Makeup like Angelina Jolie. How to replicate Angelina Jolie's makeup? The charm of youth and cat's eyes

23.12.2021 Symptoms

Unique, feminine and sexy. This woman is the cause of insomnia for a good half of the male population of the planet and the envy of most women. Angelina Jolie is a real diva, a recognized standard of beauty and style, a woman who managed to win the hearts of the most unshakable Hollywood seducers. Perfect hairstyle, piercing eyes, sharp cheekbones, a chic figure and, of course, lips - there is absolutely no flaw in her and she rightfully bears the title of a sex symbol, as well as the right to be the most beautiful Hollywood actress. Perhaps, each of us dreams of becoming at least a little like her and tries to replicate Angelina’s image in at least some way. That’s why in this article we decided to talk about how to replicate Angelina Jolie’s signature makeup yourself.

General rules

Angelina Jolie is a woman of absolutely incredible beauty. Nature generously gifted her, creating a face whose features create almost ideal proportions. No wonder that gossip columns They were never full of photographs of an unmade-up Angie with any sarcastic comments. Wherever she goes, no matter how she looks, her natural beauty will never leave her. And, nevertheless, Jolie still prefers to use cosmetics, and, by the way, she does it with jewelry skill. Let's try to analyze Angelina Jolie's makeup step by step.

So, at the moment, the actress uses only 3 permanent looks: eyeliner and nude lipstick, smokey eyes with transparent gloss, or false eyelashes and bright scarlet lips. All of them are recognized classics in the art of makeup, which suit her incredibly. But there is also something that Jolie really doesn’t like: fancy combinations of shadows, multi-colored mascaras, a face overloaded with blush, highlighter or concealer.

Summing up the story, we can derive several principles that the actress follows when creating her next Oscar-winning image:

  • Perfect skin. Angelina has almost perfect skin, but nevertheless she does not neglect the use of light foundation and mattifying powder. We can also see a light pinkish blush on the actress’s cheeks, and she usually highlights her cheekbones with concealer. By the way, Angie is a fan of fair skin and does not like tanning at all.
  • Eyes. Jolie never skips eye makeup for the sake of perfect hair styling or choosing a dress. There is information that she even tattooed small arrows on her eyelids so that her eyes would always be “made up.” It is with arrows that she, as a rule, gets by, but we can also see her with a smokey eye, the tone of the shadows of which suits her green eyes, or with pearlescent shadows on the entire moving eyelid. She also never forgets about eyebrows and eyelashes.
  • Relief. Angelina's chiseled nose and cheekbones are her natural gift, but despite this, she slightly emphasizes the contours of her face with concealer.
  • Lips. They - business card Jolie, a trait that sets her apart from millions of others. Gorgeous, plump lips were also a generous gift from nature, which Angie constantly takes care of: the actress never ignores them when creating makeup and always applies moisturizer when she goes outside or goes to bed.

Step by step lesson

When starting to apply makeup, cleanse your face of any remaining makeup and excess sebum. Pull your hair into a ponytail, gather it from your forehead and, for convenience, pin it up on top of your head.

Traditionally, we start our makeup with foundation. Distribute the desired tone with a brush or fingers over the entire face, leaving no streaks or excess. Apply concealer under the eyes. Remember that the concealer should be “drilled” into the skin, and not rubbed like a foundation. We also use it for possible skin imperfections.

Let's move on to contouring. As mentioned above, Angelina Jolie has a thin nose, pronounced cheekbones and a sharp chin. In order to achieve a similar effect, apply a dark corrector to these areas, blending it well. Work out the cheekbones and chin especially well. Apply a little blush to the apples of your cheeks and set your makeup with translucent loose powder.

step 2 - contouring

Highlight your eyebrows with a pencil to match or slightly darker, and then style them with gel, lifting them up a little, thereby creating a slight break. Apply an eyeshadow base to your eyelid.

Apply milky or ivory shadows to the entire moving eyelid. Using brown eyeshadow and a shading brush, we will work on the curve of the eyelid crease to create a base for the “new” crease pattern.

step 3 - eyes

Now use brown-gray shadows to highlight the crease of the eyelid, raising it slightly towards the eyebrow. Use any shimmer or pearlescent shade to highlight the inner corner of the eyelid.

