Always be in the mood. Summary of crucian carp - idealist Saltykov-Shchedrin Saltykov Shchedrin crucian carp summary

21.09.2021 Diagnostics

The idealist crucian carp is a fairy tale by Saltykov-Shchedrin, which will be of interest to children of all ages. It shows the life of a crucian carp and his arguments with a ruff about virtue. The entire water community was watching who would win the dispute. The idealist crucian carp argued that one must live by the truth. The skeptical ruff said that one cannot live without guile. When the noble pike appeared, the discussion stopped. How? Learn from the fairy tale that you need to study life, and not rely on your ideas and naive dreams.

The crucian carp was arguing with the ruff. The crucian carp said that one can live in the world by the truth alone, and the ruff argued that one cannot do without it so as not to lie. What exactly the ruff meant by the expression “cunning” is unknown, but every time he uttered these words, the crucian carp exclaimed indignantly:

- But this is meanness!

To which the ruff objected:

- You'll see!

Crucian carp is a quiet fish and prone to idealism: it’s not for nothing that monks love it. It lies more at the very bottom of a river backwater (where it is quieter) or a pond, buried in the silt, and selects microscopic shells from there for its food. Well, naturally, he’ll lie there and lie there and come up with something. Sometimes even very free. But since the crucian carp neither submit their thoughts to the censor nor are they registered at the police station, no one suspects them of political unreliability. If sometimes we see that from time to time there is a round-up of crucian carp, it is not at all because of freethinking, but because they are tasty.

Crucian carp are caught mainly with a net or seine; but for fishing to be successful, you must have skill. Experienced fishermen choose the time for this now after the rain, when the water is cloudy, and then, starting the net, they begin to slap the water with a rope, sticks and generally make noise. Hearing the noise and thinking that it heralds the triumph of free ideas, the crucian carp is removed from the bottom and begins to inquire whether it is possible for him to somehow join in the celebration. This is where he ends up in many shambles, only to later become a victim of human gluttony. For, I repeat, crucian carp are such a delicious dish (especially fried in sour cream) that the leaders of the nobility willingly treat even governors to them.

As for the ruff, this is a fish already touched by skepticism and, moreover, prickly. When boiled in the ear, it produces an incomparable broth.

How it happened that the crucian carp and the ruff got along, I don’t know; I only know that once they got together, they immediately started arguing. We argued once, argued again, and then we got the hang of it and started making dates for each other. They will float down somewhere under the water burdock and begin to talk intelligently. And the white-bellied roach frolics around them and gains intelligence.

The crucian carp was always the first to attack.

“I don’t believe,” he said, “that struggle and quarrel are a normal law, under the influence of which everything living on earth is supposedly destined to develop.” I believe in bloodless prosperity, I believe in harmony and I am deeply convinced that happiness is not an idle fantasy of dreamy minds, but sooner or later it will become a common property!

- Wait! - the ruff sneered.

Ruff argued abruptly and restlessly. This is a nervous fish, which, apparently, remembers a lot of grievances. It boiled in her heart... oh, it boiled! It has not yet reached the point of hatred, but there is no trace of faith and naivety. Instead of a peaceful life, she sees strife everywhere; instead of progress - general savagery. And he claims that anyone who has aspirations to live must take all this into account. He considers Karas to be “blessed,” although at the same time he realizes that he is the only one who can “take his soul away.”

- And I’ll wait! - the crucian carp responded, - and I’m not the only one, everyone will wait. The darkness in which we swim is the product of a bitter historical accident; but since now, thanks to the latest research, this accident can be dismantled to its bones, the reasons that gave rise to it can no longer be considered irremovable. Darkness is an accomplished fact, and light is a hoped-for future. And there will be light, there will be!

- So, in your opinion, such a time will come when there will be no pikes?

- What kind of pike? - the crucian was surprised, who was so naive that when they said in front of him: “That’s why the pike is in the sea, so that the crucian doesn’t sleep,” he thought that it was something like those nyxes and mermaids with which they scare small children, and , of course, I wasn’t the least bit afraid.

- Oh, you fofan, you fofan! You want to solve world problems, but you have no idea about pikes!

Ruff contemptuously moved his swimming feathers and swam away; but, after a short time, the interlocutors again swam somewhere in a secluded place (it’s boring in the water) and again began to debate.

“In life, good plays the leading role,” ranted the crucian carp, “evil is so, it was allowed to happen through a misunderstanding, but the main life force is still confined to good.”

- Keep your pocket!

- Oh, ruff, what incongruous expressions you use! "Keep your pocket"! is this the answer?

- Yes, you really shouldn’t answer at all. You're stupid - that's the whole story for you!

- No, listen to what I tell you. That evil has never been a fundamental force - history testifies to this. Evil suffocated, crushed, devastated, betrayed to the sword and fire, and only good was the building force. It rushed to the aid of the oppressed, it freed them from chains and shackles, it awakened fruitful feelings in their hearts, it gave rise to soaring minds. Without this truly fundamental factor in life, there would be no history. Because, in essence, what is history? History is a story of liberation, a story about the triumph of goodness and reason over evil and madness.

“And you apparently know for certain that evil and madness are put to shame?” - the ruff teased.

“They haven’t been put to shame yet, but they will be put to shame—I’m telling you that correctly.” And again I will refer to history. Compare what once was with what is, and you will easily agree that not only the external methods of evil have softened, but its very amount has noticeably decreased. Take our fish species, for example. Before, we were caught at all times, and mainly during the “move”, when we, like stupefies, climb right into the net; and now it is precisely during the “move” that it is recognized as harmful to catch us. Before, one might say, we were exterminated in the most barbaric ways - in the Urals, they say, during the purple season, the water stood red for many miles with fish blood, and now it’s a Sabbath. Nets, and fishermen, and fishing rods - no more! And they are still discussing this in committees: what kind of nets? on what occasion? for what subject?

