Why is Kagocel dangerous? Kagocel is a new generation antiviral drug. Directions for use and doses

08.02.2022 Operations

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general information

According to recent statistics, the average adult suffers from a cold, flu, or acute respiratory illness 2 to 3 weeks a year. About half of this time occurs in November-December. At this time of year, the maximum spread of influenza and ARVI is observed.

The pace of modern life in large cities requires a person to save time and effort. Undoubtedly, the above diseases have a very unfavorable effect on health and general well-being. However, despite the fact that colds and flu are considered relatively benign diseases, preventing or alleviating these diseases is not an easy task. Once in the body, the virus multiplies quickly, provoking a number of symptoms: rhinitis, cough, headache, loss of strength and loss of general tone, hyperthermia.

Today, people increasingly need effective and convenient drugs that will prevent, or minimize and alleviate the course of the disease.

Humanity still does not have drugs at its disposal that can cope with viral infection with 100% efficiency. Today, antiviral medications are imperfect, but their number and variety are growing, and their effectiveness is increasing every year.

Russian antiviral drug Kagocel- This is another domestic drug for colds, flu and acute respiratory diseases.

Most antiviral drugs sold in Russia have a positive effect only when treatment is started early (on days 1-2 of the disease). Kagocel, in turn, is effective at any stage of the disease. It not only alleviates and shortens the course of the disease, but also significantly reduces the likelihood of complications. In addition, the drug is safe and does not cause side effects (with the exception of rare cases of allergic reactions). Therefore, it is approved for use in children over 3 years of age.

Kagocel was developed by the Nearmedic Plus company (RF), created on the basis of the Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology named after. N.F. Gamaleya RAMS. The drug was approved by the Russian Ministry of Health and Social Development as medicine, recommended for the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, as well as for the treatment of pathologies associated with herpes virus infection. In addition, the drug was included in the list of vital and essential medicines, due to which it was included in the state system. procurement Produced since 2005. Available in pharmacies without a prescription.

Interferon inducers

Since the production of interferon is one of the first immune responses to viral infection, stimulators of the production of this protein occupy a special place among antiviral drugs.

Interferon inducers do not cause an immune response and are not capable of causing an overdose. Once in the body, drugs of this group stimulate the production of interferons in optimal quantities.

Interferon inducers are divided into two groups: artificial and natural. The drug Kagocel, in turn, belongs to the second group. It stimulates the production of alpha, beta, and gamma interferons in the human body, which have a high antiviral effect.

Mechanism of action of the drug

Since during the preparation of the drug the active substance is bound to the cellulose base, Kagocel is practically not absorbed in the digestive tract (no more than 20% of the active substance is absorbed).

Kagocel enhances the activity of interferons (specific cellular proteins that protect the body from viruses) in the body.

By acting on the body, Kagocel induces the production of interferons in the body, which have a pronounced antiviral effect. The effect of the drug lasts 5-7 days. Due to the long-lasting effect of the drug, it is convenient to use it for the prevention of acute respiratory diseases and influenza in small doses, short courses and at any time of contact with the spreader of the disease.

Kagocel enhances the production of interferon in all cells that are part of the antiviral immune system: in B-cells, macrophagocytes, granular leukocytes, fibroblasts, endothelial cells.

However, the effect of Kagocel is not limited to the induction of interferon production. The drug also stimulates the release of cytokines, activates cellular immunity and natural killer cells.

The effect of the drug on the body lasts on average 5 days, during which the produced interferon circulates in the circulatory system. At the same time, the active substance accumulates in the intestines 4 hours after administration. After a single use of the drug in a standard dose, the concentration of interferon in the blood increases significantly, reaching a maximum after two days. The maximum concentration of interferon in the blood persists for 2-3 days.

According to the results of numerous clinical trials, with repeated daily use of the drug, the active substance enters various organs and tissues in uneven proportions. A day after entering the body, most of the active substance is concentrated in the liver. Also, in small concentrations, the drug accumulates in the lungs, spleen, kidneys, thymus gland and lymph nodes. The drug accumulates least in muscle tissue, heart, adipose tissue, brain and blood. When taken orally, approximately 20% of the active substance enters the bloodstream. In the blood, 47% of kagocel is bound to blood lipids, 37% to proteins, 16% circulates in free form. The molecules of kagocel are quite massive, so it does not penetrate the blood-brain barrier, which prevents it from entering the brain. The drug is eliminated mainly through the digestive tract. 6-7 days after completion of the course of treatment, approximately 88% of the active substance is removed from the body. In this case, 90% is excreted through the gastrointestinal tract, and 10% through the kidneys. Excretion of the drug through the lungs has not been established.


