How pleased I am with the purchase of the iPhone SE! M9 and Siri always active

01.10.2021 Diseases

Thanks to numerous reviews from iPhone SE owners, we were able to highlight the main advantages and disadvantages of the 4-inch Apple smartphone released in 2016.

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Benefits of iPhone SE

The good old 4-inch form factor

Millions of graceful women's palms have yearned for the small, comfortable contours of the bodies of old gadgets. The same can be said about the large army of Asian buyers, teenagers and children. A return to a 4-inch display diagonal and proportional body dimensions is a clear plus. Not degradation, but creative quality, rethinking the concept of a smart phone for all occasions.

A9 processor

Small but bold - the iPhone SE is in some ways inferior to the flagship models, but this does not apply to performance. Those who have not yet replaced their old iPhone 5 are in for a pleasant surprise. It looks like the same device, but the filling in it is the most advanced, take it for example full version A9 processor, no modifications with reduced functionality. The last factor will become one of the most important marketing advantages of a newbie over competitors.

M9 and Siri always active

The gadget, among others, also received a function that was first demonstrated six months ago. The power of the M9 coprocessor has finally become enough to serve as a full-fledged deputy of the main chip in case it is turned off to save energy or the smartphone is simply locked. In situations like this, you can still shout “Hey Siri” and she will respond. Convenient, whatever you say.

Rose gold color

The iPhone SE can still be considered the successor to the iPhone 6s. This is indicated, for example, by a characteristic family feature – the “rose gold” color of the case, first introduced in 2015. Not a rarity, but this color is still not available on many devices in the Apple product range. But the iPhone SE smartphone received it - to the delight of those who like to splurge without extra costs.

Presentable view of the Apple logo

Not a metal stamping, but a separate stainless steel part, skillfully placed in its rightful place. The logo serves as a kind of inlay, decoration for the smartphone body, although this is not entirely logical from the point of view of minimizing the cost of the product. Or vice versa - it’s just not worth saving on such inexpensive, but catchy details in order to attract buyers.

Correct silhouette of the edges

The iPhone 5s model had excellent ergonomics, but with the transition to the phablet format, Cupertino engineers had to significantly adjust the bevels of the edges - they became more rounded. iPhone SE received its own side edge design. Comfortable to grip and protected from scratches and chips.


A small bow to Apple, which not only deigned to satisfy one of the key requests of users, but also did not skimp on a solution for a budget model. We are talking about a long-awaited transition from a single gigabyte that remains unchanged for years on end. random access memory to double the amount of valuable resource. Even without official confirmation, the iPhone SE model still received the coveted 2 GB of RAM - goodbye to Safari slowdowns, unmotivated iOS freezes and other unpleasant factors.

12 MP iSight camera

Another example that users of the new product will not feel too disadvantaged compared to owners of flagship devices. Their main cameras of the iSight series are identical - the same matrix resolution, the same f2.2 aperture, almost the same set of additional modules. Whether video shooting or selfie, everything will turn out at approximately the same level and depend on the skill of the operator, but not on the capabilities of the equipment.

Thick body, but no protruding camera lens ring

Indeed, no, and that says it all.

4K video format support

iPhone SE not only can shoot in high resolution, but also implements almost all aspects of working with the most popular format. For example, the ability to merge several streams into a single video using iMovie. Or digital zoom and virtual panning for those who are not going to reproduce 4K, but would not refuse to increase the comfort of work when creating video with a resolution of 1080p.

Slow-mo shooting at 240 fps

Copied from iPhone 6s – new smartphone Supports both modes of slow-motion video recording. And playback too, both with a frequency of 240 fps, the quality level is 720p, and with 120 fps, but in a resolution similar to 1080p. Its predecessor, an old 4-inch gadget, was also familiar with slow-mo, but could do much less.


The technology, first implemented in the iPhone 6s model, allows you to neutralize the lack of lighting when working with the front camera of a smartphone. An additional light source is the display itself, which latest version capable of producing a flash three times brighter than the standard screen backlight. More importantly, the concept of “triple” is relative and in fact the required brightness is calculated very accurately based on the sensors in the latest generation FaceTime camera. Alas, the iPhone SE smartphone inherited the old front-facing module, and therefore, although it can illuminate itself during selfies, it does so rather clumsily against the backdrop of a truly smart flagship camera.

