What is intuition and how important is it in a person’s life? The essence of intuition As someone successfully formulated, prayer is a conversation between a person and God, and intuition is a conversation between God and a person

20.10.2021 Operations

When it comes to intuition, the trading community is divided into two camps. Some believe that intuition in trading is very important and is almost the main decision-making mechanism, while others do not take intuition seriously and even ridicule intuitive traders. Which of them is right and is there a golden mean in this matter? What is intuition and does it have the right to participate in stock trading? Let's try to figure it out.

Intuition in trading- what it is?

When it comes to defining intuition? As a phenomenon in principle, even scientists have difficulty. The thing is that intuition is a little-studied mechanism that still leaves specialists with many questions. At the same time, today not a single researcher denies that intuition has a place and with its help you can quickly make the right decisions.

The veil of secrecy was lifted a little by the research of D. Kahneman and his colleagues, who found that the brain has two decision-making mechanisms, conventionally called System 1 and System 2. System 1 is responsible for quick, intuitive conclusions and decisions that do not require mental effort, while System 2 is responsible for making logical conclusions and making informed, deliberate decisions. Both mechanisms are necessary for normal human functioning, therefore intuition is an important part of a person’s personality. However, is it applicable in trading?

“Intuition is not a trifle. This is data processing so fast that the mind does not perceive it.” This is what a character on a popular television series said, and scientific research partially supports this claim. In most cases, a person owes his experience to making quick intuitive decisions on a particular issue or situation. Simply, when faced with a situation that has arisen many times before, our mind does not waste time on another logical analysis, but acts according to a familiar pattern and passes the decision to System 1. For experienced traders, intuitive conclusions about the market or decisions to enter a trade sometimes occur the same way quickly and automatically, like ordinary person the process of brushing teeth or eating.

The benefits of intuitive trading solutions

The main advantage of trading by intuition is the speed of decision making. Guided by intuition, a trader spends much less time and effort analyzing the situation. Of course, this is not always an advantage, because if a trader is a beginner, his intuition can deceive him. On the other hand, for experienced traders, intuitive solutions are a great way to save time without losing efficiency.

The second advantage is that a trader who listens to his intuition is more confident. Although the analysis and application of successful strategies can give a positive result on their own, when they are also supported intuitive solution, the trader learns to truly feel the market.

Intuition: possible pitfalls

Although intuition is a valuable tool, it is still imperfect. Below are the main pitfalls that a trader guided by intuition can fall into.

  1. Insufficient experience.
    From research it is clear that intuition works well and with a minimum of errors if a person has enough knowledge and experience in the field. When experience and knowledge are insufficient, intuition can malfunction and lead to serious mistakes. Therefore, before practicing intuitive trading, it is worthwhile to undergo training at the Alexander Purnov School of Trading and practice the acquired skills in real trading.
  2. Extremes.
    Intuition is useful, but if you make it the main mechanism for making decisions, you can make mistakes. The most successful traders are those who skillfully combine analytical techniques and an intuitive approach, not those who go to extremes, completely rejecting one or the other.
  3. Intuition = emotion.
    Those who are of the opinion that the intuitive approach is an emotional approach are greatly mistaken. This is often the main reason why intuition is considered a frivolous approach. In fact, intuition has little to do with emotions, because in order to hear its voice, a trader needs to be calm and focused, as with an analytical approach to trading.

To avoid the above mistakes, it is worth having a balanced view of trading. Intuition in trading is not a pseudoscientific approach that does not bring benefits, but it is not a panacea for all problems.

Many traders ask, is it possible to do without intuition in trading? Yes it is possible. And many successful traders who are guided exclusively by rational methods in making decisions will confirm this fact. But there are many very successful world-famous traders who consider it necessary to listen to their intuition in trading.

Should you take your intuition into account and develop it? The decision is yours. You can get more interesting articles on finance by subscribing to our blog.

In psychology, there are several types of intuition, and there are different classifications. The most general and widespread is the European classification, based on basic human characteristics. Modern European psychology distinguishes the following types of intuition:

1) physical, or bodily. This type of intuition is based on a person's physical sensations;

2) emotional. It is based on emotions;

3) intellectual, about which philosophers and scientists have discussed so much;

4) mystical. This type of intuition is perhaps the most controversial because its driving mechanism cannot be clearly described.

