Who was the chairman of the Federation Council before Matvienko? Matvienko announced a “shaking of the situation” before the presidential elections. The Federation Council ratified the treaty on the admission of Crimea

16.04.2022 Diagnostics
Valentina Matvienko is a politician, diplomat and one of the most influential women in Russia, whose opinion is listened to by top officials of the state.

Valentina Matvienko's childhood

Valentina Matvienko (nee Tyutina) was born in the small Ukrainian town of Shepetivka, but soon moved with her family to Cherkassy. Ivan Tyutin, Valentina’s father, went through the war and died when the girl was in second grade. Mother Irina worked as a costume designer in the theater. On a very modest salary, she alone had to raise Valentina and her two older sisters.

Studying was easy for Valentina - in 1966 she graduated from school with a silver medal, and a year later she received a red diploma from the Cherkassy Medical School. This opened the door for her to one of the prestigious Leningrad universities - the Chemical-Pharmaceutical Institute, from which she graduated in 1972, receiving a postgraduate placement.

The beginning of Valentina Matvienko's career

In parallel with her studies at the institute, Valentina Matvienko began to engage in social work, going from an ordinary Komsomol member to the first secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the Komsomol.

Realizing that pharmaceuticals was not her calling, Valentina decided to get an education in a new field for her. In 1985, Valentina became a graduate of the Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU, after which she completed advanced training courses for senior diplomatic officials at the Academy of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It is worth noting that Matvienko speaks Ukrainian, English, German and Greek.

The year 1986 became significant in its own way for Valentina Matvienko - she entered the world of big politics, taking the position of deputy chairman of the executive committee of the city Council of People's Deputies of Leningrad. Her responsibilities included overseeing cultural and educational issues.

Three years later, in 1989, Valentina Ivanovna became people's deputy Supreme Council of the USSR, heading the Committee for the Protection of Family, Children and Women. Her outstanding business qualities and organizational skills helped her achieve great success and receive a new appointment.

Valentina Matvienko's work at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

In 1991, Valentina Matvienko was appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the USSR (and then Russian Federation) in Malta. Since 1994, she held the position of Ambassador at Large for the Russian Foreign Ministry for two years.

From 1995 to 1997, Matvienko was director of the Department for Relations with Subjects, Parliament and Organizations of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as a member of the board of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. After Matvienko held the position for a year Russian Ambassador in the Greek Republic.

In the fall of 1998, with Yevgeny Primakov coming to power, Valentina Matvienko became Deputy Prime Minister of Russia. She worked in this position until March 2003, overseeing social policy under Stepashin, Putin and Kasyanov. Next, for several months she was the plenipotentiary representative of the Russian President in the North-West Federal District, after which she became a member of the country’s Security Council.

Governor of St. Petersburg Valentina Matvienko

On September 21, 2003, early elections for the post of governor of the city were held in St. Petersburg. This happened in connection with the transfer of Vladimir Yakovlev to the post of Deputy Chairman of the Russian Government. In the first round of the elections, Valentina Matvienko, who received 48.73% of the votes, advanced to the second round, where she took a leading position and became the governor of St. Petersburg.

Exclusive interview with Valentina Matvienko

On December 6, 2006, Valentina Matvienko sent Vladimir Putin an application for early resignation as the head of the city, but was reappointed to the position.

In November 2009, the politician became a member of the party " United Russia" As Valentina Matvienko noted in her final speech as governor of St. Petersburg, she considers her main achievement to be the return of capital functions to the city on the Neva. With the move of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation from Moscow, St. Petersburg became the second capital of our country.

Resignation of Valentina Matvienko

In the summer of 2011, the head of Bashkortostan, Khamitov Rustem, proposed appointing Valentina Matvienko to the position of Chairman of the Federation Council. This candidacy was also supported by President Dmitry Medvedev. Since only deputies could apply for a high post, at the end of July 2011, Valentina Ivanovna applied to participate in the pre-elections to the municipalities “Krasnenkaya Rechka” in the Moscow Region and “Petrovsky” in St. Petersburg. She received 97.29% and 95.61% of the votes respectively. The strong results and the overall organization of the elections drew criticism from the opposition.

