An apology to the guy in your own words. Beautiful apologies to a girl

06.10.2021 General

Sometimes such unpleasant situations occur that even the most loving and close people quarrel.

And after a quarrel they have no idea how to apologize to their wife, husband or other loved one.

Sometimes it’s even difficult for people to find warm and appropriate words to apologize. And they continue to feel guilty before the other person, not daring to take the first step towards reconciliation.

Sometimes a request for forgiveness and an apology comes from the person who is not to blame, because he wants to quickly improve the relationship and simply make peace. And this is also correct, because only a strong-willed and reasonable person can ask for an apology without guilt.

If you have done something wrong and want to ask for forgiveness through telephone messages, you definitely need to know about a few small but important rules.

Whether you are a man or a woman makes no difference. Just remember that before asking for forgiveness, you definitely need to calm down, cool down, realize your mistake and sincerely wish to improve the relationship.

After this, it is better to wait some more time (at least a couple of days) so that the offended person can calm down and calmly accept your desire to make peace. You can be sure that almost immediately after a serious quarrel, the woman or man you offended will not even listen to you.

Forgiveness through telephone messages

Before you start apologizing, every woman who has done something wrong, as well as every guilty man, should know about the basic small nuances in order to apologize correctly. They need to not only be remembered, but also adhered to:

  • You don’t need to send SMS to your girlfriend, boyfriend, husband or wife too often. One message for a maximum of 3-4 hours will be enough not to bother a person. If there is no response after sending several messages, then either wait a while or try another way to apologize.
  • Do not duplicate text in subsequent messages.
  • What to do if there is no answer? If the person you're apologizing to doesn't respond, then you need to make a more serious apology than just sending a text message.
  • Select the SMS text based on what you yourself would like to read from your loved one as a request for forgiveness.
  • Do not overuse emoticons and parentheses. After all, they still won’t be able to naturally, accurately and correctly convey the depth of your emotions to your loved one.
  • Explain to your loved one that you sincerely apologize and ask for forgiveness. It is better not to use the phrase “I did this because...”. This applies to situations where the girl is right (or the guy is right).
  • Don’t think that immediately after the first SMS a person is able to forgive you. After several messages, you can send the last one with the phrase “Are you ready to forgive me?” Usually such a phrase allows you to get an answer immediately.

What can you write in a message to your husband?

If a woman is to blame, then she can apologize to her husband using the following SMS:

  • I really want to see you, look into your beloved and beautiful eyes, so that you can see that I am very sorry for our quarrel and sincerely wish to make peace with you and be as loved as before. I was wrong.
  • Quarrels make people understand and decide how important and dear they are to each other. After this quarrel, I realized that you are the most precious treasure in life. And I apologize to you because I want us to be happy again.
  • I want to apologize to you for the fact that tears flowed from your beautiful and beloved eyes. I want to take the first step towards reconciliation. Sorry...

Remember that a truly brave and intelligent woman can ask for an apology, even if the man is to blame. But in this case, you can only properly apologize for raising the tone in a conversation or accidentally throwing offensive phrases or expressions. But no more than that.

How to ask for forgiveness from your loved one?

Woman a very sensitive and touchy creature who needs warm and gentle words.

Therefore, if a man is to blame, he can unusually apologize to his beloved using the following SMS:

  • I understand that it is very difficult to forgive me. I can imagine how angry you are with me now. And you're absolutely right - I went too far. I apologize to you! I love you so much!
  • Please forgive me! I can't even imagine the pain I caused you... I apologize to you.
  • I really miss the happy sparkle in your eyes, which disappeared after our quarrel. I want you to illuminate me with your smile again, and your eyes to be the happiest. I'm sorry…

By the way, if you add to these messages a meeting with your loved one with flowers and a gift, the chances of a speedy reconciliation will greatly increase! For a woman, first of all, it is important to be sure that you love her and sincerely regret the quarrel.

Joking messages

Also, when a man is wrong or a woman is wrong, but the quarrel was not so serious, you can apologize in a joking manner. This will only allow you to thoroughly defuse the situation and receive forgiveness faster.

