The importance of glutathione for human health, its biological role in the body. Replenishing glutathione with food. Medicines on iHerb. Foods that Increase Glutathione Levels Glutathione Hydrolysis

06.08.2023 Hypertension

The name glutathione is known to people who want to preserve their youth and... I also decided to talk a little about it, especially since this substance has enormous beneficial potential for our health.

What is glutathione and why does our body need it? From a biochemical point of view, glutathione is a fairly simple organic substance, the molecule of which consists of a combination of three amino acids: cysteine, glutamine and glycine.

The chemical formula of the substance looks like this - C10H17N3O6S. As you can see, the glutathione molecule contains one sulfur atom obtained from cysteine. This indicates that glutathione is a kind of “janitor” of the human body, helping to keep it clean and healthy. In the course of scientific research, this cleansing function was fully confirmed: this tripeptide was awarded the title of the most powerful antioxidant that helps a person fight toxins, free radicals, cope with the harmful effects of environmental pollution, the consequences of poor nutrition, various infections, and side effects from medications, stress and other destructive effects on the body.

Glutathione deficiency symptoms

The human liver produces glutathione. It also comes from outside. You can find out which products contain this miraculous substance below. Lack of glutathione is usually “written” on a person’s face: premature aging, inconsistency appearance age indicated in the passport data, lack of vitality - all this indicates insignificant synthesis of glutathione in the body. If such a picture is observed, it means that it is necessary to stimulate its synthesis and compensate for the deficiency by consuming certain foods.

Diseases indicating glutathione deficiency: chronic infections, liver and kidney diseases, autoimmune diseases, asthma, arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, senile diseases - Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, tumor diseases (cancer).

The production of glutathione by the liver triggers the synthesis of enzymes used by the human body in the detoxification process, and also includes protective mechanisms that help liver cells fight their own damage and recover (regenerate).

Glutathione in foods

If the production of glutathione in our body is not enough, the required amount can be obtained from the outside, with foods. To do this, you should increase the amount of sulfur-rich foods in your diet:

  • different types of cabbage
  • garlic, onion
  • organic meat and eggs
  • beans, beets, spinach
  • organic dairy and dairy products, rich in bioactive whey proteins (homemade milk, cottage cheese, natural yogurt, fermented baked milk, yogurt, kefir)
  • fresh fish
  • dried fruits and raisins

But it should be noted that during the passage of the gastrointestinal tract, glutathione, unfortunately, is destroyed under the influence of enzymes that act on peptide bonds. Therefore, in addition to the above products, it is worth introducing into the diet substances that promote the synthesis of glutathione inside the body: groups B - B6 and B12, alpha-lipoic acid, the trace element selenium, vitamins C (ascorbic acid) and E, fatty acids (omega-3 and omega -6), folic acid. You should know that complete synthesis of glutathione is possible only with sufficient amounts of sulfur, selenium, magnesium and lipoic acid. It is also worth taking milk thistle extract from time to time, which promotes the regeneration of liver cells, and therefore the restoration of glutathione synthesis.

Glutathione and exercise

A healthy lifestyle and sports and physical exercise stimulate the production of glutathione in the human body. This occurs due to the acceleration of detoxification during physical activity and, as a result, the strengthening of the immune system. To achieve a good result, you should exercise for about 30 minutes a day, and strength training 3 times a week.

Glutathione intravenously

This essential antioxidant is also synthesized today as a bioengineered product. To do this, certain nutrients are used, into which the necessary microorganisms are introduced so that the biosynthesis process begins. The glutathione obtained in this way is used as a drug and is administered intravenously to stimulate rejuvenation, detoxification, fight disease, and restore human liver cells.

Typically, the course of glutathione therapy is at least 6 injections (2-3 times a week), then such an injection is carried out once a month. Glutathione treatment can be used throughout a person's life.

Glutathione therapy applications

This therapy is used in the process of detox treatment, to get rid of the symptoms of neurodegenerative diseases (Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis), to eliminate the consequences of a stroke, to treat intestinal inflammation, to eliminate chronic fatigue, for liver diseases, etc. You should not take glutathione and glutathione-containing products pregnant women, children, during chemotherapy (in the treatment of tumor diseases), since it increases the liver’s ability to process chemicals, which means that such therapy will be ineffective.

We draw conclusions:

  1. Glutathione is an excellent antioxidant.
  2. It restores and strengthens the immune system.
  3. This substance does an excellent job of detoxifying the body.
  4. Prevents aging.
  5. Perfectly rejuvenates and whitens the skin.

This is also interesting.

The active substance glutathione fights free radicals. Instructions for use of the drug describe the drug as indispensable for many age-related diseases and changes in the body.

The antioxidant glutathione is present in all cells of the human body. Consists of 3 important amino acids– monoaminodicarbonic glutamine, amino-mercaptopropane, aminoethane, which perform important work by protecting body cells from free radicals.


Glutathione test

Blood plasma tests for the amount of the antioxidant glutathinone should be done if there is a suspicion of serious pathologies in the body.

A genetic blood test should be done for the enzyme glatathione transferase, which has subdivisions:

  • theta-1 glututhione S– transferase – when this enzyme is missing in the gene, the body loses the ability to get rid of harmful substances, which increases the likelihood of developing cancer and disruption of the cardiovascular system;
  • mu-1 glutathione S– transferase – the absence of an enzyme in a DNA section helps to reduce the accumulation of toxic substances from the body, which leads to pathological processes in the body;
  • pi-1 glutathione S– transferase – amino acid deficiency in white blood cells, affects the lack of oxygen in the body and increases the risk of tumors.

