The meaning of the word apostle in the Orthodox encyclopedia tree. Meaning of the word "apostle". Christian history and terminology

11.11.2021 Hypertension

The word "religion" is derived from the word:

A) Reverence, connection,

According to the most common views of researchers, the main feature of religion is:

E) Belief in the supernatural.

G.V. Plekhanov characterized religion as a complex

A)Ideas of moods, actions,

The word “cult” translated into Russian means:

D) Preading, worship,

The word “sect”, denoting a religious trend that arises as a trend in opposition to the already established ones, translated from Latin sounds like

A)Way of thinking, teaching,

A theologian is:


What does the word "atheism" mean?

A)Denial of God

Philosophical doctrine according to which God merges with nature

C) Pantheism,

The doctrine of the Divine creation of the world is called:

B) Creationism

The religious doctrine about the end of the world is called:

WITH) Eschatology,

“Liberation” of various spheres of public life from the influence of religion and the church is called;

D) Secularization,

Monotheism is:

C) Monotheism,

Polytheism is:


The representation of a deity in human form is called:

D) Anthropomorphism,

Providentialism is:

C) Belief in Divine predestination,

Belief in Fate is called:

B) Fatalism

The word "fetishism" comes from the Portuguese "fetiko", meaning:

B) Enchanted, enchanted object,

Fetishism is:

A)Pworship of objects

The belief in the consanguinity of people of a certain kind and other living beings is called:

C) Totemism,

Faith in the soul and in spirits is called:

E) Animism.

Palmistry is:

C) Fortune telling by hand,

Astrology is:

C) Predicting the future by the stars,

The fetish that ended up in the hands of the fabulous Aladdin was the following item:

E) Lamp.

Taboo is:

D) Ban,

Magic is:

D) Witchcraft,

Egyptian sun god:

B) Amon - Ra,

The dying and resurrecting god of fertility and the underworld among the Egyptians:

E) Osiris.

The word "Babylon" means:

E) Gate of God.

Babylonian structure mentioned in the Bible:

D) Tower,

Famous hero of the Mesopotamian epic:

D) Gilgamesh,

A mythical monster that lived in a labyrinth on the island of Crete:


Mythical monster with one eye in its forehead:


Three women in Greek mythology who determined human destinies:

B) Moirai,

King of the Gods of Olympus:

D) Zeus,

One of the seven wonders of the world, dedicated by the Greeks to the sun god, is called Colossus:


How many muses did ancient Greek mythology have?

D) 9,

God of Time devouring his children in ancient mythology:

C) Chronos,

The weak point of Homer's Achilles:

E) Heel.

Highest clergy in Ancient Rome, whose name literally means “building or building bridges”:

C) Pontiffs,

Roman god of the sea. The holiday named after him is still celebrated today:

D) Neptune,

The Roman goddess of love, whom Caesar called the ancestor of the Julian family:


Goddess of Luck:

E) Fortune.

Goddess of nature, the animal world, called the Good Virgin in Ancient Rome:


Goddess of flowers and plant nature among the Romans:

IN) Flora,

The name of which unique state, directly related to religion, is associated with the place where fate was once predicted?

D) Vatican,

Celtic clergy were called:

B) Druids

The Celtic holiday Samhain, symbolizing the clash of the world of demons and world of people, was celebrated on a day close to modern Halloween, namely:

The legends of King Arthur and the knights go back to Celtic mythology

D) Round table,

Scandinavian legend:

C) Saga,

A wonderful blacksmith in Scandinavian mythology, whose name resembles one of the characters in the famous Bulgakov novel:


A dead man who rises at night to drink human blood:

D) Ghoul;

A character from Slavic mythology whose deadly gaze is hidden under long eyelids:

B) Viy,

God of Thunder among the Slavs:


An ancestor is a patron saint among the Slavs, whose name was also remembered in children's games:

B) Chur,

Half woman - half fish in Slavic mythology, which A.S. Pushkin for some reason planted on a branch in his fairy tale:

D) Mermaid,

A character from Slavic mythology, whose name is still associated with the carnival holiday of seeing off Winter:


Winged woman in Eastern Turkic mythology:

C) Peri,

Who are the “aruahi”, with whose name did the Kazakhs go into battle?

D) Spirits of ancestors,

Nauryz literally translated is:

B) New day

Winged horse of Eastern mythology:

E) Tulpar.

