The most famous temples in the world. The most unique temples in the world. Kul-Sharif Mosque, Kazan, Russia

08.02.2022 Operations

The most unusual churches in Russia.

Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Burning Bush" in the city of Dyatkovo

This temple was called the eighth wonder of the world, because nowhere in the world do there exist iconostases like those in the Neopalimov church in the city of Dyatkovo, Bryansk region. The entire iconostasis of this temple is made of crystal. In 1810, it was built by the owner of the local crystal factory, Maltsov. Not only the heavy, elegantly crafted crystal iconostasis, “as if floating in the air,” but also crystal chandeliers and chandeliers, unique candlesticks made of multi-layered and multi-colored glass, human height, adorned the church until 1929. The amazing temple was destroyed, but some parts of its decoration took refuge in the Dyatkovo museum.

In 1990, the destroyed temple was rebuilt, and local glassblowers, using surviving drawings from 200 years ago, spent more than a year making thousands of parts for its decoration. Restoring the iconostasis required several tons of crystal, and not just crystal, but fused with lead - such an alloy is used to make the most expensive tableware.
The inside of the Neopalimovsky temple seems both icy and rainbow: mirrors are placed under the crystal plates on the walls, which gives the effect of a rainbow glow.

Arkhyz churches

Arkhyz temples are the most ancient or one of the most ancient in Russia. They date back to the end of the 9th - beginning of the 10th centuries. Scientists believe that it was here, in the area of ​​​​the ancient settlement of Magas, that there was the capital of the patriarchate of ancient Alania. The Alans finally became familiar with Christianity in the first quarter of the 10th century, but its penetration here began much earlier. Written sources mention this since the second half of the 7th century.
Three medieval temples have been preserved on the territory of the settlement - Northern, Middle and Southern. During excavations by archaeologist V.A. Kuznetsov even found the only ancient baptismal church in the North Caucasus, built from flat stone slabs. The walls of the temple were covered with frescoes skillfully executed by Byzantine masters - this is evidenced by the drawings of the artist and archaeologist D.M. Strukov, made at the end of the 19th century.
In the Middle Church, even the acoustics are thought out: it has a system of voice boxes - through and blind holes in the walls of the temple.
The southern temple of this settlement is now the oldest functioning Orthodox church in Russia. In a rock grotto not far from this temple, the face of Christ was discovered, manifested on a stone.

Temple in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on the Blue Stones in Yekaterinburg

On an ordinary Ekaterinburg Khrushchev building, a bell tower and a boy on it are drawn by a child’s hand. Along the wall stretches the “Hymn of Love” written in Slavic script by the Apostle Paul. Chapter 13, Epistle to the Corinthians... You will come closer, led by words of love, and read the inscription: “Heaven on earth.” This is how easy it is for even children to begin to comprehend Christian wisdom. This temple does not have high ceilings with rotundas or domes; a narrow corridor leads inside, and bookshelves line the church walls. But here it is always full of children and there are many traditions of its own: for example, holding role-playing games, drinking tea with the whole parish after Sunday liturgy, singing with the choir or drawing “good graffiti”. And Epiphany water is sometimes “sold” here for knowledge of the first commandment or immediate study of it. The parish publishes the newspaper “Living Stones,” and the temple website lives a life filled with creativity.

Church of the Sign Holy Mother of God in Dubrovitsy

Mysterious church with mysterious story, the only temple in Russia that is crowned not by a dome, but gold Crown. The construction of the Znamenskaya Church dates back to the time when the Dubrovitsy estate was owned by the tutor of Peter I, Prince Boris Alekseevich Golitsyn. By the way, Peter I himself and his son Tsarevich Alexei were present at the consecration of this temple. This church does not look like a Russian one; it was built in a rococo style, rare for our lands, and very richly decorated with round sculptures made of white stone and stucco. They say it looks especially impressive in winter, when the landscape around is distinctly Russian.
In 1812, the temple was occupied by Napoleonic troops, without, however, causing any damage to it. But in the 20th century this temple was closed too
In 1929, the temple was closed for worship; in September 1931, the bell tower and the Church of Adrian and Natalia located in it were blown up.
The history of the inscriptions inside the temple is interesting. Initially they were made in Latin, later, at the request of Metropolitan Philaret (Drozdov), they were replaced by Church Slavonic. And in 2004, during restoration, the temple “speaked” in Latin again.

