Technique for performing underwater shower massage. Underwater massage shower: indications and contraindications. Effect of the procedure. How does the procedure work?

26.02.2022 Medicines 

A procedure that really saves you from cellulite, helps you lose weight and improves your well-being - underwater shower massage. Indications and contraindications for its implementation are quite varied. There is an opinion that this is a very painful event. Is this really true? Who will be helped and who will be harmed by high pressure massage?

Underwater shower massage - what is it and why is it better than usual?

Underwater hydromassage refers to hydrotherapy procedures that are carried out in sanatoriums and beauty salons by specially trained employees. The essence of this treatment is that the client's body is massaged under water with a stream of water (it is supplied through a hose under high pressure and has a temperature of 30 to 37 degrees).

First, the patient carefully immerses himself in the bath and rests in it for about 2-3 minutes to relax and assume the desired position. Then the nurse, holding a hose in her hand, sprays the patient's body without touching the heart, chest and genitals.

The same technologies are used here as in standard contact treatment of the body - stroking, kneading, vibration. But this procedure, unlike conventional manual massage, has a triple effect. Mechanical irritation of the skin is complemented by heat and the hydrostatic influence of the bath.

Since a person is in warm water, the density of his tissues decreases. This allows you to influence not only the superficial layers of the skin, but also the deeper ones. However, this effect is more delicate than with manual massage. In water, the muscles involuntarily relax, which reduces pain and makes it possible to massage energetically and intensely. The effect of such treatment is much higher than that of conventional sessions.

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Who, when and why to do underwater massage: indications and contraindications

The underwater shower massage procedure should be prescribed taking into account the person’s condition and the presence of chronic diseases. Indications for such treatment are:

  • swelling after injury and caused by impaired lymph flow and venous stagnation (conditions that cause a feeling of “tired legs”);
  • insufficient microcirculation;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • obesity;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • disturbances in intestinal function;
  • insomnia;
  • menopause;
  • skin that has lost its elasticity, cellulite;
  • cosmetic problems (the procedure can be prescribed to model the body and skin elasticity);
  • intoxication of the body.

In addition, shower massage is prescribed to prevent microcirculation disorders and maintain normal age-related circulation. The procedure gives good results for muscle hypertension, recovery from injuries (in athletes) and to shorten the rehabilitation period after plastic surgery.

Underwater massage is prohibited for pregnant women. This hydrotherapy has other contraindications. These include:

  • any disease in the acute stage;
  • elevated temperature;
  • spicy infectious diseases;
  • thrombophlebitis, varicose veins;
  • inflammation of the skin;
  • severe hypertension;
  • kidney stones;
  • heart attack;
  • acute heart failure;
  • neoplasms (including benign);
  • cerebrovascular accident.

Are children given underwater shower-massage?

In the presence of special indications: cerebral palsy, pain syndrome, impaired stool, problems in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, neurological diseases, hyper- and hypotonicity of muscles - the underwater shower massage procedure can be prescribed to children. Only a pediatrician can do this, and it is strictly prohibited to carry out such treatment without consulting him.

Contraindications to the procedure are diseases in the acute stage, problems with the heart, liver or kidneys, jaundice, the presence of tumors, and skin injuries.

Is discomfort possible during hydromassage: reviews

How painful is an underwater shower massage? Reviews indicate that at first the effects of the jets seem quite unusual. Since the bathtub is quite large, especially compared to a standard home one (its dimensions are 2 m by 1 m), some people have to make efforts and strain to keep their body in the water at the required level and not change the given position.

To prevent the procedure from causing discomfort, you should relax your muscles as much as possible. This will avoid pain and improve the quality of the massage. If the muscles are tense, then all the therapeutic and health effects of the procedure can be neutralized.

Although, according to experts, shower massage should not cause pain, reviews show that this still happens. If during the procedure the patient has to endure severe pain (or great discomfort), then it is performed incorrectly. Simply put, we got an unqualified or inexperienced specialist.

Regarding the effectiveness of the procedure, patients note that if a shower massage is carried out for the purpose of losing weight, then provided proper nutrition will allow you to lose 3-4 kg in a course of 12-14 sessions. At the same time, unlike Charcot's shower, there are no large bruises left on the body. If bruises appear, they are small and soon go away.

The healing effect of shower massage is felt 1-2 weeks after treatment. The patient feels cheerful and active.

