What is loyalty to duty? Being faithful does not only mean avoiding betrayal. Chances of salvation

17.11.2021 Thrombosis

Loyalty is a moral and ethical concept, constancy in relationships and feelings, in the performance of duty, responsibilities, perseverance and honesty. To be true to your convictions and principles means to have a firm position.

Love is above all

That is why people are required to have a clear understanding of their positions and firm conviction in the chosen course. should become the basis of behavior and life priorities for everyone. And the task of adults is to instill in the growing individual responsibility for their actions and words, to lay down the correct concepts of morality.

Integrity and unprincipledness

People often make mistakes, that's nature. The world around us is changing, human views are changing. In childhood and adolescence, a person is dominated by a strict polarity of opinions. Good or bad, love or hate, right or criminal - these and only such are the distinctions in concepts. The absence of transitions and shades in relationships at this age is a common phenomenon.

Over time, people become wiser. The most subtle nuances of psychology are revealed to them. It turns out that the drunkard and rowdy neighbor heroically defended his children in the past, which is why he committed manslaughter and was convicted. In prison he changed, the loss of his family left an imprint on his character. So is it necessary to despise him with the same firmness for his current condition? Or should you change your attitude towards a person?

Sometimes principles need to be adjusted. Especially when they concern people nearby. Therefore, you don’t always need to put your integrity above humanity. And changing such attitudes is not at all considered a manifestation of unscrupulousness. It is rather life wisdom.

  • Loyalty is a moral and ethical concept, according to Ozhegov’s dictionary: steadfastness and constancy in feelings, relationships, in the performance of one’s duties and duty. Violation of fidelity is treason. Webster's Dictionary also defines faithfulness as "full of faith."

    "Loyalty is devotion to someone or something; it is constancy in one's promises, words, relationships, in the performance of one's duties, duty. Loyalty is based on responsibility, perseverance, honesty, courage, sacrifice. Similar qualities: dedication, constancy, firmness, steadfastness. Opposites: treachery, betrayal, infidelity, betrayal, deceit." [unauthorized source?].

    In ancient Greek, there are two words that denote the concept of fidelity: “alithia” (reliability, firmness, constancy, immutability, truth, justice, sincerity) and “pistos” (faithful, true, reliable, believing, nourishing confidence).

    During the period of feudalism, the main virtue of a vassal was considered loyalty to his lord. In feudal Japan, samurai's loyalty to their overlord was the most important commandment Bushido Code: “Wherever I am, in the mountains or underground, at any time and everywhere, my duty obliges me to protect the interests of my lord. This is the duty of every subject. This is the backbone of our religion, unchanging and eternal.” The Japanese folk tale "Ako's Revenge" tells how 47 samurai avenged the death of their master at the cost of their own lives.

    The main virtue of a servant was also considered loyalty to his master.

    Subjects were required to be loyal to their sovereign. When a sovereign ascended the throne, his subjects often took an oath of allegiance to him.

    Loyalty to a friend is valued in friendship.

    Marital fidelity means preventing adultery, and in a broader sense, caring for your spouse, subordinating your behavior to his (her) interests.

    Loyalty can be shown not only by people, but also by animals. There are many stories about dogs' loyalty to their owners (see, for example, the article Monument of Devotion).

    Loyalty can be expressed not only in relation to a person, but also in relation to someone's political, religious or ethical beliefs. Such fidelity is described by the famous words attributed to Martin Luther: “On this I stand and cannot do otherwise!” Associated with such loyalty is loyalty to a political party or other similar organization. Lenin called the main quality of a security officer loyalty.

    They also talk about military personnel’s loyalty to military duty and loyalty to the Motherland. This means subordinating a person's behavior to the interests of his state.

    They also talk about the state’s loyalty to its allies, which means the implementation of interstate treaties.

The very concept of loyalty is very flexible. You can be faithful to the word you gave to a person, to the deed you promised to fulfill, or to your beloved girl. If a person breaks a promise, then this person can no longer be trusted, he is what is called unreliable. We offer you a selection of more than 200 beautiful phrases and aphorisms about fidelity.

