How to fight against a mole cricket. How to get rid of mole crickets in the garden forever: effective methods of control. Signs of a pest in the garden

05.11.2021 Complications

In beds with just planted seeds, the pest breaks through numerous tunnels, preventing their germination. For the radical, there is a wide range of chemical insecticides that destroy both adult individuals and their offspring.

We have selected list of the most effective and popular means of combating mole crickets, which are guaranteed to save your garden from harm without damaging the plants.


Many experienced gardeners fight mole crickets with ammonia (ammonia water). In addition, ammonia is an excellent nitrogen fertilizer.

Release form

Aqueous solution in plastic or glass bottles.

Chemical composition

Ammonium hydroxide - 30% concentration.

Mechanism of action

Ammonia is a remedy for mole crickets that has a strong unpleasant odor, which repels harmful insects.

Duration of action

Very short-lasting, the smell quickly disappears. Therefore, application is necessary at least once a week.

Ammonia against mole crickets should not be combined with baits that attract mole crickets with their smell.

When to use?

During any growing season when watering.

Mode of application

Add 3-4 dessert spoons of ammonia water to a bucket of water, stir well and water the plants at the roots.


The drug is very toxic to people and all warm-blooded animals - hazard class 2.


This remedy against mole crickets has a very wide range of effects on most pests living in the soil.

A reliable and proven drug that is guaranteed to destroy mole crickets.

Release form

Granules placed in a waterproof bag. Packaging: 100g.

Chemical composition

The main substance is diazinon at a concentration of 40 g/l.

Mechanism of action

Neurotoxic properties lead to paralysis of the mole cricket's limbs. This occurs due to blockage of the enzyme cholinesterase involved in the transmission of impulses nervous system.

The enzyme should cause hydrolysis of free acetylcholine, which instead begins to accumulate in the synaptic opening, interfering with the passage of impulses.

Methods of entry into the body: intestinal, systemic and contact. If you constantly use this drug, you can get a mole cricket, have developed resistance to its effects.

Duration of action

The period of plant protection from mole cricket lasts at least 13-15 days. At this time, diazinon gradually enters the plants through the root system.

Compatibility with other drugs

Diazinon combines well with herbicides and fungicides. Water emulsion is actively used in tank mixtures.

When to use?

It is preferable to apply the insecticide before rain. Other weather conditions do not play a special role. Granules are applied when planting and then during any growing season.

The exception is strawberries and wild strawberries - the drug to protect them is placed in the soil after harvesting.

Mode of application

Terradox granules are intended for application into the soil. Directly in the beds or between rows, holes are made or grooves 2-4 cm deep, into which insecticidal granules are placed s.

20-25 g of the drug are consumed per 10 square meters of area. During the season, you can do 2 treatments with a break of 2 months.


Terradox is classified as hazard class 3, as a drug with low toxicity to animals, bees and people.


A combined insectoacaricide used to destroy pests living in the ground. It has a very wide range of effects.

Release form

Wetting powder, packaged in 100 and 20 ml bottles and 5 ml ampoules.

Chemical composition

bifenthrin 100 g/l
imidacloprid 100 g/l

Mechanism of action

Bifenthrin, like other pyrethroids, disrupts the metabolism of sodium and calcium. Imidacloprid slows the opening of sodium channels and inhibits the activity of enzymes involved in the transmission of impulses along nerves.

Thus, the normal functioning of the nervous system is disrupted on both sides at once. The insect experiences severe overexcitation, convulsions and convulsions, turning into paralysis and, as a consequence, death.

The drug is systemic, enters the body through contact and intestinal routes. The likelihood of developing resistance is very low.

Duration of action

Activity is guaranteed to continue for 15-18 days. Complete disintegration of the product occurs after 45 days.

Compatibility with other drugs

Combined with fungicidal substances.

When to use?

Climatic conditions do not affect the effectiveness of the drug. It is recommended to use the product after rain.

How to prepare bait?

The basis is boiled cereals - pearl barley, peas, corn, millet. The porridge should be crumbly and well cooked.

Vofatox (20ml) is poured with a small amount of water (100 ml) and stir until the powder is completely dissolved. Add the solution to 1 kg of porridge and mix well. Leave the mixture alone for half an hour to allow it to infuse.

Immediately before use, add 40-50 ml of super-fried vegetable oil to the bait and mix again. The mixture can be stored in a cool place for no more than 3 days.

Mode of application

The prepared bait is laid out around the planted seedlings on moist soil and covered with a small layer of soil so as not to attract birds.


The drug is very toxic to rats and mice, moderately toxic to birds and slightly toxic to humans - hazard class 3.


An effective remedy for mole crickets, a unique environmentally friendly product that does not contain toxic chemicals. Used to combat mole crickets and garden ants.