Temple-carriage in Nizhny Novgorod

An Orthodox church almost opposite in its idea arose in Nizhny Novgorod in 2005. The temple surprises without trying to surprise, because it is located in... a railway carriage. This is a temporary structure: parishioners are waiting for the construction of a stone church. It all started with a gift: the railway workers gave the Nizhny Novgorod diocese a carriage. And the diocese decided to equip it as a church: they fixed the carriage, made steps with a porch, installed a dome, a cross, and consecrated it on December 19, 2005, the day of remembrance of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. People call the unusual temple both the “blue train” after the children’s song of the same name, and “Soul train” in the English manner. The symbolism of a train, a carriage, and therefore a path, has been inherent in the Christian church since ancient times. From early times, temples were built in the image of ships - in this sense, the Nizhny Novgorod temple continues the Byzantine traditions! It is worth noting that this is not the only, but the most famous carriage temple in Russia.

Kostomarovsky Spassky Convent

The oldest cave monastery in Russia with “divas” - chalk pillars, inside of which monastic cloisters are built. The bell tower of the Spassky Church was built between two such divas and literally floats in the air. Inside, in the thickness of the chalk mountain, the temple is so large that it can accommodate two thousand people. It is here that the “cave of repentance”, famous throughout Russia, is located - a corridor stretching underground for 220 meters and gradually narrowing. It is known that before the revolution, the most ossified sinners were sent here for “correction of the mind.” The very movement through the cave sets the mood for confession: the penitent makes a long journey in the dark, holding a lit candle, the vault of the cave becomes lower and lower, and the person bends in bow. Pilgrims say they feel as if someone's hand is gradually bowing their head, humbling human pride. Even today, those visiting the “cave of repentance” are not accompanied to the end: the person is left to walk part of the path alone.

Trinity Church "Kulich and Easter" in St. Petersburg

This nickname for the church was not invented by witty St. Petersburg residents - the customer of the construction himself, Prosecutor General A.A. Vyazemsky asked the architect to build the temple in the shape of traditional Easter dishes. Both buildings are crowned with “apples” with a cross. Due to the fact that there is no drum on the dome of the “Kulich”, it becomes dark in the altar part of the church. The play of light and the blue “heavenly” dome change the feeling of volume, so the inside of the temple seems much more spacious than the outside.
At the bottom of the “Easter” bell tower there is a baptistery, which has only two small windows at the top of the walls. But right above the person being baptized are bells, the sound of which spreads through arches cut into the wall. The thickness of the walls increases downwards as the wall slopes. On the outside of the belfry, above the bells, there are dials painted, each of which “shows” a different time. By the way, A.V. was baptized in this church. Kolchak, future admiral.

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Some of these temples were built several centuries ago, others are the creations of modern architects. The implementation of some ideas took decades and even centuries. Others needed only a few years. All these buildings have one thing in common - their architecture is unique, and this attracts millions of people, regardless of their beliefs.

website brings you some of the most architecturally significant places of worship from around the world.

Milan Cathedral, Italy

Holy Trinity Church, Antarctica

Russian Orthodox Church was built in Russia in the 1990s and then transported to a Russian station in Antarctica. This is one of 7 churches on its territory.

Taktsang Lhakhang, Bhutan

Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, United Arab Emirates

Hallgrimskirkja Church, Iceland

Lutheran Church in Reykjavik - the fourth tallest building in Iceland. It is located in the center of Reykjavik and is visible from any part of the city.

