Taganrog State Radio Engineering University. SFU Taganrog. Faculties TTI Yufu address

14.02.2022 Symptoms

About the university

The Technological Institute of the Southern Federal University in Taganrog (TTI SFU) is one of the leading technical higher educational institutions in Russia. The university traces its history back to the formation in 1952 of the Radio Engineering Institute (TRTI) in Taganrog, an industrial and port city in southern Russia.

The city of Taganrog was founded by Peter I in 1698 on the shore Sea of ​​Azov near the mouth of the Don River. The city is home to the largest boiler plant in Europe and a large metallurgical plant, two aircraft manufacturing companies, the second largest combine plant in Russia, and a number of enterprises producing radio-electronic equipment. Taganrog is the birthplace of the wonderful Russian writer Anton Chekhov. Numerous museums, historical monuments, parks, gardens and beaches, fresh air and sun create favorable conditions for work and leisure. The population of Taganrog currently amounts to more than 300 thousand people.

The Institute's organizational structure represents an educational, research and production complex, which includes: 6 faculties of full-time education, a faculty of full-time forms of education, a faculty of advanced training, a municipal general education lyceum, a pre-university training center, an intersectoral regional center for advanced training and retraining of personnel (MRCPK), 36 departments, scientific and technical library, retraining center "Vybor", research units: Research Institute of Multiprocessor Computing Systems, OKB "Mius", OKB "Rhythm", NKB Computer Systems, Scientific and Technical Center "Intech" publishing house, printing house and other structures providing activities of the Institute.

In accordance with the license, the educational process includes pre-university training, preparation of bachelors, certified specialists, masters, postgraduate and additional professional education.

Currently, more than 10,773 students are studying at eight faculties of the Institute, including about 6,500 full-time students. During the period from 1997 to 2002, 3,318 specialists were trained.

More than 200 graduate students are studying in the graduate school. In 2002, 217 graduate students and 11 doctoral students were trained at the TTI SFU graduate school.

Additional professional education (including second higher education) is carried out in the Intersectoral Regional Center for Advanced Training and Retraining of Personnel (MRCPK), created in 1994. The center is a structural subdivision of TTI SFU. During the period of activity, more than 6,500 people were trained at the MRCPK, of which 1,120 were managers and specialists; 1920 mid-level specialists; more than 1,800 people received a second profession. In 2002, the number of those trained was about 451 people.
Teaching staff

The Institute has a highly qualified teaching staff of 632 people, of which 565 people work full time. The number of teachers with academic degrees and titles is more than 471 people (74.5%), of which more than 86 people are doctors, professors and 385 are candidates of sciences, associate professors. Among the teachers: 1 academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 56 full members and corresponding members of public academies, about 40 honored workers of science and technology Russian Federation, honored and honorable workers of higher professional education.

Six faculties out of eight and 32 departments out of 36 are headed by doctors of science and professors. Over five years, employees defended 21 doctoral and 66 candidate dissertations.

The Institute’s personnel potential is capable of efficiently carrying out all licensed types of educational activities.
Scientific and international activities

Research activities at the Institute are carried out in accordance with five-year (perspective) and annual (current) plans.

Scientific research is carried out in 53 departments: 35 departments, a research institute (SRI) of multiprocessor computing systems, a special design bureau (OKB) "Mius", a special design bureau of OKB "Rhythm", a research and design bureau of computer systems, etc. Scientific the work is performed by: 58 doctors, professors; 342 candidates of sciences, associate professors; 245 graduate students and 960 undergraduates. Their activities are coordinated by the scientific part of the Institute.

Research is carried out in accordance with international, federal and regional scientific and technical programs, orders of ministries, departments and enterprises.

The topics of research work fully correspond to the profile of training bachelors, specialists and masters. The implementation of projects and works developed at the Institute made it possible to find solutions to many scientific and technical problems in the field of radio electronics, telecommunications, instrument engineering, computer technology, etc.