In Turkic mythology, Tengri is a god:

D) Sky,

According to legend, the ancestor of the Turks was a boy mutilated by his enemies, who married:


Patron of shamans and singers, legendary creator of kobyz:

D) Korkut,

The religion of the ancient Iranians is called:

D) Zoroastrianism,

The holy book of the Zoroastrians is called:

E) Avesta.

The birthday of the ancient Iranian sun god Mithra was celebrated:

General name of the oldest religious books of India:

D) Vedas,

Vedas means:

WITH) Zknowledge,

The word "varna" literally means:

D) Cvet,

Caste is:

IN)Closed group of people

Kama - god:


The Creator of the world, whose name means “Self-Existing”:

B) Brahma;

God is the preserver in Hinduism:


God, personifying a powerful destructive force in Hinduism:

D) Shiva,

An animal especially revered in India, the name of which is appended with the epithet “sacred”, “sacred”:

B) Cow

The word "Upanishads" means:

A)Seated around,

According to scholars, Jiya Mahavira founded it in the 6th century. BC. basics:

C) Jainism,

Jains are prohibited from farming:

C) Out of fear of accidentally killing a living creature,

Guru is:

B) Teacher,

In the 16th century appeared in the north-west of India:

C) Sikhism,

Founder of Sikhism:

D) Nanak,

The most common type of occupation among Sikh men is:

B) Military affairs,

What is Tao?



A)A philosopher who honored rituals and preached the idea of ​​humane government:


DFounder of Taoism:

) Lao Tzu,

National religion of Japan:

E) Shintoism.

DShinto means:

) Path of the Gods,

IN)Kamikaze is:B,

divine wind

Who was saved from the Flood by building the ark?

C) Noah

DThe word "Israel" supposedly means:

) God rule,

WITH)The religion of the Jews was named:


IN)The famous biblical duel was between:,

David and Goliath

IN)The king is an example of wisdom:,


The biblical expression “Drink water from your well” means:,

C) Love your wife, not someone else's

DWho led the Jews out of the "Egyptian House of Slavery"?,

Monotheism is:

A)) Moses,


WITH)God of the Jews:,


DWhich idol was destroyed by Moses?

) Golden Taurus,

DWhat did the Lord give to Moses?

) Commandments,

Messiah literally means:.

E) Anointed One, Messenger

IN)A book especially revered by Jews, the literal translation of the title means “Teaching”, “Instruction”:


A book based on the symbolism of words, sounds and numbers in Judaism:E).


A)A work of enormous volume, called by the Jews the Oral Torah:


The day that the Jews honor:.

E) Saturday

A book based on the symbolism of words, sounds and numbers in Judaism:According to the Torah, for intentional murder:.


D) "Pesach", from which the word "Easter" comes, means:Etc


Jewish house of prayer:

B) Synagogue,

DAccording to tradition, Christ was born in:,

) Bethlehem

Christ was born into a family:,

B) Joseph the carpenter

A)He wanted to destroy the Christ child:,


A book based on the symbolism of words, sounds and numbers in Judaism:Holy book of Christians:


DGospel means:,

The title of the Holy Scriptures of Christians means:


The Bible ends:

D) Apocalypse,

The apostles are:

C) Disciples of Christ,

Betrayed Christ:

D) Judas Iscariot,

Christ was crucified on a mountain called...

C) Golgotha,

Christians call the Bright Resurrection of Christ:

D) Easter,

On the day of the Holy Resurrection of Christ, it is customary to paint eggs and bake:


On the fiftieth day after the Resurrection of Christ they celebrate:

D) Trinity,

Texts associated with biblical characters, which, however, are not recognized as sacred by the Church and literally mean “secret”:

C) Apocrypha,

Bodiless servants of God in Christianity and Islam, whose common name literally means “messengers”:

D) Angels,

Anathema is:

B) Excommunication,

According to the Revelation of John, this is the name of the place of the last battle between the forces of Good and Evil on Earth. For Jehovah's Witnesses, this is a battle between the forces of Jehovah and the forces of Satan, as a result of which only Jehovah's followers should survive.

