Download the presentation on the topic of healthy life. Presentation "I am for a healthy lifestyle." Correct distribution of daily routine

04.03.2022 Thrombosis

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Target: formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle

  • teach to value and maintain your own health;
  • develop horizons and cognitive activity.

Form of delivery: educational hour.

Duration: 45 minutes.

Equipment: laptop, multimedia projector, presentation, handouts.

Application area: educational hour is intended for secondary school students; health camps.

Time: upon request from secondary schools and health camps.

Hello! When we meet, we always say good things to each other, kind word. Why do you think the greeting includes a wish for health? Children's thoughts.

Health is the main value of our life. You can't buy it for any money. After all, being sick, you will not be able to realize your dreams. Slide 2

People have put together proverbs and sayings about health as the most valuable thing in life. Let's remember them together. I'll start and you will continue:

In a healthy body healthy mind).

Health is everything...(more expensive).

You will be healthy - everything... (you will get it).

Many of you believe that taking care of your health is the work of your parents and doctors, who are obliged to treat you and protect you from diseases. But this is not entirely true!

Each of you wants to live your life happily ever after. But are you doing everything for this? Let's now see what your day consists of. How do you start your morning? Children's answers.

(Do you wash your face? Do you exercise? What do you eat for breakfast? Do you dress neatly? Do you go out after school? Do you quarrel with friends? Watch TV, play on the computer? Etc.)

Do you know that an incorrect daily routine can cause many diseases, ailments, and worsening mood. You can help yourself by organizing your day taking into account a healthy lifestyle.

Guys, which of you will tell me what a healthy lifestyle is? What does it consist of? Children's answers.

So, a healthy lifestyle, Slide 3 as defined by the World Health Organization includes:

  • motor activity
  • proper nutrition
  • personal hygiene
  • hardening
  • eradication of bad habits
  • love for loved ones.

Here are some tips for those who want to lead healthy lifestyle and live a long life Appendix 1 (at the end of the meeting, reminders about healthy lifestyle are distributed to children)

Regular physical activity and physical training very important for your health . They protect the body from diseases. According to scientists, daily exercise adds an average of 6-9 years to your life! Physical education is useful at any age, since normal daily activity can rarely provide us with sufficient physical activity.

How many of you know where in our city you can do physical education and sports? Children's answers.

Scientists have calculated that the length of the blood vessels that lower the human body, from the largest to the smallest, is 150 kilometers! A person who sits at lessons all day can only actively function about a hundred meters! This is the cause of fatigue from lack of blood supply to the brain.

Many people do not engage in physical education because they believe that they are too busy and are not physically prepared. Experts believe that it is not necessary to do physical exercises continuously for 30 minutes. The activity can be divided into small portions: for example, in the morning you walk briskly to the bus stop, walk for 10 minutes in the afternoon and 15 minutes in the evening. As a last resort, you can work out in the morning and evening for 15 minutes at home on exercise equipment.

To maintain health necessary proper nutrition. The diet should be dominated by plant and dairy products. Slide 5. The article is well written about a properly selected diet “Life is excellent” in the magazine Springboard.-2006.-No.6.-P.10-11. Listen here:

Start your day not with sausage sandwiches and all sorts of “breakfasts of champions”, but with regular... porridge...

If you suddenly want a snack, eat a handful of any nuts or apples - they...”

Even in ancient times, it was observed that during long voyages across the seas, stays in places of imprisonment and during periods of crop failure, massive serious illnesses often occurred, the cause of which was long unknown. It was assumed that they were caused by special microbes or by eating poor quality, spoiled foods. The latter explanation seemed to be confirmed by the fact that when switching to proper nutrition with fresh foods, diseases were quickly cured. Subsequent research by scientists led to the conclusion that natural products, in addition to already known substances - proteins, fats, carbohydrates and mineral salts, contain some small doses of unknown, but necessary for life, substances called vitamins.

Guys, what do you think, do we eat unhealthy foods? (Children's answers). Let's think: are foods like chips healthy? They contain a huge amount of carcinogens (these are very harmful substances that accumulate in the body and subsequently cause various diseases

Is carbonated water harmful or beneficial? (Children's answers). It contains carbon dioxide, which creates additional stress on the circulatory and respiratory systems. Due to its high sugar content, it destroys teeth.

