A conspiracy to keep your husband from going out. Love plot for husband's fidelity so that he doesn't cheat. Plot if husband

15.05.2022 Thrombosis

It is very good when peace and tranquility reigns in the family, and everyone loves, respects, and appreciates each other. But such seemingly ideal families are found in modern society infrequently. It also happens that quarrels and scandals, disagreements and showdowns arise out of nowhere. There is no reason for this, but what to do in such cases? You can use the services of magic and its rituals. A spell for your husband to be bored, listen, always hurry home, love, appreciate and respect his wife and family can help.

What have we taken from the experience of our ancestors?

If at the beginning of your family life your husband was kind, gentle, affectionate and caring, and now you feel coldness on his part, then it’s time to take action. It also happens that the husband began to drink very often, explaining this by fatigue, problems at work, bad mood...

This also suggests that it is possible (even necessary) to resort to the services of magic. The experience of our ancestors tells us that it is important to deal with such problems in family life, it is even necessary to do this before everything goes too far - a divorce occurs. A wise woman first tries to solve the current situation herself, but if nothing helps, then it’s time to turn to witchcraft.

Previous generations had great faith in the power of magic to help. They often turned to healers, sorcerers, healers and witches. Sometimes our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers performed the rituals themselves. As for the conspiracy on the husband, so that he would be faithful and obedient, always strive to go home - this ritual was used most often. It really works, no doubt about it. This conspiracy has survived to this day practically unchanged, and now many women also use it.

Do not forget that you should not tell anyone that you are resorting to the services of magic. Keep everything secret; That's why she has a private life, so that no one knows about her.

How does a conspiracy on a husband work now?

Modern young girls and older women use many magical spells without even understanding their essence, their real purpose. But any ritual, if you decide to turn to it, is a kind of action, a serious process that needs to be given due attention and time. During the ritual you need to be alone. This is the main condition. Also, no one should know what you are going to do. Much also depends on faith in the success of the ceremony and your concentration. Since you have decided to turn to magic for help, you must follow its rules and do everything as indicated in the “instructions” for the rituals. No indentation “left”, “right”. Everything must be done as stated in the description.

If your desire is not at all sincere, you are driven by simple curiosity, then you should not turn to magic. This will not end well (for you for sure). No games or innovations. Magic has been around for quite a long time; beginners often don’t understand it. The performer must be completely focused on the process of performing the ritual, observe everything, be serious, and bear responsibility for what he has done. First of all, you must understand the essence and purpose of the conspiracy against your husband. Only then can you actively act. Don't miss a single detail. Everything in the ritual is important.

Now you can choose from a huge variety of conspiracies. My husband has hundreds of them; you choose the one that suits you best. If you have been married for more than one year, then your feelings may cool down a little. Many wives turn to the help of magic to restore the former warmth, so that the husband will once again be inflamed with passion for his other half. If everything is done correctly (compliance with all the conditions of the ritual), the result will not take long to arrive. Your spouse will not only be faithful and not take sides, but will also always begin to rush home to his family. Relationships will become better, stronger, more tender.

But if you want your husband to want intimacy with you more often, then one conspiracy will not be enough. It is important that a woman takes care of herself. This applies not only to appearance, but also to maintaining a warm atmosphere in the house. Tell your husband as often as possible that you love him, that he is the best of men, that you are very lucky to have him, and so on.

The text of the conspiracy for the husband so that he obeys and does not cheat

Carrying out such a ritual is quite simple. The words of the conspiracy do not have to be learned, you can read it from a piece of paper. But the main thing is that you say everything out loud (not very loudly), don’t lose your rhythm and definitely think that the conspiracy will help. The words of the ritual will be:

“Mother Holy Mother of God. Nikola the Wonderworker and Jesus Christ himself, help, return harmony to the family! I don’t take water, but I return life. I don’t give water, but I connect husband and wife. So that, no matter how clean the water is, so pure is the life of the slave (husband’s name) and the slave (wife’s name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

It is better to say the text three times.

Some wives use this particular spell to “distract their husband from the bottle” and attract him to the house. The man becomes simply perfect. Other ladies resort to a similar ritual to improve family relationships and avoid conflicts and showdowns. Still others believe that a man will not cheat, his gaze will be directed only towards his soulmate. In general, every lady will find something for herself. It is important to immediately decide on your goals - what exactly you want to get from the ritual.

Believe it or not, conspiracies work! More and more people have become and continue to be convinced of this. The power of words is truly great. It’s not for nothing that they say that words can both cure and cripple. With a word you can scare away, or you can caress. Moreover, with a word you can bring your husband back. And you can appease the heart of his mother, who does not want to accept you for some reason that is understandable to her.

In a word, you can resolve issues related to your opponent. In any case, absolutely, it’s worth at least trying to do something in order to save the family. After all, destroying something that was created (sometimes with great difficulty) is always quick and easy, but preserving it is always difficult, it always takes time, always effort, always intelligence, and sometimes flexibility, turning into wisdom (or vice versa), it's always hard work!

