There was a white house, a wonderful house. Here is the white house, a wonderful house. The mystery was the white house.

01.10.2021 Diagnostics

Korney Chukovsky not only wrote poems for children, but also composed riddles. The riddles of this author have a beautiful style, they are interesting for children and adults. In addition, riddles accompany the all-round development of the child.

A penny is lying, lying by our well.
It's a pretty penny, but you can't get your hands on it.
Go and bring fourteen horses,
Go call fifteen strong men!
Let them try to raise a pretty penny,
So that Mashenka could play with a penny!
And the horses galloped, and the strong men came,
But they didn’t pick up a little penny from the ground,
They didn’t lift it, they couldn’t lift it, and they couldn’t move it.

Everywhere, everywhere we are together
Let's go, inseparable.
We're walking through the meadows
Along the green shores,
We run down the stairs,
We walk along the street.
But a little evening on the threshold,
We are left without legs,
And for those without legs, that’s a problem! -
Neither here nor there!
Well? Let's crawl under the bed,
We'll sleep there quietly,
And when your legs come back,
Let's ride along the road again.

The sage saw a sage in him,
Stupid - stupid
Ram - ram,
The sheep saw him as a sheep,
And a monkey - a monkey,
But then they brought Fedya Baratov to him,
And Fedya saw the shaggy slob.

If only pine trees ate
They knew how to run and jump,
They would run away from me without looking back
And they would never meet me again,
Because - I'll tell you without bragging -
I am steely and angry, and very toothy.

Take me, wash, bathe,

And know: it would be a big disaster,
Whenever it’s not me and the water, -
On a dirty, unwashed neck
Ugly snakes would live there
And poisonous stings
They would stab you like daggers.
And in every unwashed ear
Evil frogs would settle in,
And if you, poor things, cried,
They would laugh and croak.
Here, dear children, what a disaster!
There would be, if it weren’t for me and the water.
Take me, wash, bathe,
And guess what I am, guess quickly.

I'm a giant! That huge one over there
Multi-pound slab
I'm like a chocolate bar
I instantly rise to height.
And if I have a mighty paw
I grab an elephant or a camel,
I'll be glad to see them both
Raise them like little kittens.

Suddenly out of the black darkness
Bushes grew in the sky.
And they are blue,
Crimson, gold
Flowers are blooming
Unprecedented beauty.
And all the streets below them
They also turned blue
Crimson, gold,

Two legs on three legs
And the fourth is in my teeth.
Suddenly four came running
And they ran away with one.
Two legs jumped up
Three legs grabbed
They shouted to the whole house -
Yes, three by four!
But four screamed
And they ran away with one.

Shel Kondrat
To Leningrad,
And there were twelve guys coming towards us.
Everyone has three baskets,
There's a cat in every basket,
Each cat has twelve kittens.
Every kitten
There are four mice in each tooth.
And old Kondrat thought:
“How many mice and kittens
Are the guys taking it to Leningrad?”

Maryushka, Marusenka, Mashenka and Manechka
We wanted a sweet sugar gingerbread.
An old grandmother was walking down the street,
Grandmother gave the girls money:
Maryushka - a pretty penny,
Marusenka - a pretty penny,
Mashenka - a pretty penny,
Manechka - a pretty penny, -
What a kind grandmother she was!
Maryushka, Marusenka, Mashenka and Manechka
We ran to the shop and bought some gingerbread.
And Kondrat thought, looking from the corner:
Did grandma give you a lot of kopecks?

Answer? Grandmother gave one penny, since Maryushka, Marusenka, Mashenka and Manechka are the same girl

There was a white house, a wonderful house, and something knocked in it. And it crashed, and a living miracle ran out from there - so warm, so fluffy and golden. Question - Extract from

riddles are adjectives along with the nouns on which they depend. Examine each of them in writing as a part of speech.

Here is the white house, a wonderful house,

But something knocked inside him,
And he crashed, and from there
A living miracle ran out -
So warm, so
Fluffy and golden.

Write down words with the same root: one in the left column, the other in the right. Under each word, write down its inflections.
What will you highlight in words with the same root, and what in word forms?

In an open field, in a white field

Everything was white and white
Because it's a field
Covered with white snow.

And stood in that white field
Snow-white house,
With a white roof, with a white door,
With a white marble porch.

The ceiling was white, white
The floor shone white,
There were many white stairs
White rooms, white halls.