Causes of glutathione deficiency in the body

Glutathione (the instructions for use of the drug do not describe the causes of amino acid deficiency in the body) is a non-essential amino acid that the body can synthesize from nutrients and other organic compounds inside the body during the metabolic process.

The main cause of tripeptide deficiency is:

Symptoms of glutathione deficiency

Glutathione (the instructions for use of the drug do not explain how the lack of amino acids manifests itself in the body) is an enzyme, the lack of which in the body has its own manifestations:

  • premature aging of the body;
  • astheno-neurotic syndrome;
  • depressed psycho-emotional state;
  • passivity;
  • manifestation of indifference and indifference to the environment;
  • long-term diseases caused by opportunistic organisms;
  • seasonal allergic reactions;
  • food intolerance;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • systemic sclerosis;
  • skin autoimmune pathologies – dermatitis, eczema, psoriatic rash;
  • white spot disease;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • long-term inflammatory process in the liver;
  • pathological formations without progression;
  • tumors with uncontrolled growth and development of malignant cells.

Consequences of antioxidant deficiency

The instructions for use of the drug Glutathione do not indicate what consequences can be expected in case of insufficiency of the antioxidant in the human body.

The enzyme plays very well important role in the vital activity of the body as a whole, and its lack sometimes leads to irreparable results:

Glutathione Replenishment Methods

There are several ways to replenish the missing amount of glutathione coenzyme in the body:

1. use pharmacological drugs with glutathione;

2. the use of antioxidants that provoke the formation of glutathione:

  • fatty vitamin-like lipoic acid;
  • organic compound ascorbic acid;
  • fat-soluble compound tocol;
  • element from sulfuric acid waste – selenium;
  • flavin immunonucleotides;
  • pyridoxamine;
  • hydroxocobalamin;
  • polyglutamate B9;
  • organic substances alpha amino acids;

3. eat foods rich in the antioxidant glutathione.

Glutathione in foods

To replenish the amount of glutathione in the body, you should eat the following foods:

Eating foods that contain antioxidants will help maintain enzyme levels. In cases where the amount of glutathione in the blood is very low, pharmacological agents containing the amino acid should be used.

Dosage form of Glutathione

Glutathione (the instructions for use of the drug describe the release form of the pharmacological agent) is available in the form of powder for injection, both intravenous and intramuscular.

1 bottle of the drug contains 300 mg, 600 mg, 1800 mg of the drug, which includes the tripeptide glutamylcysteinylglycine. The fine powder, which the pharmaceutical industry produces using the method of soft drying, tends to be preserved for a long time.

Instructions for use of Glutathione

Glutathione (the instructions for use give clear recommendations on how to use the drug) is an injectable drug only. It cannot be diluted with water and taken orally; it is administered intravenously by dropper and jet injection and intramuscular administration of the drug.


1. in the form of jet injections:

  • the powder should be 300 mg or 600 mg in a bottle, dissolved with a medical liquid or isotope solution for infusion using a syringe;
  • the resulting liquid must be filled into a syringe and slowly injected into a vein;
  • use medicine Needed immediately after preparation, cannot be stored;

2. in the form of droppers, the drug should be prescribed for serious liver pathologies and to reduce the toxicity of chemotherapy on the body:

3. for intramuscular injections:

  • 300 mg or 600 mg of the drug Glutathione should be diluted in 2.5 ml or 5 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution;
  • The diluted drug must be drawn into a syringe and administered intramuscularly;
  • the drug should not precipitate - only a clear solution can be injected into the muscle;
  • the duration of therapy is determined by a gastroenterologist, surgeon or therapist;
  • Glutathione at a dosage of 1200 mg and 1800 mg cannot be administered intramuscularly.

Indications, contraindications, side effects from the use of Glutathione

Glutathione, like any pharmacological drug, has indications for use, side effects and contraindications for use.

Indications for use medicinal product Glutathione are:


The main contraindication to the use of the drug Glutathione is a personal, negative reaction of the body to the main active ingredient of the drug. The drug should also not be used by children under 12 years of age. Glutathione should be prescribed with caution at the age of over 60 years; in this case, it is necessary to adjust the dose of the medication.

Adverse effects of the drug

Possible side effects when using Glutathione:

All unexpected negative manifestations from taking Glutathione disappear after stopping the drug.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The drug Glutathione cannot be used during pregnancy. If there is a need to use Glutathione during breastfeeding, lactation is stopped.

Preparations containing antioxidants, analogues

The pharmaceutical industry produces generics of the drug Glutathione:

1. Hepaval:

  • The drug contains tripeptide glutamylcysteinylglycine 0.6 g, isotonic sodium chloride solution - 1 bottle;
  • tripeptide glutamylcysteinylglycine 0.6 g, 4 ml of medical water - 1 ampoule;
  • for complex pathological processes, 0.6 g – 1.2 g of the drug should be prescribed once a day;
  • should be used in the form of drip injections;
  • for diseases of moderate severity, it is necessary to use the drug intramuscularly;
  • dose of the drug from 0.3 g to 0.6 g – 1 time per day;
  • The course and duration of therapy depends on the underlying disease.