Spravorossy stated that they did not recognize the elections as legitimate, and Boris Nemtsov, leader of the PARNAS party, called Matvienko "a disgrace for the city and the country." Communist Gennady Zyuganov compared these elections and their results with elections in the North Caucasus republics, where candidates receive 90-100% of the votes. The politician herself stated that “there have never been more transparent elections in St. Petersburg in history.”

On August 22 of the same year, Valentina Matvienko sent her resignation to the head of state in connection with her election as a deputy of the Krasnenkaya Rechka municipality. She was relieved of her post as governor of St. Petersburg.

On August 31, 2011, the head of St. Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko signed a resolution appointing Valentina Matvienko as a member of the Federation Council, a representative of the Federation Council from the government of St. Petersburg.

Less than a month later, the politician was elected Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of Russia. Then Valentina Ivanovna received 140 votes from senators, one abstained from voting, which was uncontested. As a result, Matvienko became the first woman in Russia to head the upper house of parliament. At the same time, the ex-governor of St. Petersburg became a permanent member of the Russian Security Council.

In 1973, a son, Sergei, was born into the Matvienko family. In 2004, he took a senior position in one of the large Russian banks and married singer Zara, but the marriage turned out to be fragile. After 2 years, the couple separated. Now Sergei is married again, and Valentina Matvienko’s granddaughter Arina is growing up.

Valentina Matvienko now

Valentina Ivanovna takes an active part in the political and diplomatic activities of Russia. He is interested in art, enjoys cooking in his free time, and visits the swimming pool and gym.

Interview with Valentina Matvienko to Russia Today TV channel

Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko is a female politician, a significant figure in the Russian government arena. Chairman of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, member of the party Bureau " United Russia", winner of awards and diplomas, international awards for political and social contributions.


From the Leningrad Chemical-Pharmaceutical University, young Valentina Tyutina(Matvienko after marriage) began activist social and political work. Received the position of secretary of the Komsomol, CPSU party, worked as ambassador of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She continued to develop her career after the USSR ceased to exist, received the post of Ambassador of the Republic of Malta, became the head of the regional relations department, and went on a diplomatic mission to the Republic of Greece.

appeared Governor of St. Petersburg 2003-11, later became a member of the Federation Council, the first female politician to receive the chairmanship. She was nominated for a number of awards, received certificates and orders for service to the country. Today she continues to shape the social policy of the Russian Federation; the highest ranks of the Kremlin listen to the recommendations and views of women.


7.04.1949 Valentina Ivanovna Tyutina, the daughter of a front-line soldier and a theater costume designer, was born in the provincial town of Shepetovka in Ukraine. The family already had two children. The youngest, Valentina, was small at the time the Tyutins moved to Cherkassy, ​​which is where the girl spent her childhood.

When Valentina Ivanovna was in elementary school, the girl’s paralyzed father, Ivan, died. A large family left without a breadwinner was experiencing serious financial difficulties. The mother, who received a modest salary, had to raise three daughters.

School young Valya Tyutina finished by 1966, received a silver medal for her certificate. I went to study at the Cherkasy Medical School, choosing an educational institution for the sake of a scholarship and financial support from my family. She came out as the owner of an excellent student diploma.

She moved to Leningrad, continued her studies, becoming a student Chemical and Pharmaceutical University. She was assigned to continue her studies in graduate school, but refused, realizing that her calling lay beyond the boundaries of the medical niche. Instead of graduate school, she entered the Academy of Social Sciences from communist party, additionally attended classes for diplomats of the heads of the Diplomatic Academy. In addition to her native Russian, she mastered four more international languages.

Carier start

Valentina Matvienko developed her political career simultaneously with her student years, with the Komsomol. 1972-77- started working as secretary of the Komsomol district committee, 1977-84- Secretary of the Komsomol division of the entire Leningrad region. The political world opened its doors to women.