Release form

Cereals colored green. Packaged in waterproof bags with a capacity of 100 and 200 g.

Chemical composition

  • Boric acid;
  • Kerosene;
  • Groats;
  • Sugar;
  • Sunflower oil;

Mechanism of action

Boric acid, after entering the digestive system, destroys the intestinal walls and water balance, causing dehydration. Kerosene depresses respiratory functions.

Duration of action

The drug works for 10-14 days.

Compatibility with other drugs

It goes well with most well-known drugs.

When to use?

The first treatment should begin before planting and sowing seeds in the beds. Repeatedly - as needed, but especially during mole cricket breeding. Weather conditions are not important.

Mode of application

The preparation is laid out along the already dug passages of the mole cricket or grooves and holes are prepared in the beds, holes and row-spacings. Recommended amount: 3-4g (1/2 teaspoon) every half meter of area. Planting depth is 2-4 cm.


Rembek is classified as hazard class 3 for people and animals - moderate poisoning ability.


Effective bright colored granular insecticide, designed to destroy pests living in the soil. These include mole crickets, beetleworm larvae, and wireworms.

Release form

This medicine for mole crickets consists of red and green granules placed in waterproof bags. Weight - 100 g.

Chemical composition

The main substance is malathion 50 g/kg.

Mechanism of action

Once in the insect's body, malathion is converted into a physiologically active substance with very high toxic potential.

With frequent use of the product, insects begin to develop resistance to malathion. The body of such pests develops the ability to destroy the chemical, turning it into a non-toxic compound.

Duration of action

Death occurs 3 hours after the drug enters the mole cricket’s body. The duration of toxic activity is up to 20 days after placement in the ground.

Compatibility with other drugs

Malathion, among other organophosphorus compounds, combines well with most known insecticides and fungicides.

When to use?

The first laying of granules is carried out 8-10 days before planting seedlings and sowing seeds in moist soil. It is advisable to carry out the procedure after rain or shortly before it starts.

Mode of application

Mole cricket poison is placed in grooves or holes up to 5 cm deep, placing Rubit in the places most frequently visited by mole crickets - heaps of manure and compost, beds and holes, row spacing, tree trunk circles. The granules are covered with earth on top. The consumption rate is 6-10 g every half meter.


Rubit is a moderately toxic product. belongs to hazard class 3 for people, mammals and birds.

The mole cricket is extremely voracious and she doesn’t care at all about how much work and effort we put into our dacha affairs. Read the advice of our experts on what is effective with this insect, including.

Alternative method

Not long ago, inquisitive gardeners discovered that the drug Regent, which designed to kill Colorado potato beetles, is also effective against mole crickets.

The bait is prepared from boiled cereal (1-1, kg), which is impregnated with the contents of one Regent package. Add 3-4 tablespoons of sunflower oil to the mixture, mix it all thoroughly and lay it out on the beds, lightly sprinkling it with soil.

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The mole cricket is a rather unpleasant creature, in the sense that it does not look very attractive, and it also seriously harms gardeners. Often she gnaws the roots of the ones we planted. cultivated plants, destroys their seeds and seriously spoils root crops such as radishes, potatoes or carrots. And this, oh, is not all that she is capable of. It is precisely because of all these far from minor “dirty tricks” that it is forever included by summer residents on the “Honor Board” of the most dangerous pests. So, in the summer, we constantly return to the question of how to get rid of it. If you decided to read this article, it means that the mole cricket got you too.

Fighting mole crickets in the garden or garden plot. We use folk remedies

You can find out what a mole cricket looks like and what kind of insect it is. We won’t talk about that. In addition, there is another very short article that lists several methods on how to get rid of it. This same article will be a little larger in volume, and in it we will list folk remedies that, I really hope, will still help you get rid of mole crickets. Chemistry, of course, can also be used. But such chemistry is a very dangerous thing, both for ourselves and for nature and the beneficial creatures that inhabit it. But folk remedies are completely safe. Of course, they do not act as quickly as chemical drugs, but with their regular use you can also get rid of mole crickets. But you won’t poison the earth with chemicals.

The method, perhaps, can safely be considered one of the simplest. This solution is simply poured into the place where the mole cricket made the entrance to its dungeon. You need to fill a liter or two of solution. From such a “soap flood” the mole cricket will quickly jump out. Here, you just need to catch her (so, “don’t sleep”), what you do with her next is your business.

As for the soap solution itself, many say that you can use any soap, even washing powder. But, nevertheless, it is better not to use powder. It contains quite a lot of various “nasties” (bleaches, phosphates, etc.), which, of course, are needed for laundry, but it is better not to allow them into the soil. It’s better to limit yourself to soap, or even better, laundry soap. You can do without soap at all, because a mole cricket is not a beaver, and it doesn’t like water. So she will jump out of the hole and from plain water.