Underwater shower massage - effective procedure, which improves health, helps you acquire a slim figure and forget about the hated lumps of cellulite on the skin. Unfortunately, such treatment is now offered by non-specialized paid clinics and beauty salons, where it is given to everyone without taking into account contraindications.

Our body is mostly made of water. And the condition of the body directly depends on water balance. Since ancient times, women have used water procedures to rejuvenate and improve skin condition.

Currently, hydromassage procedures are a very popular and effective method for losing weight.

But in order not to harm your body in pursuit of beauty, before using this technique, you should be sure to familiarize yourself with all the indications and contraindications for hydromassage.

Hydromassage is a salon procedure that is performed in a special hydromassage bath. Its essence lies in a special therapeutic hydromassage with directed streams of water to certain areas of the body. Hydromassage is also called SPA massage.

It is generally accepted that this method of treatment was invented in Germany by rehabilitation doctors. During medicinal baths Patients endured their injuries much faster, their breathing and blood circulation returned to normal.

During this procedure, the massage therapist, using special water hoses, conducts a hydromassage session and actively stimulates every cell of your body.

Water-air flows are created from special nozzles, which are regulated depending on the purpose. The direction and strength of the flow is determined by the doctor who prescribes the massage session.

With this effective method You can improve your skin condition, reduce excess weight, get rid of cellulite and stretch marks, and improve blood circulation. Hydromassage normalizes blood pressure and helps relieve nervous tension and improves the general condition of the body.

Medicinal properties

This procedure combines several therapeutic techniques: massage, healing baths and thermotherapy. To enhance effectiveness, all these procedures are used comprehensively. Water massage is effectively used to treat various chronic diseases.

Hydromassage is effectively practiced to treat obesity and improve the skin. Underwater massage is incredibly beneficial for the general condition of the body.

It accelerates metabolic processes, improves emotional state, normalizes blood pressure, and increases resistance to viral diseases.

After aqua-therapy sensation, the body’s performance and endurance increases, brain function improves and sleep normalizes. Hydromassage is useful for normalizing the functioning of the heart; it harmonizes the functioning of the abdominal organs. With the help of water procedures, intestinal motility improves, it acquires the correct position.

During this procedure, activation occurs nervous system. It can have an invigorating or calming effect on the body depending on the temperature of the water.


The benefits of hydromassage are incredibly great; it is used:

  • to reduce excess weight and treat cellulite;
  • elimination of postpartum stretch marks;
  • removal of toxins from the body;
  • increasing the elasticity of the skin of the face and body;
  • elimination of muscle spasms;
  • increasing the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • increasing the strength of blood vessels and capillaries, treating varicose veins;
  • treatment of various injuries and fractures, postoperative period;
  • restoration of injured joints;
  • improving the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • normalization of blood circulation;
  • recovery from spinal injuries;
  • speedy healing of wounds and smoothing of scars.


Underwater massage

Manual underwater hydromassage is the most common type of water procedures. The patient is placed in a special bath and the massage therapist manually performs a massage using a directed hose.

The massage therapist applies a stream of water to the patient’s problem areas: abdomen, arms, thighs, calf muscles, face and neck. Using this method, they reduce excess weight, treat cellulite and shape the figure, and effectively relieve swelling and vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Sharko's shower

This is a “impact type” shower. When the patient is in the shower, the massage therapist uses a large hose to massage problem areas. At the same time, the water from the hose hits very hard, which creates a powerful stimulating and healing effect.

First, the water jet is applied fan-wise, then the water temperature changes and the procedure becomes contrasting. Charcot's shower activates the work of all human systems. Normalizes the functioning of the blood and lymphatic systems, reduces the appearance of “orange peel”, reduces excess weight, improves skin condition and heals the entire body.

Charcot's shower relieves stress and effectively treats neuroses and depression.


This is a type of SPA procedure that combines the effects of air and water currents. The patient lies down in a special wide bathtub, which is equipped with special nozzles from which air-water streams emit.

This is a very pleasant procedure when the whole body is enveloped in a weightless cloud of air bubbles. To enhance the healing effect, medicinal salts and essential oils are added to the water. Such baths promote muscle relaxation, tone the skin, reduce stretch marks and the appearance of cellulite.