The politician's career began to develop rapidly. By 1984, Valentina Matvienko was listed as the secretary of the CPSU of the Krasnogvardeisky district, and by 1986 - deputy chairman of the Lensovet committee. In 1989, Valentina Matvienko was elected by the Union of Soviet Women, received the title of deputy, and by 1991, a member of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the country.

Governor of St. Petersburg

In 2003 Valentina Matvienko received an offer to return to the Leningrad region. The politician participated in the gubernatorial elections of St. Petersburg, moved to the second stage (with a significant majority of votes), and won. Then she became a representative of the Security Council.

At the post Governor of St. Petersburg Valentina Matvienko began to actively “pull” the city out of the economic crisis of the nineties. To many, the governor’s activities seemed outrageous: during the politician’s reign, objects of historical significance were demolished, destroyed, and a shopping center and multi-story parking were built in their place. Active development began, entertainment centers appeared, and transport interchanges changed. The appearance of the city has changed, there are fewer parks and green areas.

Valentina Matvienko's projects were both successful and not so successful. During his governorship, a lot happened besides development: a fivefold increase in the city’s budget, automobile factories began to be built, and foreign capital began to flow in. Under her, a communal collapse occurred: students and people without a fixed place of residence began to be involved in clearing the city of snow (instead of snow removal equipment). The actions were met with criticism.

The governor lobbied for the construction of the building" Gazprom City", asked to exclude the city from the list of historical villages, which caused indignation among St. Petersburg residents. She put forward a proposal to unite St. Petersburg with the Leningrad region, the initiative did not meet with the support of President Medvedev.

In 2006 The governor sent a request for early resignation, was refused, and found herself reinstated to the position with full retention of powers. She served as governor of St. Petersburg until 2011. During her governorship she joined the party " United Russia". She believed that she had returned the capital's functions to the city, calling this the main achievement in her gubernatorial position. The statement is not without truth: the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation moved to St. Petersburg, which turned the city into a second capital. Despite this, the activities were regularly criticized by both city residents , as well as many famous personalities.


Another resignation request was sent to the President in 2011. It happened thanks to a tempting offer - she was considered for the role Chairman of the Federation Council. Dmitry Medvedev, the current President, agreed to support the nomination. The governor could occupy the position solely as a deputy. The woman went to the by-elections of two St. Petersburg municipalities. A large number of votes for the politician's candidacy raised a wave of indignation and caused indignation among the opposition.

In August 2011, by order of the current President, she was freed from the governorship; the vacated role of the St. Petersburg governor was assumed by Sergey Poltavchenko.

Chairmanship of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko was granted almost unanimously by a vote of the current participants. The politician collected 140 votes out of 141, the last participant chose to abstain. For the first time, a woman managed to occupy a high government post in the first chamber of government. After the elections, she became a member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, and the next year - a member of the State Council of the Russian Federation, formed after constitutional changes.

During Valentina Ivanovna's participation in the Federation Council, " anti-orphan bill", which prohibits US citizens from adopting Russian children and from operating throughout the country for organizations looking for candidates for adoption. Matvienko asked to wait and think about making a decision, but was not one of those who abstained or opposed the 2012 bill.

Was an active participant Russian Crimean campaign, from the very beginning. On her initiative, an emergency meeting of the Federation Council was convened, during which a decision was made to send troops to Ukrainian territory. She defended the legality of the scheme to annex the peninsula to the territory of the Russian Federation. Supported the use of the country's military forces for use in Syria, approved the proposal to bomb the organization Islamic State.

Personal life

She married her boyfriend, Vladimir Matvienko, by the time she graduated from Leningrad University. A year later, the only son of the family, Sergei, was born. While pursuing a social and political career, the woman missed important moments in raising a child. By the age of 18, Sergei Matvienko was detained on suspicion of robbery.

Sergei Matvienko was talked about illegal activities more than once; he was not criminally charged. The son of a politician received a good education, took a leadership position in one of the large banks, married a famous singer Zara. He divorced two years later, then married again, to an ordinary young student, Yulia Zaitseva. This union gave Valentina the long-awaited granddaughter Arina, and turned out to be quite strong.