Conspiracies against a husband and conspiracies from a rival are something that girls should be inherited by their mothers even in childhood, but, alas, these things are almost completely lost in our culture. We don't believe in anything, we're not going anywhere. We simply silently resign ourselves to what someone has decided for us. But is it worth giving up so quickly and folding your paws?

In our section you will find spells for all occasions that will be useful to you! This is a conspiracy against betrayal and a conspiracy for the love of a husband, a conspiracy for mother-in-law and a conspiracy for separation (to separate him from his mistress), a conspiracy for reconciliation and a conspiracy for husband’s fidelity, a conspiracy for the love of a husband for his wife and a conspiracy for the separation of husband and wife (yes, sometimes such a need may arise) and many other conspiracies.

Conspiracy for reconciliation

This conspiracy is truly unique. After all, it can be used as a tool through which you can reconcile a husband and wife, or a guy and a girl. If your relationship with your loved one has gone wrong and you really regret it, then this conspiracy will help you restore your old relationship.

You need to take the spring land (this is the first land that has just appeared from under the snow) and, having cast a spell on it, divide it into two parts. You keep the first part with yourself (you can pour it out in your yard, or under the windows of your house), you need to take the second part to the house of the person with whom you want to restore your old relationship. It has been noticed more than once that as soon as the ritual is performed, the relationship is resumed. You need to read the plot in one sitting:

The question naturally arises, what to do if a separation or quarrel occurred in winter or autumn? Where can I get spring soil? Don’t wait for the onset of spring and the day when the snow begins to melt and the ground becomes visible. Indeed, if you need to do this ritual urgently (for example, in winter), then you can buy land in the store. Another question is that the effectiveness of this ritual may decrease, however, it is still worth trying.

Conspiracy to bring back your husband

Anything can happen in a family. Quarrels and reconciliations, love and enmity, the main thing is to survive all this, without everyone running into their own corners. If, nevertheless, this happened, and the husband left, and worst of all, he left for a rival, do not rush to kill yourself, this can be corrected. This spell will help you!

Take holy water from the church, dip your wedding ring in it and say the following words into the water:

As soon as the spell is cast, you need to immediately take 40 sips of this, wash your face with the remaining water without wiping, let the water dry on its own.

Conspiracy against betrayal

This conspiracy is especially relevant for those whose husband is younger than his wife. Today there is love, but tomorrow he may start looking around and then the wife, who is older than her husband, has to worry and cry a lot, thinking about her rivals. To prevent this from happening, so that your husband will always be faithful to you, you need to read the following plot:

Conspiracy to return a loved one

After watching this video master class, you will also learn how to make a conspiracy to return your loved one.

Divorce conspiracy

This conspiracy is relevant in cases where divorce comes up every now and then, or you are already preparing for it, but the divorce has not yet taken place. Thanks to this conspiracy, the decision to divorce can be canceled due to the fact that everything will work out. You need to read the plot on the night of the full moon, through a wide open window.

Conspiracy to make your husband leave

Yes, don’t be surprised, there is such a need! It happens when the husband lives in two houses for a long time. And he doesn’t leave his family or abandon his mistress. And the wife seems to be no longer a wife, and not a widow, and don’t understand what. My husband won’t let me build a new relationship, and there’s not much left of the old ones. If you have decided to break the existing empty circle, then it is worth doing this very powerful ritual, which will finally help to dot the T’s.

You need to do the ritual on the waning moon. As soon as the husband left the house, follow him (literally right there) and wash the floor with clean (ideally spring) water, saying:

This powerful conspiracy will forever solve the problem of your spouse going to the left. It needs to be done late at night - at three o'clock. For the ritual you will need rooster claws (you can buy them at any store that sells meat), as well as aspen wood. If the ritual is performed on the wife and performed by the husband, then chicken paws and birch are needed. It is not difficult to distinguish the paws. Roosters are always larger. It is important that the paws are paired (left and right, and not both right or both left).

Take a red thread, tie one paw to one end, the other to the other and hang them on a tree, reading the following plot:

As soon as the plot is read and everything is done, without looking back, silently go home.

Conspiracy for reconciliation

It is not for nothing that this conspiracy is considered very strong by everyone. After all, he is able to reconcile even those who, it would seem, have finally quarreled. Moreover, it is also suitable for those who simply constantly quarrel for no apparent reason. In such cases, it is generally impossible to exclude the possibility that someone did damage to you as a result of a falling out. The signs are as follows: people cannot live without each other, and at the same time, when they are together, they swear and squabble like dogs all the time over all sorts of trifles. To remove this rift, you need to buy a new red towel on Sunday. Kneeling on it, read this plot three times:

"Thy judgment is terrible, O Lord,
You will judge the people who appear before You.
A fair court, a merciful court.
The storms will pass, the thunderstorms will go away, and the sky will become bright.
The thunderstorms will subside, and the violent winds will subside.
And our quarrels and empty disputes with God’s servant (name) will all subside and dissolve.
Thy mercy will descend upon us, God's servants (names), O Lord!
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

As soon as the plot is read, give your husband (boyfriend) this towel, let him dry himself with it after taking a bath or shower, or bath. And after this, you need to dry yourself with the same towel. After this, all quarrels in your couple will disappear.

