Tariff plan “Intuition” from Beeline or another failure of the operator’s telephone project. Samsung Intuitive Solutions Models Intuitive Design

01.10.2021 Thrombosis

We can say that we do not have purely operator phones. This is the first one, whose affiliation with a specific operator is not limited to just a logo or a rewritten name. Here, almost the entire design of the phone and part of its functionality have been tailored to the operator, changes have been made to the interface - and this is not at all limited to pre-installed pictures and clips. And there is something more serious than purely visual signs. By the way, judging by the answers of those surveyed, only the blind have not seen the Intuition advertisement, but apparently only the blind can understand its meaning at least the tenth time)))) Okay, we’ll figure this out later, but for now we’ll start with appearance.

Generally speaking, appearance Most respondents associate this device with soap, although the color is completely inappropriate (specifically for Intuition; and the “regular 530s” in design can easily pass for some Dove if they are carefully placed in the bathroom in a soap dish with the display down). There is even one joke about black soap, but I won’t quote it here, with your permission))) The second association is already among people with a mega-imagination - coffee bean. Where have you seen coffee beans of this size, and even flattened in the wrong plane? And for some people, for some reason, the phone actually resembles a bun. I would like to look at the world through their eyes)))) But these are all lyrics, of course. The shape of the device is individual - that's a fact. Color - it’s generally surprising that this folding phone is completely black: taking into account Beeline’s gamma, it is most likely supposed to be white at the core, interspersed with black and yellow. In addition, if you look through the company's catalog, you will notice that there are only one or two black folding beds - and there are too many of them. Most respondents believe that this option is head and shoulders above the standard design; Even sharpening for Beeline does not cause any complaints. Everyone especially likes the fact that the body is not all glossy, but mostly matte.

The phone is very small, fits well in the hand and is pleasant to the touch. Opens and closes easily. The opening angle may seem too small to some: it is, perhaps, really “in the limit” of what is comfortable. The “soap” shape is visually interesting, but in practice we have this: even in the closed state, the phone actively rocks when it lies on a flat surface, and when open, it generally lies “as you like and whoever you want” (c). They can even easily play spin the bottle by spinning the phone on the table))) However, maybe that’s what it was intended for? Like, when you’re tired of all the entertainment, you can give it a spin...))

In all other respects, it’s a standard Samsung design option. A separate key for the camera, two more - volume, a 5-way navigation key (4 + center), the "C" button, two soft keys. The central button (it even has a name - “Beeline”) here triggers a call to the built-in JAVA application, for which, in fact, everything was started ( official information You can see about the "Intuition" tariff and the "Intuition" phone here: www.intuition.beeline.ru). And inside the menu and applications it works like a regular “OK”.

When the flip is closed, the volume buttons can be used as a switch for a flashlight (aka a flash for a camera). The light bulb is quite bright - the same (or even a little brighter) as in the latest Sonerics (K750/W800/W900). The "Camera" button also works when the flip is closed: a long press turns the camera on/off, and a short press takes a photo. The location of the additional microphone on the flip is interesting. We did not find any special quality of sound recording on the voice recorder (it is acceptable that a conversational microphone is used when the voice recorder is working), but when the video camera is working, it is this microphone that works, and when shooting it is not pinched by hand - this is convenient.

Oh, here’s another thing: many said it’s a pity that the keyboard isn’t black either. But this design can be considered a successful Beeline style; If you look closely, the keyboard block somewhat resembles a bee: the head is the control keys, and the body is the numeric keypad. The striped central button only adds to the similarity))) Now, if only they made the numeric keypad striped...

For the first time we will say: the phone is female (this will be repeated and motivated more than once). And that’s why it comes with a very nice black velvet bag with a clasp, a belt clip and a window for an external display. Disadvantage: with a connected headset, the device will not fit into it. Although... there are a lot of things that at first glance don’t fit into a woman’s handbag, but in reality they really do)) In addition to the handbag, there is the same velvet black hand strap. There is also a small catch here: either this strap is for people whose palms are no more than 4 cm wide, or the strap is not supposed to be worn on the wrist. In general, dear ladies, I think they’ll figure it out on their own))

Samsung SGH-E530 "Intuition" :: Review:: "Intuitive" interface

The main difference between this device and its “regular” counterparts is the presence of a built-in JAVA application. Let's call it "Intuition", because it itself has no name at all. It starts only from standby mode - by pressing the striped button. It is not inside the list of JAVA applications, and it does not consume memory for JAVA (4 MB) at all, so there is nothing special to worry about here. The application works quite quickly, but sometimes lengthy transitions into items interfere. The reason is still unclear, but we believe that if there is a need for this, we will “figure it out”))) Sometimes the “Use” menu changes, and the application offers to download an updated set of items in it. You don’t have to load it, of course, but it’s better to spend five to six minutes on it.