C) Armageddon,

The name of an “error” or teaching that diverges from the views of the Church, but is considered Christian by its adherents:

B) Heresy

A set of normative provisions of an ecclesiastical nature. Literally translated it means “rule”:

A) Kanon,

The statement “I believe because it is absurd” is associated with the name of the theologian:

B) Tertullian,

Name an apostle who not only was not a disciple of Christ, but at first found himself among the persecutors of Christianity:

D) Paul,

Which apostle is called the First Called?

B) Andrey,

The Catholic Church literally means:

B) Bselenskaya,

The head ... of the Catholic Church is called:

D) Pope,

For how long is the Pope elected?

C) For life,

What language became the language of scientists and theologians in Medieval Europe?

E) Latin.

What is celibacy?

B) Prohibition to marry,

What are the names of monastic associations?

D) Orders,

D) Augustine,

The act of officially counting a person among the ranks of saints by the church:

C) Canonization,

Cell is:

C) A separate room for a monastery resident,

The word "monk" comes from the Greek "monakhos", which means

D) Lonely,

Abbot is:

B) Rector of a monastery in the Catholic Church,

Persecution of heretics in Western Europe there was an organization called:


The most accepted method of executing heretics, turned into a theatrical spectacle in the Middle Ages:


What is theocracy?

B) The power of the clergy,

The Eucharist is:

E) Communion.

Exorcism is:


“Angelic Doctor”, Catholic theologian of the 13th century, whose teachings are still in service with the Vatican:

B) Thomas Aquinas,

What place do Catholics occupy among Christians?


The emergence of Protestantism is associated with the era: (1)

B) Reformation,

The cradle of Protestantism was:

D) Germany,

Protestantism appeared in:

C) 16th century,

The emergence of Protestantism is associated with the activities of:

D) Martin Luther,

The center of Calvinism became:


The name of one of the movements of Protestantism, “Baptism,” goes back to the word “baptizo,” which means:

B) I dip it in water,

Baptists do not accept:


Adventism appeared:

D) in USA,

The name Adventism comes from the word "Adventus", which means:

E) coming

Awake! Magazines and The Watchtower distribute:

B) Jehovah's Witnesses,

As a rule, blood transfusions are refused:

D) Jehovah's Witnesses

"The Baptism of the Holy Spirit" is practiced by:

E) Pentecostals.

The break between the Orthodox and Catholic churches occurred in:

D) 1054 g.,

The most recognized date for the adoption of Christianity in Rus':

D) 988,

Head of the Russian Orthodox Church called:


An advisory body under the patriarch, whose name translated into Russian means “assembly”:

D) Synod,

Abbot of a male Orthodox monastery:

C) Hegumen,

How does the Bible treat fortune tellers and dreamers?

E) Strongly negative.

The secondary religious institution in the Russian Orthodox Church is called:

D) WITHseminary,

The spiritual and administrative district headed by the bishop:

B) Diocese,

Monk in Orthodoxy:

A book based on the symbolism of words, sounds and numbers in Judaism:ANDnok.

Lavra is:

WITH)Large Orthodox monastery,

The Orthodox clergy is divided into:

D) Black and white,

Unlike clergy, ordinary believers in Christianity are called:

E) Laymen.

According to legend, one of the apostles was crucified on an oblique cross, which is therefore named:

D) Andreevsky,

The word "Islam" roughly translated means:

IN)Pobedience to Allah,

Islam appeared in:

D) Arabia,

The most revered prophet in Islam:

E) Muhammad.

The birthplace of Muhammad and a particularly revered city of Muslims:

D) Mecca,

Holy Book of Muslims:

D) Koran,

The name of the Holy Book of Muslims translated into Russian means:

B) Reading,

The main Muslim sanctuary located in Mecca:


The movement of the first Muslims from Mecca to Medina is named:

C) Hijra,

The beginning of the Muslim calendar corresponds to: E)622g.

Azan is:

D) Call to prayer among Muslims,

The word “mosque” literally means:

IN)Mehone hundred worship,

Main currents in Islam:

D) Sunnis and Shiites,

Wahhabism appeared in:

C) Arabia,

The sacred tradition of Muslims is called:

D) Sunnah,

Surah is:

A)Chapter of the Koran,

A clergyman in Islam, whose name comes from the Arabic “lord, lord”:

B) Mullah,

Which country in the world has the most Muslims?