Temple of All Religions, Kazan, Russia

This unique structure miraculously combines a Christian cross, a Muslim crescent, a Star of David and a Chinese dome. True, no rituals are performed here, because this is not a functioning temple, but just a building that looks like a residential building inside. In total, the project includes domes and other iconic elements of religious buildings of 16 world religions, including disappeared civilizations.

Lotus Temple, India

For the people of India, the lotus means purity and peace. This is one of the most visited buildings in the world.

Kul-Sharif Mosque, Kazan, Russia

The designers of the new mosque tried to recreate the main mosque of the Kazan Khanate, destroyed in 1552 by the troops of Ivan the Terrible.

Cathedral of Las Lajas, Colombia

The neo-Gothic cathedral is built directly on a 30-meter arched bridge connecting the two sides of a deep gorge. The temple is cared for by two Franciscan communities: one is Colombian, the other is Ecuadorian. Thus, the Cathedral of Las Lajas became a pledge of peace and union between the two South American peoples.

Kamppi Chapel of Silence, Finland

It is intended for privacy and meetings. There are no services in the chapel. Here you can hide from the bustle, enjoy peace in one of the busiest places in the capital and meditate in an environmentally friendly space. Due to its appearance and materials, the chapel of silence is often called the “sauna of the spirit.”

Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, Slovenia

The church is located on the only island in all of Slovenia. To get inside, you need to cross the lake by boat and climb 99 steps.

Air Force Academy Cadet Chapel, USA

The chapel's unique design is a classic example of modernist architecture. The magnificent interior brings together several different areas of worship under one roof, including Protestant, Catholic, Jewish and Buddhist chapels. Each of them has its own distinctive symbolism, ammunition and its own exit.

Paoay Church, Philippines

St Patrick's Cathedral, Australia

St Patrick's Cathedral is the tallest and largest church in Australia.

Church of the Transfiguration, Kizhi, Russia

The church was built in the traditions of Russian carpentry, that is, without nails. It is crowned with 22 domes and its height is 37 meters.

Green Church, Argentina

The most common Catholic Church became famous thanks to the rich living decor of ivy, which turned the facade into an allusion to the biblical Garden of Gethsemane.

St. Andrew's Church, Ukraine

The church is located on a steep hill, offering a beautiful view of Kyiv. According to legend, it was built on the spot where St. Andrew the First-Called erected a cross. This is just one of the many legends that surround St. Andrew's Church.

California Mormon Temple, USA

The huge building is made in dazzling white. And this color scheme is no coincidence, because white color is traditionally perceived as a symbol of purity and purity. Tourists and simply curious people are not allowed inside the Mormon Temple itself; only members of the community can enter the premises of the sacred building.

Crystal Mosque, Malaysia

It is located on an artificial island. The mosque is made of steel and glass, so it feels like it is made of crystal.

Dutch Reformed Church, South Africa

The architecture of temples has a very rich and controversial history, which, however, shows that it was with the construction of temples that all architectural innovations, all new styles and trends began and spread throughout the world. The majestic religious buildings of the great civilizations of the ancient world have survived to this day. And also many modern examples of amazing architecture of religious buildings appeared.

(Total 28 photos)

1. Hallgrimskirkja

The Lutheran Church in Reykjavik is the fourth tallest building in Iceland. The church was designed in 1937 by the architect Goodjoun Samuelson. It took 38 years to build the church. The church is located in the center of Reykjavik, and is visible from any part of the city. It has become one of the main attractions of the city and is also used as an observation tower.

2. Las Lajas Cathedral

One of the most visited temples in Colombia. Construction of the temple was completed in 1948. The neo-Gothic cathedral was built directly on a 30-meter arched bridge connecting the two sides of a deep gorge. The temple is cared for by two Franciscan communities, one Colombian, the other Ecuadorian. Thus, the Cathedral of Las Lajas became a pledge of peace and union between the two South American peoples.