Don’t know how to apologize beautifully through phone messages so that your loved one will like it? Read further:

  1. The big toe and little toe on my right foot are still shaking convulsively from the overwhelming shame that I could do this to you today! Even in the mirror, instead of reflecting myself, I see a donkey with incredibly huge ears. I promise not to offend you like that again, I'm sorry...
  2. I miss you very much, because now I can’t take out the trash, clean up and vacuum the apartment on my own. I'm sorry…
  3. I can neither sleep, nor think, nor work, nor drink, nor eat, all my RAM busy with files only about you, and the rest of the programs are completely frozen. Forgive me, otherwise I will need a complete reboot.

It is not at all necessary to ask for an apology solely by sending an SMS to your husband or wife. Together you can, for example, jokingly bury the hatchet of war (your quarrel) in the yard.

Romantic Apology

You shouldn’t naively assume that men are absolutely not romantic. They love all sorts of romantic surprises and gifts no less than women.

Therefore, a woman can safely write an SMS with a text like “You are my prince, whom I have been waiting for so long and patiently, but now I can’t understand how I could offend you like that.” There can be an unlimited number of options for such SMS, which depends only on your imagination and the seriousness of your quarrel.

No one person can be to blame for a quarrel or scandal, so each of those who quarreled must necessarily analyze the situation, draw conclusions and apologize so that old grievances do not become the cause of long-term quarrels. The woman may also be wrong, or perhaps the man spoke too rudely during a quarrel?

Unspoken rules for asking for forgiveness

If you decide to apologize to your loved one via SMS, then try not to use phrases in the text like “I’m to blame, but...” Such phrases can cancel out all apologies, so forget about such expressions.

  • To ensure that your apologies to your beloved guy or precious girl are sincere, write in your SMS the words that come from your heart. The recipient will definitely feel the warmth of the words that you put into the content of the SMS.
  • It is not at all necessary to ask for an apology in poetry or prose, because standard templates or poems composed by another person will not correctly and accurately convey the sincerity that you will put into an SMS message when writing an apology yourself.

  • It is not recommended to write too long SMS with apologies, because only summary Your mistakes will help the person who was offended by you to see that you really repent. Instead of trying to focus attention on your partner’s shortcomings or on others who are not the best best sides character. The text of your SMS should not only be short, but also open and sincere.
  • When a man is at fault, he should not criticize a girl for throwing tantrums or shedding tears. Because almost all women and girls can cry and get nervous during quarrels. And that's okay.

Writing an SMS with an apology to your husband or beloved wife is the easiest way to make peace. We selected the text, put a sad smiley face and that’s it, sit and wait for an answer.

But when a person reads a message, he does not see the expression on your face or the sparkle in your eyes, which is a very important factor when apologizing. Make an appointment with your husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend, explain in a calm atmosphere why you did this and say that you really miss this person and regret the quarrel that happened.

If a person values ​​you and loves you madly, then he will definitely apologize in return and will gladly move towards reconciliation. Author: Ekaterina Maiko

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There are situations when it is necessary to ask for forgiveness from someone you have offended. And often, due to the inherent feeling of guilt, the right words simply “do not come to mind.”

We have selected examples of messages in prose and poetry that will help correct the situation using the phone.

How to apologize to your girlfriend/wife

After a quarrel

Try to sincerely explain your behavior without blaming the woman.

Darling, I apologize for offending you. You know, the last thing I wanted was to make you uncomfortable.

Darling, I'm sorry, I was wrong. I promise, I will learn to control my emotions so as not to offend the most important thing I have - You.

I don't want to argue with you. Let's make peace, drink champagne and forget about this stupid quarrel?

If you offended me greatly

Sincere repentance, a little romance and perseverance will help you.

I cannot come to terms with the fact that because of my mistake we will not be together, we will not build a house, we will not raise common children, we will not experience moments of happiness side by side, we will not grow old enjoying our grandchildren. Please don't destroy my main dream. I want to live all this only with you.

Tell me what I should do so that you forgive me. Ready for anything.

For me you are the most important person in the world. Can you forgive me for my stupid act? I understand that my behavior is far from ideal. I hope you forgive me. I'm ready to change for you.

On distance

If you were nearby now, I would kiss you, begging for forgiveness.

Even though we are now separated by kilometers, and the only communication is SMS, I still hope that you will forgive me. When we meet, I will completely assuage my guilt, I promise.

To say that I will never argue or quarrel with you would be stupid and wrong. But I promise that I will try to prevent such situations as rarely as possible. I sincerely apologize and hope for your positive response.