D) in Indonesia,

Five times daily prayer for Muslims:

IN) Namaz,

Ramadan is:

A) Muslim fasting,

Code of Muslim Laws:

D) Sharia,

Customs, rules of behavior in a particular territory inhabited by Muslims:

B) Adat,

Member of the Sufi brotherhood, Sufi, whose name literally translated from Persian means “beggar”:

D) Dervish,

The head of the Muslim community in early Islam, and then the head of a powerful medieval Muslim state, whose title literally means “successor”:

E) Caliph.

The devil in the Muslim picture of the world:

B) Shaitan,

A story about the actions and sayings of Muhammad:

D) Hadith,

The person from whose lips the call to prayer sounds among Muslims. This word translated from Turkish means “herald”:


The female half of the house and a group of wives in the countries of the Muslim East:

D) Harem,

The number of wives that, according to Sharia, a believer who is able to support them can have:

WITH) 4,

Which animal or bird is it not advisable for a Muslim to eat meat?

C) Pigs,

What should a true Muslim ideally not drink?


Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca:


God in Islam:

D) Allah,

The struggle for faith in Islam. Often with weapons in hand, but not only. It may also include cleansing one’s own heart from sinfulness:


Paradise maidens in Islam, whose name literally means “black-eyed”:


Robe-like street clothes of Tajik and Uzbek women, covering the entire figure from head to toe:

A) Burqa,

A veil in which in a number of countries Muslim women wrap themselves from head to toe, leaving only their eyes exposed.


Buddhism appeared in:

IN) 6th century BC.,

Buddhism originated in:

D) India,

The founder of Buddhism is considered to be:

WITH) Gautama,

The word "Buddha" means:


The main goal of Buddhists:

D) NIrvana,

Collection of sacred books of Buddhism:

D) Tripitaka,

Zen Buddhism appeared in:

In China,

Tibetan Buddhism, which also became widespread, in particular in Kalmykia and Buryatia, is called:


According to Buddhism, life is:

E) Suffering.

A word that in one translation means “deed, action,” but is often interpreted as “fate”:


Samsara is:

C) Flow of being,

Tipitaka or Tripitaka means:

D) Three baskets,

Title of spiritual and political leader of the Tibetan people:

B) Dalai Lama

Occult comes from a Latin word meaning:

C) secret

The "Church of Unification" is headed by:

B) Sun Myung Moon,

At the origins of modern Krishnaism is an Indian preacher who received the ritual name:

B) Prabhupada,

A movement that appeared in England at the beginning of the 18th century and was associated with the creation of a number of organizations. Literally translated - “masons”:

D) masons

People trying to “talk” with spirits are called:

C) Spiritists,

The meeting of “witches” is called:

B) Sabbat,

Members of which religious organization, heralding the imminent Armageddon, committed... gas attack in the metro of one of the well-known countries, as a result of which over 5 thousand people were injured?

D) AUM Shinrikyo,

Followers of which religious group committed mass suicide in Guyana on November 18, 1978, killing about a thousand people, including 180 children?

C) People's Temple,

The origins of Scientology are:

D) R. Hubbard,

Bulgarian soothsayer, who gained particular popularity during the years of Perestroika:

E) astrologer-fortune teller

"God's house" means:

A) Church

Eschatology is

C) Doctrine of the end of the world

What is animism?

A) Belief in the soul and spirits

Future predictors based on the stars?

D) Astrologers

Object worship?

A) Fetishism

"God's Gate" is

E) Babylon

Zeus is

B) god of thunder and lightning

The Minotaur lived in

C) maze

Moiras are

A) arbiters of destinies

Jupiter - the supreme god

D) Romans

Had a vulnerable heel

B) Achilles

God of love in Rome

C) Cupid

Tulpar is

A) winged horse

God of the sky among the Turks

C) tengri

"Avesta" is associated with the name

E) Zarathustra

Ahura Mazda - the supreme god in

E) Zoroastrianism

A closed group of people in India?

C) Caste

Is Judaism a religion?

E) Jews

Born in Bethlehem?

C) Christ

Is the Bible a holy book?

D) Christian

What is this evangelism?

A) Gospel

Is the apocalypse coming in?

E) New Testament

Judas betrayed?

D) Christ

Is Easter a holiday?

A) Christian

Did Archangel Gabriel bring the news of the Immaculate Conception?

C) Maria

A word related to the history of religion?

B) Dogma

Is the Apostle Andrew named?

