How was the life of the children of famous Soviet actors (47 photos). “Dad passed away a beggar”: Mikhail Pugovkin’s daughter was left without an inheritance The anniversary is in question

20.02.2022 Complications

As soon as I went into the kitchen, I heard Minichka calling: “Irka, where are you?” We lived like a needle and thread. They were inseparable, never separated for a minute.

Less than two hours had passed since I arrived in Moscow - the doorbell rang. My friend went to open it. Mikhail Pugovkin stood on the threshold.

Excuse me, Irina Konstantinovna Lavrova is staying with you?

Seeing me look out into the corridor, Mikhail Ivanovich said decisively:

Please take your things and come down. Urgently.

What's happened? After all, we just broke up,” I was surprised: we were traveling together on a train from Crimea.

After, after, Irina Konstantinovna, hurry up. Taxi is waiting!

I, of course, obeyed. She respected Pugovkin immensely. Only two weeks have passed since the day I started holding his creative evenings in Crimea.

He was silent in the car. While the taxi was rushing through the capital's streets, I was at a loss.

Only when we taxied onto Olimpiysky Prospekt did I realize that we were going to Mikhail Ivanovich’s house. We went up to the floor, he opened the door wide:

Two women were bustling around in the kitchen.

These are my daughters, Yulia and Natasha,” Pugovkin said. - I decided to introduce you so that everything would be humane.

In terms of? - I couldn’t understand what he meant.

Here Mikhail Ivanovich and say:

Enough of hiding our relationship!

I was very surprised. There was absolutely nothing to hide. Normal relationship: like that of an artist and an administrator.

She knew, of course, that Pugovkin had recently become a widower. I saw his late wife more than once; they always came to Crimea together. The couple was very touching. I myself was no longer planning to get married, I was not at that age to dream of gentlemen. Only later did I understand: Mikhail Ivanovich said that so that his daughters wouldn’t think - he brought the first woman he came across to the house. I pretended that we were already connected by a time-tested relationship.

Here the real interrogation began.

How old are you? - asked Julia.

Forty nine.

Do you understand that Mikhail Ivanovich is much older? He is already sixty-eight. And my health is by no means great.

I didn’t even think about Pugovkin’s age!

Photo: RIA Novosti

And the interrogation continued:

Are you married?

Divorced for a long time. There are two sons, four grandchildren. We live in Crimea. Separately from each other.

Do you understand the responsibility you take on?

There was a significant pause. After the death of his wife Alexandra Nikolaevna, Pugovkin grieved greatly and could allow himself “too much.”

I can imagine a little. I've been working with actors for twenty years.

And Mikhail Ivanovich just chuckled: “I need, I really need, a firm female hand.”

I was not upset by the questions.

I understood that Yulia and Natasha were sincerely worried. Minichka's adopted daughters were already aged: ten and five years older than me. They saw that after the death of their mother, women literally attacked Pugovkin. This is natural: a famous artist, charming, with sparkling humor. Yes, and there is living space. Today, when I have almost twenty years of living with him behind me, I remember those “bride shows” with tenderness. They greeted me warily, but they loved me sincerely. They realized that the father was in reliable and gentle hands, that they would take care of him.

Mikhail Ivanovich and I lived well. Friendly. We got together at an age when passions no longer boil.

My favorite touring and filming city has always been Yalta. I agreed to film there even in small episodes at any time of the year. A great friendship connects me with the Yalta Society "Knowledge", which organized my meetings with spectators at the resort's health resorts. It was a golden time - always full auditoriums.

The time of perestroika has begun. Soyuzconcert administrator Irina Konstantinovna approached me several times over the course of four years to work with creative meetings. Previously, she worked at the Yalta Circus, where I starred in the television film “The Circus Has Arrived,” but I still could not part with the Knowledge Society, although they paid many times less. And it was only in 1991, in April, when I came to the dubbing of the film “Bolotny Street, or a remedy against sex,” that Irina Konstantinovna approached me again on the Embankment. She expressed words of condolences regarding the death of my wife Alexandra Nikolaevna. After all, only nine days have passed since I became a widower. I gave the phone number of my friend and administrator Roman Aleksandrovich Konbrandt. This is where we parted. Somehow I still didn’t believe that this woman could do anything better compared to my organizers.

I haven't flown on an airplane in over forty years. In May 1991, I was on tour in Sochi, and I so didn’t want to return to my orphaned Moscow apartment that I decided to fly to Crimea. Irina Konstantinovna, together with her son Misha, met me at the airport and organized my life, my performances and creative meetings in the health resorts of Yalta and Alushta, as none of the male administrators could. Her sons Misha and Kostya, as well as her eldest granddaughter Irina, helped her in this work. Later it turned out that Irina Konstantinovna is the sister of People’s Artist of the RSFSR Yuri Medvedev, my friend from my youth.

I have a lot in common with Yura. Back in the sixties, Yura and I bought my first TV. Next to the Ermolovsky Theater, where Yura served for more than forty years, there was a cafe, Katya worked there, who, writing in a notebook, always lent us vodka and snacks - sandwiches and sauerkraut.

