How to cook blackberry mushrooms. Methods of culinary processing of the hedgehog mushroom. Edible hedgehog mushrooms - photo and description

11.12.2021 Complications

The common name “hedgehog” or “blackberry” hides several different families and species of mushrooms. Initially, they all belonged to the genus Gidnum, but later it was divided into several separate taxonomic units. The needle mushroom is not popular among culinary specialists due to the pungent taste that some varieties have. However, other species are edible and quite tasty.

By appearance This mushroom resembles a chanterelle, but they are not related. Distinctive feature hedgehog - peculiar outgrowths resembling spines on the underside of the cap. You can distinguish hedgehog mushrooms from other mushrooms by several characteristics:

Hedgehogs form colonies in the shape of a semicircle. For such an unusual shape they are also called witches. This variety of mushrooms is practically not susceptible to pests.

In total, there are about 10 species of hedgehog in nature. Some are listed in the Red Book.

Fruiting of hedgehogs begins in mid-summer and continues until frost.

Blackberry mushrooms have a very pleasant aroma. However, not everyone will decide to eat them. As the mushrooms ripen, they begin to become very bitter. To eliminate the unpleasant aftertaste, they must be thoroughly boiled. In general, it is preferable to use young fungi for culinary purposes.

Freshly picked hedgehog mushroom has an extremely short shelf life - no more than 2-3 hours. After this time, it begins to darken. To keep it longer, you need to know a few little secrets:

  1. Soak in salt water to get rid of pests.
  2. After the water has drained, remove all damaged areas.
  3. Place the peeled mushrooms in a deep bowl and cover with a towel.
  4. Store the product in the refrigerator.

Before you start cooking, the mushrooms need to be boiled in salted water. This is done in order to add softness and eliminate possible bitterness. This requirement is not strictly necessary, but mushrooms taste much better after boiling. After this treatment, the product can be stewed or fried.

To prepare blackberry for the winter, it can be stored in the freezer, dried or pickled in jars.

Benefit for health

Of all the known species of hedgehog, the comb or lion's mane has healing properties. This variety contains a lot of useful components - calcium, phosphorus, iron, antioxidants, vitamins, vegetable proteins and polysaccharides.

Blackberry or blackberry mushrooms are very similar to chanterelle mushrooms. These are edible mushrooms that are harvested young while their flesh remains light and soft and retains its flavor. Sometimes mushroom pickers don’t collect them because the needle-like outgrowths on the back of the cap fall off and stain other mushrooms.

General information about the mushroom

Blackberry is a common name for a number of species of mushrooms that belong to different genera and families. They are united by the presence of a spiny hymenophore, so previously all hedgehogs belonged to the genus Hydnum, but now they are divided into the following families:

  • Family Hedgehogs (Hydnaceae)
  • Family Bankeraceae
  • Family Hericiaceae
  • Family Hyaloriaceae

Characteristics of the hedgehog mushroom


The hedgehog's hat is matte cream. On its underside there are pointed, light-colored needles that break off easily. The diameter of the hedgehog cap is 3-12 cm, sometimes reaching 20 cm. The cap is hard, but brittle. A young mushroom has a convex shape, with age it opens up, becomes depressed and acquires a depression in the center. There are also hedgehogs with an irregularly shaped cap. The edge of the cap of the old mushroom is bent inward.


The young mushroom has a dense flesh with a pleasant smell. In mature mushrooms it becomes reddish.


The leg is up to 2.5 cm in diameter, about 6 cm long. The shape is cylindrical, the base is widened. The leg is one color, slightly lighter than the cap.

Hedgehogs grow in deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests, in groups, on any soil.

The first hedgehog mushrooms appear at the beginning of summer; mushrooms begin to bear fruit en masse in July. The hedgehogs continue to grow until the first autumn frosts.

Hedgehog is a little-known mushroom that is classified as conditionally edible. Of its species, the yellow hedgehog is recommended as a very tasty mushroom, and the variegated hedgehog, as a conditionally edible one, is recommended to be collected only at a young age.

When cooked, the pulp of the blackberry loses almost no volume.

The structure of the pulp of these mushrooms is dense, with a characteristic sourness. Before using the mushroom in cooking, carefully remove all the spines from the underside of the cap.

