Major General of the Armed Forces of Ukraine went over to the side of the DPR. The former assistant to the Minister of Defense of Ukraine went over to the side of the "DPR" terrorists

06.10.2021 Medicines 

former assistant to the Minister of Defense of Ukraine, Major General Alexander Kolomiets, went over to the side of the Donetsk People's Republic, which he himself announced at a press conference to the Donetsk News Agency. “People's News” turned to information sources and found out about the life of Major General Kolomiets before the conflict in south-eastern Ukraine. Alexander Kolomiets was the regional military commissar for almost 20 years Donetsk region. After transferring to Kyiv, Kolomiets worked in the country's military department, holding the positions of assistant to the Minister of Defense of Ukraine and chief military analyst. However, the former Defense Ministry official, following the dictates of his heart, left Kyiv, taking his family with him from the Ukrainian capital in order to avoid persecution. The major general said that many Ukrainian military personnel, including general ranks, want to go over to the side of the people's republics. He clarified that during the entire period of the military operation in Donbass, hundreds of military personnel - soldiers and officers - have already left Kyiv.

“Many officers of the Ukrainian army call and want to return here,” the general said at a DAN press conference. “But they are afraid that they won’t let them go there.” So far there are only negotiations, but in the near future, I think they will return.”

Alexander Kolomiets also emphasized: the potential of the Ukrainian army is currently extremely low, and all the main military activities in the region are carried out by soldiers from volunteer battalions.

“All generals and officers who understand that the actions of the authorities are criminal do not want to fight. Who is fighting? Only volunteers of nationalist detachments,” the major general noted, separately emphasizing that in the army, against this background, discontent is brewing everywhere.

"People's News" discovered details from the life of Alexander Kolomiets. As the Independent News Bureau notes, the general was assistant to the Minister of Defense of Ukraine in 2008, when the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine was headed by Yuriy Yekhanurov. Various rumors circulated around the person of Kolomiets - in particular, evil tongues claimed that he had bought himself the rank of general. All doubts about the authenticity of the rank were dispelled by the words of an acquaintance, a former assistant to the minister of defense named Konstantin, who said that Alexander Kolomiets is a combat officer and gained military experience during the war in Afghanistan.

“He earned the rank of general with his sweat, blood and frayed nerves. And he became a general not like the “majors” now at 25-30 years old, but at more than 50. WITH Afghan war he returned as a simple career officer, and received general’s shoulder straps 20 years later,” writes Konstantin on the Ukrainian portal “,” advising ill-wishers to “settle personal scores with a bottle, and not with the honest name of a real soldier.”

More interesting details are reported by the Donetsk News newspaper in 2005. It turned out that Alexander Kolomiets suffered for a long time from coronary disease and heart failure, but was able to pull himself together, and has been leading healthy image life. According to the publication’s journalists, during 4 years of fighting the disease, Kolomiets was able to receive the rank of general and defend his PhD thesis on strategic regional management.

“I have lived a long life, been in war, and I know: life is the most valuable thing a person has. If you haven’t understood this yet, think about it,” Alexander Kolomiets, then Donetsk regional military commander, told the publication.

Let us remind you that this is not the first time that Ukrainian security forces have gone over to the side of the Donetsk People's Republic: Previously, the head of the Lugansk customs Oleg Chernousov, an employee of the SVRU Alexei Miroshnichenko and his brother, an employee of the Ukrainian Embassy in France, Yuri Miroshnichenko, went over to the side of the Lugansk People's Republic (LPR).

Published 06.22.15 13:51

Major General Alexander Kolomiets fled Kyiv with his family.

Former assistant to the Minister of Defense of Ukraine, Major General Alexander Kolomiets, and his family fled from Kyiv and went over to the side of the DPR militia.

“I am Major General of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Alexander Vyacheslavovich Kolomiets, my last position was assistant to the Minister of Defense of Ukraine, chief military analyst,” LifeNews quotes a high-ranking officer.

The general stated that he served as regional military commissar of the Donetsk region for 19 years.

He told reporters that during the punitive operation, hundreds of soldiers and officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine went over to the side of the DPR militias.

"Many intkbbach Ukrainian army officers are calling and want to return here. But they are afraid that they will not be allowed to go there. So far, only negotiations are taking place, but in the near future, I think they will return,” he said.

Kolomiets also predicted the beginning of mass unrest in the ranks of the Ukrainian army due to dissatisfaction with the actions of the command.

"In the near future, unrest will begin in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Officers do not understand commands to kill civilians. We will see this somewhere around the fall. The potential of the Ukrainian army is at a very low level. All generals and officers who understand that the actions of the authorities are criminal, they don’t want to fight,” he assured.

