Russian language classes for foreigners. Russian as a foreign language. International classification - Russian system

05.11.2021 Complications

Many people often think about how to teach Russian to foreigners. This is no coincidence, because every year more and more foreign tourists visit the Russian Federation. Some of them remain in Russia to live. That is why philologists must know how to help a foreigner who wants to learn Russian. You can find some supporting information for training in our article.

Why do foreigners learn Russian?

Residents of many countries Lately They actively began to study the Russian language. Few people know what this is connected with. Surprisingly, US government agencies give preference to specialists who know Russian. It is also believed that you can get a decent technical education in Russia. This is why many foreign students learn Russian.

Role Russian Federation in the global economy is increasing annually. Some residents of foreign countries learn Russian in order to open up new opportunities for themselves in various fields of activity. In many large companies knowledge of it is mandatory. This is necessary in order to cooperate and negotiate with Russian organizations.

Russian language also plays important role in the personal lives of foreigners. It is known that some of them dream of marrying a Russian girl. Knowing the language allows you to carry on a conversation without much difficulty.

The Russian language is extremely important for foreign students. Many of them receive their education in Russia. They often choose medical universities. This is no coincidence, because in many countries a doctor is a prestigious and highly paid profession. On the territory of the Russian Federation, foreign students can not only receive a decent medical education, but also save significantly on it, because in some countries it is the most expensive.

Russian language in Germany

The Russian language in Germany is not a language of national minorities of the European Union. There, in schools, children can choose to study Spanish or French. At universities, students can also learn Polish or Czech.

Several million Russian-speaking residents live in Germany. Citizens of the former republics of the USSR also own it. Russian language lessons for foreigners and natives in Germany were opened by our compatriots. You can visit them on weekends. The lessons are designed not only for children from Russian-speaking families, but also for Germans who, for one reason or another, want to learn Russian.

Russian words and phrases that foreigners learn first

In order to understand how to teach Russian to foreigners, you need to find out which words and phrases you need to pay attention to first. Foreigners from all over the world told what, in their opinion, is most important for those who want to visit Russia. Thanks to studying this information, a foreigner will not find himself in an absurd situation.

The Russian language is quite difficult for foreigners to learn. For more, it is recommended to use special literature. The best books are described in our article:

  1. The book "Complete Course of the Russian Language", the author of which is N. L. Peterson, is an initial course of the Russian language. Thanks to this publication, you can easily learn to read and write. After carefully studying the book, a foreigner will be able to speak Russian. It will help you get a basic foundation with which you can improve your knowledge.
  2. Not everyone knows how to teach Russian to foreigners from scratch. When teaching, an illustrated dictionary by Joy Oliver and Alfredo Brazioli “Russian Language” can serve as auxiliary material. It contains more than a thousand basic words and about 30 pictures. Thanks to illustrations, the material is quickly remembered.
  3. Another popular Russian language textbook for foreigners - The manual contains a lot of valuable information. There you can find diagrams, illustrations, tables, practical exercises and much more.
  4. The book "Russian Language in Pictures" is considered one of the most popular and in demand. Its author is Gerkan I.K. This textbook of the Russian language for foreigners contains the basic vocabulary, as well as the rules for its declension.

The most complex rules of the Russian language

It is no coincidence that the Russian language seems difficult for foreigners. There are many rules that they cannot understand. Some of them are described in our article. They need to be studied by foreign citizens who want to learn Russian, first of all.

The most difficult thing for a foreigner is the basics of declension of Russian words. For example: mouth - in the mouth. Many foreign residents cannot immediately understand where the vowel disappears from the middle of the word. That is why, not knowing the basic rules, they most often say: “To the company.”

Many letters of the alphabet familiar to us also seem strange to foreigners. They don't understand why it contains several variations of the same letter that sound slightly different. These include e And yo,w And sch, b And ъ. The letter “s” also causes a lot of difficulties. It is almost impossible to explain her pronunciation. This also applies to hard and soft signs.

Russian language and its study. A few nuances

Not every experienced teacher knows how to teach Russian to foreigners. The standard curriculum is not suitable for such students. It is important that the teacher is fluent not only in Russian, but also in the one that the foreigner considers native. It is recommended to conduct the first lessons individually. A student can attend group classes only after a couple of months. This training scheme will be the most productive.