Soups and side dishes are prepared from hedgehog mushrooms. These mushrooms are also dried. When fresh, hedgehog mushrooms are usually cooked together with other mushrooms.

Types of hedgehog mushroom

Edible mushroom.

The cap is 3-12 cm in diameter, fleshy, dry, dense, the surface is uneven, lumpy, irregular in shape. The young mushroom has a slightly convex cap, the edges are curved down, the surface is velvety; As the mushroom matures, it flattens, the middle becomes dented, and the edge becomes wavy. Often grows together with the caps of neighboring mushrooms. The color of the cap ranges from light ocher and pinkish-yellow to reddish-orange and light hazel; When pressed, it darkens, and in dry weather it becomes light. The pulp is dense, brittle, white or yellow, darkens when broken, has a pleasant, fruity smell. The old mushroom is hard and bitter. The leg is 3-5 cm long and 1.5-4 cm thick, dense, solid, cylindrical in shape, widened at the base. The surface is smooth, dry, white or yellow, darkening with age.

The mushroom grows in deciduous and coniferous forests and loves moss cover. It is found in temperate climate zones of Eurasia and North America, as well as in Siberia and the Far East.

Yellow hedgehog appears in early summer and grows until the first autumn frosts.

Edible mushroom.

The cap is smooth, irregular in shape, reddish-orange in color. The edge is turned up. The bottom of the cap is covered with brittle spines. The leg is thick and dense. The pulp is dense in structure, fleshy, cream-colored, and turns orange when pressed.

The mushroom grows in mixed and coniferous forests in autumn.

The cap is 5-10 cm in diameter, dry, hard. The shape is flat-convex, the old mushroom has a concave center; the edge is wavy. The top of the cap is covered with large scales that look like tiles. The color of the cap is brownish or grayish-brown, the scales are dark. A young mushroom has a velvety surface, while an old one has a smooth surface. The pulp is whitish in color, becoming dirty gray as it matures; in a young mushroom it is dense and juicy, in a mature one it is dry and hard. The aroma is spicy, the taste is bitter. The leg is dry, thick, cylindrical, widened downward; 2-5 cm long, 1-1.5 cm thick. The color of the leg is grayish, brown at the base.

Grows in dry coniferous forests, sometimes mixed, on sandy soils, singly and in groups.

Fruiting occurs from August to October.

Conditionally edible mushroom. Young mushrooms are pickled, pickled, dried, and used as a seasoning. Old mushrooms are not used for food.

The fruiting body is similar to a coral branch, branched, white or pinkish in color. The pulp of the young mushroom is white, gradually turns yellow, the smell is not pronounced. Grows on the trunks and stumps of dead deciduous trees (aspen, elm, oak, birch).

Young mushrooms are considered edible, but they are not collected, as they are listed in the Red Book.

The fruit body is up to 20 cm, weighs about 1.5 kg, round or irregular in shape, from white to beige. The pulp is whitish, fleshy. When dry it turns yellow.

A rare species that grows on the trunks of still living or dead deciduous trees (oak, beech, birch) in the Amur Region, Khabarovsk Territory, Primorsky Territory, China, the Caucasus and Crimea.

The season lasts from early August to October.

The fruit body is capped, white or pinkish, becoming yellow with age. The top of the cap is covered with spines or felt. The edge is fringed. The pulp is thick, soft, white or pinkish, and turns yellow when dry.

Only the young mushroom is edible.

The species grows in July-September in deciduous and mixed forests of the Northern Hemisphere.

The fruiting bodies are spoon-shaped, fan-shaped or tongue-shaped. The cap is up to 7.5 cm in diameter, thick, with a rolled edge. The cap is smooth or velvety on top, whitish, gray or brown, and darkens with age. On the underside there are soft short white or grayish spines. Leg up to 5 cm in length. The pulp is gelatinous, soft, translucent, the smell and taste are fresh, resinous.

A conditionally edible mushroom, it is rarely eaten.

Grows in groups or singly, on rotting stumps and trunks of coniferous trees, in Eurasia and North America, Australia.

Poisonous and inedible types of hedgehog mushroom

No similar poisonous or inedible species of mushrooms have been described for hedgehogs.