2. Acizol capsules:

  • the main active ingredient of the drug is vinylimidazole zinc diacetate, milk sugar, fatty powder, polysorb, stearic acid with calcium, titanium dioxide, hydrolyzed collagen, sulfosalt, carmazine, triarylmethane dye, black shiny granulate, methylparaben, propylparaben;
  • Acizol should be administered orally with a large volume of liquid;
  • in order to prevent intoxication, the drug should be used - 1 capsule before the effects of chemotherapy;
  • treatment of acute liver pathologies – 1 capsule – 4 times a day – first day;
  • then you should take the medicine 1 pc. morning and evening, throughout the week.

3. Tad 300 injection drug:

  • The drug contains the antioxidant glutathione, sodium chloride solution;
  • for pathological conditions of moderate severity, 1-2 ampoules (which corresponds to 4-8 ml of solution) should be used intravenously or intramuscularly;
  • in severe diseases, 4 ampoules of the drug should be diluted in 500 ml of isotonic sodium chloride solution and administered dropwise into a venous vessel;
  • The duration of therapy is determined by the therapist.

4. Glutathione complex in capsules:

5. Glutathione-L drug in capsules:

  • the main active ingredients of the drug are the organic yeast-like microelement selenium, molybdenum glycinate, and the glutathione precursor acetylcysteine;
  • to prevent glutathione deficiency in the body, you should take 1 capsule – 1 time per day, during meals;
  • for treatment - you need to take the drug 4 times a day;
  • Duration of therapy is 30 days.

To restore the required amount of glutathione, an antioxidant in the body, the drug Glutathione should be used in accordance with the recommendations of the instructions for use. This is the only way not to harm the body, but to prevent many diseases.

Article format: Mila Friedan

Video about glutathione

Do you know what glutanione is:

    Glutathione is a coenzyme of peroxidase, an enzyme that destroys organic peroxides without the formation of free radicals, thereby inhibiting the process of lipid peroxidation.

    Glutathione is involved in the work of glutathione transferase, an enzyme that gradually oxidizes the superoxide radical of oxygen.

    Glutathione is a free radical scavenger.

    Participates in the oxidation of toxic peroxidation products (acetaldehyde, etc.).

    Glutathione is a cysteine ​​reserve for the cell.

    Takes part in the transfer of amino acids across the cell membrane using the enzyme GGTP.

    Participates in the restoration of oxidized proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids.

    Included in the implementation of processes of neutralization of toxins in the liver.

The oxidized form of glutathione is reduced by glutathione reductase.

The coenzyme of this enzyme is NADPH. This reaction requires the presence of vitamin C.

If the glutathione antioxidant system is disrupted, the likelihood of developing a tumor process and mutations increases, the aging of the body accelerates, and sensitivity to radio radiation increases.


Vitamin C Transdez


Metabolism of individual amino acids

Ascorbic acid.

Role in metabolism

1. Maintains metals with variable valency in a reduced state

a) Si 2t ■ Si + supports activity

VitC catalase and SOD

b) Fe 3+ » Fe 2+

a) Cu + - containing adrenal hydroxylase

Dopamine Norepinephrine

VitC y dehydroascorbate

b) Pe~ + -dependent hydroxylase

Hairdryer: -<*Тир

c) Fe 2+ -acKOp6a-r- dependent connective tissue hydroxylase:

Liz **Oxylysine Enhancement

About >.

Hydroxyproline strength procollagen

3. VitC is an e donor for the 111 tissue respiration complex. Biochemical Ande violationsatinsufficiency


    Decreased activity of OT- and Fe 2+-containing hemoproteins

    Increasing FLOOR speed

    Decreased synthesis of pressor amines

    Decreased synthesis of tyrosine and its derivatives

Weakening collagen strength Laboratory d


a) Acceleration of lipid peroxidation of membranes and lipoproteins with the accumulation of malondialdehyde.

b) Decrease in the level of norepinephrine and its metabolite vanillylmandelic acid.

Synthesis of THPA

Aromatic amino acids

para-aminobenzoate + 6-8 glu + pteridine >.FC

FC THFC (FH4), while

Ascorbic acid.


1. Participates in the transfer of one-carbon residues:

a) N 5 , N 10 = CH-FH 4 - purine synthesis

b) N 10 -CHO-FH) - synthesis of purines

c) Conversion of homocysteine ​​into methionine (together with B 12), N-CH3-FH 4 is formed

2. Subject to partial oxidation during the synthesis of deoxyribonucleotides from ribonucleotides

ztshdilate synthetase UMP eIMP

To maintain FH4 levels, this reaction requires the reduction of NADPH 2 NADP +

folate reductase

With the introduction of folate reductase inhibitors (metatrexate and aminopterin), cell division slows down due to a lack of c! TMP.

    Biochemical manifestations of folate deficiency

    Impairment of the synthesis of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides and a decrease in the rate of synthesis of DNA, RNA and proteins,

    Increasing need for mesh,

Accumulation in the body of CH 3 B 12 - an intermediate acceptor of methyl groups, transferring them to FHt.

Laboratory diagnostics

a) Development of a peculiar macrocytic anemia

b) Accumulation of formiminoglutamate: the FHi-transferred group -CH=NH is attached to glutamate. Glutathione

is a simple substance naturally produced in our body. It consists of amino acids or proteins: and.

