If you often have nosebleeds. Why does an adult bleed from the nose - reasons. Treatment with traditional medicine

14.09.2023 General

In 90% of cases, stopping nosebleeds is not difficult, but the correct sequence of actions is necessary.

First. Don't panic, try to calm down, because when we worry, our heart beats faster and blood loss increases.

Second. Sit down and tilt your head slightly forward.

Third. Try to do everything to make it comfortable for you to breathe - unbutton your collar, loosen your clothes, open a window.

Fourth. Breathe as deeply as possible, inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. This will improve blood circulation and increase blood clotting.

Fifth. Place an ice pack or a towel soaked in cold water on the bridge of your nose, and a heating pad on your feet. This will narrow the vessels of the nose, dilate the vessels in the legs, due to which there will be an outflow of blood from the head.

Sixth. Use your fingers to squeeze the wings of your nose and hold your hands in this position for several minutes. You can also insert a ball of sterile cotton wool moistened with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide into the nostril. This way you will squeeze the bleeding vessel.

Seventh. In case of severe bleeding, you can drink 1-2 teaspoons of a 5-10% solution of calcium chloride (calcium gluconate, glycerophosphate), two tablets of Vikasol or another hemostatic agent. If there are none, you can drink 1-2 teaspoons of salt water.

Eighth. If, despite all measures, the bleeding cannot be stopped, call an ambulance. Even seemingly insignificant losses can lead to anemia, dizziness and fainting.


A common mistake with nosebleeds is the patient’s desire to lie down. This cannot be done, because when a person lies down, blood does not flow out of the nose and it seems that the bleeding has stopped. But this impression is deceptive. Most often, the bleeding continues, only the patient swallows the blood while lying down. Otolaryngologist Ekaterina Avdeeva


Nosebleeds can be caused by a variety of reasons, including nasal trauma, fatigue, and overwork.

Injuries. Mechanical injuries are one of the common causes of nosebleeds. Blood can come out if a person picks his nose, or during a runny nose - when the nose is injured by tissues.

Drying out. Drying of the mucous membrane occurs in the cold or in dry indoor air and can lead to bleeding.

Poor blood clotting. Bleeding from the nose can occur with poor blood clotting, as well as in those who take acetylsalicylic acid and other blood-thinning drugs.

Vitamin K. Bleeding caused by poor blood clotting may be associated with a lack of vitamin K. Its sources include spinach, lettuce, all types of cabbage, avocados, bananas, wheat bran, soybeans, meat, eggs, milk and dairy products, olive oil.

Vitamin C. The condition of blood vessels is affected by vitamin C, a deficiency of which increases their fragility. This explains bleeding in children after illness, when the body is weakened and lacks vitamins, as well as in winter and spring. Therefore, it is important to monitor your diet, especially after illness and during the cold season.

Vegetovascular dystonia. If spontaneous nosebleeds are preceded by headache and tinnitus, and nosebleeds occur against the background of watery discharge, then most likely the cause is vegetative-vascular dystonia. Many people, especially children, do not tolerate weather changes well, due to which blood pressure also changes sharply, the vessels either expand or contract, as a result of which their walls cannot withstand and burst.

Hormones. This reason explains nosebleeds in girls during hormonal changes; this phenomenon is called replacement bleeding. The tissue of the nose and the tissue of the genital organs are of the same type, it is called cavernous tissue. If you examine it under a microscope, you can see a very close interweaving of tangles of blood vessels.

Therefore, when, before the onset of menstruation, blood rushes to the genitals, the cavernous tissues of the nose reflexively swell, the vessels overflow with blood, sometimes they cannot stand it, they burst, and bleeding comes from the nose.

Usually, with the establishment of a constant menstrual cycle, these problems in girls go away, but this does not prevent you from telling your endocrinologist and gynecologist about them during your appointment.

Overheat. Bleeding from the nose is often associated with overheating of the body, for example, in the summer with sunstroke, and in the winter with an increase in temperature during the flu and respiratory infections.

Sudden changes in pressure. Climbers and divers often suffer from nosebleeds due to the fact that they have to endure sudden changes in pressure.

In children, 90% of spontaneous nosebleeds occur from the Kisselbach plexus - this is a place at the lower edge of the nasal septum, where there is a very dense network of branched blood vessels. In children, the vessels are located close to the surface, while the mucous membrane is thin, so any damage to the mucosa and sudden dilation of the vessels can cause bleeding.


