Parallel worlds where souls go. How to get into a parallel world? Review compiled by Nikolay Altov

06.10.2021 Diseases

For thousands of years, people have wanted to cross the threshold of mystery and find out what lies on the other side of reality. How to get to another world? There is no final answer to this question, but it is simply impossible to turn a blind eye to the huge number of facts, testimonies of real people and scientific explanations.

What is a parallel world?

The parallel world, or the fifth dimension, is a space invisible to the human eye that exists along with the real life of people. There is no dependence between him and the ordinary world. It is believed that its size can vary greatly: from a pea to the universe. Patterns of events, rules of physics and other “firm” statements that are valid in the human world may not work at all in the invisible reality. Everything that happens there may have slight deviations from the usual way of life or differ radically.


The multiverse is an invention of science fiction writers. Lately Scientists are increasingly turning to the works of science fiction writers, because many years of observational experience have shown that they almost always predict with amazing accuracy the development of events and the future of humanity. The concept of the multiverse suggests that, in addition to the world familiar to earthlings, there is a huge variety unique worlds. Moreover, not all of them are material. The earth is connected to other invisible realities at the level of spiritual connection.

Speculation about the existence of parallel worlds

Since ancient times, there has been much speculation about whether the fifth dimension actually exists. It’s interesting that the question of how to get to another world was asked by great minds of the distant past. Similar thoughts can be found in the works of Democritus, Epicurus and Metrodorus of Chios. Some have even tried to prove the existence of the “other side” through scientific research. Democritus argued that absolute emptiness conceals a large number of worlds. Some of them, he says, are very similar to ours, even in the smallest details. Others are completely different from earthly reality. The thinker substantiated his theories based on the basic principle of isonomy - equiprobability. Pundits of the past also spoke about the unity of time: the past, present, future are at one point. It follows from this that making the transition is not so difficult; the main thing is to understand the mechanism of transition from one point to another.

Modern science

Modern science does not at all deny the possibility of the existence of other worlds. This moment is studied in detail, something new is constantly discovered. Even the fact that scientists around the world accept the theory of the multiverse already speaks volumes. Science substantiates this assumption using the principles of quantum mechanics, and supporters of this theory believe that there are an incredible number of possible worlds - up to 10 to the five hundredth power. There is also an opinion that the number of parallel realities is not at all limited. However, to answer the question of how to get into parallel world, science cannot yet. Every year more unknown things are revealed. Perhaps in the near future people will be able to travel instantaneously between universes.

Esotericists and psychics claim that it is quite possible to get into another world. However, please note that this is not always safe. In order to penetrate the secret world, it is necessary to change the way the brain works. It is advisable to practice the following: lying on the bed, try to fall asleep, relax your body, but keep your mind conscious. Achieving this or similar consciousness will be difficult at first, but it is worth continuing to try.

The main problem for beginners is that it is very difficult to relax the body and be conscious at the same time. In such cases, a person unbearably wants to twitch, move at least a little, or he simply falls asleep. About a month of training - and you will be able to accustom your body to such practice. After this, you should plunge deeper into the new state. Every time new sounds, voices, pictures will appear. Soon it will be possible to move to another reality. The main thing is not to fall asleep, but to realize that you have crossed the threshold of a parallel world. This method is also possible in another variation. You need to do the same thing, but immediately after waking up. Having opened your eyes, you need to fix your body, but keep your mind awake. In this case, immersion into another world occurs faster, but many cannot stand it and fall asleep again. In addition, you need to wake up only at a certain time - preferably around 4 am, since it is during this period that a person is at his most subtle.

Another way is meditation. The key difference from the first method is that there is no connection with sleep, and the process itself must occur in a sitting position. The difficulty of this approach lies in the need to clear the mind of unnecessary thoughts that constantly visit a person as soon as he tries to concentrate. There are many techniques to tame unruly thoughts. For example, you should not interrupt the flow, but give it freedom, but not join in, but be just an observer. You can also concentrate on numbers, a specific point, etc.

The danger that other worlds conceal

The reality of parallel worlds is fraught with many unknowns. But the real threat that can be encountered on the other side is malevolent entities. In order to control your fear and avoid trouble, you need to know who and what causes anxiety. Entering a parallel world will be much easier if you know that frightening entities are just products of the past. Fears from childhood, movies, books, etc. - all this can be found in parallel reality. The main thing is to understand that these are only phantoms, not real beings. As soon as the fear of them disappears, they will disappear on their own. Residents of invisible worlds are mostly friendly or indifferent. They are unlikely to frighten or create trouble, but still you should not irritate them. However, there is still a chance to meet an unkind spirit. In this case, it is enough to overcome your fear, because there will still be no harm from the activity of the otherworldly entity. Do not forget that the past, present, and future are in contact, so there is always a way out. You can also think about home, and then the soul will most likely return to the body.

How to get to a parallel world through an elevator

Esotericists claim that the elevator can help in the transition to a parallel world. It serves as a “door” that you need to be able to open. It is best to travel through the elevator at night or in the dark. You must be alone in the booth. It is worth noting that if any person enters the elevator during the ritual, nothing will succeed. After entering the cabin, you should move through the floors in the following order: 4-2-6-2-1. Then you should go to the 10th floor and go down to the 5th. A woman will enter the booth, you cannot talk to her. You should press the button for the 1st floor, but the elevator will go to the 10th. You cannot press other buttons, since the ritual will be interrupted. How do you know when the transition is complete? There will only be you in the parallel reality. It should be noted that there is no point in looking for a companion - the escort was not a person. In order to get into the human world, you need to perform a ritual with the elevator (floors, buttons) in the reverse order.

Gateway to another reality

You can penetrate another reality with the help of a mirror, because it is a mystical gateway to all other worlds. It is used by sorcerers and magicians who have the necessary knowledge. Passing through the mirror is always successful. In addition, with its help you can not only travel to other universes, but also cast magic. That is why the custom of hanging mirrors after a person’s death continues to this day. This is done for a reason, because the soul of the deceased wanders around his home throughout the day. Thus, the astral body says goodbye to its past life. The soul itself is unlikely to want to harm its relatives, but at such moments a portal opens through which various entities can enter the room. They can frighten or try to drag the astral body of a living person into a parallel reality.

There are several rituals with mirrors. To answer the question of how people get into parallel worlds, it is necessary to understand the essence of the mirror ritual, because it is this object that is the original guide to another world.

Mirror and candles

This is an ancient method that is still used today. You need to place two mirrors opposite each other. They must be parallel. The candle must be purchased in advance from the temple. You need to place it between the mirrors so that you get a corridor of many candles. Don't be alarmed if the flame starts to fluctuate, this could very well happen. This means that invisible entities are already with you. You can use more than just candles for this ritual. LEDs or color panels are suitable. But it is best to use candles, since their blinking corresponds to the frequency of the human brain. This helps a person enter a meditative state. And you must enter it, because, being conscious, you can be very scared. The consequence may be not only an interrupted ritual, but also another entity joining you. The ritual must be performed in complete darkness and silence. There should only be one person in the room.

Mirror and prayer

You need to buy a round mirror on Saturday. Its perimeter should be covered with the words “Our Father” on the contrary, written in red ink. On Thursday night you need to place a mirror under the pillow, mirror side up. You need to turn off the light, go to bed and say your name backwards. This must be done until sleep overtakes. A person will wake up in another world. In order to get out of another reality, you need to find an animal in it that will be exactly the same as in real life, and follow it. The danger of the whole action is that the guide may never be found, and the astral body will forever remain in a parallel world or, even worse, between worlds.

Path to the past

For many years and even centuries, people have wanted to know the answer to the question of how to go back in time. There are two known ways that can move a person in time. The most famous are “wormholes” - small tunnels in space that serve as a link between the past and the present. But... Scientific research shows that the “hole” will close faster than a person can cross its threshold. Based on this, it can be argued that as soon as scientists find a way to delay the opening of the tunnel, they will become justified not only from an esoteric, but also from a scientific position.