- Apparently you don’t care how you get into the ear?

- What kind of ear? - the crucian carp was surprised.

- Oh, take your ashes! It's called crucian carp, but I've never heard of the ear! What right do you have to talk to me after this? After all, in order to conduct disputes and defend opinions, it is necessary, at least, to become familiar with the circumstances of the case in advance. What are you talking about if you don’t even know such a simple truth that every crucian carp has an ear in store for them? Shoot... I'll stab you!

The ruff bristled, and the crucian carp quickly, as quickly as its clumsiness allowed, sank to the bottom. But a day later, the friends-enemies swam again and started a new conversation.

“The other day a pike looked into our backwater,” the ruff announced.

- The same one you mentioned the other day?

- She. She swam up, looked in, and said: “It seems like it’s too quiet here! there must be plenty of crucian carp here?” And with that she sailed away.

- What should I do now?

- To be produced - that's all. Oh, when she swims up and stares at you with her eyes, you pick up her scales and feathers more tightly, and straight up get into her hair!

- Why am I going to climb? If only I were to blame for something...

“You’re stupid—that’s your fault.” And he's fat, too. And the law commands a stupid and fat man to get into trouble!

- There cannot be such a law! - the crucian carp was sincerely indignant. “And the pike has no right to swallow in vain, but must first demand an explanation.” So I’ll explain it to her, I’ll lay out the whole truth. With the truth, I’ll make her sweat.

“I told you that you are a fool, and now I’ll repeat the same thing: a fool!” Fofan! Fofan!

Ruff became completely angry and promised himself that in the future he would refrain from any communication with the crucian carp. But after a few days, you see, the habit took its toll again.

“If only all the fish agreed among themselves...” the crucian began mysteriously.

But here even the ruff himself was taken aback. “What is this fofan talking about? - he thought, - just look, he’ll lie, and here the goose is walking nearby. Look, and he squinted his eyes to the side, as if it was none of his business, but you know, he’s listening.”

- Don’t pronounce every word that comes into your mind! - he convinced the crucian carp, - there is no need to open your mouth for this: you can say what needs to be said in a whisper.

“I don’t want to whisper,” continued the crucian carp calmly, “but I say directly that if all the fish agreed among themselves, then ...

But then the ruff rudely interrupted his friend.

- Apparently, having eaten enough peas, I need to talk to you! - he shouted at the crucian carp and, pricking his skis, swam away from him.

And he was annoyed and felt sorry for the crucian carp. Even though he is stupid, you can still talk to him alone. He won’t babble, he won’t betray - in whom can you find these qualities today? These are weak times, such a time that you can’t rely on your father and mother. Here is a roach, even though you can’t say anything bad about it directly, but still, look at it, without understanding, it will blurt out! And there’s nothing to say about chubs, ides, tenches and other servants! Ready to take an oath under the bells for a worm! Poor crucian carp! He won't disappear between them for a penny!

“Look at you,” he said to the crucian carp, “well, what kind of defense can you imagine? Your belly is big, your head is small, you are not good at inventions, your mouth is weird. Even the scales on you are not serious. There is no agility in you, no nimbleness - just like a lump! Anyone who wants to, come to you and eat!

- Why is there me if I haven’t done anything wrong? - the crucian carp still persisted.

- Listen, you stupid breed! Do they eat “for what”? Is it because they want to execute them that they eat? They eat because they want to eat - that’s all. And you, eat tea. It’s not in vain that you dig through the mud with your nose and catch shells. They, shells, want to live, and you, simpleton, stuff mamon with them from morning to evening. Tell me: what kind of wrong have they done to you that you are executing them every minute? Do you remember how you said the other day: “If only all the fish agreed among themselves...” And what if the shells agreed among themselves - would it be sweet for you, simpleton?

The question was posed so directly and so unpleasantly that the crucian carp became embarrassed and blushed slightly.

“But shells are…” he muttered embarrassedly.

— Shells are shells, and crucian carp are crucian carp. Crucian carp feast on shells, and pike eat crucian carp. And the shells are not guilty of anything, and the crucian carp are not to blame, but both of them must answer. Even if you think about it for a hundred years, you won’t come up with anything else.

After these ruff words the crucian carp hid in the very depths of the mud and began to think at his leisure. I thought and thought and, by the way, ate and ate shells. And the more you eat, the more you want. Finally, however, I thought of it.

“I don’t eat shells because they are to blame - you said the truth,” he explained to the ruff, “but because I eat them because they, these shells, were provided to me by nature itself for food.”

- Who told you this?

“Nobody said it, but I figured it out myself, through my own observation.” The shell does not have a soul, but steam; You eat her, but she doesn’t understand. And it is designed in such a way that it is impossible not to swallow it. Draw up the water with your snout, and your crop is apparently teeming with shells. I don’t even catch them - they just crawl into my mouth. Well, crucian carp is completely different. There are crucian carp, brother, from ten centimeters, so you still need to talk to such an old man before you eat him. He needs to do something serious - well, then, of course...

- This is how the pike swallows you, then you will know what you need to do for this. Until then it would be better to remain silent.

- No, I will not remain silent. Although I have never seen pikes in my life, I can only judge from the stories that they are not deaf to the voice of truth. Have mercy, tell me: can such a crime happen! The crucian carp lies there, not bothering anyone, and suddenly, no matter what, it ends up in the pike’s belly! I won't believe this for the life of me.

- Oddball! but just the other day, before your very eyes, a monk pulled out two whole nets of your brother from the creek... What do you think: will he be looking at the crucian carp?

- Don't know. Only this grandmother said in two what happened to those crucian carp: some of them were eaten, some of them were put in a planter. And they live there happily on the monastery bread!

