Decoding cards 36. Fortune telling on cards. “Do I need him or don’t I need him”

16.01.2022 Symptoms

Fortune telling on cards does not lose its popularity. Today, card layouts for fate and the future are made even by those who have nothing to do with magic. Anyone can learn to tell fortunes with cards. To do this, you just need to learn several methods of fortune telling with playing cards. In addition, you need to know the meaning of the cards in the layout. This is what we will talk about. So, what do cards mean in fortune telling, and what is the meaning of card combinations?

Ace of spades- trouble, loss, night, blow, fear. In combination with the ace of clubs it means fear. With ten of spades - unexpected money. Ten of diamonds - a quarrel over money. If the ace of spades lies next to a six of any suit, it’s a long trip.

King of Spades- enemy, adversary, rival, competitor, influential person who wishes you harm. In combination with a queen and a jack of any suit - the help of an influential person. With an eight of spades, there is a black streak in life. Next to any card, a peak is a harbinger of good things. With clubs - hostility towards you. With hearts - friendship. With tambourines - a person is in a good position.

Queen of Spades- a woman with bad intentions, a rival. Gossip, intrigue and obstacles. In combination with the nine of hearts - happiness in life. With tambourines - envy and harm from a woman. With spades - a kind woman of mature years. With clubs - an evil woman. Help with hearts.

Jack of spades- aggression, unpleasant person, bad intentions of a powerful master, illness of loved ones, bad news. In combination with the queen of spades - a fight and a scandal. With the eight of spades - troubles in love. With any peaks - a meeting with a like-minded person. With clubs - a meeting with a deceiver and gossip. With tambourines - news, a drunk man. With hearts - friend.

Ten of Spades- illness, problems. In combination with the Ace of Spades - unexpected money. With the king or queen of spades - an influential person is interested in you. With a queen or king of other suits - failures, unfulfilled desires. With the Ace of Diamonds - bad news. Ace of other suits is false news. Ten of clubs - recovery. With nine of spades - grief. With an eight of spades - deterioration of health. With a seven, a tambourine is a proposal.

Nine of Spades- loss, road, surprise. In combination with the ace of spades - illness. With an ace of clubs - harm. With the ace of hearts - intimacy. With the Ace of Diamonds - deception of loved ones. With a queen or king of spades - love. The king of other suits is desire. With ten of spades - unexpected profit.

Eight of Spades- conversation, boredom, bad luck, illness. In combination with all the kings - a party. The jack of hearts is bad news. The nine of clubs is a disaster. With seven clubs - treason.

Seven of spades- deception, loss, tears, separation. With a lady - pregnancy. With a jack of clubs - an enemy, evil intent. Six of diamonds - problems in the family.

Six of Spades- road, night, loss. In combination with peaks - good luck on the road. With clubs - failure on the way. With hearts - a meeting. With tambourines - a road for the purpose of receiving money.

Ace of diamonds- day, good changes, good news. With clubs or spades - worries and problems. With diamonds - quick profit. With hearts - a love letter.

King of Diamonds- bachelor, young man, acquaintance, stability. With hearts - joy, parting with the past. With ten diamonds - support. With a six of tambourine - wish fulfillment.

Queen of Diamonds- a young woman, a traitor. With a jack of diamonds and a ten of spades - an unpleasant guest. With a ten of hearts - theft.

Jack of diamonds- young guy, boy, good news, prosperity. In combination with the king - a deceiver and a hypocrite. With a lady of clubs - trouble. With a nine of tambourine - aggression and enmity. With six of clubs - an unexpected trip.

Ten of diamonds- a blow from a loved one, money, a gift, a date. In combination with the Ace of Spades card - a quarrel over money. With a jack of clubs - success in money. With tens or nines of any suit except spades - making a profit. With a seven of hearts - inheritance. With six tambourine - fulfillment of desires.

Ten of diamonds- imminent important events, if with a heart suit - to money, if with any black suit - to problems.

Eight of diamonds- dreams, talking about money, hatred. With a king or queen, spades are a deceiver. With ten diamonds - unexpected profit. Seven of diamonds - instability.

Seven of diamonds- affairs, chores, money transactions, gifts. With any heart card - chance, luck. With ten of spades - an offer. With the ten of diamonds there are troubles with money.

Six of diamonds- happiness, fulfillment of desires. With ten diamonds - profit. The nine of spades is bad news. With ten of spades - the death of a familiar person. With the seven of tambourines - troubles in the family.

Ace of clubs- work, luck, evening, illness. With the king - a love affair, courtship. With the king of clubs - fulfillment of desires. Nine of spades is a benefit. Seven of clubs - winning, victory. With a six of any suit - to the road.

King of Clubs- family problems, treason, betrayal, military man. With clubs - joy. With the ace of clubs, your wish will come true. With nine clubs - human help. With six - the road.

Queen of Clubs- influential lady, friend, illegitimate children. With the queen of spades - problems in the family, court. Eight of clubs - help from a relative.

Jack of clubs- military, friend, protection, help. Between ladies - betrayal. Between the jacks there is a turbulent life. Seven of spades - harm from enemies. With ten diamonds - profit from a profitable business.

Ten of Clubs- changes. With peaks - material need, work. With hearts - winning, profit, easy money. With the ace of clubs - good changes. With a ten of hearts - mutual love. With ten diamonds - money. With nine clubs - entertainment, company. With six of clubs - a trip.

