MTS applications for legal entities. How to write and submit a claim form to MTS: let’s look at a sample document to protect rights. Necessary documents for renewing the contract

01.10.2021 Thrombosis

The mobile operator is obliged to provide its customers with high-quality communication services. But in reality this does not always work out, and subscribers make various claims to the company. The human factor, and the desire to increase your profits at our expense, has not yet been canceled. But the subscriber has the right not to tolerate rude attitude from company employees or ignoring the terms of service.
What can cause claims against a mobile operator? Inappropriate behavior of support center consultants, unjustified write-offs for communication services, activation of expensive options without your participation, changes in the terms of the tariff plan, and much more. In these cases, it is imperative to seek justice. And many subscribers do this, but they choose the wrong methods, or rather ineffective ones. Calling the hotline may not always be successful. The operator will listen to your complaints, but will not take proper measures and everything will remain the same.

If you want to change the situation and achieve justice, justify your claims in writing. If you do everything correctly, the operator will read and take measures to resolve the conflict situation. We will give instructions on how to correctly write complaints about the operator. All subscribers can use it, regardless of what they are dissatisfied with.

How to write a complaint to MTS

Any company providing cellular communication services has its own support center. You can call here at any time of the day and voice your problem, ask a question, or make a complaint. But even if you dial the Contact Center number late at night, you will still have to wait a long time for the connection. Hotline busy around the clock, because the subscribers trying to reach her have different time zones.

And even if you wait for the connection, they will listen to you politely (or maybe not), make big promises, and it is unknown whether the problem will be solved or not. You especially shouldn’t rely on help from a company employee if your complaints relate to unfair charges for non-existent services or incorrect pricing, subscription fees, or the activation of unnecessary services that you did not order. If your intentions are serious, immediately send a written complaint.

You can make a complaint as follows::

If you think that a cellular operator is engaged in fraud and theft of funds from the personal accounts of its subscribers, then you are mistaken. Let us repeat, no one has yet canceled the desire to increase the company’s profits. But MTS, like any other cellular operator, has a lot of ways to do this. What a lot of mailings and subscriptions that are imposed without our desire. If money is also constantly being written off from your balance for no apparent reason, be sure to fill out a claim.

Sample claim to MTS

Fill out the special form correctly, paying attention to your claims, and half the battle is done. Moreover, the written method is effective if an official complaint is filled out, and not just a statement of your complaints on paper.

Leave the completed form:

  1. In the office, company salon.
  2. Upload it to the special form at: .
  3. Send an email to .
Where can I find a special complaint form? It is available on the official website of the cellular company or use the link:
To complete and submit a claim, the file must be in .doc format. Fill in all the required information in the appropriate fields and write your complaint in full detail. Submit the completed document using one of the above methods.

For obvious reasons, dissatisfaction often arises among consumer not only about the product, but also about the service.

Mobile operators are often guilty of providing low-quality services.

Very often, many users see that they are being deceived, but silently endure, not knowing. that such a problem can be resolved almost with lightning speed.

It would seem that in case if the product is not satisfactory you, it will be a whole hassle to return the money with the presence of one or two pieces of paper.

But professional lawyers may not do that.

In order to be able to protect your rights in the field of purchase and sale goods and services, you just need to know the general provisions.

Why might drafting be necessary?

Buying technical means, we don’t think about the fact that tomorrow it might break.

We are in a state of joy and fun from the fact that we acquire the goods we need.

The same thing happens when purchasing a communication service package.

Citizens are so absorbed in the opportunity to communicate on favorable terms that they forget to read the contract.

And there, against your will, incomprehensible paid offers appear, with which you, for some reason, agree.

Or over time, yours mobile bills begin to increase exponentially, and you will be at a loss as to what influenced them.

Very often, people turn to consumer rights centers to complain about poor-quality purchases of technical items.

Dealing with selling companies on your own is a thankless task.

You have them - first bad purchasing experience, you are their hundred thousandth customer who has problems with the product.

Employees of such stores know by heart what, where to answer, how to mislead a person so that the store gets away with minimal losses.