- Well, live, if so, and you, daredevil!

Days after days passed, and there was no end in sight to the disputes between the crucian carp and the ruff. The place in which they lived was quiet, even slightly covered with green mold, most favorable for disputes. No matter what you scribble about, no matter what your dreams, there is complete impunity. This encouraged the crucian to such an extent that with each session he increased the tone of his excursions into the empyrean region more and more.

- The fish must love each other! - he spoke, - so that each for all, and all for each - that’s when real harmony will come true!

- I would like to know how you and your love for the pike will approach the pike! - the ruff calmed him down.

- I, brother, will come! - the crucian carp stood his ground, - I know such words that any pike will turn into a crucian carp in one minute!

- Come on, tell me!

- Yes, I’ll just ask: do you know, pike, what virtue is and what duties it imposes in relation to others?

- I was taken aback, there is nothing to say! Do you want me to pierce your stomach with a needle for this very question?

- Oh, no! Do me a favor, don't joke about this!

“Only then will we, fish, be aware of our rights, when, from an early age, we will be raised in civic feelings!”

- Why the hell do you need civic feelings?

- Still...

- That’s it, “after all.” Civil feelings only come into play when the space is open to them. What are you going to do with them, lying in the mud?

- Not in the mud, but in general...

- For example?

“For example, a monk will want to boil me in the ear, and I will tell him: “Father, you have no right to subject me to such a terrible punishment without a trial!”

- And he, for rudeness, throws you into the frying pan, or into the hot ashes... No, friend, to live in the mud, you have to have not civil, but stupid feelings - that’s true. Bury yourself somewhere thicker and keep quiet, you dumbass!

“Fish shouldn’t eat fish,” the crucian carp raved in reality. — For fish food, nature already has a lot delicious dishes prepared. Shells, flies, worms, spiders, water fleas; finally, crayfish, snakes, frogs. And all this is good, all of it is needed.

“But pike need crucian carp,” the ruff sobered him up.

- No, the crucian carp is enough for itself. If nature did not give him defensive means, like you, for example, then this means that a special law must be issued to ensure his personality!

- What if that law is not enforced?

“Then we need to publish the suggestion: it is better, they say, not to issue laws at all if they are not enforced.”

- Will it be okay?

“I believe that many will be ashamed.”

I repeat: days passed after days, and the crucian carp was still delirious. Someone else would have been given at least a punch in the nose for this, but nothing to him. And he would have torn away Arid’s eyelids in this way if he had been even a little careful. But he dreamed so much about himself that he completely left the calculation. He let it go and let it go, when suddenly a goby came to him with a summons: the next day, they say, the pike deigns to arrive in the creek, so you, crucian carp, look! As soon as it's light, the answer will come!

The crucian carp, however, did not lose money. Firstly, he had heard so many different reviews about the pike that he was curious to get to know it himself; and secondly, he knew that he had a magic word that, if spoken, would immediately turn the fiercest pike into a crucian carp. And I really hoped for this word.

Even the ruff, seeing such faith of his, wondered if he had gone too far in a negative direction. Maybe, in fact, the pike is just waiting to be loved, to be given good advice, to have its mind and heart enlightened? Maybe she's... kind? And the crucian carp, perhaps, is not at all such a simpleton as it seems from the outside, but, on the contrary, is ruining his career with a calculation? Tomorrow he will appear to the pike and directly blurt out to her the very real truth, which she has never heard from anyone in her life. And the pike will take it and say: “Because you, crucian carp, told me the very real truth, I pity you with this backwater; be her boss!”

The next morning the pike swam in, and it was thirsty. The crucian carp looks at her and is amazed: no matter what gossip they tell him about the pike, but she is a fish like a fish! Only the mouth is up to the ears and it’s so cute that it’s just enough for him, a crucian carp, to get through.

“I heard,” said the pike, “that you, crucian carp, are very smart and a master at talking.” I want to have a debate with you. Get started.

“I think more about happiness,” the crucian answered modestly but with dignity. - So that not only I, but everyone would be happy. So that all fish can swim freely in every water, and if one wants to hide in the mud, then let it lie in the mud.

- Hm... and you think that such a thing can happen?

“I not only think, but I expect it all the time.”

- For example: I’m swimming, and next to me... is a crucian carp?

- So what is it?

- I’m hearing it for the first time. What if I turn around and eat some crucian carp?

- There is no such law, Your Highness; the law says directly: let shells, mosquitoes, flies and midges serve as food for fish. And besides, various later decrees included the following as food: water fleas, spiders, worms, beetles, frogs, crayfish and other aquatic inhabitants. But not fish.

- Not enough for me. Golovel! Is there really such a law? - the pike turned to the chub.

- In oblivion, your highness! - the head deftly turned out.

“I knew that such a law could not exist.” Well, what else are you waiting for all the time, crucian carp?

“And I also expect that justice will prevail.” The strong will not oppress the weak, nor will the rich oppress the poor. That a common cause will appear in which all the fish will have their own interest and each will do their share. You, pike, are stronger and more dexterous than everyone else - you will take on a stronger task; and for me, crucian carp, according to my modest abilities, they will show me a modest task. Everyone for everyone, and everything for everyone - that’s how it will be. When we stand for each other, then no one will be able to undercut us. The net will still appear somewhere, and we’re already dragging it! Some under a stone, some at the very bottom in the mud, some in a hole or under a snag. Looks like I'll probably have to give up the fish soup!

- Don't know. People don't really like to throw away what they think is tasty. Well, yes, this will happen someday. But here’s what: So, in your opinion, I will have to work?

- Like others, so are you.

- I’m hearing it for the first time. Go get some sleep!

Whether he overslept or whether there was a crucian carp, his intelligence, in any case, did not increase. At noon he again appeared at the debate, and not only without any timidity, but even more cheerful than before.

