in the Tretyakov Gallery.