The second way is to visit places on Earth that have a certain energy. Such journeys have a huge amount of real evidence. Moreover, sometimes people don’t even know how to get into the past, but end up there by accident, having visited an energetically strong place on the Earth. A territory with pronounced supernatural energy is called a “place of power.” It has been scientifically verified that the operation of any installations there deteriorates or even fails. And those indicators that can be measured are off the charts.

Working with the subconscious

Another way is to work with the subconscious. How to get to a parallel world using your brain? Quite difficult, but doable. To do this, you need to enter a state of strong relaxation, create a gate and go through the portal. Sounds simple, but to achieve results. several factors are required: great desire, mastery of meditation techniques, the ability to visualize space in detail and... lack of fear. Many people say that when they achieve results, they often lose touch with the other world out of fear. It takes some time to overcome it, so you should be prepared to find yourself in another reality at any moment.

Answers your questions: Paratrooper, fought in Afghanistan. The head wound, as he writes to himself, took off half of his skull. After the operation, my memory was partially unblocked.
About himself: There was no clinical death. Surgery was performed on the head (4 hours). They gave me anesthesia, “left” and... found myself in a room where 3 poor people were sitting at a table. Considering my “case”, they explained that I was now “on pause”, i.e. 1 earthly second here lasts an eternity. To the question: “Where is this?” with a malicious smile they answered that on Earth, only at some two hundred parallel level.
Reality - 100% (the most interesting thing is that I was in my clothes, but I was lying naked on the operating table). I was told that my contract provided for a 2nd instant incarnation. There were 2 options: either “turn it on” or turn it off on Earth and fall into a lower purgatory. I chose 1st... Then I ended up in a terrible place. I only had vision and thoughts, nothing else. There was no memory. I didn’t know who I was? and where am I? Ignorance gave rise to wild horror. The space was multidimensional, alive. Colors are white and all shades of red. I admit that it was a glitch from the anesthesia. After an eternity, I opened my eyes and remembered everything - not only the operation, but who I was and where I came from, I remembered the Abrenocenter, Home and my cosmic name. Unfortunately, the next morning, like so many other things, I forgot it. After the operation there was no time to write down, and I didn’t think that the unlocked memory would begin to close so quickly. To the point of headache, I tried again to remember HIS, not earthly, name and... I couldn’t. I only remember that it was short. “That” memory closes over the years, but I learned the most important thing for myself. My 2nd incarnation began (with the “defeat” of my rights and a change in my life). Friends disappeared, tastes changed. 2nd incarnation in 1 life - so as not to waste Time... On my palms - 2 lines of life.

1) Is it suicide to seek death by engaging in dangerous work or life-threatening sports?
This is not suicide, it is avoiding the tasks assigned to you. Delivered by whom? By yourself - even before the business trip... They fly to Earth to dump imperil (negative energy), and because... This purgatory is karmic, then all “business travelers” accumulate Karma and tie knots that must be “untied” (peacefully) or “cut.” For example, almost all domestic and criminal murders are a failure of the killer’s karmic scenario. These people were specially placed in conditions where the knot they had previously tied had to be untied (score “5”) or cut (score “2”).
I was taken in the wrong direction... Actually, everyone has different tasks (later in the Karma Department you will learn about yours), they are connected mainly with Karma. But one task for everyone is not to break the commandments and not to sin (i.e., not to collect the Earthly imperil instead of discarding the Home one) and not to try to escape from here... A person is sent here, for example, for 58 years. And he, doing extreme sports, breaks down into a mess at the age of 20 (not having had time to lose his imperil). He is being returned here for 38 years, but not immediately, but for now 70 years will not pass here. Time is wasted, and there are a lot of “hemorrhoids”...

2) Is it suicide if you do not get treatment for some fatal disease?
No, no, it’s not... It’s the same as considering defending the Motherland in war to be suicide (many soldiers die). Suicide is chronic alcoholism and drug addiction (although it will be easier for them to work off than for physical suicides).

3) Is reincarnation an invention of the human mind in which there is logic, but no meaning?
For people who have had at least 7-9 business trips to this planet, such questions do not arise (they intuitively feel that this is not the first time they have lived here, and perhaps not the last). If you asked such a question, then it’s definitely not “first price”, but not more than 3...

4) Why is it that in any religion the choice is always one-sided - either you obey it or you go to hell?
And you are already in Hell!...And although this Hell is “general regime” and has resort conditions, this does not change the essence. Obey the rules or you will be sent down... even lower, into harsher purgatories.
On Earth there is still freedom of choice (do not obey), below it will not exist... Of the 9 purgatories, we are at the highest (9th). So, there is still room to “fall”... By the way, progress is not alien to “devils”. They haven't fried anyone in frying pans for a long time. The process of beating the crap out of sinners is automated and computerized, which “pleasantly” surprises novice sinners (they immediately demand the return of a more “humane” frying pan). The Earth is not the “Center of the Universe” and not the “cradle and light” of the Universe, but the most ordinary prison (Base-purgatory, if in scientific terms).

5) A woman's soul in a man's body. What is this from the point of view of reincarnation? Punishment or mistake?
Women's souls enter only women's bodies, men's souls enter men's bodies. If a person feels like a person of the opposite sex, it means that one of his energies (Yin or Yang) is “cut off oxygen.” This is a karmic punishment (to be in the “skin” of someone who was abused for several lives).

6) Life was brought to Earth from outer space, what do you think?
The Earth is not a monadic planet on which life spontaneously arises. Life was brought here by the Sirius civilization (by the way, all the Japanese come from there).

7) I often read somewhere that we ourselves choose where to be born, when, and with whom... And I just can’t understand why then children choose drunken parents, sadistic parents, etc. , all in the same spirit. If there was a choice, then why did they condemn themselves to suffering?
Those who have not sinned have complete “carte blanche” in terms of choice. For sinners, the more sins, the less choice. It is the drunks and sadists who were such in a past life who are sent to drunks and sadists.

8) How to sell your soul to the devil?
There are things that are dangerous to joke with!!! You joked, and “Downstairs” already took note of you...

9) Why??.. So you fight.. like a fish against ice.. but there is no result??
This means there is no access are not allowed to do so.

10) Why are suicides not accepted in heaven? Or do they still accept it, but in a special way?
We are all as far from Heaven as we are from China (even further). From this purgatory everyone returns Home - to the same physical-material world as the Earth. EVERYONE will return, only sinners (including suicides) will return much, much later

11) Why do you consider suicides to be weak people?
No matter who you ask, everyone thinks exactly this way. But no one thought how bad they felt... Apparently, hopelessness forced them to take such a step... They cannot be called weak... And, of course, a lot depends on the environment; their indifference increases the number of suicides... If it were possible to show potential suicides what awaits them after death, then 99% would abandon this idea (all earthly “problems” would immediately seem like Heaven to them, I’m not kidding). If people didn’t pass the “test”, then move on. attempt (after Hell) he will again be put in the same situation, but the “rules of the game” will become tougher... After 3 “failures”, Triatom’s “fuse” will work - man. will be born without arms and legs (or paralyzed) and will no longer be physically able to commit suicide...

12) Is it true that if there is a close relative who is suicidal in a family, then this brings negativity to the whole family and what kind?
The truth is that everyone who “contacted” with the suicide in the last one and a half to two years of his life (no matter his relatives or friends) will be punished for his sin. They may not go to hell like a suicide, but in the future it will not seem like enough to them. They won’t believe me, but not a single suicide occurs spontaneously - on a spiritual level, a person makes such a decision 2 years before... and 2 years later it is impossible not to notice the change. It is the environment that can prevent sin if... it wants to.

13) Is Jesus Christ a man or an alien from unknown worlds?
He was a very ordinary person, like all other people. It’s just that “Above” they gave him a “task” (from there they performed miracles for him)... And there are no Aboriginal people on Earth; we are all aliens...