- So you think that I will work, and you will feast on my labors? - the pike asked the question directly.

- All from each other... from common, mutual work...

- I understand: “from each other”... and by the way, from me... hm! It seems, however, that you are saying these shameful things. Golovel! What are such speeches called today?

- Sicilism, higher rank!

- So I knew it. It’s been a while since I’ve heard: “The crucian carp is talking rebellious things!” I just think: “Let me listen to you myself...” Look what you are like!

Having said this, the pike clicked its tail on the water so expressively that no matter how simple the crucian carp was, he, too, guessed it.

“I, Your Highness, nothing,” he muttered in embarrassment, “it’s me in simplicity...

- OK. Simplicity is worse than theft, they say. If you give fools free rein, they will drive the smart ones out of the world. They told me a lot about you, but you are like a crucian carp, that’s all. And I don’t talk to you for five minutes, and I’m already sick of you to death.

The pike thought and somehow looked at the crucian carp so mysteriously that he completely understood. But she must have been full after yesterday’s gluttony, and that’s why she yawned and immediately began snoring.

But this time the crucian carp didn’t fare so well. As soon as the pike fell silent, chubs surrounded him from all sides and took him under guard.

In the evening, before the sun had even set, the crucian carp came to the pike for the third time for a dispute. But he showed up already in custody and, moreover, with some injuries. Namely: the perch, while interrogating him, bit his back and part of his tail.

But he was still invigorated, because he had a magic word in reserve.

“Even though you are my opponent,” the first pike began again, “yes, apparently, my grief is like this: I love death and debates!” Be healthy, get started!

At these words, the crucian suddenly felt that his heart was on fire. In an instant, he raised his stomach, fluttered, clicked the remains of his tail in the water and, looking the pike straight in the eyes, barked at the top of his lungs:

- Do you know what virtue is?

The pike opened its mouth in surprise. She mechanically sipped the water and, not at all wanting to swallow the crucian carp, swallowed it.

The fish, who witnessed this incident, were stunned for a moment, but immediately came to their senses and hurried to the pike to find out whether it had deigned to have dinner safely, or whether it had choked. And the ruff, who had already foreseen and predicted everything in advance, swam forward and solemnly proclaimed:

“Here they are, these are our disputes!”

The idealistic crucian carp is the hero of the fairy tale of the same name. Living in a quiet backwater, he is complacent and cherishes dreams of the triumph of good over evil and even of the opportunity to reason with Pike (whom he has seen since birth) that she has no right to eat others.

He eats shells, justifying himself by saying that “they just crawl into your mouth” and they “don’t have a soul, but steam.” Having presented himself before Pike with his speeches, he was released for the first time with the advice: “Go and sleep it off!” The second time he was suspected of “Sicilism” and was pretty much bitten during interrogation by Okun, and the third time Pike was so surprised by his exclamation: “Do you know what virtue is?” - that she opened her mouth and almost involuntarily swallowed her interlocutor."

The image of Karas grotesquely captures the features of liberalism contemporary to the writer. Ruff is also a character in this fairy tale. He looks at the world with bitter sobriety, seeing strife and savagery everywhere.

Karas is ironic about his reasoning, accusing him of complete ignorance of life and inconsistency (Crucian is indignant at Pike, but eats shells himself). However, he admits that “after all, you can talk to him alone to your liking,” and at times he even wavers slightly in his skepticism, until the tragic outcome of the “dispute” between Karas and Pike confirms that he is right.

Is it good to be an idealist? This question is posed by Saltykov-Shchedrin in his fairy tale “Crucian carp the idealist” from a practical point of view. Philosophical idealism is not even considered by the Russian classic. So, without delaying matters, let’s move on to the work “Crucian carp the idealist”, summary which is presented in the article. Saltykov-Shchedrin wrote it in 1824.

Plot Features

“Crucian the Idealist” does not have a plot as such. It is based on a dialogue between crucian carp and ruff. Crucian carp is well-read, smart with book wisdom, but does not know life at all, but this does not prevent him from being intoxicated with socialist ideas. He dreams that everyone will live in equality and brotherhood. The pikes will stop eating crucian carp, and the monks will stop eating fish soup.

Ruff listens to all this, just grins and scolds his counterpart in every possible way. But at the same time, their conversations happen again and again. Ruff admits that even though the crucian carp is a blockhead, you can’t talk to anyone in the river except him about such lofty topics. Therefore, the fish meet again and argue again. The crucian carp looks at everything through optimism, and the ruff criticizes the crucian carp's views from the standpoint of common sense. And so, page after page, they tug the dispute back and forth. Thus, it is clear that the specificity of the fairy tale “Crucian the Idealist” is that there is no dynamics. All the movement and tension are hidden in the dialogues between the ruff and the crucian carp.

And now comes the crucial moment: now the crucian carp needs to convince the pike of the validity of his views. Direct food (crucian carp) tries to convince its consumer (pike) that he needs to change his habits and switch to a different diet for the sake of the ideas of equality and brotherhood. It’s not hard to guess that it all ends with the pike eating the crucian carp. This happens as if by chance during a conversation, and everyone present immediately asks the pike whether the crucian carp tasted good.

“Crucian idealist”: summary. Discussions about social justice

During the conversation between crucian carp and ruffe, many painful topics are touched upon both for Russia and for the whole world. For example, the question about Which of us has not dreamed of a society of equal opportunities, so the crucian carp also dreams, and the ruff pulls him back and says that, they say, all this is good, but pikes will never agree to such things, because there will always exist in the river hierarchy. And while the oppressed will “sleep in the mud,” the elite will begin to enjoy life. The crucian carp is trying to convince the ruff that the pikes, as soon as they hear about the idea of ​​social justice, will immediately turn into its faithful adherents. Ruff just mocks (and for good reason). Saltykov-Shchedrin described the problems in the fairy tale “Crucian Crucian Idealist,” a summary of which we are considering. The thoughts expressed by Mikhail Evgrafovich 5 years before his death remain relevant for Russia in the 21st century.