Conspiracy against treason against the icon of the Virgin Mary

Another strong conspiracy, which is used in cases where the husband has gone on a spree. The intercessor and assistant in this conspiracy is the Blessed Virgin Mary. You will need an icon with any image of the Virgin Mary, two church candles, which you will need to intertwine (twist). Place twisted candles in front of the image and read the following plot:

"Mother Mother of God,
I ask You with all my heart, I pray to You with all my soul!
Be my hope and support, be my intercessor and the intercessor of my family!
Give me back your fidelity, give me back the love of my beloved husband, God’s servant (name).
Let him know me alone, let him desire me alone with all his soul.
I’m the only light in the window for him, and all his thoughts are only about me!
So be it!

Candles cannot be extinguished; they must burn out completely!

Conspiracy from a rival

This plot is relevant in cases where the husband is walking. Alas, this does not happen rarely. To solve this issue, you need evening milk (ideally, you need to get milk from a cow that was milked in the evening, but if you live in the city and you can’t find such milk, then you can buy milk at the store, the main thing is to do it in the evening). It is with evening milk that the conspiracy is made; as soon as you have spoken, give your husband this milk to drink.

Here is the text of the conspiracy:

Conspiracy from mother-in-law's hatred

Whether we like it or not, sometimes it turns out that the husband’s mother does not want to accept her daughter-in-law. Come on, let’s face it, sometimes the mother-in-law begins to openly mischief or even bring damage to her son’s family, trying in every possible way to bring her young daughter-in-law to naught. To avoid negativity, in order to appease the heart of the mother-in-law, you need to do the following ritual.

You need to find a plant called Coltsfoot. When twelve o'clock on Friday afternoon arrives, you need to dig up the above-mentioned plant together at the root. This should be done very carefully so that the root does not break off during the digging process.

Once everything is ready, standing facing the east side, you need to read the spell, when you say the word “Amen”, separate the root from the plant. It is very important! Next, you need to take the root of Coltsfoot to the doorstep of your mother-in-law (ideally bury it in the dream where she lives), and bury the plant itself in the same place where you dug it up. The plot is as follows:

"Coltsfoot! Ant grass!
Be my intercessor, be my protector!
Be my faith and hope, be my dear mother!
Help me, dear, always and in everything!
Shorten the evil tongue of my stepmother - my mother-in-law (name),
Calm her evil thoughts directed at me!
Whenever he decides to shout at me, let him turn to stone,
Whatever he decides to growl at me, let him be dumbfounded!
All her curses, let them return to her,
And let all her good deeds multiply!
Your roots, coltsfoot, are strong and know no barriers,
So may the love of my stepmother (name) know no barriers to me!
From now on, I am her own daughter, there is no one sweeter and more desirable than me in the whole wide world.
Her affection is only for me and my husband,
All her love goes to my house, and will remain there!
Let it be so! Let it be so! Let it be so!"

Spell for a husband's love for his wife

This plot can be used in two cases:

  • - when you want to make your husband always love you,
  • - and when you got a rival.

This conspiracy is very strong, precisely for this reason, it helps to solve two issues at once.

However, it is important to know that this conspiracy can only be read by the wife who got married to her husband in church, but if there was no wedding, then this conspiracy will not suit you, because it will not help you. This powerful plot must be read at sunset, at sunrise, and at the very moment when the sun is at its zenith, for three days in a row.

The plot is read on the very towel on which you stood when you got married in church. When the plot is done, your husband will need to dry himself with this towel. Figure out how to do this yourself.

Zoryushka-Dawn, beautiful maiden!
You walk high in the sky, you know everything and see everything far away!
You see, Mother Dawn, my married husband, my zealous husband,
You see where and with whom he greets his morning, with whom he greets the day and where he goes to have dinner.
Be him, Zarya-Zoryushka, a guiding star, be a light in the night for him, lead him to my threshold.
So that he would know no other fate than to be with me, his wife before God and people!
Let his eyes only look at me, let his lips only want to kiss me,
His warm heart belongs only to me, and his wild little head is filled with thoughts about me!
Only I am the light in the window for him,
Only I am for him – Morning Dawn, Day Dawn, Evening Dawn and Night Dawn!
He can’t eat without me, he can’t drink without me, he can’t sleep without me,
He has no life without me, because I am his Life.
From a homewrecker - a lapel, from a rival - disgust.
Others have hooked hands, lips that don’t give affection, eyes that don’t sparkle with light,
He can’t see the white light anywhere, only in my house, next to me, with me alone!
Married in the church, bound to me forever and ever by one oath, my husband (name),
Always be with me (name), your wife, in the night, in the morning, and in broad daylight,
Be with me at the Dawn of the Morning, and at the Dawn of the Day, and at the Dawn of the Evening and Dawn of the Night!
So it will be, so it is, so it will be!

