Virgo horse compatibility with other signs. An ideal pair for a horse. Horse and Horse

20.10.2021 Complications

Compatibility with other signs of the Horse woman is quite complex. The lady has a restless character, she constantly strives to find new adventures and is passionate. When meeting a young man, she first of all pays attention to his appearance. At first, she doesn’t care whether they have the same interests and characters.

The horse simply needs new impressions; it does not tolerate monotony.

The influence of the elements on character

It is very important to pay attention to what element the Horse woman is born under in order to understand how compatible she is with a particular sign:

  1. Fire Horses born in 1906 or 1966 have a strong character.
  2. Metal ladies born in 1930 or 1990 are characterized by intelligence and determination.
  3. An earthy girl, born in 1918 or 1978, is thorough, carefully weighs the pros and cons before making a final decision.
  4. A Water woman, born in 1942 or 2002, has a sharp mind, she is eloquent and insightful. Work related to creativity suits her.
  5. Wood Horses born in 1954 or 2014 have stability and unhurried determination.

Compatibility with the Rat

Union between these signs of the Chinese horoscope is impossible. The Rat man, captivated by the beauty and sexuality of a woman, tries in every possible way to make her fall in love with him, showing love and affection through care. This appeals to the woman, but there will never be happiness in marriage and bed: the Horse will not be able to be faithful to her husband.

Compatibility with Ox

There will never be happiness between signs. It's all about the character of these people: the Horse wants freedom for itself, and the Ox is the owner. The couple will constantly have quarrels due to jealousy.

Sex will also not be without problems: everyone will try to please themselves, not their partner.

The only acceptable union in this situation is a friendly one.

Compatibility with Tiger

Relationships between the Tiger and the Horse are possible, because both are natures who want to experience constant passion. Like any other couple, there will be a lot of quarrels and misunderstandings, but the partners will be able to survive this and find the right way out of the current situation.

Both can decide to cheat, but are able to forgive each other.

Rabbit Compatibility

There is simply a perfect union between these symbols. Partners complement each other perfectly. The Rabbit pays attention to the beauty of his partner and constantly compliments her, which the Horse really likes.

Representatives of the signs quickly mature for Serious relationships and decide to get married.

A woman born in the year of the Horse will have more material income compared to her man, but this will in no way affect their relationship.

Compatibility with Dragon

This is an unsuccessful couple: rivalry often arises between them, each trying to show superiority. The Dragon craves attention and adoration from its partner, the Horse expects the same, so the struggle for leadership begins.

The Horse woman is quite demanding in love. She wants a man to constantly bow down to her and give her positive emotions. At the same time, she can commit treason, wanting to prove to a man that she is popular with the opposite sex. It is important for her that the guy is loving, understanding and faithful. Only with such a young man is she able to start a family and enjoy sex.

Compatibility with Snake

The passion between these signs flares up quickly and quickly goes out. Both partners are selfish; neither wants to give up their own principles and work for the benefit of the relationship. This leads to problems in love, marriage and sex.

Compatibility with Horse

The alignment in which both partners are Horses is controversial. On the one hand, it is easy for a couple to achieve mutual understanding due to the same outlook on life. No one controls anyone, giving complete freedom of behavior.

This is not without difficulties: the guy and the girl are in their own world, trying to do everything just to spend as little time at home as possible. IN marital relations there will be no one to take care of the house.

Compatibility with Goat

There is good compatibility between Horse and Goat, according to Chinese horoscope. A guy can give a woman what she wants, a girl will be happy to provide her partner with comfort and pleasure in sex. Another positive fact is that under the leadership of the Horse, the Goat becomes more flexible.

A good tandem will not work at work.

Compatibility with Monkey

Such people rarely find a common language. Relationships are accompanied by constant quarrels and discontent. The horse will constantly accuse his man of failure, which will cause him a storm of negative emotions. When quarrels arise, the Monkey does not feel guilty.