It doesn’t matter whether you purchased a defective product or you simply didn’t like it, whether the communication services justified your trust or not, the main thing is that you expected something completely different from the purchased item.

You only have two exits in order for the situation to be resolved.

The first and easiest way out is just keep the product or service and don’t worry about the hassle of exchanging.

You won’t waste your time trying to sort things out with sellers and won’t have to rummage through mountains of information in search of a solution.

You will simply leave the unnecessary thing with you and accept that you have thrown your money away.

The second option is returning the item to the seller and asserting your legal rights.

MTS also has a service to provide bank card MTS (MTS-bank), a claim can also be submitted to to this bank.

What documents regulate the provision of communication services?

Today there are a number of points that communication services must meet.

All of them are listed in the law " About mobile communications».

But few people bothered to read it. Few people probably even know about such a law, and by the way, it says what we should demand from the operator.

Every person probably knows what a mobile phone is.

Today, everyone, young and old, has a smartphone, which, in addition to the communication function, is equipped with a number of other additional functions.

When purchasing one or another package of communication services, which includes calls, text messages, picture messages, and so on, we do not think about the fact that the quality of the services provided to us may not meet the requirements, and we have the right to ask for what is right for us.

The most important document when receiving communication services is agreement.

It is on the basis of this document that our cooperation with the operator is automatically considered cooperation for an indefinite period.

Also, without meaning to, by signing documents we give permission to the operator to process personal data about ourselves, which, you see, is not the most pleasant moment of cooperation.

You should read all the documents and papers very carefully, otherwise you risk becoming a victim of an unscrupulous operator.

Typically, small young companies suffer from illiterate work practices and systematic deception of users, who are looking for an opportunity to obtain Money.

They attract clients with low prices for services, but, as you know, the stingy pays twice, and in small print at the bottom of the document there are conditions that were not at all included in your plans.

It’s good if the documents specify the rights and obligations of your mobile operator.

In addition to 24/7 consulting clients and providing tariff information, your telecommunications service provider is required to take responsibility for the confidentiality of your personal information.

The contract must also stipulate the conditions under which claims and lawsuits can be brought.

Another important document is Terms of service communication services.

They should describe in more detail the conditions for protecting your rights, as well as the operator’s obligations towards you.

For example, let’s consider the conditions for the provision of communication services MTS company.

A large number of paragraphs are devoted to how communications are provided, what rights your communications service provider has and what responsibilities it may perform, and a very small paragraph with three provisions about what a claim should look like and in what cases it can be filed.

In fact, the telecom operator has so veiled the entire appeal procedure that a person who does not have knowledge of the law is unlikely to understand what he needs to do with such a quantity requirements and services.

But in reality, everything is simpler than it seems.

Sample claim

Having studied your supplier's terms and conditions communication services, you will understand that you will not make a claim based on them.

Moreover, there are not even basic rules for drawing up such documents.

You can solve the problem by contacting a lawyer from consumer protection society or by thinking about this task yourself.

So, for example, you can make a claim to MTS based on samples and forms from the Internet, there are a great many of them.

Or, you can familiarize yourself with the sample that we offer you.

So, in the header we write to whom the claim is addressed.

It is not necessary to know your first and last name (although the communication shop is required to provide you with this information), the main thing is to write about who the claim is intended for in terms of position, that is, the manager.

On the second line you should write from which subscriber document has been drawn up.

You can indicate your first and last name, but if you are a legal entity, then you should indicate it.

Do not forget to indicate the number of the telecom operator whose services were the subject of the complaint.

In the middle of the line we write “Claim due to violation by the operator...”, and violation of what, this is your individual case.

This may be the established duration of the service, it may be the quality or even the cost of the service.

It all depends on your specific situation.

Next you need to indicate city ​​and date contacting the communication center with a complaint.

The next part is descriptive.

In the descriptive part of the complaint, you should tell us why you are dissatisfied with the service, what operator is to blame.

You need to write a claim in legally competent language, but it’s okay if you present the situation in a simple story.