Total - in three days you will read the plot 21 times.

Conspiracy for a quarrel

This conspiracy is just for those cases when you know for sure that your husband has a mistress and you want to quarrel between them. In order to perform this ritual, you will need two pieces of wool - cat and dog.

Before you start reading the plot, you need to do the following:
You turn to a piece of cat fur, hold it in your hands and say: “I give you the name (you say the name of your mistress, if you know it; if you don’t know the name, then just say – my husband’s mistress). You do the same with the dog’s fur, just say, holding it in your hands: “I give you the name (say the name of your husband).

Once the wool is named, mix it properly. The following plot must be read over the wool three times:

As soon as the plot is made, you need to put a small piece of wool in your husband’s pocket. And so, for a month, every day, without missing a day, you need to put this wool on him. The conspiracy is strong. It works quickly, but still you should not refuse to carry it out, despite the return of your husband to the bosom of the family. Just in case, it must be done within 30 days.

Spell for husband's love

For this plot you will need a piece of white soap. Actually, it is not this piece of the conspiracy that will be done. How to carry out the conspiracy, watch the video clip.

Conspiracy to bring back your husband

This plot is appropriate to do when your husband has left you, and you, by all means, want to return him. To perform the ritual, you need to get up as early as possible on Easter Day and go to any store that is in the place where you live. Standing on the threshold of the store, quickly mentally say:

“Jesus Christ is risen! And my husband came back to me!”

When you go to a store, you need to buy something there, but don’t take change. When you leave the store, through the same threshold as you entered, mentally say to yourself: “Paid”!

Conspiracy from a rival

This conspiracy is read specifically in order to protect yourself from your rival, from her intrigues, from her influence. To complete this plot, you need to buy a new lock (padlock). Taking it in your hands (holding it open), read the spell (directly into the well itself), standing on one bank of the river. Immediately close the lock and throw the key into the water. Having crossed to the other side, throw the castle itself into the water.

Know, my rival, I am covering you!
My ban cannot be lifted by anyone, just as the Belgoruch Stone cannot be moved from its place!
My word is unshakable, my deed is just, my side is bright!
And you, you underwater snake, should lie here and never see my husband!
Key, lock, tongue!
I lock the lock with my tongue and key, I separate you from my husband!
No one will be able to open the lock forever, just as you will never get back together!”

Divorce conspiracy

This plot is very effective! After all, it is done in the spring, at the very time when nature, waking up, gains strength and color. It is at this moment that you should ask Mother Nature for help! And she will definitely help you! You need to dig up a bed and plant something, for example, flowers. The moment you throw the seeds into the ground, you say:

An important condition is that you should not be distracted.

Spell for a husband's love for his wife

This plot is used in cases where they want the husband’s love to last long, so that he not only does not go to the left, but does not even think about it. This conspiracy must be done in the forest, on the night of the full moon. It is important that no one sees or hears you at this moment. You need to shout the conspiracy very loudly, so loudly that the echo repeats it. This conspiracy works for seven years, then you need to repeat the ritual.

“The echo is loud, the echo is loud!
Forest spirits, night sounds!
Get together, give me (name) help!
Calm the boiling blood of my husband (name),
Tame his zealous heart!
Proud eyes, turn your black eyes on me!
I am bread for him, I am salt for him, I am a spring for him, I am wine for him!
His life lies in me, his happiness arises in me!
His thoughts are full of me, his thoughts are full of me!
While he is next to me, there is joy in his heart,
As long as he is next to me, everything is easy and simple for him!
And if my husband (name) looks to the side, everything will immediately turn to dust:
His blood will cool, his heart will ache, his eyes will go dark!
The echo is loud, the echo is loud!
Forest spirits, night sounds,
So be it!
I conjure you three times, I beg you three times!
Only with me he can be happy!
Key. Lock. Language"!

Conspiracy from a rival

Conspiracy from a rival on poppy seeds

This conspiracy is traditionally considered one of the most powerful. After all, he is protective. To complete this you will need a poppy. Yes, a regular poppy. You can buy it from a store, but best of all is homemade, the one that grew in the garden. The spell must be spoken on the poppy seed and sprinkled on it under your own threshold for twelve days. This poppy will not give your rival the opportunity to take your husband away from you or do anything bad to you.

Conspiracy for separation

If you have caught your husband cheating, or have not caught it yet, but know for sure that he is cheating on you, you need to do the following ritual. After all, he helps to separate the husband from his mistress. The conspiracy is very strong!

You need to take two threads (no matter what - wool or synthetic): black and red. Approximately one meter long. At the beginning, tie them up and at the end, tie them up too. From one knot to another, the threads need to be twisted together. Next, you need to read the plot over these two twisted threads. When you read, tear the threads. By the end of the plot, all your threads should be broken. When the plot is read and the threads are broken, they need to be burned.