Nine of Clubs- doubt, inheritance. With tambourines - spending money, wastefulness. With hearts - mutual sympathy, love. Ten of spades is a nuisance. With a nine or ten of hearts - happiness in love. Clubs eight, seven or ten - good luck. Jack of hearts is the road.

Eight of Clubs- a society of influential people, the death of a loved one. With an ace of clubs - good luck. With a lady of clubs - help from a relative. With a jack of clubs - a successful completion of the situation. With a jack of hearts - a loss. With the seven of clubs or the ace of hearts - luck, inheritance, solution to a problem.

Seven of Clubs- inheritance, trip, news. With an ace of clubs - victory in court. With the jack of hearts - the birth of a child. With the eight of spades - treason.

Six of clubs- road, meeting. With nine of clubs - an unexpected trip. With aces - a date. Between the peaks there is a celebration, a party, a change of place of residence or work.

Ace of hearts- wedding, family home, spring, morning, gift. With the Ace of Diamonds - good news. With the jack of hearts - good news. A ten of spades is bad news. With the nine of spades, it's a party, friends.

King of Hearts- loving feelings towards you, good news, meeting. With peaks it’s a nuisance. With any hearts - success. With diamonds - profit. With clubs - troubles. With the queen of hearts - a meeting with a married man.

Queen of Hearts- Family, love, married woman. With a ten of hearts - meeting a friend. With any hearts - reciprocity. With other suits - achieving the goal.

Jack of Hearts- good news, success in business, wait, man with brown hair. With any hearts - success. With the ace of hearts - a confession of feelings. With the king or queen - a guest. With a nine of clubs - the road.

Ten of Hearts- wedding, happiness, joy, city. With a king of any suit - devotion to a woman. With a lady - devotion to a man. With ten diamonds - quick profit. With an eight of hearts - a date. With nine clubs - mutual feelings.

Nine of Hearts- event, news. With a king or queen - love. With the queen of spades there is joy. With a ten of hearts - love and wedding. With an eight or seven of hearts - a date. Six of any suit is an unexpected encounter.

Eight of Hearts- pleasure, interesting conversation, road. With the jack of hearts - a conversation. With a ten of hearts - intimacy. With the nine of hearts - a meeting.

Seven of Hearts- change, fun. Conversation with four kings. With ten of spades - an offer. With a ten or nine - a meeting, a date.

Almost each of us would like to look into our future and get answers to our most intimate questions, but without knowing the interpretation of playing cards for fortune telling, this is impossible to do. Quite often the meaning can change depending on what the question was about. Familiarize yourself with the possible interpretations, and you will be able to read the cards like an open book.

Interpretation of playing cards for fortune telling

What fortune telling is most common among sorcerers? Of course, this is a spell on love and feelings. There are a large number of layouts suitable for beginners and more experienced users.

Using similar rituals, you can determine, and so on. With such divination, the interpretation of cards can differ significantly from those used, for example, when fortune telling for money or a career.

  • Ace- imminent marriage, real feelings.
  • King or lady- a male or female individual under the age of 30 years.
  • Jack- frequent thoughts about the object of desire.
  • 10 - strong feelings, a desire to be close to your soulmate.
  • 9 - a favorable sign that indicates warm feelings.
  • 8 - people are very similar to each other, they have a lot in common.
  • 7 - light flirting, passion, sexual arousal.
  • 6 - desire to meet, perhaps a date.

  • Ace- more friendly than love relationship.
  • King or Queen- an individual, male or female, usually married.
  • Jack- individual experiencing tender feelings, but is unable to admit them.
  • 10 - in family strong relationships, marriage bonds, confidence.
  • 9 - warm feelings.
  • 8 - friendly relations.
  • 7 - confidence.
  • 6 - shows interest in someone else.

  • Ace- marriage of convenience, surrounded by negative cards - hatred between spouses.
  • King or lady- a young guy or girl.
  • Jack- the inevitability of a choice on which a person cannot decide; thoughts are devoted to another person.
  • 10 - the desire to gain attention through shocking actions.
  • 9 - strong feeling.
  • 8 - people are connected by benefits, they like to cooperate.
  • 7 - selfish motives.
  • 6 - desire to meet (does not always mean a date).

  • Ace- a severance of attachments, sometimes indicates a turnaround, damage, or betrayal of a person.
    or lady- an elderly man and woman who are trying to quarrel their partners.
  • Jack - thoughts about a lover’s lies, betrayal is possible.
  • 10 - complete severance of attachments.
  • 9 - selfish attitude, hostility, no love in the couple.
  • 8 - unwillingness to understand each other, partners are completely incompatible.
  • 7 - bitterness, tears, suffering.
  • 6 - reluctance to keep in touch.

In addition to specific decodings that can be used in certain layouts, there is a general interpretation of all 36 cards. If there are no special recommendations regarding decoding for the layout, then you can use such interpretations.