Sergey Matvienko and Zara

My husband Vladimir has now received a disability and uses a wheelchair to get around. Permanently resides in Leningrad region, where is located a private house family, practically never leaves. During Valentin's diplomatic missions he remained on the territory of his country. It was he who was primarily involved in raising his only child.

Valentina Matvienko now

Today Valentina Matvienko is called the most influential woman in Russia; opinion polls were conducted by domestic media among government colleagues and citizens of the country. Her opinion remains authoritative for senior Russian officials. Possesses strong ties with the top people of the Kremlin, the woman is energetic and actively involved in political activities.

One of the first to be subject to anti-Russian sanctions: ban on staying in EU countries, seizure of assets and personal property located in the United States.

The main direction of current work is the social sphere domestic policy. The woman expressed concern about low regional teachers' salaries. Instructed the Minister of Education to find and eliminate the cause of low teacher pay. She supported a forty percent increase in official salaries, arguing that this would prevent personnel turnover, harmful to the well-being of the country, and attract competent workers to government work.

The politician does not forget to maintain physical and intellectual shape - he goes to the gym, the swimming pool, is interested in art, cooking, remaining a visible figure in the Russian and international political arena.

In 1967 she graduated from Cherkasy Medical School. In 1972 she graduated from the Leningrad Chemical and Pharmaceutical Institute. In 1985 she graduated from the Academy of Social Sciences under the CPSU Central Committee. In 1991, she completed advanced training courses for senior diplomatic officials at the Diplomatic Academy of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Name: Valentina Matvienko

Date of Birth: 07.04.1949

Age: 70 years old

Place of Birth: Shepetivka city, Ukraine

Weight: 65 kg

Height: 1.70 m

Activity: politician, statesman

Family status: Married

Valentina Matvienko is the most prominent female politician in Russia. She is known both in our country and abroad. Her decisions and views on situations changed the political structure of the country. The biography of Valentina Matvienko, like her personal life, is of interest to many of our citizens.


Lyudmila was born in the Ukrainian SSR, in the spring of 1949.

The father went through the entire war and died when his youngest daughter was in second grade. The mother of now famous political figure Valentina Matvienko worked as a costume designer at a local theater.

In addition to Valya, two eldest daughters grew up in the Tyutin family - Lydia and Zinaida. The girl spent the first years of her life in the small Ukrainian town of Shepetivka; later the family moved to Cherkassy. After the death of her father, her mother had a hard time supporting and raising three daughters alone.

Valentina Matvienko in childhood

Valya was good at all school subjects, especially in mathematics and foreign language. The girl graduated from school well, her certificate showed only A's and one B'. After school, Valentina entered medical school, and a year later she graduated with honors.

In one of the interviews about her biography and personal life, Valentina Matvienko said that in her youth she dreamed of being involved in scientific activities.

Soon the girl decided to enter the Leningrad Chemical-Pharmaceutical Institute. In parallel with her studies at the university, Tyutina took her first steps in politics. At first it was public work, then joining the Komsomol ranks. In 1972, the girl graduated from college and realized that she did not want to work as a pharmacist. In her younger years, Valentina differed from her peers in her strong-willed character and determination.

Valentina Matvienko in her youth

To succeed in a new field of activity, it was necessary to study again. The Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU was graduated by Valentina in 1985. Next, the girl received a referral to study at the Academy of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The course provided for the improvement of senior diplomatic personnel.

It should be noted that Valentina Ivanovna speaks excellent Ukrainian, Russian, Greek, German and English.


The young man studied at the same course as Valya. After receiving his diploma, Vladimir Matvienko began working as a teacher at the Military Medical Academy. In 1973, the young people had a baby, the boy was named Sergei.

The Matvienko family is exemplary for many of Valentina’s colleagues and friends. All family members take care of each other, and in difficult situations they demonstrate unity and fortitude.

Valentina is happily married

Journalists from tabloid publications have repeatedly spread rumors about Valentina Matvienko’s novels, but this information has not been confirmed.