  • For adults, Kagocel is indicated for the treatment of viral infectious diseases, as well as the prevention of colds, flu and other acute respiratory infections, for the treatment of diseases associated with herpes virus infection;
  • for children over 6 years of age, the drug is indicated for the prevention and treatment of influenza, colds and other acute respiratory diseases;
  • Children 3-6 years old are indicated for the treatment of influenza, colds and other acute respiratory infections.


  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • age up to 3 years;
  • pregnancy period;
  • intolerance to glucose and galactose.

Directions for use and doses

Kagocel is administered orally.

For adults
For flu, colds and other acute respiratory infections, take two tablets. 3 times a day for the first 2 days, then one tablet 3 times a day. The duration of the course is 4 days.
To prevent influenza, colds and other acute respiratory infections, 2 tablets are prescribed. 1 time per day for 7 days. Then a 5-day break is taken, after which, if necessary, the 7-day cycle is repeated. The duration of the preventive course is determined by the attending physician and ranges from 7 days to 3-5 months.
To treat herpes virus infection, take 2 tablets. 3 times a day. The duration of the course is 5 days.

Children 3-6 years old
For flu, colds and other acute respiratory infections, take 1 tablet. 2 times a day for two days, then 1 tablet. per day. The duration of the course is 4 days.

Children over 6 years old
For flu, colds and other acute respiratory infections, take 1 tablet. 3 times a day for two days, then 1 tablet. 2 times a day.
To prevent influenza, colds and other acute respiratory infections, 2 tablets are prescribed. 1 time per day for a week. Then a 5-day break is taken, after which the 7-day cycle is repeated. The duration of prophylaxis depends on various factors and is determined by the attending physician. Prevention lasts from 7 days to 3-5 months.


In case of an overdose of Kagocel, drinking plenty of fluids followed by inducing vomiting is indicated. It is strongly recommended that you seek medical advice before resuming treatment.

Side effects

Rarely - an allergy to the components of the medication.

Interaction with other drugs

The drug Kagocel combines well with immunostimulants, antibiotics (complements their effect), and other antiviral medications.

special instructions

The maximum therapeutic effect of the drug is achieved if treatment is started within a period not exceeding 3 days from the onset of the acute phase of the disease. To prevent influenza, colds and other acute respiratory diseases, the drug is used at any time, or after contact with the spreader of the disease.

Storage conditions

Store out of the reach of children, at a temperature below 25 degrees.

Bird flu

One of the most promising methods for preventing avian influenza is vaccination and the use of interferon inducers.

Many scientists note that the above method deserves wider use in therapeutic and clinical practice, incl. in the prevention of influenza and acute respiratory diseases. At the moment, there is not a single vaccine against avian influenza, the effectiveness of which has been confirmed in practice. Kagocel, by inducing the production of interferon in the body, enhances protection and helps protect against all strains of viruses. Therefore, in the event of a bird flu epidemic, this drug can serve effective means prevention of this dangerous pathology.

Prevention of influenza through vaccination provides protection only against the influenza virus, while the risk of acute respiratory viral infection is not reduced. Epidemics of influenza and ARVI often occur simultaneously. Meanwhile, influenza vaccination goes well with the use of interferon inducers, incl. Kagotsela. Therefore, the integrated use of the above methods provides more reliable protection against viral infection.

Kagocel for children

Today, this drug is widely used in the treatment and prevention of seasonal viral diseases in adults. But it is indicated for children as a therapeutic drug only from the age of 6, since to date no clinical trials have been conducted on children and pregnant women. In order to prevent influenza and ARVI, the medication is approved for children over 3 years of age.

The drug affects the child’s body in the same way as it does the adult’s body, because interferon begins to be produced in the body from the moment of birth. And Kagocel, in turn, simply stimulates the release of this protein in large quantities.

Interferon can provide great support to children during the ARVI epidemic season. Therefore, interferon inducers such as Kagocel should not be neglected - it will alleviate the course of the disease and reduce the risk of complications without causing any side effects.