Live Photos support

One of the cosmetic functions of the latest generation of Apple gadgets is theoretically supported on older models. But only in playback format - the iPhone SE is different in that it can also create “live photos”. Nothing fundamentally new, the same automatic video capture and adding short animated inserts before and after a static image. But at least there is no lag behind fashion.

Compatible with Apple Pay

This service was originally developed for broad compatibility with model range iPhone, and its only bottleneck was the need to have mobile device NFC chip and “security enclave” key storages. Both are present in the iPhone SE by default—you don't have to use the Apple Watch companion gadget to shop using your smartphone.

High speed communication

More than the iPhone 5s, but less than the current flagship - the result is a good average result. The iPhone SE model is equipped with Bluetooth 4.2 wireless modules, Wi-Fi 802.11ac and 19-band LTE with a peak throughput of up to 150 Mb/s.

Optimized Power System

Less free space inside the case, but modern compact batteries. An advanced and energy-intensive display, but due to the 4-inch diagonal, it is not as power-hungry as similar phablet units. Together, these two factors provided the iPhone SE with better battery life than the iPhone 5s.

With the release of new products, Apple immediately appears headache, since user reviews reveal technical defects, and the company has to quickly fix it. Or not to fix it, that’s how the situation will turn out and how serious the marriage will be. For example, the first iPhone, released in 2007, can hardly be called a functional device - the quality of communication is beyond any criticism, the number of functions is very small, and there are almost no additional applications. But the concept presented was so attractive that the phone turned the market upside down, consistently improving from version to version. The lack of certain features, as they like to say on many forums, is not a bug, but a feature - so there is no point in dwelling on these issues. But in the history of the iPhone there was a scandal that would have put an end to any other company, but for Apple it cost a small amount and also led to further growth in sales. Of course, I’m talking about the antenna gate, when the reception quality of the iPhone 4 turned out to be not very good due to the design of the case. In my hands, the phone began to lose the network, interrupt the conversation, and to a greater extent this concerned the frequencies of operators for the USA, Apple’s native market. In Europe and Russia there were no such problems, cellular networks operate on other frequencies, and so much does not depend on the grip of the hand. The reason for the marriage was draconian security measures, when phones were operated only in external protective covers, they shielded the influence of the owner's hand. But the reason was that Apple simply hid the design of its device. Subsequently, the company distributed branded bumpers to customers for free, which solved exactly this problem.

Against the background of problems with the antenna, defective iPhone screens with yellow spots, as well as some other shortcomings that were not so critical, faded. With the release of the iPhone 5, it would seem that history is repeating itself; a whole set of problems with the screen have already been discovered in the device, which can safely be considered a factory defect. However, watch three videos - in the first one you can clearly see the streaks when you press the screen, in the second the phone screen starts blinking randomly, and in the third we again see a variant of the first problem.

It's time to shout that everything is lost, and Apple cannot comply with quality standards and is guilty of all mortal sins. Adding fuel to the fire is the fact that the phone’s body has been made lighter due to the fact that the metal edging is not made of stainless steel as on the iPhone 4/4s, but of anodized aluminum. Scratches appear easily on a black device; the paint does not stick. In a pocket with coins or other hard objects, this coating will become unusable over time - this is a problem with the technology that the company has chosen, for which it can be blamed.

But to blame Apple for problems with screens, shortcomings in iOS6 software (not a change Google Maps on your own, and minor shortcomings such as Wi-Fi not working for some people) are not necessary, and not worth it. I’ll try on the role of Apple’s defender and try to explain why the company cannot provide one hundred percent quality of its products, especially the iPhone in the first few months of sales. Moreover, in our universe, not a single company of Apple’s level, placed in such conditions, will be able to cope with problems better and faster.

About five years ago, I wrote a text about marriage in mobile phones, it has not lost its relevance at all and today, it is possible that in the near future it will even be worth updating it and adding examples. But for now, I ask you to read it so that you have an understanding of how manufacturers work, what problems they face and how they try to solve them.

Have you read it? Hope so. This article examined issues that are typical for any typical manufacturer, to which, for a number of reasons, Apple is not one. The business model built by Apple is very different from the rules of the game accepted in the market. Moreover, other companies do not seek to completely copy this model, since it carries a high risk and not every company is ready to accept it. Let's look at how Apple is so different and what the company has sacrificed.