Since 2000, husband and father Vladimir Vasilyevich retired. But the man was not used to sitting idle, so at the family council it was decided to start building a country house. The Matvienko family nest was built near St. Petersburg. Vladimir watched the progress of the work, now this is a favorite place for the whole family. Unfortunately, as a result of the illness, Valentina Matvienko’s husband became disabled. Today he still lives in suburban housing, where all the necessary conditions have been created for moving in a wheelchair.

Valentina Matvienko with her husband

There is always someone nearby with Vladimir Vasilyevich. Special personnel are invited to help so as not to leave the head of the family alone. Very often, close people pay attention to their husband, father and grandfather; they try to support Vladimir Vasilyevich. On the pages of Internet resources, in addition to the biography and facts of the personal life of politician Valentina Matvienko, you can see old and new photos. Despite the difficult condition of her husband, the marriage of Valentina and Vladimir can be called long and happy.

Valentina Matvienko today

Thanks to perseverance and daily work, Valentina Matvienko is today considered one of the most influential political figures. The woman was awarded several government awards, including orders for services to the fatherland and medals. One of her areas of work is diplomatic activity. Valentina Ivanovna is always in sight, her daily circle of contacts are the first persons of our country.

Valentina with her son Sergei

Despite all the responsibility and busyness, she tries to devote time to her family. Valentina monitors her health; swimming and training in the gym help her stay in excellent shape. Matvienko is a good cook, handles housekeeping, and is interested in art.

From the biography and personal life of Valentina Matvienko, we know that she has a son, but as the woman said, she always wanted many children. Unfortunately, this did not come true, but Valentina Vasilievna gives her love and maternal feelings to her nephews. She takes part in their lives and does not forget to give gifts for the main holidays. It is also known that Valentina Matvienko took custody of one of the orphanages in St. Petersburg; she often visits the children, provides them with all possible assistance, and attracts sponsors and charitable organizations.

Famous politician V. Matvienko


During the years of governing St. Petersburg, Valentina Ivanovna actively restored the city, but, despite the positive side of the event, her actions were often criticized. During her term as governor, the neighborhoods of St. Petersburg changed greatly. Ancient houses were dismantled, and shopping and entertainment complexes were built in their place.

Valentina Matvienko and Vladimir Putin

Although there are many female political figures in the modern world, there are few of the brightest and most significant ones. In the Russian Federation, she is one of the brightest stars on the political horizon.

She was recently included in the list of the 100 most prominent politicians modern world. And Ukraine, the United States and the European Union imposed sanctions against her, banning her from entering the territories of their countries. All this is about her - Valentina Matvienko.

Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko is a well-known political figure in Russian and world politics - Valentina Matvienko Federation Council of the Russian Federation. Many people know her, her opinion is taken into account both in Russia and far beyond its borders. She is one of the political leaders who changed the political structure of the country and forced her opinion to be taken into account. She is loved and respected, but sometimes feared.

Height, weight, age. How old is Valentina Matvienko

Valentina Matvienko looks great, although she has been working on the political Olympus for a long time, since the late 80s. She is one of the associates of the first President of the Russian Federation, Boris Yeltsin. IN Lately Many people ask this question on the Internet: “height, weight, age, how old is Valentina Matvienko.

Although she is at a respectable age (she will soon celebrate her 70th birthday), she looks great. Her weight is 86 kg and her height is 173 cm, which allows us to say that her parameters are close to ideal, which is what her colleagues often tell her.

Biography of Valentina Matvienko

The birth of the future politician took place on the territory of Ukraine in the small town of Shepetivka, which is located near Khmelnitsk, on the feast of the Annunciation, celebrated by the Orthodox on April 7, the harsh year of 1949.

After graduating with honors from the 8th grade, she entered the Cherkassy Medical School, where she studied from 1964 to 1967. Following this, he entered Leningrad as a pharmacist, where he studied at the Chemical and Pharmaceutical Institute until 1972.

In the same year, she was invited to work in the organization in charge of the affairs of the Komsomol, and then the party.