As for mole cricket burrows and where to look for them, look for plants in the area that are withering. Most likely, it was the mole cricket that spoiled their roots. She does this on purpose so that with its leaves the plant does not create a shadow that blocks the laying of eggs from the sun. All these signs will indicate to you a well-compacted mole cricket burrow. Such a hole is usually a dense lump of soil, and it is in it that a clutch of eggs can be found, and this is up to 200 hundred eggs!

Next, let's talk about the different types of traps that you can use to catch a mole cricket. Why are they convenient, that they are installed once, and then they do not require your participation in the fight against the mole cricket. They themselves will catch this pest, and you can relax, although there are never any problems with work in the garden.

Glass jar trap

As you know, the mole cricket is a good “metro builder”; it digs underground tunnels very well. It is along them that she then moves. What will we need to do? We take a simple jar, small, half a liter or 700 gram. And we dig such a jar on the path near the bear, with the neck up. When the bear once again goes through her dungeon, she will simply fall into it. She will no longer be able to get out of the jar.

Sweet trap with honey

Here you will also need a glass jar, or you can use plastic bottle, which is simply trimmed (the narrow part is cut off). Coat the inner walls of a jar or bottle with honey. In height, honey will need to be applied to about ¼ of the part. Next, we bury our trap in the ground. We cover it loosely with something so that the earth does not fall asleep there (a piece of plywood, for example, is suitable for this), and on top of the cover we also pour straw. The smell of honey will attract mole crickets, and a lot of them can gather in the straw.

Beer trap for mole cricket

We open a 0.5 liter bottle of beer, pour out (or drink) more than half of the contents, leaving about 100 grams. Next, we dig a small hole, and into this hole we dig our bottle with the rest of the beer. You need to dig in at an angle, with the neck up. In this case, the neck of the bottle itself should not touch the soil. We water the soil in this hole a little and cover it with something. A sheet of slate, a tin or good, thick cardboard will do. You can also catch a lot of mole crickets with this “beer bait”. A week or 10 days will pass, we will dig up the bottle along with the mole crickets that by that time will fall into it, and we will equip such a trap in another place. Such beer traps can be placed one at a time, per 4 or 5 square meters of your site.

Manure trap

How does it work? For wintering, the mole cricket selects warm and loose soil for itself. Manure is just such a place. So, autumn is the time to make such traps. To do this, you will need to dig 2 or 3 holes throughout the entire area. Their depth should be up to 50 centimeters. Next, fill these holes with manure (necessarily well-rotted), which will also need to be mixed with straw. By winter, mole crickets will begin to gather in such a warm pit, preparing to “rest” until spring. When frost comes, this pit will need to be destroyed. So the mole cricket, and along with it its larvae, will freeze in the cold, and your area will become much less populated by this pest.

Fighting mole crickets with eggshells

The egg shells will need to be dried, then crushed well, and flavored sunflower oil, that is, unrefined, should be added there. Place these fragrant shells in holes or grooves where you will plant seeds or seedlings. As they say, the bear loves such a delicacy, but it becomes fatal for her. The same shells that remain in the garden will simply fertilize the soil. So, this recipe is not only effective in combating mole crickets, but also beneficial for the soil.

What does the bear not like, and how can you use it to fight it?

Needles, or rather their smell, is the first thing that the mole cricket simply cannot stand. So, stock up on a needle case, scatter it around the area, and then dig it up.

  • Mole crickets don’t like marigolds either; you can simply plant them between the rows of your beds. The bear doesn't like chrysanthemums either. When autumn comes, remember about chrysanthemums, when they fade, just cut off their stems. Next, we tie these stems together to form small bunches and let them dry. When spring comes, we chop up the dry stems and also put them in the soil.

  • You can destroy a mole cricket and its eggs by simply loosening the soil. This should be done deeply, up to 12 centimeters deep.

  • The bear doesn't like aspen either. We prepare aspen stakes (just like against vampires!) 25 or 30 centimeters long. Such pegs should be 2-4 centimeters in thickness. Be sure to leave the bark on the pegs. You can “not bother” with stakes, but simply use aspen branches of the same thickness. Such pegs are simply stuck into the ground along their entire length, every meter or two. This way you can scare away the mole cricket.

  • Wind turbines can be built. They can be made from plastic pipes. At the end of such a pipe, a propeller is simply placed, which will rotate from the wind. The noise of such a turntable will scare away the mole cricket.

  • You can put pieces of old boards on it in the spring, when the ground has already thawed; plywood or something similar will also work. The mole cricket will certainly crawl under them to bask. Then this “shelter” is raised, and the mole cricket is thrown into a prepared bucket of water, where kerosene is also added. The same thing can be done in the summer.