This is the most modern type of hydromassage, which has not yet gained much popularity. It is carried out in a special bathroom, which is equipped with special nozzles - ultrasound sources. Ultrasonic massage produces a more active therapeutic effect and is considered more effective.

As a rule, it is combined with a jacuzzi and other types of massage. It is used to normalize the functioning of internal organs, reduce high blood pressure, and promote weight loss.

Vibrating bath

Vibration bath is also one of the methods of physiotherapy. With the help of waves of different frequencies, certain areas of the body are affected. The vibration mechanism can move along a certain area of ​​the body or be stationary.

The water in such baths can be ordinary or with the addition of mineral salts or essential oils. It is used to treat the respiratory and digestive organs, to prevent cellulite and reduce fat deposits, and to treat gynecological diseases.

Read about the procedure and much more in our separate material.

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Benefits and harms

Advantages of hydromassage:

  • An effective way to lose weight and get rid of excess weight.
  • Visible improvement in the condition of the skin and muscle tissue.
  • Hydromassage helps remove toxins from the body.
  • Active saturation of cells with oxygen.
  • Hydromassage helps to relax the body and is an excellent prevention of spasms.
  • Pronounced analgesic effect.
  • Strengthening blood supply and normalizing blood pressure.
  • Restoration of motor function and joint mobility.
  • Intestinal function improves and metabolic processes in the body are activated.
  • Increases the strength of blood vessels, preventing varicose veins.
  • Water procedures reduce stress, improve mood and general condition.

Disadvantages of hydromassage:

The aquatic environment can stimulate the proliferation of harmful microorganisms. Therefore, after each procedure, the bath must be thoroughly washed with special disinfectants. Injectors also often become clogged and require constant cleaning.

Hydromassage is not useful for everyone and has a number of contraindications. Also, hot tubs and equipment have a very high cost, which makes the procedure quite expensive.

Indications for hydromassage:

Who shouldn't

Contraindications to hydromassage:

  • acute inflammation in the body;
  • the presence of severe viral and infectious diseases;
  • diseases of the blood-forming organs;
  • oncological diseases, the presence of malignant tumors;
  • skin diseases: dermatitis, psoriasis, neurodermatitis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • kidney and urinary tract diseases;
  • ischemic disease;
  • persons who have suffered strokes and heart attacks;
  • with caution for patients with an installed pacemaker.

For children and elderly patients, the procedure is carried out strictly as prescribed and under the supervision of the attending physician.

The use of hydromassage during pregnancy is also not recommended; it is better to postpone this procedure until after childbirth.

For weight loss

Many people are interested in the question: does hydromassage help with weight loss? This type of massage promotes intensive breakdown of fats and therefore this method is actively used for weight loss and reduction of adipose tissue. Its action is based on activating blood circulation and normalizing lymphatic drainage, which in turn leads to a reduction in fat deposits in the arms, hips and abdomen.

Aqua massage actively helps normalize digestion, thereby regulating appetite and reducing the amount of calories consumed. Reducing toxins and removing excess fluid also has a positive effect on the fight against extra pounds.

What it is, how the session goes, recommendations for the procedure - read the article on our website.

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In the fight against cellulite

To effectively combat the “orange peel”, all types of water massage are used: underwater, Charcot shower, ultrasonic and vibration massage. To enhance the effect, various salts and minerals, seaweed extracts and essential oils are added to the water. The most effective essential oils are rose, lavender, orange and lemon oil.

Hot tubs are very effective way to combat various diseases. Water procedures have a lot useful properties, they are prescribed for weight loss and improving the condition of the nervous system and the whole body.

You can see how pleasant this procedure is by watching the video:

Most people, after a holiday at sea, notice positive changes in their figure - the skin becomes more toned, cellulite and stretch marks are less noticeable. What is the reason for such changes? It's all about the effect of water. But what to do if you want to get a slim, toned figure, but there is no opportunity to go on vacation?

In this case, it is recommended to do an underwater massage for weight loss, the effect of which is comparable to a vacation at sea. Moreover, you can carry out this procedure even at home if you have a special shower head.

What is this massage, what does it help and who is it contraindicated for? Let's figure it out together.

Indications and contraindications for underwater massage

So, underwater massage indications and contraindications. Let's start with its beneficial properties; in general, hydrotherapy leads to relaxation of the body in general and muscles in particular.