What does this look like in practice? Each of us is dominated by one type of intuition, and based on it we interpret events. If you ask a question about how this or that thing will turn out, then people with different types intuitions will predict its ending based on different impressions. A person with physical intuition will imagine what his physical state will be like - fatigue, increased strength, apathy, stress - and draw conclusions about the success of the event. An intellectual will direct his ability to calculate everything to the situation and try to “scan” it. He will construct his own image, which will tell him the solution.

The emotional type will be based on how he will feel at the end of the enterprise. I would like to make a small remark: in many ways, the predominance of one or another type of intuition in a person is associated with the national mentality, traditions, and upbringing received.

Intuition is also classified according to gender, age, and nationality. It has long been noted that women have a more developed intuition. This has nothing to do with physiological characteristics - it’s just that women, from time immemorial, have been more closely connected with everything subconscious, mysterious, and perceptive, which is why they have learned to listen to the prompts of their subconscious.

Psychologists have noticed that the manifestation of subconscious premonitions is subject to age-related fluctuations. A child’s intuition is not yet clouded, nothing blocks it, but as they grow older, the ability to trust instinct is lost. This happens because our entire civilization is aimed at evidence, that is, from school we are taught that only what can be touched, seen, and scientifically proven is true. Over time, the ability to perceive, and most importantly trust, intuitive information is lost. The people we call intuitives have simply managed to happily avoid this.

The child treats his fantasies, desires, and intuitive feelings as reality. For him, there is nothing impossible or “imaginary”: for him, both Santa Claus and the neighbor’s grandfather are real. In his imagination, he connects them, so for him there is no question: “Does Santa Claus exist?” The child asks: “What will Santa Claus give me?” Children trust their intuition; they do not dissect it with cold analysis.

Adults, of course, look down on such things. If a child tells his parents that he saw a scary monster on the wall in his room, he will be teased. But the child not only fantasizes: his intuition shows the hidden aggression of an adult and shows fear of punishment. Only it appears in a completely different form than when children grow up.

Adults prefer to remain silent about their fears or explain them rationally. A person who has reached adulthood will not imagine his fear in the form of a monster or an evil Baba Yaga. He will simply look for a cure for fear, turning to psychologists and doctors. Very often, children's direct perception is realized in some kind of phobia: someone is afraid of heights, someone is afraid of flying on an airplane, someone is afraid of snakes, etc. We call such fears unconscious and correctly determine the reason: it is intuition that tries to reach us.

Intuition is a subtle matter, and it is very susceptible to external influences. Our physical ailments affect her especially strongly. The disease burdens our perception, closes access to the information channels of the Cosmos, since all forces are aimed at fighting the disease. Problems with intuition arise in a person at the age of 28–30. However, I will make a reservation that the gift of premonition is often confused with everyday experience, and the older a person becomes, the more often intuition is replaced by life wisdom. At this age, a person already knows for sure that everything must have a rational explanation, and intuition has nothing to do with reason.

She is situational and fragmented, she speaks in an incomprehensible language, and adults are against all prejudices. Intuition, when it reports about the future, paints some meaningless and absurd, from the point of view of common sense, pictures. As a result, we turn away from it, but the subconscious very often sends us warnings.

One of my friends constantly ordered a cup of coffee with milk from the buffet next to her work. She always did this and there was no reason for her to give up her daily coffee. But one weekday, at the mere mention of coffee with milk, she felt unwell, and she did not take her favorite drink. After some time, everyone who took coffee with milk that day was hospitalized with a diagnosis of “intestinal disorder.” Apparently the milk was stale and my friend was the winner. And hundreds of such examples can be given.

The problem with intuition also arises because by the age of thirty, the abilities of the subconscious are so closely intertwined with other mental processes that they are difficult to recognize. An adult perceives the clues of intuition through the prism of logic, acquired knowledge, and circumstances. Just like logic, it can be obscured by feelings, emotions, and unnecessary knowledge.

The most dangerous age for intuitives is 35–45 years. The mid-life crisis that is common to everyone is superimposed on the depletion of bioenergy, which is so important for intuition. It has long been recognized that the lowest point of human energy is 41 (according to Chinese teachings - 42) years.