3. Notre-Dame du Haut

Concrete pilgrimage church built in 1950-55. in the French city of Ronchamp. The architect Le Corbusier, not being religious, agreed to take on the project on the condition that the Catholic Church would give him complete freedom of creative expression. Initially, the non-standard building caused violent protests from local residents, who refused to supply water and electricity to the temple, but by now tourists who come to see it have become one of the main sources of income for the Ronchans.

4. Jubilee Church

Or the Church of the Merciful God the Father is a community center in Rome. It was built by architect Richard Meier in 1996-2003 with the aim of revitalizing the lives of residents of the area. The temple was built from precast concrete on a triangular site on the border of a city park, surrounded by 10-story residential and public buildings with a population of about 30,000 residents.

5. St. Basil's Cathedral

The Orthodox Church is located on Red Square in Moscow. A widely known monument of Russian architecture and one of the most famous landmarks in Russia. It was built in 1555-1561 by order of Ivan the Terrible in memory of the victory over the Kazan Khanate. According to legend, the architects of the cathedral were blinded by order of Ivan the Terrible so that they could not build another similar temple.

6. Milan Cathedral

The world famous fourth largest church in the world is located in the very center of Milan and is its symbol. It is a late Gothic wonder that contains a forest of spiers and sculptures, marble pinnacles and columns. The white marble cathedral was built over 5 centuries.

7. Church of the Holy Family

The Barcelona church, built with private donations since 1882, is a famous project by Antoni Gaudí. The unusual appearance of the temple made it one of the main attractions of Barcelona. However, due to the complexity of making stone structures, the cathedral will not be completed until 2026.

8. Paraportiani Church

The dazzling white church is located on the Greek island of Mykonos. The temple was built in the 15th to 17th centuries and consists of five separate churches: four churches are built on the ground, and the fifth is based on these four.

9. Stavkirka in Borgunn

One of the oldest surviving frame churches is in Norway. No metal parts were used in the construction of the Borgund headquarters. And the number of parts that make up the church exceeds 2 thousand. The strong frame of the posts was assembled on the ground and then raised to a vertical position using long poles. The Stavkirka was built in Borgunn presumably in 1150-80.

10. Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Cathedral of the Catholic Archdiocese of Brasilia was built in the modernist style according to the design of the famous architect Oscar Niemeyer. In 1988, Oscar Niemeyer received the Pritzker Prize for his design of the Cathedral. The building consists of 16 hyperboloid columns, symbolizing hands raised to the sky. The space between the columns is covered with stained glass windows.

11. Grundtvig Church

Lutheran church located in Copenhagen, Denmark. It is one of the most famous churches in the city and a rare example of a religious building built in the style of expressionism. The competition for designs for the future church was won in 1913 by the architect Peder Klint. Construction continued from 1921 to 1926.

12. Cathedral - Minor Basilica of Our Lady of Gloriousness

This is the tallest Catholic cathedral in Latin America. Its height is 114 m + 10 m cross at the top. The shape of the cathedral was inspired by Soviet satellites. The initial design of the cathedral was proposed by Don Jaime Luis Coelho, and the cathedral was designed by the architect Jose Augusto Bellucci. The cathedral was built between July 1959 and May 1972.

13. Church of Consolation

Located in the Spanish city of Cordoba. The still young church was designed by the architectural bureau Vicens + Ramos last year according to all the rules of strict minimalist canons. The only deviation from strictly white there is a golden wall in place of the altar.

14. Church of St. George

The cave church, entirely carved into the rocks, is located in the Ethiopian city of Lalibela. The building is a cross 25 by 25 meters and goes underground for the same amount. This miracle was created in the 13th century by order of King Lalibela, according to legend, over a period of 24 years. There are a total of 11 temples in Lalibela, completely carved out of the rocks and connected by tunnels.