The more detail you write about what your telecom service provider was wrong about, the easier it will be to resolve your dispute, so don’t skimp on the facts if they directly relate to the case.

At the end of the claim you can offer optimal output from the current situation.

Be sure to list all the documents you will include with your claim.

You must submit your claim to the communication store where you purchased the service.

You must definitely accept it, but be prepared to be hounded a little, forcing you to rewrite the claim in the form approved by their organization.

Documents attached to the claim

So half the job is done. You have mastered writing a complaint and now it lies on the sidelines and waits in the wings.

Now we need to figure out what package of documents must be included with your claim.

Firstly, the most important document is the service agreement.

It is on the basis of this document that you and the operator entered into a relationship regarding your service, and the contract is their confirmation.

Document should be like yours, and from your communication service provider.

If you have lost your copy, then you need to come to the communication center with your passport and ask for a copy.

Deny you this request they won't be able to, but it’s easy to make someone wait a couple of days.

In general, the rules for filing claims are explained in the Law “On Mobile Communications”, however, this does not mean that the communications department employees are familiar with it, so be guided by the law and ordinary human impudence.

If the contract is not provided on the same day, ask for a complaint book and write that this is contrary to the law.

Also attached to the claim cash receipt, if you have a purchase agreement, then - depending on the context of your claim - this could be invoices, tariffs, etc. all documents that may relate to your question must be collected and prepared by you.

Only give with a claim copies of documents, originals are often lost, you know for what reasons.

How to submit?


Submit a claim personally- reliable, but very nervous.

Get ready for the operator’s communications department employees to find hundreds of errors in the claim and other documents and try to do everything to ensure that you abandon the idea.

Stand your ground In the end, even if you end up with nothing, you will know that you at least tried.

Your claim must be accepted right there in the communication salon.

They should tell you time and phone– when and where you can call in order to find out the status of your claim, whether it has been considered or not, and what decision was made on it.

The waiting period and confrontation with salon employees who suddenly stopped being nice are the most unpleasant moments of this method of presentation.

By mail

By filing a claim by mail, you will limit yourself from negative emotions, but your the wait will be long.

The post office itself is in no hurry to deliver parcels quickly, and given the fact that your claim will be considered for as long as possible, this process will drag on for a very long time.

Via the MTS website

Filing a claim through the website is the surest way.

Filing a claim with MTS online through the website - fastest solution for prompt communication with a service provider.

The operator will immediately call you back and clarify all the circumstances once again.

In addition, MTS has an email for accepting claims: [email protected]. You can write there.

It’s good that with this method you don’t need to go out somewhere and communicate with someone live, and by registering on the site, you will monitor the status of your claim, which much more convenient than calls.

Response time

The claim must be considered within ten working days, that is, holidays and weekends do not count.

Thus, after waiting two weeks and not getting a result, you can safely go to court.

You shouldn't look for a catch everywhere.

Anyone can make a mistake, and your operator is no exception.

Before flooding your office with all sorts of papers and threats, try solve the problem peacefully.

When filing a claim for the provision of communication services, remember that the operator has great experience in solving such problems, so be careful and then you can definitely win the case.

Stand up for your rights and then others will begin to respect and observe them.

It's no secret that for every mobile operator, profit comes first, not customer care. The more established the customer base, the more dissatisfied customers there are. MTS has a huge number of subscribers, so complaints against this operator arise very often. Most often, the reason for dissatisfaction is not the capriciousness of subscribers. It’s true that operators often violate the rights of customers. If money was illegally withdrawn from your account, paid services were connected without your knowledge, they were rude or otherwise violated your rights, it is necessary to achieve justice. Knowing how to write a complaint to MTS correctly, you can force the operator to follow the terms of the contract.
You can write a claim to MTS in the following ways:

  • By writing a complaint in free form and taking it to the MTS communication salon;
  • Download and fill out a special form for a complaint against the operator (the link to the file is given below). The completed form must be printed and taken to any MTS office;
  • If you do not want to go to the office, you can send a complaint through the MTS website by following this link

If the reason for the complaint is not serious, then it can be resolved. True, this method is the most ineffective. If, for example, you want to seek the return of money illegally withdrawn from your account, then it is better to fill out a special complaint form. We will tell you in this article how to write a complaint to MTS according to all the rules and what problems may arise during the proceedings.