Glutathione also contains sulfur-containing groups, which, due to the fact that sulfur is a very sticky substance with a strong odor, work similarly to sticky paper for catching flies. Stickiness allows this group to “catch” compounds harmful to the body, including toxins, heavy metals and free radicals., for example, pollutants and impurities, as well as medications.

Our body processes glutathione. However, in cases where there are too many toxins or other harmful compounds in the body, the processing of glutathione becomes impossible. Consequently, your body becomes more susceptible to various diseases, and your physical condition may deteriorate significantly.

Also, glutathione levels in the body may be too low. This condition is called glutathione deficiency. It increases the risk of oxidative stress.

A lack of this substance also increases the likelihood of developing diseases such as Parkinson's disease, cancer and Alzheimer's disease.

To maintain health, it is important to maintain optimal levels of glutathione in the body. He plays a huge role in the breakdown of nutrients, protecting the body and regulating immune responses.

1. Has an anti-aging effect

Glutathione helps get rid of free radicals, which can greatly harm our body. - These are highly active compounds that destroy cells. They form when molecules lose or gain an electron. Over time, the accumulation of free radicals causes damage to many cellular components such as proteins, the cell membrane and DNA. All this leads to you looking older than your age.

Another important fact: menopause leads to a decrease in glutathione levels. For many women, this is comparable to a tragedy, since at this time the aging process becomes most obvious.

Sufficient levels of glutathione in the body can slow down the aging process. Glutathione is a knight who fights for your youth and beauty.

2. Fights oxidative stress

Oxidative stress occurs when free radicals, which damage cells, DNA and cell membranes, manage to penetrate your body's defenses. And this condition carries with it a number of adverse consequences. If nothing is done, oxidative stress can lead to many different diseases and also accelerate the aging process.

Glutathione reduces oxidative stress and reduces the amount of reactive oxygen species in the body. All this protects DNA cells from possible damage.

In addition, by reducing oxidative stress, glutathione protects you from cancer and a wide range of other diseases and conditions.

3. Reduces inflammation

Inflammation is the body's response to irritation or damage to vascular tissue. The affected area will typically be hot to the touch, red or dark in color, and significantly swollen and enlarged. In addition, this condition may be accompanied by infection.

Glutathione acts as an anti-inflammatory agent by preventing the production of inflammatory cytokines.

Cytokines consist of several substances produced by cells in the immune system. They transmit signals between cells of the immune system and also create immunocytes that fight certain threats that manage to enter your body. Therefore, cytokines help initiate the immune system response.

However, in some cases, cytokines can become too high, leading to serious health problems. Glutathione stops this increased production.

At normal levels, glutathione protects the body from a number of lung diseases caused by excessive inflammation.

4. Prevents stress and depression

Stress is the body's reaction to any stress. The stressor can be anything from major life changes to physical exercise and homework.

Depression is a serious mood disorder that affects the way you think, feel, and/or how you cope with everyday tasks. And we are talking here about simple and familiar actions, such as working, sleeping, raising children or eating.

When glutathione levels are unhealthy, the body is unable to effectively resist invading toxins, viruses and bacteria, which can lead to serious illnesses, including mental disorders.

In addition, low levels of glutathione in brain cells cause disruptions in the functioning of neurons, which is also the cause of many mental disorders.

Healthy levels of glutathione in the body can not only prevent depressive disorders, but also reduce stress. ( , )

5. Limits damage to nerve cells

Neurodegeneration is a condition where nerve cells lose their structure and ability to function. Over time, these cells become increasingly damaged, leading to a gradual loss of cognitive function, such as the ability to remember information and make decisions.

Glutathione limits damage to nerve cells. Brain cells consume about 20 percent of the oxygen used by the body. However, they make up only 2 percent of the total body weight. Reactive oxygen species are continuously produced in the body as a result of oxidative metabolism.

Reactive oxygen species are a metabolic product that is formed from two parts of cells: mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum. When combined, they destroy human cells and bacteria.

Glutathione eliminates the toxic effects of reactive oxygen species, thus limiting damage to nerve cells. ()

6. Reduces the risk of developing Parkinson's disease

Oxidative stress in the nervous system is partly responsible for Parkinson's disease. Parkinson's disease is a progressive disease that affects part of the nervous system responsible for movement.

The disease develops slowly and sometimes begins with a slight tremor in the hands.
Parkinson's disease typically results in stiff and slow movements. In addition, it is associated with the loss of dopaminergic neurons located in one of the parts of the brain - the substantia nigra.

Patients with preclinical Parkinson's disease have low levels of glutathione in the substantia nigra.

7. Improves memory in patients with Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's disease is a progressive disease that destroys brain function and memory. In the first stages, the disease may be barely noticeable.

Over time, it leads to a person forgetting people and important events and undergoing serious changes (). As the disease progresses, brain cells die. The first symptoms of this disorder are forgetfulness and mild confusion.

To a certain extent, Alzheimer's disease is caused by oxidative stress, as well as the accumulation of TDP-43, a DNA-binding protein, in the nervous system.

Both of these factors can reduce glutathione levels. Antioxidants will help slow down Alzheimer's disease, especially the most powerful of them - vitamin E. And increasing the level of glutathione in the body has a positive effect on patients with this disorder and helps improve memory.