At startup, a welcome message is displayed, which can be disabled. In fact, there is nothing to read there, except for the last sentence, which, in fact, says: “Access to them is provided by GPRS and WAP services, which are paid according to your tariff plan"Actually, this is a warning: don’t mindlessly poke and click on everything - check out the prices first. The application is designed in Beeline colors - in fact, it looks very good. Anything is an order of magnitude better than the gloomy and thin design of Vodafone, for example.

Now a couple of words that can be considered one of the most important. It is not initially indicated anywhere: will the device work with SIM cards of other operators? We can easily answer this question: it will. There is no lock (SP Lock and its variants). Some difficulties arose in determining the functionality of air services for other operators (not Beeline), but they were successfully resolved, although a number of users were misled. Here we also answer with full responsibility: all air services will work (more precisely, they should: this is according to official statements by representatives of Beeline and Samsung). There is, of course, such a point: the “Intuition” application itself is not at all useful to users of other operators, but if this is considered the price for the design, is it worth worrying about? These users have their own MTS Info and all that stuff... It’s designed, of course, not at all like that, but there’s nothing you can do about it. Go to Bi)))

The application menu consists of nine items: “Help”, “Dating”, “Use”, “Play”, “Listen”, “Color the world”, “What’s new”, “Surprise” and “Go out”. Strictly speaking, this is a kind of set for subscribers to kill time. It’s much more interesting to visit any WAP site when it has a beautiful and fast-working control, and you don’t have to hammer in any addresses or jump on links a hundred times. Inside some points there is a certain final page of a WAP site, inside others there is a set of numbers, inside others there are even “their own” systems for displaying and downloading data. Let's consider each point separately.

The first item “Help” is access to various voice services. Voice in the sense that after selecting a section, a call is made to the corresponding number. Some sections are equipped with an additional page that describes its purpose in more detail than the section title. In fact, it is a neatly organized and beautifully designed replacement for the information functions of Beeinfo. The “Help” item includes such sections as, for example, “Fairy tales” (for adults and children), “Where to go to study” (info on universities), “New certificate” (addresses of companies, institutions, etc.), “Customer Support Center” and so on, there are 11 sections in total.

The second point is “Dating”. Here, theoretically, you can meet. To do this, you will need to answer the question “Shall I switch to WAP?” answer "Yes". After this, you should choose the gender of the person you are going to meet, and the approximate age. And then we read the questionnaire, and if you like everything, we answer. You can emboss your own if you really want to. In general - nothing unusual.

The next point is “Use”. This item is already a direct and complete replacement for the BeeInfo subscriber section. This SIM card expansion item itself, by the way, is not displayed in the phone (if a Beeline card is inserted). That is, if you insert a card from some other operator, then in the “Applications” menu the last item will be the SIM card extension: for example, MTS-Info. For Beeline cards, you should use exactly this “Use”. There is no big difference, except that the “road” to this point takes a little longer. Here - service management: Answering machine, Anti-AON, Favorite number, Call waiting and so on.

Now there are three points that have their own design. These are “Play”, “Listen” and “Share the World”. All three are beautifully designed - with preview pictures for games and images, with previews of downloadable melodies. There is a breakdown of information by category, new items and ratings, and search. Mini-descriptions are provided for the games. In general, it’s very pleasant to use - in fact, most things can be done the same way in WAP, but some interface elements are not feasible there (for example, scrolling explanatory text with a stationary picture). What is not entirely convenient is that the process of downloading games is accompanied by exiting the current “Intuition” application, and after installing the game you will need to log into “Intuition” again.