“I walk the straight road, I walk the bright path, I walk the right path.
I, my rival (name), is walking along a crooked path, with holes and potholes, with mud and clods!
There is a stone lying in an open field, and the devil and the devil are sitting on it.
And not just sitting there, but tearing out each other’s eyes, tearing each other’s fur and throwing it to the wind!
There is no rest for them, no light for them, from summer to summer!
From spring to spring, from autumn to autumn, from winter to winter - they are doomed to fight!
So is my husband (name) with my rival (name),
How will those devils be from summer, to summer, from spring, to spring,
From autumn to autumn, from winter to winter - fight and fight, deciding which of them is in charge.
They will fight tooth and nail, not knowing how to breathe, looking in different directions.
My word is strong, my intention is firm.
So be it forever and ever! Amen!"

Conspiracy to bring back your husband

When a husband leaves for a homewrecker, there is little pleasant in this, especially when the children are also left without a father. Any wife wants to protect her family, wants to save it, and, of course, wants to bring her husband back. This conspiracy is just for this case. It must be done on the waxing Moon. In one breath.

“Voditsa is a bright maiden!
My maternal pain is paid for by you!
My heart is waiting for your help, it’s bursting with anticipation!
Let my son (name) turn his face to me, to his mother (name),
Let your heart respond to my call!
I am always the first
His wife is always the second!
May it be so now and forever and ever! And until they are finished!

Conspiracy for mother-in-law

This plot is read when a black cat suddenly runs between the daughter-in-law and mother-in-law (for no reason at all). Everything was going well for the time being, and then something happened (no one even understood what exactly), and everything suddenly went topsy-turvy. Quarrels began, mutual claims and accusations began. As if someone had really damaged the relationship.

If there are any suspicions, you need to read this plot three times a day, three days in a row. Then take a three-day break and repeat everything again. Then again take three days to rest and again read the plot for three days. This plot is read in the morning (at sunrise), afternoon and evening, at sunset:

Conspiracy from mother-in-law's hatred of son-in-law

There is nothing worse when two people close to you, whom you love, cannot find a common language with each other. This plot is read in poppy, it helps to reconcile two sides: mother and husband, or, in other words, mother-in-law and son-in-law. The charmed poppy must be carefully placed in the pockets of the mother and husband, but this must be done so that neither he nor she notices it. You don’t need to sprinkle in the flour, just a couple of grains is enough. After all, if you pour a lot, firstly, it will arouse suspicion, and secondly, the poppy will be thrown away. Your task is to ensure that they walk with this poppy in their pocket for as long as possible.

Here is the text of the conspiracy:

Conspiracy of hatred

This conspiracy can be used in cases where there is no harmony between the wife's parents and the husband's parents. When each side pulls the blanket over itself, everyone considers themselves right and is not ready to compromise. This plot needs to be read with water, and then this water needs to be added to the parents’ drink (both of them).

A legal spouse or a girl who has had a long-term, albeit civil, relationship with a guy is always worried about the question of whether their betrothed is walking to the left? Someone starts making trouble, some are watching, but all this may not be necessary if you carry out a conspiracy on your own so that your husband does not cheat. This kind of magic is suitable for performing independently - they are simple and effective, do not require special knowledge and, if performed correctly, will give a positive result.

A conspiracy of fidelity using the husband’s urine is an effective and efficient ritual, but the main concern in it is precisely the extraction of that same, main biological component. If a man, for example, went to the toilet and did not flush, you can collect liquid from the toilet. Here the woman’s concern is how to obtain urine - it is this that is the main ritual component of this ritual.

But, having got it, you should pour the liquid into the ground far from home and stick 7 branches into it, which you will break from the nearest tree or bush. As you stick each branch into the ground, say the following:

“Just as this branch... birch, willow, plum and so on... - did not take root on that land and was desecrated, drooping until the evening, so you are my lawful husband - fall with your loins, as soon as you see a fallen woman.”

This is read 7 times - according to the number of stuck branches that you stick into the ground. You can even check whether the plot works - if they droop in the evening, it means everything was done correctly and the husband will no longer look at other women. If the ritual is carried out in winter, in the words of the conspiracy the word earth should be replaced with snow and so all formalities should be observed.

Ritual against cheating husband, so as not to go to the left

In practice, many women and practicing magicians use the following rituals to prevent the husband from walking around; the conspiracy and ritual, if carried out correctly, will turn the husband away from other people’s women.

Ritual for a worn shirt

To carry it out, you should take an undershirt or a worn T-shirt - the main thing is that they are unwashed and full moon You should hang it on a chair so that the light of the night light falls on it. In this position, she is left hanging for 3 nights in a row, and then on the 4th night the following words are spoken:

“Just as Peter and Fevronya lived peacefully and decorously, loving each other, not looking at the cardinal directions, so I wash my husband’s shirt, invite him home, wash away his lustful foolishness.”

After this, wash the shirt and let your spouse wear it. The ritual begins to take effect from the moment the husband puts it on, and even washing in this case will not reduce the effectiveness and efficiency of the ritual.