8. Helps get rid of infection

Treatment depends on the type of infection. During a viral infection, an abnormal amount of oxidative stress in cells is possible due to the following two factors. The first factor is the amount of inflammation in the body. The second is low glutathione levels.

Low glutathione levels also have a strong impact on diseases such as cystic fibrosis, COPD and influenza.

For example, low glutathione levels reduce immunity. Weak immunity puts you at greater risk of infection, which can make the disease worse and increase the likelihood of death.

Tuberculosis may also be associated with low glutathione levels.

In addition, a decrease in antioxidants reduces the function of macrophagocytes, which are used to fight infections. Increasing the level of glutathione and cysteine ​​is an important condition for increasing the activity of microbacteria. ()

9. Helps with respiratory diseases

Respiratory diseases are diseases that target the structure of the lungs, including the airways. This is not one disease, but a whole series of different disorders that are characterized by an increase in the number of inflammatory cells.

Respiratory diseases include chronic bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and lung injury.

According to research, low glutathione levels increase inflammation in the lungs, leading to asthma- disease respiratory tract. The same study found that increasing glutathione levels reduces inflammation and therefore improves asthma symptoms.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, is a lung disease caused by oxidative damage to lung tissue. Inflammation of the lung tissue causes symptoms such as coughing and difficulty breathing.

Glutathione supplementation can reduce tissue damage and oxidative damage to the lungs. In addition, they reduce the risk of developing COPD. ( , )

10. Helps fight cancer

A cancerous tumor can occur in any organ. It occurs when cells begin to grow uncontrollably, crowding out healthy cells. All this leads to the fact that the body has to work many times more actively than usual.

Cancer is a general name for many types of diseases that manifest themselves as tumors. For example, cancer can develop to the blood, rectum or lungs.

Glutathione is an important factor in the life and death of cancer cells. Deficiency or decreased levels of glutathione can lead to increased cellular damage caused by oxidative stress. Such damage contributes to the development of cancer. Increasing glutathione levels reduces the risk of throat and oral cancer.

Another important point about glutathione and cancer: Antioxidants play a large role in repairing cells damaged by cancer drugs.

To fight cancer, it is important to balance your glutathione levels.

Some chemotherapy drugs can increase glutathione levels and protect against tumor growth. ()

11. Helps with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

Obstructive sleep apnea is a common condition that causes breathing to stop during sleep.

The rhythm may remain unchanged, but breathing becomes shallow. Stopping breathing can last from several seconds to several minutes and occur up to 30 times per hour.

Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is a chronic condition that leads to restless sleep.

Typically, this disease is associated with high levels of oxidative stress and low glutathione levels.

Studies focusing on glutathione levels and sleep quality have shown that increasing glutathione levels improves sleep quality in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. ()

12. Makes kids smarter

Pregnancy is the period during which the fetus develops in the uterus. Pregnancy lasts about 40 weeks or 9 months and is counted from the last menstrual period until delivery.

Low glutathione levels during pregnancy can negatively impact fetal brain development.

In addition, if the baby has high levels of reactive oxygen species, it can lead to premature birth.

Adequate levels of glutathione reduce the level of reactive oxygen species in the fetus, which helps prevent premature birth and ensure normal brain development in the child. ()

13. Reduces complications from diabetes

Type 2 diabetes occurs when your blood sugar, also called blood glucose, is too high. For supporting normal level blood sugar in such cases, insulin is needed.

Both high sugar levels and type 2 diabetes reduce glutathione levels in the body, which leads to the accumulation of free radicals.

If blood sugar levels remain high for a long time, complications such as an increased risk of heart disease, kidney damage and skin problems can occur.

Another complication of diabetes is nerve damage. Glutathione supplementation may reduce and even prevent such complications. ()

14. Helps fight liver damage

The liver is the largest internal organ located in the upper right part of the abdominal region. The liver protects tissues from damage by removing toxins harmful to the body from the bloodstream.

In addition, it restores damaged tissue. The damage may occur as a result of alcohol abuse, a medical condition, or an inherited disorder.

Scarring of the liver can interfere with its normal function. Symptoms of liver damage include an enlarged abdomen, nausea, jaundice, and vomiting. One of the reasons for this condition is oxidative stress.

Glutathione reduces oxidative stress, thus helping to maintain liver health.

Taking reduced glutathione helps with alcoholic fatty liver disease. Preventing alcoholic fatty liver disease prevents the development of cirrhosis and liver cancer.

15. Prevents kidney disease

The kidneys are a filter that removes all waste from the blood. In addition, they regulate blood pressure, water-salt balance and the production of red blood cells.

When the kidneys are unable to function normally, causing harmful substances to accumulate in the blood, kidney failure develops.
Symptoms of kidney failure include shortness of breath and abnormal heart rhythm. The cause of this disease is oxidative stress.

A study of 20 hemodialysis patients due to long-term kidney failure found that glutathione supplementation improved kidney function. ()

16. Glutathione is the enemy of acne

Acne is a disease that affects the hair follicles and sebaceous glands. Small openings in the skin called pores are connected to sebaceous glands located under the skin, which produce an oily substance called sebum.

Sometimes sebum, hair, and dead skin cells become clogged in the pores, leading to acne on the face or body. Acne indicates high levels of oxidative stress as well as low glutathione levels.

Acne can occur whenever there is a decrease in antioxidant activity, such as a decrease in glutathione levels.