After working in an ordinary pharmacy chain for about a year, he studied at the Academy of Social Sciences, after graduation, from which he entered politics, which happened in 1977. She becomes an assistant in the Leningrad regional committee of the Komsomol. From 1984 to 1986 works as a secretary in the Krasnogvardeisky district committee of the CPSU in the city of Leningrad. She was elected to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. In the same year, she headed one of the Committees, which manages the affairs of women and children and protects them. Then in 1991 he became a member of the Presidium of the Supreme Council.

1990 marks the time of training for diplomatic workers, which was organized by Diplomatic Academy at the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Then she is sent to the island of Malta as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the USSR, and then, after its collapse, of Russia.

In 1995 he worked in Mead as director of the DSPO.

Since May 6, 1996 began working in the Committee, working on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation, in charge of women's, family and demographic issues. From 01/28/97 transferred to the Commission in charge of women's issues.

Since September 1997, he begins working at the Greek Diplomatic Mission, where he serves as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary.

In September, Vladimir Ryzhkov refused to head social work under the Cabinet of Ministers of Yevgeny Primakov, they offered the position to Valentina, she agreed to the offer. She was appointed deputy chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation in charge of social issues. In May, the cabinet of ministers changed, which was now headed by Sergei Stepashin, but she retained the position of social minister. Since May 1999 starts working as a curator at the election commission. She is in charge of issues related to the election campaign of the President of the Russian Federation. Valentina Ivanovna was offered to run for the head of St. Petersburg in 2000, but she refused, continuing to work under the President of the Russian Federation, helping Putin resolve many issues.

In 2003, she won the elections to the St. Petersburg administration, although she found herself at the center of dirty gossip, the essence of which was playing behind-the-scenes games with Putin. Voters, as it turned out, did not believe the gossip.

In 2008, Valentina Matvienko was elected to the Federation Council, where she still serves as chairman. Many deputies listen to her opinion. Even the President of the Russian Federation consults with her, and the troublemaker Vladimir Zhirinovsky considers her the most sensible politician in the Supreme Council.

So, Valentina Matvienko’s biography attracts many who want to get acquainted with political life modern Russia. Without it, understand the political structure of Russia and the world.

Personal life of Valentina Matvienko

Valentina Matvienko is always in the public eye, so many residents of the Russian Federation and world politics are interested in how Valentina Matvienko’s personal life is going. It's not original at all. Valentina Matvienko lived her entire adult life with her husband, having met him in her youth.

But in recent years, many media outlets have been spreading rumors, including many political figures in the country among her sexual partners. Valentina Matvienko herself laughs at the rumors, saying that if they talk about her, it means she is alive. But a real politician must behave with honor, leading a normal personal life, which she does, lovingly treating her husband Vladimir Vasilyevich Matvienko.

Family of Valentina Matvienko

Valentina Matvienko’s family is her beloved husband and son Sergei. But sometimes in interviews she talks about her father, who served as a military man on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR. Based on the words of Valentin Matvienko, he died early due to aggravated wounds after the Great Patriotic War. She doesn't remember him at all. The only thing left after him was a few yellowed photographs and Tyulin’s last name. After the death of the father, which occurred in mid-1956, the mother took up raising the children. She did everything possible to ensure that her daughters, of whom she has three, grew up good people.

Valentina Tyulina (maiden name Matvienko) - the smallest of the sisters received great love from her mother and sisters. From an early age, my mother instilled in her children a love of art, although she only worked as a costume designer in the theater.

Children of Valentina Matvienko

The politician has a son, Sergei; Valentina Matvienko did not give birth to other children. She says she really regrets it. But political life did not give me the opportunity to become a mother of many children. In addition to Sergei, whom she loves immensely, Valentina treats her nephews like a mother. She is interested in their lives, gives gifts for the New Year and birthdays. Valentina Matvienko is trying to give all her unspent love to the children from the orphanage in St. Petersburg. She visits her charges, giving them love and affection.

She also treats young politicians with maternal love, helping them learn the basics of their career. They also treat Valentina Ivanovna with love, calling her “our beloved Valyushenka Ivanovna” behind her back.