For treason

You must understand that not every girl will forgive. But if there is sincere repentance, it’s worth a try.

It was the stupidest thing I've ever done in my life. I can’t forgive myself for losing you because of a moment of weakness. All I can do now is ask and hope for forgiveness.

I'm ready for anything, if only you would forgive me. Tell me what needs to be done for this? I will move mountains for you.

I know that it is difficult to forgive. I can’t forgive myself for hurting you with my stupidity. I hope you will forgive in time. For my part, I will do everything for this.

After the breakup

We broke up. The only thing I can do is ask for forgiveness. Having realized my guilt, I understand that you are dear to me. And in no case do I want to leave bad memories about us. Forgive me and let's remember the good times.

The fact that we broke up does not change my love and respect for you. If there is a chance to return everything, tell me and I will do everything possible and impossible for us.


I'm a fool. I realized this. I’m ready to buy you all the Kinders in the world so that you can forgive me.

We are responsible for those we have tamed. I feel like a small, abandoned puppy, left alone. I sit and just beg for forgiveness. Return me to the owner!

Hello. There won't be a long text here about how I regret the quarrel. I'm used to proving everything with actions. And I am also ready to atone for my guilt by deed. Therefore, I’m waiting for you at: ….

How to apologize to a girl to her boyfriend/husband

For your behavior

I know I acted like a stupid girl. I officially promise not to repeat this behavior. Will you forgive me?

I understand that my character leaves much to be desired, but for the sake of you and our relationship, I am ready to change it, try to be better. For this I need your support and a little patience. Are you ready to forgive me and help me improve?

I sat down, thought about my behavior, and realized that I had acted very stupidly. Please forgive me, my love!

For jealousy

Nowadays it is very difficult to trust people. I have situations when, because of love, I become unjustifiably jealous. But I'm not out of malice, please forgive me.

I'm jealous because I care about you. I'll try to improve. Sorry stupid!

Please don't give me reasons to be jealous. In turn, I will thank you in kind.

For treason

We are not robots. Every person has the right to make mistakes. I understand that this mistake was very cruel to you, but still, I hope for forgiveness.

Hello. I understand and accept your hurt and anger. If you forgive me, I promise to become the most ideal girl for you. Please give me the opportunity to prove this.

After the breakup

Remembering the moments we spent together, I really don’t want to end our story on such an unpleasant note for both of us. If you can, forgive me. Let's remain pleasant memories for each other.

For lying

Darling! I'm very ashamed that I lied to you. This situation will serve as a good lesson for me and I will not do this to you. Forgive me please!

It would seem such a small thing. The last thing I wanted to do was offend you. Sorry.

I understand that it’s unpleasant for you, but I had reasons for this... (try to explain my behavior).


Honey, I'm sorry. I realized the guilt. Shall we go and have some wine in honor of reconciliation?

Please forgive me for what I did wrong once. Believe me, I’m not doing this out of malice, let me be with you again!

How to apologize to a boyfriend/girlfriend

◊ ◊ ◊

Dear/darling! I value our friendship very much and will never allow it to be destroyed because of stupid grievances. Forgive me please!

◊ ◊ ◊

Sorry! Ready to make amends. Tell me what to do to earn forgiveness?

◊ ◊ ◊

I have a proposal: let’s forget all the grievances and go to a cafe to make peace?

◊ ◊ ◊

For the sake of our friendship, I am ready to do a lot. Are you ready to forgive me?

Before parents

Do not forget about sincerity and respect, because no one knows you better than your parents.

SMS for mom

* * *

Mom, I am very ashamed that I offended the most dear person in my life - you. Forgive me please. From now on I will be more careful about my words and actions, I promise.

* * *

Forgive the stupid child! I will learn to be wiser and more restrained.

* * *

Mommy, sorry for the quarrel!
It's only my fault.
Let's forget our disputes,
You're the only one I have!

I love you, dear,
And I won’t upset you.
I know you can, darling,
Forgive everything and understand everything.

SMS for dad

* * *

Dad, due to my stupidity, I often make mistakes. But I conclude and understand my guilt. The last thing I wanted was to offend you. Forgive me please!

* * *

Don't be offended by me, father, don't be offended,
And try to understand me,
I drank the cup of guilt to the dregs,
So, don't be angry with me anymore.
I want to gain your trust again,
So that everything is fine in our lives,
I’ll look into your eyes like when I was a child,
And I will quietly say: “For everything, father, forgive me!”