To avoid nosebleeds, humidify the air in the room using a steam generator, you can also put wet towels on the radiator, spray the room with a spray bottle, and have a lot of indoor plants in the house.

If crusts often form in your nose, you should not pick them out; it is better to periodically instill 2-3 drops of sea buckthorn oil or rosehip oil into your nose.

When do you need a doctor's help?

Heavy and frequently recurring bleeding is a reason to consult a therapist or otolaryngologist. If the problem is a defect in the vascular wall, cauterization of the vessel is usually prescribed using liquid nitrogen, laser or radio wave surgery.

Bleeding caused by high blood pressure cannot be ignored, as it signals an increased risk of strokes.

A runny nose or rhinitis is a common disease characterized by swelling, inflammation of the nasal sinuses and excessive secretion of mucus. It occurs in respiratory diseases, but in the chronic form it is an independent pathology.

If a runny nose is accompanied by nosebleeds or epistaxis, you should consult a doctor. This may indicate a violation of the integrity of the capillary vessels lining the mucosal epithelium, or be a symptom of a number of systemic diseases of the body.

Before starting treatment, you need to find out why there's blood coming out from the nose. The choice of therapeutic strategy largely depends on the causes, severity and regularity of bleeding.

Classification of nosebleeds

Nosebleed or epistaxis is a pathological condition of the body in which blood bleeds from the vessels in the nasal cavity. The danger in such a situation is assessed by a number of factors, the most complex being “signal” bleeding. They begin suddenly and stop quickly, but are accompanied by large loss of blood.

Depending on the severity of the case, the following classification of epistaxis is distinguished:

  1. Minor hemorrhage. When several milliliters of blood flows from only one nostril. The problem can be quickly stopped on your own, there is no threat to health. This situation may be accompanied by mild fear and deterioration in well-being.
  2. Moderate hemorrhage. Blood may flow from one nostril or from both. The average volume of blood loss in this type is 300 ml. In the case of moderate hemorrhage, a person becomes weak, the heartbeat quickens, the skin turns pale, and subsequently it may occur. Symptoms depend on individual sensitivity and general health.
  3. Profuse (heavy) bleeding. A life-saving form of epistaxis, blood loss exceeds 300 ml. There is a risk of serious consequences - hemorrhagic shock, loss of consciousness and impaired blood circulation in the body. If it is impossible to stop the bleeding, urgent hospitalization is required.

In 90% of cases, the source of bleeding is in the anterior or lower part of the nasal septum, which is called the Kisselbach plexus. Separately, we consider posterior bleeding, which occurs in 10% of clinical cases. It is dangerous to health because bloody issues They descend along the back wall of the nasopharynx and are difficult to stop on their own. With posterior hemorrhage, blood can rise up the nasolacrimal duct, subsequently flowing out through the orbit.

Read also about the main drugs for nasal congestion

Nosebleeds are extremely rarely fatal. The most dangerous is epistaxis, which developed in a dream. Among such cases is the death of Attila, the leader of the Huns in the 5th century. He choked on blood in his sleep during his own wedding.

Why does nosebleed happen?

Local reasons

This group of factors that causes bleeding is associated with a local effect on the epithelium in the nasal passages. It can be short or long, often leading to disruption of the integrity of blood vessels. Typical local causes of epistaxis:

  • injury. This group includes blows, bruises and other injuries. Injuries may also occur after diagnosis or surgery;
  • . A characteristic symptom of a number of nasal diseases. With pathology, a sufficient amount of fluid is not produced on the surface of the mucosa, which leads to disruption of the integrity and thinning of blood vessels;
  • ENT diseases. Bleeding can occur against the background of sinusitis, various and other diseases of the nose and nasopharynx;
  • tumors in the nose. This group includes malignant tumors and benign formations, for example, polyps or inflammation of the adenoids;
  • foreign bodies. It is often diagnosed in young children when small elements enter the nasal cavity. In addition, foreign bodies include insects and helminths.

Read also about nasal congestion due to allergies.

There are also a number of factors that contribute to the occurrence of nosebleeds. These include: prolonged exposure to dry air, overheating and heat stroke, intoxication of the body. Epistaxis is observed in meteopaths during sudden changes in weather.

Do not forget that there are also cases when it is simply necessary to save a person’s life.

Some medications and chemicals can cause nosebleeds. Pathology is often observed with long-term use of NSAIDs and antipsychotics. Alcohol and other stimulants also cause nosebleeds.

What can precede a nosebleed?