205 short phrases and quotes about fidelity

  1. The bank called “loyalty” is a very serious bank. All you have to do is make one deposit on the side and that’s it - your account is closed. (Voltaire)
  2. Be faithful in friendship and faithful in love: you don’t have to keep the rest of the commandments. (V.V. Rozanov)
  3. Be true to yourself and you will be untrue to others. (Francis Bacon)
  4. Be faithful to those who are faithful to you. (Plautus Maccius)
  5. Sometimes loyalty becomes insolence... (Jodha and Akbar)
  6. Being faithful should not be a sacrifice, but should be an inner need. (Vladimir Vysotsky)
  7. To be faithful is to act as if time does not exist. (Max Fry)
  8. In fidelity there is a little laziness, a little fear, a little calculation, a little fatigue, a little passivity, and sometimes even a little fidelity. (Etienne Rey)
  9. In a happy marriage, fidelity is not a fetter, but a bond. (Louise Rinser)
  10. In this world I value only loyalty. Without this, you are nothing and you have no one. In life, this is the only currency that will never depreciate. (Mark Levy)
  11. After all, you can be faithful to duty and still be lazy. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)
  12. Faith sanctifies the world. Loyalty attaches to him. (Pierre Teilhard de Chardin)
  13. A loyal girl is not the one whose every move you follow and call every few minutes to check on her. A faithful one is the one to whom you give complete freedom of action, and she remains with you... (Bernard Shaw)
  14. A faithful wife becomes the best friend for her husband, if this is not the case, then there is no prosperity in the house, poverty. (Simon Sinek)
  15. True love helps you endure all hardships. (Johann Schiller)
  16. Loyalty is in the nature of women. She is supposed to love one and only one, blindly, tenderly and forever. (Anne Bronte)
  17. Loyalty is the only gift worth giving at a wedding. (Gloria Mu)
  18. Loyalty is the first of all virtues; fidelity gives unity to our life, otherwise it would fall apart into a thousand minute impressions, like a thousand shards. (Milan Kundera)
  19. Loyalty is the interval between two betrayals. (Oksana Nerobkaya)
  20. Loyalty is the most terrible revenge of a woman on a man. (Jacques Bossuet)
  21. Loyalty is the punishment for love. (Eva Radomska)
  22. Loyalty is such a rarity and such a value. It is not an innate feeling: to be faithful. This is the solution. (Mark Twain)
  23. Loyalty is a quality that people have lost, but dogs have retained. (A.P. Chekhov)
  24. Loyalty is the elimination of competition. (Helmar Nahr)
  25. Loyalty is only necessary in cases where you lack love. If your love is strong enough, the question of fidelity simply does not arise. (Gregory Roberts)
  26. Loyalty in love requires abstinence, but only with its help can one learn the innermost charm of love. (Rabindranath Tagore)
  27. Loyalty in love, I think, is possible, although it is not easy, but jealousy is a feeling that has always plunged me into panic. (Françoise Sagan)
  28. Loyalty, unlike courage or kindness, has nothing to do with moral choice. This is something like a wart or a hump - an initial given. (Nick Hornby)
  29. Lifelong fidelity is an ideal that is unattainable in our time. (Anna Gotslowski)
  30. Loyalty is like a wife. You always need to know who it belongs to. (Scott Becker)
  31. Loyalty for a man is like a cage for a tiger. She is contrary to his nature. (Bernard Show)
  32. Loyalty must be mutual, otherwise one becomes either a puppet or a puppeteer. (Beth Hilgartner)
  33. A friend’s loyalty is needed even in happiness, but in trouble it is absolutely necessary. Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger)
  34. Loyalty to another is too expensive a price, requiring compensation in the form of equal excitement: a person, having received the right to exclusive preference, takes on the overwhelming burden of replacing with himself all the men, all the women whom his very presence eliminates. (Pascal Bruckner)
  35. He remained faithful to his wife, but used it extremely rarely. (G.E. Malkin)
  36. A woman's loyalty is tested when her man has nothing. A man's loyalty is tested when he has everything! (Oleg Roy)
  37. Loyalty and a woman are incompatible things. (Valmont)
  38. Loyalty and submission are beautiful when we submit to wisdom and justice. (Elizabeth Gaskell)
  39. Loyalty and devotion - unfortunately, animals know much more about this than people. (Oleg Roy)
  40. Loyalty is like good French cognac, it only becomes more valuable over the years. (Mikhail Litvak)
  41. Loyalty must be valued. (Elchin Safarli)
  42. Loyalty is not divided in two. (Boris Akunin)
  43. Loyalty has nothing to do with our will. Young people want to be faithful - and they are not, old people want to be unfaithful - and cannot. (Oscar Wilde)
  44. Loyalty to the unfaithful is meaningless: the night cuckoo will cuckoo the day. But which of the night ones will prevail is another question. (Elena Ermolova)
  45. Loyalty must be given before it is demanded. (Oswald Cobbilpot)
  46. A dog's loyalty is directly proportional to the quality of the food and the length of the leash. (J. Zbigniew Slojewski)
  47. Loyalty to conscience is the best of true feelings. (L.S. Sukhorukov)
  48. Loyalty is much easier to maintain than to prove! (Dominique Renier)
  49. The loyalty of a coward or a fool is not a support for the master. (Vishakhadatta)
  50. Their loyalty wasn’t even swan-like—it was wolfish. He, like a wolf, allowed his she-wolf to bite him, could occasionally growl himself, show his teeth, but for her he was ready to rush at anyone. (Sergey Markov)
  51. Loyalty deserves something, everyone agreed on this: kindness, at least, and, naturally, attention; but above all - the right to common grief. (Alice Hoffman)
  52. Loyalty is not a feeling... it's a decision... (Kanda Yuu)
  53. Loyalty! It contains the greed of the owner. We would willingly give up many things if it were not for the fear that someone else would pick it up. (Oscar Wilde)
  54. Loyalty! She is the source of the owner's greed. We would leave a lot if we overcame the fear of the possibility that someone else would take it. (Oleg Roy)
  55. Loyalty, she said, is precisely the quality that people who have gone through everything that has befallen them learn to value. Blind devotion that lasts a lifetime is sometimes rewarded. (Agatha Christie)