14) What are you striving for? The purpose of your life path? Where are you going? Why did you come into this world, do you think?
I came (like everyone else) to cleanse myself. Of course, in purgatory it is not forbidden to “develop” and “cognize”,’s not the whole Soul that is sent here. Then our Triatom will dissolve in it and everything Earthly will give a damn to us...

15) Children’s sins are forgiven, right? They're scaring me here that I'll burn in a fire and all that unpleasant stuff. Until how many years does it take to say goodbye?
Karma begins to “work” from the age of 12-14. Parents are responsible for children’s sins; if they are not there, then the child’s environment is responsible (for his crimes, these adults go to hell; I’m not kidding)... But people have their own egregors. begins to fill with “+” and “-” energy from birth (this energy is generated by any thoughts, emotions and actions). This is “fuel” for the next incarnation, determining its quality (the more “minuses”, the worse life and vice versa). Young sinners do not go to hell, but thanks to egregors, their next life (childhood) turns into a nightmare (and illness is not the worst thing)... With “repentance” it’s also not so simple... For example, repentance before death won’t help (as they say, it’s too late to rush around!)...

16) Why does space have three dimensions, and time has one?
Because they were set up here artificially. In the karmic world there must be one time LINEAR dimension so that cause-and-effect relationships are not broken (time in the form of a flowing river). There are no laws of Karma at home, and time there is different (in the form of a stagnant lake). There are several time dimensions - wave-like, pulsating, dispersed... different. In the 3-dimensional Universe, almost all planets are lifeless. In the 4-dimensional Real (which has millions of subspaces), life in our Universe is literally teeming, and the stars there are located differently.

17) I want to live in another country....
Even before birth, we ourselves choose (or “deserve” from past incarnations) our place of birth and habitat. You can change the country, but... leaving one “test” can add 10 new ones....

18) How do you feel about people who use drugs?
Drugs (any kind) are the invention of the Devil. Those who are hooked on them (those who have accepted this “gift”) “sign” to certain “agreements”, in short...their posthumous fate cannot be envied...My attitude towards suicides is negative, or do you think that suicide is only physical self-destruction? ??
P.S. Alcohol “harms” the brain and psyche, but at least it does not destroy consciousness and the Soul, as drugs do...even very “light” ones...even if rarely.

19) Is it possible to see your guardian angel in the astral plane? Has anyone seen who entered the astral plane?
The so-called "Guardian Angels" are ordinary people flesh and blood who have already left Earth (or are preparing to be sent here). As a rule, relatives or friends. You can see them in a dream (they do not fly in the astral plane - they have no wings). Everything in the astral plane is IMAGES, and demons can create them...

20) Is there life after death and where do suicides end up?
After “death” the soul sees, hears, feels everything... flies like a bird (for a month and a half). Then (in transit through the adaptation center) he returns Home (from where he was sent here on a business trip). He wakes up in his physical body and... a feast begins (with alcohol - after all, we must celebrate the return and meeting with relatives who were “lost” here...). The memory remains, moreover, the cosmic memory is unlocked... There are no posthumous flights for suicides - they are lowered several purgatories lower (working there is different for everyone). Having worked, say, in the 4th, they rise (with work) to the 5th, etc.... Until the Earth rises to the “nine”, a lot of time will pass. They will return home, but later than others.

21) Is there justice?.. before God and before people...
The laws of Karma operate on Earth, and these are the Laws of Justice - when the balance of energies “+” and “-” is equalized at the expense of the one who violated it. It’s just that some are rewarded with good or evil immediately, while others are rewarded in the next life...

22) How do you feel about reincarnation? Does she really exist? And what is its meaning?
It exists, don't even doubt it. In short, we are sent to this purgatory (from other MATERIAL worlds) to dump imperil (negative energy). They dropped it and returned Home. Here 100 years pass, and there - about a month (the relatives will not have time to miss you). You live there ("turning off" time) for 50 - 500 - 1000 years (without getting old, without getting sick) and come here again - on a business trip... Those who, instead of resetting, dialed the Earthly imperil, are lowered lower - time there is even slower (compared to Earth - there is real Hell). In total - 9 purgatory bases (not counting thousands of branches in their parallel worlds). “Nine” (Earth) is the first and easiest. This is not an independent civilization; here even Time and Space are set artificially. “Incarnations” are not “Vanka-Vstanka” (born-died-born-died...), these are short business trips to this planet...
Reserve incarnations are needed so as not to waste time on “death and birth”. From here you don’t get Home straight away. In parallel layers of the Earth there is a Huge Office, from where thousands of people (operators) watch us, and there (in the “sanatorium”) they bring all the ex-“dead” to their senses. Depending on their sins, they are then sent Home, to Hell, or... worked out on the spot, but many sinners “fly” from here to Hell right away. Last time I didn’t get there, but I was almost never home either. Therefore, in the travel contract I signed a clause that they would “slow me down” if something happened (everyone’s contracts are different)... Suicides mostly end up in 4-6 purgatory (and God has nothing to do with it), so I don’t advise “running away” ...

23) Why are some able to survive a catastrophe, while others - seemingly equally strong - go to the bottom?
Because the time has not yet come for some, but for others it has already come - to leave the Earth... Disasters, etc. - just “scenery”. If the time has come for someone to set sail, then even if he is in the safest place, he... will leave.

24) Is it true that after death a person continues to live in the spiritual sphere? What does God say about this?
Not true! After “death” you will be a spirit for only a month and a half, then you will wake up in your own physical body in a “sanatorium” located in a parallel world of the Earth. There is a religious department there, find its boss (for earthlings he acts as God), do not be surprised if he is in torn jeans and with a can of beer in his hand. He will tell you that the real Creator cannot communicate with purgatory Earth and much spiritual knowledge was transmitted from Above not to earthlings, but to MATERIAL civilizations Sirius, Dessa, Orion, Daya, Alpha and Vega, from which we are all sent here on business trips. It is for these worlds (and not for the Earth) that the Spiritual World is the ceiling. But earthly senses intercept this information and begin to write “Revelations” that have nothing to do with the Earth... After the “sanatorium” everyone returns to their historical homeland, where they can live indefinitely. 90% of people consider the above-mentioned civilizations to be a real Paradise and are in no hurry to ascend to the Spiritual spheres, and not everyone is allowed there....

25) I have a question. Who are the Aryans? And what modern people can be considered their descendants?
The first incarnates who appeared on Earth were from Dessa (most people lived there on the planet Aria, other planets were technical), so here they called themselves Aryans, Aryans.... Now the number of inhabited planets on Dessa has increased to 56 (the main one is Delta) and are sent here not from one, but from 5 civilizations. In 1941 Most of the natives of Arya concentrated in Germany and the USSR, the cutting of the karmic knot (war) tied by the Aryans even under the “Tsar Pea” began...
Most Russians come from Dessa, so draw your own conclusions about where the Aryans live...

26) Civil marriages.
Such “marriages” are sinful, because The commandment “Thou shalt not commit adultery” is violated. (they have no help from Above)... In the karmic world, every little thing matters, incl. and the notorious “stamp” - this is spelled out in the “Travel Contract”, which everyone signs before being sent to Earth.
If you have chosen the Dark Path, this is your right; fornicate further, only then don’t bother yourself about why some from this Purgatory are returned Home, while others (including you) will be lowered lower, where you will no longer be able to decide anything.... There they will decide for you - in front or behind ... and everything would be fine, but there is one heavy “But” - these processes are not connected with pleasure in any way (and all memory with the “+” sign will be blocked so that there is no Hope for everyone entering it)....

27) Where do the Gods disappear?
Who are we? Children of God.... In the third month of pregnancy, the Soul enters the mother’s fetus, and the baby “comes to life”. On the 40th day from birth the Spirit comes... And the child becomes Triune.
What then happens to our divine child? And then he falls into the dense earthly energies of first his parents, then the school, then the institute, society, society. First he cries, 26) Believers and non-believers! How do you feel about civil marriage (in short, cohabitation)?
adapting and trying to maintain its integrity. And then he adapts, condenses his field in order to survive... gradually his fine-structured components are separated and by the age of 30 he becomes just an ordinary mortal person. Such are the things... Is it possible to preserve the original state? Only by limiting the child from harsh educational measures, from pressure environment...only in an atmosphere of absolute harmony and love can God be raised from a little man?