On the isolation of idealists from life

An indicative point is that the crucian carp does not know what he is talking about. Here, the author’s criticism apparently comes under fire from dreamers he knows who want to rebuild life in Russia. For crucian carp, pike was a mythical character until he met it. He also knew nothing about what the monks did with the caught crucian carp. The idealistic fish did not know how tasty its brothers were in sour cream.

What is allowed to a youth does not suit an adult. All people in their youth are idealists and dreamers, but when life takes its whip in hand, human beliefs are tested, and only those who most meet common sense survive. This is the general moral of Saltykov-Shchedrin’s fairy tale “Crucian the Idealist.”

Socio-political interpretation

The dialogue between the characters is structured in a very unique way: the poor crucian crucian is straining himself, trying to prove something to the pike, and as soon as he stutters about virtue, the pike immediately “accidentally” swallows him. In other words, you can only talk to the authorities if you are on your knees in a pleading position; communicating with them on equal terms is fraught.

Perhaps Saltykov-Shchedrin was very impressed by fate. Let us recall that Pyotr Yakovlevich allowed himself to attempt to criticize the social structure of Russia in the 19th century, and he was declared crazy and ordered to undergo a medical examination.

True, with all this, the crucian carp is still an absurd figure, but the text of the work “Crucian carp the idealist” (the brief summary does not make it possible to cover in detail all such moments) willingly or unwillingly suggests such parallels.

Is it good to be an idealist?

The question is complex and ambiguous. If we equate optimism, daydreaming and idealism, then faith in the good and bright is necessary to grow up normal person. But as a person grows up, he must give up those aspirations and values ​​that are morally outdated and drag him down. However, one should not think that moral opportunism follows from such a position. The basic ones must regulate one way or another. True, if you asked the author of the fairy tale, Saltykov-Shchedrin himself (“Crucian the idealist” confirms this idea) would tell the reader that he does not approve of either idealism or stupid optimism, divorced from the realities of life.

For whom was the fairy tale of the Russian classic written?

The work will not be understandable to schoolchildren; it was written for adults. In general, it seems that when Saltykov-Shchedrin created his work (“Crucian carp the idealist”), his beliefs and views on Russian contemporary reality had already crystallized to the maximum. The classic generously added these “crystals” to his later works, and they acquired a unique parable-philosophical flavor.

This is the analysis of the fairy tale “Crucian idealist” by Saltykov-Shchedrin. Perhaps it is incomplete, perhaps something else could have been extracted from this multidimensional and bottomless in meaning work of the Russian writer, but, as N.V. said. Gogol, “our man should be respected at least for trying.”

Crucian idealist

The idealistic crucian carp is the hero of the fairy tale of the same name. Living in a quiet backwater, he is complacent and cherishes dreams of the triumph of good over evil and even of the opportunity to reason with Pike (whom he has seen since birth) that she has no right to eat others. He eats shells, justifying himself by saying that “they just crawl into your mouth” and they “don’t have a soul, but steam.” Having presented himself before Pike with his speeches, he was released for the first time with the advice: “Go and sleep it off!” The second time he was suspected of “Sicilism” and was pretty much bitten during interrogation by Okun, and the third time Pike was so surprised by his exclamation: “Do you know what virtue is?” - that she opened her mouth and almost involuntarily swallowed her interlocutor." The image of Karas grotesquely captures the features of the modern liberalism of the writer. Ruff is also a character in this fairy tale. He looks at the world with bitter sobriety, seeing strife and savagery everywhere.

Karas is ironic about his reasoning, accusing him of complete ignorance of life and inconsistency (Crucian is indignant at Pike, but eats shells himself). However, he admits that “after all, you can talk to him alone to your liking,” and at times he even wavers slightly in his skepticism, until the tragic outcome of the “dispute” between Karas and Pike confirms that he is right.

This is a story for high school students and adults, in which the author ironically discusses important and current issues. Karas and Ruff loved to philosophize. Karas was an optimist and believed in the kindness of the world around him. And Ruff was skeptical about everything. But one day Pike enters their conversation.

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Read Saltykov-Shchedrin's story Karas the idealist

The crucian carp was arguing with the ruff. The crucian carp said that one can live in the world by the truth alone, and the ruff argued that one cannot do without it so as not to lie. What exactly the ruff meant by the expression “cunning” is unknown, but every time he uttered these words, the crucian carp exclaimed indignantly:

But this is meanness!

To which the ruff objected:

You'll see!

Crucian carp is a quiet fish and prone to idealism: it’s not for nothing that monks love it. It lies more at the very bottom of a river backwater (where it is quieter) or a pond, buried in the silt, and selects microscopic shells from there for its food. Well, naturally, he’ll lie there and lie there and come up with something. Sometimes even very free. But since the crucian carp neither submit their thoughts to the censor nor are they registered at the police station, no one suspects them of political unreliability. If sometimes we see that from time to time there is a round-up of crucian carp, it is not at all because of freethinking, but because they are tasty.

Crucian carp are caught mainly with a net or seine; but for fishing to be successful, you must have skill. Experienced fishermen choose the time for this now after the rain, when the water is cloudy, and then, starting the net, they begin to slap the water with a rope, sticks and generally make noise. Hearing the noise and thinking that it heralds the triumph of free ideas, the crucian carp is removed from the bottom and begins to inquire whether it is possible for him to somehow join in the celebration. This is where he ends up in many shambles, only to later become a victim of human gluttony. For, I repeat, crucian carp are such a delicious dish (especially fried in sour cream) that the leaders of the nobility willingly treat even governors to them.