Assessing the effectiveness of herpes treatment

This study was conducted by the Central Research Laboratory of the Omsk State Medical Academy

The herpes virus is one of the most common microorganisms that infect the human body. According to official statistics, approximately 90% of people living in cities are carriers of herpes viruses of various forms.

The purpose of the study was to evaluate the drug Kagocel in the treatment of herpes infection.

146 people took part in the study, among them 63 were men, 83 were women. The diagnosis of genital herpes was made in 115 patients, oral herpes in 31. Kagocel was used in the treatment in the form of tablets for oral administration (the active substance in 1 tablet is 0.012 g).

The subjects were divided into three groups: the first group was prescribed Kagocel exclusively, the second - Kagocel in combination with

In chapter

The controversy surrounding the antiviral drug Kagocel has been going on for several years now. It is included in the list of vital and essential medicines. At the same time, famous doctors believe that the medicine may do more harm than good.

Most Appointed

“Kagocel saves Russians from the flu,” - “Our version”, Managing Director for Corporate Communications of Management Company Rusnano Alexander Barkhatov, listing the company's achievements. The comment came in response to a proposal from a LDPR deputy Vladimir Sysoev reformat the state corporation as having not achieved significant success.

Passions around Kagocel have been in full swing for several years now: the topic of the effectiveness of antiviral drugs is especially relevant in the off-season, in the fall and spring - during the peak of influenza diseases. On the one hand, in 2015, Kagocel took first place in the category “The most prescribed drug for the prevention and treatment of ARVI and influenza.”

On the other hand, well-known doctors do not quite share the optimistic mood of the Rusnano representative. According to some experts, Kagocel is a drug that is probably not fully tested and can cause dangerous side effects.

Most Appointed

Kagocel is an antiviral drug that is used for the treatment and prevention of influenza, acute respiratory viral infections, and herpes infections. The drug is part of the group of interferon inducers; at the physiological level, it promotes the formation and prolonged circulation of its own interferon in the body.

The history of the appearance of the drug is as follows. It was developed by Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Director of the Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology named after N.F. Gamaleya Felix Ershov and head of the immunology department of this institute Vladimir Nesterenko; The name “Cagocel” was registered in 2003. In 2005, the Nearmedic Plus company, created by Vladimir Nesterenko, began producing Kagocel as an over-the-counter drug. Another 6 years later, the Nearmedic Group of Companies and Rusnano signed an agreement on cooperation in the implementation of the Nearmedic Pharma project to build a plant for the production of the drug - with a co-financing share of Rusnano of 1.2 billion rubles. Rusnano's investments were primarily aimed at the construction of the company's plant in Obninsk, Kaluga region: the total area of ​​the complex was 22 thousand square meters. meters. Three years ago, Rusnano withdrew from the project.

Since 2010, Kagocel, as a direct-acting antiviral drug, has been included in the “List of Vital and Essential Medicines” (VED).

Thanks to an active marketing policy and solid support (Tatiana Golikova personally checked the availability of Kagocel in pharmacies when she was the head of the Ministry of Health and Social Development), the drug achieved record sales growth rates (according to the Pharmexpert Center for Medical Research for 2012 - over 2.5 billion rubles). Two years ago, Kagocel’s commercial became the winner of the “Advertising Eaters” competition; in 2015, Kagocel took first place in the category “The most prescribed drug for the prevention and treatment of ARVI and influenza.” In October 2015, the Russian drug won the international pharmaceutical award “Green Cross” (“Drug of the Year” in the “Over-the-counter drug” category).

Tested on rodents

It would seem that after this there could be any doubts about the effectiveness of the remedy? But it turned out that there are a lot of them.

It seems that the manufacturer claims that Kagocel belongs to the class of low-toxic substances for which it has been established that administration of the drug to experimental animals (rats) at a dose of up to 5 g/kg body weight does not cause death of the animals. But opponents of the drug pointed out that studies on pigs that are closer to humans could yield much better results. And, in addition, if the information on the website www.pravdaogrippe.ru is correct, Kagocel was administered to sexually mature animals. According to research by G. Romualdo, it was in the prepubertal and early puberty period that the administration of gossypol led to the development of cysts in the tail of the epididymis, which leads to infertility.

At the same time, on the official website of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, which is dedicated to clinical trials of drugs, apparently it was not possible to find information about the clinical trials of the drug Kagocel that have been conducted or are ongoing, while anyone can find this data from its closest competitors.