Research results for 1998-2002. reflected in 193 monographs, 17 textbooks and textbooks stamped by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and other federal bodies, 2532 scientific articles, 21 collections of scientific articles, 98 copyright certificates and patents, 14 doctoral and 56 candidate dissertations, in materials held at the Institute of 15 All-Russian with international participation, regional and university conferences.

With the participation of leading scientists of the Institute, international projects are being implemented on the development of radio and telecommunication communication channels, control models, neuron-like computer systems, microelectronics technologies and large integrated circuits, etc.

Scientists of the Institute conduct joint work with Institutes and companies from the USA, Germany, China, Hungary, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries, and also give lectures at leading Institutes of the USA, England and Germany. Every year, about 20 graduate and undergraduate students of the Institute undergo internships abroad. Personnel training is underway for countries near and far abroad. The exchange of scientific information is practiced.

TTI SFU is a member of IAU/UNESCO - the International Association of Institutes under UNESCO (http://www.unesco.org/iau), a member of the “Russian Association of Engineering Education” (RAEE), a member of BSUN - “Network of Institutes of the Black Sea Basin Countries” (http ://www.univ-ovidius.ro/BSUN) and a member of UICEE - “Unesco International Center for Engineering Education” (http://www.eng.monash.edu.au/uicee).
Material and technical base

The educational process is carried out in eight educational buildings of the Institute with a total area of ​​more than 108,000 sq.m., which have 23 lecture rooms with a capacity of 50 to 250 people, 68 classrooms for group classes, 45 classrooms for subgroup classes and 54 specialized laboratories with the necessary equipment . The Institute has the necessary amount of laboratory equipment and a fleet of personal computers to support the educational process. The total number of units of computer equipment is 1230. The number of terminals from which access to the INTERNET network is available is 692. The classroom fund allows the educational process to be carried out in two shifts.

Training practices are carried out in computing and educational research laboratories of departments and faculties, as well as in departments of the Research Institute and Design Bureau of the Institute.

The institute has a modern printing house, a sports complex, six dormitories, a student catering facility and four recreation centers.
Quality of training of bachelors and specialists

The assessment of the quality of training of bachelors and specialists is carried out on the basis of an analysis of the level of requirements during the competitive selection of applicants, the degree to which students have mastered the program material, an analysis of the results of final qualifying works and projects, as well as based on reviews from organizations where university graduates work.

Entrance exams to TTI SFU in their requirements and content correspond to the basic school programs Russian Federation.

Interviews, tests and exams are used as entrance tests.

Indicators of the quality of training of bachelors and specialists at the Institute in 2000 are characterized by the following data:

* in the cycle of general humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines, the percentage of excellent and good grades is 72%;
* in the cycle of mathematical and natural science disciplines, the percentage of excellent and good grades is 57%;
* in the cycle of general professional disciplines, the percentage of excellent and good grades is 71%;
* in the cycle of special disciplines, the percentage of excellent and good grades is 72%.

The annual final tests have high rates, in particular in the 2001/2002 academic year, 97% of graduates defended their work for the qualifying degree “Bachelor” with “good” and “excellent”. Diplomas with honors amounted to 35%. For diploma projects for the qualification “certified specialist” this figure was 84%.

In general, the quality of training of bachelors and specialists at the Institute is assessed as meeting the modern level of requirements and exceeding the average level of indicators for technical universities.

Today, Taganrog Radio Engineering University is one of the prestigious universities not only in Russia and its south, but also in the world. But calling it a university is incorrect, since the correct name of the institution is the Engineering and Technology Academy of the Southern Federal University (abbreviated as ITA SFU). Over the past decade, several transformations have taken place, and today graduates receive prestigious diplomas from SFU.

History of the university in the twentieth century

The year of foundation is considered to be 1952. By decree of I.V. Stalin in 1951, construction of a university began in the south of the USSR. Until 1974, it was called the Taganrog Radio Engineering Institute. In 1974, it was named after V.D. Kalmykov (Minister of Radio Industry of the USSR, prominent political and scientific figure, native of Rostov-on-Don). But already in the early 90s, with a change political system country and educational system, the institute ceased to exist.