  56. Loyalty, unlike treason, is unprovable. (Max Fry)
  57. Loyalty, which can be maintained only at the cost of great effort, is no better than betrayal. (Francois De La Rochefoucauld)
  58. Loyalty, designed to fulfill your own, selfish desires, is just a desire. A desire does not turn into reality just because you want it. (Terry Goodkind)
  59. Faithful wives console themselves in their fidelity, constantly repeating to themselves: “As soon as I want...” (Jean Rostand)
  60. Consider as faithful not those who speak according to your word, but those who oppose what you say incorrectly. (Isocrates)
  61. Treachery overshadowed every house, there was no longer any loyalty left in anyone. (Hafiz Khorezmi)
  62. There is no competition within me. I wouldn't say I'm loyal to anyone or anything. I'm true to myself. (Johnny Depp)
  63. Now, if in “society” I had found half the loyalty that this poor dog has, I probably would not have been separated from “society”, even for a year... (Edgar Allan)
  64. All faithful women are the same. They think only about their fidelity and never about their husbands. (Jean Giraudoux)
  65. Everyone talks so long and a lot about being faithful to someone in bed... for a year or an hour - what's the difference? For what? Stay true to your heart! (Yulia Rudenko)
  66. You are an amazing woman, you betray the living and remain faithful to the shadow. ("Angelique and the King")
  67. Where there is no fidelity, there is no love. (Mikhail Litvak)
  68. Yes, of course, a dog is a model of fidelity. But why should she serve as an example for us? After all, she is loyal to humans, and not to other dogs. (Karl Kraus)
  69. Giving chances to a person who betrayed you is probably the same as giving a second bullet to someone who didn’t hit you the first time. (Erich Remarque)
  70. Even a prostitute swears that she is faithful to her husband. (Georgy Alexandrov)
  71. Even the most faithful and loving person will get tired of waiting if she constantly feels coldness and indifference towards her. (Romain Ethan)
  72. For every faithful woman, marriage is a kind of crusade according to her desires. (Rinat Valiullin)
  73. Trust is a sign of courage, and loyalty is a sign of strength. (Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach)
  74. Friendship is loyalty to the end. (m/f “The Lion King”)
  75. The soul, not the body, is faithful! (John Galsworthy)
  76. His loyalty is like the style of his hats: it changes with each new blank. (William Shakespeare)
  77. If loyalty to someone gives you pleasure, it is love. (Julia Andrews)
  78. If you remain faithful for a long time, it will simply expire. (Yana Dzhangirova)
  79. If a man cannot be faithful to one woman, he is at least true to himself. (Vivien Leigh)
  80. If there is no time, or place, or suitable lover, only then do women remain faithful to their husbands. (Hitopadesha)
  81. If there is no secluded place, no convenient time, no suitable lover, only then does a woman remain faithful to her husband. (Indian saying)
  82. There are things that are worth being faithful to. For example, coffee. (John Galsworthy)
  83. There is a high pleasure in fidelity. Maybe the highest. And even if they don’t know about your loyalty. And even if they don’t appreciate it. But let her move something! (Alexander Solzhenitsyn)
  84. There are feelings that can only be tested by time. And among them is fidelity to love. (Anne and Serge Golon)
  85. A woman is faithful until she confesses! (Yuri Polyakov)
  86. A woman remains faithful to her first lover for a long time, unless she takes a second one. (Francois de La Rochefoucauld)
  87. A woman loves and remains faithful to the man who was able to conquer not only her body, but also her soul... (Catherine the Great)
  88. A woman can be completely sincerely faithful to three men at the same time. (Mikhail Litvak)
  89. A woman remains faithful in two cases: when she believes that her man is not like anyone else, or when she believes that all men are the same. (Konstantin Melikhan)
  90. Wives don't expect fidelity, but they don't like having infidelity shoved in their faces. (Kennedy clan)
  91. I will stab myself with a blade or jump from a window, but I will remain faithful to you, as I have always been faithful. (Shota Rustaveli)
  92. Do you know what loyalty is? This is the ability to prohibit yourself. (Victoria Tokareva)
  93. Know that the real fool is the one who expects eternity from the world, and, undoubtedly, the fool who expects loyalty from his neighbors. (Alisher Navoi)
  94. And it was not clear to anyone that she was the only one who was faithful to him! (Eduard Asadov)
  95. And in love, fidelity is entirely a matter of physiology; it does not depend at all on our will. Young people want to be faithful - and they are not, old people would like to cheat, but where can they be! (Oscar Wilde)
  96. Of everyone I know, only my dad is different. He is faithful to something that is in him, not to things. (Simone de Beauvoir)
  97. Cheating with your eyes is the most pleasant way to remain faithful. (Frederick Beigbeder)
  98. No matter how people swear allegiance, no one knows about loyalty except a dog. (Mikhail Litvak)
  99. Paradoxically, novelty only comes from being faithful to one woman. (Frederick Beigbeder)
  100. Just as you are faithful to him, so he will be faithful to you and will not change you completely. (Charles Baudelaire)
  101. What love, what loyalty, what devotion can compare with the love, devotion and loyalty of well-paid nurses? (William Thackeray)
  102. What weapons does she have? Only her loyalty. (Milan Kundera)
  103. Pictures are like women: if they are true, they are ugly, and if they are beautiful, they are not true. (Moritz Gottlieb Safir)
  104. An oath of eternal fidelity is the most frivolous and absurd oath, which even the most chaste man, even before the most beautiful of women, should never utter. (Giacomo Casanova)
  105. When a woman knows that she is everything in the world for a lover, that he is lonely, without a family, that he has nothing in his heart but love for her, and he belongs entirely to her, this is a great happiness that encourages fidelity. (Honore de Balzac)
  106. When you love, you don’t want to drink any other water than the one you find in your favorite source. Loyalty in this case is a natural thing. In a loveless marriage, after less than two months, the water of the source becomes bitter. (Frederick Stendhal)