Compatibility with Rooster

Harmony between signs is possible only when creating free relationships. If they want to get closer, they will immediately begin to quarrel and decide who will be in charge in the family. Every day will be full of quarrels and misunderstandings, and after a few months the relationship will completely collapse.

A major scandal can cause a separation.

You will be able to achieve good results in your work.

Compatibility with Dog

Relationships have the right to exist only if the Dog puts effort into it. the main problem All relationships of the Horse is that each sign tries to tame it.

If the Dog stops re-educating his partner and shows her his love, the marriage and friendship will last for many years.

Compatibility with Pig

These symbols will never be able to achieve complete harmony. All relationships will be built on constant quarrels and reproaches. A woman born in the year of the Horse will try to get everything from life and plunge into adventure. The guy will have to answer for the consequences of rash actions. Sooner or later he will get tired and end his love relationship.

It is not difficult to become infatuated with the cute Rat Horse. It is difficult for a Horse to form a pair with a Rat that is viable in all respects: there is almost no initial compatibility between the signs. The Rat's leadership zeal is irritating for the Horse, especially if the Rat is smart and its suggestions are sensible. Realizing the rightness of the Rat, the Horse feels its own inferiority - and this feeling, no matter how irrational, is just as irresistible.

Few Horses agree to obey the Rat - and in vain. The Rat will not allow the Horse to “burn out” at work, it will teach him to free himself from all kinds of collars and enjoy small joys.

It is unbearably hard for the Horse to be in the same harness with the Bull. Although the Bull takes on all the draft effort... Give the horse freedom - and freedom in its own interpretation - the Bull has no use for these free gallops through the meadows and fields. The Ox is embarrassed by his calf youth, and the Horse’s playfulness is perceived as immaturity.

Such an attitude is offensive to the Horse, who by nature does not tolerate intrusive patronage. So the likelihood of separation from the Ox is very high for the Horse - although there are practically no truly serious reasons for discord among these signs.

Horse and Tiger are a wonderful couple. Both of them are beautiful, graceful, powerful, noble and partial to fame. By forming a tandem, the Horse and the Tiger are capable of achieving stunning success in any business, including family building.

It is also important that physical attraction between a Horse and a Tiger has no expiration date. Until old age, they find in each other a source of true pleasure, and if suddenly one of them cheats on their spouse, it is only out of curiosity. After a short and stormy (or even violent) showdown, the situation is usually restored - even before the injuries have completely healed.

Once they met, the Horse and the Rabbit instantly realize the benefits of their acquaintance. For the homely Rabbit, the Horse is a source of variety in sensations. For the zealous Horse, the Rabbit is a guarantor of home peace and reliability. In business, the signs rarely intersect; they love to help their neighbors equally strongly.

The helpful and obliging Rabbit suggests ways to the Horse to solve its communication problems. The brave and inventive Horse overcomes the obstacles that would destroy the Rabbit in one fell swoop. The union of the Horse and the Rabbit is characterized by high compatibility of signs!

The Horse and the Dragon are alien to the point of antagonism. They look at each other with curiosity, and out of curiosity they often converge - but then confrontation begins. The Dragon unsuccessfully tries to subdue the Horse, which, in turn, seeks to clip the Dragon's wings.

Rivalry soon becomes the main filler of the couple's life. Their friends are forced to listen to a thousand variations on the themes “And he...”, “And she...” From the outside, the situation looks simple: both the Horse and the Dragon give little, wanting to receive a lot. This cannot go on for long. Signs either have to discipline their egos or break up.

Relationship between Horse and Snake are rarely cloudless. It is difficult for the signs to find compromise solutions: they are very different in direction. Only the reserve of prudence and tolerance accumulated by adulthood gives hope for the peaceful coexistence of the Horse and the Snake.