B) First-Called

Gautama is considered the founder of:

B) Buddhism

Books of the Buddhist canon?

C) Tripitaka

“Enlightened, enlightened by truth” sounds like?

Many believers are interested in the meaning of the word “apostle.” This word is so ancient and widespread that to understand it you will need to delve into.

Apostle: common interpretation of the word

“Apostle” translated from Greek means “ambassador”. This word is also associated with the Greek verb “to send.” This word also has a narrow and broad meaning.

So, “apostle” in the narrow sense is a disciple of Jesus Christ himself. And in a broad format, this word can be attributed to the seventy companions of the Church of the Lord. They are also called the apostles of the seventy.

Twelve First Disciples

During his earthly life, Christ chose 12 people from among the people who agreed to follow him. He taught them God's laws, passed on his knowledge, and to some extent identified the earthly part of himself with them.

It is believed that the 12 disciples began to be called apostles, since Jesus often sent them on various missions and preaching to distant lands. Hence the translation of the word, meaning “messenger”.

The apostles were also living conductors of the will of God on earth. They were sent to bring the light of a new teaching into the hearts of people. Sometimes the disciples of Christ are called the apostles of the twelve. Let's look at their names:

  • Simon;
  • Andrey;
  • Jacob;
  • Judas;
  • John;
  • Bartholomew;
  • Thomas;
  • Matthew;
  • Simon Canonite;
  • Jacob Alfeev;
  • Thaddeus;
  • Philip.

These names are well known in biblical history. They are considered the first apostles of God. The spiritual exploits of these people are described in detail in the Gospel, as well as in many other manuscripts and books.

The word "apostle" was also found in ancient Hebrew. And there it meant the same thing as in Greek. This similarity of meanings allows us to think that the apostles can be correlated precisely with the messengers of the Lord, endowed with a great mission. After all, Jesus himself chose these disciples. And his choice fell on ordinary fishermen and peasants, in whom he saw considerable potential. And in many of them he really was not mistaken.

In a broad sense, the meaning of the word “apostle” is revealed through the concept of “apostles of the seventy.” These disciples included followers who were the first to embrace Christianity. The famous 12 apostles of Christ also entered there. The names of these religious figures are in the Acts of the Holy Apostles, as well as in the letters of the Apostle Paul.

According to biblical history, the Savior himself selected these people and sent them to spread the new faith to the most remote corners of the planet. A complete list of the seventy apostles is included in the Orthodox calendar published in the 5th century.

Some of the most famous among the seventy apostles are Mark and Luke. Many of the other apostles were disciples of the Apostle Paul. They are included in this list for their outstanding missionary exploits.

Despite the fact that the Romans resisted the adoption of Christianity for a long time, they realized the futility of fighting this religion. And they recognized it as legal and official.

In addition to various messages in the history of Christianity, the book "Apostle" plays important role. Moreover, this book became the first printed publication in Rus'.

This word, thanks to the works and deeds of the first apostles, became very popular over time. Eastern Slavs often bore the surname Apostol. There are also dynasties of Ukrainian Cossacks with this surname. And among them there were many hetmans. A Russian family with the surname Muravyov-Apostol participated in the Decembrist movement. And in Bulgaria and Serbia this surname is found everywhere. In addition, in Greece there is the name Apostle. And everyone knows that the Greeks are ardent adherents of Christianity.

Collective image of the word “apostle”

“Apostle” is a disciple of the Lord, chosen by him. Among the tasks of such a disciple one can find the responsibility of recording the sermons of Christ. The apostles also had to spread the Good News, actively preach, and steadfastly endure hardships. And trust your Teacher in everything. And also remain faithful to religion and Jesus Christ himself.

In addition to preaching, the apostles were able to heal mental and physical illnesses. According to legends, they could resurrect the dead, perform miracles, and help the suffering. In a sense, God's disciples can be considered vehicles of his will and power. They were in constant contact with God. They understood him better than others. And they brought the light of his teachings to people.

Therefore, the translation of the word in the meaning of “envoy” is somewhat broader than the simple concept of “ambassador”. After all, the apostles were sent not only to inform and travel, but also to accomplish good deeds.