Using a thinner brush and dark shadows, we once again work out the resulting fold in detail, very lightly shading the line. Be careful, you shouldn't end up with a simple clear line.

step 4 - arrows

We draw the inner corner with eyeliner, and leave the middle of the eyelid untouched. If you wish, you can draw a regular arrow. We draw the tail of the arrow beyond the outer corner. While the eyeliner is still wet, blend it towards the eyebrow. Also draw a little line on the lower eyelid.

Apply generous amounts of mascara to the eyelashes and line the lower eyelid with a white pencil. Apply nude lipstick to the lips, adding a drop of transparent gloss to the middle of the lips.

step 5 - lips

Here's another version of Angelina Jolie's makeup:

Surely every girl or woman wanted to turn into her idol. Thus, many representatives of the fairer sex dream of becoming the same as Angelina Jolie. Makeup in her style will be described in this article. You will learn the features of applying decorative cosmetics, as well as get acquainted with the nuances.

Makeup in the style of Angelina Jolie

This type of makeup is ideal for a romantic evening or for an everyday look. As everyone knows, Angelina Jolie prefers natural makeup. It's quite rare to see a star in a bright look with flashy tones on her face. Despite the situation, the actress tries to stay in her natural style.

To do Angelina Jolie's makeup (step by step), you need to prepare some materials. You will need foundation and several colors of concealer, makeup brushes, black eyeliner and mascara. Also stock up on lipstick and clear gloss. Don't forget about blush and eyebrows. Let's look at how makeup is created a la Angelina Jolie.

Skin on the face

Before you start applying decorative cosmetics, you need to prepare your skin. Be sure to wash your face. This will help remove unnecessary sebum. If necessary, use a scrub or peeling. After this, tone the skin. To do this, wipe your face with a suitable lotion. After a few minutes, apply the moisturizer and let it absorb.

Next, you need to disguise skin imperfections. To do this, use a corrector. If you have age spots and freckles, then apply a product with a purple tint to them. Red pimples and inflamed areas will help to disguise a greenish or olive corrector. Such products should be applied directly to defects. Do not blend the compositions too much. The next step is to apply foundation or base. It will help even out the skin and smooth out transitions near the corrector. Don't forget about the neck area. The skin on it should not differ much from the dermis on the face.

Angelina Jolie: eye makeup

This popular actress tries not to wear dark colors on her eyelids. She prefers to use eyeliner and pencils. This makes the look expressive without weighing it down.

Arm yourself with eyeliner or eyeliner. Use exactly what is most convenient for you. Pull out the outer corner of the eye and draw a straight line. This is what you need to focus on when creating an arrow. Release your eyelid and complete your makeup. If you wish, you can raise the arrow or lower it down. It all depends on your cut and eye shape.

Don't forget about your eyebrows. The star's hair is wide and thick. A pencil or shadow will help you create the same ones. Choose colors that best match the shade of your hair. Don't go overboard with the color palette. The strokes should be confident, but not too prominent. Blend the color using a wide brush with an angled edge.

Lips like a star

Many viewers remember Angelina Jolie for her smile. The star can wear makeup on this part of her face in any color. Often these are reddish and pink shades. The actress also often appears on TV screens with a colorless sheen. When creating lip makeup, you need to rely on your own image. Consider the outfit and the purpose of the makeup.

If you need to get a colored smile, then use an eyeliner pencil. Apply a border slightly larger than your lips. After that, fill the inside with color. When using lip gloss, use modern enlargers.

Final points

To bring your image as close as possible to the star’s appearance, you need to make final additions. Be sure to apply blush. Use a large, wide brush. The color of this cosmetics should match your skin and lips. For evening make-up, you can choose blush with glitter. Don't overdo it with color. Otherwise you will look vulgar. After applying the decorative powder to the brush, blow on it a little.

Also, if necessary, use compact powder. It is better to apply it not with a puff, but with the same brush as blush. Be sure to pay attention to the nose and folds near the lips. Also lightly work the chin. Don't forget about the neck and décolleté area.


You now know how to do makeup in the style of Angelina Jolie. Remember that in addition to the face, you also need to arrange the hairstyle. This will help bring your image as close as possible to the star. Also choose appropriate clothing. When doing this, consider the style of the event you are going to attend.

If you don’t want to suffer and do this makeup yourself, contact a specialist. The makeup artist will quickly shape your face, achieving your goal. Experiment and be beautiful!