I'll correct it a little. The child’s soul enters the mother’s astral body (and not the fetus!!!) in the 2nd month, and for some even earlier. It enters into the child on the 40th day after birth (approximately)... The “subtle components” are not torn away from anyone... The earth is purgatory; and in them, suffering and death are natural... even children, although they are not “children” at all (no one is sent here under the age of 14)... Almost all dead children are “signalmen”, they are here for this and are sent to die in order to transfer a higher vibrational code to their parents at the moment of death. But there are also “carriers”; They give their code on their 40th birthday. And then... if they drink lightly, smoke and swear, they will align with the vibrations of the Earth (by the age of 25-30) and will live... And if you raise them “in harmony and love,” then they will leave young... In short, we are all Gods, but we are now in... a “general regime colony.”

28) There are only three options: Is Jesus God, a deceiver or a madman? What do you think?
All 3 options are wrong! 2000 years ago he was the same “God” as all of us. But he was never a deceiver and a madman (calling himself the Son of God, he did not deceive, since we are all sons and daughters of God)... He, a mere mortal, wanted to move to the Spiritual world, and from Above he was told - to You have an untied karmic knot left on Earth, until you untie it, we won’t let you in... So he went on his last business trip to Earth (with a mission to load). And he was not the first, it’s just... others were afraid of torture and execution, and the mission (to give a new religion) seemed difficult to many... P.S. They'll probably punish me there, but... I'll say it anyway. Almost all the “miracles” were performed not by Jesus, but by those who helped him from Above (not from Spiritual world, but from the material House).

29) What happens to the soul after death?
He spends a month and a half on Earth (sees, hears, feels everything, instantly moves in space). Someone hangs all these “40 days” from the ceiling in their apartment (or...over their grave, awaiting the “Last Judgment”), someone “sits” in the nightstand, someone “travels” around the Earth. Then the “dead”... wakes up in his own physical body in the “Sanatorium” (an adaptation center in the parallel space of the Earth); old people come to life there as forty years old. After adaptation, everyone is returned Home, to the civilizations from which they were sent here on business trips. There everyone's bodies will be different, but they will also be made of flesh and blood...
Earth is not an independent civilization, but a closed purgatory with unreal time and space. We are here temporarily (on a business trip). “Death” is a return Home, to the same material world...

30) Here is God, he cannot be immanent and transcendent at the same time?!
Explain to me: why turn to God? Will he listen and do something? It turns out that through prayers a person can Control the actions of God? So which one is God then? Man can NOT control the actions of God? Moreover, why contact him with a request to do anything?

The fact that God exists is a fact. From this purgatory, not a single person can communicate with God, just as convicts cannot communicate with the president; their letters will be read (and given feedback on them on behalf of the president) by the head of the colony. Our prison is watched by tens of thousands of people - those who play the role of "God", angels and saints, personal operators and departed relatives. If Karma allows, they help (like my wife), if not, they can’t wait for help (like me)... Absolutely everything consists of energy. Obscene “ligaments” and Prayers are energy MANTRAS; the first ones destroy the Soul, the second ones put the energy in order, but you cannot combine them (sin and pray); it will take a long time to explain... If a person asks God for something and receives it, then he is helped from Above (if allowed) by the same people, and not by God... And God is not the most important commander in our Universe; he is only the boss over the Light Ones (like the Devil over the Dark Ones). And the main one is what they call the Absolute (or Nature)... P.S. Millions dying and starving are normal in Purgatory #9. In the other 8 purgatories there is real hell, believe me...

31) What is the difference between life before and after death?
And what kind of “death” are we talking about - Earthly, Cosmic or Monadic? If we talk about Earth, then... how is your home different before leaving... for kindergarten, school, work,... and after returning from them? Almost nothing... When they say that after Earthly “death” life continues in the form of energy, this is... part of the truth. After a month and a half (and those killed in the war - after 3 months), all these “energies” come to their senses in their own physical body of flesh and blood, and the blind begin to see, the legless wake up with legs, etc....Ex - the priests begin to pester everyone there with questions like, why wasn’t this in the Bible and where is the promised Material World, where everyone returns from the Terra prison (from Earth), this is “Paradise”, and there is vodka and sekas there, but there are no angels...

32) If you could meet Jesus, what would you learn from him?
A couple of years ago (in cosmic time) Jesus was the same person as all of us... He just wanted to move to a higher world (there, at home, we all have such a right). But Above they told him - you, bro, have a joint left on Earth (an untied karmic knot), you untie it, and at the same time fulfill the mission - give people a new religion... Therefore, he did not avoid execution... And no one I didn’t lie about the “Son of God”, because... we are all children of God...
I saw him... but I’m not in a hurry to accomplish his feat yet....

33) What do you think God will say to you at the end of your life's journey?
The real God will not say anything (we are even further away from him than from China - cancer). For earthlings, “GOD” is the head of the religious department in the office that oversees the Earth. And what can he (in torn jeans and with a can of beer in his hands) say to us demobilized soldiers? Imagine, a convicted person writes a letter to the president. But the OVERVIEW will read it and give an answer (on behalf of the president). Also, from this purgatory no one can communicate with the real God.... In order not to offend the feelings of believers, I will say that almost all churches are connected by energy channels to those Spiritual worlds that are much, much closer to God than the above-mentioned boss. ..

34) Does God punish or simply leave you unattended?
God doesn't punish. The laws of Karma apply on Earth (what goes around comes around). If people jumps from the 5th floor and breaks his legs, will he blame God for this? No, because knows about the law of gravity (gravity). And the laws of Karma are exactly the same cosmic laws, only not physical, but energetic...

35) Is there life after death?
On Earth, “death” is the periodic change of “containers” for Triatoms (as we say), i.e., the change of unreal physical containers for a real particle of the Soul. To be immortal at Home (in the absolutely material and physical world), you need to periodically "fly" to this purgatory and... "die".... I swear to you - when you "die", then in 35-45 days you will wake up in the "Sanatorium" in your own body, and you will be greeted by your relatives, the "dead" " earlier (if they want and if they are allowed). But the "Sanatorium" is not a Home, It is.... "Airport"; when you adapt there, you will be returned Home...

36) Do you think there is an other world?
There are an infinite number of them. And for those worlds, our world is also “otherworldly.” In fact, space and time on Earth are set artificially (there are several hundred artificial parallel worlds, branches of purgatory Earth, I don’t mean 4th and other dimensions, but 3rd dimensions). But the three-dimensional dimension is not Reality. And on Earth there is 1 linear time dimension (it’s like the flow of a river), but in real life it’s pulsating, spiral-shaped, point-like time (like a stagnant lake)...