At this time, a person has exhausted all the resources accumulated since childhood, a complete restructuring of consciousness is underway, so the connection with the Cosmos is broken. Then everything returns to normal, but after 45 years, life experience begins to actively work, and intuition manifests itself only in flashes of insight.

Thanks to science, we know that intuition is necessary for a person to understand the world, and knowledge, as we know, can occur in various ways. Likewise, the ability of premonition differs depending on what sphere of human activity it serves. This classification is associated with ways of expressing received information.

1. Professional intuition. This type of subconscious feeling develops in a person engaged in a certain profession - a doctor, teacher, manager, military man, politician, athlete, psychologist, etc. It is associated with the steady accumulation of mastery, with the acquisition and development of special skills necessary for a particular professions. Professional intuition helps to find the correct and optimal solution to a given problem, save time and effort to resolve difficulties, and reveal unclear points in the situation. The sixth sense also allows you to choose the necessary means and techniques of expression.

2. Scientific intuition. This type most often manifests itself when a person, as a subject of cognition, faces a very important cognitive task that requires tension in the moral, intellectual and physical forces of the body. At this moment, a person concentrates on the task at hand, looking for all possible ways to express and resolve it. Scientific intuition involves the search for a logical basis for the collected facts or phenomena. At this time, the scientist, inventor is constantly focused on the object of research, that is, on the problem that occupies him. As one of the components of the scientific process, scientific intuition operates in a specific language. In principle, this type of intuition coincides with creative intuition.

3. Creative intuition is the highest form of the gift of premonition. Some researchers include scientific and artistic intuition in creative intuition. The point is that creative intuition is based on insight. It works when it seems impossible to find a way out, when the limit of tension of a person’s intellect, will, and feelings has been reached. Creative intuition is the expression of a result that has been endured and suffered through. This type of subconscious anticipation is a necessary and important condition for the creative process. Although different scientists and philosophers have different points of view on this problem, one thing is clear - great scientific discoveries and masterpieces of art appear largely thanks to intuition.

American scientist Graham Wallace devoted much research to the phenomenon of creativity. His interests included both creative intuition and the creative process. He built his concept based on the introspection and memories of famous scientists - the German physiologist, physicist and mathematician Hermann Helmholtz and the French mathematician Henri Poincaré. In 1926, Wallace published his now classic diagram of the creative process, which includes four stages. In essence, Wallace did not make any breakthrough - he simply synthesized what was known before him.

The first stage is preparation. This is the stage of posing a problem, immersing yourself in it, collecting practical material, etc. Philosophers before Wallace spoke about the same thing, arguing that any business is preceded by a stage when nothing works out, when all attempts to solve the problem are in vain, the exit is not visible and begins it seems that this problem is not worth dealing with at all.

The second stage is “hatching the eggs.” This is the most painful and long period during which the problem gestates. The human brain is working on a problem, it is looking for its solution, although the person himself is not working on it. In ancient times, the term “hatching eggs” or “incubation” meant a certain special action. A person came to the temple and stayed there overnight to get an answer to his question or to find healing from an illness. This action describes the state of a scientist, a creator who is waiting for a solution to the problem. Philosophers also call this time a period of growth, when Nature must do its work.

The third stage is insight. This is actually insight, discovery, Archimedes’ “Eureka!” Actually, if we continue the comparison, epiphany is what a person waits for in the temple. At this moment there is a sharp jump, the transition of the accumulated amount of information into quality. The solution always comes in the form of a symbolic image, a sign that is difficult to describe verbally.

The fourth stage is fixation. The final period of the process, which is associated with logic. Consciousness copes with the shock experienced and begins to act logically. The symbol-image is translated into words, given scientific explanation opening, etc.

From this diagram it is clear that moments of insight are rare guests in human life. Epiphany may not come. Why some people are blessed with brilliant ideas, while others are not, is unknown to science, and, apparently, will not become known. Although modern scientists, relying on Wallace's scheme, have identified a pattern of behavior leading to insight. In general, it is no secret to anyone: you need to work long, hard and persistently on the problem that interests you, study all possible sources, collect extensive material, passionately desire to solve the problem, not give up at the first failures, and then...

Let's digress a little from theoretical reasoning. I want to give examples from the lives of the greatest minds of humanity so that you understand the truth of Goethe’s statement that genius is 1% luck and 99% hard work. Intuition can give you a great discovery, but only when you put all your effort into it.