Increasing glutathione levels reduces oxidative stress and prevents acne development. ()

17. Glutathione controls cell death

Cells in the body die when they become old, worn out, or damaged. This is necessary for the proper functioning of our body. The cells are programmed to die after about 4 months.

Depletion of glutathione leads to the death of cellular pathways. For example, S-glutathionylation is vital for protein modulation and initiation of cell death.

Cells that lack glutathione can become damaged. Especially often such damage can occur due to arachidonic acid.

Arachidonic acid is an omega-6 unsaturated fatty acid, necessary for the body to function normally. Therefore, glutathione levels must remain normal to avoid early cell death. ()

18. Glutathione for radiant skin

Skin health can be damaged by excessive sun exposure, cosmetic products and an unhealthy lifestyle. Such damage manifests itself in the form of dark spots and dull skin.

Glutathione is a natural way to lighten your skin.

Studies have shown that increasing glutathione levels makes skin more radiant and fair. This is due to the fact that glutathione stimulates the production various types melanin. ()

19. Helps in the treatment of glaucoma and cataracts

Glaucoma is a disease that damages the optic nerve, causing irreversible and progressive vision loss. Ultimately, glaucoma can lead to complete blindness.

Cataracts occur when too much protein accumulates on the lens, causing it to become cloudy. Both cataracts and glaucoma lead to gradual loss of vision. Both of these conditions are caused by oxidative stress in the optic nerve.

Increasing glutathione levels can reduce oxidative stress. ()

20. Helps in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the joints. The disorder also affects the lungs, eyes, skin, heart, and blood vessels in various ways. For rheumatoid arthritis the immune system mistakenly attacks tissue, which can lead to joint deformation and erosion.

For example, as a chronic inflammatory disease progresses, the hands may become deformed.

Research has shown that antioxidant mechanisms may be impaired in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

The reason for this is a significant decrease in glutathione levels. In rheumatoid arthritis, the level of oxidative stress is usually very high. In order to correct this situation, it is necessary to increase the level of glutathione.

Thus, Taking glutathione will increase the amount of antioxidants in the body and help cope with the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. ()

Instructions for use

Side effects

Glutathione is also available in inhaled form. If you have asthma, then avoid taking glutathione this way., as it may worsen asthma symptoms.

Side effect studies were conducted among 38 subjects aged 21 to 62 years. They received 1000 mg of glutathione per day for four weeks. Certain side effects were identified, which, however, were limited to loose stools, weight gain and increased gas formation. ( , )

Another study involved patients with cystic fibrosis. For them, taking glutathione resulted in side effects such as diarrhea, tightness and fever. These side effects were not observed in subjects without cystic fibrosis.

Glutathione can be both good and bad for patients with chronic inflammation.
Glutathione improves immune system function. In addition, it promotes the growth of T lymphocytes.

However, research shows that the absence of glutathione also reduces the inflammatory response.

Glutathione dosage

As we age, the amount of glutathione produced by the body decreases.

A decrease in glutathione levels leads to the appearance of symptoms of various diseases. ()

Glutathione can be taken by inhalation, intravenously, orally, and sublingually. Oral glutathione is less effective than intravenous glutathione.


  1. Glutathione is produced naturally in the liver.
  2. Sometimes you may need more than your body can produce.
  3. Some diseases such as Parkinson's disease or kidney disease are associated with low levels of this antioxidant.
  4. Low glutathione levels can interfere with normal processes such as skin health.
  5. Taking supplements during pregnancy or breastfeeding may be dangerous.
  6. To help your body process the glutathione your liver has already produced, take vitamins C and E.

Anna Streltsova

21.05.2018 21.01.2019
Good afternoon I am a nutritionist and Chief Editor site. My practice is located in Riga, and the lecture can be heard in the city of Jelgava. An excellent team of professionals works on our articles.

Pharmacological group: peptides; antioxidants
IUPAC name: (2S)-2-amino-4-1R-1-carboxymethyl carbamoyl-2-sulfaniletyl carbamoyl butanoic acid
Other names: γ-L-glutamyl-L-cysteine ​​glycine
(2S)-2-amino-5-2R-1-(carboxymethylamino)-1-oxo-3-sulfanidepropan-2-yl amino-5-oxopentanoic acid
Molecular Formula: C 10 H 17 N 3 O 6 S
Molar mass: 307.32 g mol-1
Melting point: 195°C; 383°F; 468 K
Solubility in water: easily soluble
Solubility in methanol, diethyl ether: insoluble

Glutathione is an important antioxidant in plants, animals, fungi and some bacteria and archaebacteria. Glutathione prevents damage to important cellular components caused by reactive oxygen species (free radicals and peroxides). Glutathione is a tripeptide with a gamma peptide bond between the carboxyl group of the glutamate side chain and the amino group (attached via a normal peptide bond to ). Thiol groups are reducing agents that exist in animal cells at concentrations of approximately 5 mM. Glutathione reduces the formation of disulfide bonds in cytoplasmic proteins by serving as an electron donor. During this process, glutathione is converted to its oxidized form, glutathione disulfide (GSSG), also called L-(-)-glutathione. Once oxidized, glutathione can be reduced again by glutathione reductase using NADPH as an electron donor. The ratio of reduced glutathione to oxidized glutathione in cells is often used as a measure of cellular toxicity. The metabolic intermediate el-cysteine ​​can increase glutathione levels in the body, but using this substance to increase glutathione levels is ineffective and costly.