The next three items - "What's new", "Surprise" and "Go out" - are links to the corresponding pages of the WAP site. The first is news: About everything, Beeline News, Weather, etc. The second one is entertaining. There are such items as “Aphorism of the day”, “Anecdote of the day”, “Quote of the day”, “Picture of the day” and all that kind of stuff. Of particular interest is the “Surprise” item (it’s really a surprise within a surprise): here once a week you can download a picture or something else for free - at the operator’s choice. As a matter of fact, walking through all these points, you will constantly be convinced that the phone is not only positioned as a woman’s phone, but is also fully supported as such. For example, at the “Surprise” point they will directly tell you: “Dear ladies, here once a week you can...”. And some names speak for themselves - such as “Recipes” and “Cosmetic recipes”)))

The last menu item - “Go out” - presents various “secular” things: music news, cinema news, social life, posters... It should be noted finally that these three items are designed as beautifully as the three previous ones, but have purely WAP functionality. And finally: if you decide to take a walk on this very intuition.beeline.ru (it consists of four points already described - Dating, What's new, Surprise, Go out) with a SIM card from another operator, nothing will work out for you, even from another phone. This site will open only with a Beeline card. These are the “incentives” for you to switch to Bi: a beautiful application - one, access to the sites of this application - two))))

Samsung SGH-E530 "Intuition" :: Review:: "Intuitive" phone

In principle, in terms of capabilities, this device is an almost exact copy of the phone (with the exception of the IR port, which the 530 does not have), and differs from a quite good device in its smaller display, lack of support for memory cards and TV cables (and other small functions - for example, there is no way to switch the type of menu display; there is an additional item in the “Applications” menu, etc.). There is no point in describing the functionality of this model particularly clearly - you can refer to the mentioned reviews of the D500/D600. Here we will touch only on the basics, and briefly - just so that you can generally imagine what awaits you in this “Intuition”.

Let us note a fairly high-quality display of 176x220 pixels (physical dimensions - 27.5 x 34.5 mm), for which the backlight operating time (in normal mode and in economy mode), 4 color schemes, brightness, font and color of numbers when dialing a number, color and location of inscriptions in standby mode. The external display is also very good, and can display quite a lot of events: player operation, Bluetooth operation and file reception, messages, incoming calls, alarms, reminders, player, and so on. There is also support for MP3 (both installation on a call and listening to the player), voice recorder (with a recording limit of 1 video/1 hour). The drawback here is the “own” headphone jack: you can’t plug in third-party headphones, so you shouldn’t really lose or break these. Another is the player’s inability to work in the background, although you can listen to it when the flip is closed, and the necessary information is displayed on the external display, and the side buttons are used to adjust the volume (rewinding and switching songs when the flip is closed does not work).

It’s also worth mentioning one of the most functional Bluetooth services (you can, like in old Sony phones, view the contents of shared folders on other devices with Bluetooth). You can treat this opportunity as an unnecessary addition, you can treat it as an entertainment function: isn’t it interesting to see files and folders from your friend’s phone on your phone?))) Well, you can also treat it as a not necessary, but useful thing that is not needed every day , in general, she doesn’t ask, but she helped me out very well a couple of times. An interesting addition to the services: there is a “Synchronization” item, in which you select the type of synchronization (full, update all, update phone, update server), category (all, contacts, calendar, tasks), and method - USB or Bluetooth. Moreover, you can create several synchronization profiles. Generally speaking, this is a very convenient thing - when everything can be configured in the phone itself.

This phone has a pretty good camera (1 MP - frames 1152x864 pixels). With a flash that can work as a flashlight (very bright, by the way). There are almost no complaints about the work. There is an "autosave" mode, multi-frame shooting (6/9/15 frames), matrix shooting (2x2 and 3x3). The type of viewfinder can be adjusted (full screen or normal), there is support for shooting with effects, 5 options for shutter sounds (you can also shoot silently if you turn on the “Silent” profile on your phone). And most importantly, it is possible to control the camera using all the phone keys (there is even a small “Help” in pictures for this purpose). Shooting video with resolutions of 128x96, 176x144, 320x240 and 352x288. The video is recorded in MPEG4 (up to 15 fps) + AMR-NB (mono, 8 kHz), and the sound is recorded quite well, there are even attempts to record low frequencies))) The quality of the videos is much above average. A video with maximum resolution does not slow down at all when viewing, and there are no characteristic “squares” at all - even if you write in not very good lighting. Videos recorded by the Nokia N90 are reproduced perfectly, so the phone can also understand MPEG4 + AAC (stereo, 16 kHz). The only pity is that there is no Landscape mode (horizontal, full screen) viewing. You can view examples of photographs and videos in the table below.

