Afanasy fet years of life and death. Brief biography of feta

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Born on December 5, 1820 in the Oryol province. The poet's mother, Caroline Charlotte Föt, was married and, pregnant, fled to Russia with the wealthy landowner Shenshin. Fet's father was recorded as Shenshin, but from a legal point of view this was illegal (Charlotte Fet and Shenshin were not married). When the deception was discovered, Fet turned from a wealthy nobleman, a Russian subject, into a foreigner of dubious origin.
In 1837, Fet moved to Moscow, where he was assigned to the boarding house of M.P. Pogodin. A year later he became a student at Moscow University. By my senior year I became interested in poetry. In 1840, the first collection of his poems, “Lyrical Pantheon,” was published; in 1842-43. – Fet’s poems were published in many magazines.

Feta Service

After graduating from university, Fet chose a path far from literature - he entered military service. The motives are clear: the “stigma” of being a foreigner haunted me. In 1845 he was enrolled in the cuirassier regiment. The distance from Moscow had a negative impact on literary activity - they almost forgot about the poet and stopped publishing.
During the Crimean War, Fet was part of the troops stationed near St. Petersburg. He began to visit the northern capital, thanks to which he became close to N. Nekrasov and I. Turgenev, who published Sovremennik. A new round of literary career began: a second collection of poems was published in 1850, and a third in 1856.
Successes in the military field were much more modest: the poet never managed to rise to the rank of nobility. In 1856 he retired.


During his military service, Fet fell passionately in love with Maria Lizich, a homeless woman. However, he did not have the means to support his family, so he categorically refused to marry. They dated for about two years. Then the poet was transferred to another duty station. He soon learned that his beloved died under strange circumstances. Fet took the loss seriously. The poet's masterpieces of love lyrics are dedicated to Maria Lizich.
In 1857, out of convenience, he married M.P. Botkina.


In 1860, Fet bought a farm in his native Mtsensk district and became a strong business executive. He was not distinguished by liberal approaches to management, but enjoyed great respect among the peasants and neighboring landowners. During this period (for almost 20 years), Fet gave up literature, only occasionally writing notes on agriculture for the Russian Messenger. From 1867 to 1877, Fet served as a justice of the peace.
In 1873, an event occurred that the poet had been striving for all his life - he regained his noble title and surname Shenshin.

Fet's final years and death

In the 80s, Fet returned to Moscow, and at the same time to literature.
From 1883 to 1891 Three collections were published - “Evening Lights”. In 1889, the poet magnificently celebrated his fiftieth anniversary of creative activity.
The last years of his life were very difficult - he was tormented by attacks of suffocation, he was almost blind. The poet was so tired of illnesses that he even attempted suicide, which provoked death. On November 21, 1892, A. Fet died.

A. A. Fet occupies a very special position in Russian poetry of the second half of the 19th century. The social situation in Russia in those years implied the active participation of literature in civil processes, that is, the pomp of poetry and prose, as well as their pronounced civic orientation. Nekrasov gave rise to this movement by declaring that every writer is obliged to “report” to society, to be first of all a citizen, and then a person of art.

Fet did not adhere to this principle, remaining outside of politics, and thus filled his niche in the poetry of that era, sharing it with Tyutchev.

But if we remember Tyutchev’s lyrics, then they consider human existence in its tragedy, while Fet was considered a poet of serene rural joys, gravitating toward contemplation. The poet’s landscape is distinguished by calmness and peace. But perhaps this is the external side? Indeed, if you look closely, Fet’s lyrics are filled with drama and philosophical depth, which have always distinguished “great” poets from ephemeral authors. One of Fet’s main themes is the tragedy of unrequited love. Poems on this topic reveal the facts of Fet’s biography, or more precisely, the fact that he survived the death of his beloved woman. Poems related to this topic rightly received the name “monologues to the deceased.”

You suffered, I still suffer,

I'm destined to breathe with doubt,

And I tremble, and my heart avoids

Intertwined with this tragic motif are other poems by the poet, the titles of which speak eloquently about the theme: “Death”, “Life flashed by without an obvious trace”, “Simply in the darkness of memories. ..”As you can see, the idyll is not just “diluted” with the poet’s sadness, it is absent altogether. The illusion of well-being is created by the poet’s desire to overcome suffering, to dissolve it in the joy of everyday life, extracted from pain, in the harmony of the surrounding world. The poet rejoices along with all nature after the storm:

When, under a cloud, it’s transparent and clean,

The dawn will tell you that the day of bad weather has passed,

You won’t find a blade of grass and you won’t find a bush,

So that he does not cry and does not shine with happiness...