  • Ace- the desire to spend time with family, joyful events and receiving good news are possible. It is often a harbinger of a love wedding. If the purpose of the layout is to find out the time, then the ace of hearts indicates spring, the time of day is morning. In an inverted position - disputes and discord.
  • King- an adult man, married or already divorced, often symbolizes the father. May indicate influence, authoritarianism, a desire to instill family values.
  • Lady- an adult married woman, in many cases a mother. Symbolizes warmth, sincerity, the desire to surround with care, love.
  • Jack- either a lover or a rejected partner. Appears in a chart foreshadowing unpleasant conversations, meetings with enemies; in career charts it prophesies a promotion and team loyalty.
  • 10 - someone is counting on you. Receiving good news may lead to excessive romanticism. If you're looking for answers, you'll soon know everything you need to know.
  • 9 - victory, a favorable outcome, a merciful, good-natured person, a thirst for justice.
  • 8 - selfish attitude, the desire to be loved rather than to love, the need to enjoy life.
  • 7 - perhaps sudden, but very favorable changes in life. To achieve this goal, you need to listen to the advice of an adult relative; in rare cases, a jealous spouse prophesies.
    6 - traveling with a lover or to a lover. Visiting a place where you can completely relax and gain positive emotions.
  • Ace- disputes, gossip, frequent illnesses, divorce of relatives is possible. Hard work, but no creative realization, work according to a template. In an inverted position, it speaks of troubles at work. If the question was about the time of year, otherwise it is autumn, the time of day is evening.
  • King- a good friend, an opportunity to lean on someone, it is possible that this is the figure of an understanding and fair boss. You have the opportunity to receive rewards according to your merits.
  • Lady- often a woman of any age, your relative. In rare cases, it symbolizes a friend; surrounded by negative cards, it can act as a rival. Also, surrounded by negative cards in the scenario, the situation predicts a violation of the law, a trial.
  • Jack- employees of authorities who help solve some problems. Troubles, minor troubles, if you don’t solve everything as they come, it will eventually lead to big problems.
  • 10 - desire to make a profit by any means. You have every chance to achieve what you want, get rich, and grab fortune by the tail, but your methods are not always approved by your loved ones. The sale of movable and immovable property is likely.
  • 9 - failures will befall you in everything except your career. There are a lot of embittered enemies around whom you have managed to annoy. You may have to attend an unpleasant event.
  • 8 - meeting with clients and business partners. Too much fuss, getting a small amount of money. You devote too much to work, which may result in health problems, stressful conditions, depression.
  • 7 - receiving a large monetary reward, meeting with partners, the opportunity to learn something new.
  • 6 - hopes will not be justified, mistakes.
  • Ace- good news that will seem like cash receipts. You have the opportunity to change the situation in better side for myself. Symbolizes summer, the time of day is day.
  • King- a single man, perhaps younger than you. For a young girl - meeting a young man who may become a spouse in the future.
  • Lady- quite often symbolizes a mistress, in rare cases service personnel. The actions at the moment are wrong, too frivolous, you need to reconsider your views on life.
  • Jack- receiving important news, making profitable acquaintances, do not neglect meeting with other people, but you still should not trust the first people you meet.
  • 10 - the opportunity to go on a trip, receive a large sum of money, get a promotion at work, fortune will accompany you in everything.
  • 9 - there will be an opportunity to successfully invest money; if you are going on a trip, it will be very successful. It is possible to meet old acquaintances on vacation.
  • 8 - constant conversations about money, troubles, perhaps preparations for a wedding or anniversary. The streak of failure is ending, everything will work out.
  • 7 -conclusion of profitable contracts, possible sale of property, an advantageous offer that cannot be refused.
  • 6 - long journey, travel, business trip, wishes come true, and the situation will be resolved in the best way.
  • Ace- receiving bad news, losses, possible death of loved ones. Litigation, symbolizes winter and night. In some cases, they indicate alcohol and drug addiction.
  • King- a very strong independent angry person. Sometimes it symbolizes an enemy or a judge. Unfair trial.
  • Lady- a gossip, an enemy, a very unpleasant woman who plots intrigues, troubles in the house.
  • Jack- illness of children or grandchildren, lack of morality, forced sex, betrayal, a lot of negativity.
  • 10 - health problems, collapse of plans or divorce.
  • 9 - loss of a loved one, possible trauma, mental health problems. Hospitals, cemeteries, and morgues are often associated with the card.
  • 8 - communication with unpleasant people under duress, there are too many obstacles on your way, you will not yet be able to achieve what you want. An argument you will lose.
  • 7 - deception of a loved one, tears, problems with alcohol, you may have to live in someone else's house.
  • 6 - a useless and dangerous path, if you experience anxious feelings, then listen to them, perhaps this will save you from troubles.

If you decide, then refer to this decoding of playing cards for fortune telling.

  • 6, 8 And 10 any suit - a positive answer to any question.
  • 7 or 9 - the answer will be negative.
  • Jack of hearts or tambourine- in order for your dream to come true, you will have to work hard.
  • Jack of spades or crosses- you will not be able to cope with all the machinations of fate.
  • Queen of Hearts or tambourine- you can achieve your goal only if you agree to help a not-so-pleasant woman.
  • Queen of Spades or crosses- due to the fact that some lady will constantly interfere with you, it will be impossible to achieve what you want.
  • King of Hearts or tambourine- the desire will come true only with the help of an adult man.
  • King of Spades or crosses- achieving your dream will be difficult because of a male representative.
  • Ace of Hearts or

A regular playing deck is the most simplified version of Tarot cards. You can guess with these cards just like with a magic deck. It is worth saying that because of the four suits and the many cards for a specific suit, a lot can be said about a person who is engaged in fortune telling: about his character traits, life circumstances and much more. Due to the large number of cards and options for their combination, there are a huge number of interpretations.

Suits Overview

  1. Worms are a sphere that includes human emotions and all kinds of relationships between people. The main element is water.
  2. Peaks – represents negative events that can happen to a person. The main element is air.
  3. Diamonds - determines business relationships between people. Any activity that is performed by a person to create wealth is included in the tambourines. The main element is earth.
  4. Kresti - responsible for power, finances, position in society. Element – ​​fire.

