Restaurants that serve human meat. About a Japanese restaurant for cannibals: how fake news is born A restaurant for cannibals was opened in China

06.10.2021 Medicines 

A "restaurant for cannibals" opens in Berlin. According to the owners, food will be supplied to it by volunteers who want to donate their organs, writes the British newspaper The Daily Telegraph.

An advertising campaign launched by the restaurant offers to donate any body parts for it. The institution also requires a “surgeon without prejudice.” Politicians have already condemned this action as tasteless PR. The location of the restaurant has not yet been disclosed. But, he reports, the opening will take place in Berlin on September 8.

Those wishing to donate their organs to the restaurant kitchen are asked to fill out a form. It includes questions about health status, body weight, physical activity, consumption of alcohol, tobacco, drugs, medications, past surgical operations, pregnancy, etc.

The creators of the restaurant were inspired by the customs of the Brazilian Varicaca tribe. “We consider eating food a spiritual act, during which the spirit and power of the creature eaten is transferred to those who eat it,” explain the owners of the restaurant, whose names are also kept secret. In the Warikaka tribe, it was customary to eat their loved ones after their death in order to strengthen the spiritual connection with them and ease the grief caused by their passing.

The menu lists meat dishes with various side dishes, but there is no indication of what kind of meat is used, The Guardian newspaper notes.

Berlin politician Michael Braun said he has received complaints from his constituents about the restaurant. According to the deputy head of the capital's Christian Democrats, this is most likely a joke, but a painfully indecent one. Especially because a Berlin resident was recently killed by a cannibal, Brown recalled.

Apparently, Brown was referring to the cannibal Armin Meiwes, who was sentenced to life in prison in 2006 for killing and eating a Berlin man who voluntarily agreed to this mission.

Spoiler: More about Armin Meiwes

Armin Meiwes, a 42-year-old computer specialist from Rothenburg, confirmed that he stabbed and ate a man in March 2001. He also told the court that from the age of 8 he dreamed of becoming a cannibal.

According to investigators, in early 2001, a 42-year-old cannibal posted an ad on the Internet that he was looking for a “well-fed candidate to be eaten.”

In the spring, 43-year-old Berlin resident, Siemens programmer Bernd-Jürgen Brandes, responded to his call. For two weeks, the cannibal and the victim communicated with each other. On March 10, 2001, Brandes arrived from Berlin to Meiwes's house in Rothenburg. Before visiting the stranger, Bernd-Jürgen sold his personal car and took a leave of absence from work “to resolve personal problems.”

According to the investigation, before killing the man, Armin Meiwes cut off Brandes’s genitals, fried it, and they ate the dish together. Brandes then spent ten hours begging Meiwes to “cut off something else” and ultimately kill him. As a result, the programmer from Berlin lost consciousness from severe loss of blood, and the hospitable owner finished him off with an 18-centimeter kitchen knife. According to experts, Brandes died as a result of several blows to the neck. The scene of the murder and subsequent eating was recorded by the cannibal on a video camera, which was then added to the materials of the criminal case.

After the murder, Meiwes kissed the corpse, asked for forgiveness, and then dismembered Brandes' body and stored the parts in a freezer, labeling them "tenderloin," "fillet," and "steak."

He also left Brandes' skull in the freezer. “Every time I took out meat, I remembered it,” the cannibal later told investigators. Within a few next months Meiwes ate about 20 kg of meat from his victim. The maniac was arrested only in December 2002. The cannibal was reportedly arrested thanks to an Austrian student who came across messages Meiwes was leaving on an online conference.

During a search of the suspect's house, the police found a room equipped with all the equipment necessary for cutting up carcasses.

The first trial of Meiwes began on December 3, 2003. The court hearings took place in the city court of Kassel. The psychiatric commission found some disturbances in Meiwes's mental activity, but found him fully sane. A member of the commission, psychiatrist Wilmer, said at the trial that Meiwes “was thinking more about himself when he committed this act.”

As the doctor put it, the cannibal was simply “fulfilling his dream.”

The psychiatrist also stated that Meiwes began eating human flesh, most likely to stimulate his emotions.

The defendant's defenders, in turn, insisted on the version according to which the main motive for the murder committed by Meiwes was the desire to satisfy the perverted request of the victim. Under German law, such an act could amount to illegal euthanasia, punishable by three to five years in prison. Prosecutors argued that Meiwes committed the murder in response to his own unbridled desires. But the state prosecution simply could not demand the death penalty for Armin Meiwes - life imprisonment, since the investigation established that the victim herself wanted to be killed and eaten.