Fet's view of nature is similar to Tyutchev's: the main thing in it is movement, the direction of the flow of vital energy that charges people and their poems. Fet wrote to Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy: “in artistic

tension in a work is a great thing.” It is not surprising that Fet’s lyrical plot unfolds at a time of greatest tension in man’s spiritual powers. The poem “Don’t wake her up at dawn” demonstrates just such a moment,” reflecting the heroine’s state:

And the brighter the moon shone,

And the louder the nightingale whistled,

She became paler and paler,

My heart beat more and more painfully.

In consonance with this verse is the appearance of another heroine: “You sang until dawn, exhausted in tears.” But Fet’s most striking masterpiece, which reflected an internal spiritual event in a person’s life, is the poem “Whisper, timid breathing...” In this poem there is a lyrical plot, that is, nothing happens at the event level, but a detailed development of the hero’s feelings and experiences is given, a change states of a soul in love, coloring the night date - namely, it is described in the poem - in bizarre colors. Against the background of night shadows, the silver of a quiet stream shines, and the wonderful night picture is complemented by the change in the appearance of the beloved.

The last stanza is metaphorically complex, since it is the emotional climax of the poem:

There are purple roses in the smoky clouds,

The reflection of amber

And kisses and tears,

Behind these unexpected images are hidden the features of the beloved, her lips, the sparkle of her smile. With this and other fresh poems, Fet is trying to prove that poetry is audacity, which claims to change the usual course of existence. In this regard, the verse “With one push can drive away a living boat...” is indicative. Its theme is the nature of the poet's inspiration. Creativity is seen as a high takeoff, a leap, an attempt to achieve the unattainable. Fet directly names his poetic guidelines:

Interrupt a dreary dream with a single sound,

Suddenly revel in the unknown, dear,

Give life a sigh, give sweetness to secret torments...

Another super-task of poetry is to consolidate the world in eternity, to reflect the random, elusive (“Instantly feel someone else’s as your own”). But in order for the images to reach the reader’s consciousness, a special, unique musicality is needed. Fet uses many sound writing techniques (alliteration, assonance), and Tchaikovsky even said: “Fet, in his best moments, goes beyond the limits indicated by poetry and boldly takes a step into our field.”

So what did Fet’s lyrics show us? He walked from the darkness of the death of a loved one to the light of the joy of being, illuminating his path with fire and light in his poems.

For this he is called the sunniest poet of Russian

literature (everyone knows the lines: “I came to you with greetings, to tell you that the sun has risen”). Fet is not afraid of life after shocks, he believes and maintains faith in the victory of art over time, in the immortality of a beautiful moment.

A. Fet's poems are pure poetry, in the sense that there is not a drop of prose.

Russian poet (real name Shenshin), corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1886). The lyrics of nature, saturated with specific signs, the fleeting moods of the human soul, musicality: “Evening Lights” (collections 1 4, 1883 91). Many poems are set to music.


Born in October or November in the village of Novoselki, Oryol province. His father was a wealthy landowner A. Shenshin, his mother was Caroline Charlotte Föth, who came from Germany. The parents were not married. The boy was registered as the son of Shenshin, but when he was 14 years old, the legal illegality of this recording was discovered, which deprived him of the privileges given to hereditary nobles. From now on he had to bear the surname Fet, the rich heir suddenly turned into a “man without a name,” the son of an unknown foreigner of dubious origin. Fet took this as a shame. Regaining his lost position became an obsession that determined his entire life path.

He studied at a German boarding school in the city of Verro (now Võru, Estonia), then at the boarding school of Professor Pogodin, a historian, writer, and journalist, where he entered to prepare for Moscow University. In 1844 he graduated from the literature department of the university's Faculty of Philosophy, where he became friends with Grigoriev, his peer and fellow poet. Gogol gave Fet his “blessing” for serious literary work, saying: “This is an undoubted talent.” Fet's first collection of poems, "Lyrical Pantheon", was published in 1840 and received Belinsky's approval, which inspired him to further work. His poems have appeared in many publications.

In order to achieve his goal of regaining the title of nobility, in 1845 he left Moscow and entered military service in one of the provincial regiments in the south. He continued to write poetry.

Only eight years later, while serving in the Life Uhlan Guards Regiment, he got the opportunity to live near St. Petersburg.

In 1850, the magazine Sovremennik, owned by Nekrasov, published Fet's poems, which aroused the admiration of critics of all directions. He was accepted among the most famous writers (Nekrasov and Turgenev, Botkin and Druzhinin, etc.), thanks to literary earnings, he improved his financial situation, which gave him the opportunity to travel around Europe. In 1857 in Paris, he married the daughter of a rich tea merchant and the sister of his admirer V. Botkin M. Botkina.