Blackberry mycelium is sown from April to October in open areas. Fresh, wet logs of hard deciduous trees 10–20 cm in diameter and about 1 m in length are used as a wood base. Dry wood is soaked in water for 2–3 days. The impregnated wood is left for several days in a warm, ventilated room.

Holes 0.8 cm in diameter and 4 cm deep are made in the prepared log in a checkerboard pattern 10–15 cm apart. Mushroom sticks are inserted into them, after which the logs are wrapped in polyethylene, in which holes are made. The logs are left in a warm, shady place. They must remain moist at all times, so water them 2-3 times a week for 10-15 minutes.

When white mycelium threads appear on the surface of the logs, they are placed in cold water for a day, and then installed vertically in a bright room, greenhouse or on the site.

In late autumn, the logs are covered with dry leaves.

The first harvest is harvested 6-9 months after sowing.

Calorie content of hedgehog mushroom

100 g of fresh hedgehog mushroom contains 22 kilocalories, of which:

  • Proteins…………………..46.19%
  • Fats……………………….5.08%
  • Carbohydrates……………….48.73%

  • The coral hedgehog is included in the Red Book of Russia as a rare species.
  • The combed hedgehog is used in Food Industry(its taste is similar to shrimp meat) and in medicine (immune stimulant). IN folk medicine The mushroom is used to treat chronic gastritis, tumors of the esophagus, stomach, and leukemia.

Many domestic mushroom pickers are so accustomed to collecting the same types of mushrooms that they rush to classify a mushroom of an unfamiliar shape and structure as a toadstool. And all because they do not know about the useful mushrooms growing nearby, without having the proper information. So the edible varieties turn out to be unharvested. One of these “sufferers” is the yellow hedgehog, which is quite tasty and healthy for the body.

Yellow blackberry (also called notched blackberry) grows in both coniferous and deciduous forests, forming a symbiosis with trees. Found in mossy places among bushes. Grows in temperate climates in North American and Eurasian territories. Distributed throughout Russian territory up to the cold Siberian and Far Eastern regions. It grows both alone and in large groups. You can collect from July until the autumn frosts. The largest harvest occurs in late August and early September.


Outwardly it resembles a common chanterelle. The cap is dense, fleshy, with a diameter of 3 to 13 cm, under favorable growth conditions it can reach 16 cm. The irregularly shaped surface is dry, strewn with small tubercles, and feels velvety when touched by hand. While the mushroom is young, the cap is convex, its edges are curled down. But with age it becomes smoother, the edges become wavy. Usually the caps of mushrooms growing nearby grow together. The color palette varies in shades of yellow - from yellow-pinkish to orange. The older the mushroom, the darker the cap. It is impossible to clean the cap from the skin of either young or old hedgehogs - it does not separate.

The pulp is white or yellow, brittle, smells slightly of fruit, and tastes pleasant. If the mushroom is old, it is slightly bitter. At the break, the color of the pulp becomes yellow-brown.

The lower tubular layer is dotted with small sharp yellow (or white) spines, which become brittle and crumble in mature mushrooms.

The length of the leg is 8-9 cm, the diameter is up to 3-5 cm, solid, quite dense, although sometimes there are voids inside, in the shape of a cylinder, thickens towards the base, and can be curved. It is located both at the middle of the cap and in any shape. Sometimes it grows together with the legs of neighboring mushrooms. The color is similar to the color of the cap.

The ovoid spores of this fungus are colorless.

Useful medical properties

This mushroom, of course, is not medicinal plant, but it also brings some benefits to the body.

  1. The substances contained have a clear antibacterial effect: they inhibit the development of bacteria, especially staphylococcal and streptococcal. If you cut your hand while picking mushrooms, the applied blackberry juice will slow down the infection and further development of the infection.
  2. Enhances hormone production. Recommended for people involved in sports.
  3. They have a stimulating effect on the immune system.
  4. They have a good hypnotic effect and are suitable for those who have problems falling asleep.
  5. Helps hematopoiesis by stimulating the body to produce red blood cells. By regularly consuming dishes made from these mushrooms, you can improve your blood composition.
  6. Positively affects lung function, action nervous system, digestive organs, cleanses the body of unnecessary toxins.
  7. To restore performance, it is enough to consume cooked blackberry mushrooms twice a week. In any form.
  8. Helps improve body tone. So, in China, blackberry tincture is popular; doctors recommend taking it for long-term depression.
  9. It has a good effect on the skin and improves the condition of the skin. Ointments are made on the basis of hedgehogs, used in preventive and medicinal purposes. These ointments are also used to make therapeutic, nourishing and tonic masks.

