Accounting in antenatal clinics for pregnancy. Pregnancy – “Step by Step Instructions” - What, Where, When? Registration for pregnancy. What documents do you need to provide for work or social security?

01.10.2021 Diagnostics

Tamara, a mother of two daughters, answered questions from the “when to look after her son” series honestly:

-Yes, I would be glad. But when I remember that I will have to almost live in the antenatal clinic, take tests, and get up early for this...-and she waved her hand: they say, she’s not capable of this anymore.

And you can understand it. The list of examinations and tests that must be completed during pregnancy can be overwhelming, especially for those who are going to become a mother for the first time. And many questions arise: why so much, is it necessary to follow the “program” from start to finish, or is it possible to refuse something...

Of course, every expectant mother has the right to answer these questions herself. But first, we still advise you not to cut your teeth (I’m healthy, and I don’t need any of this!), but to familiarize yourself with information about what examinations doctors advise pregnant women to undergo and why.

Get registered! First trimester (1 - 12 weeks)

When you are planning to go to the antenatal clinic for the first time to register, keep in mind that it will not be possible to do this on the fly, in the meantime. And the point is not in the queues, but in the fact that the staging expectant mother registration is a serious matter and not quick. The obstetrician-gynecologist will interview you in detail and enter all the information received into a special medical record, which is maintained throughout the entire pregnancy.

Questions that the doctor will ask, among others:

  • Were there any cases of mental, oncological or other serious illnesses or disorders in the family? endocrine system, malformations of organs.
  • Do you have any allergies?
  • Have you had any infectious (genital herpes, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, etc.) and/or gynecological (uterine fibroids, ovarian dysfunction or neoplasms, etc.) diseases. Have there been any gynecological surgeries and for what reason?
  • What are the features of the menstrual cycle (when was it established, are there any irregularities, etc.)
  • How many pregnancies were there and how did they end?
  • Which ones did you use?

This number of questions should not surprise or irritate you: they are all aimed at not missing anything and helping you safely carry and give birth to a child. Therefore, it is better to prepare in advance, remember or clarify information. It’s even better to bring extracts from medical histories, test results and other studies, if this information is not in the medical record of the clinic where you are going to register. Don't be embarrassed, it won't look like unnecessary corrosiveness and tediousness. On the contrary, the doctor will understand that he is dealing with an expectant mother who takes her situation seriously. And this always evokes respect and sympathy (at least among good specialists; and you yourself are among the bad ones, right?)

In addition to a detailed survey, the obstetrician-gynecologist will definitely conduct an examination, which will also take a lot of time. After all, you will need to examine your skin (so as not to miss manifestations of anemia, herpes, kidney problems, etc.), and the thyroid and mammary glands, and legs (to rule out varicose veins). A gynecological examination is also mandatory; it will help ensure that there are no abnormalities in the structure of the pregnant woman’s organs. In addition, during it the doctor will take a smear from the vagina (it will show the absence or presence of a bacterial infection).

At the end of the visit, you will receive a whole stack of directions for research that will need to be completed in the near future.

What you need to submit after registration:

  1. Blood test for syphilis (RW), HIV, antibodies to hepatitis B and C (from a vein).
  2. Blood test for blood group and Rh factor (from a vein).
  3. Clinical blood test (finger prick). It will show whether the expectant mother has anemia or inflammatory changes in the blood.
  4. Biochemical blood test (from a vein). It will help to find out whether there is enough protein, glucose and other substances in the blood of a pregnant woman that are necessary for the proper development of the embryo (fetus).
  5. The study of blood clotting factors is otherwise called a coagulogram (from a vein). Its results will show whether the expectant mother has blood diseases that impair clotting. Doctors need to know this, since low coagulability is fraught with complications or even termination of pregnancy (as a result of bleeding or premature placental abruption), and high coagulability leads to slow movement through the vessels, which can harm the baby.
  6. General urine analysis. It will provide information about the density and composition of urine, which will help rule out kidney problems or diabetes.

Expectant mothers whose pregnancy proceeds without complications should undergo general blood and urine tests once a month. A smear for flora is usually taken at the first visit, at 28 - 30, 36 weeks, or as needed.

One and a half to two months before the preliminary date of birth, tests will have to be taken more often: general blood and urine tests - once every two weeks.

In addition, if you have not had an ultrasound yet, the doctor will prescribe one. During the study, they will look at how the embryo develops, whether its size corresponds to the gestational age, whether the tone of the uterus is increased, and whether there are any neoplasms in it or in the appendages. This information is also extremely important and helps to avoid many troubles.