  107. He who has never sworn allegiance will never break it. (August von Platen)
  108. He who loves for high moral virtues remains faithful all his life, because he becomes attached to something permanent. (Plato)
  109. Anyone who doesn't like dogs doesn't like loyalty. (Heinrich Mann)
  110. Those who could not unite valor, intelligence and loyalty in their hearts are the concubines of kings, and not true servants! (Vishakhadatta)
  111. Personal fidelity is creative fidelity. (Emmanuel Mounier)
  112. It is better to be unfaithful than to be faithful without the desire to be. (Brigitte Bardot)
  113. Loyalty without words is better than betrayal with an oath... (Olga Sokolova)
  114. It is better to remain faithful to old friends than to make new acquaintances. (Hong Zichen)
  115. The best way to test a man’s fidelity is to ask his sleeping husband a question in the morning: “Will you go to yours or stay with me?” (Russian joke)
  116. Love the one who is with you, because know that the one who is far away is probably not faithful to you. (Henry Haggard)
  117. Love is eternity, which replaces a curbstone for poodles. (Louis-Ferdinand Celine)
  118. Love includes fidelity. A person makes promises and keeps them. A person can sometimes be selfish, reckless, irritable. He may be sloppy or wasteful. But he must not lie, neither in words nor in deeds. (Ann Perry)
  119. Love makes a woman weak. Wise women are those who pass off weakness as loyalty... (Elchin Safarli)
  120. Love or respect for truth leads to fidelity. (Gabriel Honoré Marcel)
  121. Any relationship is based primarily on loyalty. Loyalty becomes the guarantor of a strong union. When a man does not trust a woman, not finding fidelity in her, he will not build a proper, long-term relationship with her. (Maria Sveshnikova)
  122. Loving you, I endure all reproaches and it is not in vain that I vow eternal fidelity. If I live forever, I am ready to humbly endure heavy and cruel oppression until the day of Judgment. (Omar Khayyam)
  123. A loving girl wishes that the selfless fidelity of her love could be tested by the infidelity of her lover. (Friedrech Nietzsche)
  124. It only took Michael a couple of seconds to realize that he had passed the test of loyalty. After all, he remained faithful to the most important thing in the Universe - love for his friends. (Dmitry Blake)
  125. Mom, do you know what a plus a dog has that crosses out all other disadvantages? A dog doesn’t first swear his eternal love to you and then jump on other people’s beds. (TV series "Brigade")
  126. The measure of loyalty is action, not time. (Mikhail Weller)
  127. I'm scared to live in a world where loyalty is considered a flaw. (Oleg Roy)
  128. There can be loyalty only to a person, and not to an idea or ideal. (Gabriel Honoré Marcel)
  129. You can be very faithful and not love. Sometimes fidelity can even turn out to be revenge, retribution for love. (Alberto Moravia)
  130. You can be faithful in your heart, but not in everything else. (Alberto Moravia)
  131. My whims are your problems. My loyalty is your pride. My integrity is your authority! (Marina Bykova)
  132. A man's fidelity changes as easily and often as a woman's gloves. (Bernard Show)
  133. A man who is completely incapable of being faithful is at least true to himself. (Vivien Leigh)
  134. Men conquer with fidelity, and women with tenderness. (V.P. Rychkov)
  135. We are faithful as long as we love! (Leopold Sacher)
  136. Rely on the loyalty of your dog at all times, and on the loyalty of your wife only until the first occasion. (Pythagoras)
  137. Loyalty comes first. (Max Fry)
  138. We must remain faithful, carrying love to the grave, We must part on time, if we cannot be faithful!.. (V. M. Tushnova)
  139. True fidelity does not lie in the absence of betrayal as such, but in not giving up on your loved one to the end, even when he is drowning in the swamp of life. (Erich Remarque)
  140. I don't think there is a single man in the world who is faithful to his wife. (John Kennedy)
  141. Don’t dare say the word “love” after cheating. People who love cannot betray. (Giordano Bruno)
  142. You shouldn’t expect unconditional loyalty from a beautiful young woman when you yourself have left and slammed the door. (Albert Camus)
  143. Happy is not the one who has plenty of good, but the one whose wife is faithful. (film “Brother”)
  144. Do not demand fidelity from a woman if you yourself have ceased to value her as a woman! (A.P. Platonov)
  145. No wonder women’s fidelity was given such great importance! Public good, public evil are associated with their behavior. Heaven or hell in a family is caused solely by the rumor that goes around about women, and the rumor depends only on them. (Pierre Augustin Beaumarchais)
  146. You can’t be faithful just a few percent, only one hundred percent. (Robert Pattison)
  147. You cannot rely on female fidelity; Happy is he who looks at it indifferently. (A.S. Pushkin)
  148. There are no faithful or unfaithful men. There are caught and not caught. (Erich Remarque)
  149. There is no such thing as friendship or loyalty - every man for himself! (Jordan Belfort)
  150. Commitment and loyalty are not relics of the past, but eternal values ​​that elevate us above creatures who produce offspring thoughtlessly and without feeling. (Alice Hoffman)
  151. Trust shown usually results in reciprocal loyalty. (Livia Titus)
  152. He was a faithful standard-bearer. He clutched the shaft in his hands, without being distracted by anything, not even the change of colors on the cloth. (Stanislav Jerzy Lec)
  153. He is a very loyal person, he does not forget people just because they are old, sick and cannot give him anything. (Charlotte Link)
  154. She demands loyalty. This is her little weakness. (Alexander Vampilov)
  155. They taught me the value of loyalty... And never forget about those you love. (film “Hachiko”)
  156. Having ceased to love, we rejoice when they cheat on us, thereby freeing us from the need to remain faithful. (Francois de La Rochefoucauld)
  157. What makes us suspect women of infidelity is not their infidelities, but our own. (Stanislav Vapnyak)