As for the ruff, this is a fish already touched by skepticism and, moreover, prickly. When boiled in the ear, it produces an incomparable broth.

How it happened that the crucian carp and the ruff got along, I don’t know; I only know that once they got together, they immediately started arguing. We argued once, argued again, and then we got the hang of it and started making dates for each other. They will float down somewhere under the water burdock and begin to talk intelligently. And the white-bellied roach frolics around them and gains intelligence.

The crucian carp was always the first to attack.

“I don’t believe,” he said, “that struggle and quarrel are a normal law, under the influence of which everything living on earth is supposedly destined to develop. I believe in bloodless prosperity, I believe in harmony and I am deeply convinced that happiness is not an idle fantasy of dreamy minds, but sooner or later it will become a common property!

Wait! - ruff sneered.

Ruff argued abruptly and restlessly. This is a nervous fish, which, apparently, remembers a lot of grievances. It boiled in her heart... oh, it boiled! It has not yet reached the point of hatred, but there is no trace of faith and naivety. Instead of a peaceful life, she sees strife everywhere; instead of progress - general savagery. And he claims that anyone who has aspirations to live must take all this into account. He considers Karas to be “blessed,” although at the same time he realizes that he is the only one who can “take his soul away.”

And I'll wait! - the crucian carp responded, - and I’m not the only one, everyone will wait. The darkness in which we swim is the product of a bitter historical accident; but since now, thanks to the latest research, this accident can be dismantled to its bones, the reasons that gave rise to it can no longer be considered irremovable. Darkness is an accomplished fact, and light is a hoped-for future. And there will be light, there will be!

So, in your opinion, such a time will come when there will be no more pikes?

What kind of pike? - the crucian was surprised, who was so naive that when they said in front of him: “That’s why the pike is in the sea so that the crucian doesn’t sleep,” he thought that it was something like those nyxes and mermaids with which they scare small children, and , of course, I wasn’t the least bit afraid.

Oh, you fofan, you fofan! You want to solve world problems, but you have no idea about pikes!

Ruff contemptuously moved his swimming feathers and swam away; but, after a short time, the interlocutors again swam somewhere in a secluded place (it’s boring in the water) and again began to debate.

In life, good plays the leading role,” the crucian carp ranted, “evil is so, it was allowed to happen through a misunderstanding, but the main life force is still confined to good.”

Keep your pocket!

Oh, ruff, what incongruous expressions you use! "Keep your pocket"! Is this the answer?

Yes, you really shouldn’t answer at all. You're stupid - that's the whole story for you!

No, listen to what I tell you. That evil has never been a fundamental force - history testifies to this. Evil suffocated, crushed, devastated, betrayed to the sword and fire, and only good was the building force. It rushed to the aid of the oppressed, it freed them from chains and shackles, it awakened fruitful feelings in their hearts, it gave rise to soaring minds. Without this truly fundamental factor in life, there would be no history. Because, in essence, what is history? History is a story of liberation, a story about the triumph of goodness and reason over evil and madness.

And you, apparently, know for certain that evil and madness are put to shame? - the ruff teased.

They have not yet been put to shame, but they will be put to shame - I tell you this correctly. And again I will refer to history. Compare what once was with what is, and you will easily agree that not only the external methods of evil have softened, but its very amount has noticeably decreased. Take our fish species, for example. Before, we were caught at all times, and mainly during the “move”, when we, like stupefies, climb right into the net; and now it is during the “move” that it is considered harmful to catch us. Before, one might say, we were exterminated in the most barbaric ways - in the Urals, they say, during the purple season, the water stood red for many miles with fish blood, and now it’s a Sabbath. Nets, and fishermen, and fishing rods - no more! And they are still discussing this in committees: what kind of nets? on what occasion? for what subject?

And apparently you care about how you get into your ear?

What kind of ear? - the crucian carp was surprised.

Oh, take your ashes! It's called crucian carp, but I've never heard of the ear! What right do you have to talk to me after this? After all, in order to conduct disputes and defend opinions, it is necessary, at least, to become familiar with the circumstances of the case in advance. What are you talking about if you don’t even know such a simple truth that every crucian carp has an ear in store for them? Shoot... I'll stab you!

The ruff bristled, and the crucian carp quickly, as quickly as its clumsiness allowed, sank to the bottom. But a day later, the friends-enemies swam again and started a new conversation.

“The other day a pike looked into our backwater,” the ruff announced.

The same one you mentioned the other day?

She. She swam up, looked in, and said: “It seems like it’s too quiet here! There must be plenty of crucian carp here?” And with that she sailed away.

What should I do now?

To be manufactured - that's all. Already, when she swims up and stares at you with her eyes, you pick up her scales and feathers more tightly, and straight up get into her hair!

Why am I going to climb? If only I were to blame for something...

You're stupid - that's your fault. And he's fat, too. And the law commands a stupid and fat man to get into trouble!

There cannot be such a law! - the crucian carp was sincerely indignant. - And the pike has no right to swallow in vain, but must first demand an explanation. So I’ll explain it to her, I’ll lay out the whole truth. With the truth, I’ll make her sweat.

I told you that you are a fool, and now I will repeat the same thing: a fool! Fofan! Fofan!

Ruff became completely angry and promised himself for the future to refrain from any communication with the crucian carp. But after a few days, you see, the habit took its toll again.

If only all the fish agreed among themselves... - the crucian carp began mysteriously.

But here even the ruff himself was taken aback. “What is this fofan talking about? - he thought, - just look, he’ll lie, and here the goose is walking nearby. Look, and he squinted his eyes to the side, as if it was none of his business, but you know, he’s listening.”

Don’t pronounce every word that comes into your mind! - he convinced the crucian carp, - there is no need to open your mouth for this: you can say what needs to be said in a whisper.