You can determine the onset and type of bleeding yourself, based on the characteristic symptoms. The following precursors of pathology are identified:

  • dizziness;
  • burning sensation and discomfort in the sinuses;
  • pale skin;
  • increased heart rate, shortness of breath;
  • headache, migraine attack;
  • spots before the eyes, ringing in the ears.

Depending on the form of epistaxis, the structure and color of the blood differs. For example, scarlet foamy blood with bubbles is a sign of pulmonary hemorrhage. With gastric bleeding, it has a characteristic dark color and thick consistency. With mechanical damage to the mucous membrane against the background of rhinitis or pharyngitis, the appearance of blood clots in the nasal mucus is typical.

First aid for bleeding

The first priority when bleeding from the nose appears is to stop the bleeding. There are several useful tips How to deal with the problem before seeing a doctor.

  • try to calm down and sit on a flat surface, slightly tilt your head forward;
  • unfasten the constricting elements in the upper part of the body - shirt buttons, tie, bra, it is recommended to remove all jewelry;
  • place a cold compress on the bridge of your nose for 10 minutes; ice or frozen foods are suitable for this purpose;
  • spit out blood if it appears in the oral cavity;
  • drip a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide or vasoconstrictor nasal drops into the nostrils;
  • pinch your nostrils next to the wings of your nose with your fingers for 5-7 minutes to slow down the speed of blood flow.

After the bleeding has stopped, you should not make sudden movements, lift weights or strain. It is advisable to drink warm and sweet tea and take a walk in the fresh air.

If a person with hemorrhage is unconscious, you should lay him on his back and move his head to the side. After this, contact emergency medical services.

What not to do if you have a nosebleed

There are several rules for what not to do during epistaxis:

  • throw your head back, as this can cause suffocation and vomiting;
  • blow out blood clots;
  • if you are using a tampon with hydrogen peroxide, it is not recommended to remove it with a sudden movement;
  • do not lean forward;
  • in a horizontal position of the body, the head should be kept to the side, and not held straight.

If you do not properly deal with nosebleeds, it can intensify and lead to unpleasant consequences.

If a foreign body enters the area and causes bleeding, it is not recommended to remove it yourself. In the process, you can damage the delicate mucous membrane and only worsen the problem.

Treatment of nosebleeds

You should seek medical help if you have regular nosebleeds or have experienced a large loss of blood once. In this case, only the doctor knows. Help is also required for facial trauma, as well as for sudden bleeding that cannot be stopped on your own. The choice of therapy method is selected taking into account the form of epistaxis, the volume of blood loss and the cause of its occurrence.


Usage medicines– simple and effective method treatment of nosebleeds. For this purpose, the following groups of medications are used:

  1. Vascular strengthening. Necessary to reduce the thinning of blood vessels, therapy takes a long course. For this purpose, Ascorutin is prescribed in tablet form, as well as vitamins E, C and E to normalize blood circulation and prevent the appearance of cholesterol plaques. To improve vascular permeability, Rutin, Dicynon and Etamzilate are prescribed.
  2. Hemostatic and blood clotting improvers. There are several types of such agents with different mechanisms of action. Coagulants of direct and indirect action (Thrombin, Fibrinogen, Vikasol) are more often prescribed; inhibitors of the fibrinolysis process - Ambien, Gordox and aminocaproic acid - are used less frequently.
  3. Lowering blood pressure. Medicines for hypertension should be taken carefully and only when prescribed by a doctor. They can cause complications and lead to side effects. Medicines to lower blood pressure: Tenoric, Egilok, Papaverine, Magnesia.

As emergency remedy Hydrogen peroxide is considered to stop nosebleeds. It can be used for instillation or moistened with a solution. In addition, it is useful to have simple antiseptics in your medicine cabinet, the use of which allows you to avoid infection during epistaxis (Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, Betadine).

You cannot choose your own means to combat nosebleeds. The choice of medication should be made by a doctor based on the diagnostic results.


Physiological procedures are prescribed for chronic nosebleeds, as well as to prevent complications and relapses of this pathology. Effective methods:

  1. Cauterization of the nasal mucosa. The procedure takes place in a medical office. Cauterization can be carried out using chemical means using a cotton swab (a solution of silver nitrate with chlorine anhydride and acetic acid). In advanced and complex cases, a laser is used.
  2. Oxygen therapy. A preventive method that enhances tissue nutrition and normalizes blood pressure. It is carried out through a special nasal catheter. Oxygen therapy is contraindicated for open mucosal lesions.
  3. Tamponade. Used as an emergency method to stop bleeding. Anterior or posterior tamponade is used only when other methods have failed to stop the bleeding. The material used is a homeostatic sponge or gauze swab.