Ace- means bad news, events that may happen soon. In combination with the following cards:

  • Ace of crosses is a sign of fear.
  • Ten spades - sudden arrival, appearance Money.
  • Ten of diamonds - quarrel, disagreement over money issues.
  • Six of any suit - commemoration long journey, which awaits the fortuneteller soon.

King- a man with dark hair, very cruel and extremely selfish, most likely an ill-wisher or competitor. If dropped with:

  • Ladies and volts of all stripes - the help that an influential person will provide.
  • Eight spades - a bad streak in life will soon begin, bad luck.
  • Any peaks are a good sign, favorable events or changes.
  • Any crosses mean hostility on the part of one specific person or several.
  • Any worms mean friendship with a new person.
  • Any tambourines are a good placement on the part of new people.

Lady– an evil woman whose intentions can cause harm. She weaves intrigues around you and often becomes a rival. Often warns of obstacles and gossip. If hits with:

  • Nine of hearts - happiness awaits.
  • Diamonds are the harm that a woman’s envy can cause.
  • Spades - meeting a woman with good intentions.
  • Cross - a meeting with an angry and envious woman.
  • Worms - will help at the right time.

Jack- a dark-haired guy capable of meanness, lies, bad intentions. It can mark death, bad news, or a serious illness of a loved one. If combined with:

  • Queen of Spades - expect scandals, quarrels, fights.
  • Eight spades - troubles and failure in love.
  • Peaks - a quick meeting with a person who is close in spirit.
  • Cross - a quick meeting with a person who will deceive.
  • Tambourines - news, meeting with a drunk person.
  • Hearts - the appearance of a new friend.

Ten- a sign foreshadowing problems, illness, unfulfilled desires, disappointment. If dropped with:

  • Ace of spades - sudden appearance of funds.
  • King or Queen of Spades - portends the interest of an influential person.
  • King or queen of any suit - failure, failure to fulfill desires.
  • Ace of diamonds is bad news.
  • Aces of other suits are false news, gossip.
  • Ten crosses - amendment, recovery.
  • Nine spades - grief, failure.
  • Eight peaks – deterioration of health.
  • Seven of diamonds – receipt of an offer.

Nine- commemoration of quarrels, rupture of previous relationships, new losses. If encountered with:

  • Ace of spades is a disease.
  • Ace of crosses is harmful.
  • Ace of hearts - sexual intimacy.
  • The Ace of Diamonds is a deception of a loved one.
  • The king or queen of spades is love.
  • Kings of other stripes – desire, dream.
  • Ten spades - sudden profit.

Eight spades– failure, problems, illness, tears, boredom, troubles. In combination with:

  • The king of any suit is a party.
  • Jack of hearts is bad news.
  • Nine crosses - grief, trouble.
  • Seven crosses - treason.

Seven of spades- quarrels, scandals, conflicts, deception, tears. With other cards:

  • A lady of any stripe is pregnant.
  • The jack of the cross is an ill-wisher, a competitor.
  • Six of diamonds - problems in the family.

Six spades– losses, unsuccessful trip. With other cards:

  • Peaks are a good road.
  • Kresti is a bad road.
  • Hearts - meeting.
  • Tambourines - a trip for money.

Ace– strong changes in all areas of life. In combination with:

  • King cross - wish fulfillment.
  • The king of a different suit is attention and love.
  • Seven crosses - victory, gain.
  • Six of any suit - road, trip.

King– a successful man, always ready to help. Often associated with military activities. Scheduled with:

  • Any crosses are a joy.
  • Ace of the Cross - fulfillment of a dream, desire.
  • Nine crosses - help.
  • Six of any suit - fast trip, road, journey.

Lady– a woman with leadership qualities who has achieved success. Scheduled with:

  • Queen of spades - family problems, litigation.
  • Eight crosses - help from relatives.

Jack– an energetic, promising young man, a good friend, ready to protect and help. Scheduled with:

  • A lady of any stripe is treason.
  • Volts of any stripe mean a restless life.
  • Seven spades - harm from a competitor.
  • Ten diamonds - profit from the business.

Ten- commemoration of success in many areas of life, good luck in your endeavors, new friends, love. Scheduled with:

  • Peaks – labor, financial difficulties.
  • Worms - easy money, success.
  • Ace of crosses - good changes in life.
  • Ten of hearts - mutual love.
  • Ten diamonds are money.
  • Nine crosses - entertainment.
  • Six crosses - a trip.

Nine– a new passionate romance, marriage, inheritance, doubts. Scheduled with:

  • Diamonds are financial waste.
  • Worms - mutual love.
  • Ten spades - trouble.
  • Ten or nine worms - happiness in love.
  • Eight or seven crosses are good luck.
  • Jack of hearts - road, trip.

Eight- promises serious changes, joining the society of influential people. In combination with:

  • Tez cross - good luck.
  • Lady crosses - help from relatives.
  • The jack of the cross is a good deal.
  • Jack of hearts - loss.
  • Seven crosses or ace of hearts - good luck, receiving an inheritance.

Seven– good news, a trip, improvement in family affairs. Scheduled with:

  • Ace of crosses - winning a court case.
  • Vale worms - the birth of a child.
  • Eight spades - treason.

Six– beginnings without prospects, failed trips. In combination with:

  • Nine crosses - a sudden trip.
  • Aces of any suit are a date.
  • Any cards of the spades suit - holiday, party, change of place of work or residence.