In conflicts, as a rule, the Snake is the first to lose its restraint. However, a Horse is more terrible in anger, and therefore the future of the couple depends on the Horse. Insufficient compatibility of signs can be compensated by an additional dose of mutual attention and consideration.

Not every Horse gets along with another Horse. Needing independence, one Horse, nevertheless, tries to subjugate the other - and the latter is genuinely indignant. However, with similar characters and interests, a pair of Horses can be an exemplary family. Moreover, in matters of educating the younger generation, Horses show amazing unanimity.

Horses live ideally, full of dignity and endowed with material wealth. They do not interfere at all in their partner’s affairs and show great (and not in vain!) trust in their spouse.

The Horse patronizes the Goat, even agreeing to marriage - just to protect the horned one from dangers. The compatibility of signs is determined by the similarity of behavioral principles. However, disagreements in a pair of Horse and Goat are not excluded.

The overly wayward Goat should not forget that the Horse is patient, but selfish and strong. The Horse's selfishness manifests itself most acutely in conflicts. The Horse will not fight with the Goat: the weight categories are different. But he will try to show how to be weird like an adult. If the rebellious Goat's envy awakens from Horse tricks, the couple goes to pieces.

However, more often the Horse and the Goat get along quite well and do not test each other’s patience beyond a certain limit...

The Horse is ready to help the Monkey, but the Monkey most often neglects the help of the Horse. Both signs are self-sufficient, and they tend to take someone else’s participation as an encroachment. Compatibility between the signs is average - which means an unconditional willingness to be useful in an extreme situation, and a reluctance to let anyone into your life under normal conditions of existence.

The relationship between Horse and Monkey, begun during a period of hardship, can be strong. However, more often people avoid making acquaintances in unpleasant situations.

Horse and Rooster rarely find pleasure in each other's company. The Horse perceives the Rooster as a frivolous competitor - while the Rooster believes that he has much more grounds for public gratitude.

But in easy and non-binding relationships, the Horse and the Rooster are ready to set and break records (including adultery). The signs seem to be created for a fleeting infatuation with each other. Sometimes they don’t even have time to ask about names - such a sharp, strong and fleeting desire overcomes both of them.

Both Horse and Dog They experience positive emotions when they see well-groomed children, comfortable housing, and a rich table. Their family values ​​coincide! So why shouldn't they get married? Getting married! And they live well thanks to their high personal compatibility.

Life goals Horses and Dogs are different, but are in the same alignment of directions. Signs unconsciously move through life together, in conjunction - and if they realize this connection, then they know how to make cooperation truly effective.

History knows very few cases of voluntary separation of a Horse and a Dog. Even if a divorce between a Horse and a Dog occurs, it occurs in the mode of maximum mutual favor of the parties.

Horse and Pig have a common language is produced in an abusive manner. In peaceful life, they have nothing to talk about, but there is always a reason to “get crazy.” According to the Horse, the Pig is clumsy, lazy and lacking initiative. According to the Pig, the Horse is fickle, superficial, and hyperactive.

However, the more the signs argue, the more sympathy they develop towards each other. After all, truth is born in a dispute, and knowledge of one’s neighbor comes faster in strife. Whether it’s long or short, the Horse and the Pig make peace, and so sincerely that they often even get married. To accuse each other of laziness, superficiality, inertia and narrow-mindedness with renewed vigor and maximum ingenuity...

High-quality sex serves as a unifying factor for the Horse and Pig.

According to the compatibility horoscope, the Horse woman is particularly attractive, since she devotes a lot of time and effort to herself for her beloved. She manages to look gorgeous at any age. She is gentle, charming with good manners and quite attractive appearance.