In case of chronic runny nose with blood, a complex of physiotherapy procedures is prescribed, which enhances the effect of medications. The main disadvantage of these methods is the impossibility of performing them at home.


There are a large number of surgical methods for treating nosebleeds. As an emergency measure, the injection of novocaine or quinine into the mucous membrane is used. For the chronic form of the pathology, the following methods are used:

  • curettage of pathological vascular growths;
  • ligation of blood vessels;
  • nasal dermoplasty.

Surgery is a last resort treatment when other methods do not bring the desired result or an emergency solution to the problem is required due to heavy blood loss.


Nosebleeds can most often be avoided. To do this, you should follow simple preventive measures:

  • Treat a runny nose in a timely manner and prevent the disease from becoming chronic;
  • ventilate and humidify the room at home and at work;
  • avoid dehydration and prolonged exposure to the sun without a hat;
  • regularly moisturize the nasal mucosa in case of increased dryness;
  • monitor your well-being during physical activity, avoid stress and overexertion;
  • try to get enough sleep, sleep at least 7 hours a day.

Bleeding may be a sign of serious systemic disease. If you regularly discharge blood from the nose, it is recommended to undergo a full examination of the body.


This video will tell you why your nose bleeds.


  1. Epistaxis or nosebleed is a pathology in which blood flows from the nasal cavity, usually through the nostrils. Depending on the severity and volume of blood loss, minor, moderate and profuse forms are distinguished.
  2. Nosebleeds can occur due to general and local causes. More often caused by diseases of the blood vessels, trauma or the presence of foreign bodies in the nasal cavity.
  3. If you detect a problem, you need to calm down and take a comfortable position. The head should not be thrown back or forward. It is advisable to use a cotton swab or rinse with hydrogen peroxide. If blood loss exceeds 300 ml, you should urgently call a doctor.
  4. To treat chronic epistaxis, drugs with vasoconstrictor, hemostatic and hypotensive effects are used. Physiological procedures (tamponade, oxygen therapy, or cauterization) may be prescribed. In severe cases, surgery is necessary.

Sometimes children and adults experience nosebleeds. Most often it is not dangerous and has a visible reason. However, it often happens that the blood comes out of nowhere: nothing hurt, nothing bothered you, but the blood suddenly started flowing. What it could be, what to do and how to stop the bleeding, whether examination and tests are necessary, which doctor to contact - we discuss these issues together with the site.

Why bleeding may occur

The nose is an important sensory organ, through it we feel all the aromas of life, it helps us fight penetration into the body infections .

The nose has many nerve endings and blood vessels, many of which are located in the nasal septum area just below the epithelial layer. Due to this position and the thin vascular wall, they can often bleed as a result of vascular damage. Doctors divide the causes of nosebleeds into two large groups:

  • local processes related directly to the nasal area,
  • processes affecting the entire organism as a whole.

Local causes of bleeding

Nosebleeds are a dangerous sign

Local processes that can cause bleeding are injuries to the nose or its mucous membrane, this occurs with falls and blows to the face, or broken nose. Injury to the mucous membrane often occurs in children due to the insertion of toy parts into the nose or injury to the mucous membrane with a fingernail or sharp object.

Other reasons may be inflammatory processes in the nose or sinuses, this is acute rhinitis, sinusitis and sinusitis with the formation of crusts in the nose and injury to the mucous membrane. For certain inflammations in the nose, e.g. allergies , there is a flow of blood to the vessels, and the vessels cannot withstand the pressure.

Deviation of the nasal septum or atrophy of the mucous membrane, various types of neoplasms in the nasal cavity also injure blood vessels and cause bleeding.

Diseases of the whole body and nosebleeds

Nosebleeds are a dangerous sign

However, nosebleeds can also occur due to serious illnesses of the whole body. Thus, nosebleeds occur with diseases of the heart and blood vessels, hypertension and atherosclerotic lesions in the vessels of the brain, circulatory disorders in cervical spine . Then normal blood circulation through the vessels is disrupted and the pressure inside the nasal capillaries increases, which they cannot withstand and burst.

Nosebleeds can be a symptom of problems with blood clotting, including hereditary ones, an overdose of drugs that affect blood flow and clotting, with vitamin deficiency - for example, vitamin PP and C, which make the vascular wall strong.