Apple's business model and product defect management

In the case of Apple, defects in the company's products are fundamentally different from what can be found from other manufacturers. No, the same screens break, there are low-quality components, errors in assembly and production technology - the whole set of reasons that are present in any other manufacturer. In this aspect, the company is the same as any other; after all, we are talking about electronics, and the list of what can break or work incorrectly has long been known and understood. The difference between Apple lies in the speed with which any, even the slightest defect, is detected by customers. And this follows from the company's business model.

How do Apple sales begin? The company shows the product, several weeks pass after the presentation, and it already appears on the shelves in several countries. This means that even before the public announcement, the product is released on a huge scale, and the company strives to keep it secret. Unfortunately, miracles do not happen, and the larger the production volume of such a product, the higher the likelihood of leaks, both images of individual components and the general appearance or even the devices themselves.

Apple has a nearly maximum level of secrecy within itself, limiting the number of people who have access to a particular product, such as the iPhone. We are talking about dozens of engineers, but this number never reaches hundreds. Unfortunately, when testing any product, detecting any error or defect requires not only experience on the part of the developer, but also experience multiplied by the number of people. Even the most ingenious developer with extensive experience will not be able to test all the functions of a modern phone or check all configurations software, carry out field tests on various real networks. This is a utopia.

The secrecy regime that Apple has established means that the company is not able to test the quality of its product as fully as possible before it goes on the market. Adequately aware of its weakness in this aspect, the company pays increased attention to quality control, testing the performance of devices at the stage of its creation and is one of the world leaders in this field. Product quality control systems are among the most modern and advanced, and the company does not skimp on this. On the other hand, she does not always have enough experience to take into account all the little things that can affect the final product.

When does Apple begin mass testing of a product? Literally the next day after its official announcement. The company begins to work with groups of testers who are bound by a strict NDA, and they provide daily reports on what they were able to find and what flaws they found. This is Apple's insurance against problems with mass defects that may occur in certain devices. For example, in the story of the problematic antenna on the iPhone 4 and poor reception when holding the device without a case or bumper, there was an aspect unknown to the general public. Apple discovered this problem even before ordinary customers started talking about it. But the company could not solve this issue for the millions of devices already produced. As well as recalling these manufactured devices, as this would result in multi-billion dollar losses. While the company was solving this problem, production was producing about 120 thousand iPhone 4s every day, which had the same defect and were sent to partner warehouses around the world. How quickly the problem was resolved depended on how much money the company would lose and how it would be perceived by ordinary consumers who were far from thinking about the nature of the business. Let us also remember that partners and channels already had millions of devices, and the problem will take on a universal scale. This is the second and main difference between Apple and other manufacturers - the risk of defects is orders of magnitude higher than that of other companies, and this is due to large quantities of devices by the first day of sales. The classical model assumes that there is a period of market saturation (ramp up period). In the first two months, the company begins to produce batches of goods for different countries and collects feedback on how it performs in real-world conditions. Until this point, in the classical scheme, the product is tested by regional offices, operating partners, and third-party organizations. Of course, this goes against the security requirements, but it avoids many problems with the product that would otherwise go undetected. Each company chooses its own strategy. In Apple's scheme, an important element is the explosion of sales in the first weeks, which ensures reviews of the product (preferably good, but any will do). Formally, the main part of testing Apple's product falls on the shoulders of ordinary buyers who purchase it in the first two months of sales. This is a kind of payment for exclusivity and image, an opportunity to show others something new. Of course, no one is saying publicly that the buyers of such products - including their beta testers - are bad for business, but that is the case.

In the classic approach, the manufacturer expects to receive a product free of serious shortcomings within the first days of sales, and then within a month or two to improve it to a state close to ideal. In real market conditions and the race for leadership, no company has enough time to test products within this classical scheme, which leads to the release of crude products. This classic scheme was working back in the 90s of the last century, but now it is no longer so effective. Haste leads to inattention, and therefore many products have quite serious flaws. The answer to this could be an increased development cycle, dividing work into segments, and so on. One example of a modified classical scheme regarding the hardware filling of devices is the Samsung company. At the time of the release of the company's current flagship Galaxy S3, the company had already finished the chassis for the Galaxy S4 and began testing it (without taking into account the software features of the new OS, these are just tests of the hardware and how it works with each other). Unfortunately, such a work scheme is available only to a very limited number of manufacturers, those who have a full production cycle of components (processor, memory, etc.) and are not connected with external suppliers. There are almost no such companies on the market; Huawei is moving in this direction, which, from the point of view of business processes, is trying to copy the current practice at Samsung.