brief information

Glutathione (γ-L-Glutamyl-L-cysteinylglycine) is a small peptide-containing molecule that contains one molecule of L-glutamic acid, L-cysteine, as well as Glycine in each individual molecule. This molecule is an absolutely natural component of the nutritional supplements we use, and plays the role of the main antioxidant in the human body. The action of glutathione is highly dependent on the integrity of the "glutathione system", which contains enzymes that synthesize glutathione inside the cell as well as dedicated enzymes that use glutathione as a catalyst for all antioxidant effects. Glutathione supplementation is designed to preserve the existing supply of glutathione in cells and thus support the efficient functioning of the entire system. Contrary to current theory, glutathione itself does not have a designated niche in the supplement system, and when it is useful, it is likely the most expensive and ineffective method to achieve any desired goal. All of this is ultimately due to the few pharmacokinetic aspects that make glutathione supplements ineffective:

    1) Glutathione is a tripeptide made up of three amino acids, and although this particular tripeptide may resist hydrolysis, it is still largely absorbed in the intestines.

    2) There is a possibility that glutathione may be absorbed through the intestines in its original form, but this substance is in pure form simply cannot get into the cage; Glutathione must be pre-synthesized from (two molecules bound together) before use.

  1. Inflammation and immunology

    Virological interaction

    Macrophages found in HIV-infected humans have higher concentrations of GSSG (relative to reduced glutathione) than macrophages in uninfected individuals. This is thought to be related to the decreased expression of glutamine cysteine ​​ligase (GCLC) observed in macrophages in people with HIV infection. Macrophages isolated from the bodies of HIV-infected patients on chronic antiretroviral therapy were incubated with Mycobacterium tuberculosis and 5-10μM glutathione, which led to an increase in reduced glutathione (53-93% in HIV + and 80-83% in the HIV control group ), which coincided with N-acetylcysteine ​​at only 10 mM. The difference in active substance content persisted when assessing lipid peroxidation (via malondialdehyde assay) and in reducing the intracellular growth of tuberculosis microbacteria.

    Interaction with oxidation


    Superoxide (O2-) is produced when one electron is removed by an oxygen molecule (O2) or subsequently produced as a byproduct of metabolic reactions. Superoxide is a free radical with which both N-acetylcysteine ​​and glutathione can contact directly and non-enzymatically, although the rate constants for such reactions are weak (and thus these antioxidants have low potency). Superoxide formation is a common first step in oxidant production, since the oxidant O2 is able to readily cross membranes (similar to H2O2, but not O2-), and since O2 is universally required for metabolic reactions. Enzymes that use glutathione to exert enzymatic and antioxidant properties (peroxidases and S-transferases) do not appear to have a potent antioxidant effect on the radical, and endogenous rejection of necrotic tissue from surviving tissues from O2 is typically handled by superoxide dismutases (SODs). ), which are converted to superoxide hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). Superoxide is one of the major free radicals that can have oxidative effects in the cell, and is typically processed by the enzyme superoxide dismutase, which converts it to hydrogen peroxide as glutathione concentrations decrease; Glutathione and its enzymes do not have particular antioxidant potential directly in reducing superoxide.

    Hydrogen peroxide

    The superoxide radical is converted to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) by superoxide dismutase (SOD), and once this occurs, the enzyme glutathione peroxidase (GPx) is able to reduce it to H2O through the use of two glutathione tripeptides (and subsequent formation of GSSG). H2O2 can also be produced as a by-product of aerobic metabolic reactions. The antioxidant enzyme “catalase” (a heme-containing enzyme) also removes H2O2 by breaking it down into water and oxygen. Catalase and GPx act together, so H2O2 can inactivate catalase at high concentrations, and it appears that catalase can be protected from inactivation by glutathione peroxidase. Glutathione, using the GPx enzyme, plays a role, along with catalase, in the reduction of potential oxidizing compounds known as hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). These enzymes can convert hydrogen peroxide back into water (or water or oxygen, in the case of catalase).


    The hydroxyl radical (OH, the neutral form of hydroxide has the formula OH) is a powerful radical produced by the reaction of O2 and iron through the "Fenton reaction" (the reaction of hydrogen peroxide with iron ions, which is used to destroy many organic substances). Unlike O2 and H2O2, which are moderate and reversible oxidizing agents, OH is an irreversible modifier of protein structures. It is believed that hydroxyl radicals mediate the elimination of many negative reactions associated with increased concentrations of H2O2 in cells, such as DNA damage.

    Peripheral organ system


    Inflammatory bowel diseases, including ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, are characterized by an increase in oxidative stress and a simultaneous decrease in the level of oxidative protection, which is provided, for example, by glutathione concentrations. In gastrointestinal tissue, glutathione is the main non-enzymatic antioxidant. And, since the measures taken to preserve this substance are typically also used to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in animals with these same diseases, glutathione has thus been recognized as a therapeutic agent. In rats, injection of glutathione (200 mg/kg) one hour before induction of colitis via trinitrobenzene sulfatic acid (TNBS) exhibits a protective effect compared with saline. Following the administration of 50 mg/kg glutathione by injection daily for eight weeks after induction of colitis, there is virtually complete resolution of lipid peroxidation and inflammation itself. Studies in people treated with mesalamine used an additional 800 mg of N-acetylcysteine ​​(which can restore glutathione levels) or a placebo. The protective effect of combination therapy was slight and did not reach statistical significance.

