Caring for the nasal mucosa. Nose after rhinoplasty: care and rehabilitation. Facial care after rhinoplasty

29.10.2023 Hypertension

You: instructions for use is a special project that talks about how our body works and why we need different organs. And most importantly, how to properly care for various parts of the body. The topic of today's release of the project is the Nose. The owner of the largest nose in the world is Faizan Agha from Pakistan, his nose is more than twelve centimeters.

A person’s appearance depends on the shape of the nose, but even the most ordinary nose is unique creation nature. With its help, a person is able to distinguish more than 1000 odors, and the volume of air that passes through it in just one day would be enough to inflate more than 500 balloons.
But all this is only possible if the nose is healthy.

We present instructions for use of the nose. I would like to introduce our expert today, this is Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Children's ENT Diseases of the Academy of Postgraduate Education of Doctors Elena Petrovna Karpova.

In fact, we see only a third of the nose; what is hidden from our eyes, what is inside?

The nose has several main functions:

  • Warming the inhaled air;
  • Removing germs and dust from the body;
  • Air humidification.

1. Warming the air inside the nose.
The nasal cavity is divided in half by the nasal septum; each half of the nose has three turbinates. In order to get into the trachea, air passes difficult path going around and around each shell. During this long journey, even the coldest air warms up to body temperature.

2. Removing germs and dust from the body.
Our nose is lined with small fibers from the inside. Vibrating, these villi bring out dust and microbes that get inside it. Thus protecting our body.

3. Humidification of inhaled air.
Having traveled a long distance, the air we breathe becomes moisturized.

- What are the enemies of the nose?

Karpova E. P.:
Dust, bacteria, allergies, etc. everything that will change the functions we just talked about.
Inflammation and swelling are the main enemies of our nose.

It is also necessary to note such an enemy of our nose as dry air.
The cilia that line the inside of the nose can fully function at a certain air humidity. Constant dry air dries out the mucous membrane of our nose.

Dry mucosa is dead mucosa. When it dries out, the ciliated epithelium, which protects our body, dies.

How to take care of your nose?

To prevent the mucous membrane from drying out, you need to drink 2 liters of water a day and irrigate the nasal mucosa.

Nasal irrigation is considered an official method of nose care.

You can irrigate your nose using a spray or a special teapot for the nose. If everything is clear with the spray, then we will now tell you in more detail how to use the teapot.
Water or a solution from a teapot should be poured into one part of the nose, and the water should pour out from the other part.

The Aqua Maris solution fills the nasal cavity, washing away germs, viruses and pathological contents. Your nose becomes clean.


  • Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Children's ENT Diseases of the Academy of Postgraduate Education of Doctors Elena Petrovna Karpova.

Photos on the Internet show what the nose looks like after rhinoplasty, which does not look the best. You can also appreciate beautiful noses that are completely healed - they come to this state after a long wait. Let's consider the features of the rehabilitation period, the correct completion of which guarantees the best condition of the nose.

Features of nose surgery

Possible complications after rhinoplasty

If the operation is not very successful, it may later turn out that an infection has occurred. Nosebleeds occur, which are quickly eliminated. In some cases, a disturbance in the normal passage of air through the nasal passages develops. Strong anesthesia, which is necessarily used during operations, sometimes produces its own complications. Instead of rehabilitation, repeated operations are sometimes prescribed. If a perforation of the nasal septum occurs, the passage of air through the nostrils will be accompanied by noise or whistling every time.

One operation or several?

The human nose is extremely complex, so twenty percent of all interventions performed are not the only ones. Additional sessions are arranged for further tissue correction.

How long does rehabilitation take?

There are frequent cases when after a week the bruises subside and the swelling goes away. The first weeks are dangerous, since it is during this time that the likelihood of bleeding due to surgical injuries is high. A couple of weeks after the intervention, the bandages are usually removed, the splints are removed, and the tampons are removed. The latter is a rather painful event and is often performed together with the use of painkillers. On average, difficulty breathing may occur for a month, which is caused by normal swelling of the mucous membranes in the nose. Doctors explain that after this swelling disappears, breathing returns to normal.