It is important that a foreigner attends classes at least 3 times a week. The duration of the course is usually up to 160 teaching hours.

Initial stage of study

Any Russian language program for a foreigner begins with learning the alphabet. It is important to spend enough time on the problematic letters that we described earlier. The next stage is the basics of reading. Experienced teachers recommend posting colored stickers with basic words around the house. This will make it easier to remember them.

When a student has mastered the Russian alphabet and reading, teachers begin to study grammar, phonetics and speech development with him. At this stage, a foreigner may prefer group classes and feel comfortable doing so.

It is important that the teacher explains to the student what ambiguous words are. He must understand their use in a particular context. It is important that the teacher communicates with a foreigner in Russian as often as possible. All the tips described will allow the student to achieve maximum results in their studies as quickly as possible.

Self-instruction manual

Not every foreigner wants to learn a new language with a teacher. Some undergo training for self-development. The Russian language tutorial for foreigners is an excellent option for those who want to learn a new language without any help.

Today there are a lot of video and audio tutorials. Thanks to them, you can master the Russian language in a few months without much difficulty or expense. You can engage in such self-development at any time of the day. However, this method also has disadvantages. As a rule, foreigners do not fully understand some rules. In this case, you will need the help of a qualified teacher.

Language classes

Foreigners often prefer special courses to learn Russian. They have both positive and negative sides.

The advantages of language courses include:

  • high professional level of teachers;
  • group form of classes;
  • motivation.

Language courses also have disadvantages:

  • high price;
  • time reference.

Every year more and more foreigners choose language courses to study Russian. This method of learning is not suitable for everyone, but is considered one of the most effective.

The opinion of scientists on the importance of learning the Russian language

Scientists often analyze social media and popular sites. This is necessary in order to understand which language will become the leading one in the future. Experts say that English is still in the lead. The second place is occupied by the Russian language. It is into these languages ​​that books and various materials are most often translated. Experts believe that it is important to be fluent not only in English, but also in Russian, Spanish, and French. Every modern person should study leading languages.

Let's sum it up

In our article you found out how to teach Russian to foreigners. Surprisingly, things that are common to us, such as the alphabet and some phrases, cause confusion among foreign citizens. That is why only highly qualified teachers should teach them. A foreigner can master the Russian language on his own, but for this he will need a lot of time and effort.

For those starting to learn the Russian language or those wishing to improve their knowledge and skills, the Pushkin Institute offers various forms of training in Russian language courses:

Group classes for adults are held 4 days a week By 6 academic hours.

The time of individual lessons for adults is by agreement.

  • Classes in Russian language courses are intense character.
  • Behind short term you can learn here speak, read and write Russian.
  • Offered remedial courses in phonetics, grammar, vocabulary.

For those who speak Russian at a higher level, special courses and special seminars on the Russian language, Russian literature, civilization and culture, the language of business and business correspondence are additionally offered.

Start dates for Russian as a foreign language courses in the 2019/2020 academic year:

  • September 2, 2019 (all levels),
  • September 30, 2019 (level A1 and above),
  • November 5, 2019 (level A1 and above),
  • February 3, 2020 (all levels),
  • March 2, 2020 (level A1 and above),
  • March 30, 2020 (level A1 and above).

The minimum course duration is 1 month.