Since 1993, this educational institution began to be called Taganrog State Radio Engineering University named after V. And it bore this name until 2006. During all this time, many specialists in various fields emerged from the walls of the institute (and subsequently the university). These are electricians, roboticists, acousticians, as well as psychologists, security specialists environment, programmers and many others. There are 8 faculties in total, including the Pre-University Training Center, where high school graduates undergo training in special programs.

21st century: massive changes

If at the very beginning of the 2000s it was the Taganrog State Radio Engineering University (feedback from graduates can be heard even on social networks), then in 2006 a full-scale reform began. The result is that the educational institution is included and “downgraded” to the rank of institute. During the period 2007-2012. it is called the Taganrog Technological Institute of the Southern Federal University.

But this only helped improve the situation - in post-perestroika times, funding was scarce, so new equipment was purchased in scanty quantities. But in the 21st century, the situation has changed dramatically: again the country needs competent specialists, and as a result, students learn their trade using the latest equipment. The most modern measuring instruments, computers, in the entire educational institution there is hardly a classroom left without multimedia equipment.


During the period 2012-2013. another transformation took place, the educational institution was called the Taganrog campus of SFU. The name is quite controversial, as many students and teachers associated the name "campus" with a network of dormitories. In fact, this is not entirely true, because the campus includes libraries, research centers, and sports grounds, which are separate from the city and located on the same territory. But the Taganrog Radio Engineering University has a slightly different structure.

It cannot be called a campus, since it is not isolated from the city - it is located within its boundaries, and residential buildings of ordinary residents are located next to the buildings. Probably for this reason the name did not stick: from 2013 to this day the university has been called the Engineering and Technology Academy of Southern Federal University. Each academic building houses one or two institutes. In fact, what used to be a faculty is today an institute, a division of the academy.

Admissions and training

Here is a brief summary of what Taganrog Radio Engineering University experienced. The admissions committee of this university is located at the address: Taganrog, st. Chekhova, 22 (building “A”). Throughout school year The establishment hosts open days. Future applicants can come and see with their own eyes what this or that institute offers them. Usually open days are held in the hall of building “D”, located on the lane. Nekrasovsky.

But after passing the Unified State Exam A high school graduate can contact the admissions office. By providing a copy (or original) of the exam certificate, as well as writing a statement, you can expect the results to be announced. If you have a high enough score, then there is nothing to be afraid of: you will definitely enter the Taganrog Radio Engineering University, and you will study absolutely free. There is also a contract form (you pay every semester during your studies) and a target form (you are paid by the company where you are required to work for some time after graduating from university).

What specialties are popular?

But I would also like to know what Taganrog Radio Engineering University has to offer. What specialties will be relevant in the near future and in demand in the future? It’s trite, but nanotechnology is perhaps one of the most modern areas. You can find several specialties in this area at the Institute of Nanotechnologies, Electronics and Instrument Engineering, which is part of the ITA SFU.

Another “fashionable” direction is robotics. Of course, this area is still in its infancy, but it is quite possible that modern students will make significant breakthroughs in creating robots in a few years. And how can Radio Engineering Taganrog University exist without specialties in the following areas:

  • electrical engineering;
  • radio receiving and transmitting devices;
  • electrical equipment of automobiles;
  • electrical equipment of enterprises.

And these are not all specialties, more detailed information can be found directly at the academy.


Main areas of undergraduate study(duration of study 4 years):

521500 - Management;
521600 - Economics;
550400 - Telecommunications;
550700 - Electronics and microelectronics;
551000 - Aviation and rocketry;
551300 - Electrical engineering, electromechanics and electrical technology;
552500 - Radio engineering;
552800 - Informatics and computer technology;

In the specialty \"Informatics and Computer Science\" training can be carried out either in Russian or in English language. For other specialties, training is provided only in Russian.