I have already talked about the great titan of the Renaissance, Leonardo da Vinci. He attached great importance to intuition and the work of the unconscious in the life of the creator. Five hundred years before the Austrian physician Sigmund Freud, he spoke of the key role of the subconscious in artistic and scientific insights. Leonardo advised all artists and inventors to study the natural world and remember their associations, so that they could later embody them in their creations. In his Notes, the great Florentine instructed: “It’s not difficult... just stop along the way and look at the stains on the wall, or the coals in the fire, or the clouds, or the dirt... you can find absolutely amazing ideas there...”. Centuries later, this method of spontaneously arising associations would be adopted by the Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist Hermann Rorschach. But Leonardo did not stop only with visual impressions - he also connected auditory receptors. All in the same work, he argued that “in the ringing of bells you can catch any name and any word that you can imagine.” It is quite possible that the ringing of bells accelerated the moment of insight of the genius of the Renaissance.

The inventor of the sewing machine, Elias Hove, was a workaholic. He worked for a very long time to develop the first sewing device that could ease the work of milliners, but he was always missing something. He was already in despair when he had a nightmare: Hove ended up on a wild island, and a crowd of cannibals chased after him. He could not escape from the savages - they had almost overtaken him and raised their sharpened spears over him. What struck Hova in his dream was that there were holes drilled in the tips of these spears.

The savages did not eat the inventor - he woke up from fear. But the next morning he understood a hint from his subconscious: for the sewing machine to work, it was necessary that the eye of the needle be at the bottom, and not at the top. The night's sleep was the moment of insight that helped Elias Hove find the right solution, and the seamstresses find a new tool.

Another evidence of the power of intuition is the work of the great Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. His brilliant music amazed his contemporaries, and not so much the music as its creation. Mozart, as it seemed to his contemporaries, wrote his masterpieces casually, without making any visible effort: either he composed symphonies while playing billiards, or while walking, or he frivolously and carefreely whistled the overture to the opera he had just composed “ Don Juan" before its premiere. The musical genius himself said that he does not “compose” anything - musical works appear in his head ready-made. Here he is - typical example creative intuition, realized in an insight: it reads the information as a whole, in the form of an undivided unity. We find confirmation of this in the letters of the brilliant Austrian composer. He writes that he sees his creation in its entirety, “as a dazzlingly beautiful statue”; he hears them in unity: “I don’t listen to the parts sequentially in my imagination, I hear them sounding simultaneously. I can’t tell you what a pleasure this is!” An even more impressive example of insight is the work of the English physicist, inventor, one of the most outstanding scientists in human history, Michael Faraday. It was he who created the theory of electromagnetic fields and lines of force, which inspired the work of Albert Einstein. “What’s unusual about this?” - you ask. What is unusual here is that Michael Faraday... did not know mathematics and other exact sciences. He can safely be called an “intuitive from physics”, since he made his grandiose discoveries with the help of intuition.

Thus, he developed the theory of force lines, which revolutionized the scientific world, using rubber bands. His proof did not contain a single mathematical formula and not a single message on how to apply this theory. Faraday simply knew that lines of force exist in nature, and then he imagined that they looked like rubber bands - that's all. When another English scientist, James Clark Maxwell, later gave a mathematical basis for Faraday’s theories, the discoverer did not understand a word of them and asked Maxwell “to translate the hieroglyphs into a human language that I myself could understand.” Isn't this proof of the omnipotence of intuition? The famous German chemist Friedrich August Kekule, who lived around the same time as Faraday, on the contrary, was a very scientific and theoretically savvy person. He went down in the history of science as the inventor of the benzene ring formula. This discovery was preceded by years of persistent, intense and fruitless work. Kekule was close to discovery chemical formula gasoline molecules, but it eluded him. This went on for quite some time, the scientist was exhausted by the useless struggle with nature. But then one day the stage of “hatching the egg” was completed and something happened that, along with Newton’s apple and Mendeleev’s dream, is considered the greatest miracle of science new era. Tired of thinking, Kekule fell asleep and had a very vivid and colorful dream. He looked at the flames of the fireplace, and they formed into chains of atoms. These chains turned into snakes that wriggled and attacked the chemist, but did not bite him. One of these snakes grabbed its tail and began to spin wildly. Kekule woke up with a shock. He began feverishly writing down the idea that came into his head, and the formula for the gasoline molecule came out of his pen by itself. In 1865, Kekulé reported to the scientific community of chemists that the benzene ring consisted of six carbon atoms that connected to each other like the dancing snake he saw in his moment of inspiration.