Nose after rhinoplasty: requires special care

Post-operative nose care

No injuries

Not only at first, but always, you need to carefully protect your nose, saving it from mechanical impact, and especially you need to avoid any impacts.

Moisturizing the nose from the inside

It is usually recommended to use a spray made on the basis of a harmless saline solution for a couple of weeks of the rehabilitation period. This will properly moisturize your nasal passages and reduce the likelihood of developing infections.

How to reduce swelling?

For some time after the intervention, noticeable swelling is visible, which spreads not only to the nose itself, but also to the adjacent tissues, which become swollen and bruised. These lesions can extend to the eyes or spread to any part of the face, in each case the location and duration of this soft tissue swelling varies greatly. To help patients, a cooling compress is placed, which is also a pain reliever. Initially, it is recommended to sleep on the highest possible pillows.

Body position

A healing nose after rhinoplasty requires not just a significant elevation under the head while resting, but a complete elimination of the prone position. It is unacceptable to lie on the side of the body; the ideal position is on the back. Any downward tilt of the head should be avoided. These recommendations usually apply only to the first days after nose correction.

Nostril Care

The area at the entrance of the nostrils must be treated with sterile cotton wool using three percent hydrogen peroxide.

Water and cosmetics

There is definitely no need to wash your nose with water, especially in the first days. For about two weeks, do not apply any cosmetic preparations under any circumstances.

Physical activity

It is better to limit significant body movements, at least for the first couple of weeks. It is not recommended to move intensively and overexert yourself; you should not bend over.

Bathhouse and swimming pool

You should not take water procedures in the pool for one month. You cannot stay in the steam room.

Nose after rhinoplasty : takes a long time to heal

One week after surgery

After a week after the intervention, you should not be alarmed if you find dried blood fragments inside the nose. This phenomenon does not require the removal of crusts and is normally sometimes accompanied by some difficulty breathing through the nose. With natural tissue restoration, these blood crusts will be removed by themselves.

Two weeks after rhinoplasty

On average, after two or three weeks you can expect the characteristic hematomas to disappear, but it may well happen that the yellow tint in their place will persist for another couple of months. These marks are usually easily hidden with high-quality decorative cosmetics.

Removal of edema

After waiting two weeks after surgery, you can observe the swelling gradually disappearing. Their complete disappearance occurs only after two to three months. During the rehabilitation period, an asymmetrical decrease in edema is often observed, which is almost always normal and is only a consequence of physiological factors, namely the individual work of the lymphatic vessels.

When will the result be visible?

The correct appearance of a new nose can only be assessed after successful nine-month or one-year rehabilitation. It is at this time that a control appointment is scheduled. Pictures taken immediately after the surgeon's intervention are often compared with photographs where the patient lived for about a year with a corrected nose. So the latter usually please more.

As you can see, the nose after rhinoplasty is a rather delicate area of ​​the body, the complete correction of which must be patiently waited, strictly following all medical recommendations.

As doctors say, about 15% of people on the planet have a deviated nasal septum. At the moment, medicine can correct this deficiency very effectively.

Nasal septum surgery takes relatively little time, but the postoperative period lasts much longer and is in many ways a more significant stage. During this period, complications may arise that require additional treatment.

How long does the rehabilitation period last?

This period lasts about 4 weeks and is divided into two stages:

  • postoperative– you will need to walk with tampons and breathe through your nose, but this period lasts quite a bit from one to three days, depending on the individual history;
  • restorative– usually lasts up to three weeks, although full recovery may take longer – 8-12 weeks.

Before the start of the recovery period, the doctor removes the tampons and prescribes appropriate treatment. You will need to use drops for crusts and medications that prevent the development of infection.

The duration of rehabilitation partly depends on general lifestyle habits and body condition. Compliance with doctor's orders is important. The logic is elementary: the better the body feels as a whole, the faster the recovery occurs.

Specialists give patients a list of instructions, but it is better to list what should not be done:

  • consume alcohol, cigarettes and other harmful substances;
  • tilt your head during the day;
  • visit the beach and pool;
  • go to the bathhouse or sauna;
  • To wear glasses;
  • do physical exercise, bear heavy things.