Cooking and preparation

Blackberries, despite their unpopularity, are a tasty and filling mushroom. It can be fried, boiled, stewed, salted, pickled. Thrifty housewives dry hedgehog garlands for the winter. Everything is done as with other mushrooms - forest debris is removed, the mushrooms are washed and prepared, but there are a couple of nuances:

  1. It is necessary to remove the small thorns located under the cap.
  2. It is better to boil old mushrooms for about 20 minutes - then the bitterness they contain disappears, and they themselves become softer.

Fact! Regardless of temperature treatment, mushrooms retain their size without shrinking.


There are also contraindications that prevent the consumption of hedgehog mushrooms.

Blackberries should not be eaten if:

  1. Pancreatitis and impaired bile secretion.
  2. If gastritis and stomach acidity are increased.
  3. When the liver is sick - cirrhosis, liver failure.

Blackberries easily absorb harmful substances, so it is better to collect them where there is confidence in environmental cleanliness.

Video: Yellow hedgehog (Hydnum repandum)

Blackberries, or blackberries, are traditionally called several types of mushrooms that are similar in appearance, but scientists belong to different taxa (biological genera and families). Due to the fact that all these mushrooms have a spinous hymenophore (the surface on the underside of the cap), initially they were all actually classified as representatives of the same biological genus and only later were assigned to different taxa.

Types of hedgehogs

Hedgehog mushrooms are usually called about a dozen individual species of mushrooms that are similar in appearance. In particular, these are representatives:

  1. Hedgehog family -
    • Yellow hedgehog. Also known as notched hedgehog. The most famous representative of this group. A good edible mushroom. According to other sources, it is conditionally edible.
    • Rufous hedgehog. Conditionally edible mushroom. Young fruits are eaten, as old mushrooms are bitter and quite tough.
  2. Banker families -
    • Black hedgehog. Due to its dark gray color it is easily distinguishable from its relatives. It is not eaten due to its very hard pulp.
    • Felt hedgehog. One of the most common representatives of hedgehogs. Not edible.
    • Rough hedgehog. A brown mushroom that is unpleasant to look and feel. Not edible.
    • Variegated hedgehog. Also known as imbricated hedgehog. A conditionally edible mushroom with mediocre taste, but a very bright, rich aroma. For the second reason, it is often used as a mushroom seasoning.
  3. Family Hericiaceae -
    • Coral hedgehog. One of the most unusual species in this group. Instead of the traditional body of a mushroom, consisting of a stem and a cap, the mushroom is something like a coral bush. Although the mushroom is quite edible, it cannot be collected due to its rarity. This species is listed in the Red Book.
    • Crested hedgehog. In appearance it is also very far from an ordinary mushroom. Consists of long hanging threads formed into a “beard” or ball. Edible, but in some regions of Russia it is listed in the local Red Book.
    • Antennae hedgehog. It grows in the form of large clusters of caps, covered with “tendrils” on both sides. Edible when young.
  4. Family Exidiaceae -
    • Hedgehog gelatinous. Also known as false hedgehog. The photo clearly shows that it is almost impossible to confuse it with other hedgehogs. It has a jelly-like body consistency and a pale, translucent appearance. In Europe it is considered inedible. In the United States, the mushroom is considered theoretically edible, but completely tasteless.

Edible hedgehog mushrooms - photo and description

Although almost all of the above-mentioned types of mushrooms grow in most of the territory of Russia, you will not find all of them in the forest during a “silent hunt”. Most species of hedgehog mushrooms are quite rare mushrooms, and some are even listed in the Red Book, and therefore stumbling upon them in the forest is a great success.

Since there is no point in describing those types of mushrooms that you most likely will not encounter anyway, we will give here only a description of the yellow hedgehog and other most common edible mushrooms of this group.

The main unifying feature for all blackberries is the hymenophore: where other mushrooms have tubes or plates under the cap, blackberries have needle-shaped spines. They are not sharp, but, as a rule, quite elastic or even hard.