How to catch a mole cricket?

You can catch a mole cricket, but you won’t be able to catch it even in the most cunning traps if you don’t know what it likes.

As for the manure trap, it is better to fill it with horse manure. But quite often the mole cricket comes to “visit” us along with pig or cow manure. If she lives in it successfully, then it is also quite suitable for such traps. You can also enhance the attractiveness of manure traps by simply adding beer or sunflower oil.

You can make traps from manure in the spring. To do this, you do not need to dig a hole; manure is simply poured in small piles on the site, in different places. Such piles are very attractive to the mole cricket, where she lays her eggs. 25 or 30 days will pass, such piles are looked through and both the mole cricket and its offspring are destroyed, if you are lucky with the “hunt”.

How to protect plants from mole crickets?

Traps, of course, are good, but still, plants need to be protected from mole crickets. There are plenty of methods here too.

We take any piece of old natural fabric and cut it into small pieces, approximately 20 by 10 centimeters. Next, we soak these pieces in water and wrap them around the trunks of the seedlings from below. For some reason, the mole cricket does not like such protected seedlings; it does not approach it. As for the fabric, it will simply rot on its own. You can replace this fabric with pieces of a watering hose. It is cut into 8-10 centimeter sections, then it is also cut lengthwise, and then it is also put on the stems of the seedlings. The piece of hose from below should rest almost on the roots, and from above they should only protrude about 3 centimeters from the soil.

There are gardeners who generally cover all the roots of the plant as a whole, and not just its trunk. To do this, select tin jars that are suitable in size for the plant. The end of such jars is simply cut out.

You can simply scatter egg shells (you will need to crush them) around the plants. This works well when planting seedlings.

You can plant soybeans next to the beds. The mole cricket also does not touch such beds. Soy somehow scares her away. Also, if there are toads on your site, then this is very good. They love to feast on mole crickets. If there are no toads, then you need to attract them.

Fighting the mole cricket with the help of “chemistry”

Since this method exists, it is still necessary to talk about it so that you know how to use various drugs.

You can use Aktara 25WG suspension. The roots of the seedlings are moistened with it before you plant them. The suspension will need to be diluted. Just one and a half grams of Aktara per liter of water is enough for you to process as many as 250 seedlings. The temperature should be 18-23 degrees, and the drug’s effect lasts from 90 minutes to 120 minutes. This is suitable for cabbage, eggplant, as well as tomatoes and sweet peppers.

There is a drug “Medvedtox-U” (about 300 grams per hundred square meters) that will protect your potatoes. It is also suitable for cabbage and tomatoes. There is no need to dilute anything here; it is poured directly into the furrows (3-4 centimeters in depth). You can also sprinkle it between the beds. The option of using it around the perimeter is also suitable. After scattering the preparations, the grooves are simply sprinkled with soil, and then watered when seedlings are planted or tubers are planted. You will need to pour a bucket (that is, 10 liters) per square meter of water.

You can use another type of suspension, this is “Prestige 290 FS”. Its consumption is small, only 100 ml of this “prestige” per 10 liters of water. Plants are soaked in it for 6 or even 8 hours.

There is "Phenoxin" in granules. It smells “good” to the mole cricket, so it is strongly drawn to the granules of such a drug, but they are poisonous.

The drug "Kapkan" is used in traps. They are dug in manure, where mole crickets build their nests. This drug is poured into these traps. But pets need to be protected from it so that it does not lie on the surface. You can also use it directly in the garden. We also dig shallow grooves (3-5 centimeters) and place granules in them. They are not covered in a continuous line, but placed every 20-30 centimeters. Again, don’t forget to sprinkle them with soil. They are not dangerous to the soil. Some time will pass, and these granules will simply dissolve from moisture. If there are a lot of mole crickets and they appear in these places constantly, then the placement of such granules will need to be repeated again, in two weeks, when the “youth” of the mole crickets have grown up.

As you can see, there is a remedy for mole crickets, and not just one. What to use is up to you to decide. Try it and find the most effective method of fighting mole crickets in your area. And here is another very good video where they will tell you how to get rid of a mole cricket. Let's see.

Mole cricket is a harmful insect that is dangerous to your crop. It acts selectively, damaging the roots of fruit-bearing bushes and not affecting weeds. The mole cricket reproduces quickly, so if no action is taken, it will destroy all the plants planted in your garden.

The mole cricket has a thick shell, so it is unlikely to be crushed. But, thanks to its large size, reaching 5-8 cm, it is more noticeable than other pests. The insect has wings, so it will be quite difficult to catch it. The mole cricket lives deep underground, as it loves warmth and dampness.