* * *

I cannot forgive myself for offending the person who gave me this life. Daddy, I'm sorry!

In front of your partner's parents

Hello. Having thought carefully about the situation that happened, I came to the conclusion that I acted rudely. I want to offer my sincere apologies to you.

* * *

Whether we like it or not, we are now a family and must love and accept each other with all the pros and cons. Please forgive me for my inappropriate behavior, I promise to control my emotions from now on.

* * *

Since you are the closest person to my beloved woman, and therefore close to me, I must apologize to you for my words. Sorry if I offended you in any way, I didn’t do it out of malice.

How to apologize for “drunk” text messages

× × ×

At the time of writing the SMS, I was a little drunk and did not control my behavior. Forgive me please. From now on, at such moments I will hide my phone away :)

× × ×

I don’t even know why I managed to write all this nonsense to you. Sorry, alcohol has a bad effect on me.

× × ×

When I got up in the morning, the first thing I did was look at my phone and was horrified by what I saw. How? How did such stupid thoughts come into my head, especially how did I manage to write these stupid thoughts to you? Sorry, I'm very embarrassed.

How to ask for forgiveness via SMS from your boss

× × ×

I apologize. I'm sorry about this morning's incident.

× × ×

I am very sorry that due to my carelessness your meeting did not take place, and this had Negative consequences For the company. I understand how important this is to you, and I'm sorry I caused it.

× × ×

Due to my inexperience, I made a mistake. I apologize and I won't let this happen again.

How to ask for forgiveness via SMS from a child

♠ ♠ ♠

Darling, forgive me for my words, harshness in my statements. I was wrong. As you can see, mom makes mistakes too.

♠ ♠ ♠

I'm sorry that my actions had a negative impact on your day. Forgive me please. I sincerely regret this.

♠ ♠ ♠

As a loving parent, I still can’t get used to the fact that you are already quite an adult (barking). Therefore, sometimes it seems to me that I know better what will be right for you. This is probably a mistake many parents make. Now I understand that we need to give you more freedom. Sorry. I will try not to repeat mistakes.

General examples of SMS apologies in verse

♦ ♦ ♦

I'm wrong and I'll ask for forgiveness
And, of course, without any doubt,
I will always love you!

♦ ♦ ♦

Don't be sad, don't worry,
And don't frown.
Sorry I brought
Lots of tears and pain.

♦ ♦ ♦

Our friendship has been around for many years,
There is no one closer to you in life.
I wasn't always wrong
But now, having admitted guilt

I ask you to forgive me
Forgive me all my sins.
And still don’t be offended
Years of friendship are more valuable.

♦ ♦ ♦

I didn’t want this quarrel, I swear to you.
If you want, I’ll get on my knees and apologize again.

♦ ♦ ♦

Please don't be upset
For everything, please forgive me!
We need to get rid of grudges,
Let go of all the bitterness, I beg you!

Let's keep the good things alive
Forgetting the words “offense” and “reproach”!
Let our connecting thread
Doesn't break up over any stupid quarrels!

♦ ♦ ♦

I want to ask you for forgiveness,
For all the bad things, for the insults,
Please forgive me!
I am sincere, I am from the heart!

♦ ♦ ♦

Forgive me for this temper,
Forgive me for these quarrels.
Sorry for being wrong
Forgive me for our arguments.

Forgive me for all the insults
What I have done to you more than once.
Let the past be forgotten
We'll start again now.

♦ ♦ ♦

Smiling guiltily
I look at you lovingly.
I repent very sincerely,
I can’t find the right words.

♦ ♦ ♦

I ask you to forgive me,
Sorry for our disagreement,
Forget about our stupid quarrels.
There is no point in insults and reproaches.

You and I need to make peace.
Peace and harmony are better than any dispute.
Please forgive me!
Don't be angry or sad anymore!

Funny SMS for apology, humorous phrases

♦ ♦ ♦

Sorry honey! Mur-mur-mur!
I definitely won't do this again.
Well, that's enough! All! Why so gloomy?
After all, I am your, beloved, miracle.

♦ ♦ ♦

Hi beauty. This is me - an apologetic SMS. My sender asked me to tell you what a fool he was. Forgive him please! He will never, ever do that again, honestly!