Therefore, if a person has pathologies of blood circulation, metabolism, lymph flow in the extremities, then an underwater massage will be just the best. There is also a clear list of pathologies for which it should be used. So, underwater massage indications:

  • depression, asthenia, sleep disorders, chronic fatigue syndrome, frequent stress and nervous stress;
  • diseases of the blood vessels and heart, central, peripheral and respiratory nervous systems, NCD, VSD, as well as arterial hypertension of the first degree;
  • ankylosing spondylitis;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • obesity, cellulite, metabolic disorders and gout;
  • muscle paresis caused by polio;
  • diseases of the digestive tract;
  • depletion of the immune system;
  • arthralgia, osteochondrosis, arthrosis, arthritis, sciatica, myalgia, post-traumatic period, motor impairment and other pathologies associated with the musculoskeletal system;
  • sports overloads and excessive physical stress;
  • the benefits of underwater massage have been proven for lymphatic and venous insufficiency, diseases of varicose veins, as well as in the presence of trophic ulcers, but except for thrombophlebitis;
  • The benefits of underwater massage have been proven for diseases of the genital area and sexual disorders.

But not everything is so safe; underwater shower massage, contraindications for which will be described below, cannot be used in all cases. Sessions of this type of massage cannot be prescribed if the patient has an exacerbation of a chronic illness, has had an attack of fever, or has been diagnosed with infectious diseases, including the skin.

Underwater massage contraindications, which are varied, can be continued after these problems have been eliminated. But absolute contraindications are the presence of hypertension, myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease of the second and third degree, thrombophlebitis, oncological pathologies, a tendency to form blood clots, previous cerebral strokes and urolithiasis.

And lastly, after you have learned what indications and contraindications there are for underwater massage, you should know that it is best to perform the procedure in special salons or other health centers staffed by specialists who have thoroughly mastered this technology, and not by beginners and amateurs .

The underwater shower massage procedure is very similar in its effectiveness to a classic hand massage. The underwater massage technique can not only cope with excess weight, but also speed up the movement of lymph and blood flow. This leads to an acceleration of the outflow of metabolic products and improves the supply of oxygen to all tissues of the body.

The underwater massage technique was thought out in such a way that after the procedure a person will not feel muscle pain and fatigue, which arise as a result of overstrain of certain muscle groups when leading a sedentary lifestyle.

Undoubtedly, underwater massage is an ideal way not only to relax your muscles after a hard day at work, but also to get your figure in order by losing a few extra pounds.

The underwater massage procedure can have a gentler effect on the skin compared to manual massage. At the same time, when performing it, it is guaranteed that there will be no unpleasant or painful sensations, but the result will exceed all your expectations.

The technique of underwater massage is as follows: during the procedure, the patient is immersed in a bath filled with a medicinal solution or plain water. You can add products such as essential oils, sea salt solution and herbal infusions to the water.

Over the course of five minutes, the patient gets used to the water, his body begins to gradually relax, after which the body begins to be massaged by a water jet, which is supplied through a special hose connected to the pump. In simple terms, water is pumped from the bathtub and supplied through a hose.

When doing an underwater massage, the most important thing is the pressure of the water jet, while being in the bathroom allows you to enhance the effect and relax the body as much as possible. The presence of different nozzles allows you to change the nature of the jet’s impact on different parts of the body; during this procedure you can also change the temperature and pressure of the water.

After the underwater shower massage procedure is completed, subtle redness may appear on the body, but it will go away soon. The course of procedures consists of ten to twenty sessions, the duration of each of which can be from fifteen minutes to one hour. It is recommended to repeat the course every six months.

To improve health and overall strengthen the body, it can be combined with.

The benefits of underwater massage have also been proven in people who are overweight. True, influencing fat deposits does not guarantee getting rid of excess weight without an integrated approach to the problem.

First of all, it should be noted that underwater massage for weight loss is not able to rid you of excess weight overnight, because in essence it is a physiotherapeutic procedure that cannot affect body weight. It only helps to correct the shape and give the skin elasticity during the weight loss process.

As is known, fat found in the human body can play a storage function - it acts as a reserve of nutrients. During the breakdown of fat deposits, chemical energy is released, which in most cases is used to work muscles and maintain body temperature.