We even auditioned together for the film “Test of Loyalty,” but director Pyryev chose Yura. After all, he and I share the same role, so we rarely met on the set, but we did star in three films together - “Penalty Kick”, “Shelmenko the Batman” and “The Twelve Chairs”. Yura was a wonderful friend, a man of great soul, and a wonderful artist. He starred in 114 films and played in the theater. Lately worked at the Maly Theater, was a good social activist, and helped his comrades a lot. No matter who asked him, he achieved everything. He worked a lot on the radio, voiced cartoons, and traveled around the country with creative meetings with audiences. During the Great Patriotic War He walked with front-line brigades along the front lines and spoke to soldiers going into battle.

His creative life was not easy, but he was loved among his colleagues in the theaters and film sets where he worked.

On July 13, 1991, I turned 68 years old, and he sent a telegram from Gomel, where he starred in the role of N. S. Khrushchev: “Mishenka - take care of yourself, I’m glad that you work with Irina - she is a wonderful person and a good administrator.” And on July 16, three days later, Yura died on the operating table. It was as if he blessed us with her. A few months later, I proposed my hand and heart to Irina. My family has grown. In Moscow I have three daughters, three grandchildren, and in Crimea - two sons and four grandchildren. Irina Konstantinovna is my friend, my manager, my wife - my lifeline. In her family, I felt the love of all the children and grandchildren - this prolongs my life.

An Izvestia columnist met with his wife and main assistant.

question: How does Mikhail Ivanovich feel now?

answer: He always answers this question with humor: “According to the passport.”

Q: Are you preparing for lavish celebrations?

A: No pomp is expected. Representatives of the Moscow mayor's office will come. They sent a telegram from Crimea that they were going to come. But we don't prepare much. There's no way around retirement. If it weren’t for the help of Nikita Sergeevich Mikhalkov, it would have been difficult to live. He organized a Fund to help retired actors and widows famous people. Vyacheslav Tikhonov and Mikhail Pugovkin receive personal additional payments from him. And Nonnochka Mordyukova, may the kingdom of heaven be upon her, Mikhalkov helped. He doesn't forget the old people. This is right.

Q: What gift did you prepare for your spouse?

about: The book "The Life and Fate of Mikhail Pugovkin." There are a lot of photographs there. It will be published one of these days by the Trinity publishing house. I am grateful to Lyudmila Ivanovna Shvetsova - without her support the book would not have appeared.

Q: Will there be an explanation in the book why Mikhail Ivanovich changed his last name from Pugonkin to Pugovkina?

A: I don’t understand who needed to come up with such a crazy story! When I read it on Runet, I just gasped. And Mikhail Ivanovich was very upset. This is not true. There was no change of name. We have at home the death certificates of Mikhail Ivanovich’s parents. They are Buttons. And they have been like that all their lives. The one who threw in this joke didn’t think: what about parents and relatives? I will repeat once again for those who will put forward different versions: Pugovkin never changed his last name!

Q: Your family happiness is an example to everyone who thinks that at retirement age there is no point in thinking about personal things.

o: We met when I was over fifty, and he was 68 years old. Everyone had a big life behind them, the loss of spouses, adult children. What disagreements or jealousy of the past could there be between us? Vice versa! In our home, a portrait of the unforgettable Alexandra Nikolaevna Lukyanchenko, wife of Mikhail Ivanovich, hangs in a place of honor. We transferred her records to discs. On the day of the grandfather's anniversary, each of the grandchildren and great-grandchildren will receive a gift - romances performed by her. Alexandra Nikolaevna left the stage early and devoted herself to her husband. I picked up this baton and have been carrying it for the eighteenth year.

Q: Do you remember your first meeting with Mikhail Ivanovich?

A: In fact, our first meeting could have happened in 1986 during the filming of the film “The Circus Has Arrived.” Director Boris Durov filmed many scenes in Yalta, including in our circus, where I was the director. But I was embarrassed to come closer, so sometimes I looked on the sidelines at the shooting. And then I began working in the Yalta branch of the Film Propaganda Bureau, organizing meetings between artists and audiences. My brother, People's Artist of the RSFSR Yuri Medvedev, advised me to pay attention to Pugovkin; they starred together in “Penalty Kick.” We paid the artists 5-6 rubles per performance, but Mikhail Ivanovich was used to the fact that his administrators were always men, and he was embarrassed to refuse to the Knowledge Society and continued to receive 80 kopecks. For four years I tried to persuade him to join us at the Film Propaganda Bureau. This happened after the death of Alexandra Nikolaevna. We worked very hard, and we were brought together by a common cause.

Q: What surprised you about Mikhail Ivanovich?

about: Love for hiking. He is a walker in the truest sense of the word. He could cover kilometers - here he had no equal; he could walk for hours along the embankment, in the mountains. And I was also surprised by the fact that as he is on the screen, he is the same in life. And the same humor and kindness. Do you know how he conducted meetings? Most often, the actors did a simple thing: they would talk for 5-10 minutes before the film was shown and then leave. And Mikhail Ivanovich remained to answer questions after the film. He always spoke with humor and always honestly. The people really appreciated this. And he ended the meetings with the words: “If anyone wants, fly to my personal planet “Mikhail Pugovkin”, we’ll have some tea.” On June 20, 1997, scientists of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory named small planet No. 4516 after him. Pugovkin’s planet is located between the planets of Yesenin and Chekhov. Mikhail Ivanovich is very proud of this neighborhood.