♦ ♦ ♦

If you forgive me now, you will certainly receive a bonus: I will forgive you too. Let's stop sulking and forget everything. I love you, I believe you love me too. So why ruin our mood?

♦ ♦ ♦

The reason for the quarrel was ridiculous.
Darling, I couldn’t contain my emotions.
Sorry, I admit I was wrong
I hurt feelings with hurtful words.

♦ ♦ ♦

Sorry for being such a bitch.
I'm sorry that I will always be her.
I'm sorry that I didn't see you right away
The one I've been waiting for all my life.

♦ ♦ ♦

Life won't be good anymore
Until you forgive me
Fate has crumbled into crumbs
And soon he will fly into the abyss!

♦ ♦ ♦

Darling, I beg you very much -
Forgive me for what I said!
I can't stand long separations
And I'm already tired of sulking...

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Hello dear readers of the Samprosvetbyulleten blog!

“How to ask for forgiveness from your loved one? I did the typical things: I looked into his cell phone, saw a list of women’s phone numbers, and created a scene of jealousy. I should have shown myself and remained silent, but I was carried away and left. He said I was being stupid and disrespectful towards him. All the women on his list turned out to be older than him, married, work colleagues, wives of friends whom I had already heard about. He said I am his only woman and he has no one else, that I myself am destroying our relationship. I see that he is offended. How to apologize to your loved one? — writes Alexandra.

“I don’t know how to ask for forgiveness from my loved one. I offended him very much and now he doesn’t want to talk to me. I don't know, . I apologized, but he still walks around sulking. I say that you still need it, I apologized. And he replied that my “well, sorry” sounded like a favor, and if I loved him, I wouldn’t treat him like that! I don’t know what other ways there are to apologize to your loved one.», — writes Galina.

If you have offended your loved one, you have probably often thought about taking it all back and doing things differently. Unfortunately, you cannot turn back time and fix everything. What's done is done, and you both have to live with the consequences. Now we need to think about how to ask for forgiveness and restore the relationship.

Strange as it may sound, you must first forgive yourself, stop scolding and condemning yourself. Otherwise, you will constantly mentally return to the past, instead of taking concrete steps to correct the current situation. Everyone makes bad decisions at some point or does things they later regret. But there is no point in getting stuck in the past and becoming despondent, we must move forward. The sooner you forgive yourself and decide to be constructive, the sooner you can take the next steps: take responsibility and apologize.

Forgiveness is an integral part of relationships. Without forgiveness, it is impossible to create or restore what has been destroyed. There may be situations in life when one “Excuse me!” or “Sorry!” sometimes it’s not enough, your loved one doesn’t seem to hear your apologies. It seems that you admitted your guilt, asked for forgiveness, but you feel that your apology was not accepted.

Each person requires an individual approach. From our parents' family we take our attitudes about relationships and what is meant by an apology. Doctor of Philosophy G. Chapen in his book identified five languages ​​in which we ask for forgiveness. (You can buy his book.) These are specific patterns of behavior that need to be put into motion in order to reach your offended partner.

5 Languages ​​of Forgiveness by G. Champion

1. Express your regret

Regret is the language of forgiveness that heals the emotional wounds caused by hurt. Regretting what you did, you admit your guilt and are ashamed that you caused pain to your loved one. People who tend to perceive forgiveness in this language want to hear the words "I regret". Regret implies to them that you are sincerely committed to repairing the relationship.

Regret should come from a pure heart, when you do not look for excuses for yourself and do not try to deny your guilt, but accept responsibility for what you have done. The expression of regret will be more complete if you reinforce what is said with body language: gaze, touch.

2. Admit you were wrong.

There are people who won't take your apology seriously unless you admit that you were wrong and made a mistake. As an apology they want to hear the words "I was wrong)". It is important that when you apologize, you show that you take responsibility for your mistakes.

Some people have a hard time admitting when they are wrong. This is a blow to their self-esteem. We all make mistakes and the ability to admit them is a sign of maturity of character. To learn to ask for forgiveness in this language, you need to overcome your selfishness.

3. Make amends

There are people who believe that damage must be compensated and carry this attitude into relationships. For them, an apology is a form of reparation. They will believe in the sincerity of your forgiveness if you make amends in some way. In reality, your offended partner just wants to see that you still love him.