  158. Perhaps, at the very beginning of any relationship there is always a moment when a person decides for himself whether to fall in love or not. Sometimes he makes such a decision even before meeting a potential object of passion - there is an intention to fall in love, and whoever turns up is the tenth thing. Another thing is that few people make such a decision consciously. (Max Fry)
  159. Understand that there is no greater treasure in the whole world than an honest and faithful wife, and that the honor of a woman is the good reputation that goes about her. (Miguel de Cervantes)
  160. As long as a person remains true to himself, everything plays into his hands - the government, society, and even the sun, moon and stars. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)
  161. Almost every woman would like to be faithful, the only difficulty is to find a man to whom she could remain faithful. (Marlene Dietrich)
  162. Devotion and loyalty have not disappeared... It’s just that everyone can’t afford it - it’s not a commodity... Take care of those who were faithful to you... You can’t buy devotion - it’s a gift! (Max Fry)
  163. Ask God for eternal life with the one you love as a reward for being faithful to him in our multiple earthly lives. (George Sand)
  164. With age, being faithful to your wife becomes easier and easier... (V. Vinokur)
  165. The most important thing is to stay true to yourself. (Prince Nelson)
  166. Synonyms for the word fidelity are not only correctness, accuracy, infallibility. But, also love, devotion, commitment, reliability, infallibility, honesty and steadfastness! (V.V. Rozanov)
  167. A blind man who sought eternity among worldly worries, a fool who sought fidelity among human hearts. (Alisher Navoi)
  168. The word "loyalty" has done a lot of harm. People have learned to be “faithful” to a thousand injustices and lawlessness. Meanwhile, they should have been true only to themselves, then they would have rebelled against deception. (Mark Twain)
  169. It’s strange, but during these two days I became very attached to the young knight, who believes in honesty of word, loyalty of friendship and in the fact that good will certainly triumph over evil in the end. Although... I didn’t believe in this in my youth... (Andrey Vasiliev)
  170. Marital fidelity is carried forward with its horns. (Vasily Sumbatov)
  171. There is a higher friendship, based not on habit but on reason, in which a person loves his friend through loyalty and good will. (Aurelius Augustine)
  172. There are women who do not want to torture many men, and give everything to just one - this is female fidelity. (Alfred Camus)
  173. Happy is he whose house is decorated with the modest fidelity of his wife. (V. A. Zhukovsky)
  174. Happiness needs fidelity, but misfortune can do without it. (Seneca)
  175. You don't need a faithful man. Your role is the eternal lover. You subconsciously don’t want to have a family, because it imposes certain obligations on a woman. And you don't want any obligations. Just give you pleasure. (Natalia Andreeva)
  176. Now he is faithful to his father, or rather they are faithful to each other. ("Legends of Autumn")
  177. Those who chose the blade will be waiting at the window by those who keep swan loyalty in their hearts... (Alina Illarionova)
  178. The fact that love loves fidelity is nothing more than a myth that men have woven from their own infidelities. (David Mitchell)
  179. There is only one case in which we have nothing to fear from offending a friend, and that is when it comes to telling him the truth and thus proving our loyalty to him. (Marcus Cicero)
  180. Only what is true is beautiful. (Nicola Boileau)
  181. The most touching thing about this sleeping Little Prince is his fidelity to the flower, the image of the rose that shines in him like the flame of a lamp, even when he sleeps... (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)
  182. It is more difficult to remain faithful in happy love than in unhappy love. (Francois de La Rochefoucauld)
  183. It is more difficult to be faithful to a woman who gives happiness than to one who causes suffering. (Francois de La Rochefoucauld)
  184. It is difficult to judge the fidelity of a woman who has never cheated. (Anatoly Rakhmatov)
  185. You must protect those who are loyal to you. (Elizabeth Dvoretskaya)
  186. You asked, Marshal, whether a person remains faithful to his native land or leaders. I think that everyone must make their own choice. (Gary Jennings)
  187. The war for female fidelity can have one ending - a drunken heart and a shriveled liver. (Glory to Se)
  188. Love has many wings, but it has one law... fidelity (Omar Khayyam)
  189. Among many friends, a person has few true ones. (Plautus Titus Maccius)
  190. If you get a bad groom, then no matter how hard you try, you will not be a faithful wife. (Jean-Baptiste Moliere)
  191. The horror of any relationship is that it depends on two people. You can be the best, most faithful, honest devotee, but this does not guarantee anything... (Oscar Wilde)
  192. Have you been faithful to me? Yes, often. (Frederick Beigbeder)
  193. To be faithful is a virtue, to know fidelity is an honor. (Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach)
  194. To remain faithful to an unloved person means to betray yourself. (Konstantin Melikhan)
  195. Value loyalty! This is the most precious quality in love, in friendship, and in life... (Oleg Roy)
  196. The stronger a person’s character, the more inclined he is to remain faithful in love. (Mark Levy)
  197. Honesty and loyalty are an expensive gift that you should not expect from cheap people. (Bernard Show)
  198. Whatever you say, you can’t easily discount a woman’s fidelity; Whether it was established by nature, or developed under the pressure of society, the majority of humanity highly honors it. (Theodore Dreiser)
  199. What is loyalty? The feeling of possessing a body and soul that does not belong to me? (Paulo Coelho)
  200. For a woman to be faithful you just need to love her! (A.P. Platonov)
  201. This constancy and patience meant the fidelity and immutability of a woman’s heart. (A.P. Platonov)
  202. I am always faithful to the one I love. (George Berkeley)
  203. I am completely faithful to you, this is terrible, but, by the way, it comes to me without the slightest difficulty. (Erich Maria Remarque)
  204. I will remain faithful to you with interest... (Natalia Khamkina)
  205. I’m probably old-fashioned, since I value loyalty in people, and not the thickness of their wallets and their cheap show-offs. (Anna Mityaeva)