Programs for teaching Russian as a foreign language

Name Category of listeners Standard training period Number of classroom hours per week Cost of education Dates of training according to the educational program
(Samsung) schoolchildren (language proficiency levels - A0A1A2) 8 months
3 weeks
Practical course of Russian as a foreign language (for schoolchildren) schoolchildren (language levels - A2, B1, B2, B2+/C1) 2 weeks from 20 to 24 ac. hours per week
language levels - B2,B2+/C1 10 months 48
Practical course of Russian as a foreign language (Inter) 9 months 24
Practical course of Russian as a foreign language (Inter) language levels - A0,A1,A2,B1 10 months 24
Practical course of Russian as a foreign language (Inter) language levels - A0,A1,A2,B1 8 months 6
Practical course of Russian as a foreign language (Inter) 5 months 24
Practical course of Russian as a foreign language (Inter) language levels - A0 3 months 24
Practical course of Russian as a foreign language 4 months 24
Practical course of Russian as a foreign language language levels - A1A2B1B2+/C1 3 months 24
RFL and international relations for students of the Faculty of International Relations students of the Faculty of International Relations (language levels A2,B1,B2) 3 months
A1,A2,B1 2 months
Practical course of Russian as a foreign language (Summer school) B1,B2,C1 1 month
4 months
Practical course of Russian as a foreign language for philological students students of philological profile of foreign universities (language proficiency levels A2,B1,B2+/C1 - Inter 5 months
Practical course of Russian as a foreign language for philological students students of philological profile of foreign universities (language proficiency levels - A2,B1,B2) - Ghana, Mali 9 months
Practical course of Russian as a foreign language for philological students philological students of foreign universities (language proficiency levels - A2,B1,B2+) - China 10 months
Practical course of Russian as a foreign language for philological students students of philological profile of foreign universities (language proficiency levels - B2, C1) - China 10 months
Practical course of Russian as a foreign language for philological students students of philological profile of foreign universities (language proficiency levels A2,B1,B2+/C1 - Inter 10 months
Practical course of Russian as a foreign language for philological students students of philological profile of foreign universities (language proficiency levels - A1, A2, B1) 1 month
Practical course of Russian as a foreign language for philological students students of philological profile of foreign universities (language proficiency levels - B1 – B2) 2 months
Practical course of Russian as a foreign language Foreign students who speak Russian at the elementary level (A1) 11 weeks (about 3 months) 4 academic hours 20000
Practical course of Russian as a foreign language (elementary level) Foreign students who do not have basic knowledge of the Russian language 5 weeks (1.5 months) 24 academic hours 20000 from 01.09 / from 01.02
Practical course of Russian as a foreign language. Preparation program for certification testing in the Russian language of everyday communication threshold level Foreign students planning to prepare for testing in Russian as a foreign language in the scope of the First Certification Level (A2) 4 weeks 24 academic hours 20000 01.09 / 02.10 / 01.11 / 01.02 / 01.03 / 04.04 / 03.05
Practical course of Russian as a foreign language language levels - A1A2B1B2+/C1 2 months 24
language levels - A1+/A2 1 month
Practical course of Russian as a foreign language for school and lyceum students language levels - A2/B1 1 month
Practical course of Russian as a foreign language Foreign students who speak Russian at the First Certification Level (B1) 10 weeks (2.5 months) 24 academic hours 20000 from 01.09 / from 02.10 / from 01.11 / from 01.02 / from 01.03 / from 02.04 / from 03.05
Practical course of Russian as a foreign language for philology students students of philological profile (language proficiency levels - A1) 1 month 24 academic hours

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Tuition fees for courses:

25,000 rubles per month. Check-in at the hostel is carried out 1-2 days before the start date. Students arriving to study at the Institute before Sunday.

, pay for accommodation in a hostel

  • according to "Temporary tariffs" The Institute issues and sends you an official invitation. The deadline for issuing an invitation is 20 days (for citizens of Schengen countries - 5 days); After receiving an official invitation, you need to contact
  • Consular Section of the Russian Embassy in your country to obtain a visa; And have with you 3 photographs measuring 3x4 cm

medical certificate

about the absence of contraindications for training. Dear foreign students! We remind you that upon arrival in the Russian Federation on the first working day after crossing the border, you must come to

Department of International Relations (room 222)

In accordance with Art. 20 Federal Law of July 18, 2006 No. 109-FZ “On migration registration of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Russian Federation”, a foreign citizen, if staying at the place of stay, is obliged to register at the place of stay in the manner and on the conditions established in in accordance with this Federal Law or an international treaty of the Russian Federation. Notification of the arrival of a foreign citizen at the place of stay must be submitted to the migration registration authority by the receiving party or directly by the foreign citizen no later than seven working days from the date of his arrival at the place of stay - if this foreign citizen temporarily resides or is temporarily staying in the Russian Federation .

In accordance with Art. 20 Federal Law of July 18, 2006 No. 109-FZ for registering a foreign citizen at the place of stay:

1) foreign citizen:

a) upon arrival at the place of stay, presents to the receiving party a document certifying his identity and recognized by the Russian Federation in this capacity, as well as a migration card;

b) after the receiving party sends notification of his arrival at the place of stay, receives from her a tear-off part of the specified notification form.