In the church, the word “apostle” is of paramount importance. Since the entire religion of Christianity is built on the teachings of the apostles. Their messages are meaningful and powerful, and their dogmas are unshakable and time-tested. Apostles can also be called those in whom the desire to preach the Gospel is stronger than the fear for their own lives. Initially, the first 12 disciples of Jesus were subjected to torture and persecution, but did not abandon their faith. And many of them died as martyrs for their ardent faith.

All the apostles included in the complete list are the creators of the hierarchy and canons of Christianity. It is their instructions that clergy turn to to resolve complex issues. Because they are the most authoritative.

Meaning of the term today

Literary scholars will say that this word means the first printed book in Rus'. Lawyers call this term an appeal. IN modern world An apostle is anyone who is a passionate supporter of an idea or organization. Over time, this term has become a common noun.

The ancient or modern meaning of the word “apostle” is considered a deep concept that hides many stories. Thanks to the apostles, it was formed in the form in which it is known today. They did their best, and the new faith burns in the hearts of believers like a great fire that illuminates the path in the darkness.

You will learn the meaning of this term from the article.

The first Christians

The followers of Christian teaching knew very well what an apostle was in Ancient Rome. the words are difficult to understand if you do not know the history of early Christianity. The ideas of Christendom were completely new among the adherents of traditional religions of that time. empires lived in three parts of the world - in Europe, Asia and northern Africa, communicated in different languages, had different upbringings and worldviews. It was not easy for the followers of the new religion. In order to spread Christian teaching, it was necessary to constantly travel, communicate with new people, spread new teachings about God and have a great gift of persuasion. those who devoted themselves to this activity called themselves apostles.

Explanation of the term

You can learn what an apostle is from the translation of this term from Greek. The ancient word goes back to ἀπόστολος, which means “ambassador” or “messenger”. The first apostles explained that they were messengers of a new teaching and a new faith. They carried the news about the Son of God and the sacrifice he made in the name of people. According to legend, this word was coined by Jesus Christ himself. This is what he called his closest students and followers.

The first apostles

Christian church gives a clear definition of what an apostle is. In the New Testament, this is the name given to those who knew Christ firsthand, helped him and followed his teaching. At first, the twelve people closest to him who shared the new teaching were considered apostles. After the betrayal of Judas, the ranks of the apostles were replenished with two more faithful followers of the new teaching. So the disciples and most zealous followers of Christianity became thirteen. There is a separate book of the New Testament that tells about the activities of the apostles after the death of Christ and his resurrection from the dead. They performed many glorious deeds and spread new ideas, but due to persecution by the authorities, almost all died as martyrdom.

Christianity and Rome

The Roman Empire initially had an extremely negative attitude towards the new faith. Adherents of Christianity learned the hard way what an apostle was in Ancient Rome. Christianity was persecuted, and followers of the new teaching were subjected to severe persecution. They were forced to hide in the catacombs, whispering and secretly conveying the news of the Savior. It is not for nothing that the symbol of the first Christians was fish - as a sign of mystery and silence.

Despite the oppression, the new teaching continued to expand and attract more and more adherents to its ranks. Soon the apostles accepted 70 more believers into their ranks. This event is described in a separate book of the New Testament, which is called “The Acts of the Apostles.” All converts were disciples of Christ and preached a new faith.

History of the word "apostle"

After some time, the government authorities of Rome realized the inappropriateness of fighting the new religion. Christianity gets state support and becomes the official faith. What an apostle is, what this person does and what place he occupies in Christianity is already known in the western and eastern parts of the Roman Empire. One of most important books Christianity is called "Apostle".
Gradually, the word becomes very popular and in some areas becomes a name or even a surname. Among the Eastern Slavs, the surname Apostle is quite common. Apostol is a famous dynasty of Ukrainian Cossacks who gave the country several hetmans. In Russia there was a noble family of the Muravyov-Apostols, known for their participation in the Decembrist movement. In Bulgaria and Serbia this is a fairly common surname. In Greece there is such a name.

In Russian speech this word can also be used in figurative meaning. Previously, to the question “What is an apostle?” the lawyers could answer that it was an appeal. Literary scholars - that this was the name of the first printed book in Russian, published in the mid-17th century.

Currently, the word denotes a convinced supporter of an idea.

The New Testament often mentions the word "apostle" in different variations. Usually this term is found in the life of Jesus Christ. What is an apostle, the definition of the meaning of this term you will learn from this article.