25-06-2015, 13:57

The transition of a former employee of the Ukrainian General Staff, Major General Alexander Kolomiets, to the side of the militia is an extraordinary and winning event from a propaganda point of view. Generals, after all, do not go over to the enemy’s side every day.

However, some moments made me think a lot.

Undoubtedly, when people of this rank flee to the enemy’s camp, it is remarkable. And the maximum benefit can and should be extracted from this, both in terms of information and in terms of propaganda.

Let's take a closer look at who and what is hidden behind the loud cries in the press.

Major General Alexander Kolomiets was dismissed from his post as head of the information analysis department of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in 2012. Currently, such a structural unit does not exist in the General Staff. And until today, until the moment of his desertion, he could not interest either the Ukrainian Armed Forces, much less the militia. If only because I really wasn’t in the know.

I agree that there are friends, acquaintances, former colleagues. From whom you can learn and learn something. But those who served will not let you lie that it’s one thing to talk about serious things, and another thing to simply chitchat over the mess in the army with a former colleague.

And Kolomiets worked almost his entire career at the military commissariat of Donetsk and the region, including as the head of this body.

It is not entirely clear what exactly were the motives of General Kolomiets when leaving Kyiv for Donetsk. A person can be a retiree, or mobilized from the locals, and finally, have purely personal, and not political, motives. But from a propaganda point of view, the transition of General Kolomiyets is currently the biggest “catch”, since, even in retirement, he still continued to communicate with colleagues, including high-ranking officers.

From this we can assume that the general had access to some information through his colleagues. It is possible, but this is more speculation. Why? Yes, because the general is not a combatant. And especially not combat. Military registration and enlistment officer.

There is an opinion that Kolomiyets’s forecasts about an imminent revolt in parts of the Ukrainian Armed Forces due to the reluctance to fight in Donbass are still doubtful. Not the same level of awareness, whatever one may say. And the radio station "OBS" is not the best source, even if the letter "B" is in the uniform of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

But it’s worth thinking out loud about the reasons.

The reasons for discontent in the Ukrainian army may be completely different.

Everyone who did not want to fight in Donbass has already put their reluctance into practice by any available means - someone left, someone bought a “white ticket”.

There is practically no desertion among senior officers - they perceive civil war as a unique opportunity for career growth. In any army in the world, careers are made in wars, and not in barracks, as a result, entire clans of officers are formed who made their names and stars in one war or another. “Vietnamese” and now “Iraqi” in America. In Great Britain, wherever you point your finger, you will hit a Falklands veteran, despite the fact that the size of the military group there was not very large. In the USSR, and then in Russia, the “Afghan” generation with great difficulty replaced the older cadres who still remembered the Great Patriotic War. The “Afghan generation” pushed the “Chechen generation” out of their positions.

In general, this process is endless and objective, especially since the rapidly changing methods and methods of conducting combat operations require new personnel.

There was nothing like this in Ukraine, so the desire to make a career for Ukrainian officers is now the main motive. In second place is not even the official, “Svidomo” patriotism, but the so-called vest patriotism, characteristic of junior command personnel.

So there is no reason to expect a revolt in the Armed Forces of Ukraine on political grounds. The Ukrainian army is already a fairly monolithic organism politically and ideologically. However, discontent may come from unexpected places.

Now the most common protest motive in the Armed Forces of Ukraine is indignation at the incompetence of the generals. The terrible defeats, defeats and “cauldrons” that followed in a row cannot be explained indefinitely by “Russian tanks”, “combat Buryats” and other ghosts.

Moreover, the soldiers and junior officers saw how it really happened, they saw it with their own eyes. So it is precisely dissatisfaction (gradually developing into anger) with the General Staff, in which General Kolomiets served, that may become the most obvious reason. And only then - poor supplies, broken-down equipment, corruption, boredom and drunkenness.

So there is clearly no point in talking about a political rebellion. There is clearly no one in the Armed Forces of Ukraine to rebel on the political platform. The same cannot be said about household items.

Judging by the information received from Novorossiya, this is definitely the desire of Kyiv. My correspondents talk too much about the large accumulations of military equipment on the line of confrontation, that all militia positions are perfectly targeted by Ukrainian Armed Forces artillery (although they note that the same thing happens from the militia artillery), that provocations are more like reconnaissance in force .

And from this perspective, the statement of a retired general, even if he served as an analyst at the General Staff three years ago, looks like an attempt to divert attention from the upcoming operations. “Don’t worry, it’s a mess, everything will fall apart soon!” But the militias have a different opinion.