Bleeding from the nose can occur as a result of thermal effects on the body, this is possible with overheating in the sun, fever with infectious diseases. Nosebleeds can occur when there is a sudden change in pressure in climbers or divers, when there is an imbalance of hormones, or during pregnancy.

Whatever the reasons that led to the development of bleeding, you must be able to provide first aid and decide whether help and consultation with a specialist is necessary, whether this needs to be done urgently or whether you can consult a doctor as planned.

First aid measures for nosebleeds

Usually, when a nosebleed occurs, out of habit, we reflexively throw our heads up, pressing a handkerchief or napkin to our nose. Unfortunately, this is a common and dangerous misconception; you should not tilt your head up during nosebleeds.

Nosebleeds are a dangerous sign / shutterstock.com

This can lead to ingestion and inhalation of blood, especially if there is severe bleeding, vomiting, and bronchial obstruction (blood blockage). It is necessary to sit down and lean your head forward, looking between your spread legs, this is necessary so that the blood from the wings of the nose flows forward.

In addition, it is necessary to calm down and allow air to flow by unfastening a woman’s tight belt, shirt collar or bra. If bleeding occurs at home, apply a piece of frozen meat or an ice cube to the bridge of your nose; this will constrict the blood vessels and stop the bleeding faster.

If the bleeding does not stop, you can press your nostril against the nasal septum for about ten minutes. By squeezing the vessels and slowing down the blood flow in them, a blood clot quickly forms there, which clogs the vessel.

If these measures do not help, you can try using vasoconstrictor drops used for a runny nose - naphthyzine, sanorin. Having made a cotton swab and soaked it in the medicine, insert it into the nasal cavity as tightly and deeply as possible. If the bleeding is caused by dry crusts in the nose from a runny nose, it is necessary to lubricate the nasal cavity with vegetable oil or Vaseline, this will soften the crusts and stop the bleeding.

If nosebleeds are caused by overheating, take the victim into the shade and place a cool compress on the nose area. If you suspect heatstroke, you must immediately examine the person by calling an ambulance and hospitalizing the victim.

When else is medical help needed?

Sometimes nosebleeds are one of the symptoms of serious illnesses, so you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

Nosebleeds are usually frightening and take you by surprise. Even a few falling scarlet drops cause concern, and if blood is gushing out of your nose, you won’t be confused for long. Knowing why a nose bleeds and how to act to stop it will help you avoid panic and competently help the victim.

Causes of nosebleeds

Epistaxis (nosebleeds) is a common and familiar phenomenon to everyone. There are many reasons for it - from fairly harmless to serious, but what they all have in common is the effect on the blood vessels: they become fragile, burst, which is why the nose bleeds.

Nosebleeds in adults

All causes of epistaxis in adults are divided into:

  1. Local – appear locally and affect only the nose
  2. Systemic – appear due to internal influence and affect the body completely.

Local reasons

Local factors for the occurrence of nosebleeds:

  1. Injury – blows, falls
  2. Entry of foreign bodies
  3. Sharp blowing of the nose, damage to the mucous membrane with nails
  4. Dry indoor air
  5. Inflammatory diseases. With rhinitis, sinusitis, and sinusitis, crusts form in the nose, injuring the mucous membrane, and light bleeding occurs
  6. Allergy - blood vessels burst due to blood flow
  7. Use of steroid and hormonal nasal sprays
  8. Nasal cartilage deformities
  9. Atrophied mucosa
  10. Appearance of tumors
  11. Inhalation of narcotic powders (cocaine is especially dangerous)
  12. Surgeries – plastic and after injuries.


Epistaxis occurs for the following systemic reasons:

  1. Disturbances in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels
  2. Increased pressure
  3. Vegetative-vascular dystonia
  4. Diseases of the blood with impaired coagulation
  5. Taking blood thinning medications
  6. Decreased elasticity connective tissue and blood vessels due to a lack of vitamins C, PP and K
  7. Alcohol abuse
  8. Overheating in the sun, fever
  9. Barotrauma - sudden changes in pressure at height or depth
  10. Hormonal imbalances - during adolescence, pregnancy, menopause
  11. Overwork, lack of sleep, stress
  12. Hereditary fragility of blood vessels.

In many cases, nosebleeds appear against the background of headaches, tinnitus, and dizziness.

Nosebleeds in the morning

Epistaxis in the morning, not during the day , more often observed in men. The reasons are deviated septum due to injury or vascular atrophy due to overwork, smoking, and harmful working conditions.

More serious problems are also possible - nasal polyps, systemic blood diseases, therefore, with constant bleeding in the morning, especially with pain , Consultation with a specialist is advisable.