And in the whitest hall in the world
I slept without grief and worries,
Slept on a white blanket
Completely black cat. Find a noun formed from an adjective. Write it down in initial form. Show in writing how it is formed. help me please

help me break it down into paragraphs, Grisha Mertsalov is a little boy. Together with his brother Volodya, he took the letter to his father’s former master. The letter contained

request for help. Grisha's family was starving. They didn't even have firewood to warm their food. On Christmas evening, Grisha's father brought home a wonderful doctor. He helped the sick Mashutka, Grisha’s sister. The doctor advised what medicine to give, sent for firewood to the neighbors and gave three rubles so that the girl could buy medicine. When the elder Mertsalov wanted to know the doctor’s name, he said: “Eh! Here's some more nonsense they came up with! .. Come home quickly!” More family The Mertsalovs did not meet with the doctor. They were only at his funeral. Grisha, when he grew up, said: “And we have only seen our wonderful doctor once since then - this was when he was working and begging. And so, when Mertsalov was sitting in the park and thinking about suicide, fate sent him Professor Pirogov. The professor not only financially helped Mertsalov’s family. He was a doctor and examined the sick Mashutka. He then wrote a prescription and recommended another doctor. The professor left money for the family so they could survive for a while. When Pirogov left, he said that one should not lose heart. I think the professor was right. Even if you have lost everything, you must be able to live. After all, Mertsalov first tried to find a job. His sons did not cry or ask for food. They understood that it was difficult for the family now. There are good and evil people in the world. There are always people who know how to feel other pain, who know how to sympathize. Most often, people do not need money, but moral support. Although, if you have nothing to eat and nowhere to live, it is very difficult to remain human. You cannot hope that fate will give you the same wonderful doctor as Professor Pirogov. You can't just sit and wait. Only hard work and faith in the best will help a person overcome

There was a white house, a wonderful house, and something knocked in it. And it crashed, and a living miracle ran out from there - so warm, so fluffy and golden. Question - Extract from

riddles are adjectives along with the nouns on which they depend. Examine each of them in writing as a part of speech.

White snow is falling on the black ground. Here is a black stove with a white cap and a black house with a white roof. And here is a white haystack with a black side. One sky is flat gray.

Indicate case in adjectives.

In an open field, in a white field

Everything was white and white
Because it's a field
Covered with white snow.

And stood in that white field
Snow-white house,
With a white roof, with a white door,
With a white marble porch.

The ceiling was white, white
The floor shone white,
There were many white stairs
White rooms, white halls.

And in the whitest hall in the world
I slept without grief and worries,
Slept on a white blanket
Completely black cat. Find a noun formed from an adjective. Write it down in initial form. Show in writing how it is formed. help me please

help me break it down into paragraphs, Grisha Mertsalov is a little boy. Together with his brother Volodya, he took the letter to his father’s former master. The letter contained

request for help. Grisha's family was starving. They didn't even have firewood to warm their food. On Christmas evening, Grisha's father brought home a wonderful doctor. He helped the sick Mashutka, Grisha’s sister. The doctor advised what medicine to give, sent for firewood to the neighbors and gave three rubles so that the girl could buy medicine. When the elder Mertsalov wanted to know the doctor’s name, he said: “Eh! Here's some more nonsense they came up with! .. Come home quickly!” The Mertsalov family never met with the doctor again. They were only at his funeral. Grisha, when he grew up, said: “And we have only seen our wonderful doctor once since then - this was when he was working and begging. And so, when Mertsalov was sitting in the park and thinking about suicide, fate sent him Professor Pirogov. The professor not only financially helped Mertsalov’s family. He was a doctor and examined the sick Mashutka. He then wrote a prescription and recommended another doctor. The professor left money for the family so they could survive for a while. When Pirogov left, he said that one should not lose heart. I think the professor was right. Even if you have lost everything, you must be able to live. After all, Mertsalov first tried to find a job. His sons did not cry or ask for food. They understood that it was difficult for the family now. There are good and evil people in the world. There are always people who know how to feel other pain, who know how to sympathize. Most often, people do not need money, but moral support. Although, if you have nothing to eat and nowhere to live, it is very difficult to remain human. You cannot hope that fate will give you the same wonderful doctor as Professor Pirogov. You can't just sit and wait. Only hard work and faith in the best will help a person overcome