Now let's look at specific types:

  • Yellow hedgehog. Outwardly, it very much resembles a fox. Grows under coniferous and deciduous trees, loves moss. The cap is painted in different shades from light brown to pale yellow. In turn, the leg is usually lighter. Height up to 10 cm, diameter - no more than 15 cm. The hat usually has an uneven surface, and itself is also irregular in shape. While the mushroom fruit is young, the cap is slightly convex in the center, but with age its edges rise, forming a notch in the center. Very often, the caps of individual yellow hedgehog mushrooms grow together. The pulp is white or light yellow. At the break point it darkens and acquires a light fruity aroma. Old mushrooms harden and taste bitter, which is why they are usually unsuitable for food.
  • The hedgehog is red-yellow or reddish. Mushrooms grow in groups or families, close to each other. The diameter of the cap is 5 cm, the color is red-red. The hat is very wavy with brittle edges. The leg is usually much lighter, reaching 4 cm. The pulp is light and fragile, with age it becomes tougher and begins to taste bitter.
  • Variegated hedgehog. The mushroom loves coniferous forests with sandy soil. In other areas it is quite rare. The fruit body is very large and fleshy. The cap is very large, up to 20 cm. The surface is hard and dry. The top of the cap is covered with large scales resembling tiles. Hence the second name - imbricated hedgehog. The caps are painted in different shades of brown, the scales are noticeably darker. The pulp is white. While the mushroom is young, it is soft and juicy, and then it dries and hardens, acquiring a bitter taste. The leg is thick, often widened downward. Height is within 2-5 cm. The surface is grayish, often slightly lighter than the cap.

Inedible hedgehogs

Only four inedible species are usually classified as hedgehogs. Moreover, there is no data regarding whether they are poisonous or simply not suitable for food for other reasons. Here's what we know about them now:

Growing hedgehog

Since all mushrooms are more or less similar to each other in taste, businesses and individuals who grow mushrooms prefer the most productive species - champignons, oyster mushrooms and a few others. At the same time, the vast majority of wild forest mushrooms (including hedgehog mushrooms) are very difficult to industrially cultivate, and therefore are not of interest for artificial cultivation.

The exception is the combed hedgehog. The boiled pulp of this mushroom tastes very much like shrimp meat. In addition, the mushroom grows well on tree logs.

At the same time, individual fruiting bodies of this fungus can easily grow up to 20 cm in length and weigh up to 1.5 kg. An adult mushroom looks like a hedgehog curled up in a ball, but only white and with long soft needles.

In addition to its excellent taste, the combed hedgehog is also famous for its healing properties. It helps especially well in the fight against diseases such as sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is actively used to treat gastritis and gastric ulcers. It is also believed that it has a beneficial effect on the immune system and nervous system.

Technology of growing combed hedgehog

Since the technology for growing this type of mushroom has been mastered for a long time, the simplest and most obvious way to acquire planting material- buy ready-made mycelium. Wooden sticks infected with spores of these fungi are sold in many offline and online stores for gardeners.

If you plan to grow hedgehog mushrooms outdoors, then the mycelium should be planted between April and October. But since this type of hedgehog mushroom feels great indoors, it would be more productive to allocate some kind of heated shed for the beds, in which you can grow mushrooms all year round, collecting several harvests per season.

To plant mushrooms, you need to prepare a fresh (cut down no more than a month ago) log of deciduous trees. The log must certainly be free of rot. For convenience, the branches can be cut off, but the bark should be left. Typically, stumps about a meter long and up to 20 cm in diameter are used. It is important that the wood is damp. If the tree is completely dry (not dead), it should be soaked for a couple of days. Then the wood is left for a week in a warm, ventilated room.

When the log is “ripe,” holes are drilled in it up to 40 mm deep and with a diameter of no more than a centimeter. Usually such holes are made in a checkerboard pattern no closer than 10 cm. The purchased “mushroom sticks” should be inserted into these holes. Moreover, this should only be done with clean medical gloves, or at worst, thoroughly disinfected hands.

Logs with mushrooms planted in them are wrapped in polyethylene, in which ventilation holes are made in advance. The logs are then sent to a warm place out of direct sunlight and left there. It is important that the wood remains moist; therefore, it needs to be watered every 3-4 days.