Snap to tape

The ribbon ritual is considered quite simple and at the same time very effective - to carry it out, you should purchase a new red ribbon and, most importantly, measure it so that its length is equal to the length of your husband’s penis.
This piece is placed under the pillow at night, and it should be there at the time of sex - in the morning, personally tie 7 knots on it and this way you will make a connection specifically to your bed and sexual relations with one woman. If the knots are untied, the effectiveness of the ritual will go away, so it should be hidden away from prying eyes.

Ritual on the ring

In this ritual, wedding rings are used that the spouses were married in church - such a symbol of fidelity and love. At the very beginning, take yours and your spouse’s rings and tie them together with red woolen thread. In this bound form, they are dipped into a glass of holy water and left there for 3 days, while we say the following words:

“Just like these rings are forever tied together - so the servant of God...name...with the servant of God...name...will be together forever. Do not let insults and quarrels, illnesses and human anger come between them. Let it be so from now on and for many years to come.”

After the allotted time has passed, they are taken out of the holy water and placed on a wax candle purchased in the temple. It is worth lighting it with a match - while it is burning, it is worth praying for family happiness and well-being in your own words. Let the candle burn to a cinder.

Ritual for husband's hair

A ritual that is considered equally effective and efficient is a conspiracy to prevent your husband from cheating on you with his hair. For the first ritual, you should prepare 2 wax candles and take your husband’s hairs from the comb. Afterwards, light the first candle and burn your husband’s hair in its flame, while collecting the ashes. Next, the words of the conspiracy are read separately over each of the candles 6 times:

“Like a burning fire - it burns the hair of God’s servant ... name ..., so his lust for ... names of rivals ... will burn, let his heart not beat when they meet. To miss his home and family is like a candle burning out, so the husband will be faithful to his wife.”

After this, the candles are allowed to burn down to cinders - these are the ones that should be put in the closet where the spouse’s underwear is stored, but the ashes from the hair should be added to food.
Another ritual can be performed on your spouse’s hair - it is quite safe and easy to perform. At the very beginning, it’s worth preparing a few hairs from your husband’s head and a match in advance - after waiting for midnight, light them from the flame of the match and simply say out loud:

“I give instructions to the servant of God...name... - just as his hair burns in flames, so his desire will leave others and go to me alone. He won’t go to others, things won’t work out with others.”

It is worth reading the plot clearly, but quickly, while the hair is burning - pronounce it three times, and add the ashes to his own food.

The ritual will show its results after a lunar month - to reinforce its effectiveness, it should be performed from time to time.

Fidelity ritual with wormwood

A fragrant plant - wormwood, which was used back in the days of the ancient gods, before the advent of Christianity, will help turn your spouse away from infidelity. It is she who helps protect the spouse and family from the negative energy of the rival and improve marital relations and restore previous relationships.

In this ritual, you can use fresh or dried wormwood - it is hung or simply laid out in the corners of the room, and a sweat mattress is placed where the husband sleeps. At this moment it is worth saying the words:

“Mother Wormwood - take this misfortune away from your husband. If you have betrayal, don’t eat sweets, if you don’t have it, we’ll be together forever.”

After this, let the wormwood stay in the room for some time, preferably 3-4 days, and then collect it and sew it up in a small bag and put it in a visible place, for example, as a decorative element, or stuffing it into a pillow.

Conspiracy against cheating on panties

If your husband begins to look at other women, you can perform a successful ritual on your underwear, or, more simply, on your husband’s underpants. The main condition for carrying it out is that the husband does not notice the loss of his own item of clothing, plus it should be hidden very carefully after the ceremony.

To carry out the ritual, they take one pair of underwear in his absence and it is on them that the following ritual conspiracy is slandered:

“If you see a beautiful woman, think about your wife, strive for your spouse with your body and thoughts - every minute, every day and night, forever.”

After the conspiracy has been pronounced, the woman need not be afraid that her husband will go on a spree. But, like all representatives of the weaker half of humanity, they can be overcome by doubts - in this case, it is worth taking out the enchanted underwear from the hiding place and putting it on yourself, walking around a little. This, so to speak, will strengthen the effect of the ritual and encourage him to constantly think exclusively about his wife, and not look at other women.

In this case, there is no doubt that your husband will definitely strive for you and, at the slightest opportunity, will go exactly to your doorstep. It is worth wearing the enchanted underwear at the moment when he is late from work, or goes on a long business trip - this will serve as a certain attitude towards fidelity.

The ritual also works successfully and effectively - a conspiracy against betrayal, spoken over food, and it is not the food itself that is spoken, but the salt with which the finished dish is salted. It is best to carry out a salt spell and cook food with its addition on the eve of an impromptu romantic dinner. They carry out a salt spell ritual on Women's Day and always during the waning Moon - it sounds like this:

“My eye is loving and all-seeing. I look at my husband - from going to his side, I speak with these words. He won’t want to be with a stranger, but he won’t be able to - you will be faithful only to your wife. Your fate with others is bitter – only with me is it sweet.”