Also in the first trimester (closer to its end), a study is carried out, including a blood test (from a vein), which reveals abnormalities in the child’s development, and an ultrasound, during which specialists determine the degree to which the baby may have some genetic abnormalities.

If everything is in order, then you have completed your “minimum program” for the first trimester and can live in peace (of course, not forgetting to visit the doctor in a timely manner).

In case of any complications, a “maximum program” may be required:

  1. If there are antibodies to the hepatitis virus in the mother’s blood (no matter B or C), then she will be prescribed a detailed biochemical analysis blood, including the study of liver enzymes, and ultrasound examination of this organ.
  2. If anemia is detected, the pregnant woman will be sent for a biochemical blood test, which will determine the level of serum iron (the severity of anemia depends on it).
  3. The difference in the Rh factors of the expectant mother (-) and father (+) is a reason to take a blood test for Rh antibodies (from a vein). Their detection is an alarming signal. After all, this means that the baby has inherited the positive Rh factor of his father, and this threatens Rh conflict and hemolytic disease. In this case, the health of mother and baby requires special monitoring.
  4. Additional examinations for infections are prescribed for pregnant women if they have had herpes, chlamydia, toxoplasmosis, etc., or if they have a history of chronic inflammation of the appendages, ectopic or non-developing pregnancy, miscarriage, placental insufficiency, polyhydramnios. Those expectant mothers whose previous children were born with signs of infections (pneumonia, conjunctivitis, etc.) or lesions of the central nervous system must also be examined.
  5. The presence of developmental defects or diseases of the heart, kidneys and other organs in future parents or their close relatives is a good reason for further examination and consultation with geneticists.
  6. If a pregnant woman has signs of early toxicosis or a threat of miscarriage, a thorough examination will also be carried out.
  7. Habitual miscarriage or undeveloped pregnancies, as well as developmental defects of a woman’s previous children, are grounds for referring the patient to geneticists.

Visits to the obstetrician-gynecologist:

Until the 20th week - once a month.

From the 20th to the 33rd-34th week - 2 times a month.

From 33-34 weeks before birth - once every ten days.

From the 37th week - once a week.

What other specialists should the expectant mother visit:


For up to 12 weeks.

After 20 weeks of pregnancy.

For what:

This is done in order to make sure that there are no diseases that could interfere with the successful course of pregnancy.


For up to 12 weeks.

After 20 weeks of pregnancy.

For what:

The doctor will check the pregnant woman’s vision and give recommendations on the method of delivery. If there are no problems, then the visit will be a one-time visit. Otherwise, constant supervision by specialists may be required.


For up to 12 weeks.

For what:

A visit to the dentist will help avoid the development of pathogens in an unsanitized oral cavity.

We continue preparations. Second trimester (13 - 26 weeks)

"Minimum program":

  • At each doctor's visit in the second trimester, your abdominal circumference and fundal height will be measured. In addition, weight measurements are required. This is necessary for the doctor to see whether the baby is developing normally and whether the expectant mother is gaining weight.
  • At the 16th and then 22nd week, as a rule, the following ultrasounds are prescribed. During them, special attention will also be paid to the correspondence of the size of the fetus to the gestational age. In addition, the study will help to find out whether the baby has any developmental defects and what is the condition of the placenta (thickness, size, degree of maturity and correspondence of the degree of maturity to the term) and its location.
  • At week 18, a blood sugar test is ordered again.
  • In the second trimester, by examining the level of proteins (alpha-fetoprotein and human chorionic gonadotropin), birth defects fetal development.

"Program maximum":

  • If the future parents are over 35 years old, one of them (or both) is sick with chlamydia, herpes virus infection, etc. or has malformations of organs, at 17 - 20 weeks the doctor will prescribe prenatal diagnostics. This study will help detect those serious genetic disorders that cannot be detected using ultrasound.
  • Based on the results of prenatal diagnosis, the obstetrician-gynecologist and geneticist decide whether or not to refer the patient for amniotic fluid testing. Amniotic fluid for analysis they take through . In addition, a blood test may be ordered for the baby. The material for it is taken using cordocentesis (puncture of the umbilical cord).
  • Additional studies may be prescribed if the health of the expectant mother is alarming (for example, there are heart defects, kidney disease or diabetes).

The scheme of examinations and tests that modern domestic medicine offers to expectant mothers allows for maximum safety for both the woman and the baby.