Besides you should try to sleep only on your back and avoid infections and colds in every possible way. Particular difficulties are associated with washing your hair. During the first week you will need to abandon this procedure altogether. After a week, washing your hair becomes possible, but you should not tilt your head and moisturize the paranasal area.

Features of the recovery period

Even if the operation on the nasal septum is performed carefully and professionally, the postoperative period is accompanied by unpleasant sensations. During the recovery period, they are considered absolutely normal.

Before the body fully recovers (usually takes up to 12 weeks), various symptoms may appear:

  • sore throat and toothache;
  • pain in the nose;
  • allergic reaction;
  • tearfulness;
  • strange sensations in the skin.

Most of all these sensations are caused by deformation of the nerve tissues, which are located in the area of ​​the nasal sinuses. These tissues may be related to those that also innervate areas near the gums and teeth. Accordingly, sensations spread throughout the entire facial area.

When to remove the bandage

Depending on the complexity of the operation performed, the period of wearing a plaster or thermoplastic bandage is determined. Usually, the time range is from 7 to 14 days.

During the first two weeks, visits to the doctor should be regular - every 2-3 days.

Accordingly, it is he who accurately determines the period for removing the bandage, but much depends on the speed at which the tissues are restored.

Why can't my nose breathe?

Surgery on the nasal septum (the postoperative period is almost always accompanied by some kind of breathing difficulties) directly affects Airways, so at first it is possible to breathe only through the mouth - before the tampons are removed.

After this, a bandage remains, which can also slightly compress the airways. Then, swelling persists for about three weeks, and crusts may form, which impede the flow of air. Regardless of the cause of difficulty breathing, there is no particular way out and you will have to endure this time.

In most cases, swelling will subside almost completely within three weeks., then minimal discomfort may remain, which eventually also disappear. It is necessary to monitor complications and prevent them, but basically, to complete the recovery stage, you only need to have a certain amount of time.

How long does swelling last?

The duration of swelling depends on individual characteristics body, but the very fact of its appearance is mandatory, since it is a normal reaction of the body to tissue damage. The standard period is about 20 days, but can last longer.

The most pronounced swelling is observed for seven days at the very beginning, after which it gradually subsides.

You can predict how long swelling will last in a particular case by estimating how long it takes for wounds on the body or bruises to heal. The longer this period lasts, the longer the tissue swelling will persist.

There are situations where swelling persists for up to 12 weeks or even more. And this condition is a variant of the norm. In addition, some organisms may produce a non-standard reaction to surgery, and in this case, rehabilitation measures should be selected on an individual basis. For example, in some people, after the recovery period, swelling reappears in humid weather.

How to relieve swelling

  • rest and bed rest;
  • ice packs;
  • use of antihistamines;
  • drugs that strengthen blood vessels;
  • drops for vasoconstriction;
  • nasal sprays;
  • room humidification.

We are talking about an integrated approach, i.e. You need to use several methods at once. In this case, the drugs must be taken strictly in accordance with the instructions and recommendations of the doctor. For example, you should not use antihistamines for more than 7 days in a row.

In addition, physiotherapeutic procedures are carried out, including massage., which can be executed independently. Massage movements should be smooth and light, and the direction of the massage lines should be observed. Thanks to this effect, tissue trophism improves.

After the sutures are removed, wound healing ointments are prescribed. They also help relieve swelling and help restore tissue without additional complications.

Runny nose

It is one of the most common symptoms that occurs during or slightly after the recovery period. The reason is the destruction of the mucous membrane, which requires time to recover.

After surgery on the nasal septum, a runny nose may occur.

As a rule, surgery on the nasal septum with a normal postoperative period does not cause complications in the form of chronic runny nose or sinusitis. You just need to wait for complete recovery. Then the mucous membrane will return to normal and will work as before - the runny nose will disappear.

The seam is festering

It is necessary to regularly check whether the seam has festered, since if this complication occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor. A festering suture in itself does not cause significant inconvenience, but if the infection begins to develop and penetrate deeper, then more serious consequences may occur, in particular blood poisoning.