In 1858, Fet retired, settled in Moscow and energetically engaged in literary work, demanding from publishers an “unheard-of price” for his works.

The difficult path of life developed in him a gloomy outlook on life and society. His heart was hardened by the blows of fate, and his desire to compensate for his social attacks made him a difficult person to communicate with. Fet almost stopped writing and became a real landowner, working on his estate; he is elected magistrate in Vorobyovka. This went on for almost 20 years.

At the end of the 1870s, Fet began to write poetry with renewed vigor. The sixty-three-year-old poet gave the collection of poems the title “Evening Lights.” (More than three hundred poems are included in five issues, four of which were published in 1883, 1885, 1888, 1891. The poet prepared the fifth issue, but did not manage to publish it.)

In 1888, in connection with the “fiftieth anniversary of his muse,” Fet managed to achieve the court rank of chamberlain; He considered the day on which this happened, the day when the surname “Shenshin” was returned to him, “one of the happiest days of his life.”

The great Russian poet A.A. had a rather long and at the same time difficult life. Feta. It was his works that became the starting point for poetry of the 20th century. Fet captivated his contemporaries with his excellent lyrics and intriguing prose. This man not only created works, but also wrote memoirs, and also did translations.

1. For the first 14 and last 19 years of his life, Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet officially had the last name Shenshin.

2. In 1820, Afanasy was adopted by a famous nobleman.

3. Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet is a lyricist poet, translator, and memoirist of German origin.

4. Fet was a corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.

5.In 1834, errors were discovered in the birth records of A.A. Fet, which led to his being stripped of his title.

6. Facts from Fet’s biography indicate that in 1844 he graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow University.

7. In 1835-1837, Fet studied at the private German boarding school of Krummer.

8. Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet wrote his first poems at a young age.

9. At the end of the 19th century, Fet’s poetry began to be published in the collection “Lyrical Pantheon”.

10. Fet carried out his military service in the Baltic port.

11. In order to regain his title, Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet was forced to serve as a non-commissioned officer.

12. In 1857, Fet married Maria Botkina.

13. The poet was afraid of mental illness.

14. Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet’s closest relatives were patients in a psychiatric hospital.

15. Fet suffered from severe depressive disorders.

16. Fet died in splendid isolation from a heart attack.

17. Some of this poet’s works formed the basis of many romances. This is evidenced by Fet's biography. Interesting facts about this person provide a lot of new knowledge.

18. The poet was faced with a tragic love for Maria Lazic, who died without becoming his wife.

19. Some believe that the poet tried to commit suicide before his heart attack.

20. Fet owns the most famous phrase from “The Adventures of Pinocchio” - “and the rose fell on Azor’s paw.”

21. Fet’s works are understandable even to small children.

22. In addition to the fact that Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet created works, he also translated texts.

23. Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet opened a stud farm, as well as a hospital for poor peasants.

24. Fet’s legal wife had family ties with the famous doctor Botkin.

25. With age, Fet lost his sight, and also accumulated many diseases that were not treated at that time.

26. Interesting facts from Fet’s biography indicate that he combined within himself a sensual poet and a prudent landowner.

27. After a marriage of convenience, Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet discovered the quality of a businessman in himself and became a little rich.

28. Fet’s works had nothing to do with real events.

29. In the works of Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet there was only a bright and positive side.

30. Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet was a close friend of Leo Tolstoy, so they were family friends and saw each other often.

31. Fet managed to translate Faust in its entirety.

32. Throughout his life, Fet adhered to conservative sentiments.

33. In his old age, Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet convinced his wife that she would never see him die. This is how Afanasy Fet took care of his wife. Interesting facts from the biography confirmed this.

34. On his 50th literary anniversary, the poet was awarded the court title of chamberlain.

35. In the last days of his life, Afanasy Fet ordered champagne to be served to him.

36. The poet did not live 2 days before his 72nd birthday.

37. 3 days after the poet’s death, the funeral ceremony was held.

38. Fet was a soldier for 8 years.

39. It was Fet who was the representative of “pure art”. A short biography, interesting facts - all this confirms the information that this personality has always touched upon pressing social issues in his works.

40. Fet’s most important desire was to receive a noble title.

41. Afanasy Fet wrote a farewell note, after which he wanted to cut his throat with a knife.

42. Fet left a huge creative legacy to his contemporaries.

43. Fet married for convenience.

44. There were crazy people in Fet’s family.

45.The poet had no children.

46. ​​Interesting facts from the life of A.A. Fet confirm that love, art and nature were the main themes for his works.

47. Fet was called the singer of Russian nature.

48. All his life Fet argued with Nekrasov about poetry.

49. In the poem “Whisper, timid breathing...” Fet did not use a single verb.

50.Facts from Fet’s life say that he was a sophisticated lyricist.