Meiwes himself pretended to repent of what he had done, but calmly talked about the shocking details of the murder.

As a result, in January 2004, Armin Meiwes was sentenced to only eight and a half years in prison.

Meanwhile, earlier a scandal erupted around a restaurant in Arizona over lion meat. Thus, few people liked the restaurant’s decision to include lion meat on the menu: animal rights activists launched protests, and journalists claim that instead of lions, visitors are being sold game.

Guidebooks warn of many dangers that may await travelers in a particular country. But no one warns about cannibalism. Surprise! Cannibalism is still practiced in some tribes, such as India, Cambodia and West Africa. And here are 7 countries where tribes are still not averse to feasting on people.

South East Papua New Guinea

The Korowai tribe is one of the last on Earth that regularly eats human flesh. They live along the river, and there have been cases when they killed random tourists. Healers also considered warm brains a real delicacy.

Why do they eat people? When someone in the tribe dies for no apparent reason (illness or old age), they consider it an act of black magic and, in order to protect others from harm, must eat the person.

Interesting fact: In 1961, Michael Rockefeller (son of New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller) disappeared while collecting artifacts about the tribe. His body was never found.


The North Indian Hindu sect of Aghori eats volunteers who bequeath their entrails. However, in 2005, Indian television crews conducted an investigation and learned that they also eat decaying corpses from the Ganges (a local tradition), and also steal organs from crematoria.

Why do they eat people?

Aghori believe that this prevents the body from aging.

Interesting fact: They make really nice jewelry out of human bone and skulls.


Formerly known as "Cannibal Island". Until now, local residents cannot restore order, and there are still those who eat human flesh, but not all, but only those of enemy tribes.

Why do they eat people? This is a ritual of revenge.

Interesting fact: Fijian cannibals are not animals at all - they eat with cutlery and collect rare things left over from their victims. You can find examples of such collections at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archeology and Anthropology.


The Wari tribe ate pious and religious dead until 1960, and after that some government missionaries slaughtered almost the entire tribe. However, poverty levels in Olinda's slums have been prohibitively high since 1994, and outbreaks of cannibalism still occur.

Why do they eat people? Poverty and hunger.

Interesting fact: In 2012, information appeared from researchers who interviewed local residents, and they claimed that they heard voices that told them to kill this or that person.

West Africa

The Leopard Society of Active Cannibals has been eating people since the last century. Until the 80s, human remains were found in the vicinity of Sierra Leone, Liberia and Cote d'Ivoire. The tribe is usually dressed in leopard skins and armed with their fangs.

Why do they eat people? The tribe believes that eating people makes them stronger and faster.

Interesting fact: They have a following - the Human Alligator community, which does similar things.


Journalist Neil Davis reported that cannibalism in these regions gained momentum during the wars in Southeast Asia (in the 1960s and 1970s). Nowadays, manifestations of cannibalism are occasionally observed.

Why do they eat people? The Cambodian troops had a ritual - eating the liver of the enemy.

Interesting fact: Many people in cities and villages were under the control of the Khmer Rouge organization, which strictly controlled all food in the area and artificially created famine in the country.


There are known cases of cannibalism in the Congo, and the latest were recorded not so long ago - in 2012. They reached their maximum during the Congolese civil war (from 1998 to 2002).

Why do they eat people? During the war, rebel groups believed that enemies should be eaten, especially the heart, which was cooked using special herbs.

Interesting fact: Congolese still believe that the human heart gives special strength, and if there are people, this will scare away enemies.

Have a nice adventure! :)

The other day, many Russian media wrote that the first restaurant for cannibals opened in Japan. According to them, cannibalism is not prohibited in the country, and you can bequeath your body to cooks for a lot of money. It turned out that this story is already a month old. And it didn’t start in Japan at all.

A number of Russian publications reported strange news. Allegedly, the first restaurant where you can taste human meat has opened in Japan., REN TV, Novye Izvestia and others wrote about this. The articles say that a restaurant called “Edible Brother” offers to taste human flesh for 1 thousand dollars and some tourists have already been lucky.