Nosebleeds during pregnancy

During pregnancy, under the influence of hormones, the total volume of blood in the body increases and the load on the heart and blood vessels increases.

In a woman in an “interesting position,” the nasal mucosa thins and becomes fragile, and pressure may increase, resulting in bleeding from the nose. This must be reported to the supervising doctor - monitoring is necessary, high blood pressure is dangerous for the fetus.

After childbirth, everything usually returns to normal.

Nosebleeds in children

Why does nose bleed in children?

  1. Age-related immaturity of blood vessels and mucous membranes
  2. Dryness and crusts in the nose due to suffocating air
  3. Injury - blows, picking off crusts with a fingernail
  4. Ingestion of foreign bodies - a child can insert a small toy, button, bead, or pea into the nostril
  5. The use of vasoconstrictor sprays and drops
  6. Straining when sneezing or coughing
  7. Polyps and tumors in the nose
  8. Anomalies of the nasal septum
  9. Vitamin deficiencies
  10. Anemia
  11. Increased pressure
  12. Diseases caused by viruses and bacteria
  13. Pathologies affecting blood clotting and vascular permeability
  14. Hormonal surges during puberty.

Is nosebleed dangerous?

Typically, epistaxis is a frightening, spectacular, but relatively safe for health phenomenon. It develops when blood vessels are damaged spontaneously or due to injury.

Nosebleeds happen:

  • Anterior - localized in the anterior-lower part of the nasal septum, occurs in 90-95% of cases. Blood drips or flows in a weak trickle, stops quickly
  • Posterior – occurring in the middle and posterior parts of the nasal cavity. It is observed much less frequently, but requires mandatory medical attention: blood flows in a stream, it is difficult to stop it, and vomiting of blood is possible if it is swallowed.

The danger is heavy or prolonged bleeding. Dizziness, weakness, pallor, flashing spots appear, cold sweat appears, the pulse weakens and quickens, the patient may lose consciousness. If such symptoms appear, you should not hesitate - you need urgent medical help. If blood pours from the nose every day, a headache appears, a medical consultation is also necessary.

How to stop nosebleeds

If the bleeding occurs spontaneously, in one half of the nose, the blood flows out weakly, there is no pain, then it usually stops quickly and is not dangerous to health. Severe or prolonged bleeding requires medical intervention.

Independent actions

In most cases, you can handle the problem yourself. What to do if your nose bleeds:

  1. Provide the patient with a state of rest in a semi-sitting position
  2. You should spread your legs and lean forward slightly so that the blood flows freely
  3. Ensure free access of air - unfasten the belt, tight collar, bra
  4. You need to apply cold to the bridge of your nose - a wet napkin, ice
  5. Blood that enters the nasopharynx should be spat out
  6. If the blood flows weakly, you can slightly press the wings of the nose and hold for 5-7 minutes until the bleeding stops - when squeezed, the blood flow will slow down, a clot will form and block the damaged vessel
  7. If the bleeding is severe, cotton swabs should be soaked in hydrogen peroxide or vasoconstrictor drops and inserted into the nasal passages
  8. When bleeding due to dry crusts in the nose, they need to be softened by lubricating the nostrils with Vaseline or sunflower oil.
  9. If bleeding is due to overheating, the victim should be moved to the shade and a cold compress applied to the nose. Heat stroke will require hospitalization
  10. If you lose consciousness, the patient should be placed on his back with his head turned to the side and doctors should be called.

What NOT to do:

  1. Throwing your head back - this leads to blood flowing into the throat and vomiting
  2. Bend over too much - this will increase bleeding
  3. Blowing your nose prevents a blood clot from clogging the injured vessel.
  4. Lie down horizontally with your head turned to the side.

If a child’s nose bleeds or pain occurs, there is no need to panic, scaring the baby. You need to act in the same way as when providing assistance to adults, but call doctors after 10 minutes if the bleeding has not stopped, and after 5 minutes if there is severe bleeding.

Folk remedies for nosebleeds

It is possible to stop nosebleeds with the help of herbal recipes:

  1. Soak cotton swabs in nettle juice and insert them into the nasal passages
  2. Grind fresh yarrow, soak tampons in the juice and insert into the nostrils
  3. Boil viburnum bark (10g per glass of water), leave, moisten the tampons and insert them into the nose.