Video: 3 days of loyalty testing

In this video, Vika Tarakanova will show you how you can test your wife’s fidelity and what methods are usually used:

Every person, deep down in his soul, dreams of selfless love, accompanied by sincere fidelity. Many people are interested in what secret meaning the word itself carries. It is worth considering in detail the manifestation of devotion to the Motherland, loved ones, relatives, friends, beliefs, principles, ways to achieve this character trait and the possibility of resolving painful doubts when suspecting betrayal.

What it is?

Loyalty is a moral category that reflects the life values ​​of an individual. It is one of the most important qualities on earth, characterized by steadfastness, immutability and firmness. The opposites of this ethical concept are betrayal, depravity, and debauchery.

Treason is the most vile manifestation of human nature. Betrayal has a detrimental effect on the individual. From time immemorial, traitors deserve contempt.

There is no such thing as half loyalty. The concept itself comes from the word “faith.” It is impossible to trust a person if he is not always honest. When fidelity is violated, deceit and treachery appear.

The right path or answer means the right action. A true cause convinces of its fundamentality and reliability. Based on these ideas, we come to the conclusion that a faithful person is a correct, reliable and devoted comrade. A faithful person does not deviate from his principles. This is a mature, decent person who has a strong inner core. A constant person is resistant to any temptations and difficulties. He is able to overcome all obstacles with dignity. Devotion to the Motherland, a loved one, family, friends, work does not allow him to switch to another object.

Loyalty is the key to pure, trusting relationships in which there is no place for suspicion, rage, jealousy and anger. Truly close and harmonious relationships are possible only if you maintain loyalty and trust in your partner. Not only people have this amazing quality. There are many cases of amazing devotion of dogs to their owners.

Animals cannot think like humans, so they are characterized by polygamy, thanks to which the population of species is preserved in nature. But even among zoological representatives, permanent couples are created that remain faithful to each other in any circumstances. Affection and devotion are inherent in foxes, wolves, beavers, penguins, eagles, albatrosses, swans, who remain with their partner until their last breath. They have the ability to care for a sick individual, feed, water and treat their companion. Swan fidelity symbolizes giving tenderness to a loved one throughout life and refusing to fly after the death of the other half.

Loyalty serves as life-giving moisture for love. Only with confidence in each other does peace appear, a feeling of peace and complete harmony. Mistrust undermines internal unity. Trust is a fundamental factor in personal and business relationships.

How does it manifest?

A faithful person remains devoted to the object even in his thoughts.

In family relationships

He is not able to allow any ambiguity, does not take off his wedding ring in new companies, does not make friends in in social networks with representatives of the opposite sex. He shows openness and honesty towards the partner with whom he has decided to throw in his lot. Unshakability of convictions opens a clear and bright path to the future for people.

The basis of love is fidelity. Marital devotion does not allow betrayal of a partner, which has a destructive effect on a marriage. When a believing heart is broken, there is no happy future for the couple. Without fidelity there can never be love. Family happiness is possible only as a result of pure, honest, trusting relationships. Often men adhere to double standards. They demand constancy and perseverance from their wife, but on their part they allow infidelity. Both spouses are required to keep the vow of fidelity.

When one of them even thinks about betrayal, a black clot of evil forces is brought into the family hearth. The energetic connection between husband and wife is instantly lost. Fear, jealousy, anger, anger appear. Happiness gradually leaves the marriage bed.

The devotion of people who love each other is the greatest value. The benefits of an honest relationship are:

  • trust, warmth and love in the family;
  • stability and longevity of marriage;
  • absence of jealousy, unnecessary quarrels and insults;
  • constant feeling of elbow;
  • no fear of having children, no fear of being a single mother.

If fidelity is perceived by one of the spouses as a burden, then this indicates the futility of the relationship. Without loyalty, you will never have a friendly and strong family. Cheating contributes to the emergence of chills in relationships, suspicion, depravity and mistrust.

Mutual sacrificial work is needed, which will ultimately lead to mutual understanding, affection, and joyful service to the family hearth. God's seventh commandment is: “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” These days there are married couples who initially agreed not to be loyal to each other. Such a marriage is doomed.

Divorces most often occur after one of the spouses cheats. Cheating is inextricably linked with deception, meanness and betrayal. They destroy the psyche of the other half.

Even the most imperfect family carries holiness within itself. It is no coincidence that there is an expression: marriages are made in heaven. This means that the family is a divine structure. It is necessary to preserve it just like the Fatherland, loved ones, faith in God.

In friendship

Real friendship requires a lot of dedication. A selfless friend does not ask for anything in return for his devotion to a loved one. The attachment of people arises on the basis of common interests, hobbies and trust in each other. Showing a lot of patience for your comrade's shortcomings and giving the gift of personal time pays off in spades.

Mutual assistance and mutual assistance are evidence of friendly devotion. Friends help solve problems that arise, overcome obstacles that periodically appear on life path. Despite the lack of time, they come to the rescue in time. Friendship has great moral value.

It is very important in the most bitter moments of life to lean on the shoulder of a reliable friend, to feel his sincere joy for your successes, good luck and happiness. A true friend will never betray. He will be there even when a friend finds himself below the poverty line or becomes seriously ill. Friendship does not tolerate infidelity. Friends don't drop out during difficult times.

In principles

Sometimes people change their habits, betray their ideals, betray their once-given word. The man had always opposed smoking, but somehow unexpectedly succumbed to this harmful habit. He lost interest in the Church and abandoned the woman he once loved. Public opinion and remorse can never overshadow self-betrayal.

By betraying his beliefs and principles, a person loses the respect of people and brings shame upon himself. Forgetfulness of previous ideals by a flighty personality serves as an alarm bell for the futility of existence and cultivates one’s own infamy.

Under any circumstances, it is necessary to show perseverance and remain devoted to ideals, the Motherland, and loved ones. It is no coincidence that heads of state take an oath of allegiance to the people and country. A patriotic feeling and devotion to the Fatherland inspires warriors to heroic deeds. Some, at the cost of their own lives, remain faithful to their duty to the Fatherland. History has recorded many heroic deeds committed by soldiers who swore allegiance to the Russian flag and anthem and did not break in the most terrible circumstances.