Ace– good changes in work, perhaps a new business that will bring success, your own enterprise, good news. In combination with:

  • Spades or crosses - problems, worries.
  • Diamonds - profit.
  • Worms are a love letter.

King– a reliable strong shoulder, a family man, a stable life, a new acquaintance. Scheduled with:

  • Worms are joy.
  • Ten of diamonds – support.
  • Six of diamonds - a dream come true.

Lady- a woman, young and responsive. Scheduled with:

  • The jack of diamonds and ten of spades is an unpleasant guest.
  • Ten of hearts is theft.

Jack– a young man, probably a military man, good news. In combination with:

  • A king of any suit is a deception.
  • A lady cross is a nuisance.
  • Nine of diamonds - enmity.
  • Six crosses - a sudden trip.

Ten– success and fulfillment of desires, dates, gifts, money, holidays with family. In combination with:

  • Ace of spades - a quarrel over money.
  • Jack of the Cross - success at work.
  • Ten or nine of any suit, except spades - profit.
  • Seven worms - inheritance.
  • Six of diamonds - fulfillment of desire.

Nine– acquaintances that can bring benefits, important events in the near future. Scheduled with:

  • Worms are money.
  • Spades or crosses are problems.

Eight– property, renovation, moving, money will probably be purchased soon. In combination with:

  • The king or queen of spades is a deception.
  • Ten diamonds - sudden income.
  • Seven of diamonds – instability.

Seven– well-being in the family, success at work, money transactions, troubles. In combination with:

  • Worms are good luck.
  • Ten spades is a proposal.
  • Ten of diamonds - troubles.

Six– probable travel, happiness. In combination with:

  • Ten diamonds - profit.
  • Nine of spades is bad news.
  • Ten spades - the death of a familiar person.
  • Seven of diamonds - troubles in the family.

Ace– the beginning of friendships, new love, wedding, starting a family. In combination with:

  • Ace of diamonds is good news.
  • Ten spades is bad news.
  • The Jack of Hearts is good news.
  • Nine of spades - new friends.

King– mature man, manifestation of love, meeting, good news. In combination with:

  • Peaks are big trouble.
  • Hearts - quick success.
  • Diamonds - possible profit.
  • Cross - new troubles.
  • Queen of Hearts - meeting with a married person.

Lady– an adult woman, most often married, love, family. In combination with:

  • Ten of hearts - meeting a friend.
  • Any worms are reciprocal.
  • Cards of other suits - fulfillment of desires.

Jack– a new person, boyfriend, good news, success. In combination with:

  • Worms - success.
  • Ace of Hearts - declaration of love.
  • A king or queen of any suit is a guest.
  • Nine crosses - a trip.

Ten– fulfillment of desires, happiness, joy. In combination with:

  • The king of any suit is male devotion.
  • A lady of any stripe – female devotion.
  • Ten diamonds - profit.
  • Eight of hearts - date.
  • Nine crosses - mutual love.

Nine– success, happy marriage, news, unexpected events. In combination with:

  • King or queen of any suit is love.
  • The Queen of Spades is joy.
  • Ten of Hearts – love and wedding.
  • Seven or eight hearts - a date.
  • Six of any suit is a sudden meeting.

Eight– changes in relationships, which can be both good and bad, interesting conversation, travel. In combination with:

  • Jack of hearts - conversation.
  • Ten of Hearts – sexual intimacy.
  • Nine of hearts - meeting.

Seven– the need to listen to your inner voice, fun, quick changes. In combination with:

  • The king of any suit is conversation.
  • Ten spades is a proposal.
  • Ten or nine hearts - a meeting.

Six– harmony in the family, obstacles, difficulties. Scheduled with:

  • Worms - meeting with a loved one.
  • Ten of Hearts - an unexpected trip.
  • Nine of hearts - success in love.

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Aspects for fortune telling on 36 cards

  • Location of dropped cards.
  • Features of combining certain cards with each other.
  • The drawn card belongs to a certain suit.

The location is divided into two large groups:

  1. Direct (indicates a good prognosis).
  2. Inverted (indicates a negative outlook).

Strong attention is paid to the combinations that appear. All cards in combination with each other can enhance the meaning or, conversely, weaken it.

It is important to remember that cards belong to one suit or another, because each suit is a specific area of ​​human life. Let's look at each one.

A beginner practitioner needs to read this section more carefully. Traditional rituals improve the quality of fortune telling and form a proper attitude towards the process.

  • Venue plays important role. You will need a table and candles (electrical appliances should be turned off). Make sure that no one distracts you while you are guessing.
  • Be sure to purchase a new deck of playing cards. After purchase you need to assign it. Take a large flat dish and place the deck in the center of the plate. Pour plenty of salt and place lit candles in the four cardinal directions. This ritual is carried out once, then playing cards become a personal working tool.
  • Before fortune telling, wash your face and hands. This will refresh your mind and make your hands lighter.


Grandmother's layout helps predict love relationships, the near future, and the possibility of receiving money. There are several ways to do this, but they all have one rule in common: setting a significator. If the person of interest is a man, the king piece is chosen, if the person is a woman - queens. The color is chosen based on appearance:

  • Blonde hair, white skin and expressive eyes - Diamonds.
  • Dark hair and eyes are a cross suit.
  • Brown hair and light eye color - cherva.

The suit of spades is not used by the significator in fortune telling using the grandmother's method. Shuffle the deck with thoughts about the chosen person. You can guess for yourself, to do this, ask a specific question. Let's look at grandma's layout in examples.