Thus, the evidence of the safety of Kagocel looks increasingly less convincing. And if Kagocel really cures someone from the flu, doesn’t it cripple them at the same time?

However, the management of Rusnano continues to convince the public of its indispensability. Alexander Barkhatov talks about 105 Rusnano projects: about “how we hold 30% of the world market for synthetic sapphires, how we ousted Western competitors in nanocoatings for pipelines, due to the advantages of what nanotechnologies oil pumps are now exported to dozens of foreign countries, in which cities we have built a federal a network of Nuclear Medicine Centers for early diagnosis of oncology, where 10 thousand voters have already been examined,” etc. ...

But doubts remain that they can be as effective as Kagocel. Maybe Deputy Sysoev is not so wrong after all?

Today you can increasingly hear that doctors prescribe Kagocel for colds. It is Russian, it is not registered in the USA, and there is no information about Kagocel in the World Health Organization. Among other things, the effectiveness of the drug has not yet been established, which raises some vague doubts. With all this, not every person knows what causes infertility, and why this happens, we will learn from this article. Kagocel belongs to the group of interferons, it is designed to stimulate the production of its own interferon in the body. The annual sales volume of this medicine amounts to more than 2.5 billion rubles.

According to reliable information, it became known that the manufacturer Rosnan invests about 1.2 billion rubles in this product annually. Kagocel contains gossypol, there is a lot of interesting information about it, but there are reliable facts that are confirmed by scientists and that’s the point. Chinese scientists found that men who consumed food with cottonseed oil experienced such an unpleasant pathology as infertility.

Not everyone knows that back in 1929, gossypol was used in contraceptives, which were extremely popular because they were considered more effective than other contraceptives. This discovery led the Chinese to create a whole study on the effectiveness of using gossypol. But in 1986, due to frequent side effects, scientists had to abandon the idea of ​​using it.

It was found that 20% of men experienced irreversible infertility from using this medication. In nineteen ninety-eight, WHO ordered the suspension of any research concerning him. It was found that it not only causes an adverse reaction, but is also highly toxic. Therefore, no other manufacturer considered it as a contraceptive.

The composition of Kagocel contains 20% gossypol, of which only 3% is combined. No studies have been conducted, it is allowed to take 10 mg per day. The instructions for use of Kagocel clearly state that this product should not be used by children under six years of age.

Oddly enough, it is actively promoted by many doctors and pediatricians, despite its huge list of side effects.

  1. Be sure to read the active ingredient included in the composition.
  2. Look for a description on the English site.
  3. See the instructions for use in which cases it is prescribed.
  4. Read reviews on the Internet about this medicine, for which diseases it is more effective.
  5. Buy only from an official seller, as fakes are very common.

Kagocel was created at the research institute, and around 2000 the first tests were carried out. And in two thousand and three, Kagocel was officially registered under the original name, which you all know. In 2005, Kagocel began to be produced as a full-fledged medicine. In 2013, Kagocel was already sold everywhere and gained popularity among other drugs in this segment.

I would like to note that the drug was tested only once. This trial involved approximately 1,000 people and was a placebo-controlled study of the drug's effectiveness. However, these studies were not carried out in accordance with established standards. Among other things, these studies were criticized for violating the law regarding examinations of military personnel. There is no information about the drug on the official website dedicated to clinical trials. Therefore, each patient must decide for himself whether he needs it or not. We emphasize that all clinical trials were published exclusively in Russian literature. It has never been used abroad, and the World Health Organization has no information about this medicine.

The drug stimulates the production of interferon and provides an antiviral effect. To date, no research has been conducted. Therefore, it is impossible to talk about effectiveness; you can only rely on reviews on the Internet about this drug.

The manufacturer assures everyone that Kagocel causes the so-called interferon production. When consumed orally, the medicine reaches its effectiveness after two days. After a day, the medicine accumulates to a large extent in the liver and is excreted naturally. Small concentrations are found in the heart, as well as in the brain and blood.

With daily consumption of the drug orally, the substance accumulates in all these organs in greater concentration. The medicine is usually eliminated from the body naturally through the intestines a week after use.

When prescribed in therapeutic dosages, the drug is non-toxic and does not have any mutagenic properties. The effectiveness of the drug was noticed during therapy from the fourth day of the disease. According to doctors, it is taken from any day of infection. It is most often prescribed for severe influenza illness.