16. Church of St. Joseph

St. Joseph's Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in Chicago was built in 1956. Known throughout the world for its 13 golden domes, symbolizing the 12 apostles and Jesus Christ.

17. Cathedral of Our Lady of Tears

The cathedral, shaped like a concrete tent, rises above the Italian city of Syracuse. In the middle of the last century, an elderly woman lived on the site of the cathedral. married couple, who had a statue of Madonna. One day the figurine began to “cry” human tears, and pilgrims from all over the world flocked to the city. A huge cathedral was built in her honor, perfectly visible from anywhere in the city.

18. Salt Cathedral of Zipaquira

The Cathedral of Zipaquira in Colombia is carved into solid salt rock. A dark tunnel leads to the altar. The height of the cathedral is 23 m, the capacity is over 10 thousand people. Historically, there was a mine in this place, used by the Indians to obtain salt. When this was no longer necessary, a temple appeared on the site of the mine.

20. US Air Force Academy Cadet Chapel

Located in Colorado on the territory of a military camp and training base of a branch of the US Air Force pilot academy. The monumental profile of the chapel building is created by seventeen rows of steel frames, ending in peaks at a height of about fifty meters. The building is divided into three levels, and services of the Catholic, Protestant and Jewish denominations are held in its halls.

21. St. Michael's Golden-Domed Monastery

One of the oldest monasteries in Kyiv. Includes the Newly Built St. Michael's Golden-Domed Cathedral, a refectory with the Church of St. John the Evangelist and a bell tower. It is assumed that St. Michael's Cathedral was the first temple with a gilded top, where this unique tradition originated in Rus'.

22. Chapel of the Crown of Thorns

The wooden chapel is located in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, USA. The chapel was erected in 1980 according to the design of architect E. Fay Jones. The chapel is light and airy and has a total of 425 windows.

24. Arctic Cathedral

Lutheran Church in the Norwegian city of Tromsø. According to the architect's idea, the exterior of the building, consisting of two merging triangular structures covered with aluminum plates, should evoke an association with an iceberg.

25. Painted Church in Arbor

Painted churches are the most famous architectural landmarks of Moldova. The churches are decorated with frescoes both outside and inside. Each of these temples is included in the List world heritage UNESCO.

26. Mosque in Tirana

A project for a cultural center in the Albanian capital Tirana, which will include a mosque, an Islamic cultural center and a Museum of Religious Harmony. The international competition for the project was won last year by the Danish architectural bureau BIG.

27. Farmers' Chapel

The concrete chapel on the edge of a field near the German town of Mechernich was built by local farmers in honor of their patron saint, Bruder Claus.

28. Inflatable Church

Dutch philosopher Frank Los came up with an inflatable Transparent Church, which can be erected in any corner of the globe and under any conditions: at festivals, private parties and other public events. The inflatable church easily fits in the trunk of a car and, when disassembled, can accommodate about 30 parishioners.

Beautiful temples have more than just religious significance. They differ amazing beauty and originality, are true masterpieces of architecture. These structures surprise others with their majestic and divine appearance. Their diversity and interesting design are truly delightful. This list includes only the most beautiful temples in the world, which deserve the attention of every connoisseur of beautiful architecture.

1. Sagrada Familia Cathedral

Sagrada Familia can deservedly bear the title of the most beautiful temple in the world. This is an amazing building in the heart of Barcelona. The author of such a beautiful creation is a famous architect named Antonio Gaudi. The bizarre shapes and architectural reliefs of the structure evoke sincere delight among local residents and tourists. Inside the cathedral you can see a lot of decor in the form of paintings, stucco moldings and mosaics. Beautiful sculptures and towers harmoniously complement the building. Free excursions are regularly held here for guests who wish to personally familiarize themselves with all the features of this building. While inside the Sagrada Familia, you can feel the whole atmosphere of Biblical times.

2. Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood

Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood- one of the most beautiful churches of Orthodoxy, located in the city of St. Petersburg. The building is decorated in Russian style using Italian marble and other semi-precious stones. The decor is made in a theatrical style, which is why the church looks like a carved box of gems. Many additional details and multi-colored finishing materials give the temple a special appeal, and the sparkling mosaics and tiles of different colors add originality and uniqueness. The Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood can confidently be called an incomparable example of mosaic architecture, because it is this direction of art that is used in the process of decorating the facades, which gives the temple a festive appearance. Historians rightly call it a monument of world significance.

3. Santa Maria del Fiore

Continues the list of the most beautiful temples in the world Santa Maria del Fiore. This cathedral is a magnificent landmark in Florence. The architecture of the unique building harmoniously combines natural marble of three shades, which makes it unique. The Gothic style in which the building was erected gives the impression of antiquity and nobility. The interior design is quite strict. The decoration of the facade is a statue of the Mother of God with a baby in her arms and a delicate flower lilies. Particular attention is drawn to antique clocks whose hands move in the opposite direction.

4. Crystal Mosque

Among the ten most beautiful temples in the world Crystal Mosque in Malaysia. It consists of different minarets in the form of neat structures covered with mirror glass. Thanks to this, during the daytime the mosque shimmers in the sun’s rays, and at night it shines with the lights of a specially created illumination. This amount of glass perfectly transmits light and creates a favorable atmosphere for prayer. The Crystal Mosque is deservedly called one of the most unusual in the whole world. In addition, it has modern equipment, such as the Internet and Wi-Fi, which is greatly appreciated not only by local residents, but also by tourists.

5. Notre Dame de Paris

In the very heart of France there is a well-known beautiful Catholic church called Notre Dame de Paris. During its construction, Romanesque and Gothic styles were used, harmoniously filling the environment with grace and monumentality. The interior design of the room is so magnificent that royal weddings, luxurious funeral ceremonies, as well as imperial coronations were often held here in the past. It is in this cathedral that the Crown of Thorns of Jesus Christ, which is a great relic of Christians, has been kept for many years. The territory of this temple can simultaneously accommodate 9 thousand parishioners.

6. Blue Mosque

Blue Mosque– one of the most beautiful Muslim temples in the world. The mosque is located in Istanbul and consists of six minarets. It got its name thanks to its beautiful blue finish. Currently, the building surprises with its scale, as well as its original architecture. Here you can see a large central dome, complemented by voluminous columns and cascades. The interior is made in light colors, among which white, blue and blue colors dominate. The walls of the temple are decorated with handmade ceramic tiles, which go perfectly with lamps and carpets. Each dome here is painted with quotes taken from the Koran. The presence of a large number of windows makes the mosque bright and cozy.

7. St. Basil's Cathedral

St. Basil's Cathedral- the most famous and beautiful temple in Russia, which is also known as the Intercession Cathedral. It is rightfully considered a symbol of Moscow. The cathedral was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List due to its unique architecture. It features eight different churches with beautiful onion-shaped domes. There is even a legend that after the completion of construction, Ivan the Terrible deprived the masters of their sight so that they would not have the opportunity to create another such masterpiece.

8. Golden Temple in Amritsar

This building, considered the main shrine of India, could not fail to be included in the top 10 most beautiful temples. Ancient Golden Temple was erected in the “lake of immortality”, which Ram Das himself chose. One day he had a vision in which he saw a temple shimmering with lights, after which he decided to make it a reality. People come here to cleanse themselves of sins and get closer to God. The exterior of the beautiful temple resembles a white and gold lotus flower as the upper part of the building is covered with gold and the lower part is covered with marble.

9. Akshardham Temple

An incredibly beautiful temple called Akshardham is a large-scale complex that is not only religious in nature, but also scientific and cultural. Here is the temple itself, a large garden, and also a research center. The main decoration of Akshardham is the gilded statue of God Shvaminarayan, whose height is two meters. In the garden you can see a beautiful waterfall, lake and attractions, which gives the atmosphere a certain modernity and comfort. The research center includes a library, a historical archive and a study area. In addition, there are several interesting exhibitions on Indian themes on its territory. Almost two million tourists come here every year to see all the features of this attraction.