Horse Woman – Ox Man

By eastern horoscope compatibility of an Ox man and a Horse woman, their family relationships cannot be called ideal. Spouses will have to adapt a lot to each other, make concessions and seek a compromise. Often partners simply do not understand each other, as they have completely different views on life. The Ox man is a careerist and workaholic. He is drawn to material success and strives to occupy not the last step in the hierarchical ladder. He is a homebody, loves to live in comfortable conditions, and it is difficult to get him out of his own thoughts, which he endlessly spins in his head...>>

Horse Woman – Tiger Man

Horoscope Tiger man compatibility and the Horse woman form a fairly stable and harmonious couple. In this partnership, the spouses are very active, sociable and inspired. In this pair, the Horse woman, endowed with excellent intuition, directs both her and her husband’s energy in the right direction, towards real and effective things. And the Tiger man, next to his highly intelligent companion, easily takes on new things and makes plans for the future. The Tiger man likes the quick and practical mind of the Horse woman, and she likes to direct his abilities and creative aspirations to worthy goals...>>

Horse Woman – Cat Man (Rabbit)

According to the compatibility horoscope of the Cat (Rabbit) man and the Horse woman, their relationship is quite stable and promising. In this union, both spouses are practical, passionate about themselves and do not interfere in each other’s personal space, while each is guided by their own emotions and intuition. Conflicts are possible due to mutual misunderstanding, untimely initiation of any actions, as well as due to the form of their implementation. Also, problems may be caused by an excessive desire for discussions and showdowns on the part of the Cat (Rabbit) man, who will always make claims to the Horse woman...>>

Horse Woman – Dragon Man

It is difficult to predict how family relationships will develop in the compatibility of a Dragon man and a Horse woman, since both partners are unpredictable in themselves and the relationship can develop the way the spouses themselves want. But what is absolutely certain is that they will not be bored together. This is a union of two bright, self-sufficient people who rely on each other’s personal qualities. The main cause of problems and misunderstandings in this couple may be the excess activity of both...>>

Horse Woman – Snake Man

The compatibility of a Snake man and a Horse woman cannot be called ideal. The union has many difficulties. The spouses are quite different and their views on life are very different, so when they quarrel, it is quite problematic for them to reach a compromise.

The Snake man is prudent, tenacious and strong-willed. He likes to make long-term plans and develop behavioral strategies. And the eccentric, active and enterprising Horse woman bases her actions on intuition and is guided more by emotions than by reason...>>

Horse Woman – Horse Man

According to the compatibility horoscope of a Horse man and a Horse woman, great feelings and equally great shocks await this married couple. To maintain the relationship, both spouses will have to make many mutual sacrifices and concessions. Despite the fact that they understand each other perfectly, conflicts between them are inevitable. They can be confronted by the egocentrism inherent in both, and the man’s strict authoritarianism will drive the woman into temporary depression.

Mutual assistance and cooperation are possible between them, but long-term partnership is very problematic...>>

Horse Woman – Goat (Sheep) Man

According to the compatibility horoscope of a Goat (Sheep) man and a Horse woman, this family union has every chance of becoming happy. In this option, the partners complement each other perfectly, and thanks to the difference in characters, the negative traits of each of them are neutralized. The Horse woman is very sociable and quickly acquires the necessary contacts. In addition, her creative thinking constantly generates new ideas, and her innate intuition helps her to be in the right place at the right time. These abilities of hers help the Goat (Sheep) man achieve success not only professionally, but in personal creativity...>>

Horse Woman – Monkey Man

According to the eastern horoscope of compatibility between the Monkey man and the Horse woman, this family union is quite successful and stable. Here diverse views and interests are united, the prospect of achieving common goals and creating a common strategy appears life path. Both partners are independent and practical, and their quick thinking and strong organizational skills allow both to compensate for their lack of stamina and avoid disagreements and contradictions. They can be great friends before and after marriage, and can also run a very successful family business...>>

Horse Woman – Rooster Man

According to the eastern horoscope of compatibility between the Rooster man and the Horse woman, this family union is quite turbulent and difficult, since both spouses often irritate each other. The Rooster man loves to criticize others, and the Horse woman, with her defiant behavior and lack of tact, only gives him a reason to criticize her as often as possible. At the same time, her love of freedom and independence do not allow her to accept simple life, which is offered by the Rooster man. He absolutely cannot understand her far-reaching plans and cannot agree with her winding ways to achieve her goals...>>