  1. Suppression of spermatogenesis.
  2. Infertility in men.
  3. Headache.
  4. Nausea.
  5. Vomiting and diarrhea (overdose).

According to the manufacturer, the medicine is not toxic and does not pose any danger to humans.

Gossypol undergoes a chemical change before use, so it does not pose a danger. The manufacturer states that the medication is classified as low-toxic and does not cause pathological changes. It should be said that the manufacturer agrees with the possibility of gossypol, but this happens extremely rarely.

The instructions for use state that the medicine is well absorbed from the stomach, and its bioavailability is approximately 20%. After a day, it is completely distributed throughout the human body. But at the same time, absolutely nothing is written about him in motorball. Note that 80% of the medication is excreted by the intestines, and 20% is excreted by the kidneys.

In animal experiments, no negative effects on sperm were found. However, when the substance was administered to rats, it resulted in the formation of a cyst in the tail area. Therefore, there is no point in discussing the safety of the drug; each person must determine for himself whether he needs it or not, because on the Internet there are two opinions on this matter: some say that the drug helps with infectious diseases.

Today, the medicine is actively promoted by all medical institutions for patients aged three to six years and adults. However, there are no clinical safety trials.

Because the effects of this medication have not been monitored by the manufacturer, it is generally recommended with caution for adolescents and young children.

For viral diseases, we recommend purchasing similar antiviral medications with good reviews.

  1. Lactose deficiency.
  2. Age category.
  3. Lactose intolerance.
  4. Pregnancy.
  5. Breastfeeding period.
  6. Allergy.

On the official medical forum there is information that this medication reduces potency with long-term use. It is typically prescribed during treatment for herpes zoster and as an antiviral agent.

Every year, about five hundred million people become infected with influenza, and about five hundred thousand patients die. In the first three months of the severe epidemic, more than ten thousand people worldwide died. This is truly a scary statistic, because the attention of all researchers over ten years led to the production of drugs against influenza. Since 2007, more than twenty drugs against this virus have been registered in Russia. I wonder why this happens? Some of the remedies immediately receive permission to purchase without a prescription, others begin to be actively advertised on television, but nowhere do they talk about the composition of the medicine and what it was previously used for. We decided to give a description of the most widely advertised medicines of today for the influenza virus.

The manufacturer is Valenta, the active substance is pentanedioic acid. The manufacturer claims that it is antiviral. In 2008, Ingavirin was registered as a treatment for influenza. It should be noted that the main substance Ingavirin was still part of Dicarbamine on April 12, 2010, which was prescribed to cancer patients. And if you compare these two drugs, they are completely different in action.

Ingavirin's instructions indicate that it scans all cells and destroys only infected ones. However However, in studies on the activity of Ingavirin, it was found that its concentration is not capable of destroying viruses. So what is Ingavirin? And how is it different from Dicarbamine? Nothing is completely clear, so before using it you need to think about how it was initially used to treat cancer patients, and now it has become antiviral.

Anaferon. The active substance is antibodies to human interferon gamma. Appeared on the medicine market back in 2002, Anaferon is an immunomodulatory drug, available for both children and adults, although the difference between them is minimal, this is a kind of commercial move.

Kagocel is a drug that has a pronounced antimicrobial, immunomodulatory and antiviral therapeutic effect. This article will talk about whether it is possible to treat influenza with Kagocel and how effective it is for this purpose.

Kagocel has an antiviral and antimicrobial therapeutic effect

It should be noted right away that Kagocel is allowed to be used for influenza. Its use is practiced by many therapists to quickly eliminate acute respiratory diseases in patients.

According to the instructions for use, Kagocel is a synthetically derived drug that belongs to the group of interferons. Its main therapeutic effect is to increase the production of gamma interferons, due to which the patient’s functioning of the body’s defenses is quickly normalized.

Moreover, due to the activation of special substances, the medicine is able to inhibit the activity of proteins of the pathogenic virus, which is why the person recovers faster. Moreover, Kagocel is also effective because it promotes the production of interferon in almost all types of cells that are directly involved in the body's antiviral response.

Also, due to the fact that Kagocel for influenza is practically non-toxic and cannot accumulate in the body, it is very well tolerated and rarely causes adverse reactions in patients. This is its undeniable therapeutic advantage.