Who are bears?

These insects have probably caught your eye. It's hard not to notice them. They have a thick, smooth brown shell and a grey-green belly. During the breeding season, a mole cricket can lay up to 300 eggs, which quickly mature and turn into new pests.

These insects love to feed on the roots of plants in your garden beds. Most of all they like cabbage and potatoes, but they will not ignore other crops. It only takes a month for mole crickets to completely destroy a crop. If you notice that plants are beginning to wither and rot for no apparent reason, then inspect the area. Surely you will find passages dug by mole crickets underground.

Fighting mole crickets with traditional methods

To prevent the appearance of mole crickets in the garden, you need to dig up the soil twice a year. The deeper you push the shovel, the more likely it is that the burrows and nests will collapse.

Oil and soap
A soap solution or regular sunflower oil will help drive mole crickets out of their burrows for further destruction. Walk around the area, carefully inspect the soil for underground passages and fill each of them. The mole crickets will quickly leave their homes, and their eggs will die.

This method is considered the most effective and, moreover, affordable. It is necessary to repeat the procedure every spring and autumn to completely remove the mole cricket from your area. To set up traps, dig holes 0.5 meters deep and fill them with manure. Medvedkas love to be there and will rush to a cozy place.

With the onset of the first cold weather, the pits should be stirred up and the contents scattered over the surface of the soil. During this period, mole crickets already hibernate and are very weak, so they quickly die in the cold.

It is advisable to stop using manure as fertilizer on your site, since it not only attracts mole crickets, but can also be their habitat. Alternatively, feed the soil with chicken manure, which is just as beneficial.

Insects love the smell of beer and honey, so you can use these products as bait. Fill a glass jar or bottle with a narrow neck with a foamy drink or sweetened water, bury it in the ground, the mole crickets will get in there and won’t be able to get out. Change the jar every day.

Mole crickets love to be in the sun, which allows them to be lured into a trap. Place pieces of black fabric around the area, as it attracts heat the most. Sprinkle the soil under the patches with water sweetened with honey and wait until the mole crickets crawl under it. Then all that remains is to destroy the pests.

Mole crickets can only crawl on horizontal surfaces. Their paws are not designed to overcome high obstacles. Therefore, it is advisable to fence off each bed with a net or fence made from plastic bottles.

To protect the roots, you can put a nylon stocking on each and plant it in the soil. The fabric stretches easily and does not interfere with the development of the root system, but will not let any mole cricket through.

Fragrant herbs
Pests are sensitive to strong odors, so they avoid aromatic herbs and shrubs with pepper. Plant cilantro, garlic, chili and onions throughout the plot and around the beds, and you will save your crop from the pest. An effective way to repel mole crickets is to water the soil with a decoction of onion peels.

Marigolds and chrysanthemums also tend to repel insects. Plant them on the site, and they will delight not only with their appearance, but also with their practicality. Another method that experienced summer residents offer is crushed eggshells. Scatter it along the beds, and it will prevent mole crickets from crawling towards the plants.

Bury fish heads around your garden beds every spring. Gradually they will begin to rot and saturate the soil. Mole crickets cannot stand this smell and will not risk approaching your harvest.

Soil cooling
Insects cannot tolerate cold. If you want to scare them away from your garden, use a folk trick: sprinkle the ground with sawdust or straw. Light shades reflect heat and keep the soil warm.

Wooden traps
Lightly moisten the soil and lay out wide boards or sheets of plywood. Press them down to the ground and wait a few days. During this time, the mole crickets will completely master the new comfortable territory. If you turn the board over, you will find many individuals. Moreover, thinking that they are underground, all the passages will be dug only on its surface, and the mole crickets will begin to escape along them.

Unfortunately, traditional methods will not help to completely rid gardeners of the problem. They are only auxiliary methods of pest control and will temporarily save you from their invasion.

Industrial means for removing mole crickets from the site are unsafe. Therefore, you should use them only after you have tried all other methods and they have not been successful.

"Phenoxin+", "Thunder"
The drugs are available in the form of granules, which must be used without dissolving in water. They are put into found holes or specially equipped traps. To prevent birds, cats, dogs or other living creatures from being accidentally poisoned by drugs, they need to be hidden under a small layer of soil.

“Prestige”, “Masterpiece”, “Aktara”
It is recommended to treat seedlings and seeds with these products. The roots of young shoots are soaked in a solution prepared according to the instructions, and the seeds and tubers are sprinkled with it. The advantage of such drugs is that they protect not only from mole crickets, but also many other pests.

Using chemical methods fighting insects, do not forget about your own safety. Wear rubber gloves and a petal mask.