Table ?Examples of photos and videos? Samsung SGH-E530

Test photos
Test videos

JAVA support - MIDP 2.0, no support for 3D applications. The speed of application execution is very modest: according to JBenchmark tests, the average result for the first is 1082, and for the second - 36. Memory for applications is 4 MB. The recorder is notable for the fact that it has a separate microphone (on the flip) and that it can record a conversation, although running through the menu to get to it is not the greatest pleasure. Alarm clocks are designed in a standard way for Samsungs: there are three of them, they can be configured well, there is a “ring if turned off” function (MP3, however, cannot be set to sound an alarm).

There is almost a complete set of Organizer applications. Calendar (400 events) with well-configurable events such as "anniversary", "task", "reminder" and "schedule", and with a good display of the month and week. Also Calculator, Unit Converter (namely quantities and not just currencies), Stopwatch, Timer and World time. Actually, the only thing missing for the “full set” is the notes service, but that’s exactly what Samsung could never boast of. A separate item, once again justifying the orientation of the device for use primarily by women, is the “My Diary” section, which contains such applications as “Perfume Selection”, “Biorhythm”, “Optimal Weight”, “Calorie Calculator”, “My Calendar” and "Shopping list". Perhaps some, having noticed that in the "Optimal Weight" application it is proposed to choose gender (M or F), will say that the phone is not only for women)) There are two objections to this, one of which we will omit, perhaps, and the second - some women It’s not just their weight that they like to “calculate”))) The selection of perfumes, by the way, is very funny: we enter a bunch of parameters - clothes, place, mood, music, food, etc. - and as a result we get a picture and the main direction for the aroma. You can create and save several profiles, and then simply select the appropriate one at the right time: for example, we go to visit Gena the Crocodile - select the saved option “Visiting Gena”, go to Cheburashka - the option “Visiting Cheburashka”. And so on)))

The navigation key is customizable: 4 presses can be assigned to call phone applications (20 in total). One of the interesting functions of the phone (this feature, apparently, is tailored specifically to “women’s secrets”): you can set the password to view messages and the “Multimedia” menu. The contact book, interestingly, is not allowed))) Apparently, it cannot be considered a secret. True, this has a certain substitute: if you put “Wallpaper” on protection, then without a password it will be impossible to get anywhere from the standby mode.

The phone has support for SMS (and EMS - pictures/animation/tones/attachments and text style in SMS messages) with the ability to create your own folders and move messages to them, MMS with a convenient editor, E-mail for 5 accounts (to receive mail from 5 different addresses) and a good WAP browser, very neatly designed. And also a quite convenient file manager, divided into standard sections (memory - about 80 MB, not counting 4 MB for JAVA applications, 3 MB for MMS and another 3 MB for E-mail).

The overall picture is complemented by very well-organized call lists (one of the neatest options) and a notebook for 1000 contacts, for each of which you can save First and Last Name (20 letters for each field), 5 numbers, email address, call picture (Photo ID), ringtone and note (50 characters). The disadvantage of a notebook is that numbers cannot be changed in type - for example, you cannot write two mobile numbers. More precisely, you can write it down, but only one will have the “mobile” icon. The speed dial is designed beautifully, although not very effectively (which, by the way, is a price to pay for the small physical size of the display: in the same 60 series, the display resolution is smaller, and the information in the window speed dial decreases more). The biggest drawback of the calling service is the lack of customizable profiles. In fact, there are only two of them: with sound and without sound.

Samsung SGH-E530 "Intuition" :: Review:: "Intuitive" summary

There are no particular complaints regarding communications and battery performance. A second battery, however, would be nice to have in the kit, as would an additional desktop charger. With active use, the device extends the day (from morning to evening). The speaker volume and microphone sensitivity are also within normal limits. The phone, as you need to understand, will only be sold together with the tariff of the same name. True, taking into account the fact that this device, together with the tariff, costs almost the same as a regular one without a tariff, the difference is small)) As already mentioned, there is no great need to become attached to this tariff, unless Beeline comes up with something like that.. So you don’t have to give up your number. Beeline fans, especially if they like the device, are a definite Must Have.

Remember what you built when you were a child? Remember those living room forts where you used whatever you could get your hands on to create the sanctum sanctorum, your property? Remember the spaces you created in closets, basements, attics, on the roof, in garages, in trees in the back garden? Maybe you've built rafts, dams, nests, driftwood beach houses, igloos and huts. Or they hid in quarries, tunnels, stone or ice caves. Perhaps you've turned an outhouse or chicken coop into your own

A shelter with the sign "No Adults Allowed".

Each of us wove places that were significant to us into a unique “quilt of memories.” Rich in memorable shapes and textures, every thread in this quilt symbolizes places that have played a significant role in shaping our lives. As intuitive designers, we can unroll this “blanket of memory” at any time to rediscover and integrate its sacred qualities into our designs.