In the life of Mikhail Pugovkin. His only daughter, Elena, was born to his first wife, Nadezhda Nadezhdina. It was with her that there was such love, about which the actor later said: “Heaven in a hut.”

Family and childhood of Elena Pugovkina

Elena's parents were young when she was born. Future actors met at the Moscow Art Theater School. Everyone dissuaded them from getting married early, but they were adamant.

Mikhail Pugovkin and Nadezhda Nadezhdina

The family lived poorly and lived in small apartments with different friends. Every evening Nadezhda and Mikhail wondered where they would go to spend the night next time.

In 1947 they were invited to the Murmansk Drama Theater of the Northern Fleet.

Without hesitation, the newlyweds agreed. Their daughter Elena was born in Murmansk, now she sometimes jokes in interviews that she was “born on an ice floe.”

Elena Pugovkina in childhood with her mother

When Elena was 8 months old, Nadezhda’s mother, Elizaveta Petrovna, came from Smolensk to visit the couple in Murmansk. She saw how cramped and penniless her daughter and her family were living in, and decided to take her granddaughter in to raise her. Until the age of 15, Elena Pugovkina lived with her grandparents.

Adult Elena Pugovkina with her grandparents and son

Now in an interview she calls her childhood happy, although at first she was offended by her parents. Elizaveta Petrovna and her husband gave their granddaughter a good upbringing. She called them her parents, although her mother and father often visited her.

Pugovkin's daughter's choice of profession

In her youth, her grandmother sent Elena to Moscow, communal apartment Nadezhda Nadezhdina, which she received after her divorce from Mikhail Pugovkin. At that time, both of Elena’s parents already had other families.

Elena Pugovkina with her father and his second wife

After graduating from school, Mikhail Pugovkin’s daughter planned to enter the theater institute, but could not pass the exams - she was too shy and nervous in front of the admissions committee. I had to get a job.

Elena Pugovkina and Vladislav Pribrezhetsky

She worked as a secretary in the arbitration court, then in the executive committee. Her admirer, Vladislav Pribrezhetsky, an engineer from Leningrad, whom Elena met during a summer vacation by the sea, helped her get a job.

Personal life of Elena Pugovkina

At the age of 22, Mikhail Pugovkin’s daughter got married. The newlyweds settled for some time in Leningrad, where Vladislav’s family lived. There, in 1970, their son was born, whom Elena named Mikhail in honor of her father.

Elena Pribrezhetskaya with her husband and son

After Elena Mikhailovna’s marriage, her relationship with her father changed dramatically. They began to see each other more often and provide each other with support. The actor’s second wife did everything to unite the family.

Mikhail Pugovkin and his daughter Elena

Today Elena Pribrezhetskaya is grateful to Alexandra Lukyanchenko for helping her find her father again. According to the actor’s daughter, just before his death, Mikhail Ivanovich managed to tell her: “Daughter, I love you!”

The daughter of the famous actor Mikhail Pugovkin, Elena, lives in a small two-room apartment. However, the woman herself stated in a frank interview that in fact she was literally disinherited. Allegedly, the third wife of the legendary artist had a hand in this.


“After the death of my father, the children and grandchildren of Irina Lavrova live in his apartment; all other property also belongs to the third wife. I didn't receive a single ruble from my dad's inheritance, although I am his only natural daughter. My son Misha didn’t get anything either,” said Pugovkin’s daughter Elena.

The woman assures that her stepmother has a direct connection with the fact that Elena herself is huddled in a small apartment. " Irina calculated everything, she persuaded her father to sign the deed of gift and now the rightful owner of everything that he earned for many years with his labor. My son and husband and I live in a two-room apartment with an area of ​​28 square meters in Moscow. My husband and I earned money for this apartment ourselves,” Sobesednik.Ru quotes Elena.

Meanwhile, not everything is clear with the inheritance of the famous healer Juna. The matter is complicated by the fact that the psychic has no direct heirs. But there are nephews. They, in turn, immediately stated that they are not going to claim anything.

“Listen, we are already tormented by these conversations. I want to say again: we don’t need anything! We came to see our aunt off, to say goodbye to her. Is that clear? And if our opinion is interesting, we believe that the museum that Juna dreamed of back when life, it will be quite logical and fair to open here. Or she deserved it. let all the inheritance go to charity", Yuvash Sarkisov said in a recent interview.

"This is our grief, the grief of the family, not of stars and TV presenters. Not only that, following her death, many staged a real PR campaign for themselves, a kind of show on the bones. They made statements, looked for a criminal trace in her death, tried to resolve the issue of inheritance, and now provocations have begun. But tell me, where are all these people? They appeared and disappeared, and perhaps they never existed in Juna’s life. Of the celebrities who shed tears on the TV show, only Mikhail Muromov, Anastasia and Yulian came to say goodbye to their aunt. We didn’t see anyone else!” the man said.