How to achieve?

Most often, fidelity depends on upbringing. It is in the family that such basic values ​​as responsibility, constancy, and honesty begin to form. The beginnings laid in early childhood can develop into extraordinary devotion to parents, friends, life partners, one’s own children, work, and the Fatherland. The child has a keen sense of the values ​​present in the family. A certain image of the marital union is gradually consolidated.

It is important to teach children consistency from an early age. They must clearly know: being late is unfaithfulness to a word, tantamount to a lie. Treason begins with concealment and petty deception. The child must understand that a seemingly insignificant lie grows into a big lie. We must teach our sons and daughters to keep their word and always tell the truth. People who grew up in a large family get used to taking care of their parents, brothers and sisters from childhood. There is a high probability of raising a devoted person, since family interests prevail in children from an early age. A heightened sense of duty and sincere faith in God help people preserve their honor, avoid lust, depravity, mistrust and betrayal.

It is possible for any person to cultivate abstinence from lust. Serious volitional efforts are required to eradicate the impermanence of feelings. A moment of pleasure on the side can bring a lot of trouble.

To avoid temptation, you must delete all contacts of former lovers or mistresses. You should not register on dating sites or succumb to offers to communicate with representatives of the opposite sex on social networks. A non-free person has no need to date other girls or boys.

Although in fact fidelity does not limit freedom. Most likely, on the contrary, devotion to a loved one frees you from many vicious relationships. Inner freedom is acquired. Most people note that fidelity gives them strength, confidence in the future, joy and peace of mind.

There is the possibility of acquiring firmness, steadfastness, confidence in the constancy of a partner and attachment to a life partner. To do this, the following steps are required:

  • display of wisdom and restraint;
  • daily expression of love, care, tenderness, delicacy, bringing romance into relationships;
  • bringing joy and happiness to your loved one;
  • apologizing when causing an accidental offense;
  • showing deep respect and trust in your partner;
  • ban on provocative messages and unpleasant phrases;
  • regular communication with your significant other, correspondence in any instant messenger, periodic calls;
  • sacrifice, abstinence and being faithful to your partner.

There are moments in family life when passion fades. The couple are sure that love has passed, the time has come to part. You can’t give up on fading love; your heart can flare up again. You have to put effort into this, as long as you have the desire. The former ardor will definitely be replaced by a deep feeling of respect and love for your life partner; it is formed over several years.

How to check?

In testing loyalty you need to be discerning. If devotion to the chosen one is violated, the behavior of the other half changes significantly. If you are overcome by painful doubts about your partner’s constancy, you need to pay attention to the following details:

  • is there still room for periodic pleasant surprises from your loved one;
  • does a chill run through during kissing and intimacy;
  • whether the content of the other half’s text messages becomes colder;
  • is the number of calls decreasing;
  • does nervousness appear when trying to ask who a person is in constant contact with on social networks;
  • Is there a fading of tenderness and joy in relationships, the disappearance of unanimity.

It is best to find out the following points from your significant other at the very beginning of a relationship.

In Dante's Divine Comedy, the hero travels through the nine circles of hell. He is led by the Roman poet Virgil, and together they pass through nine concentric circles, meeting more and more sinful souls at each level. Dante passes through Limbo, where the souls of virtuous Christians and unbaptized infants are, through the circles of voluptuaries, gluttons, the stingy, the angry and lazy, heretics, rapists and swindlers, before descending to the center of the earth, to the very last circle of hell. Gathered here greatest sinners in history, guilty of treason and betrayal. These souls are doomed to spend eternity encased in ice, among them Brutus, Cassius and Judas, who are tormented in the three jaws of Lucifer.

So many different sinners - why did Dante place traitors in the very last circle of hell? What's the matter, why are they worse than others? Why is betraying someone's trust unforgivable?

The ties that hold society together are modern world weakened, but loyalty is still valuable. The devotion on which the world stands. We couldn't make business deals or build personal relationships without loyalty. Loyalty is the idea that we live up to our words and keep our promises. This is unconditional trust in another person.

Devotion brings people together. We live our lives by accepting certain norms that allow us to function in society. We need to know who we can rely on. We all understand that ideally, friends will cover your back, loved ones will be faithful, and partners will not deceive you. When someone turns out to be unreliable, they don't live up to our expectations and we lose trust in them.

IN modern society there is little reliability left. Each character trait can manifest itself in a true or false way. Thrift can turn into stinginess, determination can turn into stubbornness, humility can turn into passivity. Likewise, loyalty can become blind obedience. Those who criticize loyalty like to cite the example of Germany during the Hitler era and ask: “Weren’t these diabolical things done out of a sense of loyalty to the state?”

However, the loyalty that conquerors and oppressors demand is not real loyalty. Loyalty cannot be demanded at all, it can only be chosen, and we will talk about this later. Loyalty can be used for evil, but this does not negate the fact that it is a wonderful and worthy quality when used for good.

What is loyalty?

Like courage, integrity, and a sense of responsibility, loyalty is a very important quality. It often happens that it is much easier to describe it with an example than to find the right words. We see loyalty in a soldier who does not abandon a wounded comrade and carries him out from under enemy fire. We see the embodiment of fidelity in famous person, on whom women hang themselves, but who never cheats on his wife. In general, loyalty consists of several aspects.

Free will. Loyalty must come from your own choice and desire. You cannot force a person to be faithful to someone or something. Loyalty must be chosen.