The first Christians

The followers of Christian teaching knew very well what an apostle was in Ancient Rome. The definition of this word is difficult to understand if you do not know the history of early Christianity. The ideas of Christendom were completely new among the adherents of traditional religions of that time. The inhabitants of the Roman Empire lived in three parts of the world - in Europe, Asia and northern Africa, communicated in different languages, had different upbringings and worldviews.

It was not easy for the followers of the new religion. In order to spread Christian teaching, it was necessary to constantly travel, communicate with new people, spread new teachings about God and have a great gift of persuasion. The first people who devoted themselves to this activity called themselves apostles.

Explanation of the term

You can learn what an apostle is from the translation of this term from Greek. The ancient word goes back to ἀπόστολος, which means “ambassador” or “messenger”. The first apostles explained that they were messengers of a new teaching and a new faith. They carried the news about the Son of God and the sacrifice he made in the name of people. According to legend, this word was coined by Jesus Christ himself. This is what he called his closest students and followers.

The first apostles

The Christian Church gives a clear definition of what an apostle is. In the New Testament, this is the name given to those who knew Christ firsthand, helped him and followed his teaching. At first, the twelve people closest to him who shared the new teaching were considered apostles. After the betrayal of Judas, the ranks of the apostles were replenished with two more faithful followers of the new teaching. So the disciples and most zealous followers of Christianity became thirteen. There is a separate book of the New Testament that tells about the activities of the apostles after the death of Christ and his resurrection from the dead. They performed many glorious deeds and spread new ideas, but due to persecution by the authorities, almost all died as martyrdom.

Christianity and Rome

The Roman Empire initially had an extremely negative attitude towards the new faith. Adherents of Christianity learned the hard way what an apostle was in Ancient Rome. Christianity was persecuted, and followers of the new teaching were subjected to severe persecution. They were forced to hide in the catacombs, whispering and secretly conveying the news of the Savior. It is not for nothing that the symbol of the first Christians was fish - as a sign of mystery and silence.

“The Last Supper”, fresco from the 13th century. in the cave church, Cappadocia. The Body of Christ in the Grail is depicted as a fish

Despite the oppression, the new teaching continued to expand and attract more and more adherents to its ranks. Soon the apostles accepted 70 more believers into their ranks. This event is described in a separate book of the New Testament, which is called “The Acts of the Apostles.” All converts were disciples of Christ and preached a new faith.

Ίχθύς (marble stele, early 3rd century
Ichthys(ancient Greek Ίχθύς - fish) - an ancient acronym (monogram) of the name of Jesus Christ, consisting of the initial letters of the words: Ἰησοὺς Χριστὸς Θεoὺ ῾Υιὸς Σωτήρ(Jesus Christ the Son of God the Savior).

History of the word "apostle"

After some time, the government authorities of Rome realized the inappropriateness of fighting the new religion. Christianity receives government support and becomes the official faith. What an apostle is, what this person does and what place he occupies in Christianity is already known in the western and eastern parts of the Roman Empire. One of the most important books of Christianity is called.

Gradually, the word becomes very popular and in some areas becomes a name or even a surname. Among the Eastern Slavs, the surname Apostle is quite common. Apostol is a famous dynasty of Ukrainian Cossacks who gave the country several hetmans. In Russia there was a noble family of the Muravyov-Apostols, known for their participation in the Decembrist movement. In Bulgaria and Serbia this is a fairly common surname. In Greece there is such a name.

In Russian speech this word can also be used in a figurative meaning. Previously, to the question “What is an apostle?” the lawyers could answer that it was an appeal. Literary scholars - that this was the name of the first printed book in Russian, published in the mid-17th century.

  • Currently, the word Apostle denotes a convinced supporter of an idea.

The first printed book in Russia: “Apostle”

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Despite the fact that Christianity remains the leading religion in the territories of the former countries Soviet Union, many people are still poorly informed in the terminology of this belief. For example, some believers do not know the origin and meaning of the word “apostle” and would very much like to correct this unfortunate misunderstanding. If you are one of these types of people, then you have come to the right place. In this article you will find all the necessary information that interests you.

Apostle. What does this word mean?