There are a great many facts proving the great importance of insight for the development of science. One of them is described in the book by V.I. Orlov, dedicated to great inventions: “Bridge engineer Bro-un (inventor of suspension bridges. - ed.) was poring over a bridge project over the River Tweed on his veranda. The paper in front of him was blank, the work did not stick, the bridge did not work out. Desperate, Brown left the drawing board and went to the garden to freshen up.

It was the beginning of autumn. Tenacious threads, silver in the sun, got tangled in the bushes, floated in the wind, and Brown removed them from his lips and eyelashes. It was Indian summer, and a lot of cobwebs appeared in the garden. Brown lay down under a bush, but immediately jumped up, blinking his eyes. He saw a clue in the sky.

He saw a drawing in the sky, clearly drawn with silver lines on blue. Brown couldn't help but read it the way engineers read blueprints: a small bridge shone in the branches, surprisingly light, simple and bold. It was a bridge, not just a web on the branches. The wind shook the branches, but the web did not break. And the more closely Brown peered into this web, the more the elastic threads lengthened and thickened, becoming heavier before his eyes<…>.

Now Brown knew where to start and what to strive for. He again sat down to drawings and calculations and soon made an invention: he began to build suspension bridges, without expensive and complex abutments supporting the bridge from below.” The following illustrative case is associated with Einstein. A journalist once asked a physicist whether he writes down his brilliant ideas and, if so, where: in a notebook, in a file cabinet, or in a notebook. To this Albert Einstein replied: “My dear, worthwhile ideas come to mind so rarely that they are not difficult to remember!” Insight is the fruit of the enormous internal work of the unconscious, which compares all received data with the data bank of the Universe. If you live by some idea, then one fine moment you will experience an unforgettable feeling of insight, which in terms of the power of the experience is incomparable to anything else.

Modern psychologists distinguish the following types of intuition (paths or channels of intuitive responses coming to us):

1. Bodily (or physical) intuition
People who have developed this type of intuition receive intuitive clues through actual physical sensations - pain or pleasure, apathy or a surge of strength. Such people are in touch with the sensations of their body and make conclusions about their potential success in a particular event based on how they feel.

2. Emotional intuition
Emotional intuition appeals to our feelings, and with the help of, for example, “inexplicable” anxiety, worry or fear, signals to us: “something is wrong here.”
From time immemorial, emotions (anger, fear) have served us to quickly classify the degree of danger of a developing situation (no time to think!), so this type of intuition does not give clear answers, but tries to warn us, with the help of a feeling of primitive fear, about a danger threatening our life or health .

3. Intellectual intuition
This type of intuition works somewhat slower than others. Intellectual intuition serves us as a source of new creative and scientific discoveries. Intellectual intuition, in turn, falls into the following subtypes (not much different): professional, scientific and creative.

4. Professional intuition
This type of intuitive subconscious cognition develops in people who have been engaged in a certain profession for a long time, for example medicine, politics, business, sports. It relies on the accumulation and holistic understanding of one’s own professional experience. Thus, the experience accumulated by the subconscious helps professionals make “non-standard” decisions in their field.
An example of professional intuition:

“The inventor of the sewing machine, Elias Hove, worked for a very long time on his first sewing device, which could make the work of seamstresses easier. Only one key element was missing. He was already in despair when he had a nightmare: Hove is on a desert island, and a crowd of cannibals is chasing him. And so, escaping from persecution Hove falls exhausted and the savages overtake him. They raise their spears over him, and then he clearly sees oblong holes in the tips of the savage spears...”
This is how the sewing machine needle appeared, and its design made the process of machine sewing possible.

5. Scientific intuition
This type of intuition manifests itself in scientists, especially in those moments when the process of cognition stalls. Such moments require from the scientist a tremendous effort of all the moral, intellectual and physical forces of the body.
One of the brightest and most interesting practical discoveries is the discovery by the German chemist Friedrich August Kekule of the main component of gasoline. He invented the formula for the benzene ring.