At the beginning of the recovery period, antibiotics are prescribed to help prevent the appearance of pus. Then you should carefully monitor the condition of the seam. A festering suture should not be treated with painkillers and left unattended. When seeking medical help, the doctor cleans out the pus and eliminates the main cause of its appearance. Next you will need to follow his recommendations.


Surgery on the nasal septum (the postoperative period may be associated with certain complications) is often combined with the appearance of nasal discharge, in particular green snot. They often indicate the body’s immune response and not just normal, but even good recovery.

However, this particular sign may also be a symptom of sinusitis. That's why, If you notice nasal discharge, you should immediately contact a doctor. The disease is an inflammatory process in a sinus and requires treatment with antibiotics and sometimes surgery.

Violation of the integrity of the nasal septum

This option is most often caused by deterioration in the nutrition of cartilage tissue.

The so-called perforation begins, the symptoms of which may be:

  • feeling of dryness;
  • discomfort in the septum;
  • purulent discharge.

If such damage occurs, surgery will be required again.

During this process, the specialist takes a piece of adjacent fabric and covers the damaged surface. As a result, the integrity of the septum is restored, and the tissues again fully perform their functions.

Formation of synechiae

This term translates as jumpers or solders. We are talking about when additional fusion occurs between the walls of blood vessels. The result of this is a decrease in the size of the nasal cavity and, accordingly, breathing difficulties appear.

Synechiae are also treated surgically, but the operation can also be performed with a laser. After this, special splints are installed in the cavity, which prevent the vessels from merging further and allow the cavity to recover normally.

Deformation of cartilage and bones

As a result of treatment, various deformations may be observed:

  • narrowing of the arch;
  • partial curvature;
  • narrowing of cartilage;
  • reduction of the wings of the nose.

Repeat surgery will be required to eliminate these complications. The presence of deformities can be determined by secondary symptoms, such as dry throat and mouth, changes or decreases in the brightness of taste and olfactory sensations.


Surgery on the nasal septum (the postoperative period is sometimes accompanied by the appearance of hematomas, but this is a rare occurrence) subsequently involves wearing a special drainage. This rubber insert, which the surgeon places at the edges of the incision, prevents the accumulation of blood clots and bleeding.

How to restore your breathing

At the initial stage, breathing through the nose may not be possible at all. Even if the surgeon installs tubes, it is difficult to breathe through them. To make breathing easier in the future, ointment and drops for crusts will be useful.

Restoration of the mucosa

To restore the mucous membrane, use drops for rinsing, for example, such as Aqualor or similar help to remove crusts, after which the cavity is cleaned with cotton wool.

Ointments like Naphthyzin help not only remove crusts, but also dry nose.

Why the sense of smell is lost and how to restore it

The sense of smell may be lost due to complications. If none are found, then we are talking about an individual reaction. Over time, the sense of smell recovers on its own, especially if you follow the recommendations for the recovery period that were given earlier.

Nasal hygiene after surgery

Every day you will need to thoroughly rinse your nose to remove various contaminants and secretions. You also need to take care of hygiene in order to be able to monitor the occurrence of complications.

The care process consists of regular rinsing with drops based on sea ​​salt(for example, previously noted Aqualor) and the use of softening drops.

Oil-based drops and rhinitis drops are also useful. For example, a specialist may prescribe Polydex or Flixonase.

If you get an infection

A five-day course of antibiotics is prescribed to get rid of the infection., in addition to which antibiotic ointment applied topically can be used. But it is necessary to identify what kind of infection caused the inflammatory process. The specialist must take a sample of microorganisms and, based on the results obtained, select the optimal ointment.

There is an interdependence between the general condition of the body and susceptibility to infections. That's why Before surgery, you should strengthen your own immunity and the body as a whole., for example, through vitamin therapy. If you have an infection, you should definitely contact a specialist and do not prescribe antibiotics yourself.

