How to join the National Guard. The Russian National Guard - what kind of structure it is and to whom it reports. For what purpose was the Russian Guard created?

06.10.2021 Symptoms

I know that conscript service in the Russian Guard is considered a very privileged option for many young people. My son is still preparing for military service, but he dreams of getting there. We live in Moscow, and this option will allow us not to leave the territory hometown, however, getting there is not very easy, since there are quite strict requirements for the candidate’s health, his physiological parameters, as well as his personality and other characteristics.

Many remember how more than two years ago, by presidential decree, a separate unit was created - the National Guard. Since the media for a long time compared this structure with a similar service in Ukraine, the Russians did not react very positively to this idea. Gradually, the opinion was revised and today the structure is called the Russian Guard. In my article I would like to talk about how to serve in the army in this particular unit, what requirements are imposed on candidates and what documents may be required.

This structure has one peculiarity. The fact is that the employees in this unit are subordinate only to the president personally and its tasks are very simple - to conduct special operations to neutralize terrorists throughout the country, protect the territory of the Russian Federation and, together with other structures, ensure law and order in the state.

It is due to centralized management that this structure is highly efficient. On the other hand, to join the elite unit, you will have to try hard. They just don’t take people there. There are a number of requirements that are very significant and without compliance with them, it is unlikely that you will be able to complete military service in the Russian Guard.

The main requirements for those wishing to serve in the National Guard

According to reviews from young people who want to join this elite unit, it is not easy to do so. The following points can be cited as the main requirements:

  • the citizen must be an adult;
  • Russian citizenship is required;
  • availability of fitness category “A”.

Preference in this matter is given to persons who have previously been in military service in the border troops or were in the army, or worked in law enforcement agencies. Additional advantages will be a complete family and positive characteristics from places of study. The maximum permissible age for admission to the Russian Guard is 31 years. Despite this strict selection, characteristics such as gender, nationality and race are not taken into account when selecting young people. The person's professed religion, position in society or financial situation will not be influenced.

Girls, like men, can become military personnel, but they will have to undergo the necessary testing and examination on the same basis as men. Persons wishing to enroll in the Russian National Guard will be required to pass a standard strength test in the form of pull-ups on a horizontal bar (from 30 times), shooting and completing an obstacle course against the clock.

Can conscripts get into the Russian Guard?

To get into the elite structure during the draft, the young man will have to submit the appropriate application himself and wait until the identity check is completed. Typically, this procedure takes up to several months.

In all other respects, the procedure is standard. First, you will need to undergo a medical examination, receive a certain fitness category and a decision from the authority that the person is suitable for military service in the National Guard. To reduce the waiting period, you should apply to the military commissariat at your place of actual residence. Some details on the topic of the note can be found in the video:

Why are additional checks carried out?

A psychophysical examination is considered an important stage in passing the test for suitability for service in the Russian Guard. As part of this testing and examination, signs of use of psychotropic and narcotic drugs and alcohol are identified. Psychological testing is also mandatory, since it requires determining whether a person has the qualities necessary to serve in a given structure.

Such an examination is necessary in order to determine whether the applicant has the qualities that are required to serve in this serious structure. A young man should not have qualities that pose a danger to others. In addition, during the examination, specialists will try to determine the degree of professional suitability of the young man.

Nuances and features

Only a person without a criminal record and without a dark past can get the desired opportunity and undergo military service in such a structure. In addition, in addition to a passport and military ID, the candidate will be required to submit a number of other documents confirming education and tax registration. The conscript will need to write a biography in his own hand.

Often they are denied entry into the service. This is mainly due to discrepancies in physical and mental characteristics. As a standard procedure, the processing time for an application is about one month, but sometimes it can be longer.

Instead of results

The material should be concluded with the following conclusions:

  1. The National Guard or Rosgvardia is an elite structure that reports exclusively to the president and performs certain tasks throughout the country.
  2. Conscripts can enter conscript service in the Russian Guard if they have such a desire and they meet the current requirements.
  3. To enter the elite unit, it is enough to submit an official application and wait until a decision is made on it.