Horse Woman – Dog Man

According to the eastern horoscope of compatibility between a Dog man and a Horse woman, this family union is one of the most successful, promising and fruitful. This is exactly the type of relationship development in which both spouses reveal their best qualities. Partners have excellent mutual understanding and acceptance of both positive and negative sides of each other. The honesty and reasonable character of the Dog man goes well with the hard work and intelligence of the Horse woman...>>

Horse Woman – Pig Man (Boar)

According to the compatibility horoscope of a Pig (Boar) man and a Horse woman, a family union is quite possible. Here two charming and sociable personalities meet, ready to seek pleasure together and be useful to each other. The reliability and kindness of the Pig (Boar) man helps the Horse woman to creatively show the best qualities of her nature, and her resourcefulness and imagination contribute to the creation of new life plans for the Pig (Pig) man...>>

A person born in the year of the Horse has a two-digit character, since he is endowed with both positive and negative qualities. On the one hand, he is hardworking and noble, and on the other hand, stubborn and cautious. Such people are always in the center of attention and have an active life disposition. The Horse’s compatibility with other signs is not easy, since such a person lives according to a plan and will not agree to change it suddenly.

Characteristics of a Horse Man

A man born this year is hardworking. He will always find himself in life, and will not be left without work. Sitting around is not for him; he is used to getting what he wants. Holders of this sign often occupy leadership positions. His activity and bright personality helps to solve any issue and overcome problems.

In the family he likes to be the head. For the role of wife, he chooses a woman who will listen to him and make concessions. He is a decent family man and can pamper his beloved. Character qualities that a man possesses:

  • activity;
  • caution;
  • leadership;
  • generosity.

Characteristics of a Horse Woman

A woman born this year is purposeful and hardworking. He is quickly moving up the career ladder. But she also has bad qualities, because she’s quite stubborn. Quarrels and arguments are her strong point, as she always defends her point of view.

Such individuals do not hide their opinions and always say what they think. Due to his cunning nature, pressure and strong character, he can easily ruin friendly and love feelings. If she decides to start a family, she will have to work a little. You need to become a little softer and more gentle, and then everything will work out. Character traits that a woman is endowed with:

  • stubbornness;
  • determination;
  • hard work.

Relationship with the Rat

Compatibility between Horse and Rat is not ideal. The couple will not last long together. There is a barrier of misunderstanding between partners. There will always be quarrels in a couple, they can compete with each other.

Lovers will not be able to find a common language, so it is better for them not to be together. The Horse's compatibility with other zodiac signs will be much better, so don't torture each other and just remain friends.

Relationship with the Ox

The compatibility of the Horse with the Ox is not the best, since they are both leaders. Family relationships will not bring joy to anyone. Each partner wants to become the boss, so they set their own rules. The Ox man will not respect his companion and think that she is selfish. The Horse woman will try to re-educate the Ox.

Besides this, both lovers have different goals in life. One likes to live actively and overcome all difficulties, while the other is in no hurry, is careful and slowly enjoys life.

Relationship with the Tiger

Compatibility between Horse and Tiger can be ideal. Their life positions are similar, they have the same dreams and plans for life. If they connect, they will be able to cope with all problems and reach high heights. Horse and Tiger have the best compatibility in the eastern horoscope.

But discord in relationships can also occur. The reason lies in the Horse’s pride and perseverance. If she often shows her difficult character, the Tiger will not tolerate it and will simply leave.

Relationship with the Rabbit

The Horse and the Hare can make a wonderful couple. According to the horoscope, these signs complement each other. One partner will bring positive emotions and feelings of confidence to the relationship, and the second will bring love and calmness.