In addition to limiting spicy and hot foods, doctors give practically no advice regarding diet. However, you need to be clear about the relationship between the food you eat and your body's recovery rate.

During the recovery period, it is recommended to focus on food rich in vitamins and healthy in all respects.

It is better to focus on various smoothies and fruit juices, because... they are not only healthy, but also liquid, and at the initial stage of the recovery period such food should be given preference. Before the stitches are removed, you should not eat food that is difficult to chew. You should also not consume foods that can cause sneezing, allergies, etc.

What to do if you have a cold?

A cold is not a disaster during this period, but it is advisable to recover quickly. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable, since many drugs can provoke bleeding and, as a result, worsen the recovery process. If you have a cold, you should contact your otolaryngologist so that he can provide a list of medications necessary for treatment.

Is it possible to blow your nose?

Gentle rinsing of the nasal cavity is optimal. For this, a mixture based on sea salt (purchased drops) is used, and then Miramistin can be used, which disinfects, treats and reduces the amount of discharge.

Blowing noses and similar impacts are not acceptable. Only rinses are prescribed that do not affect tissue, especially cartilage, which is in the process of recovery.

If you have a significant amount of snot that makes breathing difficult, you should consult a specialist for advice.

Cost of nasal septum surgery

The cost may vary depending on the clinic and sometimes the amount involved is many times higher. However, the lower level is about 20 thousand rubles, and the upper limit is about 50-100 thousand rubles.

The cost depends on the type of operation:

  • endoscopy;
  • radio wave;
  • laser;
  • ultrasonic;
  • classical.

The classic version is more affordable. Other options are considered more expensive. Also, the cost increases if additional correction is performed, for example, on the skeleton of the septum.

It is necessary to carefully follow the doctor’s instructions and monitor your well-being after nasal septum surgery. In the postoperative period, complications may appear that require immediate additional treatment. Otherwise, the recovery period proceeds smoothly and only a certain amount of time is needed to normalize the condition.

Video about nasal septum surgery

The doctor explains how this procedure is performed:

First days after surgery:

Is it true that “a treated runny nose goes away in a week, an untreated runny nose goes away in seven days”? Should any runny nose in children be treated, and most importantly, with what?

What types of rhinitis are of particular concern?

Rhinitis in newborns

Infants do not know how to breathe through their mouths; this is unnatural for them; they have delicate mucous membranes, the drying of which aggravates inflammation. The sense of touch, another function of the nose, gives them information about the location of the food source, even in sleep they sniff to see if the mother is there.

A clogged nose can cause disorientation and anxiety in little ones. And, most importantly, a runny nose prevents babies from eating!

Chronic rhinitis

This disease occurs in children of any age. There can be many reasons: manifestation of allergies, features of vegetative nervous system(vasomotor rhinitis), a symptom of chronic inflammation (sinusitis, adenoiditis, sometimes diseases of the middle ear and even such an exotic condition as “Thornwald’s bag” - this is a rare congenital pathology, a deepening of the mucous membrane of the posterior wall of the nasopharynx). Insufficient nasal breathing can cause headaches, neurological deficits, diseases of the tonsils, teeth and gums.

Dry mucous membranes do not protect against microbes, and the brain suffers from oxygen starvation, which consumes 40% of all resources of the growing body.

How to properly treat a runny nose

What are snot made of?

To understand how to treat a runny nose correctly from a physiological point of view, it is worth knowing about “mucociliary clearance”

Mucociliary clearance (English clearance - cleansing) is the removal of secretions produced by the nasopharynx and bronchi, caused by the oscillatory movements of the cilia of the single-layer multi-row ciliated epithelium of the mucous membrane.

Translated from medical into Russian, the cells lining the mucous membrane are mobile, they make synchronous movements and promote mucus, rich in protective factors. Mucus - a mobile gel-like membrane - disinfects sticking dust particles and bacteria with viruses: this is the very first contact of the external environment with our immune system.

Nasal discharge in a healthy person is a complex suspension with certain chemical properties. For normal life, it should not be too liquid, but also not dry out completely.