According to various surveys, the celebrity most women want to be like is Angelina Jolie. And, of course, this is not surprising; the beauty of this actress is admired not only by the whole world, but also by the real Hollywood handsome man Brad Pitt. Jolie always looks perfect, her outfits are well thought out, and her makeup is amazing, so many people dream of learning how to put on makeup in order to look at least a little like their favorite star.

Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, not everyone has been blessed by nature with such chiseled facial contours as Angelina’s, but this can be easily corrected with the help of properly applied makeup; you just need to learn how to do it, and you will definitely be able to outshine even a Hollywood celebrity.

It is worth noting that Jolie’s makeup is particularly restrained, which is why she looks noble. No flashy shades or incompatible colors, she is a confident woman and therefore does not need it. The beautiful Jolie places all the accents according to the classics, that is, either bright makeup is present on the eyes, and the lips are quite pale, or vice versa. And, of course, this is the most win-win option. The actress has a very beautiful eye shape, so she almost always emphasizes it, which also looks very advantageous. With this makeup, any lady will look truly luxurious.

Angelina Jolie's makeup step by step: where to start?

Any makeup, including makeup like Jolie's, must begin with applying tone. With its help you can easily hide some defects on your face and even out your skin color. It is worth noting that the actress almost always has very light skin, which looks very contrasting compared to her dark hair. If your skin is naturally darker, there is no need to specifically whiten it, just choose a foundation that matches your complexion.

With the help of makeup, Jolie creates the so-called “cat eyes” effect. The eyes become more expressive, attractive and even cunning, which cannot but attract men. It’s not at all difficult to do Angelina Jolie’s makeup step by step and on your own, you just need to follow some important rules.

Angelina Jolie's makeup step by step: cat eyes

First you need to do, in order to achieve this effect, you need to apply matte brown shadows to the upper eyelid. They should be distributed only over the moving eyelid, do not go beyond its boundaries, otherwise it will not look too natural. Also, don't forget to blend the shadows well. Lighter shadows should be applied to the highest point of the eyelid. This will make your look as open as possible.

Next comes drawing the arrows; not everyone succeeds in this stage the first time, so you should practice in advance. Get yourself a thin eyeliner or a pencil, it all depends on what is more convenient for you to draw with. The main thing is that the arrows are thin. The arrow should expand only towards the outer edge of the eye, watch this very carefully. But the tip of the line needs to be slightly bent, this will create the effect of “cat eyes”.

The first arrow, as a rule, is not so difficult to draw, but with the second, things are worse, since it should be as similar as possible to the first. Don’t despair if after the first attempt you have to erase everything; after a while you will definitely “get” your hand and learn how to quickly and beautifully draw arrows.

To highlight the graceful curve of the eyebrow like Jolie's, you need to slightly highlight the area under the eyebrow.

Angelina Jolie's makeup step by step: plump lips

As for the lips, it is very important that they turn out plump; for this you should abandon bright lipstick and use light matte shades. You can already apply gloss on top of such a light lipstick. For better results, you can use gloss that visually enlarges your lips. In addition, instead of lipstick, you can use foundation.

Don’t forget about the contour of your lips; you should draw it strictly with a beige pencil.

Angelina Jolie's makeup step by step: exquisite cheekbones

Another part of the face that causes envy among many of the fair sex is Angelina’s cheekbones. She has them clearly expressed, but if you don’t have them, you can highlight them with blush, applying them below the high point of your cheekbones. This will give your face a chiseled look.

Thus, if you wish, you can give yourself a truly Hollywood make-up.

How to do Angelina Jolie's makeup? She is one of the main figures in Hollywood, always under the close attention of journalists and ordinary people.

With her impeccable images, she has long won the title of icon of beauty and femininity. The star adheres to a strict, classic style of clothing, and it is impossible to find even a single flaw in her makeup.

It’s not for nothing that Angelina Jolie’s makeup is so in demand among makeup artists and their clients.

It is often taken as the basis for photo and video tutorials by beauty industry professionals, and also becomes an object of copying by many fashionistas.