By the way, disinformation is a thing as old as time. We recently celebrated another Remembrance Day on June 22. Then, too, many believed that the Germans would not attack. And that the Red Army will fight with little bloodshed and on foreign soil. It didn't work out.

I'm glad that the militia doesn't think so. And they wait and wait for the beginning of the end of Minsk-2.

They are waiting with great confidence.

I didn’t like something else from the Major General’s statements: he was too active in Lately a distinction is made between “evil” volunteer battalions and “white and fluffy” regular troops.

But let's be honest. Those of the volunteer battalions with smarter people (for example, “Azov” and “Dnepr”) have long since replaced their swastika stripes with more photogenic ones with a trident and remained in their previous positions. Some even train with the Americans in Yavorov. Those who are stupider and more frostbitten (for example, “Aidar” and “Tornado”) got hit on the head and will never come to their senses.

At the same time, not a single volunteer battalion ever had heavy artillery or rocket launchers, and the number of tanks at their disposal could be counted on one hand. They considered themselves offended, were indignant, shouted “Zrada!”, jumped around, but the Ministry of Defense categorically refused to give them anything more powerful than a mortar.

01.11.1918 - 06.08.2010
Hero of Socialist Labor

TO Olomian Mikhail Markovich – head of the Special Directorate for the introduction of missile attack warning systems, anti-missile and anti-space defense (city of Krasnogorsk, Moscow region), lieutenant general.

Born on November 1, 1918 in the village of Nizhnyaya Syrovatka, now Sumy district, Sumy region (Ukraine) in a peasant family. In 1937 he graduated from the Zoological College.

In the Armed Forces of the USSR since 1937. In 1939, after graduating from the Sumy Artillery School, he was appointed military commissar of the regimental school in Novosibirsk. Shortly before the start of the Great Patriotic War Graduated with honors from the Military-Political Academy.

He went through the entire Great Patriotic War from the commissar of a separate guards division of the famous Katyushas to the commander of a guards mortar regiment. He fought on the Western, Kalinin, Bryansk, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Belorussian fronts. At the beginning of the war, he achieved assignment to the active army and was appointed to the post of commissar in the 29th separate guards mortar division. At the end of September 1941, a division as part of the 30th Army of the Kalinin Front arrived in the combat area near the city of Kalinin (now Tver).

The fighting near Moscow, especially in the Volokolamsk direction, in which M.M. Kolomiets took part, became for him a real school of courage and perseverance. The Guards Katyusha mortar division, continuously maneuvering with fire and wheels, and with powerful salvoes of rocket launchers, inflicted significant losses on the enemy. Having a good artillery command education and good theoretical political training, the division's military commissar skillfully combined political work with command work. For his courage in the battles near Moscow, M.M. Kolomiets was awarded the first military award - the Order of the Red Banner, which was personally presented to him by M.M. Kalinin on March 17, 1942 in the Kremlin.

In May 1942, the battalion commissar was appointed military commissar of the 66th Guards Mortar Regiment, which participated in the battles on the Voronezh Front. He held this position until the end of 1942 and established himself as a well-trained artilleryman. At repeated urgent requests, he was finally transferred to a command position, appointing him in March 1943 as deputy commander of the 313th Guards Mortar Regiment for combat units. As part of it, M.M. Kolomiets fought on the Bryansk and 1st Belorussian fronts. During the breakthrough of the enemy's defenses in the Oryol direction, he led the combat operations of two divisions of the regiment, inflicting serious damage to the enemy in manpower and equipment, for which he was awarded the Order of the Red Star by order of the commander of the Bryansk Front.

In November 1943, M.M. Kolomiets was appointed commander of the 84th Guards Mortar Regiment, which he commanded until the end of the Great Patriotic War as part of the troops of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Belorussian Fronts. His regiment took part in Operation Bagration, crossing the Narew River in the Pultuks area, in the defeat of enemy troops in East Prussia, and in April 1945 in the assault on the fortified city of Königsberg. At the front, combat officer M.M. Kolomiets earned a reputation as a brave, energetic, proactive, decisive, strong-willed commander. He enjoyed well-deserved authority among his subordinates.

He finished his military journey west of Koenigsberg with the rank of lieutenant colonel and with six military orders on his chest. The 84th Guards Mortar Regiment, commanded by M.M. Kolomiets, was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, Alexander Nevsky and Suvorov, 3rd degree.