In the preface to this book you will find Linda's process for creating your magical places. As you complete the exercises below, remember that you have one more dimension at your disposal when creating the design of your home - your intuition.

Free yourself from conventions

Try to abstract yourself from the bad examples that surround you. No, your home does not have to be on the street or be built as an investment. It doesn't have to be square, painted in a gloomy color, like you can bigger size. He may not need an asphalt driveway or a two-car garage. Perhaps even a front door will not be needed - there may be no door at all. Include only those elements that you want, and not those that are considered common.

Any building, and a house in particular, is a continuum of planning, construction, living in it, demolition, recycling and reuse. In all stages, some stages begin and others end. A satisfying home is never finished. It should transform in accordance with your changing needs, and not superficially, for example, repaint the bedroom a different color or hang photographs on the walls, but also functionally. Because you create spaces. An old Chinese proverb says: "A man finishes a house, a man dies."

The design process is a process of matching needs and resources the best way. To begin, list and analyze in detail your requirements for the home. Then take inventory of your resources: building materials, construction skills, money, time, climatic advantages of your site and social environment, panoramic views, slopes, etc. Then improve your determination of the functional potential of the house. Taking inventory of resources will open up new opportunities. In turn, review the resource list again, as new needs may require resources not listed.

Designing a home is not the linear process suggested by blueprints. This includes sculpting clay models, modifying them, drawing parts, cataloging useful resources, changing methods, coming up with new ideas, and testing incredible solutions. Everything is in the order that the building requires. This is a continuous story, starting with what the site looked like before you considered the possibility of building at all, until the time when you will no longer be there. Because other people will live in your house, constantly making changes to it.

Use brainstorming as often as possible

Creativity sometimes needs to be freed from the constraints of everyday logical thought processes. Brainstorming will help you completely clear
brain from the ideas that you have accumulated over your life. About what the house should be like, what size, shape, from what building materials. A home can be inspiring, or it can be fun, frivolous, humorous, surprising. The child inside of you should feel good in it, it can become the playhouse you have always dreamed of.

Brainstorming works best when there are no restrictions and everyone is relaxed. The crazier the idea seems, the better; its function is to expand the horizon of possibilities to the point where new thoughts come more easily. Initially, it doesn't matter how applicable any of these ideas are until there are a lot of them and they are written down somewhere for everyone to see. Like a smoldering fire, these ideas ignite each other as you fan them, creating new combinations that you would never have created before.

Brainstorm with your family and those who will live in this house. If you are building alone, storm with a friend, then switch and try with someone else.

Games "What if?" can stimulate new ideas and unasked questions.

"What if we needed a water source?"

“What if the door was in the form of a tunnel, like an igloo, so that you could feel yourself getting inside?”

"What if my new husband has 13 dogs?"

“What if we lose our jobs and there is no source of income?”

In the beginning there was a plot!

Your site was there first and will be there long after you and your home. Whatever changes occur as a result of your construction, they must be reversible after the house is gone. In the long term, even a house that is a thousand years old is simply renting a plot for a tiny fraction of the life of this place.

Be respectful of the natural system on your site, its inhabitants and processes (see Chapter 9). Consider the creatures and plants that lived there long before you came. It's hard to justify relocating or exterminating them, so respect your site and all those who need it. Even if your site is located in the very heart of the city, there will be life on it.

Thinking about the site should be the first step in creating the design of your home (see chapter 5). Stay where you plan to build, alone, in silence for as long as possible, in all seasons and weather conditions. If possible, live in the area for a full revolution of the Earth around the Sun before you begin to irreversibly change the earth. Carefully observe what the site has to offer you, take an inventory. Monitor your per diem
cycles of human activity and their influence on you. The location of your home will almost certainly change as the site is explored.

Divide your home. with Nature

For real fun and connections, plan to bring real Nature into your home. After all, she will come anyway if the conditions are right. Try calling the plants that come to you wildflowers rather than weeds, and insects spiders, beetles or wasps rather than just bugs. If you can, learn their names, you will do both yourself and them credit. Leave room for them all: cracks in the sidewalk, holes under the eaves, loose stones in the walls. For a more detailed discussion of this issue, see Wildlife in the Home, Appendix 6.

Stick to small sizes!