Key points when applying Angelina Jolie's makeup

Anyone can replicate Angelina Jolie's makeup, but to do this, you need to consider several points:

  1. Unlike many stars who prefer bright makeup with two accents, she highlights either her eyes or her lips. At special events, red lipstick becomes one of the integral attributes of her image, but on screen most often the star wears nude lips. In both cases, Angelina prefers matte lipsticks.
  2. The star pays special attention to eye makeup. She rarely wears false eyelashes, since the thickness and length of her natural eyelashes make it possible not to resort to these elements of evening makeup. Her stylists carefully paint both the top and bottom, trying to make the look as expressive as possible.
  3. Angelina Jolie is not a fan of bright shadows in different shades, but black smokey eye is found in her images, but only on the red carpet.
  4. The actress also brightens her thin and rather thick eyebrows only at official events, avoiding this on the set.

How to apply makeup from Angelina Jolie: step-by-step instructions

Whether it's the red carpet or filming, Angelina's skin is always flawless. For her images, makeup artists use the lightest shades of foundation, which requires almost White color skin.

Without makeup, Angelina Jolie looks almost as good, but, like any woman, makeup gives her a special brightness and irresistibility.

The star's makeup in all the films with her participation can be described almost the same: impeccable tone without visible imperfections, long and thick eyelashes, nude lips. Only some elements change.

Photo: Angelina Jolie without makeup
Photo: Angelina Jolie at the conference

Angelina Jolie's makeup in the movie "The Tourist"

To do Angelina Jolie's makeup like in the movie "The Tourist", you will need the most standard set of cosmetics:

  • foundation;
  • corrector or concealer;
  • bronzer;
  • mascara;
  • eyebrow pencil;
  • pomade.

Photo: Angelina Jolie on the set of the film "The Tourist"

What do we have to do:

  1. First of all, we moisturize the face and mask problem areas.
  2. Apply foundation with any convenient tool, paying attention to each area.
  3. We highlight the cheekbones with bronzer.
  4. We shape the eyebrows: fill in the areas with the sparse hairs with a pencil or fondant of a shade that matches the natural one.
  5. Carefully paint over the upper eyelashes, trying to give them maximum curl, but without leaving any lumps. We pass the brush along the lower eyelashes a couple of times, making them more noticeable.
  6. We outline the lips with a light pink outline and paint them with lipstick of the same color.

Make-up of Angelina Jolie in the movie "Mr. and Mrs. Smith"

We repeat the first 5 steps, and paint our lips with lipstick of a brighter shade - dark pink, brown or red, after making an outline with a pencil of the same color.

Photo: Angelina Jolie on the set of "Mr. and Mrs. Smith"

Jolie's makeup in the movie Wanted

In the movie Wanted, Angelina Jolie's makeup is done in natural shades. The only part of the face where you can see makeup is the eyes.

Photo: Angelina Jolie on the set of the film "Wanted"

To create the same natural make-up:

  1. Moisturize your face and apply liquid foundation with your fingers, sponge or brush. We distribute it across all areas.
  2. We highlight the cheekbones with bronzer.
  3. We shape the eyebrows, filling only the areas with the rarest hairs. If your eyebrows are thick, leave it as is.
  4. Use black mascara to coat the eyelashes well.
  5. Apply a transparent gloss to the lips or, if desired, a not very bright lipstick.

Video: Hollywood makeup: Angelina Jolie

Despite the fact that Angelina Jolie very rarely uses such popular products as multi-colored eye shadow, highlighter and eyeliner in her makeup, her images remain the most discussed and copied from year to year.

The actress’s main feature is clear cheekbones and wide eyes, and she adds other elements depending on the occasion, time or occasion.

There are many stars in Hollywood, but not all of them become known to literally everyone. Some people don’t like modern cinema, and some prefer not to watch TV at all. However, there are real divas who are so famous that it is almost impossible to find a person who does not know about them.

Such a star is Angelina Jolie. They know about her that she is an actress, many have heard about her love for charity. But Jolie’s striking appearance determined her real popularity. Plump lips, a beautiful oval face, magnificent eyes - these are the features that are familiar to everyone.

How beautiful is the star by nature, and how does makeup help her transform? Is it worth creating a similar image in her style, and how exactly to do it? We will try to answer all questions. Let's look at Angelina Jolie's makeup and try to figure out all the subtleties of its creation. And then we’ll get down to business ourselves!

You can not only paint your lips, even out your complexion and highlight your cheekbones, but also do stunning eye makeup, repeating Angelina’s signature style. This will highlight natural sexuality, charm, and make the look brighter and deeper.