After the war, in 1949, he graduated Military Academy named after M.V. Frunze. Then he served for about a year in one of the directorates of the General Staff as a senior officer. From mid-1950 to February 1952, he commanded a division of cadets at the Kiev Artillery School, and in February 1952 he was appointed head of the course at the Rostov Higher Engineering and Rocket School. From 1953 to 1956, head of the Special Purpose Military Technical Base of the Moscow Air Defense District, in 1956-1958, deputy commander of the 6th Air Defense Corps of the 1st Special Purpose Air Defense Army of the Moscow Air Defense District. In 1960, he graduated from the Military Academy of the General Staff and continued to serve in the Ural Military District as commander of the 20th Air Defense Corps (Perm) of the 4th Air Defense Army (Sverdlovsk).

In September 1963, by decision of the CPSU Central Committee and the Ministry of Defense, he was appointed head of the Special Directorate for the introduction of missile attack warning systems, anti-missile and anti-space defense (Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region). The creation of these powerful systems, in which outstanding scientists and major specialists from the country's military-industrial complex and military builders took part, with the presence of the Strategic Missile Forces, was a deterrent factor in unleashing a nuclear missile attack from any states possessing these destructive weapons.

In the 1960s, along with the planning and control of special work on the creation of missile attack warning facilities, space control, missile defense and anti-space defense, and coordination of the actions of many services, the department was entrusted with the supply of special and technological equipment. In addition, in addition to organizing all construction, installation, and commissioning work, it was necessary to prepare personnel for combat duty. The department, headed by General M.M. Kolomiets, successfully accomplished all these tasks in a very short time frame, which was dictated by the military-political situation in the world.

U Kazakh Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on February 21, 1978 for success in creating the latest military-technical systems to Lieutenant General Kolomiets Mikhail Markovich awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle gold medal.

Since 1984, Lieutenant General M.M. Kolomiets has been retired. In 1984-1999, advisor Coordination Center on cooperation with foreign countries in the field of computer technology.

He was elected as a deputy of the city council and a member of the city committee of the CPSU, took an active part in all public city events aimed at the development and improvement of Krasnogorsk, the patriotic education of the younger generation, caring for labor veterans and participants in the Great Patriotic War.

Lived in the hero city of Moscow. He died on August 6, 2010, at the age of 92. He was buried at Troekurovskoye Cemetery in Moscow.

Lieutenant General. He was awarded the Soviet Order of Lenin (02/21/1978), 3 Orders of the Red Banner (02/22/1942; 04/08/1945; 10/31/1967), the Order of Alexander Nevsky (06/18/1944), 3 Orders of the Patriotic War, 1st degree (05/10/1945; 1945; 03/11/1985), Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1975), 2 Orders of the Red Star (08/17/1943; 1952), Order “For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR” 3rd degree (1984), Russian Order of Honor (10.08) .2004), medals, including “For Military Merit” (1947).

Candidate of Military Sciences. Honorary citizen of the Krasnogorsk district of the Moscow region (09/02/1998).

The traitor spoke at a press conference in Donetsk.

Former Assistant Minister of Defense of Ukraine, Major General Alexander Kolomiets went over to the side of the so-called "DPR" .

The traitor personally announced this at a press conference in Donetsk, the news portal reports. terrorist organization"News of the Donetsk Republic".

Read also:

“I am Major General of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Alexander Vyacheslavovich Kolomiets, my last position was Assistant Minister of Defense of Ukraine, chief military analyst. I will work for the benefit of the Donetsk People’s Republic,” he said during a press conference.

Kolomiets clarified that he worked as the regional military commissar of the Donetsk region for 19 years.

The defector stated that he was forced to take his family out of Kyiv because he was afraid of persecution by the authorities.

In addition, Kolomiets noted that many Ukrainian military men allegedly want to go over to the side of terrorists.

"Many officers of the Ukrainian army call and want to return here. But they are afraid that they won’t let them go there. So far there are only negotiations, but in the near future, I think they will return", the traitor convinced.

Kolomiets said that only “volunteers of nationalist detachments” are fighting on the side of Ukraine.

The former assistant to the head of the Ministry of Defense predicted unrest in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the near future.

"The officers do not understand commands to kill civilians. We will see this somewhere around the fall. Everything will change", Kolomiets emphasized, stating the very low level of potential of the Ukrainian army.

However, readers of the publication noted in the comments that the man should under no circumstances be trusted.

News of the Donetsk Republic
In the so-called “republic” they are in no hurry to trust a traitor

Let us remind you that earlier In the ranks of the SBU, Ukrainian counterintelligence exposed a lieutenant colonel who was recruited by Russia. The man spied for the enemy and collected information about the Ukrainian army.