There are many ways to make amends. To do this, you need to know what your partner needs to feel loved. G. Chapen described our emotional needs in relationships as: words of encouragement, gifts, specific deeds, time, touch. Let your partner feel that you love him by speaking to him in his love language.

For people who understand apologies in this language, it doesn't matter how many times you say you're sorry and you were wrong. They will never consider such an apology to be sincere until you make an effort to make amends and show that you still love your partner and are willing to make things right.

4. Express remorse

Many people believe that forgiveness is impossible without repentance. To forgive them, they need to see your sincere repentance, desire to improve and avoid similar behavior in the future. The desire to improve must be expressed in words. It is necessary not only to say, but also to outline specific steps for change.

Some people have difficulty repenting; they do not feel that they have violated any moral standards. But there are situations in life that have nothing to do with general ethics and relate to the subjective world of a person, his unique perception of the surrounding reality. This must be taken into account in order to maintain a harmonious relationship.

5. Get forgiveness

There are people for whom it is important to see their partner’s desire to receive their forgiveness. When we seek forgiveness, we really just want confirmation from our partner that they love us and the relationship is fully restored. It also shows that we sincerely care about what happened and understand how badly we did it. We place the future of the relationship in the hands of our partner, whom we offended, leaving the final decision up to him: to forgive us or not.

It is not difficult to offend a person, sometimes we do it without noticing it ourselves. But it can be difficult to restore its location later. It is believed that women are touchy, but men are also vulnerable, they just don’t show it. There is no point in waiting for their offense to pass; you need to come up and talk. Below we will tell you how to apologize to a guy, what to say and what to do.

How to beautifully apologize to a guy?

Of course, ordinary words will do. But to make a person understand how much you regret, you can come up with something original:

  • Give him a nice box for wishes and tell him that he can put notes in it with wishes that you will fulfill as an apology;
  • If the weather is good, you can have a picnic outside and talk;
  • Prepare a festive dinner at home, chat, discuss the situation;
  • Give him a subscription, a ticket to visit an institution or event where he has long dreamed of visiting. Perhaps it will be a concert of your favorite band, a spa salon, a football match;
  • Or go on a real adventure and buy a gift set or membership. There are many options available: skydiving, horseback riding, Thai massage.

Much depends on for what my beloved was offended. There are extremely serious things where gifts would be inappropriate, think carefully about the situation.

How to ask for forgiveness for jealousy?

Girls can be extremely jealous and often without reason. It’s okay if scandals on this issue happened once or twice, but when they arise on a regular basis, no one can stand it.

If you have offended a man with endless mistrust, you will not get away with gifts. Necessary:

  1. Realize that you are wrong and try to correct the situation;
  2. Convey your regrets to your partner - talk;
  3. Give it time to “cool down”. But with any attempt on the part of your loved one to communicate, show attention, affection and openness;
  4. If you live together, try to be at home more, put things in order, prepare delicious lunches and dinners. Let him see that you are trying, feel guilty;
  5. Do not escalate the situation with a sad expression on your face, on the contrary, try to flirt, have sex with your loved one more often.

If it was you who gave reason for jealousy and more than once showed the guy that others could take his place, things are bad. But you can improve the situation:

  • Try to be nearby, don’t go away too much, spend time at home;
  • Talk, explain the reason for your behavior, what you are missing;
  • Of course, show affection and attention.

Everything takes time, don’t put pressure on your partner, try to show with every look and gesture that you understand the guilt and want to make peace.

In this video, psychologist Anna Robina will tell you how unusual it is to ask a guy for forgiveness. After these words, he will no longer be able to resist and stop getting angry:

How to apologize for lying to a man?

A woman who cheats looks ugly. Sometimes you have to lie, but the lie will be revealed, then how can you ask for forgiveness from your loved one?

  • First of all, explain your behavior, give good reasons that forced you to do this;
  • You can invite him for tea, bake his favorite pie and talk;
  • If he is far away, come up with a message of apology in verse or in your own words;
  • Or call the courier service, send a handwritten letter. Decorate it beautifully, lightly scent it with your favorite perfume and send it by postman;
  • Order cookies and coffee to his office or home and put a note there;
  • Post a post on your page with touching pictures and gentle words;
  • Buy a teddy bear and glue a sorry card to it.

Sometimes guys sulk for a long time and gifts don't help. Don’t push, they need to get over the insult, the main thing is so that they can see your desire to reconcile.