2) the receiving party, in compliance with the deadlines established by parts 3 and 3.1 of Article 20 of this Federal Law:

a) submits a notification of the arrival of a foreign citizen at the place of stay to the migration registration authority directly or through a multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services;

b) hands over to the foreign citizen the detachable part of the notification form about the arrival of this foreign citizen at the place of stay

“Walking with the dog”, “chewing his orbit without sugar”, “What is awesome?!” , - if you have heard such statements more often than once a day, then you have dealt with teaching a foreigner the Russian language.

This is not an easy task, but a noble one: sometimes you have to count to yourself to five, imagine how warm waves pleasantly roll onto the shore, calm down and continue learning, realizing that someday all this will end and bear fruit.

A Spaniard once had to go through “all the circles” of the Russian language when he connected his life with my good, but already foreign, friend Katya.

Here's her story:

I came to Barcelona 4 years ago. At the same time, my beloved Catalan husband and I had a magnificent wedding, after which a real surprise for me was the local dialect “Catalan”, which has nothing in common with the Spanish language, which I studied at the university for about 4 years. During two years of special classes, I also learned Catalan, which allowed me to speak with my husband’s family and the locals as if I were one of my own.

My husband practically did not communicate with my Russian relatives, since three words in English and “sign language” wildly tired both of them. “It’s a mess,” I thought, “where is the justice?”

This is how I decided to start teaching my husband the great and mighty Russian language and at the same time fulfill my childhood girlish ambitions of becoming a teacher. I took the issue seriously, sifted through a bunch of information on the topic that I could find on the Internet, bought a special textbook, and we got down to business. And we immediately discovered that the Russian language is very difficult to teach to a foreigner, especially since in my case my idea of ​​teaching consisted of writing “twos” in a diary in calligraphic handwriting (like Marya Vasilievna, the Russian teacher at my school).

Over the course of six months of classes twice a week for an hour, we learned the basic verbs like “want”, “go”, “eat”, etc., learned how to conjugate them (I’m especially proud of this achievement!), learned to read, really , the letters “ш”, “з” and “ы” are still difficult for my husband, we were wildly tired of these same classes twice a week for an hour and decided that the academic path was not for us. Therefore, “the concept has changed” (c), we switched to the practical path.

Russian pop music training

Since then, on all our car trips, instead of the radio, CDs with Russian pop music were turned on. Why with pop music? Yes, because, as a rule, the lyrics in such songs are simple and uncomplicated, they are easy to remember, and the same words are repeated in this case with pleasing frequency. Very soon the first results appeared: the husband began to sing along with the performers, although not yet understanding what exactly he was singing. Gradually, understanding and awareness came, and my trips turned into hell! They constantly tugged me and found out: what does it mean “I won’t give it to anyone”, “let me go”, “my only one”? Why is it sung here “you love” and not “loves”? How would it be the same thing, only in the feminine gender? And in men's? What about on average? Oh, on average people don’t sing to themselves? And if they sang, what would it be like? To my requests to “leave me a little alone today,” I received: “What are you doing? Would you like to help me learn Russian??” Yes I want, I want!
The reward for my suffering was my husband’s solemn performance of the chorus of Valeria’s song “The Clock” on New Year’s Eve in Moscow for my parents:

Call me your girl,
And then hug, and then deceive,
And the little clock laughs: tick-tock,
Don't regret anything and love for nothing.

Stormy applause. But that was later. In the meantime, we continued to study.

Teaching "pleasant" words

I simply told my husband about myself and very soon he began to report to my Russian friends and acquaintances: “Katya is beautiful, kind, smart, slim, good” - and the list goes on. Very quickly (probably from my frequent checks - didn’t I forget, it took an hour!) I also learned the words: goddess, queen, princess, darling, beloved.

Walking with the dog

It must be said that by that time, the husband had already mastered the genders of nouns and adjectives and verb conjugations very well. There were more problems with cases. It was very difficult for the Spaniard, like, I think, for any other European, to understand why it is possible to say “coffee with sugar”, but not “coffee without sugar”. One friend once told me that her husband, who was also studying Russian, could not get used to our cases for quite a long time and went “for a walk with the dog.” But this is all nonsense! In fact, whether your husband says “no sugar” or “no sugar” - you will still understand him!