When our body gives an immune response to a viral or bacterial attack, the number of working cells that produce mucus increases sharply, and the nose “leaks.” The gel turns into liquid, some of it rushes out, but most of it flows down the back wall of the throat.

Coughing and choking are the first signs of rhinitis in young children.

What does a pediatrician usually prescribe for acute rhinitis?

  • Nose toilet. Since a lot of mucus is formed, it is useful for those who do not know how to blow their nose to remove it. There is even such a device as a snot pump, but manual models are useless from a practical point of view, and it is advisable to buy electric extractors if you have a lot of snotty children who regularly walk around with wet noses. The smallest noses have to be cleaned with soft cotton wool moistened with boiled water or saline.

How to twist turundas correctly. Click on photo to enlarge


    No need to clean your nose with cotton swabs! They are hard and can injure the mucous membrane.

    You should not rinse your nose under pressure for children who do not know how to blow their nose.

    Liquids not approved by a doctor should not be used for rinsing. The safest is saline solution (0.9% sodium chloride solution). It does not irritate the mucous membranes of the nose, does not aggravate swelling, and does not provoke further inflammation and mucus production.

  • Vasoconstrictor drops. This remedy is effective in the first few days of illness. Not all drops are suitable for children under 3 years of age.


Substances from the drops can cause vasospasm not only in the nose, but also, for example, in the brain. In addition, if the drops are used regularly and for a long time (as with allergic rhinitis), addiction occurs, the mucous membrane stops responding to them.

  • Immunomodulators are a group of substances that are built into our defense factors and help the immune response. These are pherons (about which there is a heated debate among parents - to give or not to give) and fragments of ribonucleic acid - the drug derinat. And also colostrum from mother's milk. Place into the baby's nose breastfeeding something in the nose is not necessary, he already receives sufficient quantities of immunoglobulins. If the mother is sick from the same pathogen, after 2-3 days from the onset of the disease he will already have acquired immunity, which will allow the child to recover from a mild form of the disease. It is enough to monitor nasal hygiene.


Don't experiment with traditional medicine on children: instilling onion, garlic, radish juice will bring nothing but a chemical burn to the mucous membrane! A runny nose can be easily overcome using methods that do not contradict physiology, as is the case with the juice of beets and other root vegetables.

Essential oils are quickly absorbed and can cause allergic reactions and even poisoning.

The runny nose has gone away, how can I continue to take care of my nose?

A few days after the onset of acute rhinitis, the inflammation subsides, and the liquid secretion, on the contrary, thickens and dries, forming “crusts”. They clog the nasal passages, making it difficult to breathe and instill drops. What to do?

Moisturizing mucous membranes

To make your nose and mouth less dry, it is useful to maintain high humidity in the room, this is especially true during the period of central heating. There are already air humidifiers in every second home, but if this device is not there, you can use the old-fashioned method: place a three-liter jar of water near each radiator and let it evaporate.

It is useful to irrigate the nose several times a day with saline solution or sea ​​water from sprays (Aquamaris is a way to sell some saline solution for 4,000 rubles per liter, but the bottle is convenient) and, armed with cotton wool, get goats from those who cannot blow their noses themselves.

How to keep your nose moist for a long time

A clean nose needs to be moistened. Traditional (and not always good) methods are:

  • peach oil (may be an allergen in modern children);
  • Vaseline (does not dissolve in water; under the Vaseline film, the villi of the mucous membrane do not function well);
  • baby cream (also made from petroleum distillation products for a long time; some versions add eucalyptus oil, which naturopaths do not recommend for children under 3 years old due to toxicity and allergic reactions);
  • castor oil emulsion - riciniol. This is castor oil that has been hydrolyzed. Hydrolyzed oil becomes water soluble and has an affinity for nasal mucus. Ricinoic acid is oxidized to azelaic acid; it is a natural bacteriostatic, very popular among cosmetologists, as it works effectively against microbes living on the skin. In fact, it turns out to be an analogue of the protective layer of mucus that we mentioned when talking about mucociliary clearance. It was obtained and tested in the Novosibirsk Akademgorodok; companies producing emulsions with riciniol are also located in Novosibirsk.

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