Main areas of study in the master's program(duration of study 2 years after receiving a Bachelor's degree):
521500 - Management;
550200 - Automation and control;
50700 - Electronics and microelectronics;
551500 - Instrumentation;
552500 - Radio engineering;
552800 - Informatics and computer technology.

In all of the above specialties, training can be provided either in Russian or in English. For other specialties, training is provided only in Russian.

Main specialties for which certified specialists are trained (duration of study 1 year after receiving a Bachelor's degree):
651900 - Automation and control in specialty 210100 - Management and computer science in technical systems;
652100 - Aircraft engineering, specialty 130100 - Aircraft and helicopter engineering;
653700 - Instrumentation by specialty:
190100 - Instrumentation,
190200 - Instruments and methods for quality control and diagnostics,
190300 - Aviation instruments and measuring and computing systems,
190400 - Acoustic devices and systems,
190900 - Information and measuring equipment and technologies;
653900 - Biomedical technology by specialty:
190500 - Biotechnical and medical devices and systems,
190600 - Engineering in biomedical practice;
654000 - Optotechnics, specialty 072300 - Laser technology and laser technologies;
654100 - Electronics and microelectronics by specialty:
071400 - Physical electronics,
200100 - Microelectronics and solid-state electronics,
200300 - Electronic instruments and devices,
200400 - Industrial electronics,
201900 - Microsystem technology;
654200 - Radio engineering by specialty:
071500 - Radiophysics and electronics,
200700 - Radio engineering,
201400 - Audiovisual equipment,
201500 - Household radio-electronic equipment,
201600 - Radio-electronic systems,
201700 - Electronic warfare equipment;
654400 - Telecommunications by specialty:
201100 - Radio communications, radio broadcasting and television,
201200 - Means of communication with moving objects,
201800 - Secure communication systems;
654800 - Electrical engineering, electromechanics and electrical technology in the following specialties:
180800 - Electrical equipment for cars and tractors,
181100 - Electrical equipment of aircraft,
181300 - Electrical equipment and electrical facilities of enterprises, organizations and institutions;
654600 - Informatics and computer technology in the following specialties:
220100 - Computers, complexes, systems and networks,
220200 - Automated information processing and control systems,
220300 - Computer-aided design systems,
220400 - Software computer technology and automated systems;
061100 Organizational management,
061500 Marketing.

Main areas of postgraduate study(duration of study 3 years after receiving a specialist diploma or master's degree):
01.04.03 Radiophysics,
04/01/06 Acoustics,
02/05/08 Mechanical engineering technology,
05.07.02 Design, construction and production of aircraft,
05.11.06 Acoustic devices and systems,
05.11.17 Devices, systems and medical products,

05.13.01 System analysis, management and information processing (by industry),
05.13.12 Design automation systems (by industry),

05.27.01 Solid-state electronics, radio-electronic components, micro- and nanoelectronics, devices based on quantum effects,
05.27.06 Technology and equipment for the production of semiconductors, materials and electronic devices.
08.00.05 Economics and management of the national economy: theory of management of economic systems; macroeconomics; economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes; control
innovation; regional economy; logistics; labor economics; population economics and demography; environmental economics; land management, etc.
09.00.11 Social philosophy,
13.00.01 General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education,
3.00.02 Theory and methodology of training and education (by areas and levels of education),
19.00.03 Labor psychology, engineering psychology, ergonomics,
19.00.07 Pedagogical psychology.

Main areas of doctoral studies(duration of study 3 years after receiving a PhD degree).
05.12.04 Radio engineering, including systems and devices for radio navigation, radar and television,
05.12.07 Antennas, microwave devices and their technologies,
05.12.13 Systems, networks and telecommunications devices,
05.13.01 System analysis, management and information processing,
05.13.05 Elements and devices of computer technology and control systems,
05.13.12 Design automation systems,
05.13.15 Computer machines and systems,
05.13.17 Theoretical foundations of computer science,
05.13.18 Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and software packages,
05.27.01 Solid-state electronics, radio-electronic components, micro- and nanoelectronics, devices based on quantum effects.