When you need medical help

You should urgently call an ambulance if it is impossible to stop the nosebleed on your own, it lasts more than 15-20 minutes in adults or becomes stronger, pallor, chills, severe pain, numbness of the limbs or loss of consciousness appear.

Doctors' help is also needed if:

  1. There is pain, swelling, a deformed bone, there is a suspicion of a nasal fracture
  2. Bleeding is accompanied by headache, blurred vision, and dizziness.
  3. Bleeding after taking blood thinners or hormonal medications
  4. There may be a foreign body in the child's nose.

Until the doctors arrive, the patient needs to be kept at rest.

Preventing nosebleeds

If adults or children often have nosebleeds, bruises on the body, bleeding gums or a headache, it is imperative to establish the exact cause of the pathology.

First of all, you should contact an ENT specialist. To determine the causes of the problem, the specialist will examine the nasal cavity - there may be foreign bodies, polyps, neoplasms, and will prescribe a blood test to determine its coagulability and platelet count.

It is also advisable to seek advice from an endocrinologist, immunologist, hematologist, or oncologist. Specialists will conduct diagnostic tests and prescribe the necessary course of treatment.

To prevent bleeding in adults and children over 3 years of age, use ascorutin (a complex drug with vitamins C and P) in prophylactic doses specified in the instructions.

You can strengthen the delicate surface of the mucous membrane with massage. Every day, morning and evening:

  1. Use your thumb knuckles to tap the center of the bridge of your nose.
  2. Using the pads of your index fingers, stroke the nasal mucosa at its base with rotational movements.
  3. Tap the wings of the nose - lightly at first, then gradually increase the pressure
  4. At the end of the procedure, lubricate the nasal mucosa with Vaseline.

Breathing exercises have an excellent strengthening effect. You should inhale and exhale forcefully several times, then repeat the exercise, alternately pinching your nostrils. After this, inhale alternately with pinched nostrils, holding the air as you inhale for 5 seconds.

Washing the nose with solutions is very useful. sea ​​salt, soda, iodine, herbal infusions, especially chamomile.

You should also constantly:

  • Eat well and rest
  • Maintain comfortable humidity in living areas, especially children's rooms - 60-70%
  • Make sure that children do not put their fingers or small objects into their noses.
  • Infants should wear anti-scratch mittens.

The causes of most episodes of epistaxis can be easily identified and eliminated, but they can also be a symptom of serious illnesses or a consequence of neglect of one’s health. Situations are dangerous when blood spurts from the nose; this is accompanied by pain and general weakness - this requires urgent medical attention. If bleeding constantly recurs, you also cannot do without a visit to the doctor. Pay attention to your body's signals and be healthy!

The causes of nosebleeds in adults can vary. To identify them for sure, it is recommended to consult a doctor and undergo a medical examination. If in the near future you cannot get to the hospital, then you can find out the main causes of nosebleeds in adults from the presented article.

general information

Nosebleeds (the causes in adults will be described a little below) are concepts that are close, but not equal in meaning. To find out what the difference is between these pathological processes, let’s define each of them:

  1. Nose bleed. This phenomenon is observed when blood comes from the vessels of the nasal cavity, as well as its paranasal sinuses and nasopharynx. As a rule, this process occurs due to a violation of their integrity.
  2. Bleeding from the nose. Most often, this pathological condition occurs when the upper walls of the nasal cavity are damaged. In other words, the integrity of the vessels located in the skull is compromised.

Sources of bleeding

Nosebleeds in adults and children can have different sources. Thus, blood often comes from respiratory tract, esophagus and even stomach. In such cases, it flows into the nasal cavity through the so-called choanae, that is, internal openings that connect the pharynx.

Even the most experienced doctors do not know everything about nosebleeds in adults and children, because the mucous membrane of this organ is very actively supplied with blood, as it has a huge blood network woven from small vessels and capillaries.

According to statistics, most often regularly occurring nosebleeds indicate the development of a serious illness. Although this pathology can also occur in completely healthy people of different ages.

Bleeding from the nose: causes

The causes of nosebleeds in adults and children are divided into local and general. To understand how they differ among people of different ages, let’s look at them in more detail.


The mucous membrane of a child’s nose is quite delicate, which is why it is easily injured. Its blood supply is provided by branches of the carotid artery. In 90% of cases in children, it is the small capillaries that bleed, which are located in the anterior-lower section of the septum of the new cavity, where, in fact, the most bleeding zone is located, informally called the Kisselbach zone.

In childhood, in addition to general and local causes of nosebleeds, there are also external ones. These include damage to the vessels of the mucous membrane:

  • foreign body (pea button, pencil, toy parts, etc.);
  • while picking your nose with your finger.