This discovery was preceded by years of hard work that did not bring results. But at some point, tired of thinking, Kekule dozed off and had a very vivid and colorful dream. He looked at the flames of the fireplace, and they formed into chains of atoms. These chains turned into snakes that wriggled and attacked the chemist, but did not bite him. One of these snakes grabbed its tail and began to spin wildly. The picture of a snake grabbing itself by the tail and spinning amazed the scientist so much that he immediately woke up and began to write down all his thoughts regarding the formula of the gasoline molecule. In 1865, Kekule reported to the scientific community of chemists that the benzene ring consisted of six carbon atoms (which connected to each other like a snake biting its own tail). His discovery helped make a new breakthrough in theory aromatic hydrocarbons famous

Alexandra M. Butlerova.
6. Creative intuition

Finally, we come to a type of intuition, which is considered the highest form of intuitive knowledge. It is usually attributed to artists, although it is often combined with scientific intuition.

Creative intuition is based on insight.

A typical example of creative intuition is the activity of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, who, according to the recorded evidence of his contemporaries, heard his works in a ready-made, complete form, and did not compose musical fragments and transitions between them...

To summarize, we note that we can now turn our conscious attention to our individual channel of intuition, which is a priority for us when we make decisions.

One of the most striking signs that intuition gives us in connection with our occupation is boredom. Take a closer look at yourself, listen: you started talking about how you would gladly start growing beautiful flowers. You buy books on floriculture. You give people tips that help them grow beautiful but difficult to care for plants. Do you think it won't generate income? Why not!

Or maybe now your most important dream is to study foreign languages, despite the fact that you don’t have time for it. All these are hints from intuition. In the modern information world, languages ​​can generate income, just like other knowledge and abilities.
Therefore, the first piece of advice is: do not waste time and money on your interests and hobbies.

Firstly, these are signs of intuition about possible paths along which success awaits you. Secondly, any knowledge not only can, but will also bring you income. Learn and success will follow. By the way, by purchasing this book, you have already taken the first step on the path of learning and self-development. Knowledge is never superfluous! The second rule of a person who strives for success is optimism. Optimistic thoughts about money and our future imbue us with powerful positive energy, which attracts success to us. These thoughts must take root in the soul, because no affirmations

about welfare and success will not help you if deep down you continue to worry that nothing is working out because you are a failure in life. But you don’t need to brush aside negative emotions, especially if they appear suddenly, unexpectedly: your intuition speaks to you through emotions! This is the most direct and accessible channel of communication with her.

Negative emotions - fear, anxiety, etc. - warn of danger, warn against the wrong direction of movement. If you have decided to invest money in some profitable enterprise,

but we felt suddenly a vague anxiety, this, of course, is not a reason to abandon the plan. dynasty of American millionaires, explained how to achieve success: “The path to success is determined by two simple principles. Find a business that interests you and that you are good at, and when you have found it, put all your soul into it without reserve, all your energy, ambition and natural abilities.”

Intuition is best developed in women, however, men can also resort to its services. Intuition is the sphere of the soul.

In fact, intuition is the soul.

Intuition is the soul

Yes, that's exactly it. Intuition is certain feelings that come from the soul. Intuition is very much intertwined with spontaneity. Spontaneity allows us to act, intuition allows us to feel exactly how to act and when to do it or, on the contrary, not to do it.

Intuition is our feelings towards something.

A positive example from life about intuition

The driver is driving and sees an elderly woman voting on the road. The driver's mind doesn't want to stop because he doesn't like driving strangers. And they always slam doors like gates and damage the car. But my intuition tells me that I need to stop. Of course, this particular driver knows that it is always necessary to follow the soul, that is, intuition. Well, he stopped.

The woman needed to be close. But still, the driver found out that life was very difficult for her. At least it helped a little, and that’s good.

Negative example from life

Often our intuition warns us of danger. The same driver came to the sea at the beginning of the season. There were almost only locals there. The driver was about to get out of the car and get some fresh air, but he didn’t like the way the local men sitting nearby looked at him and his car. An unpleasant sensation arose inside. The driver decided to get out of there as quickly as possible, because his intuition told him that nothing good would come of this.

There are many such examples in life. When people did not listen to their intuition, but listened to their mind, as often happens, and ended up in bad situations.