Build exactly as much as you need, and no more. Almost any option is possible, if you build on a small scale you can afford extravagant materials and very skilled workmanship. Think not about quantity, but about quality. Most people who build with adobe for the first time admit that they started building too big. As a result, where people began to build with excessive ambition, they often end up with impressive ruins, huge foundations, and unfinished masterpieces.

Build no more than you can finish in one construction season; if you want, you can build on it later. If you're not used to hard, everyday physical work, think small. How small? Ten round meters (see picture on the next page) will accommodate a sleeping area, a dressing room, a pantry and a kitchenette with an alcove for meals. The volume should be such that you can normally do all your business, sleeping places, for example, there may be cozy, low cabinets.

Break the construction into stages so that you complete one enclosed space at a time. You could include a collapsible temporary wall (straw bales are ideal for this purpose) or a window that can eventually become a door to another room. Consider an expandable roofing system in advance so that it can be expanded as construction progresses. Or later you can add separate small adobe buildings with covered walkways, winding paths or a courtyard garden. Ensure that stage 1 will be located so that stage 2 will not interfere with solar access, reduce light from windows, or cross a boundary land plot, or so that because of it there is no need to cut down your best trees.

Determine what you need to build first. A rural homeowner on a remote property may first need a sleeping area - just an alcove with a bed and space for clothes. Sometimes the first necessity is to build a kitchen and enough floor space to roll out a mattress on. Add an outdoor composting toilet and you can stop paying rent and move straight into your home.

Refusal from Qualcomm

Last week, investors were not pleased with the news from Qualcomm. The San Diego-based chipmaker said in its first-quarter financial report that a major mobile player Samsung market will not be using their latest Snapdragon 810 mobile app processor on the flagship device. What caused this? Guilty Samsung model,Galaxy S6. Qualcomm shares fell 12 percent at the end of last week, but the company has since recovered about half of that loss.

But Qualcomm probably has more reasons to worry about Samsung than just whether the company will use a Snapdragon processor in its next chip. Analysts suspect that Samsung is interested in using its own Exynos processor, based on an ARM chip, to openly compete with Qualcomm.

The drama for Qualcomm began when rumors began circulating that its Snapdragon 810 processor was overheating, and that Samsung was planning to ditch that chip in favor of the 14nm Exynos 7420 application processor (the company's 20nm Qualcomm 810 design). But according to a Wall Street Journal report, the reason for the Snapdragon move, which has yet to be confirmed, has more to do with Samsung's desire to use its own chips.

Stand out from the crowd

Analysts say using its own chip will allow Samsung to save money and distance itself from others. Android phones high-end class. "This may be one answer to understanding why Samsung didn't think the 810 would give them enough differentiation," said Les Santiago, research director at IDC.

Snapdragon is so dominant in the premium class Android smartphones that some smartphone manufacturers are willing to do anything to be “different”, not like everyone else - especially in the case of Samsung, at a time when the company’s progress is stalling and Apple continues to increase its market share.

"There are very few real differences in the high-end smartphone segment beyond external design and other details," said Charles Golvin, founder and chief analyst of Abelian Research. "Because Qualcomm sells to everyone, it's difficult for the sales organization to offer anything that gives anyone an advantage."

Samsung's vision

To achieve differentiation, Qualcomm and Samsung are both preparing customizable ARM-based chips. Currently, the Snapdragon 810 and Exynos 7420 use ARM's Cortex A57 and A53 cores, which largely offer limited customization options for the chips. The next generation of chips from Qualcomm and Samsung will also be ARM-based, but they will be customized to each company's different specifications. With a "customizable" chip, companies will be able to choose between multiple power and performance options to highlight individual characteristics their devices. These custom chips will be released in late 2015 and 2016.

"There's definitely been a change in the way mobile processors are built," Santiago said. "There has been a shift, led by Apple, towards more customized ARM processors. Smartphone differentiation will be a big theme in 2016."

Apple has been using custom ARM chips for its smartphones since the A6 processor for the iPhone 5 in 2012.

Analysts suspect part of Samsung's move to make its own chips is a determination to prepare the Exynos chip to push it more aggressively into the fast-growing Asian smartphone market. This will help mask some of the slowdown Samsung has experienced as a result of disappointing sales of its Galaxy S5.

"By having a chip with a custom solution, they won't just use it for their own Samsung smartphones; "They will try to establish themselves in the mobile ecosystem as a trading supplier," Santiago said. "They will compete directly with Qualcomm." But there is no guarantee that Samsung will succeed. "They have tried this in the past, but it didn't work out for them." "Santiago said.