Why are fast foods harmful? They are “fast food.” Slide 6.(Smak sandwiches, bag soups, instant noodles, powdered milk, bouillon cubes, etc.)? ( Children's answers). Such food contains food additives, about 3000 of them. Why are they needed, you ask? They increase shelf life and improve appearance products, enhance the taste, which is why you want to eat such products without stopping. But at the same time, fast foods are harmful to our body. Most often these are food allergies and gastritis.

Among the many factors that undermine human health, a significant place is occupied by the use of nicotine, drugs and alcoholic beverages. Slide 7

I want to introduce you to a letter that was published in the local newspaper “Dialogue” from a young reader Andrei. He said that “his best friend was vacationing at the dacha in the summer and met a group of guys who smoke. They taught him to smoke too. I know this is very harmful. I don't want to lose a friend if I refuse to smoke. What do i do. Tell me...”

Let us now come up with options for behavior in this situation and give our advice. Children's reasoning.

Your answers coincide with the answers of newspaper readers. Here, listen to what they suggested:

  • Let's offer a friend a more interesting activity - sports, chess, music, etc.
  • I'll tell you that this is harmful.
  • I’ll take him to the hospital, to vascular surgery - let him look at the consequences of smoking.
  • If it doesn’t help, I’ll present an ultimatum: “It’s either me or smoking!”

Now I invite you to play an affirmation game. Slide 8.

You will see statements on the screen. Your task is to think whether they are true or not:

Tobacco is not a drug

Incorrect, since tobacco contains nicotine, and this is an officially recognized narcotic substance.

Smoking worsens skin condition

That’s right, a smoker’s skin dries and peels, his nails peel and break, and his teeth turn yellow.

Smoking relieves stress

Wrong, smoking simply reduces sensitivity to experiences. The smoker perceives this short-term respite as relief from stress. Tobacco, like any drug, provides only temporary “pain relief”, the price of which is addiction.

I think comments are unnecessary...

Scientists believe that by 2020, 8.5 million people on our planet will die from diseases caused by nicotine consumption. Worth thinking about? Yes!

And I offer you booklets, the information of which will help everyone make their choice. Appendix 2

Raising a glass of champagne, savoring the taste of beer, we introduce into the body alcohol. Alcohol affects the body like drugs - initially stimulating, then paralyzing and destructive. It deals a particularly strong blow to the liver: after taking just 1 glass of beer, it is forced to cleanse the blood for 2-3 weeks!

“Wine comes in, mind comes out” - this old Russian proverb should always be remembered by every person. In Rus', by the way, the Order “For Drunkenness” was approved, which in the 17th and 18th centuries was awarded to...drunkards! This is a cast iron octagonal plate with a collar, weighing about 4 kg, with the inscription “For drunkenness.” Imagine a drunkard with such a “medal”, which he was obliged to wear for a very long time.

I will quote statements from great Russian writers. Slide 9, 10. A.S. Pushkin emphasized: “A person who drinks is good for nothing”, and F.M. Dostoevsky said: “Vodka makes a man brutish.”

You all know very well that today Russian society faces one of the first problems drug addiction. According to statistics, in 2008 there was 1 drug addict for every 40 residents of the Tomsk region. Slide 11. And the main age of first acquaintance with drugs is 11-14 and 15-17 years. Does this situation worry modern teenagers in the North? A survey conducted by our library helped us find out. 66 readers were surveyed. Here's what the guys answered to some questions. Slide 12, 13. The results of the survey showed that not all guys know how to refuse an offer to try drugs or break contact with the person who offered it. Slide 14. Therefore, various models of behavior in this situation have been developed. Look at the screen Slides 15, 16, 17, 18. (information is read from the booklet “There is a choice: life without drugs” Appendix 3, distributed to children at the end of the meeting).

Considerable harm is caused to the body by negative thoughts and emotions. Even a short outburst of anger can lead to destruction of health. Envy, jealousy, greed and anger do the same thing, but more slowly. It is no coincidence that long-livers are mostly people with an optimistic attitude. The famous psychotherapist V. Levy claims that psychophysical training in managing one’s thoughts and emotions, transferring them to a “positive” state, plays a role in important role in our life.