The matter is moving towards the end. Third trimester (26 - 40 weeks)

"Minimum program":

  • At each appointment, the doctor continues to measure the abdominal circumference, the height of the uterine fundus and the weight of the expectant mother.
  • At the 26th week, another ultrasound is performed. However, if the pregnant woman feels well, and the results of previous ultrasounds were within the normal range, the doctor may decide not to conduct this study.
  • Doppler studies are performed from 28-29 weeks. Although outwardly everything that happens looks like a regular ultrasound, this research method shows the baby's blood flow, and this helps to understand whether he is getting enough oxygen and nutrients.
  • Week 33 - time of the first cardiotocogram (CTG). She gives doctors information about the baby’s well-being. Closer to childbirth, the study is repeated. During the same period, another ultrasound may be prescribed, since it is in the later stages of pregnancy that
  • At 30, and then at 36-38 weeks, repeat blood tests for HIV and syphilis are prescribed. The test results are entered into an exchange card, which the pregnant woman must take with her to the maternity hospital.
  • At 38 - 40 weeks you will have another ultrasound. It will show the position of the baby, the umbilical cord, as well as the condition and degree of maturity of the placenta.

"Program maximum":

  • If, according to the results of CTG, the child does not feel well enough and there is a need to find out the reasons for this, Doppler ultrasound is once again prescribed.

At the finish line

During childbirth, doctors monitor the condition of the woman in labor: the color of the skin and mucous membranes, pulse rate, breathing and blood pressure. In addition, cardiac monitoring is carried out - using sensors attached to the mother’s stomach, they monitor the baby’s heartbeat during contractions.

The job is done, please get examined!

A day after the baby is born, general blood and urine tests are performed.

On the first or second day, you may be prescribed a hemostasiogram. This is done for timely diagnosis and prevention of complications caused by too fast or slow movement of blood through the vessels in the following cases:

  • After any surgical intervention (these include cesarean section or manual separation of the placenta).
  • If your mother has varicose veins.

3 - 5 days - time for ultrasound. It will be used to determine how the uterus contracts, whether there are pieces of the placenta and/or accumulations of blood clots, as well as signs of inflammation.

That's all. It may seem that this list is indeed too long. But if you spread out all the points over nine months, it turns out that everything is not so scary. And health - your own and your baby's - is a serious reason to undergo all the necessary examinations and necessary tests.

Anna was convinced of this from her own experience. Her two daughters were long-awaited (the eldest was born when Anna was already 33, and the youngest at 35) - their birth was preceded by years and years of infertility. Throughout her first pregnancy, the expectant mother carefully followed the doctors’ instructions. Moreover, the coagulogram showed problems with blood clotting; she had to be observed in a specialized center, whose specialists knew how to help her. As a result, a strong and healthy girl was born on time.

The second pregnancy was no less a surprise. The eldest daughter required a lot of attention, there was no one to help Anna (her husband was constantly on business trips, her grandmothers lived far away, and Anna herself did not agree to a nanny). As a result, the woman turned to specialists in problems with blood clotting only in the thirty-fourth week, however, she reassured herself by the fact that the tests taken at the antenatal clinic showed only slight excesses of normal parameters. As a result, before the results of the tests taken at a specialized medical center arrived, Anna started bleeding. Due to premature placental abruption, she underwent an emergency caesarean section. The youngest daughter was born at thirty-fifth week. Then the same doctor who observed her first pregnancy gently chided:

- You see, she hoped for chance, came to us too late, and we did not have time to prevent detachment.

Anna just nodded sadly. She herself understood that she was wrong. Fortunately, the error was not fatal. Her youngest daughter was saved. And, although she and her husband had to go through several terrible days, the girl soon began to recover. Now, four years later, the baby’s health is in perfect order. But Anna recommends to all the expectant mothers she knows, if they ask her for advice, to listen carefully to doctors, strictly follow their instructions and recommendations, and not rely on the same “maybe” that once let them and their daughter down.

Attention! All terms and types of research in the article are indicated approximately and may vary. The information above will help you in outline imagine what, why and when specialists will prescribe during pregnancy. More detailed, complete and up-to-date information you will receive from your doctor.

Photo - photobank Lori

A woman who is preparing to become a mother must be aware of her responsibility for the health of her baby. Some take this moment seriously and even before pregnancy visit a doctor, planning conception and taking the necessary tests that confirm the health of the parents. Others are already registered as pregnant. When is the best time to do this?

Why do you need to register?