The main thing to remember is that you should take the salt for the spell from a new, recently purchased pack, and you should only add salt to your husband’s dish. It is important to make sure that no one except your husband eats a dish salted with the charmed salt or the salt itself.
In addition, you can cast salt in another ritual spell - just say the following words over it:

“It’s easy to punish you, it’s easy to let you go - but I won’t give you another one. I’ll punish you and leave it with you - I’ve prepared food for you, I’ve spoken to you, and I’ll become your only and beloved.”

Such a conspiracy is not considered dark by practicing magicians, and therefore it is best to carry it out on a bright Christian holiday, for example, Maundy Thursday or Christmas or Easter.

In this article:

How many families, so many stories. Husbands and wives make peace, quarrel, get together and separate. None of this surprises anyone. For a family, the betrayal of a husband or wife is a big shock. Most often, it is the husband who goes “to the left.” To avoid this and maintain harmony in the house, try ancient spells. They will help you keep your spouse from looking for adventures, and they will provide you with peace. You only need to use it once, but the effect lasts for a very long time. So that he doesn’t walk around, but loves his wife, if there is a proven remedy. Your life will improve, the betrayals will stop.

Discord in the family

It is believed that after 3 years of marriage, the husband loses interest in his wife. We inherited this property from distant ancestors - in the animal world everything happens exactly the same. One male, many females. Our society is more monogamous, so family life involves being faithful to one partner. Men cheat for several reasons:

  • boredom, desire to change the situation;
  • dissatisfaction with marital life;
  • to show himself that he is still young and full of strength;
  • show off to your friends.

Another unpleasant reason could be a love spell. Another woman was jealous of your happiness and decided to take her husband away. It’s not difficult to make such a conspiracy if you have the desire. After a love spell, life will deteriorate. Homewreckers themselves do not always know what they are doing when bewitching someone else’s husband. If you are married in church, then this is a sin that the homewrecker will take upon herself. You will get a sad end to your family. To prevent this from happening, you need to protect yourself and your husband. When a wife is a wise woman, she will find a way out of any situation and turn it to her advantage.

When the husband goes “left”

If you find out that your husband has started going out, is looking for meetings with another woman, or has already taken a mistress, you need to act urgently. A homewrecker can take advantage of your ignorance and take your husband away. To prevent him from walking around anymore, cast a proven spell. There are several ways. Some of them work when the husband has already started an affair, while others help prevent this.

Even the strongest union may not pass the test of time and difficulties.

It happens that after the birth of a child, spouses move away from each other. The woman is busy only with the baby, and the man feels unnecessary. In this case, the woman also needs to be attentive, although it is not easy. Taking care of your spouse will help. You are tired, but still, cook him a delicious dinner, ask his mother to look after the child, and you can go for a walk. Simple joys will protect you from the terrible thing - betrayal of a loved one.

Proven fidelity conspiracies

These conspiracies must be done in secret from the husband. He must not know anything, otherwise it will not work. You don't need anything special. To get thoughts of cheating out of your husband’s head forever, this is the best way.

Conspiracy on an icon

This conspiracy is used only for those couples who got married in church. The power of a church wedding is very strong - your souls are sealed forever. We can remind you of this union. You will need a consecrated Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, preferably an old one, prayed for. You need to go to church with her 7 times and pray.

Observe the rule of Secrecy and Silence when practicing magic.

You need to cast a spell on the icon when your husband is sleeping at home in his bed. He shouldn't know anything. Say the text 3 times no later than 3 am:

“How I, the servant of God (name), was baptized in church with my dear mother, and with my godmother, and with the Mother of the Lord. Mother Holy Mother of God, for the sake of baptism, give me forgiveness. Please help me, bring my husband back to me.”

The icon will need to be placed in the couple’s bedroom. Your husband will soon come to his senses, return to his family, and abandon all sinful thoughts and actions. If he has a mistress, then he will break up with her, because the power of the icon conspiracy will not allow him to turn away from his family.

Empty egg spell

To prevent your spouse from walking, you need to speak to the empty egg. To do this you will need three hairs from your husband's head.
Take a fresh egg and use a needle to make a hole in the base. Pour out all the contents. Don’t throw it away, but collect it and take it to the intersection. Place your husband’s hair in the empty egg. Say the text:

“The salt of the earth was given by God, I was told from the betrayal of God’s servant (husband’s name), so that my husband would love me more than life itself and never leave me. Key, lock, salt on the threshold. Amen".

The hole needs to be filled with wax from three church candles. Wrap the egg in a red scarf without designs. Pour coarse salt into the scarf and tie it.
This package should be kept at home, but in a secluded place. The conspiracy will scare away all possible girlfriends from your husband.

It works quickly. This egg must be kept so that the husband never finds it. You can’t break it either, otherwise everything you said will come out.

Spell for wedding rings

It is considered very powerful, because the most important subject is enchanted. With these rings you promised to love each other, to be faithful always and everywhere. You will need yours and your husband's ring.
Tie the rings with red woolen thread. Place them in a glass of holy water. Spell the following spell for three days:

“Just as these rings are together, so the servant of God (or the name of the husband) with the servant of God (or your name) will be together.
Let neither insults, nor quarrels, nor crooked conversations, nor illnesses, nor evil people, nor the damned demon separate us.
As she said, so it will be for many years and forever.