This term has Greek roots. In order to answer the question “what is an apostle?”, it is necessary to know its original translation. Translated from Greek, the word "apostle" means "messenger", "disciple", "adherent" or "follower". In the context of gospel history, the word “apostle” was used to describe the disciples of Jesus Christ who spread his wisdom. Initially there were 12 of them: Peter, Andrew, James and John Zebedee, James Alphaeus, Bartholomew, Philip, Matthew, Simon the Zealot, Thomas, Judas Jacob and Judas Iscariot. After the betrayal and death of the latter, Matthew was chosen as the new apostle, so that the total number of disciples would again be 12.

After these events, Jesus Christ chose 70 followers, whose names are not mentioned in the Gospel. Among them are Mark, Luke, and also Paul, who became acquainted with the teachings of the Lord after his death and resurrection. Despite the fact that Paul was not initially associated with Christ and those around him, by his actions he fully demonstrated the true meaning of the word “apostle.” Thanks to him, Christian teaching spread widely throughout the Roman Empire.

In Orthodoxy, apostles are also called other saints who were involved in spreading the Gospel in pagan states and tribes (for example, St. Gregory the Illuminator, Apostle of Armenia). In church literature such people bear the title of “equal to the apostles.”

But the above facts are not the only explanations of what an apostle is. In church terminology, this word also means a book that contains part of the Gospel and the Epistles of the Holy Apostles.

The original meaning of the concept "Gospel"

In addition to the question “what is an apostle?”, an equally common question is about the meaning of the term “Gospel”. Like the previous word, it has Greek origin and literally means positive and good news. IN Ancient Greece In ancient times, the word "Gospel" was used in the following cases:

  1. To describe a gift to a messenger who brought good news.
  2. To describe a sacrifice made to ancient deities in honor of receiving positive news.
  3. To describe positive news.

Christian meaning of the concept "Gospel"

In church understanding it means the following:

  1. The good news is that the Lord lifted the curse of the very first sin from humanity and told us how you can save your spiritual component.
  2. A generalized name for the Savior’s teaching, which he gave to his disciples. The word "Gospel" describes the disciples' account of the activities of Jesus of Nazareth and his moral teachings. At the center of their story is the idea that Jesus is the head of the Kingdom of Heaven, the messiah and the redeemer of human sins.
  3. In certain cases, this designation describes New Testament wisdom in the form of the Christian religion, telling about significant events from the life of the Son of God, as well as about the morality that he preached and disseminated. Also, the word “Gospel” is used to interpret certain events that happened to Christ and the people around him.
  4. The story is about the sacrifice that Jesus made in the name of all mankind, for the sake of its salvation and the further continuation of life in the Kingdom of God.
  5. The word "Gospel", as well as its synonym "Good News", describes the spread of Christian ideals. Consequently, “Evangelization” is a full-scale missionary activity, the essence of which is the preaching of biblical teaching.

The Beginning of Christianity

You already know what “apostle” means. Now the time has come to talk about where exactly the disciples of Jesus Christ spread his teachings and what difficulties they encountered.

The government of the Roman Empire initially had a negative attitude towards the teachings spread by the followers of the true God. People who converted to Christianity were persecuted and severely punished for their worldview for a long time. The first Christians had to hide in the catacombs and, secretly from the authorities, spread the good news about the Savior. That is why fish was chosen as a symbol of the first followers of Christ - a sign of silence and silence.

Despite all the persecution and persecution, the young religion continued to spread throughout the territory of the powerful Roman state, attracting new followers. More and more more people began to learn about Christ, the afterlife, the holy letter and what an apostle is.


Time passed, the persecution of Christians continued, but at a certain moment the government leadership of Rome decided to stop fighting the adherents of the new religious movement. After some time, Christianity received official approval from the authorities, and soon became the official religion of Rome. After these events, everyone knew the meaning of the word "apostle", as well as the philosophy that these people spread.

Impact on language and culture

As you might have guessed, such a popular word could not help but leave its mark in the language and culture of the Slavic peoples. You already know the original meaning and origin of the word “apostle”; now it’s time to talk about other uses of this term.

For example, the surname Apostle is very common among representatives of Eastern European peoples. This surname belonged to the dynasty of Ukrainian Cossacks, from which famous hetmans emerged, as well as the Russian family of the Muravyov-Apostolovs, who took part in the Decembrist movement. In addition, the word “apostle” denotes certain terms used in a particular field of activity. Among lawyers, for example, it was synonymous with the word “appeal.” In our times, “apostles” are called adherents of a certain idea who are 100% convinced of the correctness of their worldview.