Typically, a woman finds out about pregnancy at 6-11 weeks. During her first visit to the gynecologist, she will be asked to register for pregnancy. This can be done in any antenatal clinic to which the patient is assigned - at the place of registration or work, where it will be more convenient. It is not necessary to choose the clinic where the woman was seen regularly, although in this case it will be easier for doctors to familiarize themselves with the patient’s chart, find out about the presence of chronic diseases and the treatment provided.

According to the law of the Russian Federation, a woman has the right to receive free medical care for the entire 9 months of bearing a baby, regardless of whether she is registered with the LCD for pregnancy or not. But a scheduled visit to the gynecologist, passing the appropriate tests, regular and systematic monitoring of fetal development helps to avoid many problems and identify any abnormalities.

A woman needs medical consultation from a specialist throughout her pregnancy, starting from the early stages.

Due to their own laziness or illiteracy, some women refuse to register with the LCD so as not to waste time going to doctors and taking tests. There is no law that requires you to do this. Meanwhile, early registration at the clinic has its advantages for both mother and baby (to a greater extent):

  1. In the early stages, important systems and organs of the child are formed. During this period of time, it is important to see a doctor and follow his recommendations on nutrition, taking vitamins, etc.
  2. With the onset of pregnancy it decreases the immune system, chronic diseases worsen, which can affect the health of the fetus. A gynecologist will be able to correct any ailment.
  3. Arranging in the early stages increases the chances of a successful pregnancy. But in the following months it is important to monitor the development of the fetus and possible deviations in its development.
  4. Using tests, it is determined whether the expectant mother belongs to any risk group that complicates childbirth.
  5. There are also financial benefits from early registration. If a woman registers with a doctor before the 12th week of pregnancy, she is entitled to a one-time payment (after childbirth). The amount is symbolic - just over 600 rubles, but the payment is guaranteed by the state.

What week is the best time to register?

Each woman decides for herself when to see a doctor for the first time regarding pregnancy management. Everything is individual. Firstly, not all expectant mothers find out about their situation at the same time. Unplanned children may go unnoticed, and only after a long delay and a change in the general condition does a woman begin to think about a possible pregnancy.

Strict maximum and minimum terms are not specified anywhere, but they exist:

  1. Ideally, register before week 12. At this point, the first important studies begin: taking tests and carrying out procedures to monitor the baby’s health.
  2. The deadline is week 30. It is then that maternity leave begins, and the woman still has time to fill out all the certificates and undergo some research.

There’s no point in delaying going to the gynecologist, but should you rush to register? You can arrange everything Required documents and obtain medical advice much earlier than the “optimal” 7-12 weeks, although at this time a consultation with a general practitioner and gynecologist is sufficient. This is especially important when the doctor is guiding the patient at the planning stage and carefully monitoring her health. Each stage has its own recommendations.

Registration up to 6-7 weeks

It is difficult to register as an expectant mother in a housing complex for a period of 1 to 4 obstetric weeks for several reasons. Before the first delay, it is difficult to diagnose an ongoing pregnancy, both for the woman herself and for the gynecologist. Visually the uterus does not change. The presence of an embryo can only be determined using ultrasound. If a woman comes to the doctor at this time, he may attribute the signs of an interesting situation to a hormonal imbalance.

Early registration is quite acceptable, but there is no point in rushing to register after just seeing two lines on the test. Gynecologists do not recommend registering before 6 weeks, because during this period there is a high probability of spontaneous miscarriage. In the event of the development of any pathologies, natural selection. Sometimes, on the recommendation of doctors, preservation assistance is not provided at this time: it is believed that it is better to give birth later, but to a healthy child. Sometimes they even refuse to register for a short period of time, arguing that a miscarriage may occur. But pregnancy is confirmed using an ultrasound.

There are situations when the expectant mother is monitored from the 5th week. Complex cases include:

  • a history of miscarriages;
  • serious chronic diseases;
  • age from 35 years and above;
  • unfavorable working conditions for women.

Registration from 6-7 to 9 weeks

If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, the woman has reached 7 weeks or more, has verified her situation using a pharmacy test and has come for a consultation with a specialist, he should have no reason to refuse her registration. Diagnosis is easier. If desired, a woman can go to private clinics and confirm pregnancy using blood tests (hCG levels) and ultrasound. They then come to the antenatal clinic with these documents.

The period of 7-9 obstetric weeks is suitable for the first visit to a gynecologist. The woman will be given the necessary examinations, which include:

  • general urine, stool and blood tests;
  • determination of the Rh factor;
  • hepatitis test;
  • examination for syphilis;
  • smear;
  • bacterial culture of urine for hidden bacteria;
  • ECG, etc.