As a result, all the energy released during the breakdown of fat is dissipated throughout the body in the form of heat. And in order to reduce fat tissue reserves, you need to consume less energy than you can expend. Otherwise, you will not be able to reduce fat tissue reserves, even with all sorts of procedures.

A completely different matter is an underwater shower massage for weight loss, which allows you to influence the very structure of the fiber located under the skin. This type of massage can be beneficial for skin conditions such as gynoid lipodystrophy, in simple language banal cellulite.

One of the effective methods of physiotherapy, used both in cosmetology and in traditional medicine, is underwater shower massage. What kind of procedure this is, what effects it has on the human body, what are the indications and contraindications for its use, as well as the technique of performing a shower massage will be discussed in our article. Let's begin...

Underwater shower massage – what is it? Effects of the procedure

Underwater massage shower has a beneficial effect on the body; the procedure stimulates metabolism, improves blood circulation and improves immunity.

Underwater shower massage is one of the hydrotherapy methods that combines several therapeutic factors: a fresh, herbal, salt or with the addition of essential oils bath, the massage effect of a water jet emitted under pressure, and the contrast in the temperature of the water in the bath and in the shower.

The effect of an underwater shower-massage is in principle similar to that of a classic therapeutic massage. However, it is more pronounced due to the fact that the patient’s body is in the water in the most relaxed state, which means that the massage is deeper and completely painless.

The intensity of the massage depends on the diameter of the tip, its distance from the skin surface, the angle of the jet and the pressure under which it is released. All these parameters can be changed repeatedly by a specialist as needed during the session.

A stream of water hitting the surface of the skin under pressure has a comprehensive effect on the body:

  • improves blood and lymph flow;
  • activates metabolic processes;
  • increases general immunity, tones;
  • hot water increases the tone of blood vessels and skeletal muscles, helps to increase blood pressure;
  • cool water reduces blood pressure, activates local immunity processes in the skin;
  • the combination of cold and hot shower stimulates the functions endocrine system and helps improve trophism (nutrition) of internal organs;
  • cool and warm showers reduce the intensity of pain and the excitability of the nervous system as a whole.

So, the effects of an underwater shower massage are:

  • trophic;
  • tonic;
  • calming;
  • vasoactive;
  • immunostimulating;
  • antispasmodic (pain reliever).

After completing a course of such procedures, patients note a significant improvement in their overall well-being. They become calmer, tolerate mental and physical stress better, are less likely to suffer from infectious diseases and complain less of headaches, muscle and bone-joint pain. The appearance of cellulite decreases, the skin becomes smoother, firmer and more elastic, scars on the skin and adhesions in the abdominal cavity soften, swelling in the abdominal cavity becomes less pronounced. lower limbs. The level of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood decreases. Many patients lose 3-5 kg ​​during the course of treatment.

It is worth noting that the procedure can be either general (the whole body is massaged, with the exception of prohibited areas (will be indicated below)), or local (only one area of ​​the patient’s body is massaged, depending on the indications (for example, the lower back or abdominal area)).

Indications and contraindications for underwater shower massage

This physiotherapy procedure is useful for almost everyone, but for some diseases its use will have the most pronounced positive effect. Such diseases are:

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, osteoarthritis, scoliosis and others);
  • metabolic diseases, in particular gout and 1st degree obesity;
  • pathology of the muscular system (myopathies, myositis, traumatic injuries);
  • diseases of the peripheral nervous system without exacerbation (neuritis, plexitis, polyneuropathy);
  • post-traumatic disorders of the peripheral nervous system;
  • muscle paresis as a result of previous polio;
  • neurocirculatory dystonia;
  • hypertension at the initial stage;
  • tendency to low blood pressure;
  • ankylosing spondylitis (ankylosing spondylitis);
  • Raynaud's disease;
  • chronic gastritis, colitis and functional bowel disorders;
  • lymph flow disorders;
  • obliterating atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities;
  • chronic venous diseases (varicose veins, chronic trophic ulcers, hemorrhoids);
  • chronic salpingoophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries and fallopian tubes in women);
  • skin pathology (hyperkeratosis, scaly lichen, neurodermatitis);
  • depressive states;
  • neurasthenia;
  • sexual neurosis;
  • cellulite;
  • local fat deposits that the patient would like to get rid of;
  • decreased firmness and elasticity of the skin and muscles.