First method

After shuffling, the deck is placed in front of you or on your right palm. Using the little finger of your left hand, you remove part of the stack (towards you) and insert it back in an arbitrary manner. Next, three cards are removed from the top and laid out in three vertical rows.

Counting is done from left to right, and triplets are placed from top to bottom. The first column refers to the past, the second to the present, and the third to the future.

In the presented layout, the significator (queen of hearts) is located in the second row. Two eights in the neighborhood will tell information about the current state of affairs of the fortune-telling object. More often, only the triplet with the hidden figure is deciphered.

Let's decipher grandma's layout using the first method.

  • Interpretation of the first row. A loved one (queen of hearts) is involved in a money transaction (eight of diamonds). My personal life is in perfect order - I recently received a declaration of love (eight of hearts).
  • The second row is considered an exception to the rule. In the layout, under the hidden card there is a triplet with a comparable figure (king of hearts). In such cases, it is imperative to interpret neighboring cards. Explained by close relationships between people. The suit indicates love, marriage. The “king” treats his “lady” so carefully that even when telling fortunes with playing cards he is close by. The layout reports a short but problematic path.

Second method

The method is original in its form - the grandmother’s layout resembles a cross. A playing card - a significator - is selected and placed face down in the center of the table. Cards located before and after the significator are removed from the deck. The first one is placed down, and the second one is placed on top (both face down). The rest are laid out in small piles according to the cardinal directions. First south, then north, west and east. The order is observed, three cards are removed from each part from above - one on the table, two are placed on it.

  • The upper part of the layout symbolizes the thoughts of the questioner.
  • The bottom three cards are in charge of the present.
  • Left side - past
  • The right side is the future.

The rest of the deck is distributed in a similar way, but between the edges of the “cross”. The stage should start between the west and south. Move clockwise.

  • The first triplet talks about how the past influences the thoughts of the questioner.
  • In the second position - the influence of thoughts on the future.
  • The third triplet describes the influence of the present on the future.
  • The last position indicates the mistakes of the past from which the present was formed.

To decipher, use the playing cards located on the right side of the diagonal triplets.

Grandmother's layout - method two.

  1. The reversed cards are revealed first. The bottom card is “what is hidden under the heart,” the top card is “what lies on the heart.” Decryption occurs along with the main card.
  2. Calculate which suit “fell out” more than the others. Determines the direction of life or the main problems of a person.
  3. The cards around the significator are analyzed. First of all, single ones, and then paired ones (lying on top). Start from the north of the layout. Move clockwise.

The order of interpretation of the second method

  1. Bottom card, K♣, then top card. ♠♣♦
  2. 7♦; 9♠; 7; 8♠; 6; D♦; 9♣; T .
  3. D♣ K ; K♦ 10♦; K♠ 7♠; 8 D♠; 8♦ T♠; Т♦ 10 ; 9♣ 6♦; B♣ 6♣

Interpretation of playing cards

Aces- buildings, messages, news.

Diamonds means a letter, a document, receiving money.

Clubs - work, obligations.

Hearts own or parental home.

Peaks portend stress, problems, bad news.

Sixes- path or journey.

Diamonds predicts a close road, upcoming profit.

Clubs - business trip, evening trip.

Hearts they talk about the short journey and the imminent appearance of love.

Peaks They promise travel at night, flight delays and problems on the road.

Sevens are interpreted as meetings, acquaintances.

Diamonds portend a gift, probably an expensive one.

Clubs predicts a business meeting.

Hearts portend a pleasant acquaintance, a date.

Peaks mean deception, mistrust on the part of loved ones.

Eights - communication, conversations.

Tambourines - This is a conversation about money.

Clubs predicts an urgent meeting, a business conversation.

Hearts predict a declaration of love, romantic communication.

Peaks talking about a quarrel, an unpleasant interlocutor.

Nines- love, joy, pleasant surprise.

Diamonds speaks of the love of money, unexpected acquisition of money.

Clubs shows hard work.

Hearts promises sincerity in love relationships.

Peaks predict suffering, jealousy, unrequited love.

Dozens- interest, desire.

Tambourines - commercialism of views, entrepreneurial resourcefulness.

Clubs - specific, business proposal, thirst for knowledge.

Hearts- passion, love.

Peaks - separation is approaching, an unpleasant surprise, curiosity about other people's affairs.

Jacks- care, wasted work.

Tambourines - thrift with money.

Hearts - vanity, helping a loved one.

Clubs - problems at work, error correction.

Peaks - a waste of effort, an unfair outcome.

Ladies- the beautiful half of humanity.

Tambourines - blonde, close friends.

Hearts - close relatives, vulnerable soul.

Clubs - brown-haired, older ladies.

Peaks - brunettes, envious women surrounded.

Kings- this is a man.

Diamonds- blond, wealthy man.

Hearts- fair-haired, in love, careful.

Clubs- brown-haired, influential man in years.

Peaks- brunette, stranger, ill-wisher.

Rules for working with the deck

  • Purity. For each fortune telling technique, a special deck should be used. Decide on an arsenal of layouts. The deck used for the grandmother's layout will not work on the “gate of fate”. An incorrect approach to the matter will mislead the fortuneteller. Keep cards out of reach of unauthorized persons. Alien energy will devastate all accumulated experience.
  • Communication. A working deck without practice should be saturated with your energy. Place the cards on the table and hold your left hand over them. Remember the layouts carried out with its help. It is recommended to count them and give each a little attention. In this way, energy saturation will occur.
  • Health. Magic rituals must be performed in a good mood. Negative emotions and feelings distort the picture of fortune-telling and bring chaos to the process. Excessive positive emotions can also cause harm. You won't get necessary information. If you feel pain or malaise, postpone the schedule.