From this moment (6-9 weeks), the woman can begin to undergo mandatory examination by doctors, in addition to the gynecologist. Time allows, there is no point in rushing, and before about 12-20 weeks it is necessary to undergo the following specialists:

  • Your family doctor;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • Laura;
  • Dentist (therapist);
  • endocrinologist (not always).

Registration from 9 to 12 weeks

On early stages Modern medicine is able to identify genetic pathologies of the fetus. Thanks to this, treatment begins in a timely manner. The first examination - the so-called screening - is also aimed at offering an abortion in case of negative results. The timing of testing is determined by the gynecologist, but if pregnant women are at risk, the examination is carried out at 10-12 weeks. If you register before this date, you have a higher chance of diagnosing the pathology in time and taking action. Women who are not registered with the LCD can also undergo screening, but for a fee, in private clinics.

The established period of 12 weeks is the approximate end of the first trimester. It is believed that an abortion performed for medical reasons during this period does not pose a threat to the health of the mother.

When the first visit to the gynecologist occurs at a period of 9 weeks, the specialist can make a diagnosis based on examination of the uterus and mammary glands. The expectant mother is also sent for an ultrasound examination to exclude an ectopic pregnancy and to take the necessary measurements of the fetus. It’s not too late to register at 10-12 obstetric weeks. Prenatal diagnostics will be carried out in full.

The process of registration in the residential complex

A pregnant woman has the right to go not only to the city clinic at her place of registration, but also to attach herself to any other one - if she wishes. Convenient location is an important criterion, since you will have to visit doctors regularly. In addition, you can choose “your doctor,” a friend or by recommendation, and register with his clinic. Before you make an appointment with a gynecologist, you will need to be attached to the LCD - bring compulsory medical insurance policy and passport, write an application.

State clinics operate on a local basis, where each doctor is assigned a specific area. The pregnant woman is referred to “her” doctor. But she can choose a gynecologist on her own and be observed by him (with the doctor’s consent). The patient has the right to change doctor during pregnancy in case of lack of mutual understanding and other reasons.

When the gynecologist conducts the initial examination, the woman once again writes a statement (addressed to the head of the housing complex), and the gynecologist creates an outpatient card, which is kept in his office. It is important to collect anamnesis, find out what diseases (hereditary and chronic) the expectant mother has, whether there have been problems with pregnancy in the past (abortions, miscarriages), and so on. The woman attaches the necessary documents and their copies to the card:

  • passport;
  • compulsory medical insurance policy, which gives the right to receive free medical care;
  • SNILS pension insurance card.

How often should you visit a doctor?

In the gynecologist's office where the woman goes, there is a file cabinet where all the outpatient records of pregnant women are stored. The doctor also uses a computer database to track when and which patient comes for an appointment. If there are no deviations, you will have to visit a gynecologist every 2-3 weeks. Plus, regularly take tests (blood, urine) and undergo consultations with specialists.

The situation is complicated by the possible incompatibility of the Rh factors of the mother and child, then it is necessary to donate blood to determine antibodies at least once a month (once every 4-2 weeks, depending on the period). The expectant mother will have to run around, but everything is done for the sake of the health of the baby and the woman herself. The sooner a possible problem can be diagnosed, the faster it will be fixed.

If a pregnant woman does not register

Sometimes it happens that a woman deliberately does not register at the clinic and visits the doctor immediately before or during childbirth. The pregnancy may proceed well and the baby will be born healthy. But if problems arise that lead to miscarriage or fetal pathologies, no one will be able to tell the expectant mother what to do. Such connivance towards one’s health and the health of the child is fraught with consequences.

For failure to register, the state has no right to punish either with a fine or punishment. A woman punishes herself by depriving herself of timely medical care, diagnosis, and support. Even if the expectant mother feels great and has already had experience in childbirth, it is still recommended to undergo routine examinations. No one can predict how pregnancy will progress. If the “interesting situation” is confirmed (at least by a test), but registration is complicated by departure or other reasons, you can be examined a little later.

There is no optimal “single” time for registration. Each woman decides for herself at what time it is convenient for her to do this. In the short term, the gynecologist may refuse registration and schedule a second appointment in a couple of weeks, if there is definitely a pregnancy. It is recommended to register in the 1st trimester, since all necessary primary studies are carried out during this period.