How to ask for forgiveness in verse?

If you come up with a few lines yourself, it’s very touching. Or use ready-made ones:

Let's forget our disputes,

All the rudeness and insults,

Let's drive away the melancholy and doubts,

I'll ask your forgiveness.

I'm ashamed of my actions

For laughter in response to a conversation,

Don't be cruel now

I repent for my shame.

I may be wrong sometimes

Everything was stupid that day

I know I'm to blame

I understand the pain it caused you.

I didn't want to offend

We need to trust each other!

It’s impossible for such trifles,

Scandal loudly and shout.

Quatrains written from the heart look touching. A person, reading them, understands that they were invented for him; you tried to express your experiences in an unusual and beautiful way.

Apologies to a guy in your own words

Poetry is not given to everyone, it is possible to express your regret and simple but heartfelt words:

  • Our quarrel does not mean that we are breaking up. It is necessary to draw conclusions from it, and I drew them. Forgive me, and I will forgive and forget the insults. If we manage it now, we will definitely be happy;
  • Darling! I can’t forget your eyes full of despair. I regret the mistake I made. Let's tear this page out of our lives and start it with clean slate. I'll be careful from now on. Sorry;
  • My dear man! I don't know what came over me. I am guilty before you, tell me how I can smooth out what happened;
  • My dear man! I was wrong and I regret not listening to you. My stubbornness has caused you and me a lot of trouble. I hope you find the strength to forgive me and give us hope.

Main, so that the words sound sincere. Don’t be shy, tell us how much you worry, what prompted you to do this and how you want to get back into his good graces.

It doesn't matter which method you choose. It is not necessary to give expensive gifts; some people are even offended by this. When thinking about how to apologize to a guy, be honest with yourself and with him, ask for forgiveness without prevarication, then a couple of correctly chosen words will be enough.

Video: how to make amends?

In this video, psychologist Anastasia Romanova will tell you how best to make amends to a guy, how to apologize to him so that he forgives:

Today you are in no mood at all, you don’t smile and don’t joke like before. The whole reason is only in me and I am aware of it. I offended you today, brought you undeserved pain. Forgive me, please, my beloved and only one. I am so ashamed of my action, but there is no going back. Now I just need to earn your forgiveness. Darling, let's forget all the bad things and make peace again. I promise that this will never happen again. Believe me, please, my dear.

Let me deeply apologize for the inconvenience caused. Circumstances were such that this situation was inevitable. I did everything to somehow alleviate the situation, but it was not enough. Regret.

Especially for

Again a scandal, again an insult. There's sadness in my heart again. I'm very sorry that I offended you. My only one, excuse me.

I'm sorry. I ruined everything again. It’s always like this with me: I want to seem sincere and spontaneous, but it turns out to be rude and cynical. I feel bad without you. I will do everything to keep us close. I promise that I will never offend you again. Let's make peace?

Especially for

I'm terribly upset that I offended you. Please give me a chance to prove my devotion and sincerity to you. When I think about how you feel now, I immediately feel like the last scoundrel. Forgive me, I will never hurt you again. I promise.

Especially for

Once upon a time, you and I shared candy, then dreams, then plans, then problems, troubles and joys. Along the way, we managed to quarrel over a guy, argue about whose favorite group is better, whose favorite team is the real champion.

Forgive me my youthful antics, my whims. After all, our friendship has gone through many trials. I know that no one will console me better than you in my heartache, no one but you will wipe away my stupid tears and say: we will still fight, we are the best! Forgive me with the hope that our friendship will protect us throughout our lives!

I'm sorry if I inadvertently offended you with my indifference.

With the hope that only the joy of communication, mutual understanding, love and many joint joyful events await us ahead.

Apologies in your own words
How to ask an apology from a loved one? Via SMS or musical card! An apology in your own words on the portal!

Love SMS for your boyfriend

Love SMS for your beloved boyfriend. SMS to your beloved girl. Congratulations in verse and prose.

Beautiful, original SMS with a declaration of love, good night wishes to loved ones, good morning, SMS apologies, birthday congratulation poems. And also a new product “Congratulations in prose”

I will penetrate your heart with diamond dew, and I will wash away from it the insult that I brought you, my beloved.

I will become a rainbow ray of the golden Sun, because only it can melt the ice of grievances. I will become a little warmth so that you forgive me sooner.