Also, underwater shower massage can be useful during increased physical activity and during the rehabilitation period after operations, including plastic ones.

In some cases, this physical procedure will not only not bring the desired benefit to the patient, but may even cause harm to his health. So, contraindications to underwater shower-massage procedures are:

  • pregnancy period;
  • menstruation;
  • early childhood (up to 5 years) and old age (65-70 years and above);
  • acute infectious diseases with or without fever;
  • any non-infectious diseases accompanied by an increase in body temperature (for example, systemic diseases connective tissue in the active phase);
  • recent injuries (up to 10 days) and injuries requiring immobilization;
  • pustular skin diseases;
  • acute and chronic cerebrovascular accidents;
  • history of myocardial infarction;
  • hypertension stages II-III;
  • coronary heart disease 2-3 degrees;
  • cardiac arrhythmia;
  • urolithiasis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • diseases accompanied by an increased risk of blood clots;
  • diseases with an increased risk of bleeding;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • benign tumors with a tendency to grow.

Equipment and technique for the procedure

To carry out underwater shower-massage procedures, you need a special bath of a sufficiently large size (2 m long and 1 m wide, containing 1.6 m 3 of water), equipped with a flexible hose and a set of nozzles of different diameters.

The medical staff prepares a bath, the water temperature of which is 30-37° C. The bath may simply contain fresh water, but more often in order to enhance the desired effect, decoctions are added to it medicinal herbs, sea salt or a few drops of a mixture of essential oils.

The patient is immersed in water and simply lies in it for 5-7 minutes, getting used to the temperature of the water and gradually relaxing. After this time, the massage itself begins. It is produced using a flexible hose connected to a pump. Through this hose, under pressure from 1 to 3-4 atmospheres, water comes out in a stream, which has a massage effect. The specialist constantly changes the angle of the jet and the distance from the end of the nozzle to the skin (as a rule, it ranges from 3 to 15 cm).

The effect is carried out similarly to the techniques of classical therapeutic massage.

  1. Stroking. The specialist moves the shower tip 10-15 cm from the surface of the patient’s skin. The angle of inclination of the jet is approximately 30°. The jet is moved along the massage lines on the body, as if pressing it with the left hand folded into a groove. If necessary, air can be sucked into the hose to create so-called pearl bubbles.
  2. Kneading. The specialist places the tip at a distance of 3-5 cm from the patient’s body, changes the angle of incidence of the jet to a straight line (equal to 90°) and makes circular movements with it (the jet).
  3. Kneading. With his left hand, the doctor grabs the skin into a fold, pulls it back and directs a stream of water there in a circular motion, gradually changing its angle from perpendicular to the surface of the body to an almost horizontal position.
  4. Vibration. With a hand with a hose, the specialist makes oscillatory movements in the direction from the periphery to the center, from the distal parts of the body to the proximal ones. Such movements promote the outflow of blood from the veins and improve lymph flow. Avoid exposure to the heart area, mammary glands in women and genitals. The abdominal area is massaged exclusively clockwise, since it is in this direction that the peristaltic movements of the intestines occur, through which food masses move through it. Counterclockwise movements of the massage jet will disrupt this mechanism, worsening peristalsis.

After the massage is completed, the patient remains in the bathroom for another 5-7 minutes.

At the end of the procedure, some redness of the skin is possible (due to the activation of local blood flow) - this phenomenon is harmless, is not a complication and does not require seeking medical help.

The total duration of the procedure is from 15 to 30, less often up to 45 minutes daily or every other day. The course of treatment is 10-15-20 baths, it is recommended to repeat it every six months.

Underwater shower-massage can be carried out in medical institutions, beauty salons, massage rooms and sanatoriums, if these organizations are equipped with a special bathroom and have personnel qualified in this field.

Concluding the article, I would like to note that despite the many positive effects, underwater shower massage can cause irreparable harm to the health of certain categories of patients. For this reason, the question of the advisability of prescribing this physiotherapy procedure should be decided exclusively by the doctor. It can be carried out by a specialist who thoroughly possesses the relevant knowledge. By observing these conditions, you will get the maximum benefit from the underwater massage procedure, and, on the contrary, will reduce the risk of developing unwanted reactions to zero. Don't get sick!