The publications explain that cannibalism was allegedly legalized in Japan in 2014. For example, writes:

It is unknown where the restaurant owners get the raw materials for their dishes, however, according to Japanese law, every citizen of the country can sell his body to a restaurant before dying. In this case, his family is entitled to up to 35 thousand euros. Young “specimens” are more valued

This is only partly true. The fact is that in Japan, cannibalism is not legally prohibited. That is, if you want to cut off and eat your leg, you will not be sent to prison for it.

However, cooking human flesh is still considered unethical. In 2012, a Japanese artist prepared his own genitals and fed them to five guests in public for 100,000 yen. Then this caused a big scandal, but the police only began checking the fact of sanitary standards during the shocking banquet, writes Kotaku.

As for the Edible Brother restaurant, which supposedly opened in Tokyo, it turned out to be a fake, which, by the way, was believed not only by Russian publications.

At the beginning of December, the West also wrote about a Japanese restaurant for cannibals. After this, the news began to spread across social networks.

But in fact, there is no restaurant for cannibals in Japan. The first time they wrote about him was not in Japan, but in Spain.

This was done by the satirical magazine La Voz Popular, which celebrated April Fool's Day in this way back in 2016. Moreover, as illustrations for the article, journalists used props to promote the game Resident Evil 6.

By the way, this prop has already been used for a similar hoax. It said that human meat began to be found in restaurants around the world, and then the “duck” was also quickly picked up by other publications, writes

In the Congo, one of the pygmies told how rebel soldiers salted the meat of his six-year-old nephew Keb Music before eating it. This struck the victim's uncle as particularly cynical. In his opinion, this fact indicates that cannibalism has become a common thing for the rebels, and human flesh has ceased to differ for them from beef or pork.

Amuzati Nzoli said he watched the cannibalism while hiding in the bushes near the tribesmen's camp, which was destroyed by Congo Liberation Movement rebels. In turn, the leader of the liberation movement said that he was “shocked” by the reports received that the fighters of his troops were eating people, reports.

According to human rights activists and UN officials, the rebels have already consumed at least a dozen pygmies and an unspecified number of members of other tribes.

The rebels are believed to have massacred all the people they found in the camp of Amuzati Nzoli tribesmen. Nzoli, who was out hunting at the time, claims he arrived in the midst of the carnage. Just at this time he saw how the rebels killed and roasted his six-year-old nephew over an open fire.

“They even sprinkled salt on the meat, as if cannibalism was very natural to them,” Nzoli noted indignantly. According to him, he fled in horror when he saw the act of cannibalism, and therefore cannot say what happened to the bodies of the other victims.

Many refugees have also previously spoken of rebels capturing and killing pygmies. The UN sent six officials to Congo to investigate cases of cannibalism. UN officials in the capital Kinshasa and the city of Goma in eastern Congo said widespread cannibalism had already been established.

“The province of Ituri is completely out of control, and cannibalism is the latest atrocity to occur here,” said one UN official. Pygmy tribes living in the Ituri jungle found themselves caught between two fires: four years in progress Civil War between pro-government troops and several Ugandan-backed rebel groups.

Local rebel groups capture pygmies to hunt and search for minerals for them. And those who do not want or cannot be useful are killed and eaten. The practice of cannibalism became established throughout eastern Congo as the last traces of colonial influence were destroyed during the war.

Many corpses are missing pieces of meat.


And here is the article dated February 12, 2014.

"Nigerian police have closed a restaurant that served food made from human meat. As a result of a raid on the restaurant, law enforcement officers found fried human heads, which were on the restaurant's menu.

As the Daily Mirror reports, citing the police, as a result of a raid on a restaurant in Anambra state, police detained 11 people, including the owner of the establishment. Law enforcement officers found two AK-47 assault rifles and other weapons, dozens of rounds of ammunition, several mobile phones, as well as two human heads wrapped in plastic. According to police, fried human heads were even on the menu.

A local pastor reported the diner to the police after visiting the establishment. According to him, he was surprised by the unusually large score. When the pastor asked the restaurant worker why the price was too high, he was told that he had eaten human meat.
"I was shocked," the pastor said.

Recall that last spring, South Korean customs officers discovered thousands of capsules containing the dried remains of unborn or dead babies. Such drugs are manufactured in China and are in great demand in the pharmaceutical market in South Korea.
The cargo was confiscated at Incheon International Airport, which is located 70 km from Seoul. The airport customs department reported that in total more than 1 thousand hazardous medications were seized. All of them contained the dried remains of unborn or dead babies.