The most effective way to file a complaint against MTS

As you already understood, there are several ways to write a claim, but the most effective of them is the one that involves filling out a special form. You can leave a complaint through the operator’s website, but it is better to download a complaint sample, fill it out, print it and personally take it to the nearest MTS office. This way you can be sure that your complaint will be considered. As for the final decision, the result will depend on numerous factors. The operator values ​​​​his reputation, so he will try to do everything possible to prove that he is right. Although, if there was an obvious debit of money from the balance fraudulently, for example, paid services were activated without the subscriber’s knowledge, then you can count on a refund. You can find out the reason for writing off money.
Before writing a complaint to MTS, you should make sure that the operator’s fault is really obvious. If you are convinced that MTS does not provide you with paid services in full, connects services without your knowledge, or in some other way violates the terms of the contract, then be sure to write a complaint. If you have doubts, check everything again. You can easily find out, find out the tariff conditions and see the details of the invoice. All this will help to understand the situation and find out whether it really makes sense to write a complaint.

To write a complaint to MTS, follow these steps:

  1. Download the claim form by following this link;
  2. Open the file and fill out all the fields (phone number, passport details of the number owner, client agreement number and sample complaint);
  3. Print out the claim form and take it to any MTS communication store;
  4. The claim form can also be sent by email [email protected].

In principle, filling out the form should not raise any questions, except for one thing. The claim form contains a field in which you must indicate the client agreement number. The problem is that for many subscribers it is difficult to find the agreement that was concluded when purchasing a SIM card. If the contract is lost, you can find out its number by contacting the MTS office or calling the help center. In both cases, you will have to provide the passport information of the owner of the number.

How to write a claim to MTS via the Internet

Most effective method filing a complaint with MTS - fill out and take a special complaint form to the operator’s office. If you have serious complaints against the operator, we recommend doing so this way. If the complaint is not so serious, or for some reason you do not want or cannot visit the MTS communication salon, then you can use other methods.

You can submit a complaint to MTS via the Internet:

By filling out the form on the MTS website by following this link;

By downloading and sending the claim form and email address [email protected];

By sending a complaint in free form on the MTS website by clicking on the link

These methods are less effective than contacting the MTS office in person, but they can also help resolve the problem. In conclusion, it should be said that achieving justice when it comes to deception on the part of the operator is sometimes very difficult, but still possible. Each subscriber must defend their rights, otherwise we will be deceived again and again.

The document form “Claim against MTS” belongs to the “Claim” section. Save the link to the document in in social networks or download it to your computer.

General Director of JSC "________________"


from ___________________________________

OJSC "______" presented me with demands for repayment of debt for communication services in the amount of ___ rubles __ kopecks, allegedly arising through my fault on personal account No. ______________ (subscriber number ______________).
However, I would like to inform you that I did not enter into a contract for the provision of communication services dated _____________, since I was absent in the city of __________ at the specified time.
In addition, the indicated agreement contains the details of my old passport and, naturally, which I could not present at the conclusion of the agreement due to my lack of it.
In addition, the contract does not contain my signature, which could indicate my will to conclude an agreement for the provision of communication services.
According to Art. 1064 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, harm caused to the person or property of a citizen, as well as harm caused to the property of a legal entity, is subject to compensation in full by the person who caused the harm.
By law, the obligation to compensate for harm may be imposed on a person who is not the cause of harm.
The law or contract may establish the obligation of the harm-doer to pay compensation to the victims in excess of compensation for harm.
The person who caused the harm is released from compensation for harm if he proves that the harm was not caused through his fault. The law may provide for compensation for harm even in the absence of the fault of the harm-doer.
Damage caused by lawful actions is subject to compensation in cases provided for by law.
Compensation for harm may be refused if the harm was caused at the request or with the consent of the victim, and the actions of the harm-doer do not violate the moral principles of society.
In this regard, I believe that the demands of OJSC “___” for my payment of debt in the amount of ___ rubles __ kopecks. are illegal and unfounded due to the absence of my guilt.
In this case, the circumstances of the case indicate the presence of guilt in the resulting debt precisely on the part of the employees of OJSC “___”, who improperly, while performing their assigned job duties, showed negligence and imprudence in their work when concluding an agreement for the provision of communication services, using an invalid document, which was presented not by me, but by an outsider.
In reporting the above, I ask you to protect me from the bureaucratic arbitrariness committed by the employees of OJSC "___" and expressed in illegal demands for repayment of the debt that has arisen through no fault of mine, in fact, in extortion of funds.
Please inform me of your decision within the time limit established by law.
Otherwise, in order to protect my rights and legitimate interests guaranteed to me by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and current legislation, I will be forced to go to court and the prosecutor’s office.