Breaking down the work into segments means that each building block is tested and developed within separate working groups. For example, design and materials are the responsibility of engineers working in this direction, but the hardware is the responsibility of other engineers. At the semi-final stage of product development, all this, like blocks, comes together. We can definitely say that this approach is interesting for companies similar to Samsung; it allows us to improve both components and final products - here we see a synergy effect. When using a new memory chip in its future phone, the company sees what shortcomings it has and what problems it might encounter. And they can improve the memory chip, which will ultimately have a positive effect on the product. At Apple, the situation is the opposite - not having its own components, the company does not strive to use the latest and best developments, preferring proven solutions. This is a consequence of the fact that the cost of risk from using the latest components that have not yet been tested by the market in other solutions grows exorbitantly for Apple. It’s one thing to gradually increase production of a product and collect feedback from the market; it’s a completely different thing to throw millions of phones onto the market and suddenly find out that each of them has a problematic part that leads to the general inoperability of the device. Apple's task is to protect itself as much as possible from such unpleasant surprises.

I have long believed that Apple's contracts with component suppliers have such draconian penalties associated with defects due to the company's general attitude towards this issue. Unfortunately, it is impossible to provide you with copies of these agreements, but once I was able to view one such document with my own eyes. According to it, if a defect is discovered related to the incorrect operation of a component and caused precisely by this component, and not by a combination of circumstances, the supplier is obliged to pay a penalty in the amount of 2 to 5 times the price of the component. This is in addition to free replacement of the defective part itself. For example, if a screen is found to have a manufacturing defect, the supplier replaces it free of charge and also supplies from 2 to 5 screens for free or pays the equivalent in monetary terms. Draconian conditions? Undoubtedly. But on the other hand, suppliers want to work with Apple, since the company provides a huge volume of purchases, which allows them to reduce production costs and increase quality control. Such agreements on the part of Apple are a kind of insurance against defective components - manufacturers make every effort to avoid the supply of defective parts, strengthen control over the output and sometimes bring it almost to total (which is not just a rarity, but nonsense). But even taking into account these aggravating circumstances, it is beneficial for them to work with Apple. For other companies, quality control of components is not so good (if everything happens within one manufacturer, then there is also the most stringent acceptance, but this is due to other reasons).

Now let's look at Apple's business scheme with new knowledge. In your opinion, when is the worst time for Apple products to be defective? The correct answer is in the first two, at most three months of production. By changing the way a product is made and how it is sold, the company gains millions of customers who test the quality of the products. And as part of this testing, from the very first days it becomes known what is wrong with the product. Of course, every problem that arises with any Apple product is magnified by the amount of attention the company receives from both the media and consumers themselves. And there is nothing wrong with this, since as a result the product improves dramatically in terms of the absence of defects. After three months of production, the defects drop to very insignificant values ​​and are usually associated with the operation of the device and its actual use, less often with build quality or factory problems. But almost always for Apple, the percentage of defects in these months is lower than for similar devices from other manufacturers. It is necessary to make a reservation that some materials do not fail immediately (the plastic near the headphone jack cracks, the metal on the back side wears out, and so on), so make allowances for the fact that this is also possible.

The videos presented at the beginning of this text show problems with manufacturing defects and inaccurate assembly (pressing the screen, stains). I am sure that after such problematic devices appear in the service, Apple will simply force them to strengthen the inspection at the factory in order to avoid such problems (it is already very good, the number of problematic devices is not that large). The main thing is that this is not a systemic problem that will be repeated for many. You shouldn't make a mountain out of a molehill.