It is much easier for Russians to learn Spanish than for Spaniards to learn Russian, I realized that you don’t need to strive to teach him to speak correctly, you just need to teach him to speak. The grammar of the Russian language is very complex, and if you strive for the absolutely correct use of its rules in colloquial speech, everything will stall, and your husband, frightened by the difficulties and lack of results, will change his mind about studying the language at all. So for breakfast we drank tea “without sugar” and continued to learn the language.

Children's habits

By the way, now my husband understands cases better, at least “with butter” - “without butter” - this bounces off our teeth. In the process of continuing the study, another one was discovered by-effect: when we came to Moscow to visit our parents and went for a walk, my husband, with the spontaneity of a child, walking next to me on the street, loudly read all the signs, tablets and inscriptions that came across him on the way. And he inquired whether he had read and pronounced the sounds correctly. He especially liked to “read” the map of metro stations in the carriage. The metro, by the way, is a very fun place; we often rode it from one end of Moscow to the other, and my husband learned the names of almost all the stations along our route. And not just station names. He still really likes to scare me, telling me in a sepulchral voice for no apparent reason: “Be careful. Doors are closing. The next station...” whatever comes to mind. This is also our most “ancient” pearl, along with the “Watch”.

Be careful, curse words!

Now I want to make a lyrical digression. There is some joke, the meaning of which I don’t remember, but there was this idea: if you buy a parrot that lived in someone’s family, then you can form an opinion about this family. Naturally, we are talking about a talking parrot. Why am I saying this? And to the fact that, to my shame, I must admit that I very quickly taught my husband many swear words that I knew. It's really fun to hear him say them in his childish accent (by the way, I still can't understand why he sounds absolutely like a child learning to speak??), without having a particularly clear idea of ​​their meaning. It was fun and funny exactly until the moment when the well-known Russian curse words were solemnly pronounced by my husband in the presence of my parents. Thank you for not being in front of your grandparents. Of course, in response to the question “Who taught him this?” I had to roll my eyes and say, “Oh, my God, really, who?”

Russian language for men.

But I made a conclusion for the future. Although it was late. Because my dad decided that my son-in-law already speaks Russian quite well so that he could start helping him take it to the next level. In my dad’s understanding, “another level” meant teaching my husband all sorts of “manly” words. Thus, in the vocabulary of my beloved, the word “leave me alone” and the word “jeeeeeeenschina” appeared, pronounced necessarily in a dismissive tone with an accompanying roll of the eyes under the forehead.

As was written above, the letter “sch” is still difficult for us, so in fact, it sounds like this: “jeeeeeensins,” but it’s still offensive.

The apotheosis was the husband’s acquaintance with the classics of Russian literature and cinema, namely, with a quote from the book and, accordingly, the film “Heart of a Dog”: “Get off, you nit!” It is not difficult to guess that in this case my dad was also the teacher. My husband sings this phrase as an encore with special pleasure. "Geeeeensins" are outraged.

Lost in translation

One fine day, the moment finally came when my husband felt the strength to communicate with my relatives and friends directly. Surprisingly (though why is it surprising, we tried so hard!), but they understood him, and he understood. True, at first the problem arose of people not realizing that in front of them was not a Russian person, but a foreigner trying to speak Russian. They spoke to him absolutely the same as to any other Russian person. For example, my grandmother. To my husband’s joyful question: “How are you?”, the answer was: “Well... my lower back is aching, the weather is not clearing up, but how are you?” The husband did not understand anything. I had to explain to my grandmother that I had to say the same thing, but clearly and clearly: “My back hurts, the weather is bad, how are you?” When people grasp this idea, things go much better. It is very important to keep in mind that they will have to help the person (my husband) understand themselves (grandmother and everyone else).

Sometimes he puts them in the wrong place

Over time, my husband got used to the verb “to live” and often “complains” about me on the phone to my mother: “Do you see how I’m doing?” I learned some of our phraseological phrases like “like clockwork” and uses them with or without reason. "Do you want to eat?" - “Like clockwork!” Very believably he sighs from time to time: “Gosss...”, sometimes he is indignant: “Yoklmn!” The most important thing is that he can communicate with our Russian relatives and friends, even over the phone, this is especially important and valuable in the case when people do not speak English.