Certificate of a serviceman of the Russian Guard

One example of absurdity is sucking money out of military personnel for the benefit of military units. We had such a policy in our unit. If needles and threads run out while on duty, the orderly buys them at his own expense. For burnt out light bulbs, broken items in the toilet ( for example, taps) is paid by the company duty officer. There was a case when the wind broke the window glass, and the sergeant bought a new one at his own expense. At the dog center, all contract workers chip in for a missing or broken bowl. Once the whole platoon, including conscripts, chipped in for new cuttings for shovels and brooms. Economic package ( which cannot be used, it is for show), notebooks and a pen are required for every serviceman, but be kind enough to buy them at your own expense. The officers told us this: “Why are you given monetary allowance? Yes, so that you can buy the essentials and not go out and eat.”. [Chepok is a soldier's teahouse on the territory of a military unit. Red.] I had the imprudence a couple of times to ask: “Why are they paying you a salary?”. My poor cockade. Salary in our unit: conscript - 1000 rubles, corporal - 1300 rubles.

There was also a certain quota of toilet paper and soap, but there was always not enough of it, and again, you had to buy it at your own expense. Moreover, the cap runs out quickly, you have to have time to buy it.

I was never given the required second pair of boots. Fortunately, they left the demobilization. The ankle boots wear out quickly, this is not a Soviet tarpaulin boot. One comrade in my unit changed 5 pairs in a year. I wore out three pairs and that was because I sewed them up often. Boots get wet, so hyperhidrosis is very popular, and here it is better to get an ointment so that your feet do not stink and do not interfere with sleep. That is, if the uniform is worn out before it should be, “find, steal, give birth, buy,” but it must be in proper condition.

You can write a separate article about Yudashkin’s form. This is obvious sabotage! I'll say it briefly. This is not the old Soviet one. You freeze in winter and sweat in summer. She doesn't breathe and is very uncomfortable. Threads are constantly sticking out of it, and it often breaks. They must be burned carefully, because the form burns well.

On the study of military affairs and physical education

During the year of service, I fired a machine gun 10 times with 10 rounds, and once at night shooting. Not every one of my peers can boast of this! In our unit there are sergeants who cannot do pull-ups on the horizontal bar.

We had a secret corner in the dog center, created by previous calls. There were parallel bars, two barbells, a punching bag, benches and dumbbells. We ran there when we had a rare free minute. The officers did not go there because it was located next to the women's toilet. It's a pity, but our secret corner and regular sports activities quickly ceased. It was discovered by female sergeants and all the simulators were removed from there.

In a day we need to do: paint, whitewash, pluck grass, carry heavy things, feed and water the dogs, clean up after them. When half the platoon is in uniform, and four dogs are assigned to you, then even with great desire and enthusiasm there is no time left to engage in sports. And I constantly want to sleep because of my outfits. There is little free time: before and after dinner. It happened that we were driven out to the stadium to make faces for show, but I don’t even want to comment on that.

About dogs

Hardly a tenth can do what it's supposed to do. We have several show dogs in the unit for all kinds of checks, competitions and excursions ( sometimes they came to visit us at the military unit kindergarten and school). The rest are for show. And sometimes it comes to complete insanity. I had a dog in my platoon with its head on its side (disabled), you couldn’t even put a collar on it. I asked the officers why we were feeding this dog, because she is disabled and can’t do anything. They answered that they had sent a request to Moscow for permission to euthanize disabled people, but they ignored it, and without permission it was impossible.

There is simply no time to train dogs! And there is no desire, especially among conscripts. The whip is a so-so incentive. If a soldier has the opportunity to rest, take a nap for a minute or be glued to the phone (which are prohibited, but everyone still has it, despite the bustle), he will do it, despite the risk of being punished.

Briefly about the routine of a typical day

Wake up at 5:45, morning toilet - and to the dog center. There you are supposed to walk the dogs for 15 minutes, but it was rare that we were able to get us to walk them for more than 5 minutes. If the person on duty at the center was absent or didn’t care, then the dogs might not be walked at all. Still, there is not enough time for a full walk.

Then they went to breakfast at 8:00, after which divorce. There is also some insanity here. If there is dog excrement in the enclosure, it means that the lazy soldiers did not clean it up in the morning.

Then lunch at 14:00. After another divorce. Usually they were not carried out quickly, because at this stage the unit commander must not only give predictable tasks to each platoon, but also emotionally, with introductory words, explain to each contract soldier how bad he is and why.

And if an inspection is planned, then there is no time for training with dogs. This is where the “work” begins. Some of it needs to be licked thoroughly. But this is the topic of a separate article, because there are so many absurd moments that can be told here that there is enough for a book. Painting the grass is just the tip of the iceberg!

