Compote with peaches without sterilization. Peach compote for the winter. Note to the hostess

21.04.2024 Complications

Today I want to share with you another recipe from my winter preparations. This is peach compote. The peach compote is very tasty and aromatic. And it’s not difficult to do. The most important thing is that the fruits are ripe, not broken, without defects, and the rest is a matter of technique. As you know, peaches are “hairy”, and it’s a little tedious to wash each one well. Is not it? I read in an interesting book how to do this quickly and without any effort.

So, add some baking soda to a basin or bowl with water and peaches. Stir until the soda dissolves and leave for 5 minutes. That's the whole secret. I didn’t believe it at first, but when I tried it, I was convinced that it worked and very well. The hair on the peaches disappeared as if it had never been there. Then rinse the peaches and you can start using them. Shall we get started? I took these peaches.

We will need one 3-liter jar:

  • peaches – 6 pcs.,
  • sugar - one glass,
  • water – 2.5 liters,
  • optional 2 slices of lemon.

1) Since the peaches are clean, we move on, we need to wash and sterilize the jars with lids. Wash the compote container with baking soda and rinse well. Then sterilize or scald with boiling water. Choose what suits you best. I always wipe the lids with alcohol, or you can pour boiling water over them and leave them to “float” for a while.

2) Place peaches, cut in half, pitted, into prepared jars.

3) Pour boiling water over the jars of peaches, cover with a lid and let stand for 15 minutes.

Then pour the water into a saucepan, add sugar and lemon slices. Boil and leave to simmer for 1-2 minutes.

5) Turn the jars of peach compote upside down and wrap them in a blanket. Leave until the next day to cool completely.

Peach compote will delight you and your loved ones, especially in winter, when you so often remember summer days. Don’t throw away the berries from the peach compote; you can bake a wonderful dessert with them.

Happy preparations to everyone and see you again! Don't forget to leave comments, I will be very pleased.

See also:

During the season of ripening delicious and aromatic peaches, what you think most of all is not how to preserve them for the winter. But if you roll up peach compote for the winter in at least one three-liter jar according to our recipe, then no one will feel bad from it. Just like - peach will be popular in your family. This seaming should also, in theory, be eaten without any leftovers. This means that peaches in compote in winter will be very tasty, and not only children will want to eat such a fruit.
You do not have to roll up large and selected fruits. Of course, the peach for compote must be elastic and without rotten sides. But if you come across small, aromatic fruits, they are much better suited for compote than large ones.
Ingredients for a 3-liter jar:

  • Peaches (not large) - 10 - 12 pieces (about 600 g);
  • Granulated sugar - 300 - 350 g;
  • Citric acid - 1/2 tsp.

Peach compote for the winter: recipe with photos without sterilization

1. Those who like to eat ripe, and especially homemade, peaches know that these fruits need to be washed thoroughly. And for this I wrote that you need to choose elastic fruits. Fill the peaches with cold water in a metal basin, and then thoroughly rinse each fruit to remove natural deposits.

2. This is the beauty you should get. It is not necessary to dry the fruits.

3. A three-liter jar will need to be cleaned with soda and sterilized in the same way as a regular liter jar. Therefore, prepare the container in advance.

4. Place the peaches in the bottle. You should have about 1/3 of the jar. This is a good ratio with water and the result will be a very tasty compote. But you can fill the jars to the top. Although in this case you will get very little peach compote, you will be able to eat plenty of canned peaches in winter.
Note: Be sure to try to separate the peaches from the pit. If you succeed and the fruit remains intact, then it will be much easier and faster to roll up peach compote without seeds and without sterilization for the winter. You’ll just have to pour the fruit in the bottle not 3 times, like the peach with a pit in today’s recipe, but 2. But in any case, the first water in which the peach sits will need to be poured into the sink, because the boiling water should remove the remaining plaque on the fruit and otherwise In this case, there will be sediment in the compote.

5. You don’t have to fill the peach to the top for the first time, but this water needs to be drained. As already written above, boiling water will remove the remaining plaque from the fruit.

6. For the second time, we fill a full bottle of newly boiled clean water. This time and for the first time you need to cover the jars with lids for preservation.

7. After draining the second water from the bottles into the pan, you can cook the syrup. Approximately 300 to 350 grams of sugar per 1 three-liter jar.
Note: You can taste everything and adjust the sugar. Perhaps 250 grams is enough for you.

8. And pour citric acid directly into the jar with the peaches.

9. Fill the peach with syrup and roll it up for the winter.

This kind of roll-up, in contrast, needs to be turned over and wrapped in a warm blanket.

Cooled peach compote for the winter according to this recipe can be put away in a closet or basement. And already in winter you will appreciate the aromatic and very tasty drink prepared with your own hands.

This recipe for making peach compote is suitable for those housewives who always have no time to tinker with preparing food for the winter. Preparing this homemade drink will take a minimum of your time and effort. In addition, a simple recipe will also speed up the preparation process.

The main ingredients of this recipe are water and sugar, which should be: about 350 grams of sugar, and 1 liter of water. In this proportion, we prepare syrup from sugar and water for any number of peaches.

How to make peach compote with pits.

The peaches for this compote are taken with a pit that does not separate and are quite dense. That is, overripe fruits are not suitable for our compote.

Wash the peaches, separate the stems and place them whole in prepared jars.

Cover the jars with lids and place them in a container for sterilization, into which you first pour water heated to 60°C. Bring water in containers with jars to a boil and note the sterilization time. For half-liter jars the time will be 10 minutes, and for liter jars 12 minutes will be enough.