" " _______________ of the year

  • It is no secret that office work negatively affects both the physical and mental state of the employee. There are quite a lot of facts confirming both.

  • Every person spends a significant part of his life at work, so it is very important not only what he does, but also with whom he has to communicate.

  • Gossip in the workplace is quite commonplace, and not only among women, as is commonly believed.

Similar to the services of the mobile operator MTS for private clients, the company provides new self-service opportunities for legal entities. Now corporate clients can independently manage their work contacts through a convenient service personal account. To use phone numbers in a corporate format, the user must go through the appropriate registration procedure.

Mobile communications of the MTS operator for corporate use

  • If you are a new communications services customer, you must submit a request for corporate services by email or fax;
  • For regular customers of the network, a special personal account service is available, through which the user can fill out an application to activate a corporate number;
  • The center for receiving and processing applications will perform the necessary activation or deactivation of services within 24 hours after submitting the subscriber application.

Changing owner data or re-registering a number

For all corporate numbers of the MTS operator, there is an additional service for changing owner data:

  1. The service can be used at any convenient time through the self-service menu of the user’s personal account.
  2. The service is available for partially or completely changing user data, as well as for re-registering a phone from a corporate to a private person.
  3. After submitting an application for registration of any kind, both parties to the contract should appear at the operator’s official showroom.

Re-issuance of a contract for servicing corporate clients

  • The transferor must pay off all current debts on accounts from the operator;
  • All cash, located on the balances of corporate numbers are transferred to the new owner;
  • The cost of the contract re-conclusion service will be debited from the owner’s main balance upon completion of the transaction;
  • Any financial issues between the parties to the contract are resolved without the participation of the operator.

Necessary documents for renewing the contract

Documents for legal entities:

  1. Application for renewing the terms of the contract (can be downloaded through the personal account service on the MTS operator website).
  2. A power of attorney from the head of the company signed and stamped by his representative indicating his passport details.
  3. Owner's document or trustee for identification.

Documents for the receiving party:

  1. For a private person - an identity document.
  2. For legal entities:
  • Application for renewing the contract and accepting its terms with the specified transferring person or company, signature of the manager and seal of the receiving company;
  • Power of attorney for the person representing the receiving party with the signature and seal of the organization;
  • Identity document;
  • If the receiving person is not a subscriber of the MTS network (for example, for the number 9143965354), additional documents and applications will be required to complete the re-registration, the list of which can be found in the personal account menu.

Renewal of the contract within the framework of the “My Numbers” program

The personal number circle service is provided on more favorable terms and special corporate rates to all company employees:

  • The company issues to its contact person an application for the assignment of rights and a covering letter from the manager to formalize the agreement (forms are available for downloading in the MTS personal account menu);
  • The organization leaves a request to the personal manager for re-registration of contract rights;
  • The receiving party submits documents and an application to switch to private tariff plan from the organization's tariff;
  • The receiving party can verify that the contract has been reissued by calling the toll-free number of the telecom operator’s contact center.