Magic rituals require respect. Focus is your best friend. A serious attitude towards the reading and a desire to understand the secrets of fortune-telling will help to perform a ritual of high quality. By learning simple rules and learning to correctly interpret the meanings of cards, you will gain an advantage over the “uninitiated.” Remember: it’s easier to learn magic when you sincerely believe in it.

As soon as people did not guess: by the wind, and by the flame, and by the soaring of birds... But the cards came, and they forgot about the ancient fortune-telling.

Fortune telling using playing cards or Tarot is an effective way to predict the future. When starting to cast divination on cards, you will first need to become familiar with their meanings.

Meaning of card symbols

Before giving an answer to the designation of the card symbol, it will be necessary to tell a secret: there is no unique meaning for each of the cards. Gypsy training in card fortune telling was not a guide to Tarot fortune telling.

A gypsy girl, holding her breath and hiding behind the curtain, spies on the fortune-telling going on with her mother or grandmother. One time the gypsy will call the ace of spades death, and in another case the fortune telling will threaten prison.

However, there is also a simplified interpretation that is suitable for beginners and those who like to tell fortunes using classic simple layouts.

Playing cards and images of the Tarot arcana - they could be compared to a sea map cut into pieces. By combining the cards in a spread, the fortune teller lays out a map of the course of the upcoming fate. Looking at them, he sees not the information that the pictures mean, but life path what will happen in general.

How to tell fortunes with cards? It will be necessary to consider them in a cause-and-effect chain.

Suit, elements and portraits

How are playing cards different from Tarot? Lack of major arcana. Playing cards can't see too far into the future. But their fortune-telling of the near future was always better than in Tarot.

Card suits indicate the degree of their elemental influence.

  • Clubs. The fiery vibrations of the suits are their domain in secular power.
  • Diamonds. Earthly vibrations of suits are the element of material well-being.
  • Worms. Air vibrations of suits are the element of feelings.
  • Peaks. Water vibrations of the suits are the element of irrevocable change.

Playing cards have an advantage over Tarot: they indicate the approximate appearance of a person. Let it be very conditional, but during fortune telling it becomes possible to guess about a specific person.

Brief interpretation depending on the position

There is, like Tarot cards, in playing cards a difference in fortune telling depending on the position of the cards.


  • Peak. The sign looks up: State institution. The sign looks down. Loss of strength, separation or conflict.
  • Clubs The sign looks up. There will be loss of property through fraud. The sign looks down. Libel, doubts.
  • Worms. The sign looks up. Love tête-à-tête. The sign looks down. Lucky case.
  • Tambourine. There will be an inheritance, a salary increase or a wedding.


  • Worms, the central sign is looking up. Love speeches. The sign looks down. Meeting after separation.
  • Casual income, minor changes. The sign looks down. An unwanted meeting, there will be a serious conversation.
  • Serious problem. Swearing, bad luck. The sign looks down. Litigation or career problems.


  • Hearts, the central sign looks up. Noisy party. The sign looks down. It's about engagement.
  • Clubs, the central sign looks up. Establishing relationships, there will be luck in gambling. The sign looks down. Business difficulties, humiliation.
  • Peak, central sign facing up. Scandal. The sign looks down. Problems, debts, illnesses.

General meaning of symbols

Each of the cards has several interpretations; their selection occurs intuitively and according to the general context. As was said before: the meaning of playing cards and Tarot is the same, but there are no major arcana.

Below are 52 values ​​because they include 36 characters in simple fortune telling and 52 for complex. This does not mean that fortune telling with a deck of 36 cards is easier than with 52 cards. It is possible that it is even more difficult than fortune telling with Tarot.

Clubs (crosses)

Ace. Symbol of authority. Hence the meanings: if there is money, then the bank; if there is power, then the federal level. If it’s a gift, then it’s worth a million. If commercial success, then super profit. And if ruin, then into poverty. If love, then all-consuming passion. And if there are tender feelings, then forever. If it’s a road, then it’s thousands of miles away.

King. Masculinity and fire are their combination for a warrior. Gypsy interpretation: loyalty to a friend, a soldier or a law enforcement official. The symbol is characterized by black and white tones interpretation. If it's bad, it's very bad; if it's good, it's simply excellent. The most “masculine” of the 52 cards.

Lady. Femininity and fire are the nature of contradiction. It means a wealthy woman, legal troubles, help from a friend.

Jack. A soldier, no higher than a warrant officer, a recent acquaintance, the bearer of unexpected news. If a jack divides two queens, it means the wife’s infidelity. The combination of fire and development symbolizes rapid growth.

"10". Meaning: mental work, educational journey. Thanks to your awakened intuition, you will be lucky in gambling. Thanks to the awakening of internal forces, victory over an illness that may have been considered incurable is possible.

"9". The combination with fire is characterized by one word “too”. If an inheritance is such wealth that you are at a loss: what to do with it? If it’s a stock exchange transaction, then from poor to rich in one go. If buying real estate, then expensive apartments. With such vibration, you can’t have a little “party” - perhaps then for a year you will remember the party.

"8". The fire element gives unprecedented strength. Meanings: solid business, stable success, successful marriages, if you receive an inheritance, then successfully invest the funds in business projects.

"7". Encourages fanaticism, which helps experts in uncovering natural secrets and in technical creativity.