Biological preparations for mole crickets

These products are a safe alternative way to get rid of pests as they do not contain dangerous chemicals. Using them, you don’t have to worry about your health and the quality of your harvest.

One package of the drug is enough to treat 100 square meters. m of land. It must be stored in the refrigerator, as it contains bacteria. The active components enter the mole cricket’s stomach and begin to slowly destroy its internal organs.

Contains fungal spores, which, penetrating inside the insect, begin to grow actively. As in the previous case, the death of the mole cricket is inevitable. One package is enough to neutralize 300-500 square meters. m.

These drugs have undergone clinical trials and are found to be safe for human health. Therefore, the choice in their favor is obvious.

Ultrasound devices

Such repellers produce vibration and sound that insects cannot tolerate. The mole cricket will indeed leave your area without any extra effort, but at most will move to the neighboring one. Therefore, the feasibility of this method is highly questionable.

Is it possible to get rid of mole crickets forever?

This issue worries many gardeners, because pest control takes a lot of time. Unfortunately, the mole cricket is very difficult to remove, since it reproduces very quickly and can get into the garden in many ways.

To prevent this scourge from overtaking you, carry out prevention. Dig up the ground in spring and autumn, plant repellent plants, and treat seedlings. If you find insects on your property, notify your neighbors so that they can start fighting before the problem arises.

Mole cricket is a dangerous pest that quickly spreads throughout the garden and into neighboring areas. Protect your crops from this threat using safe and modern means.

Video: how to get rid of a mole cricket

When plants in a summer cottage wither, despite their regular watering, there is a high probability that the cause is a mole cricket. The mole cricket is a dangerous pest that can significantly spoil the harvest and destroy perennial plants. This underground resident spoils the roots of young seedlings and adult plants, which leads to their death.

Other names for the mole cricket are cabbage weed, earthen crayfish, spinning top, mole cricket. The insect was nicknamed the mole cricket for its brown color and a certain clumsiness in its movements. Kapustyanka - because he loves cabbage. Due to the resemblance of the forelimbs to claws, some call this pest earthen crayfish. Spinning top - because young larvae have a grayish tint. Mole cricket - due to the fact that the insect somewhat resembles a mole and chirps at night.

Small holes in the beds, as well as loose mounds of earth, can indicate that a mole cricket lives in the garden. After rain they are visible more clearly. If you dig 15 cm deep into the ground in these traces, you can find laid eggs of pests. Tiny eggs the size of a hemp grain will turn into larvae in 10–17 days, which will also spoil the plants in the garden.

Usually during the day, mole crickets sit in burrows, and in the evening they become active: they make new passages, destroying plant roots along the way.

Finding and destroying a mole cricket is not the easiest task. These insects fly long distances, move on the ground and swim. Their location can be determined by the characteristic sound made in the evening and at night. It resembles the chirping of a grasshopper, only louder. in winter The mole cricket lives in deep layers of the earth or compost heaps. in spring begins to become active and rises closer to the surface. In June the insects mate and then lay 500–600 eggs. During this period, the pest is already clearly present in the garden, as can be seen from the signs described above - tubercles and holes in the soil.

Did you know? Medvedkas are used in pharmaceuticals. These scary-looking insects are considered an effective cure for tuberculosis. Medvedka is also considered effective in the fight against cancer and HIV infections.its use helps improve immunity. Moreover, not all mole crickets are equally useful: Asian insects are more effective in fighting diseases.

Description and photo of a dangerous pest, what a mole cricket looks like

The mole cricket has a characteristic appearance, and is easy to distinguish from other insect pests.

External characteristics of the bear:

  • body length ranges from 2 to 5 cm;
  • the body is divided into a cephalothorax and an abdomen, which is three times larger than the cephalothorax;
  • the head and chest are covered with a thick shell;
  • the abdomen at the end has two processes 1 cm long;
  • external organs of the head: eyes, mustache, tentacles located around the mouth;
  • the forelimbs turned inward have thickened tibiae;
  • the hind limbs have four to five spines;
  • the wings of the insect are finely scaly, and they are longer than the body;
  • The color of the head, chest and abdomen is dark brown, the limbs are light brown.

Manure traps - preventing the appearance of mole crickets

Experienced gardeners know that cabbage grass can be defeated both with improvised means and with chemicals. However, most prefer well-known folk remedies in the fight against mole crickets.

A proven and reliable method of exterminating and preventing the appearance of mole crickets is the use of manure traps.

These insects have a passion for fresh manure, so it is used as bait. Manure traps are usually set up in the fall and spring. In the fall, trapping pits measuring 50*50*50 cm are built, which are then filled with manure. When a period of constant freezing temperatures sets in, these pit traps are dug and the contents are scattered over the surface of the soil. At this time, mole crickets are in a state of suspended animation, practically immobile and therefore quickly die from the cold.