Features of Angelina's makeup

Angelina can be different. She is stunningly catchy and sexy, daring and modest, captivating with her angelic appearance and the image of a female fighter. Calm notes are replaced by explosive chords, and chaste restraint is replaced by the fantastic charisma of the most liberated catwoman.

And at the same time, Jolie always remains herself! In this she is helped not only by her natural abilities, but also by skillfully applied makeup. What always preserves the individuality of the famous Angelina? Let's look at a few photos.

Strong Angelina

Here we have Angelina the fighter. She is strong, brave, daring. The lips are slightly pushed forward and the eyes are narrowed. We see a beautiful oval face, clearly defined cheekbones, a beautiful chin and a fairly high forehead.

  • Of course, in this photo one cannot ignore the actress’s feminine neck, thin wrists, beautiful fingers... But makeup comes to the fore. It is as natural as possible, but at the same time all the accents are correctly placed.
  • Beige lipstick slightly “muffles” the effect of voluminous lips, although this does not make them thin. On the contrary, the actress perfectly outlined the natural line of her lips with the help of a contour. We can appreciate the chic shape and volume of the lips. They just don’t become the center of the image, since Jolie traditionally creates the main emphasis in front of her eyes.
  • Here they are! Jolie's cat eyes, which don't look so striking without makeup. Pencil and shadows are necessary here specifically to create a signature shape. Curved arrows, a clear line on the lower eyelid, masterful shading. All this emphasizes the almond shape of the eyes, allowing you to achieve extraordinary depth and sexuality of the look.

Jolie raised one impeccably shaped eyebrow and seemed to be asking if we were convinced of the perfection of her makeup. Of course, the cosmetics used here are surprisingly professional! It’s worth learning from Angelina how to express natural beauty so clearly, without adding unnecessary color or unnecessary accents. The image is harmonious and complete.

Sassy Jolie

  • Here we see sexy Angelina Jolie. The skin is quite well tanned, which has now become a rarity for the recognized snow-white Jolie. The makeup features are again traditional.
  • The actress has a perfectly defined lip contour, but the main emphasis is on the eyes. While they only have a hint of “cat”, we will not see pronounced arrows here. And the eyebrows are outlined amazingly effectively!
  • In addition, Angelina did not forget to take care of her eyelashes. With the help of makeup, she perfectly defined the growth line and made the eyelashes amazingly long and fluffy. Of course, there are no lumps or glued hairs to speak of here. Everything is perfect.

The charm of youth and cat's eyes

In this photo, Angelina’s signature style is already more clearly expressed. The eyes are truly “cat-like”, perfectly made up. Makeup is done using a pencil, shadows, there are also arrows and shading.

It is easy to notice that it is this eye makeup of Angelina Jolie that most refreshes her, gives her youth and unique energy.

Eyes almost without arrows

Many women who refuse “cat eyes” note that they categorically do not like the traditional curved corners and lines that go too far. And you don’t have to paint your eyes this way! This is successfully confirmed by Angelina.

Here is her natural makeup, denoting natural beauty and attractiveness. The image is soft and feminine.

  • Cat's eyes, no doubt. But we won’t see any long lines extending beyond the corner of the eye, raised or curved arrows here.

You can do eye makeup in Jolie's style and practically avoid drawing wings!

  • This signature look of the star is truly universal and will suit almost everyone. You just need to adapt it a little, taking into account the features of your appearance. The task of makeup is to reveal the natural beauty, and not to radically transform the image.

Fatal Purple

Rich red shades are also not alien to Angelina. Jolie with bright red lips is also irresistible! Of course, the accents of such makeup are more suitable for a celebration, reception, social event, and not for everyday life.

True, if a girl is going on a romantic date, such an image will be quite appropriate.

  • Here the star paid attention to her gorgeous eyes, creating signature makeup and taking care of fluffy, thick eyelashes.
  • The lower eyelid is lined subtly to highlight the almond shape of the eyes. The top arrow is pointed brightly.

These are classic cat eyes, although very thick lashes slightly reduce the effect of the arched wings.

Classic cat eyes

In this photo we can clearly see Jolie's classic cat eyes. This makeup has an amazing effect!