The union will become even stronger if the Rabbit takes care of household chores, and the metal Horse is responsible for finances and order in the family. Over the years, love will only become stronger and harmony will reign in the family.

Relationship with the Dragon

Such a union cannot be called compatible. The Fire Dragon will conflict with the Horse over leadership. Often a couple is held together by strength of spirit and common goals, but they can also use their energy against each other.

Both signs are selfish; they cannot make concessions for the sake of love and preserving family relationships. They will try to remake their lover to suit themselves, and each of the partners will not like this at all.

Relationships with the Snake

Compatibility between Snake and Horse is not bad. The snake is quite cunning and will be able to manipulate its partner. The horse will think he has a lot of freedom, but in reality he doesn't. The snake will control his freedom and slowly remake it for himself.

The snake will tolerate all emotions and aggressive attitudes towards itself. But some points will not allow the union to move forward. The Snake is slow and likes to think a lot before doing something, while the Horse is used to deciding everything on the fly and without thinking.

Relationship with a Horse

People who have the same horoscope signs can be happy in marriage. They harmonize perfectly and complement each other. But after a while, discord in the relationship may occur. They will slow down their other halves and try to remake them for themselves.

The owners of these signs are selfish individuals. In order for their union to be strong, they will need to work on themselves. Learn to control your difficult character, restrain negative emotions and respect the opinion of your partner.

Relationship with Goat

Horse and Goat have good compatibility. People are just interested in spending time together. Both have strong minds and goals in life. The horse falls in love quickly, especially with creative people. The Goat loves the power of her lover’s consciousness and the strength of her mind.

The couple will be ideal if a representative of the male sign takes care of all financial concerns. The Goat will help its companion and inspire him to new achievements.

Relationship with a Monkey

Holders of such signs will not be able to start a family. The Horse is open and honest, but the Monkey can lie or cheat here and there. The Monkey thinks that its partner is too soft and can easily be deceived.

The sympathy that existed at the beginning of the relationship will quickly pass. Horses can demand too much from their chosen ones. Such a connection will not last long and after a short time will end. Therefore, it is better for these signs to build relationships with someone else.

Relationship with the Rooster

The couple will constantly quarrel. Everyone wants to be a leader in a relationship, and their lives are in constant tension. The Rooster and Horse love to command, they can flare up and cannot control their emotions. It is not in their interests to make concessions.

The rooster will play to the public, and not everyone likes this behavior. He loves a lot of attention and therefore behaves inappropriately around strangers. After some time, the partners will begin to walk separately from each other and in different companies. It is after this that the relationship will completely end.

Relationship with a Dog

Such a union can become prosperous. The Dog will give the Horse as much freedom as it needs. The couple loves to walk together and relax in noisy companies. Therefore, they will not quarrel and prohibit each other from active recreation.

But it is worth remembering that there is no need to be jealous of your lover, because Horses do not accept such behavior. If it is possible to avoid this and begin to trust, then the couple will be happy.

Relationship with the Pig

Such a couple has two sides of the coin. At first glance, they love and appreciate each other, but if you look closely, their goals in life do not coincide at all. Both signs will begin to lie and not say anything. The Pig may think that its companion is impulsive and stupid. The Horse will begin to reproach the Pig for many things, especially with regard to household chores.

The Pig can be slow and lazy, and such qualities do not suit the Horse, since it is used to achieving everything and living according to a certain plan. The Pig will want to take matters into his own hands and control his partner, and from this moment strong disagreements will begin. It is worth remembering that the Horse loves freedom to a greater extent, and it should not be limited in this.


It is possible to create strong family relationships with a Horse. At first glance, such a person may seem flighty, but this is not so. The horse leads an active lifestyle and loves to relax in noisy company, but at the same time it is caring and hardworking.

She just needs to be given a little time to be alone with her thoughts. If you know the nuances of the character of this sign and learn to read it between the lines, then you can build strong and lasting relationships.