Another issue is scratches on the body; this is a design flaw that arises from the properties of aluminum (a soft metal that gets scratches from hard objects). Most manufacturers have stopped using aluminum cases in phones, since when dropped they become deformed and cannot be straightened. For Apple, this has never been an obstacle, since the iPhone 4/4s is not very comfortable to hold in wet hands, and the glass becomes cracked when dropped. But many people perceive this not as a design problem, but as their awkwardness, which is partly true.

I'm fully confident that the paint issue on the black iPhone 5 will be resolved in production (2 months from today), but it can also be easily resolved by using cases. Most iPhone users use some kind of case, so the problem is unpleasant, but not fatal. And it will not affect sales of this device in any way. I’ll express a seditious thought - even the complete inoperability of the iPhone will not lead to a drop in its sales; it’s another matter what its returns will be. But that's a different story.

Brief conclusions

I hope that this material was able to fully reveal the difference between Apple and other manufacturers. Why does the company use components that are not the most advanced in technology? Why is the risk of mass defects significant for her and Apple is trying to avoid it at all costs? How secrecy affects product refinement at the point of sale. And what do the first buyers of Apple products sacrifice and why it is often not that important to them. The amazing thing is that the company, using a different business model for its products than most of the market, was able to minimize losses from defects and reduce the amount of defects to a minimum. While most phone and smartphone manufacturers cannot achieve the same results due to the organization of their processes. There are perhaps three approaches to risk management in company products on the market today - this is the classic approach, a mutation of the classic approach for vertical companies that produce both products and components for them, as well as what Apple is doing. It is impossible to repeat the company’s experience in this aspect; it is, without understatement, unique. But other companies are not trying to do this. For example, Samsung deliberately limits sales of its flagships in the first month and a half; this follows from the business model that the company adheres to; it tends to be classic, although it has changed. Unfortunately, we can say with confidence that the classical scheme no longer works, and this can be seen in the example of defects in Sony products (formerly Sony Ericsson), Nokia, Motorola and other companies.

As a final touch, I would like to describe another, undoubtedly unique, risk management model regarding defects, which Microsoft brought to the smartphone market. On exit Windows Phone 8, the company provided only hardware specifications for partners, but not a full version of the OS or its variations. As a result, until the beginning of October, none of the manufacturers can test how it works on their unified hardware (they are all the same inside in theory) a new version OS. Microsoft is repeating the same mistake that they made when releasing WP7, then the company considered that all smartphone models were the same, and released a minor update that led to the transformation of a number of Samsung phones into bricks. Phones from different manufacturers differ; no models are completely identical. And by removing the stage of testing the OS with different phone models, Microsoft is making a very big mistake - in fact, it is increasing its risks. It’s clear where the idea of ​​secrecy came from - it’s a copy of what Apple does. But they copied Apple’s approach head-on, without understanding what caused it and how risks from defects, including mass defects, are managed. For Microsoft and products based on WP8, this approach can safely be called unsuccessful, it simply does not work. I especially want to emphasize that I am not saying that WP8 products must necessarily be defective. No. But if, God forbid, there is some serious error, then we will find out only in the process of using smartphones, that is, after the start of sales. It cannot be otherwise in this scheme.

There is one more dimension that I did not talk about in this text, since I considered marriage from the point of view of business processes and risk management of different companies. However, it is also necessary to take into account the PR component. Taking into account development social networks even 500 cases of defective screens per batch of a million devices acquire the character of a “mass” defect. However, this cannot be considered a serious problem. Many users interpret marriage in any way they like - those who are unlucky insist that this problem is typical for everyone, others doubt it or even deny it. Truly massive defects are stories akin to the antenna in the iPhone 4, component failure in the first batches of the Nokia 5800, or peeling surfaces in the Nokia N76. But even in these cases, when manufacturers publicly acknowledged mass defects and replaced phones (or issued bumpers, like Apple), there are always a huge number of people who disagree and continue to insist that these are the machinations of enemies.

To conclude, I want to say a few words about Apple, since we looked at the problem of defects using the iPhone 5 as an example. As you understand from the text, the ideal time to purchase any company product is three months from the start of sales. This is a kind of guarantee that minor and major ailments that you might encounter have already been cured. For the most part this is exactly the case. Well, if you act as a pioneer and want to be one of the first to receive the product, then be prepared to also act as a beta tester, this is the price for the right to be one of the first.