37) And 100, and 500, and 1000 years ago people lived on Earth, suffered, loved, thought, and today even their names are not preserved? Isn’t it a shame that the same thing will happen to us in 1000 years, and we will be forgotten? Or does no one need this? And if it’s not necessary, then maybe there’s no point in living?
When you were 3-4 years old, you also “suffered, loved and thought.” Are you drawn to that infantile time? If you pull (suddenly you are 10 years old?), then by the age of 50 you will stop pulling. Also, you won’t give a damn about this earthly life when you return Home. It is not the whole Soul that is sent to Earth, but only its billionth part - Triatom; upon return, the microscopic earthly “I” will dissolve in the huge Soul so much that the Earth will cease to worry you... Of course, many THERE (including me) have a “collection” of earthly business trips, but the main thing in them is not who and where was I born here, and what good did I do....
P.S. You will meet all the “Earthlings” (familiar and not so familiar) at Home

38) Does anyone know a way not to grow old? What about living forever? or at least 150-300 years....
You know this way very well - to be forever young and healthy, and that’s why you came to Earth. Just don't remember this temporarily. According to earthly chronology, I am hundreds of billions of years old, but there, at Home, my real body, which is in a dormant state in the storage of bodies, is only 28 years old. Even if I die here at 98 years old, I will still wake up there as a 28-year-old.... I think you will have no more than that there either, although... no one will forbid you to be there forever as an 18-year-old... You know everything as well as I do, it’s just that your memory (like others) was blocked before being sent to Earth. They “fly” here not to grow younger and healthier here, but to be forever like that (and IMMORTAL) at home; for Russians - on Dessa (the Cygnus constellation, 56 inhabited planets). Here 100 years pass, and there about a month, so your relatives who remain at home will not miss you particularly... The desire to prolong your existence in this prison (in the "Trash of the Universe") is caused by the fear of death or lack of faith in immortality... The Earth is not an independent planet, but a closed purgatory of several civilizations, so be patient and don’t worry. Your homeland will not forget you!... By the way, on Dessa there is a museum of the Earth (life-size)...

39) My husband sends me for an abortion... My daughter is 14, she is 5 weeks pregnant, we rent an apartment with our parents, he says that we will never buy our own home, if there is a second child, I don’t think so, with one there will be no difference either, but Here, maternity capital can also help with housing, I think. I want a child, what should I do?
At the 5th week, the child’s soul is already in the mother’s astral body. If you have an abortion, where will this soul live in 9 months? According to local laws, the “blacks” will take this soul; having pumped her up with “fuel oil”, they will put her in the body of some drunk. This is how murderers are born...How can you then look into the eyes of your murdered child, and those whom he killed?...

40) Which is better to be KIND or EVIL?
Yes, everything is dual (even God and the Devil). But the Earth is a purgatory of Light civilizations.. Only Light ones are sent here (to reset the imperil, the energy that you call “evil”). The remaining 8 bases were created for those who, instead of resetting on the contrary, gained earthly imperil (compared to the Earth, there is a real hell, and not only murderers and robbers end up there)... And it is also beneficial to be kind, because what kind of energy can you pump into Egregors, this will be the quality of your next business trip (bad “fuel” will not make it good)...

41) What do you think is on the outskirts of space?
Another space begins there (with different “parameters”). The number of Universes is infinite. Yes, yes, there was a “Big Bang”, but not 13 billion years ago. People discovered our planet 15 billion years ago (according to earthly reckoning), and there were already signs of life on it. In 100 years, you will all be very surprised to learn that the speed of light is not the same everywhere (in some places light generally stands still), and our three-dimensional world is not reality. In real life, stars and constellations are not at all where earthly astronomers see them

42) Have you ever thought about what will happen to us after death? Where will we be and will we even be...?
I didn’t think so, because... I know perfectly well what will happen... At first you fly invisible for a month and a half (many hang in their apartment from the ceiling all this time or “sit” somewhere in the nightstand, and I won’t even look at my funeral - I’ll immediately fly to other countries “ study"). Then you will have to spend from a month to six months in a “sanatorium” (many, when they find themselves there, do not believe that they have died, because everyone’s bodies are earthly, and they feed them the same cutlets). And then our sinful Triatoms return Home (our real physical bodies and Souls are now there in a dormant state)... Having returned, I will celebrate this event with my family and friends for a long time... Because there are no spirits and angels there... Because everything there is made of flesh and blood... Because the Earth is just a purgatory, where even time and space are not real...

43) One thing I could never understand is that if a person is the pinnacle of perfection, why are there so many freaks of all kinds among us: in physical, mental and moral forms?
What other peak?...In multidimensional Infinity, for those “below” we may be cool, but for those “above” we are just insects...

44) Is the death of the body the recovery of the soul?
Yes, yes, it is....For this we are all sent here, to the purgatory of Terra (sorry, to Earth) and sent. I have already answered many times here - in order to be forever young, healthy and immortal at home, you need to periodically fly here on business trips and... die. And they haven’t yet come up with another way to remove imperil from the soul. They didn’t understand me....And you don’t need to understand that our real physical bodies and Souls are now in a sleepy state on Dessa, and only Triatoms are sent here, and even after “death”, after 35-45 days we wake up in Adapte not in our earthly bodies (as everyone seems), but only in their copies....P.S. From here we cannot get to Heaven, first we need to return Home, but there is no money, violence, lonely people and... cemeteries)...

45) Why is this so? Everything is going well in your life, and at this moment fate appears and puts your life in a doldrums.
There are no coincidences; What goes around comes around. Yes, often a person sows 5 lives ago and now does not understand (does not remember) why he got it this way... In one Asian country I heard a cynical but essentially true saying - Do not judge a soldier who bayoneted a child, because . in the next life, a bayonet will also be stuck into this soldier (who will be a baby), and do not feel sorry for the killed child, because in a past life, as a soldier, he stabbed another child.

46) How do you know where you will go to Heaven or Hell, if you are judged in the next world not only by your actions and words?
About 20 years ago, my cosmic memory was partially unblocked, and such questions (including religious ones) stopped bothering me. The funny thing is that you and I are already in Hell, because... Earth is purgatory (the most “humane” of all). Just don’t talk about millions of happy earthlings, billionaires, etc. This is all - until the first "hemorrhoids", the first maniac, the first stroke... (when you return Home, where there are no illnesses, old age, death, crimes, there are no responsibilities and there is the right to everything, you will feel the difference). No one will judge, especially since it is not the Soul that is sent here, but only its particle - the Triatom. After Earth, sinners are sent to more terrible purgatories not by God and the Devil, but by the mechanisms of certain laws (if a person stuck his fingers in a socket and was electrocuted, then one cannot say that she condemned and punished..). And those who return judge themselves. When in a posthumous “sanatorium” the memory of the ex-dead is revealed, their consciousness (essence-conscience) expands thousands of times - some, remembering what they did here, bang their heads against the wall (figuratively). You can’t get to Heaven from here, first I have to return Home...although...compared to’s almost...And I won’t go to Hell, because... I know the "rules of the game". And you are right - for many, Hell begins here.

47) Is there a meaning to life if we die anyway?
About 20 years ago, after a severe traumatic brain injury, I came to my senses and...remembered why I was sent to Earth and where I would return later. The shock was so strong that I began to tell everyone about it, but... no one believed it. Imagine that the Earth is a prison, a purgatory. What kind of self-improvement can there be in prison, given that it is not our Souls that are sent here, but only their microscopic particles - Triatoms? Of course, there, on Dessa, Sirius, Orion, Daya, Alpha... trillions of times better - there are no diseases, old age, death, no crimes, no lonely people, no money (everything you need, you get for free). In general, 90% of people consider these material worlds to be Paradise and are in no hurry to become “Angels”. But in order to live there forever, you need to periodically go on business trips to the purgatory of Terra, where you are now... My advice to you all is to keep the commandments, and then at home you will live for hundreds, thousands of years (until the next business trip) and have everything you need. whatever you dreamed of...Those who have abortions, cheat (I’m generally silent about suicides, murderers, thieves, scammers, etc.), At home they will rest for a couple of weeks and...back to Earth in worse conditions, or - "formatting" of the Personality.

48) And then they will make sure that people don’t die at all? Well, after... many many many years... Will scientists be able to do this?
In my homeland Dessa (where most Russians are from) they used to die. Then scientists (not ours, but the narrow-eyed ones from Sirius) discovered that there is only one way to get rid of illness, old age and death - throwing off imperil (negative energy). But it can be reset only in very gross material worlds. It was there that purgatory bases were created to reset the imperil. Earth is one of these bases... The paradox is that in order to be immortal at home, you need to periodically fly here on business trips and die here... You are all business travelers, just don’t remember this... yet. The immortality of the House is to be forever young (20-30 years old) and never get sick. And there is no threat of overpopulation there, because... we can revive any planet (there are 56 inhabited planets on Dessa).