10. Milan Cathedral

Temples are architectural structures that are intended for religious rites and worship. However, it can be said that the meaning of temples is often much broader than the ritual functions they perform and the religious ideas they embody.

The first temples of the world appeared in ancient times and not only as religious buildings - they reflected man’s inherent search for God. Throughout human history, they have been an integral part of the city's landscape, and many of them have become so famous that they have become symbols.

Temples of the Ancient World

The very first temples in Ancient Egypt, which are known modern science, were built in the fourth millennium BC. They were shaped like reed huts. The last of the completed temples is at Philae. It stopped being used for its intended purpose only in the 6th century.


One of the main attractions of Egypt is the heavily destroyed Karnak. It is recognized as the largest ancient temple in the world. The structure is the creation of many generations of Egyptian builders.

Karnak Temple consists of three buildings - small indoor buildings and several external ones, located north of Luxor (2.5 km). It took several thousand years to build and fortify the majestic Karnak Temple. However, the bulk of the work at Karnak was carried out by the pharaohs of the New Kingdom. The most famous structure in Karnak is rightfully considered the Hypostyle Hall, whose area is 50 thousand square meters. It has 134 massive columns, which are arranged in 16 rows.

Temples of Abu Simbel

The temples of the world sometimes amaze with their unusualness. For example, the (double) temples of Abu Simbel were carved into the slopes of the mountain. This happened during the reign of Pharaoh Ramesses the Great in the 13th century BC. e. The temples became an eternal monument to Ramesses and his queen Nefertari.

Edfu Temple

Temples of the world were often built and dedicated to the gods. So the Edfu Temple was built in honor of the Falcon God Horus. It is the second largest temple in Egypt after Karnak and one of the best preserved. Construction began on it in 237 BC. e. At that time, Ptolemy III was in power. The work was completed two centuries later (in 57 BC). The structure contains traditional elements from Egyptian temples, as well as several Greek elements, such as the Mammisi (birth house).

Church of the Holy Sepulcher

Orthodox churches around the world were built in different countries. The Church of the Holy Sepulcher was built on Mount Golgotha, the site of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Here he suffered martyrdom.

It was founded by the mother of Emperor Constantine, Helen, in 335. One day she found in the underground premises of the Temple of Venus, which previously stood in this place, a cave with the Holy Sepulcher and the Cross on which Jesus was crucified. There is a legend that three absolutely identical crosses were discovered in the dungeon. In order to find out which one was real, Elena touched them one by one to the coffin with the body of the deceased. When the real Cross touched him, a miracle happened - the dead man was resurrected.

Saint Isaac's Cathedral

The most beautiful churches in the world inspire admiration not only among parishioners. Tourists who visit them also admire their beautiful buildings. The majestic St. Isaac's Cathedral is a striking example of Russian religious architecture. Many experts are sure that this is one of the most beautiful domed buildings in the world. It is located in our Northern capital. The temple can accommodate up to 12 thousand people at a time. Previously, people came here for worship, but now they are most often tourists. The temple received the status of a historical and art museum in 1937.

The diameter of the outer dome of the temple is twenty-five meters. More than one hundred kilograms were spent on covering the central one, as well as the domes on the bell towers. The one-hundred-meter-high colonnade located above the dome offers a stunning view of the city center and the banks of the Neva.

The largest temples

Christian churches around the world differ in architectural styles, interior decoration, and the presence of certain shrines. Nevertheless, they are all priceless monuments of history and architecture.

The most majestic religious building in our country is the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, located in Moscow. Initially, the temple was built according to Ton's design. Its construction began in 1839. Unfortunately, in 1931 the temple, like many cathedrals and churches in our country, was destroyed, and it was rebuilt in 1997.