Practical and decisive action. Loyalty is not an abstract idea. It must be combined with action. Feelings and emotions are only part of fidelity; they are the core from which actions grow.

Cause. We often imagine fidelity as a connection between ourselves and other people: friends, wife, family. Therefore, when the essence of this person changes, he ceases to interest us: we feel that we have the right to break this connection.

True loyalty is about more than just personality: it must be to principles, not to people. To be loyal not to a friend, but to the idea of ​​brotherhood and friendship. Be faithful not to your wife, but to the idea of ​​love and marital fidelity. Be loyal not to your sister, but to your family ties.

Such unchanging principles should serve as the foundation of fidelity. Therefore, when people change, your loyalty, associated with eternal values, remains with you.

What do you need to be faithful to?

While we often think of loyalty as a duty, you need to be faithful for the reasons that inspire you, that can change you and inspire enthusiasm.

The reasons why you choose loyalty should not be dictated to you by tradition or your social position: you must make this choice yourself. Find reasons that reflect your will and are consistent with your values ​​and ideals. Reasons that attract both your heart and your mind, for which you are capable of doing a lot and even making sacrifices. Then you will be faithful.

Decline of fidelity

In times when individualism and personal freedom are in trend, fidelity is much less common. The consumer society has made us buyers not only of fashionable commercial goods, but also of other aspects of our lives. With the myriad of choices available to us, from shampoos to professions, we learn that happiness results from maximizing our ability to choose. We are always looking for something better, newer. Therefore, modern fidelity is only a pale shadow of former fidelity. Of course we are faithful... until something better comes our way. We are faithful... until we are given some excuse not to be faithful. Of course, this is not real fidelity. A faithful person understands that he has committed himself to an idea for an unlimited period of time.

Loyalty is weakening in our time due to cynicism. As we have already mentioned, loyalty requires reasons that are close to both our mind and our heart. Therefore, it is even useful to idealize something for the sake of fidelity. When we decide to be faithful, we are faithful to something very good, something outstanding.

In our cynical age, it is easier and more pleasant for us to notice only shortcomings and emphasize the naivety of high feelings (including fidelity). Cynicism attacks loyalty before it has a chance to emerge. When you talk about marriage, divorces are quick to remind you that this social institution has outlived its usefulness. When you talk about the country, the latest political scandal immediately comes to mind. You can't mention a wonderful person in a conversation without someone focusing on his shortcomings. It seems that today there is simply no room left for those who look at things with the hope of one day seeing them as they should ideally be - such people are usually called naive or stupid. However, loyalty deserves a place even in the modern difficult era; it opens up a lot of opportunities for an individual and society as a whole.

What is good about loyalty?

We admire faithful people because they are self-confident, purposeful, know what they want and why they do things. We know what to expect from them. We are aware of their views.

Loyalty brings happiness and satisfaction. Research has shown that being able to stick to our decisions makes us happier than constantly wavering. The students were allowed to take the paintings home. One group was given the paintings forever, while the other group was told they could exchange them or just give them back if they changed their minds. Almost no one did this, but students from the second group were less satisfied than from the first. Why? Because the possibility of changing the decision was constantly sitting in their head, they overestimated the decision made, being in a state of constant mental work, unable to enjoy the decision made.

For this reason, being faithful is good, although freedom of choice seems pleasant. Today, many people trade quality for quantity, and it is easy to understand that true pleasure only comes when you go deeper into something, going deeper than the surface.

Loyalty reduces uncertainty. Too many options paralyze us and prevent us from being happy, leading us to inaction. One way to limit choice is to be faithful. There are some choices that we make only once in our lives and will never be able to make them again. Once you've decided on something, you don't have to reinvent the wheel every time you have to choose.

Loyalty breeds fidelity. Of course, living among loyalty is certainly an advantage. Loyalty in general can change society in better side. Loyalty is contagious. When we are faithful, it inspires those around us to be faithful.

Individualism, free will and loyalty

Perhaps the biggest obstacle to fidelity is the fear of losing freedom. Ultimately, if you convince yourself of something, you will behave in accordance with your decision. However, loyalty and individuality are not opposite concepts. Loyalty is, in a sense, even a path to self-development.

The most impressive and complex philosophical question in the world is the understanding and knowledge of our will. We look within ourselves, but even there it is difficult for us to find the answer to this question. We decide to obey the majority. However, we still need to indicate our otherness, our difference from others, and as a result we end up with another desire to rebel against social norms. And we return to ourselves, ask ourselves questions, and the circle closes.

Loyalty can resolve this conflict between individualism and conformism, between the external and internal world. Loyalty gives a man reasons, goals and directions for action that lie in the external world. However, the decision to serve these goals is driven by his own internal considerations.

When is it okay for us to be unfaithful?

This is perhaps the most difficult issue regarding fidelity. When can you change your decision to be faithful?

Many men misunderstand fidelity as a quid pro quo relationship. They see relationships as a kind of ping pong: as long as both parties maintain balance, they remain faithful. However, as soon as the relationship begins to tilt in one direction, when one sacrifices more than he receives in return, they feel entitled to stop being faithful. However, true fidelity is not a derivative of reciprocity.

You must try to be faithful until the very end, until you exhaust all your resources - perhaps even until the end of your life. Of course, your motivation may change between these moments, but remember: you chose this path. You made an offer, you agreed to this job, you decided to help this person. When you made this choice, you agreed to any difficulties that accompanied it. You knew you were taking a risk, and yet you agreed.

On the other hand, motivation should not replace your conscience. What does a man do when something goes against his conscience, values, rules? The first time someone betrays him? And then for the seventh and seventieth time? What if his expectations are never met? Can you allow your trust to be abused?