Christian egregor works very well in family magic

On the fourth day, take out the rings, put them on a thick church candle. Let it burn out completely, and you pray to the saints, the Mother of God and Jesus Christ.
Your prayer will be heard, because you are asking for happiness to be returned. If the husband is already an avid reveler, constantly goes somewhere, disappears unknown where, then the plot will work for 1-2 weeks. Gradually, very gently, he will return to the bosom of the family. If there were only hints of betrayal, then the effect will come faster. When your husband comes to his senses, return the ring to him, and don’t think about cheating again. This conspiracy binds your husband to you. Every woman dreams of this.

Spell for two candles

This is a very strong conspiracy. After saying it, your husband will not even cheat on you in his thoughts. Wives say that their husbands are even surprised - if a husband has an erotic dream at night, it is only about his wife. This effect can be achieved.

You will need:

  • two thin church candles;
  • husband's hair;
  • white scarf.

Light two candles when your husband is not at home. Cross yourself and the candles.
Write your name on the first candle, and your husband’s name on the second. Burn your husband’s hair over the first candle and collect the ashes. Say over the ashes three times:

“Like a burning fire burns the hair of my dear (name),
So all his lust for (the name of his rival or the girls) would burn away.
Let his heart not pound when meeting a homewrecker.
Let him miss his home, his wife and children.
Sleep, fire, shorten his lustful thoughts, lascivious desires.
Just as a candle melts and cries, so would my beloved melt for me, his wife (name).
He would live with me in love and fidelity.
Let it be so!"

Burn your hair over the second candle, collect the ashes. Mix the ashes of your hair.
The stubs from two candles will need to be wrapped in a white scarf and hidden where the husband stores his underwear. Add ashes to his food on his first Sunday.

After this short ritual, you are no longer afraid of thoughts of betrayal - they will not happen. The method has been known since ancient times. Your union is concluded at the energy level, because hair carries a lot of information about its owners. The husband is now only yours, and other women cannot reach him.

Family magic for happiness

Just a conspiracy cannot solve all your problems. Family happiness needs constant attention:

  • give each other gifts;
  • don't forget about the holidays;
  • discuss and solve problems together;
  • talk more, spend time with family;
  • Don’t tell everyone about your life and your husband.

Home amulets

You can maintain peace in your home with the help of a good amulet. These are simple little things that protect your family life. They have been known for many years and were used by our ancestors. Try it, maybe this is the recipe for your cozy home. The husband will not want to leave such a house for any woman. Most often, amulets from the Slavic tradition or Feng Shui are used. They normalize the climate in the house. Use the spell and the amulet together.

Feng Shui for the love sector

According to Feng Shui, the love sector is located in the East. Corresponds to green color. In this place you need to place paired objects, for example, figurines. Two doves, swans, two fish. They will decorate your home and give you balanced family energy. Your husband will forget that someone else's house can attract him. If there is peace, comfort and always a good atmosphere at home, then you want to come back here.

Talismans form the necessary energy

Another tip is to plant as many plants as possible in this sector. Their green leaves attract prosperity into the home. Take care of them, water them, fertilize them. Your love will help grow a real “family tree.”

Slavic home amulets

Make simple amulets from salt dough. It is not difficult. Sculpt a happy couple holding hands. This dough needs to be fired in the oven and painted with colored varnishes. Think for yourself whether to put it in a prominent place or hide it. Some argue that it is better not to show family happiness to anyone. The ancient Slavs knew such a recipe.

You can make the Black Sun amulet yourself or buy it. A wooden amulet is best suited. It is placed under the marital bed. This is done so that your husband does not go out anymore. The amulet will show him the value of your marriage, and will protect him from evil paths.

What to do if your husband has really been bewitched

If you know or believe that your husband has fallen under the spell of another woman, then you should quickly take action. How to determine if it is a love spell:

  • My husband is acting very strange. On the one hand, he is trying to make plans for the future, as he is fussy about his time with you children. On the other hand, it suddenly and quickly disappears, perhaps even for 2-3 days;
  • he says he doesn’t want this woman, but he can’t help it;
  • goes for a walk, disappears for several days;
  • there are attacks of aggression, a desire to break and destroy everything;
  • The husband started drinking and using drugs to forget.

You can try to remove the love spell yourself, or you can go to a practicing magician. Choose only proven professionals based on recommendations. Those who offer an instant effect in 1 day will most likely not help you, but will only drain you of money. Even for the most powerful magician, the plot will take 1-2 weeks to unfold.
An effective conspiracy will help you keep your husband from cheating. Your family life will improve. Don't let anyone ruin your happiness or break up your family. Your man will remain yours forever, and he won’t even look at others. To prevent your spouse from walking or going “to the left”, there is a simple remedy. It is recommended by practitioners of family magic.