The height of the temple is 105 meters. The structure has the shape of an equilateral cross (width - 85 m). The temple can simultaneously accommodate 10 thousand people. The interior decoration is impressive with luxury, which was borrowed from the Byzantine religion (Orthodox).

Saint Paul's Cathedral

Famous temples of the world are places of pilgrimage. This fully applies to St. Peter's Basilica, the largest church in the Vatican. It is believed that this is the largest temple in the world. Its length is 212 meters, width - 150 m, occupied area - more than 22 thousand m 2. The height with the cross on the dome is 136 meters. The cathedral can simultaneously accommodate about 60 thousand people.

The temple was built in the 16th century by such great masters as Raphael and Michelangelo. The magnificent structure is already more than five centuries old. Previously, there was a circus on this site, in which, during the time of Nero, Christians were tortured and put to a terrible death. He was brought here and He asked to be executed differently from Christ, and he was crucified head down.

Three centuries later, Emperor Constantine ordered the construction of a basilica here in honor of St. Peter, and in 1452, Nicholas V (Pope) began construction of the cathedral. The temple took 120 years to build. In 1667, J. designed a square in front of the cathedral, which accommodates all believers who wish to receive a blessing.

St. Peter's Basilica is the prototype for the creation of many large churches in the world, for example, Dame de la Paix in the city of Yamoussoukro. It was built in 1989. The area of ​​the structure is 30 thousand square meters. It can accommodate 20 thousand people. In addition, the cathedral served as a model for St. Paul's Church (London). The dimensions of the building are 170 x 90 m. The author of the project is architect Christopher Wren.

Temples of the World: Forbidden Mosque

This is the main shrine of the Muslim world. In her courtyard is the Kaaba. The mosque was built in 638. By decree of the king Saudi Arabia Since 2007, the mosque has been reconstructed.

During construction work in the northern direction, the area increased to 400 thousand square meters. Now the mosque accommodates 1.12 million parishioners. But two minarets are still under construction. Taking into account the territory, two and a half million people will be able to participate in the ceremonies held here at the same time.

The most beautiful temples

Of course, for true believers, the most beautiful churches are in their cities, where they go to worship. Nevertheless, there are cathedrals in the world that evoke the admiration of all people on our planet. We will tell you about some of them.

Notre Dame Cathedral

The location of this cathedral in (Paris) is not accidental. In ancient times there was a pagan temple of Jupiter here, then - the first Christian church Paris (St. Stephen's Basilica). Construction of the cathedral began in 1163. It lasted for more than two hundred years.

The temple is designed mainly in the Gothic style, but the towers differ greatly in their appearance. This is due to the fact that different architects took part in the work.

The cathedral carefully preserves one of the most important Christian relics - Christ, who was transported here from Jerusalem. There are no traditional wall paintings inside the cathedral. But the huge stained glass windows on the windows illustrate biblical scenes. There is a legend that the famous Emmanuel bell, weighing 13 tons, was cast from women's jewelry.

Sagrada Familia

This cathedral is located in Barcelona (Spain). The construction of the grandiose structure lasted more than forty years under the leadership and to date it has not been completed.

This is explained by the fact that the initiators of the construction set a condition: the temple should be built only with donations from parishioners. Modern experts believe that construction will be completed in 2026. The temple has the shape of a Latin cross, the facade is decorated with sayings from the Bible.

St. Basil's Cathedral

A magnificent Orthodox church is located in Moscow, on Red Square. It is named after Vasily (the holy fool), who dared to express dissatisfaction with the rule of Tsar Ivan the Terrible.

The temple was called Trinity until the 17th century. It was built in the middle of the 16th century. As legend has it, Ivan the Terrible ordered the architect to be blinded so that he would never be able to create something similar in the future. For several centuries the temple has been business card not only the capital, but throughout Russia. Today it is included in the UNESCO heritage list. Nowadays, there is a branch of the historical museum here.