In the spring, around the beginning of May, mole cricket manure is laid out in small piles around the garden. It is recommended to make these layings frequently and in small sizes - several shovels of manure every 3 m. Such heaps attract cabbageweeds for permanent residence - here they will lay eggs. These masonry can be easily destroyed by regularly checking the heaps for their presence. In this way, the mole cricket population can be significantly reduced.

Pour oil into the hole

Another folk remedy for mole cricket is regular vegetable oil. Having discovered the loosening of the insect on the soil and the passages under them, you can “pour out” it using oil and water.

Important! It is easier to detect mole cricket burrows and passages after watering or rain, since this pest is activated in freshly moistened soil.

When you find a hole, you need to widen the entrance to it with your finger, and then pour oil and water into it. First, it is better to pour in a small amount of water to make sure that it is a mole cricket burrow. Then pour in 7-10 drops of sunflower oil, and after that - a lot of water. Sometimes a bucket of water goes away, especially if the ground is dry. In addition, the burrows of cabbage mushrooms can be very deep.

Since the body of the mole cricket is covered with hairs, water, unlike oil, does not wet it. The oil moistens the body of the pest and closes Airways. As a result, the insect crawls to the surface.

If the mole cricket's body is well oiled, then after a minute or two it dies. If the oil has not sufficiently moistened the mole cricket, it may crawl away, and in this case, after detection, it is better to crush it.

Did you know? To “pour out” the mole cricket, you can use a soap solution. Soapy water is poured into the insect's holes, after which it crawls out and must be destroyed, or the mole cricket dies inside the hole.

We use Metaphos to combat pests

In addition to folk remedies, there are other methods for dealing with mole crickets in the garden. For these purposes, poisoned baits are used. They are easy to prepare in country conditions, which requires grain and insecticide.

The drug Metaphos, a contact insecticide, helps well in the fight against cabbage weed. Recipe for poisonous bait with Metaphos:

  • boil grains of wheat, corn or barley;
  • add Metaphos to the porridge in a proportion of 50 g per 1 kg of grain;
  • add 30 g of sunflower oil per 1 kg of porridge.
The prepared porridge should be spread under small piles of manure. This bait is also placed between the rows when planting seedlings - to a depth of 3 cm. The toxic mixture is placed at 30-50 g per 1 square meter. m of land.

Onion peel infusion - we do without drugs

Not everyone is ready to use chemicals to control pests. For many gardeners, the more natural the method, the better and simpler.

There are methods of combating mole crickets, the effectiveness of which has been proven over the years. One of them is the use of onion peel tincture. The principle of its action is based on the fact that the cabbage plant cannot tolerate the smell of onions. Therefore, it is recommended to place onion peels in holes when planting vegetables.

To prepare an infusion of onion peels from the mole cricket, you will need:

  • 900 g onion peel;
  • 10 liters of water.
The husk is poured with warm water and the mixture is infused for four to five days. Before use, the infusion is diluted in a ratio of 1:5. After the rain, the beds are irrigated with a diluted infusion. This procedure is carried out two to three times a week.

How does a mole cricket react to kerosene?

There is also such a method of dealing with cabbage grass as scaring it off with kerosene. This simple method has been used by many generations of gardeners and has proven its effectiveness.

It is based on the use of kerosene and sand. The components are taken in the proportion of 1 kg of sand for each square meter of area and 50–70 ml of kerosene. If we are talking about a large garden, then this method is not very convenient.

But it is very suitable for driving cabbage out of the greenhouse. Pour kerosene over the sand and mix well. After which the sand is mixed with dry soil (several shovels of soil are taken). A mixture of sand, kerosene and soil is used when planting plants and seedlings:

it is scattered over the garden bed and mixed with the top layer of soil.

Kerosene and sand are also applied into the furrows along the perimeter of the greenhouses. Right there, around the perimeter, you can additionally stretch a rope dipped in kerosene, which is also effective in repelling the pest.

Sweet trap: making honey bait To catch mole crickets, you can use a sweet trap using honey.

Attracted by the warmth and smell of honey, the mole cricket crawls into the jar and falls to the bottom. Periodically you need to check the trap and remove pests from it.

Important! In addition to catching mole crickets with honey, you can also catch them with beer. Beer has a specific smell that attracts these insects. In a jar buried in the groundat an angle of 45 degrees,beer is poured and the neck is covered with gauze. Attracted cabbage mushrooms gnaw through the gauze and end up in a trap jar. Reviews of the method say that it is very effective.

Rotten fish - an unpleasant but effective method

The mole cricket causes too much harm, so gardeners have invented many different methods to combat it. Some methods are not very pleasant for humans, but are nevertheless used because of their effectiveness. One of them is repelling cabbage weeds with rotten fish.