My husband even downloaded it from the Internet and read Chekhov’s stories! I would like, of course, not to add anything more to this, but I’ll add it anyway: not in Russian, but in Spanish. I made an attempt to read “War and Peace” in the same Spanish. Yeah, of course, I didn’t master it entirely in due time. But together we watched my dearly beloved film “Girls” and the cartoon “Hedgehog in the Fog.” Of course, I had to help with the translation, but only help, and not translate everything!


Now my husband speaks Russian quite confidently, notice that I said “confidently” and not “good”. And I'm glad about it. I am happy when we talk to someone in Russian in the presence of my husband, I try to translate to him what we are talking about, and he says: “No need, I understand!” - as in “Juno and Avos,” a play, the recording of which, by the way, we also watched together. I’m happy when he snatches the phone from me when I’m talking with my parents and says to my mother: “Mother-in-law, mother-in-law, do you see how I’m doing??” I even rejoice when he once again quotes “Heart of a Dog” to me! Although I swear a lot.

Now at home I never speak in Spanish those words or phrases that I know for sure that he can understand in Russian. In everyday life, kitchen and culinary topics, Russian even prevails over Spanish. I can proudly say that my husband and I speak Spanish and RUSSIAN. This is true! He recently changed jobs, sent out his resume, and I was surprised to find that in the “Language knowledge” column he wrote: Russian - entry level. Perhaps it's time for us to move to the advanced level?

  • a three-month program of intensive study of the Russian language (48 academic hours; classes are held three times a week for four academic hours).
  • a one-year program for studying the Russian language (140 academic hours; classes are held twice a week for two to three academic hours);
  • two-year program for studying the Russian language (280 academic hours; classes are held twice a week for two academic hours);

Course programs are intended for interns, graduate students and businessmen working in Moscow.

Classes are held individually and in mini-groups(2-4 people).

Programs are compiled taking into account the interests, goals and level of training of students.

Intensive Russian language program

The program provides for the primary development of speaking skills on sociocultural, business and socio-political issues. The priority is to master the norms of the literary language.

To communicate effectively, you need, at a minimum, to understand the speech of your interlocutor - what he is saying, why and what emotions he has - in order to solve your own problems and achieve your goals. The ability to understand the general content of what is heard, extract specific information, highlight significant facts, and interpret the message heard is the key to effective communication.

During the training process, students learn to write formal and informal letters, reports, essays, and articles on a given topic.

Duration of the course is 100 academic hours/hour. Classes are held 3 times a week for 4 academic days. hours in the evening.

One-year Russian language program

The main focus of this program is teachers of Foreign Language Courses under the Trade Union Committee Diplomatic Academy The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation pays attention to the development of speaking skills in compliance with the norms of the Russian language and speech etiquette.

At the end of this program, students can quite freely conduct conversation and correspondence on a wide range of problems, including sociocultural, business and socio-political, read newspaper and magazine articles, and understand the language of radio and television programs.

The classes use courses by Russian authors, teaching aids, developed by the Institute of Russian Language named after. A.S. Pushkin, Moscow State Pedagogical University.

Two-year Russian language program

The goal of the program is to primarily develop speaking skills.

After the first year of study, students acquire basic knowledge in the field of phonetics, grammar, acquire a lexical minimum that allows them to conduct a conversation on everyday and sociocultural topics, read fiction and newspaper and magazine articles, write informal letters, summaries and short essays.

At the end of the second year of study, students master communicative grammar and the norms of Russian speech etiquette and therefore can freely conduct a conversation on a wide range of problems, read fiction, popular science literature, journalistic articles (highly specialized literature - at the request of students).

The classes use courses by Russian authors, teaching aids developed by the Institute of Russian Language. A.S. Pushkin, Moscow State Pedagogical University.

Classes are held 2 times a week for 2 academics. hours in the evening.

Well Duration
Price for 3 months
traditional 1 academic year, 140 academic. hours
RUB 23,500/RUB 33,000 in a mini group
intensive conversational 2.5 - 3 months. 50 academicians hours
35,000 rub.