People born in the year of the Horse are full of thirst for life, adventure and exploits. Possessing a light character, they spread fun and cheerfulness around them. These people are smart, insightful and talented. They know how to handle money, knowing its price, weight and meaning well. They get carried away quickly, are energetic and impetuous. Like air, they require large spaces, freedom of thought and movement. Often they have an excellent oratorical gift. They excel at drawing attention to themselves as well as giving subtle compliments.

The Horse pays a lot of attention to appearance and, like some other signs, experiences many hobbies before getting married. In relation to her partner, she is caring and attentive, but prefers to maintain a certain independence.

Compatibility of Horse Women

Horse Women. As a rule, they are very attractive. They are easy-going, pleasant to talk to and well-read. Those born in the year of Horses are versed in literature and art and can be intelligent and pleasant conversationalists. These women take care of their figure and appearance and love to travel. Despite a lot of positive qualities, the Horse can be selfish and behave extremely unrestrained. Sometimes she may get tired of what occupies her most at a given period of time - be it work, romantic feelings, or something else. The horse cannot be called fickle and flighty, but sometimes it just needs to rest. After some time, she will continue what she started with the same zeal.

The Horse woman strives to choose a life partner so that he is of the same level as her or higher. Passionate in love. For the sake of her chosen one, she can sacrifice her favorite job and career, and give her lover all her strength. Often such behavior turns out to be disastrous for her: in passion she is defenseless, and a person who does not appreciate her loyalty and care will hurt her and make her distrust others. Only by pacifying his passion can the Horse become happy.

Compatibility of Horse Men

Horse Men. They are even more self-centered than women, sometimes hot-tempered and uncontrollable. Independent by nature, they do not listen to other people's advice and do as they please. However, there are also many positive qualities: hard work, honesty, sense of humor, elegance and grace. Who a Horse man will be in life directly depends on the family in which he grew up (more precisely, on the values ​​that were preached there). He will simply follow the example in front of him. When this man creates a family, it begins to have a beneficial influence on the creator. At the same time, however, it is required that he become the center of attention in her, and this small universe revolves around him. In fairness, it must be said that such an attitude will be justified by the fact of his presence, which protects this family.

Horse Chinese Horoscope Compatibility

Horse and Rat: A Horse, especially a Fire Horse, should never connect its life with a Rat - the connection between two madmen will strike sparks and can lead to drama.

Horse and Bull: You should not build a relationship with a conservative Ox, who is used to being the boss of the house. They will not understand each other: The Horse is too independent and also a leader by nature. This union will not last long.

Horse and Tiger: A good union will be created by the Horse and the Tiger, provided that the latter moderates his jealousy, and the former will take him into account more.

Horse and Rabbit: The Rabbit may also turn out to be a suitable candidate for the Horse: if she does not get tired of his caution, some conservatism and frequent absences from home (to see friends!), he may well become her friend. The important thing is that he will be faithful to his partner - this means a lot for the Horse (especially for a woman who will give up everything for him). In addition, the Horse will be given the freedom of action that it so badly needs.

Horse and Dragon: If the Horse is less selfish, it can try to connect its life with an active Dragon, who loves to be admired. It will be especially good if this Dragon is a woman and the Horse is a man. Then the parties will be able to come to an agreement.

Horse and Snake: You should not connect your fate with the Snake either - she is too fickle. When a Horse loves, she is faithful to her partner and will not understand adventures on the side. True, if the Snake is satisfied with the reliability and devotion of the Horse, perhaps she will have enough prudence not to seek these adventures.

Horse and Horse: A passionate union, but probably too much. The relationship will be uneven, but the selfishness of both can save the situation.

Horse and Goat: An alliance with a Goat can be successful and quite happy. They are similar in many ways and together they can solve a lot of problems by supporting each other. The whims and changeable character of the Goat will override the selfishness of the Horse (the latter will not even notice them).