Local reasons

Causes of local nosebleeds in young children include:

  • atrophic rhinitis;
  • nasal injuries, as well as bruises or fractures;
  • tumors in the nasal passages (hemangiomas, angiofibromas or polyps);
  • drying out of the lining of the nasal cavity, which leads to fragility of the capillaries (with prolonged exposure to an unventilated and very hot room).

Common reasons

Common causes of nosebleeds in young children include:

  • increased body temperature of the child;
  • infectious diseases (for example, ARVI, scarlet fever, influenza, etc.);
  • blood diseases with impaired coagulation;
  • increased intracranial or blood pressure;
  • liver diseases;
  • hereditary diseases (for example, hemophilia);
  • excessive physical activity (during sports, games, etc.);
  • hormonal changes;
  • lack of certain microelements and vitamins in the body;
  • overheating in the sun, as well as sudden changes in pressure (atmospheric).


Bleeding from the nose is a dangerous sign if this deviation occurs very often and is accompanied by headaches or other pain.

It should be noted that the general and local causes of nosebleeds in adolescents are the same as in young children. But most often this deviation is associated with hormonal changes in the child’s body (during puberty).

Among other things, blood from a teenager’s nose can regularly flow due to increased arterial or intracranial pressure due to excessive psycho-emotional or physical stress. In other words, overwork is the most likely cause of bleeding in children 12-16 years old.


What are the causes of nosebleeds in adults? They are also divided into local and general. By the way, with age, this phenomenon occurs more and more often. Let's take a closer look at what it may be connected with.

Local reasons

Local causes of nosebleeds in adults may include the following:

Common reasons

What else can cause nosebleeds? Causes in adults (general) are often as follows:

  • disorders in the blood coagulation system, as well as its diseases (for example, leukemia) and hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • lack of vitamins K and C in the body, lack of calcium;
  • congenital pathology (for example, Rendu-Osler disease, hemophilia);
  • pathology vascular system(eg, hypertension, heart defects, atherosclerosis and vascular abnormalities);
  • pathological conditions due to sudden changes in pressure (most often found in pilots, divers, astronauts, climbers, etc.);
  • increased temperature (for example, with kidney and liver diseases, infectious diseases);
  • when the body overheats;
  • hormonal imbalances (for example, during pregnancy or menopause);
  • taking medications that prevent blood clotting.

It should also be noted that nosebleeds in healthy people can occur due to a stressful situation or significant physical activity. The cause of this deviation is often the inhalation of dry or frosty air (hot summer or cold winter).

Often healthy adults may leak after prolonged exposure to the sun (or as a result of so-called “sunstroke”). In this case, a person experiences tinnitus, weakness, severe headaches, and sometimes loss of consciousness.

If bleeding in healthy people occurs infrequently and is in no way associated with serious internal diseases, then, as a rule, this phenomenon stops quickly and is not particularly profuse.

Aged people

In older people, nosebleeds can occur for the same reasons as in healthy adults, but with some nuances. Main feature of this age is that in an old person, the capillaries of the posterior parts of the nose lose their elasticity over time, resulting in heavy bleeding.

It should also be noted that a fairly common cause of this deviation in older people is hypertension.

Why might my nose bleed?

Now you know why certain people periodically or constantly experience nosebleeds. 4 main reasons:

  • mechanical damage to the vessels located in the nasal cavity;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • internal diseases;
  • arterial or intracranial pressure.

Nosebleeds: causes, treatment and first aid

Above we talked in detail about why such a deviation can occur in a person at a given age. Now I would like to tell you how to provide first aid for such a deviation.

If a person has severe nosebleeds, it is recommended:

  1. Sit on a chair and tilt your head slightly. It is highly not recommended to tip it back, since blood can easily be swallowed as a result, cause vomiting, or even enter the respiratory tract.
  2. If the bleeding was caused by overheating in the sun, then the person should be immediately taken to the shade or a ventilated room (preferably cool).
  3. During bleeding, it is recommended to unfasten the collar and then open the window for more access to fresh, cool air.
  4. Apply a fabric bag filled with ice or a bandage (handkerchief) soaked in cold water to your nose.
  5. If it takes a long time, then the wing of the respiratory organ should be pressed with your finger against the nasal septum and held there for about 10 minutes.
  6. To quickly stop bleeding, you need to moisten a swab (gauze or cotton) in a 3% peroxide solution and carefully insert it into the nose.