In ancient times, people believed in the existence of an afterlife, when, dying on earth, a person is reborn and lives in a completely different world. The development of mankind, scientific discoveries and technological advances have led to the fact that the belief in the existence of heaven and hell, parallel worlds, the afterlife has been shaken and now there are many theories about what actually happens after death, but there is no exact evidence of this or that statement .

This time too, one professor Robert Lantz said that death is not the end of life - it is just the beginning of a new one, in a different world from ours.

Professor Lantz and his colleagues came to the conclusion that the death of the physical body does not terminate a person’s consciousness, it is transferred to a parallel world and continues to live, but in a completely different reality and shell (body). According to scientists, the various descriptions of the afterlife that are found in different religious cultures are not groundless, and the existence of heaven, hell, and other worlds is quite possible.

According to a group of specialists from the University of Carolina under the leadership of Professor Lanz, the consciousness of each person, after the death of the physical shell, is reborn in another shell, and life can continue both on earth and in a parallel world.

It is worth noting that the version of the existence of life in other dimensions was put forward by scientists for a reason; according to them, evidence of this is various creatures that appear on our planet, however, those that remain unknown to science and the general public, for example, mermaids, Bigfoot , Loch Ness monster, etc. Professor Lantz is confident that all these creatures are representatives of other worlds. But all this is just speculation and Lanz’s research group did not provide 100% confirmation of their theory, but another study by American scientists conducted a couple of years ago partly corresponds to Lanz’s statement. Thus, specialists from Australia and the USA came to the conclusion that parallel worlds really exist, in addition, they are in constant interaction with each other. According to the researchers, their theory can explain various phenomena that have periodically occurred or are occurring on our planet.

According to experts, the interaction of the Universes occurs according to a very complex principle, which may be based on repulsion. Scientists also noted that parallel worlds may well exist separately.

By the way, Professor Lanz already declared about the immortality of the soul about a year ago, which caused a lot of controversy in the scientific community. Then Lanz declared that the human soul is reborn, and human life can be compared to a perennial plant. To confirm his theory, Lantz and like-minded scientists used the theory of biocentrism and conducted Jung's experiment (observation of light particles penetrating through a screen with holes).

As a result, scientists found that the same particle behaves differently, as if they were two completely different entities. According to scientists, the people and objects that surround us are just a consequence of the work of our subconscious and the peculiarities of our perception of this world.

But, be that as it may, what awaits us after death remains a mystery today, which may not be solved soon.


Man is accustomed to considering himself alone in the Universe and on Earth, not knowing how relative his loneliness is. He is being watched by Heavenly Teachers, beings from parallel worlds on Earth are watching him, he is controlled by aliens, and the souls of the dead come to him. Therefore, about us, people, we can say this: “We are blind, but not alone.”

This is what we managed to find out about some of these lovers of observing a person, while remaining invisible themselves.

At one of the contacts we were told that we were not alone in the communication session, but that there were many all sorts of creatures from the “subtle” world around us, so we became interested in what kind of creatures they were.

– Tell me, please, are there any creatures present at the contact today?

- Yes, they are always here.

-What kind of creatures are these?

– They are very different: both similar to you and different from you.

– What world do they come from?

– From different worlds, so everyone is different.

– But these creatures belong to the shells of the Earth?

– Not only shells, they also come from other planets.

– What do they need from our contacts?

– They, too, like you, receive information through the energy We send. They decipher it. And some are just interested in seeing how you, that is, people, live. They were also attracted here by the channel connection, which they can clearly see from the “subtle” world. Still others come to receive energy.

-What are they doing?

- Of course, everyone has their own. Some are watching you, and that is their job. Others are engaged in the distribution of energies: they collect the energy directed by Us through the communication channel, and fly to other points of the Earth, transferring it to a variety of places. In this way, they distribute a new type of energy across the planet and its parallel worlds.

– Why are they doing this?

- It's planned. If the Earth itself, its physical shell, is transferred to a new energy, higher in frequency, then, accordingly, all its parallel worlds move one step higher, having also previously received and processed the new energy.

– We know that there are planets with parallel worlds and without them. Why does the planet need parallel worlds?

– These worlds are located in the “thin” shells of the planet, so they contribute to its development.

– What do parallel worlds give to the planet itself?

– Parallel worlds provide each shell with a certain type of energy. Each world has its own technology. And each shell, in turn, gives the planet its own level of energy, already produced on a new basis.

– During the existence of the first civilization on Earth, were there already parallel worlds?

– They arose along with the advent of humanity. But their number changed comparable to the shells of the Earth.

– Therefore, the more civilizations there are on Earth, the more parallel worlds there will be?

– Yes, this is the same as the membranes in a person as he develops. The Earth is developing, the number of its shells is increasing, and this, in turn, requires the emergence of new civilizations on the physical plane. So there is such a relationship between one and the other.

– Are vanished civilizations moving into parallel worlds? For example, in South America The Mayan civilization disappeared. For us, she disappeared without a trace, but where did she go? Are you moving them to parallel worlds?

– We move to where We need them.

– How does the work of planets on which there are parallel worlds differ from planets on which there are none?

– Planets without parallel worlds are lower in level of development than those with them, and produce simpler, more uniform energy. Planets with parallel worlds, the more of them, the more types of energy they transmit to the cosmic Systems that control them.

– How is energy from parallel worlds sent to space systems?

– Energy is sent not to everything and not to any cosmic Systems, but only to the System that directly deals with a given planet. And before the energy is taken, a certain amount of work is done: from each parallel world, the energy is collected separately in the corresponding shell, after which the entire field of the planet is formed in these shells. And after this, energy is taken from the field of the planet by its Planetary Determinant and transferred to the Higher Hierarchies.

– Let's talk about one of the parallel worlds.

- Which one do you want?

- About the one closest to us. Can you tell what creatures inhabit it and whether they resemble people?

– In the world closest to you there live humanoid creatures. In others - different from you.

– What is their number? If, for example, there are now 5.5 billion people, are there more or fewer of them?

- There are half as many of them as people.

– How are they distributed across the continents of the Earth, if they are close to our material world?

– Unlike people, they are not distributed across continents, but are in their own sphere, in their own matter, and they see a different world, although they are connected with your planet. They have their own energy islands on which these creatures live. Islands float above the Earth.

– So they are not related to the physical structure of the Earth?

– Your physical matter does not affect their world at all, and they have completely different laws. Each world is at its own vibration frequency or, more precisely, exists in a certain frequency range. Man’s mistake is that he tries to extend the laws of his physical world to the “subtle” worlds, where they are not acceptable. Therefore, they do not have nature, but there is space in which they reside.

– What can you say about the life of these creatures, what do they live in?

- They have their own homes. You can call them houses, like yours.

– Do they live in families as families?

- No, one at a time. These creatures are designed in such a way that they cannot live together or at least alone.

-Are they same-sex?

- No, heterosexuals.

– How do they reproduce the population if there are no families?

– They live by different laws. They do not have any societies or states. Each personality lives on its own, separately from the others, but when required by the program, they unite to produce offspring and immediately after that they separate. They also do not have a joint education of children. One parent cares for the child.

– What causes such a difference in lifestyle between our world and theirs?

– Everything is determined by the processes that should occur in certain worlds.

– Are there cities or any settlements in their world?

– No, there is no special concentration of population in certain places. This is required for your world, or more precisely, for the needs of the Earth. Their homes are dispersed, so they have no hostility, no aggression, and they have no wars either.

– Do they have any technical means?

- Very little. They hardly need technology; they use it extremely rarely.

– What is their average life expectancy?

– If we compare with you, their average life expectancy is thirty years.

– That is, much less than ours?

– What does this have to do with?

- With their program. They do it faster than you, due to the fact that they have no sleep. These creatures don't sleep at all. You spend a third of your life sleeping.

- What are they doing? - The creatures of this world are intended only for your planet, for its needs. They are engaged in restoring the Earth's shell, and in those places where it is decreasing for some reason, they increase it to normal. Also, if energy gaps appear in the shell, they seal them. In a word, they patch up the shell.