Son of Valentina Matvienko - Sergei Vladimirovich Matvienko

Valentina Matvienko gave birth to her son Sergei in 1973 on a fine May day in one of the Leningrad maternity hospitals. He studied well at school, after which he became a businessman working in Russia, but his interests extend far beyond the country’s borders. In 2009, his fortune was calculated in dollar terms, but he is not among the reputable dollar billionaires.

The son of Valentina Matvienko, Sergei Vladimirovich Matvienko, was married to the Russian singer Zara, after breaking up with whom he married a certain Yulia, who gave Valentina Ivanovna her beloved granddaughter.

Having defended his dissertation in economics, I decided to organize a company that is currently working well throughout the entire post-Soviet space.

Valentina Matvienko's husband - Vladimir Vasilyevich Matvienko

Valentina Matvienko’s husband, Vladimir Vasilyevich Matvienko, spent his entire life in the shadow of his wife, a famous politician. Vladimir Vasilyevich and Valentina Ivanovna met during their student years. At the end of the 5th year they decided to get married. Vladimir Vasilyevich lived and worked as a teacher at one of the departments of the Military Medical Academy in St. Petersburg, waiting for his famous wife to arrive.

After retiring with the rank of colonel, he was engaged in dacha farming. But within recent years his health deteriorated significantly. Although his wife and son called him to their place, Vladimir Vasilyevich decided to stay and live at the dacha, although he is in a wheelchair. A specially hired assistant helps him with the housework, who brightens up his loneliness while waiting for his wife and son.

Because a politician looks good, many try to understand the reason for this phenomenon. They search the nets: Photos of Valentina Matvienko before and after plastic surgery, but they can’t find anything. Valentina Ivanovna, according to her close circle, looks good thanks to the genes of her parents. But journalists in the tabloid press do not calm down and write that she did plastic surgery, attaching a photo to messages in his younger years.

Valentina Ivanovna does not comment on this, making jokes towards the presumptuous “journalists”. Laughing, she calls herself an old lady and advises paying attention to her younger colleagues. The son stated that his mother is already the most beautiful and young, so she does not need plastic correction at all, posting a photo and signing “Valentina Matvienko in her youth photo.”

Instagram and Wikipedia Valentina Matvienko

Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko, due to her employment, does not have pages in in social networks. But by entering a request to Instagram and Wikipedia of Valentina Matvienko, you will be redirected to her son’s page, where he shares information, posting photos from family celebrations, where you can often see his mother, Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko. Sergei often makes humorous captions for photographs in which his mother is present.

In addition, singer Zara’s Instagram also contains photographs of her mother-in-law, with whom the singer remained on friendly terms.

Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko(maiden name Tyutina) - Soviet and Russian statesman, politician, diplomat. Valentina Matvienko is the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (since September 21, 2011), the first woman to become Speaker of the upper house of parliament. Previously, Matvienko served as governor of St. Petersburg.

Valentina Matvienko's childhood and education

Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko was born on April 7, 1949 in the small town of Shepetivka, Kamenets-Podolsk region (now the Khmelnitsky region of Ukraine). Soon, Valentina Ivanovna’s family moved to Cherkassy.

Valentina Matvienko's father - Ivan Tyutin, participant in the Great Patriotic War. He died when Valentina was in second grade.

Mother - Irina Tyutina, worked as a theater costume designer. When the father died, the family was left without support. The woman was left with three daughters, among whom Valentina was the youngest. Due to the tragedy, Valentina’s family lived in poverty.

Valentina Matvienko graduated from school with a silver medal. Then she entered the Cherkassy Medical School (1967), from which she graduated with honors. And already in 1972 Valentina Matvienko received higher education, becoming a graduate of the Leningrad Chemical-Pharmaceutical Institute.

Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko received a referral to graduate school. The girl dreamed of becoming a scientist. But later Matvienko was invited to work at the district Komsomol committee, and it was at the university that Valentina’s fate changed dramatically. Valentina Ivanovna decided to get a new education. Matvienko entered the Academy of Social Sciences under the CPSU Central Committee (1985). After graduating from the academy, Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko expanded her knowledge at advanced training courses for senior diplomatic officials at the Diplomatic Academy of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1991).

Political career of Valentina Matvienko

1972−1984 Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko was at Komsomol and then at party work in Leningrad.

1986−1989 Valentina Matvienko worked as deputy chairman of the executive committee of the Leningrad City Council of People's Deputies - she oversaw issues of culture and education.

Soon Valentina Ivanovna was elected People's Deputy of the USSR from the Union of Soviet Women. Matvienko holds the position of Chairman of the Committee of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on Women's Affairs, Family Protection, Motherhood and Childhood. In the 90s, Valentina Ivanovna was a member of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

In this area of ​​activity, Valentina Matvienko achieved great success, which allowed her to become the plenipotentiary ambassador of the USSR, and after the collapse of the Union and the Russian Federation in the Republic of Malta.

Three years later, Valentina Matvienko returned to Russia and headed the department for relations with the regions of the Russian Federation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In 2003, Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko became the governor of St. Petersburg. On October 5, 2003, Valentina Matvienko won the second round, gaining 63.12% of the votes (rival Anna Markova scored 24.2%) and became governor. In the same year, it was introduced into the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

St. Petersburg was in a terrible state after the crisis of the 90s. Valentina Ivanovna energetically took up the restoration of the city and, according to her supporters, saved it from destruction, significantly changing the face of the cradle of the revolution. Under Matvienko, many old buildings were demolished, new buildings and shopping and entertainment centers appeared, and significant modernization of transport interchanges took place. At the same time, Matvienko’s activities were harshly criticized. However, Valentina Ivanovna did not change her position.

During the reign of Valentina Matvienko, a communal collapse occurred in 2010-2011. The capricious climate of St. Petersburg created unfavorable weather conditions. A lot of snow fell. Valentina Matvienko called for involving students and homeless people in snow removal.

It was difficult for Valentina Ivanovna, she even resigned in 2006, but Vladimir Putin rejected her application and appointed her governor for a second term.

In 2011, the head of Bashkortostan R.Z. Khamitov proposed her candidacy for the post of Chairman of the Federation Council. The then current President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev supported the candidacy of Valentina Ivanovna.

Two weeks later, Valentina Ivanovna was unanimously elected to the post of Chairman of the Federation Council, gaining 140 votes from senators, of which only one abstained.

Valentina Matvienko became the first woman in Russian history to become speaker of the upper house of parliament.

In 2017, Valentina Matvienko received an award from the Serbian Brothers Foundation Karich“For strengthening peace, democracy, cooperation and friendship between peoples.”

Views of Valentina Matvienko

Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko, speaking in Novosibirsk at the first congress of women of the SCO and BRICS countries, said that she considers the number of women with the opportunity to make decisions at the state level insufficient.

According to Matvienko, Russia has something to work on in this matter, in particular, there should be more women in the country’s parliament, as reported in the news.

In connection with the annexation of Crimea, Valentina Matvienko came under sanctions against Russia. Valentina Ivanovna is one of the politicians who convened an emergency meeting of the Federation Council and gave the Russian president the right to send troops to Crimean territory.

As SP wrote, what happened on the night of June 6-7 on board the St. Petersburg cruiser Aurora defies any laws of formal logic. So, after warming up with alcohol and eating caviar, the millionaires found themselves on the upper deck. Suddenly, from the Neva waters, a huge barge with Sergei Shnurov at the head of the boarding team. Shnur, accompanied by his new group “Ruble,” shouted: “I am a wild man - eggs, tobacco, fumes and stubble!” The oligarchs turned out to be great experts in the work of the swearing singer and began to pull him up. “When the fun came to a head,” Governor of St. Petersburg Valentina Matvienko boarded the cruiser. Looking around at the respectable men dancing to Shnur, Valentina Ivanovna said: “What is going on in my city?!” But, after thinking for a minute, she joined the dancers.