Even without Samsung on board, Qualcomm's next mobile chip already seems to be making progress. On Monday, Qualcomm said it has 60 device projects queued and awaiting delivery of the Snapdragon 810 to a series of phone makers that include Xiaomi, LG, HTC and Motorola. They'll just have to pay closer attention to what Samsung is doing.

"The Snapdragon 810 is well on track to progress as expected," Tim McDonough, vice president of product marketing at Qualcomm, said in a phone call. "We've won 60 projects. That's a pretty significant number. We'll be powering most premium Android and Microsoft phones."

Despite this, Samsung will likely continue to depend on Qualcomm. Qualcomm has conquered the mobile world with its exceptional expertise in its proprietary integrated LTE modem technology, and the company has no plans to shut down that production anytime soon.

"If Samsung decided not to use the Snapdragon 810 processor, they would still be inclined to use a modem chip paired with an Exynos processor," Golvin said. "Qualcomm is not losing all of Samsung's business. It will have more of a knock-on effect on the brand's reputation."

Intuition is a rare gift of nature that not everyone can boast of. Without exception, everyone wants to have this quality, this invaluable ability to come to the right conclusion without relying on a complex chain of logical conclusions. Everyone can remember an episode from their life where the only right decision in a difficult situation was made quickly and easily. “Intuition told me,” we say, recalling a pleasant episode. Have you ever wondered what a truly intuitive interface is? What does the manufacturer mean in this phrase, and what relation can the control system have to intuition? technical device?

In the vast majority of cases, when working with the menu of a player, phone or camera, we think. We stop and try to analyze where exactly the function we need at the moment might be hidden. We move from point to point and finally find it, noting to ourselves the degree of logic in the location of the menu we need and trying to remember it for the future. Indeed, an intuitive menu should save us from the process of analysis, search and memorization. An involuntary, thoughtless and natural action should lead to the desired result. What should come first is not the usual technical logic, but motor reflexes and deep associations, the same for everyone. The chain of “thought – movement – ​​result” should not be interrupted, and the course of action should be easy and immediate. The task is not easy. But it was she who stood before the engineers, on whose shoulders fell the development of the Samsung ST550 menu. Using an example of some of the capabilities of this camera, we will see how the task was solved.

Sign language

When using a regular camera, one-handed operation is not possible. Take pictures, yes, but do not make adjustments. An attempt to make the most minimal adjustments to the shooting process categorically disconnects you from the shooting itself for several tens of seconds. And this time is often enough to irrevocably miss the moment. Samsung ST550 solves this seemingly impossible task with amazing ease. To change the mode while shooting, just one gesture is enough. You are photographing a seascape and suddenly you see dolphins splashing five meters away from you. A slight tilt of the camera forward activates the video recording mode, and not a single second of the amazing spectacle is missed. You know firsthand the difficulties of filming in a club or on attractions. Constantly changing lighting, fast moving objects - all this often becomes the cause of a hopelessly ruined photo. Smart mode will help you cope with difficult shooting conditions. Tilt the camera slightly to the right while shooting and the ST550 will select the most optimal settings. All you have to do is seize the moment. In program mode, any settings and options are available. This is a mode for leisurely, thoughtful, perhaps artistic photography. You can switch to program mode in one motion - tilting the camera down.

While viewing photos, the same set of gestures will launch a slide show, protect the photo, or add it to your favorites collection. Want to view the entire photo shoot? A slight tilt is enough, and the pictures will follow each other on the camera display.

The language of touch

How often one touch can say more than any words. This is exactly the case with the ST550. Didn't like the photo? It’s enough just to cross it out, put a cross on it with two light touches, and you won’t remember about it again.

Want to change the position of a photo while viewing? Just slide your finger across the display in the direction you think is necessary.

I want this!

It is with this phrase that any child in the world conveys his desires to omnipotent adults. The index finger must point to the desired object. With age, we do not stop passionately wanting “this, this, and also this...”, we just learn to put our desires into more complex phrases and not point our fingers at the object of desire. The ST550's intuitive focusing system lets you forget about conventions and tell the camera exactly where to focus with straightforward gestures. In order to highlight the main subject, just touch it on the camera display, and it will be in focus.

The instinct of self-preservation

The need to be protected is identified by psychologists as one of the most pressing human needs. What can protect the ST550 from sea sand, drizzling autumn rain and keys in your bag? A branded box (case?) will not only protect the camera, but also give its image an unexpected twist.