It is important to note that Kagocel flu tablets can be used directly both for the treatment of cold viral diseases and for the prevention of their development. In both cases, the medicine will be equally effective.

Immediately after administration, the drug is quickly absorbed in the intestines and begins to act. The maximum concentration of its active substance is observed four hours after administration.

The medicine is excreted along with urine and feces.

You should also know that even after the end of treatment, the immunomodulatory effect of Kagocel persists for another 2-3 days. Because of this, it is convenient to use in small doses to prevent influenza virus infection.

Kagocel is widely used for the treatment of acute respiratory diseases


Kagocel can be prescribed for the treatment of the following diseases:

  1. Acute viral respiratory diseases.
  2. Herpes infection.
  3. Colds and ARVI.
  4. Prevention of cold virus infection in adults and children.

In addition, the drug can also be prescribed in complex therapy for the treatment of chlamydia.

Contraindications and side effects

It is contraindicated to use Kagocel if a person has an individual intolerance to its active components. In this case, it would be wiser to choose for the patient an analogue of the drug with other active substances.

The next contraindication is children under three years of age. The medicine is not used for such small children due to the risk of negative effects of interferon on the child’s body.

Kagocel should be used with caution and only under the supervision of a doctor during pregnancy and lactation, renal failure, liver and gastrointestinal diseases. If any deterioration in the condition occurs, therapy should be stopped immediately.

As for side effects, the medicine is usually well tolerated and rarely causes adverse reactions. Despite this, sometimes the drug can cause weakness, abdominal pain and deterioration in the functioning of internal organs (digestive system, liver and kidneys).

Children over 3 years old can already be given Kagocel as a medicine against flu and colds

Features of use for the treatment of influenza

According to recent studies, the use of the drug Kagocel for influenza and acute respiratory diseases helps significantly reduce the risk of complications and allows a person to quickly cope with the cold virus. Moreover, this medicine facilitates the overall course of the disease, so the patient can tolerate it more easily.

Thanks to its effective immunomodulatory effect, Kagocel strengthens the body's defenses, thereby promoting the “switching on” of human immune reserves.

In order for the use of this drug to be truly effective, the patient is recommended to follow the following doctor’s recommendations during therapy with it:

  1. Take the exact dosage of the medicine and do not exceed it, as this may worsen the person’s condition and the therapeutic effect of the medicine.
  2. Do not take any additional immunomodulatory drugs without a doctor's prescription.
  3. If a person suffers from severe chronic diseases or is elderly, then therapy should be carried out in a hospital setting under medical supervision.
  4. To make it easier for the body to normalize the functioning of the immune system, the patient is strongly recommended to review his menu and add more fresh fruits and vegetables, meat, nuts and fermented milk products. It is also important to regularly ventilate the room and avoid stress.
  5. During the period of treatment, a person needs to stop drinking alcohol and smoking, as they reduce immunity. Moreover, these bad habits can worsen the effect of the drug on the body and contribute to a malfunction of the kidneys and liver.
  6. In order for the body to recover faster from the flu, a person needs to remain in bed during the period of therapy.

It is advisable to remain in bed while taking Kagocel

Method of administration and dosage

This medicine is intended for oral administration. Thus, the Kagocel tablet should be taken whole, without chewing and with a sufficient amount of water. You can take the medicine regardless of food intake, as this does not affect its absorption in any way.

The dosage of the drug is selected by the attending physician for each patient individually, depending on the person’s age, indications and the presence of concomitant pathologies.

To relieve colds, adults need to take 2 capsules twice a day. The average duration of therapy is three days, after which you should take one tablet three times for another five days.

For children with influenza and ARVI, take 1 tablet three times for five days.

To prevent the development of a cold, a person is advised to take 2 tablets twice a day for three days. After that - 1 tablet three times a day. A total of 18 tablets are given for the preventive course.


There is very little data on overdose with this drug. At the same time, there is information that if the permissible dosage is significantly exceeded, a person may experience nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. In this condition, a person should immediately consult a doctor.

Treatment of overdose is symptomatic. It consists of taking sorbents and drinking plenty of fluids. Gastric lavage is performed less frequently.

If an overdose occurs, drink plenty of fluids immediately

Use during pregnancy

It is allowed to use Kagocel during pregnancy, since its active components do not penetrate the placenta and do not harm the fetus. Despite this, therapy should be practiced while carrying a child only after the doctor’s permission, and if the pregnancy proceeds without any complications. Otherwise, it is better to refuse such treatment.