Now we will answer the questions test “Do you like to laugh?”Slide 19. You answer “yes” or “no” to each question. Count only positive answers.

  1. Do you like to laugh?
  2. Do you know how to get out of unpleasant situations with humor?
  3. Do you agree with the opinion that love is the funniest thing in the world?
  4. Do you laugh to yourself when you read or watch something funny on TV?
  5. If you notice that you are being deceived, can you not show it?
  6. Do your family and friends tell jokes and funny stories?
  7. If you are among your friends, do you want to look the wittiest and be the center of attention?
  8. When you are in a bad mood, does the laughter of others irritate you?
  9. Of all the genres, don't you prefer comedy?
  10. Do you consider yourself a person with a sense of humor?


If you answered “yes” to 6 or more questions, then your sense of humor is fine. And it helps you even in the most difficult periods of life.

If you have 5 or fewer answers yes,” then you don’t have a good sense of humor. But laughter and a smile are an indicator of health, stability, and success in life. It's easier to overcome troubles with them. Try to change yourself and look at life from a funny side, don’t take everything too seriously.

Try to replace a negative emotional state with a positive one through volitional effort, self-control, and training. Psychologists advise to refrain from shouting and arguing over trifles. You can say loudly: “I’m angry about something...”.

Popular wisdom advises: Slide 20. “Before you get rude, count to ten.”. And the ancient Greek philosophers said: “Don’t let your tongue get ahead of your thought.” Modern psychologists suggest : “When you say what you mean, think what you say.”

Doctors talk about the benefits of kindness and humor, jokes, and complement.

Bright thoughts and kindness towards everyone around you are a strong factor in health.

Scientists believe that it is actually easier to succeed in life than to be a failure. It's easier to be happy than to be unhappy. It's easier to love than to hate. You just need to make an effort and live, love, work, create a healthy body and a healthy mind.

Slide 21. Health is beauty. So always be beautiful, don’t waste what nature has given you, maintain and preserve your health, increase your capital with a healthy lifestyle!

Guys, a book exhibition has been prepared for you, where you will find a lot more useful and interesting things about healthy lifestyle. For example, if after physical education you lose your strength, what should you do? Or how to help yourself if “something has happened to my memory”... Well, you will find a lot of other information in the suggested magazines and books.


  1. Petrov K.M. Human ecology and culture. - St. Petersburg, 1999, - 384 p.
  2. Petrushin V.I., Petrushina N.V. Valeology. - M., 2003. - 432 p.
  3. Khata Z.I. Human health in the modern environmental situation. -M., 2001. - 208 p.
  4. Malnigova S.V. Take care of your dress again, and your health from a young age! // Read, study,
  5. Let's play. -2000. - No. 4. - P. 92-96
  6. Proverbs and sayings of the Russian people. - M., 1986. -189 p.
  7. Say “Yes!” to life // DE AiF. -2007. - No. 2; 2004. - No. 1. -S. 54.
  8. There is a choice: life without drugs: Results of a survey of readers of the Central Children's Library for the International Day against Drug Addiction. - Seversk, 2008. -10 p.
  9. “Life is excellent” // Springboard. - 2006. - No. 6. - P.10-11.
  10. Kudryashova G.V. Scenario for the speech of the propaganda team “We want to live” // Class teacher. - 2008. - No. 2. - P. 139-142.
  11. Nurturing a healthy lifestyle//Class teacher. - 2007.- No. 5.
  12. Nikina E. Our health is in our hands // Education of schoolchildren. - 2006. - No. 9.

Poor human health leads to stress, bad mood, feeling tired and even creates problems with self-esteem. “Healthy lifestyle” is a presentation topic that should be constantly present at classroom hours in any class. The content of the slides and the availability of material change, but the essence of the events remains the same: a person must choose a healthy life and no one will take better care of his own health than he does.