Maternity benefits are available to women who have given birth and women who have adopted a child under 3 months of age who:

  • are subject to compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability and in connection with maternity, that is, they work;
  • study full-time;
  • pass military service under contract, serve in internal affairs bodies, troops national guard, in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, in institutions and bodies of the penal system, in customs authorities.

Maternity benefits are paid for Maternity leave lasts 70 (in case of multiple pregnancy - 84) calendar days before childbirth and 70 (in case of complicated childbirth - 86, in case of birth of two or more children - 110) calendar days after childbirth.

When adopting a child (children) under the age of 3 months, the benefit is paid from the date of adoption until the expiration of 70 (in the case of simultaneous adoption of two or more children - 110) calendar days from the date of birth of the child.

">maternity leave period. For insured women An insured woman with an insurance period of less than 6 months is paid a maternity benefit in an amount not exceeding the minimum wage established in her region, taking into account the regional coefficient.">with rare exceptions it is paid in the amount of 100% of average earnings, for employees - in the amount of allowance, for students - in the amount of scholarships. However, the benefit cannot exceed a certain amount. You can check the current restrictions on the website of the Moscow regional branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.

The benefit is paid at the place of work, service or study. To receive it you need to present:

  • certificate of incapacity for work;
  • for registration at the place of service or study - a certificate from a medical organization.

In cases:

  • transferring the husband to work in another area, moving to the husband’s place of residence;
  • illness that prevents you from continuing to work or live in a given area (in accordance with a medical certificate issued in the prescribed manner);
  • the need to care for sick family members (if there is a conclusion from a medical organization about the sick family member’s need for constant outside care) or disabled people of group I.
">in some cases, maternity benefits are also assigned and paid at the last place of work or service, when maternity leave began within a month after dismissal.

3. How can women who register before 12 weeks of pregnancy receive benefits?

Payment is provided only together with maternity benefits. If sick leave is not paid, then this benefit is also not provided.

The only additional document required to receive this payment is a certificate from the antenatal clinic or other medical organization that registered the woman in the early stages of pregnancy.

A woman’s citizenship and place of residence do not affect her right to receive payments.

Women dismissed due to the liquidation of the organization or termination of activities by the employer - an individual, during the 12 months preceding the day they were recognized as unemployed in the prescribed manner, receive benefits in.

The period of bearing a child is not only a joyful and exciting time. This is also a period of enormous responsibility on the part of the expectant mother for the health of her offspring. Whether the baby will be born strong depends largely on the woman, but there is usually no reason to worry: during the entire period of gestation, the mother is under medical supervision and can count on the help of professionals if she suddenly needs it. Until the very last day of pregnancy, an obstetrician-gynecologist monitors the health of the pregnant woman and the development of the child. But for this, a woman needs to register for pregnancy.

At what date should I register for pregnancy?

All obstetricians and gynecologists advise registering your pregnancy as early as possible. There are 3 main reasons for this:

  1. The baby's main organs and systems are formed in the first weeks of pregnancy. This period is very risky for the fetus; the expectant mother should not take any medicines, but the need for certain vitamin preparations, which the doctor will certainly prescribe, increases sharply. That is why it is important to become under the supervision of a doctor and receive all the necessary recommendations from the first weeks of pregnancy;
  2. With the onset of pregnancy, a woman’s immune system inevitably weakens, as a result of which chronic processes can worsen and acute diseases develop. Any ailments of the expectant mother carry a potential risk to the fetus;
  3. When registering before the 12th week of pregnancy, a woman officially working in Russia will receive an additional cash payment - a one-time benefit (in the amount of half of the officially established minimum salary). That is, there is also a financial benefit in timely registration, which is also important.

Typically, pregnant women are registered during their first visit to the gynecologist. This occurs on average between 7 and 11 weeks of pregnancy, shortly after the woman learns of her new position.

Early registration increases the chances of a successful pregnancy and successful childbirth. But still, gynecologists do not recommend registering before 7-8 weeks: at such short periods spontaneous miscarriages often occur (natural selection is carried out in the event of the development of some pathologies in the fetus). However, for most women, pregnancy is not confirmed earlier. And therefore, in practice, it is possible to register - closer to the 12th week.

Where to go and where to look for a doctor?

Where to register for pregnancy?

You have the right to choose the clinic and doctor with whom you will be observed during the entire period of pregnancy. This right is regulated by Federal Law Russian Federation dated November 29, 2010 N 326-FZ "On compulsory health insurance in the Russian Federation."