Darling, sorry for the hot words. I am ready to descend into the depths of cold lakes in order to cool down my explosive temper, and glow only with sparks of tenderness.

Darling, having offended you, I myself feel disgusting bitterness. After all, our souls are firmly connected with each other, and having excited your heart, mine also knows no peace.

Forgive me, dear, for the drops of sadness that I dropped in you. I myself am now in the weightlessness of my own despair, and I am waiting for your forgiveness.

I know it’s hard to forgive undeserved insults, but I really want you, my beloved, not to be angry, and your love to bloom again in me in green-eyed spring.

Forgive my emotions, sometimes they burst like lava from the mouth of a volcano, rapidly burning everything around. Forgive me, dear, for the incontinence of this eruption.

I am lonely, like the silver moon in the expanses of the night, because I pushed you away, dear. Forgive me by warming my soul with the twinkling of colorful stars.

When our hands are together, I know that I will overcome all obstacles. But now my hand is cold because of my hurtful words. Take my hand again, dear.

I want the ocean of silence that arose between us through my fault to turn into a blooming garden in which we, beloved, glow with happiness.

My soul toils like sad stars in gray branches. She will forever remain in darkness, without the forgiveness I so desire, my only one.

You are angry, but I am so waiting for forgiveness, like a dry desert plain, waiting for sweet drops of intoxicating moisture to reveal all the beauty of the sublunary world.

Dear, in an uncontrollable explosion, I filled the cup of your soul with the grayness of grievances. Forgive me, and I will only pour sweet Love into your palms.

I forbade myself to offend you, dear. But it turned out that she broke her rule. Sorry baby, I feel infinitely bad without you.

I want to shed heavenly flowers over you, which will fill your heart with the aroma of bliss, and you will forgive my mistake, beloved.

Having offended you, I myself am punished with inhuman melancholy, and my heart, like a hunted animal, hides in the depths of this melancholy. I'm sorry…

I am not given the power to control time, otherwise I would return the moment when I splashed out negativity on you, dear. Forgive me, I'm burning my soul without you.

My dear, my soul is so sad from the insult inflicted on you that even the stars went out in the black skies, leaving me with a gloomy mark.

With a light breath of spring winds, I want to disperse the fogs of the insult caused to you. Maybe their tender kiss will help you forgive me.

I insulted your feelings, dear, and the sweet honey on your lips turned into bitter coffee. Forgive me, give me back your careless pleasure.

I want to touch your tender wings, which protect me from sinful vanity, but I offended you, beloved Angel. And I ardently ask you to forgive me.

You are angry, dear, but remember: I love your every breath and gentle breath, and I am ready to envelop you in the sunny blanket of my love. I'm sorry.

Except you, my beloved, no one will give me the enchanting magic of every day. Forgive me, and bright charm will fill the world again.

Beloved, forgive me, and I will become a tender, trembling flower in your hands to give you the pleasure of love and the intoxication of pure happiness.

It’s as if the strings on a delicate violin that plays the music of Love have broken. I'm wrong, I'm guilty, but your forgiveness can resurrect a spiritual instrument.

The golden ray of our Love was lost among my hurtful words towards you, but you can find it in the labyrinths of darkness and warm our hearts.

I offended you, kitten, and found myself beyond the horizons of the Milky Way, where darkness reigns. Forgive me, and I will return to the world where you replace the Sun for me.

I ask for forgiveness, and my soul is waiting for an answer... Dear, I can be wrong, but I am blinded only by the brightness of my feeling for you, which has no equal on the planet.

Sorry, kitten, it was like a fire-breathing dragon burned my mind for a moment, and unfair words came out, but my heart belongs only to you.

I want to decorate the sky for you with precious pearls, writing sincere words of apology to you with small sparkles, my beloved (name).

I got lost in the darkness of the forests that grew on the soil of my offensive speeches. Darling, forgive me, help me find a way out of the black thicket.

Don’t be angry, dear, I’ll punish myself with mental burden. I'm sorry, I don't want to lose the warmth of your tender hands and the eternity of tender kisses.

I fell down, my wings can no longer hold me, and without you I have nowhere to go... Forgive me, my love, only with you will the feeling of a fabulous flight return.

The flowers in the meadows folded their bright petals, as if reproaching me for being wrong. Sorry, dear, let's collect a bouquet of our sincere feelings together.