Video about what an underwater shower massage is:

Whatever types of massage have been invented. Manual, vacuum, honey. Massage with spoons. Seashells. Even snails! However, we’ll leave the exotic for another time, and in this article we’ll talk about underwater massage for weight loss. What is he like? Who should resort to “water” massage? Who should abstain? Let's try to figure it out.

Outwardly, this procedure resembles a pleasant spa relaxation. First, you soak in a bath of water at a comfortable temperature until your muscles relax and your body feels light. This usually takes 5-7 minutes. To add comfort to visitors and pamper their skin once again useful substances, many salons add plant extracts, sea salt or essential oil mixtures to the underwater massage bath.

After you are completely relaxed, the massage therapist takes a hose with a special nozzle and begins to thoroughly treat your entire body with a stream of water. Particular attention is paid to problem areas - the abdomen, hips, sides, back and buttocks. By the way, a huge advantage of an underwater shower: massage can be carried out even on the inner side of the thigh, which is usually not recommended to be subjected to harsh influence.

However, don’t think that you are in for complete relaxation! This procedure is similar to the famous one and it works on the same principle. To stretch subcutaneous fat, activate blood circulation and eliminate stagnant processes in cells, the water pressure must be very noticeable! The only difference between this procedure and the famous shower is that the water in the bath somewhat softens the blows of the jets, and therefore the underwater massage lasts longer: a minimum of 15, a maximum of 60 minutes. All this time, the master will change the nozzles and water temperature in order to have different effects on different parts of the body - somewhere especially strong, somewhere softer.

So keep in mind: if you dozed and relaxed throughout the procedure, it did not bring you any real benefit. But mild pain and redness of the skin after an underwater massage are quite normal results. Some clients often experience minor bruises, which, however, soon disappear.

Also, do not forget that you will be able to see the results of water massage only after 4-5 sessions, and not earlier. And to achieve a truly noticeable effect, it is recommended to undergo an average of 15 procedures.

What does a vacuum attachment do?

The matter is not limited to just changing the pressure and temperature of the water stream. Underwater manual massage has its own “subtype”: vacuum massage. By and large, it is also manual, since the same master will carry out the procedure with the same tools. However, there is one significant difference.

A special nozzle with an effect is put on the hose. Being pressed to the skin, the nozzle slightly draws it in, and then a stream of water hits the side. Thus, the beneficial effects of two different procedures are combined, and a double blow is applied to cellulite, which cannot be achieved with standard types of vacuum or underwater massage.

Indications for the procedure

In addition to the fact that as a result of exposure to a water jet, the appearance of cellulite is reduced, the body becomes more toned, and the skin is fresh and elastic, the procedure has a number of medical indications. It is recommended for people who have problems with:

  • metabolism in general and excess weight in particular;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • susceptible to stress and nervous disorders;
  • those in need of general strengthening of blood vessels. However, this does not include cases of existing varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.

In addition, reviews consider underwater massage to be an excellent remedy for physical fatigue, swelling and bad mood. Indirectly, the procedure even helps to get rid of stretch marks and scars on the skin - they soften and are better amenable to the action of other aids. However, I would like to warn you: do not expect a significant effect from the procedure if you neglect your diet and lead a sedentary lifestyle. Only a whole set of measures, and not one separate procedure, can help the body get rid of excess fat. Even if it's an incredibly beneficial underwater massage.


It is prohibited to expose yourself to water jets when:

  • colds and acute viral diseases;
  • coronary heart disease;
  • constant high blood pressure;
  • pronounced varicose veins and thrombophlebitis;
  • the presence of stones in the urinary system;
  • skin damage, both mechanical and associated with disease - for example, dermatitis;
  • tumors;
  • circulatory disorders.

You should not resort to underwater massage during pregnancy or menstruation. In any case, a visit to a doctor who will “give the go-ahead” for the procedure is necessary.

Underwater massage at home

A “lightweight” version of hydromassage can be performed in the most ordinary bathroom. Naturally, its result will not be as significant as in the salon - your home shower simply does not have enough power for this. But there are two ways to help the cause:

  • purchase a special nozzle that will increase the strength of the streams;
  • While lying in the bathroom, first go over your thighs with a vacuum can, and then treat them with a hose with a standard nozzle.

And don't forget to resort to a simple one at the end, but effective remedy- . If you perform these procedures regularly, you can get rid of cellulite even without going to the salon or making additional investments.

Video: How is massage done?