The most common problem that gardeners have on their property is the appearance of mole crickets. For this reason, various remedies for mole crickets have become very popular. Among them there are many different traps, poisons, protective barriers, as well as special methods of cultivating the land, which we will tell our readers about in more detail.

In rural farms, the fight against mole crickets has been going on for a very long time, and new ways are constantly being used to get rid of these pests. Previously, the fight against mole crickets took place mainly using folk remedies. Many of them are capable of having a positive effect, but there is still no drug or product that could guarantee a 100% result and at the same time prevent the appearance of insects on the land.

The mole cricket is capable of infecting many vegetable crops and other plants, and not just potatoes, as novice gardeners believe.

“Mole cricket” refers mainly to one type of insect that is found on the site, but you should know that this name defines an entire family. It includes more than a hundred different species of insects with similar structural features and lifestyle.

On average, the length of an adult can reach 5-6 centimeters. They have an elongated body and a sharp head. The peculiarity of the structure of this insect is that it has two wide legs stretched out in front, with which it rakes the ground, like a mole. Thanks to this body shape, he is able to move very quickly underground, creating a network of passages for himself.

“Top” often appears in soil where manure, urea, bird droppings, and rotted organic matter have recently been used.

The mole cricket overwinters at a depth of 1.5-2 meters, and when it gets warmer on the surface or a thaw sets in, they begin to crawl out.

When a mole cricket appears in the garden, the first thing to worry about is the root crops. Insects primarily feed on those plants that are underground - potatoes, beets, radishes, Jerusalem artichokes, carrots, onions, etc.

Vegetable crops that grow on the surface of the earth are also under threat. Pests begin to eat tomatoes, which are usually too low above the ground (not tied up), lettuce peppers, eggplants, cabbage leaf. Sometimes these insects can take a liking to flowers, eating their rhizomes and foliage.

If root crops are grown in one area for a long time, then the likelihood of a “top” appearing on the area increases.

Getting rid of the “top” is a very labor-intensive process. For a long time, farmers have been using folk remedies against mole crickets.

If you are wondering how to deal with a mole cricket, then you should familiarize yourself with all in effective ways, which have already been tested by experienced gardeners. Then you will need to select several of them to increase the level of efficiency.

Video “How to get rid of a pest”

This video shows effective methods fight against mole crickets.

Mechanical tillage

You can fight mole crickets in the garden by roughly digging up the soil. Mechanical tillage of the soil should be carried out in the spring, as early as possible after the frosts have subsided. Thus, gardeners destroy the nests of the “top”, as well as the created networks of underground tunnels. In addition, deep digging of the site significantly complicates the movement and feeding of insects. During the growing season of plants, it is advisable to loosen the soil to a depth of at least 20 centimeters.

Manure traps

A special trap hole of any size is created (it is enough to dig a hole half a meter long and half a meter wide). The hole is then filled with herbivore dung to attract the insect's attention. Here they often settle for the winter. When cold weather sets in, preferably sub-zero temperatures, farmers come to this pit and rake out the frozen manure with a shovel. At this time, all the “tops” are in hibernation, so they cannot quickly escape and begin to die in the cold.

In the spring, these holes attract pests, and they lay eggs there, and not in the soil where vegetables grow.

Poisoned baits

Among the means used to combat mole crickets, you can find baits with poison. Farmers prepare cereal grains and then treat them with a special drug - Aldrin. For one kilogram of grains, it is enough to use 50 grams of this product.

Bathing in oil or soapy water

If you want to know how to remove mole crickets from the garden without using strong chemicals, then you can use the following method.

As soon as the underground passages of the “top” were discovered while digging the site, you will need to pour a couple of grams of vegetable oil there, and then run running water directly into the hole.

You can also use soap and water as an alternative to oil. Laundry soap dissolves in water in a ratio of 1 to 5 (you can use inexpensive washing powder). Soapy water will quickly drive insects out of their holes.

Shadow Traps

Another remedy for mole crickets, which is classified as folk remedies, these are shadow traps.

Pests prefer to be in warm places, so they are constantly looking for them. You can place pieces of dark material (sheet of rubber, plastic, metal) in the sun, and put a piece of bait under it. When the sun begins to set, you will need to check the traps by lifting them and eliminate the insects.

Beer and water traps

A small hole is dug in the ground, and a glass jar of the same size is placed there so that its neck is level with the ground surface. Then a third of the can is filled with cheap beer. The hole needs to be closed, leaving a small gap so that the mole cricket can crawl through it (one and a half centimeters will be enough). Instead of beer, you can pour water, but to attract pests you will need to smear the edges of the jar with honey.