    Male genitals

    Male infertility is a condition characterized by excessive oxidative stress, suggesting a possible therapeutic role for antioxidants in general. In particular, deficiency of glutathione peroxidase (due to deficiency) appears to lead to defects in motility and morphology, by affecting the sperm midsection (the section between its head and tail). The therapeutic effect of glutathione was confirmed in one study where 600 mg of glutathione was used as an intramuscular injection, which in turn improved sperm motility. This particular finding (improved mobility) was also noted in laboratory research, when N-acetylcysteine ​​was used by infertile men for three months at a dose of 600 mg daily. Glutathione injections may improve male fertility by improving sperm morphology and motility. This effect is also noted in preliminary studies using an oral N-acetylcysteine ​​supplement; No studies have currently been conducted using glutathione supplements.

    Longevity and life extension


    The glutathione content in cells decreases during the aging process, even in the absence of diseases, which leads to an increase in oxidative processes in the body. At least in aging rats, the reason for this appears to be a decrease in the synthetic capacity of the second step of glutathione anabolism (catalyzed by glutathione synthetase). There are no changes in the metabolism of γ-glutamyl transpeptidase or the reduction of the substance as an antioxidant by glutathione reductase, although this mechanism has not been studied in humans. It has been found, however, that the rate of glutathione synthesis (fractional and absolute) is lower in older adults compared to control levels in younger adults. This decrease may be associated with a decrease in protein turnover throughout the body (a change in the composition of BJU occurs with aging of the body), which would reduce the pools and required for the synthesis of glutathione. In fact, red blood cell glutathione levels, as well as its constituents L-cysteine ​​and glycine (not glutamate), were noted to be lower in older adults than in younger adults. When supplemented with N-acetylcysteine ​​(100 mg/kg L-cysteine) and (100 mg/kg) L-cysteine, glutathione concentrations were restored by 94.6% within two weeks, relative to the level of glutathione synthesis observed in youth. Insufficient dietary protein intake can also lead to decreased glutathione levels. However, both a decrease in glutathione synthesis and a change in its composition can be caused in healthy adults by limiting the level of protein consumed in food or only the sulfur-containing amino acids found in dietary protein. Glutathione levels appear to be reduced in older adults compared to younger levels, even in the absence of obvious disease conditions. By eating, which are precursors of glutathione (and), you can restore glutathione levels in those people whose glutathione levels were restored quite quickly in their youth.

    Other medical conditions


    The metabolism of glutathione has been studied in people with autism. Autism is associated with increased oxidative metabolites such as malondialdehyde (MDA) and reduced mineral chelates such as seruloplasma and transferrin (leading to the production of more free minerals, which are known to contribute to oxidative stress). All this suggests that, in general, the state of the body of children suffering from autism is more pro-oxidative than anti-oxidative. Plasma levels of glutathione and its reduced form are low in autistic children compared to the control group, and the level of oxidized glutathione is higher. No changes were found in the activity of glutathione reductase in children with autism and the control group, although glutathione peroxidase has different indicators (suppression and increase - both indicators were recorded). The GSSG:GSH ratio (usually indicating glutathione reductase activity) is also increased, indicating greater oxidation in autistic individuals compared to controls. Autism in general is a condition characterized by excessive oxidative stress compared to controls. Because glutathione is a major component of the body's antioxidant system, antioxidant disorders throughout the body involve the glutathione system, which has been shown to be less active in children with autism relative to controls. One study in autistic children was conducted using either dietary supplements (fat-soluble glutathione 50-200 mg per approximately 13 kg body weight twice daily in increasing doses) or transdermal supplements (135-405 mg in three divided doses in increasing doses ). The study noted small increases in total glutathione in both treatments and an increase in reduced glutathione in the blood in the supplement group; Because the study measured baseline severity of autism, these measurements were not repeated after the illness.

    Interactions with nutrients

    Alpha lipoid acid

    Alpha lipidic acid (ALA) is a thiol-containing antioxidant produced in mitochondria from octanoic acid, used as a REDOX antioxidant (having both oxidized and reduced forms) and a mitochondrial enzyme cofactor. Although it is similar to glutathione in that it has a sulfur-containing antioxidant, unlike glutathione, alpha lipidic acid can allow absorption from the intestines intact and can be effectively used by the body as a dietary supplement. ALA appears to play a role in glutathione synthesis. Glutathione cannot be transferred between intact cells; instead, L-cystine is transported between cells to provide L-cysteine ​​for glutathione synthesis. Since L-cystine is a product of oxidative activity (two oxidized molecules bound to each other), ALA can combine L-cystine molecules into two and thereby increase the level of glutathione synthesis, releasing its precursor, which is the substrate necessary for the synthesis step , limiting the reaction rate in the overall synthesis of glutathione. Additionally, GSSG (the oxidized form of glutathione) can be directly converted back to rGSH by reducing the level of alpha lipidic acid, which in turn becomes its oxidized form (dihydrolipoidic acid). This overall supportive role of alpha-lipid acid in glutathione activity has been noted in various cellular studies, and appears to be possible even in vivo in rats provided with 16 mg/kg ALA. Alpha lipidic acid can reduce the amount of oxidized glutathione, thereby increasing the effectiveness and maintaining the actions of glutathione in the cell.