MTS application for change of authorized person. How to write and submit a claim form to MTS: let’s look at a sample document to protect rights. When is a claim filed with MTS for a refund?

01.10.2021 Thrombosis

The document form “Claim against MTS” belongs to the “Claim” section. Save the link to the document in in social networks or download it to your computer.

General Director of JSC "________________"


from ___________________________________

OJSC "______" presented me with demands for repayment of debt for communication services in the amount of ___ rubles __ kopecks, allegedly arising through my fault on personal account No. ______________ (subscriber number ______________).
However, I would like to inform you that I did not enter into a contract for the provision of communication services dated _____________, since I was absent in the city of __________ at the specified time.
In addition, the indicated agreement contains the details of my old passport and, naturally, which I could not present at the conclusion of the agreement due to my lack of it.
In addition, the contract does not contain my signature, which could indicate my will to conclude an agreement for the provision of communication services.
According to Art. 1064 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, harm caused to the person or property of a citizen, as well as harm caused to property legal entity, is subject to compensation in full by the person who caused the harm.
By law, the obligation to compensate for harm may be imposed on a person who is not the cause of harm.
The law or contract may establish the obligation of the harm-doer to pay compensation to the victims in excess of compensation for harm.
The person who caused the harm is released from compensation for harm if he proves that the harm was not caused through his fault. The law may provide for compensation for harm even in the absence of the fault of the harm-doer.
Damage caused by lawful actions is subject to compensation in cases provided for by law.
Compensation for harm may be refused if the harm was caused at the request or with the consent of the victim, and the actions of the harm-doer do not violate the moral principles of society.
In this regard, I believe that the demands of OJSC “___” for my payment of debt in the amount of ___ rubles __ kopecks. are illegal and unfounded due to the absence of my guilt.
In this case, the circumstances of the case indicate the presence of guilt in the resulting debt precisely on the part of the employees of OJSC “___”, who improperly, while performing their assigned job duties, showed negligence and imprudence in their work when concluding an agreement for the provision of communication services, using an invalid document, which was presented not by me, but by an outsider.
In reporting the above, I ask you to protect me from the bureaucratic arbitrariness committed by the employees of OJSC "___" and expressed in illegal demands for repayment of the resulting debt through no fault of mine, in fact, in extortion Money.
Please inform me about your decision within the time limit established by law.
Otherwise, in order to protect my rights and legitimate interests guaranteed to me by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and current legislation, I will be forced to go to court and the prosecutor's office.


" " _______________ of the year

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  • Every person spends a significant part of his life at work, so it is very important not only what he does, but also with whom he has to communicate.

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The mobile operator is obliged to provide its customers with high-quality communication services. But in reality this does not always work out, and subscribers make various claims to the company. The human factor, and the desire to increase your profits at our expense, has not yet been canceled. But the subscriber has the right not to tolerate rude attitude from company employees or ignoring the terms of service.
What can cause claims against a mobile operator? Inappropriate behavior of support center consultants, unreasonable write-offs for communication services, activation of expensive options without your participation, changes in conditions tariff plan and much more. In these cases, it is imperative to seek justice. And many subscribers do this, but they choose the wrong methods, or rather ineffective ones. Call to hotline may not always be successful. The operator will listen to your complaints, but will not take proper measures and everything will remain the same.

If you want to change the situation and achieve justice, justify your claims in writing. If you do everything correctly, the operator will read and take measures to resolve the conflict situation. We will give instructions on how to correctly write complaints about the operator. All subscribers can use it, regardless of what they are dissatisfied with.

How to write a complaint to MTS

Any company providing cellular communication services has its own support center. You can call here at any time of the day and voice your problem, ask a question, or make a complaint. But even if you dial the Contact Center number late at night, you will still have to wait a long time for the connection. The hotline is busy around the clock, because the subscribers trying to reach it have different time zones.

And even if you wait for the connection, they will listen to you politely (or maybe not), make big promises, and it is unknown whether the problem will be solved or not. You especially shouldn’t rely on help from a company employee if your complaints relate to unfair charges for non-existent services or incorrect pricing, subscription fees, or the activation of unnecessary services that you did not order. If your intentions are serious, immediately send a written complaint.

You can make a complaint as follows::

If you think that a cellular operator is engaged in fraud and theft of funds from the personal accounts of its subscribers, then you are mistaken. Let us repeat, no one has yet canceled the desire to increase the company’s profits. But MTS, like any other cellular operator, has a lot of ways to do this. What a lot of mailings and subscriptions that are imposed without our desire. If money is also constantly being written off from your balance for no apparent reason, be sure to fill out a claim.

Sample claim to MTS

Fill out the special form correctly, paying attention to your claims, and half the battle is done. Moreover, the written method is effective if an official complaint is filled out, and not just a statement of your complaints on paper.

Leave the completed form:

  1. In the office, company salon.
  2. Upload it to the special form at: .
  3. Send an email to .
Where can I find a special complaint form? It is available on the official website of the cellular company or use the link:
To complete and submit a claim, the file must be in .doc format. Fill in all the required information in the appropriate fields and write your complaint in full detail. Submit the completed document using one of the above methods.

An MTS power of attorney from a legal entity is an official document intended for one person to service several telephone numbers at once. Please note that it is also issued for individuals– for corporate subscribers. By drawing up this paper, you do not need to pay for a power of attorney from a notary - one user receives all the necessary powers. If you have any questions, you can always contact the operator’s hotline - experienced specialists will answer all your questions. Remember that the presence of the person who owns the number is not necessary to make the settings.

It is very easy to obtain an MTS power of attorney form for a legal entity or PJSC. You can obtain it at any operator’s office or download an electronic form on the official website. Keep in mind that only an authorized employee can sign a power of attorney - make sure that the form also contains the signature of the organization.

Official website of MTS power of attorney from a legal entity

The official website of the operator presents detailed information about this service. Please note that it is issued to both individuals and legal entities. One document can be valid for no more than three years. Please note that this service is free - there is no charge. A sample of documents can be found on the website.

Registration of powers

It is extremely simple to issue a power of attorney for working with MTS accounts - any user can easily cope with the task. Keep in mind that for this you will need a special document - a guaranteed letter on behalf of the organization. It must be issued directly to the employee. The employee will have to confirm his affiliation with the company with a copy of the employment contract. Additionally you need to provide:

  1. Identity document.
  2. Confirmation letter.
  3. Extract from the register.

Power of attorney from a legal entity for an employee

Typically, the organization's interest in MTS is represented by an authorized person. The company gives a certain employee the necessary rights through a power of attorney, which is issued at the mobile phone store. Most often, in an organization, these matters are managed by a lawyer. He assumes official responsibilities for account control. If the control of expenses is carried out by the manager, then there is no need to issue a power of attorney. Any employee can fill out this paper - you must sign an application from the director in advance, and then provide the data to the mobile phone store.

A power of attorney from MTS is enough for an employee to carry out any settings and control over services with corporate clients. If it is difficult to obtain a copy of the employment contract, the employee can present an official ID to confirm authority. An extract signed by the HR department is also suitable. The employee can do everything, including filing an application for a replacement SIM card.

Power of attorney for MTS from a legal entity - example of filling out the form

MTS is a cellular operator that does everything possible for the convenience of users. Keep in mind that by calling the hotline, experienced specialists will quickly advise you on all your questions. If necessary, you can always visit the provider’s office - you can find the addresses of the nearest branches on the official website. To sign the MTS power of attorney form for a legal entity 2019, the authorized employee must show:

  • General power of attorney from the company.
  • Passport.