– Do they do their work consciously?

- Yes, sure.

– And who leads them if they do not live in societies, but carry out their work?

– They are led by Determinants from their world, but telepathically.

– Do they have a religion?

– No, they don’t need it in their world, because, unlike people, they know about the existence of cosmic Systems and Higher Hierarchs.

– It turns out that in terms of development they are higher than humans?

– To some extent, we can say that it is higher.

– What causes such a difference in the way of life between our world and theirs, if, nevertheless, in terms of vibration frequency it is close to ours?

– Everything is determined by the processes that should occur in certain worlds. For each world, a form of a living being is developed, or more precisely, a shell that is designed to produce a certain frequency range of a given world. The form of a being depends on the matter of this world and on the work that it must do.

In order for a creature to produce the required energy during its life cycle, it is necessary to develop a technological process for processing one type of matter (raw materials) into the required type of energy (products). Therefore, for these purposes, they develop a life line of behavior for a given creature in specific conditions, where each of its actions is not an arbitrary act, but a technological process of processing, through situations or actions, the energy sent into its new types.

And the third thing that matters in this process is the soul itself, which is like a crane operator doing work on a crane. The crane operator “animates” the crane, forcing it to do work, and at the same time he himself also works together with the crane. That is, the form (crane) works, the soul (crane operator) works, the process (lifting the load) takes place. This is a figurative example. And you cannot arbitrarily put any unprepared soul into this form, that is, for this form and for this work, the soul must be appropriately prepared. (If you put, say, a doctor on a crane, the work will not work, but an accident will occur). Also, any process, any situation requires a certain spiritual preparation of the Unit.

The situations themselves especially require this preparation. For certain situations, souls are selected that are already energetically built for appropriate actions. And the requirements for the selection of souls here can be very strict, because the slightest miscalculation can lead to disruption of the whole process.

The more complex the processes in which souls participate, the more powerful their energy potential should be. The form itself does not require such precise adjustment to any parameters of the soul. The shape of the body allows for large fluctuations in the energy pumping of the soul, that is, a soul can be infused into it with both a low energy pumping* and a very high one, but still, all this fluctuates within certain limits.

Therefore, in order for the required process to occur in any world:

1) it is necessary to create a new form;

2) it is necessary to develop an appropriate technological process for a specific world;

3) a soul with the required energy potential or a certain set of qualitative characteristics is needed.

And then the world will live.

– Are forms of shells of creatures made that are suitable for existence in several different worlds?

- No. Each world has its own matter, its own loads, therefore the form itself is individual: it is created from the matter of a given world and withstands all its loads and influences.

– Will the human soul undergo the next stage of development in the first parallel world?

– Not all of humanity will move to this world, but only some for experimental purposes. Who will be sent to which world will be decided by the Founders.

– Where do creatures from the first parallel world end up after going through a development cycle?

– There is another world on your planet, located in the Hierarchy above them, that is, located at a higher frequency of vibrations. It exists in even smaller quantities. This is where they end up after selection. The selection is strict. From each underlying world a selection is made into the upper one, therefore in each overlying world the number is less than in the underlying one, but each Personality is more powerful.

– Where do creatures come from in their world, that is, where do their souls come from?

– Each world has its own Founders who draw up programs, and its own Determiners who control and lead these programs; has its own reserve of souls. Some souls can be taken from other worlds, and some are created anew. There is a Hierarchical System of God, which is engaged in the production of souls for all worlds of the Earth. This Supreme System They are of the spiritual plane, that is, they do not belong to the material. The founders of each world determine their need for the number of creatures, and souls descend into the worlds.

– After death, the souls of creatures from parallel worlds on Earth end up in the same Distributor (separator) as human souls?

– No, another System works with them and they have everything of their own.

– Do the inhabitants of the first parallel world have contacts with other civilizations?

- No, they don’t need it. They have their own job, a very specific one, and outside connections cannot give them anything.

– Will the Earth’s transition to a new orbit lead to changes in its other worlds?

– Yes, this process is energetically interconnected and will cause successive shifts in all parallel worlds of the Earth. They also move to a higher stage of development.

– When the Earth moves to a new orbit, the human population decreases. Will the number of creatures in its parallel worlds also decrease?

– No, the process happens differently there. But, of course, the Earth’s transition to a new orbit will cause changes in all its parallel worlds. They are inhabited by more advanced creatures. And all life on Earth in your physical world and in its “subtle” worlds proceeds in parallel, that is, simultaneously, but with a shift in levels of development. Hence their name - “parallel worlds”, that is, simultaneous existence and development with the subsequent simultaneous transition of all worlds to a higher level.

The most important thing is that all these worlds are on the same energy basis in their construction, therefore, if the perfection of souls increases in the physical plane, then in all other worlds there is an increase in the energy power of souls.

In each parallel world, as in yours, creatures with greater soul power leave, and they are replaced by creatures with less energy power. And this is the progress and evolution of development. Everything changes in parallel and according to each other.

– In our world, previously deployed programs are being curtailed. Does the same thing happen in parallel worlds?

– Yes, everything in them is being redesigned in order to connect the programs for the interaction of worlds.

– The physical world is being remade using catastrophes and natural disasters. Are similar methods also used in parallel worlds?

– Yes, there is something similar there too. One world, for example, has already been completely removed.

-What kind of world is this?

- It's a very rough world. We came to the conclusion that We do not need him. This world is rough in the quality of the energies produced. Of course, We did not erase it completely, but only removed it from the Earth. And all the creatures were transferred to another place, to another space.

– One world has been removed, but what happens in the other worlds?

– Other worlds are being brought up to the required level, their programs are being adjusted. The greatest corrections are made in the worlds closest to the physical.

– How will the work of the Earth itself change in connection with this? Will she now have fewer parallel worlds?

– Yes, there will be fewer worlds, and there will be more work. The Earth's program will become more complicated.

– What happens to parallel worlds in the event of the death of a planet?

– All parallel worlds are based on the physical plane as some kind of constructive basis, so if something happens to it, it is reflected on them. And when the physical shell of the planet dies, they all disintegrate too. This process is analogous to the death of a person’s physical body and the gradual death of its temporary shells. It’s the same with the planet, that is, on the physical plane, all parallel worlds die. And on the “subtle” plane they move along their Hierarchy.

– Do the souls of creatures that inhabited parallel worlds immediately after death go to their Systems?

– Yes, into the Systems that control them, into their Hierarchies. In the Systems they are reprogrammed and sent to new planets, to new Levels of development.

– Do different Systems control people and creatures in parallel worlds?

– Different Systems specifically control it. But there is one general leadership, that is, there is coordination of actions, because one planet cannot be led differently: one wants it this way, another wants it another way. This could lead to the explosion of the entire planet. Therefore, coordination of actions is mandatory.

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Not long ago on my blog you read my story about my school friend Galina, who, after the death of her beloved person I became afraid of panic death . She and I spent a lot of time together, struggling with this terrible phobia, until she finally felt better. She still continues to think about death , but in a different way.

After our conversations regarding the death of a person, Galya began to literally collect articles, books and films on this topic. And she infected me with everything like that. My own son added fuel to the fire. He, having listened to our exchange of views on these topics, became interested in the concepts of human consciousness and the How modern scientists are trying to digitize it and place it in the virtual world. The son, you see, dreams of the appearance of computer games in which it would be possible to introduce such digitized souls of players who would live and develop in an alternative reality under the supervision of their own living prototypes.

Scientistsfound outWhere People fall after death?

As a result of our collective efforts, a lot of information has accumulated on my laptop concerning all these issues, which, by the way, have always worried humanity - not only religious people, but also atheists too. Perhaps atheists and agnostics in our time are even more interested in all this than sincere believers in God, because they are more afraid of dying. They are afraid of disappearing into the abyss of non-existence completely and without a trace, while religions talk about the obligatory continuation of life in its other form. This is probably why it was the non-believers who became the first rational researchers of the phenomenon of the continuation of life after the death of the body. They wanted to verify ancient revelations by scientific means. I have read a lot on this topic and can confidently say that almost every one of them scientists, who was at first a typical unbelieving Thomas, eventually came to the conviction: after physical death body, man continues to exist.