You are in a section where each presentation, the topic of which is “Healthy Lifestyle,” is a treasure trove of useful material and wise advice. The teacher and class teacher, constantly communicating with children, can focus adolescents’ attention on forming habits that will make them healthier. The teacher’s words are convincing, but they are quickly forgotten. The example of an adult obliges one to imitate, but not many follow it. Try downloading a ready-made presentation on the topic “Healthy Lifestyle” for free and schoolchildren will hear, believe and want to take advantage of the advice.

Most often, people think about their health when it is too late. It is difficult to save a drug addict who is standing over an abyss. It is unlikely that it will be possible to prolong the life of an oncology patient with lung cancer. But these troubles, like many others, could have been avoided if appropriate work had been carried out with the child from childhood to form healthy habits. You should download a ready-made Powerpoint presentation on the topic of a healthy lifestyle for first-graders in September. Let them feel their own responsibility for their health, since they have become big and are considered students.

As your child gets older, it will be more difficult to change his habits. But even if time is lost, try to convey the truth to him, maybe this will help Powerpoint presentation on the topic of a healthy lifestyle from a torrent, which can also be downloaded for free and without registration.

  • - this is a state of complete physical, spiritual, social well-being, and not just the absence of diseases and physical defects (WHO, 1940)

  • 50% - from the person, from the lifestyle;
  • 20% - from hereditary factors;
  • 20% - from the environment;
  • 10% - from the work of healthcare institutions.

  • Somatic health
  • Physical health
  • Mental health
  • Moral health

  • for somatic health – "I can";
  • for mental health – "I want";
  • for moral health - "I must"

  • - is the science of managing human health through improving his lifestyle

  • - this is the constant implementation of hygienic (valeological) rules for strengthening and maintaining individual and public health, conscious of its necessity

  • Optimal work and rest regime
  • Physical activity and hardening
  • Balanced diet
  • Medical activity
  • Compliance with the rules of mental hygiene
  • Personal and public hygiene
  • Family hygiene

Russian scientists believe that health requires:

Dietary restrictions

Time and ability to rest

  • This is the alternation of one type of work with another, “switching” from one type of activity to another.

  • - this is the ability to cope with daily routine and high productivity. Good physical shape requires efficient functioning of the heart, lungs, muscles, and blood vessels.

  • is a training system aimed at increasing the body’s defenses against various harmful influences, that is, at maintaining and strengthening health, developing resistance to diseases, to physical and nervous overload.

  • Sunbathing has the most powerful effect on the body. It is best taken in the summer mornings from 8 to 11 o'clock, starting from 10-20 minutes and continuing up to 2-3 hours.
  • Water procedures - dousing, rubbing, showering, bathing. Begin by washing your face and hands with cold water, then pouring over your feet and gargling with cold water.
  • Air hardening - the impact is stronger, the more more difference body and air temperatures. Start at +16ºС+18ºС from 5-9 minutes leading to 20-30 minutes

  • Follow your diet - eat at the same time every 3-4 hours.
  • Eat a variety of foods.
  • Avoid fatty foods.
  • Beware of very spicy and salty foods.
  • Limit your consumption of sweets.
  • Vegetables and fruits are the healthiest foods.
  • The main thing is not to overeat!


  • Tobacco smoke consists of 4720 different substances, the main ones being nicotine, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, hydrocyanic acid, radioactive polonium 210, arsenic, tar, etc.
  • Smoking contributes to the development of chronic bronchitis, myocardial infarction, stroke, lung cancer, and premature birth in women.

  • 1st stage – a craving for alcohol occurs after several months of regular consumption.
  • 2nd stage – a hangover syndrome is formed, in which irritability, anger, depression, anxiety, nightmares, fears, hallucinations, seizures, and “delirium tremens” are observed.

  • Those who believe that soft drugs are harmless are wrong. Already from the first use of drugs, addiction can form.
  • Stopping drug use at the physical stage of addiction leads to withdrawal syndrome, the so-called “withdrawal.”