"6". It deservedly gives grounds for ambition - there are chances to reach the planned heights.

"5". This card is a muse for artists and writers.

"4". Fire has a positive effect on this vibration: thanks to the “creative spark,” a scientific or artistic victory is achieved, worthy of high recognition and awards.

"3". Gives impetus to commercial and scientific projects, which are ensured long life and development.

"2". Fire with this vibration ensures a reliable and lasting union.


Ace. The element of Earth, influencing the vibration of the ace, can paint a figurative picture of an unshakable rock or stone wall: in marriage, relationships are not sensual, but stable. If business, then trade in cars, jewelry, rare and expensive goods.

King. For women, vibration in the element of Earth means one thing: Ideal Man. The card favors the launch of long-term projects in any area of ​​human existence.

Lady. Stable stability. Not all male revelers can bear it. This is only for Serious relationships. It is possible that nights with a “lady” are not so exciting, but they are an ideal hostess. The chosen one will always be washed, hemmed and fed. And at least three wonderful children will be born.

Jack. The energy of unshakable change. Like the growth of a tree: from year to year it grows stronger and taller. This applies to relationships, business, and position in society.

"10". Heyday: relationships, income, position in society. A wonderful state of stable happiness. It seems that there will be no end to a cloudless life.

"9". Means excess income. Not as a result of winning, when money came easily, easily went. This is a solid enterprise for years. Family relationships can also be called ideal - the spouses not only do not know the needs, but they are also interested in each other.

"8". Down-to-earth and pragmatism in the Earth element is a period of stagnation.

"7". Circumstances when things seem to go by themselves. Happy coincidences happen for business projects.

"6". Harmony and balance are favorable for the Earth: things go as planned.

"5". Prerequisites for strong hobbies, even addiction.

"4". Four and Earth seem to be made for each other, the desired fruits of relationships and business arise.

"3". If things were in chaos, then Earth and the troika will restore normalcy even in the worst situations.

"2". Favors marriages, friendships for years.


Ace. The vibration of the ace and the air element is like an oncoming hurricane. If it comes to feelings, then this is passionate love. If it is a business, then enthusiasm at the beginning of the journey will help in the implementation of the project. If it concerns society, a person will flash as a supernova.

King. Gypsy meaning: Masculinity and Air resemble a soap bubble: large and important, but empty inside. These inflated values ​​and inflated problems do not deserve attention.

Lady. If we want to describe the mystery of female nature, then the words will do: Femininity and Air. Unpredictability, sudden changes in mood and desire.

Jack. Things will go great if you “feel” for a favorable flow of circumstances. It is enough to be on time and in the right place, and business affairs will improve.

"10". Airy Perfection. If it’s love, then it’s platonic; if it’s success in business, then it’s on paper. Dreams and castles in the air. They are wonderful, but not always feasible.

"9". Everyone likes to be under the sign of the card. Huge and rich bonuses fly into your hands. Just like that, because you are the Minion of Fate.

"8". Pragmatism and Air do not combine well, and therefore lead to speculation, gossip and slander.

"7". Often under the map are those who have gone through a difficult path of trials. The one who has passed through receives an insight that “inspires” him. The most “spiritual” of the 52 playing cards.

"6". The vibrations of the six inhibit the action of Air. There may be a delay in the development of the case, a temporary disagreement, or being ignored by society.

"5". Air and five give rise to an interesting meaning; it is popularly greeted with a toast “so that we have everything, and we don’t have to pay anything for it.” Successful adventurism, adventure.

"4". A situation of wasted effort. For example, a person worked long and hard on a project, but when he brought the work in for review, he was rejected - no longer needed.

"3". Harmony with the world in the element of Air is, first of all, conception, the beginning of a new life.

"2". Two and Air: slight sympathy.


Ace. The meaning is also highlighted in the Tarot. Water and Power are like a flood. Loss of relationships, freedom, funds or health.

King. Water and Masculinity can mean a person who has power over you. The person who puts a comma in the phrase “execute cannot be pardoned!”

Lady. Femininity and Water are a dangerous combination for cards - cunning, treachery, cruelty. Always unexpected and shocking.

Jack. Development and Water. If you “go with the flow,” then this is a lucky coincidence. If you have to go “against the grain,” then the jack from an ally’s cards turns into enemy cards.

A combination of king, queen and jack. Masculinity, Femininity, Development and Water - the combination can be called the “hand of God”; these forces can get you out of any trouble.

"10". Meaning: perfect change. If it is a disease, then it is progressive. If it’s a business, then fabulous profits; if a relationship, it’s love to the point of self-sacrifice.

"9". A resonance occurs, the meaning of such cards acts positively. No matter how bad things turn out, there is an answer to this: “everything that happens is for the better!”

"8". Map of the inevitable. It is impossible to influence the course of events.

"7". Spirituality and Water are antagonists. Loss cards. Usually they are afraid of the ace of spades. But in an ace, the danger is only in strength, which can also help. The seven of spades is the most undesirable of the 52 cards.

"6". A map of exciting stability. They say about this state: “darlings scold - they just amuse themselves”

"5". Map of deception. Great meeting with scammers and swindlers.

"4". Card of hard work. The work is not easy, but it will bear fruit.

"3". Unrest, instability. Sometimes, to solve this problem you will have to change your place of residence or work.

"2". Destruction of unions: quarrels, divorces, breaking of partnership agreements.

It’s up to you to decide which meaning to choose when doing fortune telling: classic or extended. In both cases, rely on your intuition! Author: Igor Vaskin