Traditionally, a newly pregnant woman went to the local gynecologist: he examined her, opened her medical record and gave directions for tests and examinations. Today, this practice is still quite popular, but other possibilities have emerged.

You can register not only at your place of registration, but also at your place of actual residence: in this case, you will need to write an application addressed to the head physician of the hospital or the head of the clinic, indicating this address and the compulsory health insurance policy number. In addition, the expectant mother herself chooses whether she wants to be seen in a free district/city clinic (antenatal clinic) or will go to a private gynecologist for a fee. You can also register at the medical center at the maternity hospital.

If you decide to register at a clinic other than the one where you were previously seen, then you should take an extract from the gynecologist there (so as not to lose sight of important information). When choosing a commercial medical center, be sure to find out if they issue exchange cards and sick/maternity leave.

Don't rush into making a decision: think it over carefully. What matters is the experience and reputation of the doctor, the financial capabilities of your family, the proximity/distance of the clinic from your home and other important points. Ask your friends and acquaintances about good gynecologists, consult with your husband, think everything over carefully, collect the documents necessary for registration - and go to the doctor.

Registration for pregnancy: preparation

To register at the antenatal clinic (city clinic), you will need to present your personal passport and medical insurance number. A medical insurance policy is required, since without it a woman does not have the right to medical support, but can only count on emergency medical care.

Previously, it was also necessary to present a residence permit in the city in which the woman lives and wants to register. But in 2010, by a corresponding order, this document was deleted from the list of mandatory documents for registration.

The gynecologist will certainly examine you in the chair, so immediately buy and take with you a gynecological examination kit and disposable medical gloves (if they are not included in the kit).

Take it with you notebook and a pen and think ahead about what you want to ask your doctor. Don't forget to ask him and the midwife for their phone number and permission to call them in extreme cases.

Be prepared to fill out the history of your illnesses and even the illnesses of your relatives. When registering, a medical exchange card is created, where a number of different data will be entered: your weight, height, age, blood pressure, pulse, test results, features of the course of pregnancy at different stages throughout the entire period of bearing the baby. With this card you will be admitted to the maternity hospital.

The doctor will also ask for the following information to be included in the medical record:

  • pregnancies in the past: were there any, in what quantity, when, how long did they last, how did they proceed, how did they end, were there any complications during and after childbirth;
  • other children: are there any, how many, who, what weight were they born with, their health characteristics;
  • Your health: cases of rubella, toxoplasmosis, herpes and other infectious viral diseases, including STDs, chronic diseases, gynecological problems, endocrine disorders, mental disorders, bad habits and effects on your body, etc.;
  • menstrual cycle: regularity, duration, accompanying signs, other features, do you use any contraception;
  • husband: age, bad habits, blood type and Rh factor, heredity;
  • relatives: are there any genetic problems, systemic disorders in the family, do relatives suffer from certain diseases ( diabetes mellitus, tuberculosis, hypertension), whether there were cases of cancer detection.

The gynecologist will certainly examine you in a chair, assess the condition of the vagina and its walls, the cervix, the width of the pelvis and immediately take the necessary smears for research.

Finally, the doctor will agree on a schedule of visits with the pregnant woman and give her the necessary recommendations.

I'm pregnant - what's next?

So, pregnancy was confirmed as a result of an examination by a gynecologist - what next?

First of all, you will have to pass a series of tests and undergo a series of studies:

  • general analysis of urine and feces;
  • bacterial culture of urine;
  • general blood test (from a finger);
  • biochemical blood test (from a vein);
  • analysis for blood group and Rh factor;
  • blood test for RW;
  • blood test for HIV and syphilis;
  • blood test for antibodies to hepatitis B and C viruses;
  • blood sugar test;
  • blood test for coagulation (coagulogram);
  • vaginal smear for flora;
  • vaginal smear for TORCH infections;
  • examination by a therapist;
  • examination by an endocrinologist;
  • examination by an otolaryngologist;
  • consultation with an ophthalmologist;
  • dentist consultation;
  • ECG (electrocardiography);

Mandatory studies in government agencies should be conducted free of charge. Other studies may be needed on an individual basis depending on indications.

7-12 days after registration, you must return to the doctor with all the results and conclusions of specialists.

If any medication correction is needed, the doctor will schedule a consultation with specialists or prescribe medications that are safe during this period. But he will almost certainly recommend that you take some of them immediately during your first visit to him. This is mainly folic acid, an iodine supplement, possibly calcium and some kind of multivitamins.