“I don’t want to whisper,” the crucian carp continued calmly, “but I say directly that if all the fish agreed among themselves, then...

But then the ruff rudely interrupted his friend.

With you, apparently, having eaten enough peas, I need to talk! - he shouted at the crucian carp and, having sharpened his skis, swam away from him.

And he was annoyed and felt sorry for the crucian carp. Even though he is stupid, you can still talk to him alone. He won’t babble, he won’t betray - in whom can you find these qualities today? These are weak times, such a time that you can’t rely on your father and mother. Here is a roach, even though you can’t say anything bad about it directly, but still, look at it, without understanding, it will blurt out! And there’s nothing to say about chubs, ides, tenches and other servants! Ready to take an oath under the bells for a worm! Poor crucian carp! He won't disappear between them for a penny!

“Look at yourself,” he said to the crucian carp, “well, what kind of defense can you imagine? Your belly is big, your head is small, you’re not good at making up inventions, your mouth is weird. Even the scales on you are not serious. There is no agility in you, no nimbleness - just like a lump! Anyone who wants to, come to you and eat!

But why eat me if I haven’t done anything wrong? - the crucian carp still persisted.

Listen, you stupid breed! Do they eat “for what”? Is it because they want to execute them that they eat? They eat because they want to eat - that's all. And you, eat tea. It’s not in vain that you dig through the mud with your nose and catch shells. They, shells, want to live, and you, simpleton, stuff mamon with them from morning to evening. Tell me: what kind of wrong have they done to you that you are executing them every minute? Do you remember how you said the other day: “If only all the fish agreed with each other...” And what if the shells agreed with each other - would it be sweet for you, simpleton?

The question was posed so directly and so unpleasantly that the crucian carp became embarrassed and blushed slightly.

But shells are... - he muttered embarrassedly.

Shells are shells, and crucian carp are crucian carp. Crucian carp feast on shells, and pike eat crucian carp. And the shells are not guilty of anything, and the crucian carp are not to blame, but both of them must answer. Even if you think about it for a hundred years, you won’t come up with anything else.

After these ruff words the crucian carp hid in the very depths of the mud and began to think at his leisure. I thought and thought and, by the way, ate and ate shells. And the more you eat, the more you want. Finally, however, I thought of it.

“I don’t eat shells because they are to blame - you said the truth,” he explained to the ruff, “but because I eat them because they, these shells, were provided to me by nature itself for food.

Who told you this?

Nobody said it, but I myself, through my own observation, figured it out. The shell does not have a soul, but steam; You eat her, but she doesn’t understand. And it is designed in such a way that it is impossible not to swallow it. Draw up the water with your snout, and your crop is apparently teeming with shells. I don’t even catch them - they just crawl into my mouth. Well, crucian carp is completely different. There are crucian carp, brother, from ten centimeters, so you still need to talk to such an old man before you eat him. It is necessary for him to do a serious dirty trick - well, then, of course...

This is how the pike swallows you, then you will know what you need to do for this. Until then it would be better to remain silent.

No, I will not remain silent. Although I have never seen pikes in my life, I can only judge from the stories that they are not deaf to the voice of truth. Have mercy, tell me: can such a crime happen! The crucian carp is lying there, not bothering anyone, and suddenly, no matter what, it gets into the pike’s belly! I won't believe this for the life of me.

Oddball! But just the other day, before your very eyes, a monk pulled out two whole nets of your brother from the creek... What do you think: will he be looking at the crucian carp?

Don't know. Only this grandmother even said in two what happened to those crucian carp: they were eaten, and they were put in a planter. And they live there happily on the monastery bread!

Well, live, if so, and you, daredevil!

Days after days passed, and there was no end in sight to the disputes between the crucian carp and the ruff. The place in which they lived was quiet, even slightly covered with green mold, most favorable for disputes. No matter what you scribble about, no matter what your dreams, there is complete impunity. This encouraged the crucian to such an extent that with each session he increased the tone of his excursions into the empyrean region more and more.

The fish must love each other! - he spoke, - so that each for all, and all for each - that’s when real harmony will come true!

I would like to know how you and your love for the pike will approach the pike! - the ruff calmed him down.

Brother, I'll come! - the crucian carp stood his ground, - I know such words that any pike will turn into a crucian carp in one minute!

Come on, tell me!

Let me just ask: do you know, pike, what virtue is and what responsibilities it imposes in relation to others?

I was stunned, there is nothing to say! Do you want me to pierce your stomach with a needle for this very question?

Oh no! Do me a favor, don't joke about this!

Only then will we, fish, be aware of our rights when, from an early age, we are raised in civic feelings!

Why the hell do you need civic feelings?


That’s it “after all.” Civil feelings only come into play when the space is open to them. What are you going to do with them, lying in the mud?

Not in the mud, but in general...

For example?

For example, a monk will want to boil me in the ear, and I will tell him: “Father, you have no right to subject me to such a terrible punishment without a trial!”

And he, for rudeness, throws you into the frying pan, or into the hot ashes... No, friend, to live in the mud, you have to have not civil, but stupid feelings - this is true. Bury yourself somewhere thicker and keep quiet, you dumbass!

Fish shouldn’t eat fish,” the crucian carp raved in reality. - Nature has already prepared a lot of delicious dishes for fish food. Shells, flies, worms, spiders, water fleas; finally, crayfish, snakes, frogs. And all this is good, everything is needed.

And for pikes, crucian carp are needed,” the ruff sobered him up.

No, the crucian carp is enough for itself. If nature did not give him defensive means, like you, for example, then this means that a special law must be issued to ensure his personality!

What if that law is not enforced?

Then it is necessary to publish the suggestion: it is better, they say, not to issue laws at all if they are not enforced.