As soon as the white threads of the mycelium become noticeable on the logs, they are placed in a container with cold water for a day. Next, the wooden chocks are placed vertically in a bright room, for example, in a greenhouse, or left outside (the main thing is not directly in the sun).

At the end of autumn, they should be covered with dry leaves or taken to the basement.

The first harvest is harvested after about six months (maximum 9 months). After this, the mycelium needs to be given a little rest - water less for a couple of weeks. Further harvests are harvested as mushrooms appear. At the same time, you should not wait for the fruiting bodies to grow to gigantic sizes. It's better to cut them young. Then they are stored better, and their taste is more pleasant.

But only a few people dare to collect them. It's scary to put a toadstool in your cart by mistake! Mushroom pickers who know these mushrooms sometimes don’t take blackberries because the brittle needle-like outgrowths on the back of the cap quickly fall off and stain the rest of the mushrooms. It is best to collect edible hedgehogs while they are young.

Yellow hedgehog, photo from Wikipedia

Description of the yellow or notched hedgehog (Hydnum repandum)

Hat. « Business card The hedgehog's cap is its matte-cream cap. More precisely, the underside of the cap is strewn with pointed outgrowths called needles, which easily break off. They are the same color as the cap, sometimes a little lighter. The size of the cap (usually from 3 to 12 cm in diameter) can be up to 20 cm. It is hard, but brittle.

The caps of young mushrooms are convex in shape, with age they open, after which they become depressed and acquire some depression in the central part. You can often see mushrooms with an irregularly shaped cap. The edges of old hedgehogs curl inward. The cap of young mushrooms has dense flesh with a pleasant aroma. In old mushrooms, the flesh becomes reddish. A layer of plaque or slight pubescence is noticeable on the skin of the hedgehog cap. In some places, yellow hedgehogs are found not with whitish-creamy flesh, but with dirty-rusty flesh.

Leg. The leg of the yellow hedgehog is quite thick (up to 2.5 cm), sometimes elongated (up to 6 cm). Sometimes its base (near the ground) is expanded. The monochrome leg of the hedgehog is usually lighter than the cap,

Yellow hedgehogs grow on any soil in deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests. Sometimes mushrooms form “witch circles.” The first hedgehogs are collected at the beginning of summer, usually from . Mushrooms grow until autumn frosts, often until.

Description of the motley hedgehog (Hydnum imbricatum, Sarcodon imbricatum)

Variegated hedgehog is another edible species that appears more often in pine forests. This mushroom is classified as an autumn mushroom, since it grows closer to autumn (in — ). In some areas, the mottled hedgehog is called “elk” or “chicken”.

Variegated hedgehog, photo from Wikipedia

Hat. The variegated hedgehog has a fairly large (up to 20 cm or more) brownish cap of an impressive appearance. On top it is densely covered with large growing scales, which are “laid” like tiles. The tiny mushrooms have a dark cap that turns brownish and then brownish-black. The lower part of the cap is covered with whitish spines, which become brown or rusty-gray in color with age.

Leg. The color of the leg of the motley hedgehog is the same color as the cap. You can find mushrooms with purple stems.

Variegated hedgehog is good only when young. At this time, the grayish pulp of the mushroom has a pleasant tart smell. As it ages, it becomes more and more like a cork. Bitterness appears, which spoils the taste of the motley hedgehog.

Another species that is occasionally found in our forests is the rough hedgehog. It is not necessary to collect it due to its pungent taste. This mushroom is easily distinguished by its red-brown stem.

Cooking hedgehog mushrooms

Blackberry is not the most popular mushroom, so it is rightly classified as a little-known mushroom. Many authors of reference books and guides recommend the yellow hedgehog as a very tasty mushroom, and the variegated hedgehog (which is sometimes condemned as a “conditionally edible mushroom”) is recommended to be collected only at a young age. It’s curious: the yellow hedgehog with its dense pulp practically does not decrease in size when fried.

The pulp of yellow and variegated hedgehog is dense, with a slight sourness. She deserves attention only at a young age. Before putting the mushroom in a saucepan or frying pan, it is advisable to remove all the spines. Otherwise, they will definitely fall off and turn mushroom soup or roast into some kind of porridge.

Blackberries can be dried. When fresh, they are often prepared not separately, but together with other mushrooms.

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