Some restaurants in China offer soup made from babies who are 6-7 months old from conception. This dish costs from 3000 to 4000 yuan ($428.5-571.4) per serving. It is believed that this soup increases tone and vitality, and in older men it significantly increases potency.

One of his acquaintances, a businessman named Wang, who is already over 62 years old, told the correspondent that he is a frequent visitor to such restaurants, and then, pointing to his 19-year-old mistress, he emphasized that the dish of babies helps him a lot. The correspondent did not believe that someone really prepared such dishes, and then the businessman invited him to see everything with his own eyes.

Their first stop was in Foshan, Guangdong Province, they went to a restaurant and Wang asked a friend of the manager if he could make them this dish. The manager said they don't have any babies in stock right now, but they do have fresh placenta. He also said that babies and placentas should not be frozen, otherwise they will not taste good. He further said that they had young spouses in mind who had come from the village to work and that the woman was pregnant with twins and all were girls. The couple were going to induce premature birth and abandon children. And then, according to the manager, there will be products for the dish they need.

The correspondent still didn't quite believe all this. For several weeks he conducted an investigation in the city, heard many stories about it, but was unable to obtain any concrete evidence. Then Wang called him and said that the product was already available and that now the weather had turned cold and several of his friends wanted to improve their health.

This time they went to Taishan, Guangdong Province. They found the right restaurant, where they were already waiting. And then, while the whole company at the table was waiting for the order, the correspondent was given the opportunity to go into the kitchen and take a look. There he saw with his own eyes for the first time what he had already heard a lot about. On the cutting table lay the small corpse of a baby who was only 5 months old. The cook apologized to him because the baby was very small.

The cook said that they usually receive babies through their channels from the villages. He didn't say what their purchase price was, but said it depended on the size of the baby and whether it was alive or dead. Mostly these are girls.

Wang, in turn, told his friend that he was paying more than 3 thousand yuan and all these details about how they get the babies did not interest him.

Everyone sitting at the table in the restaurant that evening poured soup into their plates, divided the baby’s meat and ate everything with gusto. The correspondent himself could not overcome himself and try this dish.

In the process of his investigation, the correspondent also managed to get in touch with one of the Beijing artists, who believes that eating dishes from babies is a kind of cultural behavior. He also called himself a Christian, and stated that neither the Bible nor the laws of the country prohibit feeding infants.

We all think: cannibalism has been abolished in the civilized world. And we are wrong. Rumors about cannibalism in China began to spread in the press 4 years ago. A journalist from one of the Western publications managed to attend a “dinner”, during which the hospitable hosts cracked a human embryo boiled in soup on both cheeks.

Hong Kong's monthly Next Magazine recently published an article revealing how dead babies and fetuses are the most prized delicacy among the Chinese. The article also described all the details of storing and preparing this “delicacy.”

The reason for the article was the revelations of Liu's maid at a banquet of a Taiwanese businessman. Liu, who lives in Liaolin Province, said that dead bodies of babies, as well as fetuses obtained as a result of abortions, serve as a way for the Chinese to improve their health and beauty. The young human body, according to her, has much more beneficial properties than the placenta. However, such a delicacy is not available to everyone. Those without specific connections have to sign up on long lists waiting for a human body.

Male embryos are considered the most valuable. By the way, in previous media materials devoted to the problem of “embryonutrition” in China, the opposite information was reported - they say that the Chinese only eat girls and demographic policy is to blame. Everyone knows that in China you can only have one child without persecution by the law. Women are generally treated as second class, and every time a newborn girl appears in a poor family, the husband and wife are faced with a choice: either kill themselves, or kill the child, or sell the girl on the black market as food.

Obstetricians who deliver babies tell journalists that all newborn children from mothers who do not have permission to give birth are given an injection of alcohol in the head, from which the child inevitably dies. Thus, they get rid of many of the problems of “unlicensed” children every day.

At the request of the magazine staff, Liu showed the place where the embryos are prepared. In front of astonished journalists, she cut the fetus into pieces and made soup from it.

Don’t worry, it’s just meat, and nothing more than a highly developed animal,” she said during the process. According to the customs of the region, the germs are fired in forges before being cooked. However, some Chinese cannibals prefer placenta rather than newborn children; it is more accessible and sells for only $10. In some restaurants in the southern province of Guangdong you can order a very popular dish: soup made from a six- to seven-month-old baby with medicinal herbs. The cost of such soup is from 3000 to 4000 yuan.