And will it be okay?

I believe that many will be ashamed.

I repeat: days passed after days, and the crucian carp was still delirious. Someone else would have been given at least a punch in the nose for this, but for him - nothing. And he would have torn away Arid’s eyelids in this way if he had been even a little careful. But he dreamed so much about himself that he completely left the calculation. He let it go and let it go, when suddenly a goby came to him with a summons: the next day, they say, the pike deigns to arrive in the creek, so you, crucian carp, look! A little light, keep the answer come!

The crucian carp, however, was not timid. Firstly, he had heard so many different reviews about the pike that he was curious to get to know it himself; and secondly, he knew that he had a magic word that, if spoken, would immediately turn the fiercest pike into a crucian carp. And I really hoped for this word.

Even the ruff, seeing such faith of his, wondered if he had gone too far in a negative direction. Maybe, in fact, the pike is just waiting to be loved, to be given good advice, to have its mind and heart enlightened? Maybe she's... kind? And the crucian carp, perhaps, is not at all such a simpleton as it seems from the outside, but, on the contrary, is ruining his career with calculation? Tomorrow he will appear to the pike and directly blurt out to her the very real truth, which she has never heard from anyone in her life. And the pike will take it and say: “Because you, crucian carp, told me the very real truth, I pity you with this backwater; be her boss!”

The next morning the pike swam in, and it was thirsty. The crucian carp looks at her and is amazed: no matter what gossip they tell him about the pike, but she is a fish like a fish! Only the mouth is up to the ears and it’s so cute that it’s just enough for him, a crucian carp, to get through.

“I heard,” said the pike, “that you, crucian carp, are very smart and a master at ranting. I want to have a debate with you. Get started.

“I think more about happiness,” the crucian answered modestly but with dignity. - So that not just me, but everyone would be happy. So that all fish can swim freely in every water, and if one wants to hide in the mud, then let it lie in the mud.

Hm... and do you think that such a thing can happen?

I not only think about it, but also expect it all the time.

For example: I’m swimming, and next to me... is a crucian carp?

So what is it?

It's the first time I've heard it. What if I turn around and eat some crucian carp?

There is no such law, Your Highness; the law says directly: let shells, mosquitoes, flies and midges serve as food for fish. And besides, various later decrees included the following as food: water fleas, spiders, worms, beetles, frogs, crayfish and other aquatic inhabitants. But not fish.

Not enough for me. Golovel, is there really such a law? - the pike turned to the chub.

In oblivion, your highness! - the head deftly turned out.

I knew that such a law could not exist. Well, what else are you waiting for all the time, crucian carp?

I also expect that justice will prevail. The strong will not oppress the weak, and the rich will not oppress the poor. That a common cause will appear in which all the fish will have their own interest and each will do their share. You, pike, are stronger and more dexterous than everyone else - you will take on a stronger task; and for me, crucian carp, according to my modest abilities, they will show me a modest task. Everyone for everyone, and everything for everyone - that’s how it will be. When we stand for each other, then no one will be able to undercut us. The net will still appear somewhere, and we’re already dragging it! Some under a stone, some at the very bottom in the mud, some in a hole or under a snag. Looks like I'll probably have to give up the fish soup!

Don't know. People don't really like to throw away what they think is tasty. Well, yes, this will happen someday. But here’s what: So, in your opinion, I will have to work?

Like others, so are you.

It's the first time I've heard it. Go get some sleep!

Whether he overslept or whether there was a crucian carp, his intelligence, in any case, did not increase. At noon he again appeared at the debate, and not only without any timidity, but even more cheerful than before.

So you think that I will work, and you will feast on my labors? - the pike asked the question directly.

Everything from each other... from common, mutual work...

I understand: “from each other”... and by the way, from me too... hm! It seems, however, that you are saying these shameful things. Golovel, what are such speeches called today?

Sicilism, your Highness!

That's what I knew. It's been a while since I heard it. “Supposedly, the crucian carp speaks rebellious speeches!” I just think: “Let me listen to you myself...” Look what you are like!

Having said this, the pike clicked its tail on the water so expressively that no matter how simple the crucian carp was, he, too, guessed it.

“I, Your Highness, nothing,” he muttered in embarrassment, “it’s me in simplicity...

OK. Simplicity is worse than theft, they say. If you give fools free rein, they will drive the smart ones out of the world. They told me a lot about you, and you are like a crucian carp, that’s all. And I don’t talk to you for five minutes, and I’m already sick of you to death.

The pike thought and somehow looked at the crucian carp so mysteriously that he completely understood. But she must have been full after yesterday’s gluttony, and that’s why she yawned and immediately began snoring.

But this time the crucian carp didn’t fare so well. As soon as the pike fell silent, chubs surrounded him from all sides and took him under guard.

In the evening, before the sun had even set, the crucian carp came to the pike for the third time for a dispute. But he showed up already in custody and, moreover, with some injuries. Namely: the perch, while interrogating him, bit his back and part of his tail.

But he was still invigorated, because he had a magic word in reserve.

Even though you are my opponent,” the first pike began again, “yes, apparently, my grief is like this: I love death and debates!” Be healthy, get started!

At these words, the crucian suddenly felt that his heart was on fire. In an instant, he raised his stomach, fluttered, clicked the remains of his tail in the water and, looking the pike straight in the eyes, barked at the top of his lungs:

Do you know what virtue is?

The pike opened its mouth in surprise. She mechanically sipped the water and, not at all wanting to swallow the crucian carp, swallowed it.

The fish, who witnessed this incident, were stunned for a moment, but immediately came to their senses and hurried to the pike to find out whether it had had a safe dinner and whether it had choked. And the ruff, who had already foreseen and predicted everything in advance, swam forward and solemnly proclaimed: “Here they are, these are our disputes!”