About dog nutrition

I don’t know how and by whom the norms are calculated, but dogs usually don’t even eat half of it. I have to throw it away because... The food cannot be reused, and there is nowhere and no need to store it. Dogs up to 3 months were fed milk, from 3 to 6 months - porridge ( with meat, eggs), from 6 months - dry food. Every day, a leg of beef, a bag of dry food, milk, eggs, cereals, and fish were brought to the center from the warehouse. About half of this stuff will be in the trash by evening.

About the nutrition of soldiers

This is ambiguous. Some ate enough, while others did not. Soups, porridges, mashed potatoes, eggs, butter, etc. There was almost never any meat! Veins, lard boiled in soup, but not meat.

But what really infuriated me was that They didn't give me anything to drink. They pour half a mug - be satisfied. In the summer, okay, at least a flask helps, but again, not without absurdity. The flask should always be full, and immediately after the dining room there is a divorce where they check appearance and this flask. There are washbasins in the dining room, but there is almost always no water there, only before inspections. If you were lucky, you got water in the center from the taps from which we pour water for dogs. If you’re unlucky, they usually “pierce the kidney” with a flask. And that's not the worst part! It happens that they give you burnt compote in the dining room, which will make you spit. They give juice, but very rarely. Once they gave me juice with bleach.

There was another incident with bleach when the unit’s water was turned off. A car arrived with a barrel to give us something to drink, so someone was smart enough to throw bleach in there. I don’t care, I always drank from the tap in the washbasin, because the water there is not so nasty.

We didn’t have any buffets or other fairy tales from the federal media. The commandant's company is in charge of the canteen. The conscripts are busy slicing bread, peeling potatoes and washing floors. Contractors prepare food.

In the evening you can ask the responsible officer to wear a cap. The only place where there were civilians. It’s dangerous to go there alone, we ask for time off as a group. Three times I came across a group of non-Russian guys who were begging for money. The first time they stood up, a contract soldier from my unit arrived on time. The second time I ran away. And on the third, as they say in the army, he “believed in himself” - he barked at them, and they fell behind.

About the spirit of camaraderie

Theft and sneaking are very developed. Contempt for superiors, combined with sycophancy, is present at all levels of the military hierarchy. And at least half of the military personnel are guilty of this. Compatriotism and national chauvinism are very well developed, which often develops into clashes with non-Russian colleagues. Gender inequality is pronounced. Female sergeants have significant privileges and concessions. They take advantage of this and can tell on you if you don’t please them in some way. This is especially true for conscripts.

About the officers

They generally do not shine with intelligence and decency. So, out of twelve officers in my unit, only four were adequate and competent ( in my subjective opinion). Officers deal with all sorts of nonsense like bureaucracy. They have no time to educate and train soldiers. Yes, and there is no desire.

We had one officer who was a rare scumbag. He loved to hit them in the face at the slightest provocation, mock soldiers in every possible way, humiliate and insult them. Sometimes he forced me to run right after the dining room, etc. He indulged his ego and sadistic tendencies in every possible way. Four times the conscripts in full force refused to carry out his mocking orders.

Not all officers sympathize with the current government, but they are afraid to talk about it openly. Although from time to time there are notes of anger towards the government. Once upon a time, one officer poured out his soul to me and said that this was not the army he wanted to serve in when he went to school. Similar thoughts sometimes popped up among other officers.

As I understand them. I also joined the army voluntarily, having listened a lot to my comrades who served in the Soviet army. For me, service is a family tradition. A kind of initiation rite. But now no one gets what they expect from her. Now the army is not an army, but a circus of the absurd.

In the armed forces, all the ills of society appear in a more obvious and exaggerated form. During my service, I realized this and was horrified by how much in our country the minds of people are poisoned by chauvinism, stereotypes and prejudices.

Now imagine that a war has begun. How will such people fight? armed forces who are rotten by bureaucracy, nationalism, selfishness, careerism and other ailments?

In my letter I tried to give a relatively brief, superficial assessment. Thank you for attention!

From the editor: Under socialism, Russia had class enemies in the form of capitalist powers. Now Russia is trying to compete with these countries for influence on the world market. Its main enemy is its own people. That is why the federal army is in a critical condition, devastation reigns in them. At the same time, the Russian Guard is trying to fight the Russians.

Such a policy, if not stopped, will inevitably lead to the death of the country.

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In 2016, a national guard was formed in Russia. Now this organization has grown greatly, and it numbers tens of thousands of military personnel.

The troops are intended to ensure security within the state and fight extremists and protesters.

You can often hear the Russian Guard called the “personal army” of the president, because this structure is subordinate to the commander-in-chief, i.e. head of state. But is this true in reality?