About where people go after they die, spoken in all ancient beliefs and world religions. They were born in different parts of the planet, often completely independently of each other, but at the same time about the life of the soul person after his death they said almost the same thing.

All without exception
teachings, the ancestors of modern humanity were absolutely sure that that the gods death at the moment appointed by fate forces the soul to leave the body, afterwhat does it begin for an incorporeal entity new life in the world of the dead. Each religion describes in detail both the path to oblivion and the very place where souls remain after the death of a person. It is necessary to tell about the difficulties and trials that the soul must endure during the journey to the kingdom of the dead. The other world itself is depicted as full of miracles and secrets, divine and demonic entities that judge the soul and determine its place in their kingdom. Some of them (primarily Hinduism and Buddhism) claim that the soul is incarnated into new bodies before the final merger with the divine Absolute an innumerable number of times.

Many skeptics who do not believe in any mysticism say that all such stories are about the soul and its responsibility for lifetime actions person invented by priests who found it beneficial to intimidate and subjugate people . And all sorts of mystical meetings and visions that supposedly confirm religious stories about the other world are also inventions or tricks of the same clergy.

Okay, but what then to do with cases when such visions visit completely unbelieving people?? Take my aunt, who was a communist, a hero of labor, and never even came close to any church all her life. Once, in the early 70s of the last century, she was in Moscow on a business trip. Just before leaving home, I decided to take a walk along Kalininsky Prospekt (now Novy Arbat). She walked along, looked at store windows, and hurried to the Book World to buy new items. And suddenly, near the Vesna store, I saw my subordinate, who was doing something unclear there instead of being at his workplace in Perm. He greeted her and turned into the store. At first the aunt was taken aback, then she followed him, but didn’t find him inside the store. And when she returned home and came to work, she found out that this comrade had just been buried. On the day she saw him in Moscow, he was already in the morgue. After this incident, my aunt did not start going to churches, but began to read the Bible and become interested in all sorts of mystical incidents.

What does science say?

Many scientists with worldwide famous names were also originally believers or through their personal life experience came to the conclusion that life person afterthe death of his bodily shell as such does not stop. E that's what the best minds of all times said, starting with the ancient Greek philosophers Socrates, Plato and Pythagoras. Materialists Galileo, Newton, Pascal, Pasteur, Einstein, Pavlov, Tsiolkovsky and many others were also people , convinced of the existence of a higher reality, the divine principle and an afterlife. They cannot be called blind believers, since they came to their conclusions through purely scientific research and reflection, which led them to evidence of an intelligent, multidimensional and animated structure of the universe. All researchers of the otherworldly, with the help of experiments and observations, tried to answer very specific questions.

  1. How true are people's accounts of encounters or other interactions with the dead?
  2. How gradually (or, conversely, simultaneously) does the separation of soul and body occur?
  3. Can the posthumous life of a person be recorded using any scientific methods?
  4. Is it possible to capture, with the help of modern instruments, the processes of separation of the physical body and the subtle essence (soul) from each other?
  5. Are the physical and spiritual essences of a person equally separated from each other in the case of a calm and tragic deaths?
  6. Where does the human soul go after the death of the body?

I found many different scientific hypotheses and described discoveries that indicate that the life of a person, or rather his soul, continues in the so-called subtle dimension. I will give just a few examples.

Emmanuel Swedenborg was probably the first scientists , which systematically approached the study of the otherworldly existence of the soul. In the 18th century he did technical inventions, lectured at the largest Swedish university, Uppsala, and wrote more than 150 scientific papers, including on the life of the soul in other worlds. Swedenborg said that personality after death in its essence does not change, but continues to develop. Long before the emergence of quantum theories, he suggested that the world consists of particles that represent flows and turbulences of energy. Souls are also energy clots, invisible to the eye. Swedenborg conducted experiments on communicating with the other world for more than 20 years and published the results. Many contemporaries (including the Queen of Sweden) were forced to believe him, since scientist told them secrets that could only be known to their deceased relatives.

R Russian biologist V. Lepeshkin in the 30s The twentieth century was able to register special energy bursts that dying bodies spread around themselves. He concluded that at the moment of the death of a living creature, a certain special biofield is separated from it. During such experiments, the biofields leaving the earth's shell even illuminated photographic film of special sensitivity.

K.G. Korotkov – Doctor of Technical Sciences, St. Petersburg Technical University University - leads the research of subtle bodies that leave the physical flesh after its death . A generator of high-voltage electromagnetic radiation during laboratory experiments records the exit from the dead person its astral form and transmits the waves of its energy field to the display. The outcome of the soul is recorded as a special pulsating glow, which either fades or intensifies again. Scientist I am convinced that after bodily death person his destiny continues in another dimension.

Physicists Michael Scott of Edinburgh and Fred Alan Wolf from California prove the existence of multiple parallel Universes. They may be similar to our own reality or significantly different from it. Scientists they conclude: everyone who has ever lived not only does not die, but exists in these parallel spaces forever. Thus, death like there is no such thing at all, but the spiritual essences of people and animals are represented in a multiplicity of incarnations.

Robert Lantz , a professor from North Carolina, compares the continuous life of an individual with that How There are plants that die off in winter and grow again in spring. In fact, Lanz agrees with Eastern theories of reincarnation and that the same soul is physically reborn many times in parallel worlds and comes to Earth again and again. The professor suggests that death and rebirth occur simultaneously, so How particles of subtle matter that make up the spirit (photons, neutrinos, etc.) can be present at the same moment in different dimensions.

Stuart Hammeroff , an anesthesiologist at the University of Arizona, as a result of long-term work, became convinced of the quantum nature of the soul. He claims that it does not consist of neurons, but of a special fabric of the Universe. That's why after death information about the individual goes into space and exists in it in the form of free consciousness.

In general, these and others scientists came to the same conclusions
to which many different religions led humanity long before them. These conclusions were voiced in his speech at one of the international symposiums by researcher at the St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University A.V. Mikheev.

  • Not a single skeptic could prove through experiments that after the death of a personeverything stops for him, that life has no continuation in some other form and other place.
  • After the physical (in our understanding) death of peopletheir so-called subtle bodies remain. They are carriers of various information about individuals: their self-awareness, memory, emotions, and the entire inner world.
  • The continued existence of an individual after death is one of the natural laws of nature and human life.
  • Subsequent realities numerous and differ from each other by different energy frequencies, on which they are located.
  • Where exactly it goesthe soul of the deceased is most likely determined by his earthly actions, feelings and thoughts. It works on the principle electromagnetic radiation, the spectrum of which depends on its composition. What is the inner component of the soul, such is its new place after death.
  • In the words Heaven and Hell two poles of the postmortem state can be identified I. Between these poles there are many intermediate states. Soul hits in them according to the emotional and mental load that she formed on Earth. Therefore, negative emotional states, bad deeds, the desire to destroy, any fanaticism have a very bad effect on the future fate of the individual. Thus, the responsibility of the soul for everything that its bearer has accomplished during his earthly life is inevitable.

I don’t know about you, but all these hypotheses and conclusions make me scientists with world-famous names amazed me and made me evaluate my own life in a new way. It turns out that science fully confirms the ethical side of religion. Secret eastern teachings, Christianity, and Islam have long told people that earthly experience and knowledge play a huge role in the posthumous fate of the soul. They pointed to the personal and inevitable responsibility of a person for what he did on this earth. Now and People from science they say that absolutely everything a person lives is recorded, weighed and entails consequences after death her physical shell. So, one main conclusion remains: You shouldn’t live in this world in such a way that you would later be ashamed of it in other places where the spirit lives. I also don’t want to end up in a bad dimension through my own fault.