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Eldar Murtazin ()

Look at the official iPhone prices in the Apple virtual store, then at the average salary in Russian Federation, and then back to prices. Are there any other reasons to check a device with special care when purchasing? Don’t let the magic of the company, which begins to work from the moment a box with a bitten apple depicted on it appears in your hands, mislead you - there is always a chance of getting a defect.

Common ailments

Nothing angers a perfectionist more than dead pixels on the screen and uneven backlighting. All the “delights” of a low-quality display are noticeable in the dark with maximum brightness on a black and white background. This happens to everyone current models iPhone.

In addition to the durable phablet 6 Plus, Apple smartphones force their owners to purchase external batteries or always keep a lightning cable with them. In some cases, if the phone takes too long to charge or discharges very quickly, the reason may be a defective battery.


In this sense, the iPhone 5s has become one of the most problematic products of the American vendor. Most often, device owners complain about the assembly. The device’s power button may have a slight vertical play, causing the smartphone to jingle quietly - on forums this is why the first flagship with Touch ID was nicknamed “rattle”.

A common problem is the movement of the front panel. It is easy to notice when you press on the upper right corner of the screen. If, with weak pressure on the touchscreen, “waves” move away from the image, it is also better to return or replace this 5s.

6/6 Plus

So far, the most productive flagships of the company from Cupertino bring both happiness and sadness to those who buy their metal bodies. The reason for the most famous shortcoming in the press was the thin body of the devices, . Among the victims may be those who like to carry an iPhone in the back pocket of their jeans. It is worth noting that denim can stain the plastic inserts on the back panel of the gadget - although not defective, but an annoying little thing. The crunch of the Home button is no less annoying.

When buying a sixth-generation iPhone in person, it is better to pay attention to the front camera module - it has the property of forming a crescent. Sometimes there are specks under the paint layer. Of course, these tiny bumps only affect the aesthetic feelings of picky users.

The appearance of the device exactly copies the original: the same elegant contours of the thin body, and the only button on the front panel is Home, which is responsible for all functions. The same symmetrical lower end panel. The dimensions of the product are 140mm×68mm×8mm, the original is 138.3×67.1×7.1 mm, the largest discrepancy is 1.7 mm and it is simply indistinguishable to the human eye.

My copy of Icemer does not have such nuances. It is completely translated into Russian (and not only, because the language can be changed in the settings to either English or Polish). It works smoothly, not a single hieroglyph was noticed.

The new product of autumn 2016, presented at Apple's annual conference, turned out to be extremely successful; the updated design and new functions made the new iPhone 8 smartphone a real super hit on the flagship smartphone market. Manufacturers of replica phones could not stand aside, and a month after the announcement of the iPhone 8, the most accurate and high-quality copy of the iPhone 8 was already presented, which we are happy to offer to your attention. The best copy of iPhone 8 in the world turned out to be really successful and of high quality. What is this connected with? The most important thing is the overpayment for the brand, then comes the filling. Eight cores work quickly, but a smartphone doesn’t need that many of them (four is enough). Applications open quickly and work 5-6 at a time.

Reviews marriage iPhone se

Anna Zhuravleva: 3 days ago - We do not recommend buying copies from Taiwan. Is it dangerous! Let's say you decide to buy a copy of iPhone 7 plus Taiwan. The first thing that awaits you is deep disappointment in the speed and functionality of using the phone. Taiwan makes with very weak processors, poor low-quality cameras, cheap materials. If such a phone works for a couple of weeks, it will be a victory. You should be upset later, just throw it in the trash and buy a good quality 8-core Korean Phone. The Chinese manufacturer is increasingly striving to conquer the technology market, so it constantly produces better Copies of the iPhone 8. The manufacturer’s technical developments are not inferior to competitors, while production itself is cheaper:

iPhone 5/5C/5S/SE - defective | defects identified after I consider the bulk of the defects to be far-fetched, as well as after each release of the next iPhone. Marriage on iPhone SE. The seller refuses to change the phone. 3 days have passed since the purchase. 7453 lawyers are waiting for you. Here is the main defect in the iPhone 5S, which comes straight from the factory and which simply needs to be addressed. Hello, I have an iPhone SE, after about 4-5. This is an American iPhone 5S 32 GB, after opening the packaging, such a funny defect was discovered. We recommend that you check the devices before purchasing so that p. If the buyer discovers a defect in the iPhone 5s that is caused by manufacturing reasons and is not the result of careless use. A similar assembly technology is used to assemble the iPhone SE and is not a defect. The noise is clearly audible in the area of ​​the front camera. , iPhone 6s and iPhone SE. One specific device could have a manufacturing defect, the joints could be slightly deformed from use (the 5s was new. In this article we will list the main points that will be useful to pay attention to, so read carefully how to check the iPhone for defects. It seems that Apple again failed to release an iPhone without any manufacturing defect. The fact is that many of the first owners of the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus. The beginning of the story about the defect in the iPhone 4. How Apple solved the problem with the antenna in the iPhone 4. Against the backdrop of problems. with the antenna the defective iPhone screens faded.

The device can be purchased on many sites, including, for example, Aliexpress. In this article you will find some tips on buying a copy of an iPhone on Aliexpress, but now let’s talk about the clones that you can buy from us.
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Two months after the purchase, I fell even more in love with the 4-inch iPhone.

At the beginning of April, I upgraded my iPhone 6 128 GB to an iPhone SE 64 GB. You can read how this happened on the first day of sales in our. Probably, in the eyes of many, my action was strange: the dude changes the diagonal from 4.7” to 4”, but for me it was a thoughtful decision. I deliberately did not upgrade to 6s/Plus because I don’t like large iPhones.

It's all about the size:

  • SE is better for interacting with it one hand. I don’t argue that the edges of its body feel sharper than the sleek iPhone 6, but it’s much more comfortable. I can write, reply, scroll through Twitter with my left hand, and eat ice cream with my right. On the iPhone 6, I would never be able to write even a couple of paragraphs of text while holding the phone alone. On SE it’s easy and simple.
  • SE can be photographed with one hand. At the same time, the fingers are relaxed, and the head is not occupied with thoughts of “just not to drop it.” In the end, everything is mine spontaneous The photos are better on the SE because I get the shot a fraction of a second faster than the 6/6s.
  • The SE fits completely into any clothing pocket, but the 6/6s sticks out. I’m generally silent about 6s Plus owners...
  • The 4-inch diagonal allows me to cover the entire screen with my thumb, reaching the top controls in the software. If someone tells me that this is possible on 4.7 and 5.5, then he is Spider-Man.

It's all about performance:

  • SE is very fast. The smaller screen diagonal loads the processor less, which puts the SE above 6s in synthetic tests. Today SE is the fastest 4-inch smartphone.
  • It is worth noting that the phone screen is inferior in contrast to 6/6s. This is the only thing that saddens me when I take the SE out of my pocket in the bright sun. This is the only negative that I cannot remain silent about.

It's all about the camera:

  • The SE camera doesn't stick out from the body like the 6/6s. Admit it, owners of “sixes”, how many times a day do you have the thought “just so as not to scratch the camera!” Come on, I know that ten times for sure. Me - never.
  • The SE's front camera is rather weak, yes. Especially after I tested . Thank God, I rarely take selfies and don’t suffer from this pseudo-romantic bullshit at all. Me front-camera doesn't concern me at all.
  • The rear camera is great! Among 4-inch smartphones, SE has no competitors at all. 12 Megapixels – just think about it! When someone claims that they managed to cram in more than 20 megapixels, I smile. Why so much? What, are you going to print in A3 format? Come on, 99% of your photos will not go further than VK, FB and Instagram. The SE camera is enough for the eyes. The pictures come out clear and with minimum quantity JPEG artifacts.
  • Digital zoom up to half magnification gives a good picture. Of course, the SE doesn't have optical stabilization like the 6s Plus, but if you don't jump while shooting, the photo will come out clear.

By price: iPhone SE is now on sale from 37,990 rubles .

Bottom line A: I am very pleased with the purchase of the iPhone SE. Apple needs to try harder to convince me to upgrade to a larger screen. And in general, thanks to Apple for returning the small diagonal.

website Two months after the purchase, I fell even more in love with the 4-inch iPhone. In early April, I upgraded from my iPhone 6 128GB to an iPhone SE 64GB. You can read how this happened on the first day of sales in our review report. Probably, in the eyes of many, my action was strange: the dude changes the diagonal from 4.7” to 4”, but for me...