Components medical activity

  • A person's attitude towards their health
  • Attitude to other people's health
  • Strict compliance with medical instructions
  • Visiting medical institutions

  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Prolonged, incomprehensible fatigue.
  • Reluctance to move, decreased muscle activity in the arms and legs.
  • Chronic pain in different parts of the body.
  • Upset stomach and intestines, interruptions in heart function.
  • Increased quarrels with family, irritability, sudden changes in mood.
  • Increased sensitivity (“everyone is against me”), intolerance to criticism.
  • Loss of sense of time, forgetfulness, seeing everything in a gloomy light.
  • Feeling of dissatisfaction with life, spiritual emptiness.
  • Reluctance and inability to make decisions.

  • - a set of measures to care for body skin, hair, oral cavity, clothing, shoes.

  • Knowing and following the rules of a healthy lifestyle is the key to maintaining health and achieving personal happiness.

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GBOU SPO "Volgograd Medical College" On the topic: Healthy lifestyle. The work was completed by: Student of group L-911 Yulia Bakhteeva. The work was checked by: Teacher Chernyshova A.I.

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A healthy lifestyle is a person’s way of life aimed at preventing diseases and promoting health.

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Elements of a healthy lifestyle: education of healthy habits and skills from early childhood; environment: safe and favorable for living, knowledge about the influence of adverse factors environment for health; quitting smoking, drug use, alcohol consumption. healthy diet: moderate, corresponding to the physiological characteristics of a particular person, awareness of the quality of the products consumed; movements: physically active life, including special physical exercise, taking into account age and physiological characteristics; personal and public hygiene: a set of hygienic rules, the observance and implementation of which contributes to the preservation and strengthening of health, mastery of first aid skills.

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10 healthy lifestyle tips: 1 tip: solving crossword puzzles, studying foreign languages By making mental calculations, we train our brain. Thus, the process of age-related degradation of mental abilities slows down; the work of the heart, circulatory system and metabolism is activated. Tip 2: work is an important element of a healthy lifestyle. Find a job that suits you and makes you happy. According to scientists, this will help you look younger. Tip 3: Don't eat too much. Instead of the usual 2,500 calories, get by with 1,500. This helps maintain cell activity and relieve stress. You should also not go to extremes and eat too little. Tip 4: Have your own opinion on everything. Living a conscious life will help you become depressed and depressed as little as possible.

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Tip 5: the menu should be age appropriate. Liver and nuts will help 30-year-old women slow down the appearance of the first wrinkles. Selenium contained in kidneys and cheese is useful for men after 40 years of age, it helps relieve stress. After 50 years, magnesium is needed, which keeps the heart in shape and calcium, which is good for bones, and fish will help protect the heart and blood vessels. Tip 6: love and tenderness will help you stay young longer, so find yourself a partner. Strengthening immune system promotes the hormone of happiness (endorphin), which is produced in the body when a person is in love. Tip 7: It’s better to sleep in a cool room (at a temperature of 17-18 degrees), this helps preserve youth. The fact is that the metabolism in the body and the manifestation of age-related characteristics also depend on the ambient temperature.

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Tip 8: Move more often. Scientists have proven that even eight minutes of exercise a day prolongs life. Tip 9: Pamper yourself periodically. Despite the recommendations regarding a healthy lifestyle, sometimes allow yourself something tasty. Tip 10: Don’t always suppress your anger. Various diseases, even malignant tumors, are more susceptible to people who constantly scold themselves, instead of telling what upsets them, and sometimes arguing.

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Being healthy is fashionable! Friendly, fun, cheerful. Get ready to exercise. Recharge your body!

Slide 9

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By leading a healthy lifestyle, we can feel great, despite many negative factors: stressful situations, poor environment, difficult work schedule. A healthy lifestyle is a guarantee of success, good mood, and most importantly, longevity! Healthy eating- This is the key to the proper functioning of all systems of our body. The main thing – our overall health – depends on balanced food and the vitamins and microelements included in the diet! With improper or inadequate nutrition, we risk acquiring a number of chronic diseases. Healthy lifestyle Healthy eating

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What could be more important than women's and men's health? Family well-being and continuation of the family depend on this factor. Many women dream of hearing the cherished word “mom” addressed to them, and men dream of giving them someone who will say these kind words. For many centuries now, sport has become almost synonymous with the word health. And this is the truth in all instances! By playing sports with a certain frequency, you can achieve excellent success - good health, increased productivity, beauty and attention from people around you. Women's and Men's health Sports and health