  • The elongated curved arrow and the clearly defined contour of the lower eyelid are clearly visible.
  • On the upper eyelid, the eyeliner thickens significantly from the middle of the eyelid to the outer corner, which visually makes the eyes larger and gives expressiveness to the look.

If you want to make your eyes appear longer and avoid excessive rounding, feel free to apply your eyeliner directly to the inner corners. Just make it thinner, more natural.

You can use a gray or brown pencil. Let your eyes be almond-shaped, like Angelina’s in this photo.

Makeup secrets in Jolie's style

Do you want to do your makeup in the style of Angelina Jolie and find out its main features? Remember a few points: simple tips! You will create a catchy image without difficulty.

Flawless skin

Of course, it will not be possible to achieve such a color and surface evenness right away. It is extremely important to contact a cosmetologist or dermatologist for any problems and take care of your skin daily. But you can use makeup to even out the tone and make your facial skin as attractive as possible.

Before this, you need to prepare the skin, clean it well, apply cream to it, and thoroughly moisturize it.

Use light foundations and creamy powders.

There should be no feeling of heaviness or discomfort after applying the tone.

Face shape and cheekbones

Angelina's cheekbones are naturally pronounced. Not everyone is lucky enough to have such striking facial features, but cheekbones can be defined with the help of makeup. Just “point” them just below the cheekbone line.

Remember that to create makeup in the style of Angelina Jolie, you should not use too bright, dark blush. Strive for naturalness.

You should also outline the nose, highlight the chin and forehead. If the nose is a little large, you need to pay special attention to it, highlighting the central part and bridge of the nose, casting light shadows on the wings of the nose.


Large, stunningly shaped lips have already made Jolie a true legend. Many girls dream of such lips, and some are even ready to plastic surgery. It is worth remembering that the main thing in Angelina is naturalness. And the best solution is to highlight the beauty of your lips, to make them visually a little fuller.

Lip makeup secrets that will be useful to you:
  1. Use a light foundation to apply primer to your lips.
  2. Clearly define the contour, but do not try to extend it beyond the natural line of the lips. Walk exactly along the natural line.
  3. When the tone is applied and the contour is drawn, proceed to applying lipstick. Choose a subtle shade, beige or pinkish.
  4. After this, cover your lips with a special gloss that increases volume. You can apply a little pearlescent translucent lipstick to the middle of the lower lip and shade it. Visually, all this will allow you to enlarge your lips.

Eye makeup needs to be given special attention. To do this you will need a step by step tutorial. Do Jolie's eye makeup!

Angelina Jolie eye makeup. Step-by-step instructions with photos

Angelina Jolie's eye makeup always inspires admiration. You can learn how to do it right now using this visual lesson with photos. Everything is presented simply and clearly, step by step.

  1. First of all, cleanse your skin and moisturize it. Apply a pearlescent base under the shadows. It should cover the entire moving eyelid.
  2. Take green shadows. It is advisable to choose shadows with a grayish tint, as they look as natural as possible. Apply the shadows in the thinnest layer, blend them.
  3. Take light shadows with a pearlescent tint and apply them to the upper eyelid. The movements should be driven in, the layer should be made as thin as possible. You will tone down the green color a little, achieving a natural look.
  4. Now line the upper eyelid and create signature arrows. The line should go close to the eyelash line. Raise the tip of the arrow slightly. Remember that from the middle of the eyelid to the outer corner of the eye the line thickens noticeably.
  5. Now it's time to make your look more expressive. Pearlescent brown shades will help with this. They must be applied over the arrow and then shaded well. When the arrow loses its definition a little, the makeup will immediately become more natural.
  6. Now we need to work on the upper eyelid. Refresh the outer corner with green shadows. Draw a line along the lower eyelid from the outer corner to the middle.
  7. The lower eyelid should be refreshed with light pearlescent shadows. This will create a great contrast. This makeup really makes you look younger.
  8. The inner lower eyelid needs to be drawn up in the area of ​​the outer corner, but only to the middle. The almond shape of the eye will be perfectly emphasized!
  9. Finishing touch! We paint eyelashes. Use lengthening mascara. When you apply the first layer, you need to carefully comb your eyelashes with a brush. After this, apply a second layer.

Now you know how to do makeup in Jolie's style! The magnificent Angelina captivates those around her with her naturalness, charm, and skillfully emphasizes femininity with the help of makeup.