Spontaneity makes life more interesting, intuition saves us from troubles that await us in one area or another life path, if, of course, we listen to it.

Every person can hear their soul

Every person is able to hear his soul. It’s just that not everyone chooses to do this; some don’t believe in its existence at all.

What you believe in is what you will receive. By refusing to believe in it, a person limits his potential.

Anyone who learns to listen to intuition gains access to inexhaustible spiritual resources.

This is how it turns out that it is our choice to believe or not to believe.

Therefore, choose to believe in your soul, and then its full potential will be revealed to you.

The path of intuition is a simple, but not an easy path.

By following your soul, life is filled with joy. But this path is not easy. The person will often face difficulties. The soul will do this on purpose to strengthen a person, to make him stronger.

Here you will have to face all your fears in order to overcome them. No other way. You will have to do what needs to be done, even if it is the most unwanted.

This is the path of the soul, it constantly challenges a person to make him stronger.

But such a life is always joyful, dynamic, there is no boredom in it, nor, however, the security and stability that the mind craves so much. The soul knows that stability and security in a changing world is an illusion.

Let's summarize:

  • Every person has intuition, you just need to hear it;
  • In order for a person to discover the full potential of the soul, first one must sincerely believe in it;
  • intuition and spontaneity are intertwined very closely;
  • intuition guides a person in life, but this is not always an easy path, the path of the heart is joyful, but not always easy, sometimes you need to meet your fears, and the soul often does this to strengthen a person;
  • intuition is best developed in women, but men can also open up to it and use its services;
  • intuition makes a person stronger and more stable in life if he follows it.

Someone said that intuition is just life experience processed by the subconscious and brought into consciousness. Sometimes this may be true, but there are cases when intuition (mine) takes on (in my eyes) a truly mystical character. Firstly, I have a very good sense of troubles affecting me and my loved ones, and I can often tell what exactly will happen and where exactly it will happen.

It all started when, in my first year of university, I suddenly began to feel the urge to go home during classes (nobody’s laughing, I’m serious). I served a sentence until the end, rushed home - and there the stove was overfed - there would have been a fire. Since then I have listened to my intuition (and when I don’t listen, I always regret it). The most striking example is when my intuition saved me and a friend’s life (at least health).

Spring, we walked down the street. I feel like I need to go to the other side and go there, I tell my friend about this. He tells me that spring has finally arrived and he wants to walk in the sun (the other side was in the shade). We walked, my anxiety grew stronger, I offered him two more times, he refused. When the feeling got really strong, I stopped. He too, see why I got up. At that moment, about two meters from us, right along the course of our movement, a melted block of ice fell from the roof. Its mass, judging by the impact, would have been enough to, if not kill us, then definitely send us to intensive care. The friend immediately, without a word, crossed to the other side.

There were many such cases (maybe slightly less serious). Intuition doesn’t always tell me (maybe I don’t always hear it), but if it gives a signal, I’m never wrong.

Secondly, I used to have a very good sense of who was calling whom on the phone. There was no need for any caller ID. Now the skill has somehow disappeared.

Another funny incident from life - definitely some kind of mysticism. I was walking the dog at night, and as luck would have it, I had also watched “Children of the Corn” before (I’m not impressionable in this regard - don’t think so, but it also left an imprint). It's three o'clock, just after four. It’s winter, not a soul on the street, absolute silence. There is a dense layer of clouds in the sky, and only in the middle do they turn into ripples, from which the pale moon can barely be seen. I also thought that the picture was like something out of a classic horror movie. Suddenly the wind begins to blow, not very much, but at the same time raising a light snowstorm and creating an unpleasant hiss. The dog stands up, freezes, looks to the side. I see that the hair on the back of her neck stands on end - a sign of her aggressiveness. She starts barking and growling, I look - and there’s no one there at all, it’s empty. Here is my dog, of whom all the dogs in the area were afraid (no joke - there was a Caucasian Shepherd Dog, she perceived other dogs as wolves, with all that that implies), who herself was never afraid of anything (except for Masha and me, when angry), who really loved to walk (I had to drag her home by force), turns towards the house and begins to tear at the leash with all my strength so that I run after her so as not to fall. That's when I started to feel uneasy. He flew into the house, turned on the lights everywhere and drank tea for a long time...