Samsung ST550

Samsung ST550 will understand you without words. A simple gesture or touch is enough. Do you want to get it for personal use? Nothing could be simpler. Take part in the Samsung competition and receive one of four prizes – Samsung ST550. Intuitive menu organization, an external display and extensive functionality will help you take great photos and vivid self-portraits. To participate in the competition you need to post your best, brightest or funniest self-portrait. Prize drawings are held every week!

1. What does the Samsung logo mean: In Korean, the word "Samsung" means "3 stars". The name was chosen by Samsung founder Lee Byong Chul, who had his own vision of the future of the company, which became powerful and eternal, like the stars in the sky. 3 stars in various forms remained the company logo until 1993, when a new modern logo appeared, familiar to millions.

2. New management: In June 1993, on his world tour, Samsung Chairman Lee Kun-hee arrived in Frankfurt, Germany. He convened all Samsung executives from all over the world and with whom he discussed the future of Samsung and all the actions that would lead the company to success for three days. Today his phrases, such as: “Change everything except your family,” have become household words. Since then, Samsung has grown rapidly and become a world leader in consumer electronics. In June 2013, by the way, the 20th anniversary of the new leadership will be celebrated.

3. Commitment to quality: In March 1995, company chairman Lee Kun-hee became dissatisfied with the testing and quality of Samsung products. To teach employees an object lesson, he ordered the removal of 150,000 telephones and faxes from the Gumi plant in South Korea. More than 2,000 employees gathered to watch the destruction of this pile of devices. Since that day, employees have focused on creating high-quality, premium products that have become a successful step forward for the entire global industry.

4. Improving your own employees: Samsung's culture is as diverse as the world we live in. The company has grown to 236,000 employees worldwide, all of whom are looking for ways to meet consumer needs. Since 1993, the development and research center has trained 53,400 employees in 64 courses. They also trained 5,045 specialists for regional studies of various aspects of markets in different countries. To gain invaluable experience, Samsung employees spend one year in another country to learn the other country's culture, language and customs in their daily work.

5. Samsung - "introvert": To ensure maximum quality, Samsung produces 90% of its products exclusively within its own factories. The company ensures a very strict quality audit of each component included in the devices.

6. People: The company employs more than 230 thousand employees worldwide, but Samsung is not much different from a simple local company. All branches located in different countries, are in close connection with the center, however, each local representative office conducts its own developments and selects goals for investment. Samsung isn't just expanding, it's providing jobs, attracting new ideas to its business, and sponsoring local events. Cohesion among people leads to new opportunities and creativity, the company believes.

7. Revenue: Samsung was able to generate $188 billion in 2012 alone. By 2020, the company will be able to increase sales to 400 billion in revenue. This goal will be close only with constant attention to the desire of consumers to create new consumer electronics, but even to new areas that are the most knowledge-intensive - medicine, corporate sales.

8. Samsung Brand: In 2012, Samsung was ranked 9th on the Interbrand Best Global Brands list. That is, Samsung was able to immediately rise by 8 positions, if you look at the same rating in 2011. That's a 40% jump in brand equity. The brand itself is made up of many little things: it is the creation of products and services that expand functionality and capabilities for all users. This means that the company has a huge responsibility to its employees, to its own people, to the planet and to the entire society.

9. First in the world: The company's products and services are manufactured in such a way that they are constantly visible. Designers always try to go beyond the boundaries of consciousness and existing technologies to create new ideas and improve products to meet people's needs and improve lifestyles.

The company constantly strives to create new technologies, which has been successfully happening for many years. In 1996, the first commercial CDMA cellular network was launched by Samsung. In 1998, the company invented the first digital television. In 1999, the first watch-phone SPH-WP10 was introduced, as well as the world's first MP3 phone (SCH-M210/SPH-M2500) and the first TV-Phone (SCH-M220).

10. Number 1 in smartphone manufacturing: Samsung's goal is to provide the best possible experience for every consumer, which is why everyone at Samsung is constantly working to provide the most intuitive technology along with the best innovation and unique design. Samsung has already sold more than 100 million smartphones Galaxy lines S all over the world and this is an excellent indicator of success. Sales continue to grow: 24.6 million originals were sold in January 2013 Galaxy smartphones S, Galaxy S2 and Galaxy S3 - each model has already sold more than 40 million units. We don't even mention the records of the new Galaxy S4.

Well, we have so far presented the first ten facts about Samsung, but we are absolutely sure that you will also like the second part.