You will need to visit a gynecologist for examination and questioning regularly once a month if the pregnancy proceeds normally, and to a therapist and dentist - once a trimester. After 36-37 weeks, you will need to see a gynecologist every 7-10 days until you give birth.

As you can see, pregnancy monitoring is designed in such a way that the mother feels confident about the well-being of the unborn child. If the slightest violation or deviation occurs, the doctor will immediately notice it and correct it. The main thing is not to miss scheduled visits to him and take all tests in a timely manner.

Especially for - Ekaterina Vlasenko

Registration for pregnancy is a crucial moment in the life of an expectant mother. It is important not to miss the deadlines and contact exactly the antenatal clinic that is most convenient for you.

Registration for pregnancy Early pregnancy registration up to 12 weeks is recommended for all girls without exception. This allows us to first identify abnormalities during pregnancy and start treatment on time.

At 10-12 weeks, all expectant mothers must undergo the first screening to identify pathological conditions in the fetus.

Therefore, timely registration with the LCD for pregnancy is caring for the health of your unborn baby.

Some girls prefer private medical centers, where monitoring of the pregnant woman is carried out for money.

If you have made such a decision, choose the center that has the right to issue an exchange card, as well as to issue sick leave and maternity leave.

Without these documents, you will not only not receive maternity benefits, but you will also have to give birth in the observation maternity ward, where those girls who have infectious diseases are treated.

You can take documents for pregnancy registration to the antenatal clinic at your place of residence or actual residence. If you have a medical insurance policy, then you are required to be admitted to any clinic throughout Russia. Registration doesn't work important role upon registration. At the same time, you have the right to choose even the attending physician who will observe you.

How is pregnancy registration done?

  • You come to an appointment with a gynecologist with documents.
  • He conducts a thorough examination, interviews the expectant mother and fills out a card for her, which will be kept in the antenatal clinic.
  • In the future, you will receive an exchange card in your hands, which will reflect all the data on the tests, ultrasound and observations of the gynecologist. This card is required upon admission to the maternity ward.

At the first examination, the obstetrician-gynecologist will advise you about nutrition, answer all questions and make recommendations vitamin complexes. He will take some tests to register your pregnancy. In addition, you will be given a referral for other tests and a list of doctors you will need to see before your next visit to the gynecologist.

If you have a medical insurance certificate, all consultations and tests for a pregnant woman are free.

Documents for pregnancy registration

We have already said that the period for registering pregnancy is up to 12 weeks. The rules are quite simple: you just need to come to the doctor for your first examination on time. In this case, you must have the required documents for pregnancy registration:

· passport;

· medical insurance certificate;

· pension insurance certificate (SNILS policy).

If you come to the antenatal clinic at a location other than your place of registration, you will be asked to write an application addressed to the chief physician or the head of the clinic. In this case, it is also recommended to take with you a card from the antenatal clinic where you were seen earlier. Medical history, the course of previous pregnancies and childbirth will help the gynecologist in managing your pregnancy at this stage.

Tests for pregnancy registration

When registering for pregnancy, the gynecologist conducts the examinations that are necessary for him to fill out the card. A chairside examination is required: the doctor will take a smear for examination, examine the cervix and vaginal walls, and palpate the lower abdomen. In addition, he will measure the expectant mother’s body weight, blood pressure and external dimensions of the pelvis using a special instrument.

A conversation with a gynecologist at the first appointment is of great importance.

  1. The doctor must thoroughly find out all the information about your health and the health of your family members.
  2. It will be necessary to talk about previous pregnancies and births, if any, about hereditary and chronic diseases suffered infectious diseases, menstrual cycle and bad habits.
  3. The gynecologist will definitely ask you the first day of your last menstruation to determine the obstetric gestational age and the preliminary date of birth.

These are all the necessary studies and tests for pregnancy registration. At this appointment, the gynecologist will give you directions for other tests (blood test, urine test, ultrasound, ECG, etc.) and for examination by other doctors (therapist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, dentist). After undergoing tests and examination by specialists, you will need to visit your gynecologist again to evaluate the results of the studies and receive further recommendations.

Registration in early pregnancy

Early pregnancy registration is carried out up to 12 weeks. Usually, a girl first goes to an antenatal clinic during the period from 7 to 12 weeks, when she finds out about pregnancy. Experts do not recommend contacting an antenatal clinic before 7 weeks, since at this stage there is a high risk of spontaneous miscarriage, which many girls are not even aware of. Thus, natural selection occurs: a weak and sickly fetus does not survive, but a healthy and strong one begins to develop and grow.