Structure and powers

The structure includes the following special services:

  • SOBR;
  • riot police;
  • FSUE "PROTECTION" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • Special Purpose Center for Rapid Reaction Forces and Aviation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • Bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for supervision in the field of arms trafficking and private security activities;
  • National Guard.

Now the head of the structure is Viktor Zolotov, who has been personally working with the president for a long time.
This organization has a number of powers:

  1. Demand that the population maintain order.
  2. Prevent the occurrence of crimes or infringement of the rights of citizens.
  3. Check the documents of the population if there is reason to suspect people of committing illegal actions, being wanted, or other serious reasons.
  4. Demand that officials and the population stop illegal actions.
  5. Secure the scene until investigators arrive. The guard may also require citizens to leave the protected area.
  6. Accept, store or destroy seized/surrendered weapons.

These are just the basic powers of the guard, and in fact its capabilities are much broader.

The Russian Guard and the police: what is the difference

In theory, each department should have its own specific name, and the functions of these organizations should not overlap.

However, the powers of the Russian Guard intersect with the activities of the police and the FSB (fighting terrorism in the country and ensuring the integrity of the Russian Federation).

Representatives of the Russian Guard can drive cars with flashing lights. They are also allowed to use special equipment if necessary. Here are the main differences between this structure and the police:

  1. Subordination. The police are subordinate to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, while the troops of the Russian Guard are subordinate to the president of the country.
  2. Independence. In financial terms, the Russian Guard is an independent organization. It has all the financial functions of the police, and the organization’s annual turnover is about 20 billion. Also, National Guard troops can control the circulation of weapons and are empowered to license security activities.
  3. Tasks. The police maintain order and apply sanctions to violators, then the guard is called upon to protect state integrity and order.
  4. Use of weapons. This is perhaps one of the main differences between the Russian Guard and the police. Employees of both structures have the right to use weapons. Only the Law “On the Police” clearly states that employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can use weapons to protect citizens when there is an attack on their health and life. This clause is absent from the law on the National Guard, which significantly expands the capabilities of this structure.

How to get a job

To get a job in the Russian Guard, you need to pass a number of requirements:

  1. Health status. After passing examinations, the conscript receives a health category (A-D) at the military registration and enlistment office. Those who are fit for service and fit with minor restrictions are accepted for service in the Russian Guard, i.e. people with A and B health categories.
  2. Psychological health. Also, future employees must undergo psychological screening. Based on the selection results, a person is assigned 1 of 4 suitability categories. Basically, people with categories 1 and 2 are hired, in rare cases - 3. The last category is considered not recommended.
  3. Additional requirements. In addition to these requirements, the future employee must have a sufficient level of physical fitness, education and qualifications.
    Both civilians and military personnel can become guardsmen. To do this, you need to submit an application to the unit commander. He decides to accept the service. If a person wishing to join the guard has no contradictions for service, he is given directions to undergo medical examinations, mental tests and pass physical fitness standards.

Salary amount

The salary of a guardsman depends on:

  • titles and positions;
  • the amount of monetary allowances;
  • employee allowances;
  • material assistance to guardsmen.

Now the salary of an ordinary guardsman is 25,000 rubles per month, and a guardsman of officer rank earns about 55,000 rubles. These are averages and numbers may vary depending on service region.

It is important to note that in regions with unfavorable environmental and weather conditions, the salary of a guardsman is noticeably higher than the salary of an employee working in large cities.

In response to complaints from military personnel about low wages, the command promises employees to significantly increase their salaries, but this will not happen soon.
Note that Vladimir Putin recently increased funding for the Russian Guard, and military personnel can expect a salary increase of approximately 4-5% in the near future.

Benefits for military personnel

The guards themselves and their families have a number of government benefits:

  • health and life insurance;
  • free vacation;
  • receiving free medical services;
  • the opportunity to obtain a mortgage loan on preferential terms at a rate of less than 10%.

It is worth noting that the longer the guardsman’s service, the better the benefits from the state. For example, an employee who has been in service for less than 10 years will receive free vacation for a period of 30 days. Employees over 20 years of age will be given 45 days of rest. Benefits are also significantly influenced by the employee’s personal merits: participation in hostilities, service in unfavorable conditions, etc.

The Russian Guard is a young structure that is developing at a tremendous pace. The organization was created only 3 years ago, and it already includes more than 350,000 employees (1/3 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs employees). Therefore, joining the National Guard is a profitable and promising goal. However, it is worth understanding that there are certain requirements for the health of employees, so not everyone will be selected.