The Chinese's passion for cannibalism is terrifying. In 2000, in Guangxi province, police detained a group of smugglers transporting babies in a truck, the oldest of whom was 3 months old. The children were stuffed three or four into bags and were practically dying. None of them had a missing person report from their parents. In 2004, a resident of the city of Shuangchengzi found a bag of dismembered babies in a landfill. The package contained 2 heads, 3 torsos, 4 arms and 6 legs. This and other terrifying information appears from time to time on the pages of publications and television screens in China.

Human babies are more difficult to obtain for food, and I believe China has laws regarding killing babies for this purpose. But there seems to be no law against eating aborted human fetuses or miscarriages. A number of abortion hospitals sell aborted fetuses for food.

Small fetuses are boiled for soup. Late uterine fetuses are eaten like roasted suckling pigs. It is clear that the Chinese government would be somewhat uncomfortable if Russian journalists wrote about this kind of thing, or made a film about what the Chinese do to cats and dogs. But it is worrying in vain: Russian journalists understand that such information cannot be published in any way; this would have a negative impact on public enthusiasm for closer rapprochement with the Chinese.

Reports that dead fetuses are used as a dietary supplement began circulating early last year with reports that doctors at clinics in Shenzhen were eating dead fetuses after performing abortions. Doctors defended their actions, arguing that the fetuses were beneficial for skin and general health.

Soon it was said in the city that doctors in the city recommended uterine fruits as a tonic. Cleaners at the clinic reportedly fought with each other over who could take home valuable human scraps. Last month, reporters from East Week, an affiliate of the Eastern Express, traveled to Shenjiang to check out the rumors. On March 7, the reporter came to the Shenjiang State Women's and Children's Health Center and pretended to be sick and asked the doctor for a fetus. The doctor said that they had run out of them in their department and asked me to come another time.

The next day the reporter came in during his lunch break. When the doctor finally emerged from the operating room, she was holding a glass bottle filled with embryos the size of thumb. The doctor said: “There are 10 fetuses here, all aborted this morning. You can take them. We are a public clinic and give them away for free."...

The reporter found that fetuses currently sell for $10 each, but when supply is tight, the price could rise to $20. But this money is a pittance compared to the prices at private clinics, which reportedly make a lot of money from fetuses. The clinic on Bong Men Lao Street charges $300 for one embryo. The director of the clinic is a man about 60 years old. When he saw an ailing reporter, he offered him 9-month-old fetuses, which he claimed had the best medicinal properties. When a female doctor named Yang... from the Xing Hua Clinic was asked whether fetuses were edible, she heatedly declared, “Well, of course. They're even better than placenta. They can make your skin smoother, your body stronger, and they are good for your kidneys. When I was in the military hospital in Jiangti Province, I often brought fetuses home."...

A Mr. Cheng from Hong Kong claims that he ate fetal soup for over six months. He is in his 40s and often travels to Shenjiang for business. Friends introduced him to fetuses. He says he met a number of professors and doctors at public hospitals who helped with the purchase of embryos. “I felt uneasy at first, but doctors told me that the substances contained in fetuses would help me get rid of my asthma. I started taking them, and gradually the asthma disappeared,” Cheng said...

Zou Kin, a 32-year-old woman with fine skin for her age, attributes her well-preserved appearance to a diet of fetuses. As a doctor at the Long Hu Clinic, Zou performed abortions on several hundred patients. She finds the fetuses to be very nutritious and claims she has eaten more than 100 in the last six months. She holds up a sample of the fetus in front of a reporter and explains the selection criteria. “Usually, people prefer the fetuses of young women; The best fetus to eat is the first-born boy. They will go to waste if we don't eat them. The women we abort don't want these fetuses. Besides, the embryos are already dead when we eat them. We don't perform abortions just to eat fetuses..."

Dr Warren Lee, president of the Hong Kong Nutrition Association, is aware of these unfortunate rumors. “Eating fetuses is a form of traditional Chinese medicine and has deep roots in Chinese folklore...” he says.

In an article dated April 12, 1995. from the Eastern Express, a newspaper published on English language in Hong Kong, there is much more information. If this is not enough for you, you can try to rummage through Chinese folklore yourself. As this person said, eating fetuses has deep roots in Chinese tradition.

S. Sergeev. (Based on materials from the National Alliance)