After the allotted time has passed, remove the jars one by one from the container, quickly roll up the lids and immediately turn them over. Next, leave the jars to cool, and then take them out into the cold for storage.

It should be noted that peach pits contain hydrocyanic acid. Therefore, it is strictly not recommended to store such preparations for a long time. It is advisable to use compote from whole peaches before the onset of the next season and, under no circumstances, leave it for the second year.

Peach compote for the winter is a budget preparation for those who have a sufficient amount of three-liter glass containers. The recipe with photo was taken especially for beginners who have never tried to close such a compote. Unlike jam, compote absorbs the special noble taste of fresh peaches, the drink turns out to be very noble - a godsend for connoisseurs of subtle fruit aromas. And the soft, melt-in-the-mouth slices of peaches can undoubtedly “go away” much faster than the compote itself.

Ingredients for a 3 liter jar:

  • 1 kg ripe peaches
  • 250 g granulated sugar
  • 0.5 tsp citric acid

Method for preparing peach compote for the winter:

Peaches for compote need ripe, high-quality ones. Do not use damaged fruits so as not to spoil the taste of the compote as a whole.

It is believed that fibers on the surface of peaches can cause souring of winter preparations from this type of fruit. Therefore, it is better to play it safe and remove the skin completely, just in case. In addition, such peaches look more aesthetically pleasing and are much more pleasant to eat without the skin.

Pour boiling water over clean peaches for a minute and then immediately plunge them into fairly cold water. This way the skin can be easily and easily removed using a small knife.

Carefully cut the peaches with a knife and divide into two halves, carefully remove the pit. Place the halves (or quarters) of peaches prepared in this way into a previously prepared clean three-liter jar.

Pour clean boiling water over the slices. Cover the jar with a sterile lid. After two or three minutes, drain the water from the jar into a pan of suitable volume (it is best to use a plastic lid with holes). Add granulated sugar and citric acid to this water. The acid will help preserve the beautiful color of the peaches, and will also help increase the likelihood that the compote will not spoil during storage. Citric acid can be replaced with lemon juice.

Stir the syrup with a spoon until the grains of sugar and citric acid are completely dissolved. Bring it to a boil.

Pour the boiling syrup over the peach slices again. Immediately seal and invert to check for leaks. Carefully wrap the jar with a warm scarf or blanket and let the compote sit there until it cools to room temperature.

In the future, the jar of peach compote should be stored in a pantry or closet, protecting it from dampness and light and the encroachment of household members.

Compote can be made from any fruits and berries, be they fresh, frozen or dried. This compote has a rich aroma and taste, and it can quench your thirst in the heat or warm you up in the cold.

In this article we will talk about how peaches are a vibrant seasonal drink.

Recipe for peach and cranberry compote


  • cranberries - 500 g;
  • peaches - 500 g;
  • water - 2 liters;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.


For a richer aroma and taste with a slight bitterness, you can cook compote from peaches with a pit, but we will first remove it and cut the fruit in half. Cut the peeled peach into slices or leave the peach with the pit cut in half. Wash the cranberries thoroughly and place them in an enamel pan along with the peaches. Fill the contents of the pan with water and put on fire. We wait until the water boils, then add sugar to the drink and cook for another 15 minutes. The finished peach compote can be served either hot or cold, or you can even pour it into sterilized jars and roll up the drink for the winter.

How to make compote from peaches and apples?


  • apple - 2 pcs.;
  • peaches - 4-5 pcs.
  • water - 2 l;
  • sugar or honey - to taste;
  • mint - to taste.


We thoroughly wash the peaches and apples, remove the seeds and pits, and cut the fruit itself into slices. Place the pieces of fruit in an enamel pan and fill with water. After the liquid boils, cook the fruit over medium heat for 5-7 minutes, and then add the selected sweetener, which can be sugar, honey or stevia. We catch the fruits from the compote and put them in the blender bowl. Carefully puree the apples and peaches, and for greater uniformity, rub the finished puree through a sieve. Mix with compote and leave the drink to cool. Serve compote with mint leaves and ice.

How to cook compote from apricots and peaches?

The usual fruit compote can be prepared in a completely new way by adding a cinnamon stick or any other spice from the “mulled wine” mixture to the drink. This drink will perfectly warm you up in the cold and fill the entire kitchen with its aroma.


  • apricots - 6-7 pcs.;
  • peaches - 2 pcs.;
  • cinnamon - 1 stick;
  • sugar or honey - to taste;
  • water - 1.5-2 l.


Peel the apricots and peaches, or leave them if you want to make a more aromatic drink with a slight bitterness. We pre-cut the peeled fruits, and simply rinse the whole ones. Place the cinnamon stick, peaches and apricots in an enamel pan, fill with water and put on fire. Cook the fruit for 20 minutes, then add sweetener to taste and continue cooking for another 5-7 minutes. We catch the cinnamon and seeds from the drink, and grind the fruit pulp using a blender. Serve the finished drink cold or hot.

How to make compote from cherries and peaches?

To prepare cherry compote, you can use frozen or dried berries; in any case, the taste and aroma will not let you down. Fans of berry compotes can also dilute the drink not only with cherries, but also with raspberries, blueberries or strawberries, which are also available frozen all year round.



Wash and pit the cherries. Again, you can leave the stone so that the drink comes out slightly bitter. We also peel the peaches and cut them into large slices. Place the prepared ingredients in an enamel pan and fill with water. Cook the compote for 7-10 minutes, then add sugar and continue cooking for another 5 minutes. Strain the finished drink and add sugar and lemon juice to it.