Moreover, due to the fact that the drug cannot penetrate into breast milk, it is approved for use during lactation. It does not have any negative effects on infants through breast milk.

As an alternative to Kagocel, therapists advise using the drug Antigripp agri, which has a homeopathic purpose. It has no restrictions during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as it is considered safe and non-toxic.

Treatment of children

Kagocel can be used for influenza in children, but only after the child is three years old. At the same time, the drug can both help cure an existing viral cold and protect against its development.

It is important to note that due to the fact that the immune system in children is in developmental form, this drug will have a stimulating effect on the production of its interferon in the body. That is why during treatment it is important to monitor the child’s condition and stop therapy if there is any deterioration.

Also, many parents often wonder what is better - Kagocel or Cycloferon for the flu. In general, both of these drugs have a pronounced immunomodulatory and antiviral effect, however, for the treatment of children it is still safer to use the first drug, since it is better tolerated in young patients.

Kagocel should be prescribed to a child with special caution when the baby suffers from central nervous system diseases and asthma.

If the child's condition does not improve, you should consult a doctor immediately

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • age up to 3 years;
  • pregnancy period;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • lactase deficiency;
  • intolerance to glucose and galactose.

Directions for use and doses

For flu, colds and other acute respiratory infections, take two tablets. 3 times a day for the first 2 days, then one tablet 3 times a day. The duration of the course is 4 days.

To prevent influenza, colds and other acute respiratory infections, 2 tablets are prescribed. 1 time per day for 7 days. Then a 5-day break is taken, after which, if necessary, the 7-day cycle is repeated. The duration of the preventive course is determined by the attending physician and ranges from 7 days to 3-5 months.

To treat herpes virus infection, take 2 tablets. 3 times a day. The duration of the course is 5 days.

For flu, colds and other acute respiratory infections, take 1 tablet. 2 times a day for two days, then 1 tablet. per day. The duration of the course is 4 days.

For flu, colds and other acute respiratory infections, take 1 tablet. 3 times a day for two days, then 1 tablet. 2 times a day.

To prevent influenza, colds and other acute respiratory infections, 2 tablets are prescribed. 1 time per day for a week. Then a 5-day break is taken, after which the 7-day cycle is repeated. The duration of prophylaxis depends on various factors and is determined by the attending physician. Prevention lasts from 7 days to 3-5 months.


Side effects

Interaction with other drugs

special instructions

Storage conditions

Bird flu

Kagocel for children

Assessing the effectiveness of herpes treatment

Evaluation of the effectiveness of treatment of ARVI in children

  • when using the drug in children, regardless of the characteristics of the course of ARVI, the duration of its symptoms is reduced;
  • the drug increases interferon levels in children with initially insufficient levels;
  • there are no side effects associated with the use of the medication in children;

Kagocel is well tolerated by children and reduces the duration of the disease.


Kagocel is an interferon inducer, that is, it stimulates or provokes its release. This antiviral drug is prescribed for many diseases, including influenza. However, the influenza virus has a special gene that can inhibit the release of interferon in the cell. Why, in this case, take a medicine that obviously won’t help? To get rid of money? There are medications that contain interferon, which will certainly help with the flu - for example, Viferon.

I did not take this drug for the flu. That season, a small herpes broke out - so I didn’t understand whether Kagocel worked, or whether remission came on its own. It would be better to spend money on acyclovir ointment - it clearly helps faster.

Having read some of the reviews, I would like to comment on something. I think the benefits of the drug are very doubtful if the temperature from 38.5 normalized in 3-4 days. Most likely, natural recovery takes place here, which occurs without such drugs. I think the drug is effective only against certain strains of viruses, and the advertising campaign that has now developed around it is not justified.

A month ago I came down with the flu. The temperature rose to 38.5, and antipyretics were practically of no help. My doctor prescribed Kagocel (apparently the advertisement worked). The medicine, meanwhile, is quite expensive - 12 tablets (and they are tiny) cost 230 rubles. A course of treatment requires two packages. The pharmacist at the pharmacy confirmed that this drug should help with the flu. So I bought a package to start with. I started taking two tablets at once, 3 times a day for the first three days, as indicated in the manual, and as the doctor prescribed. The effect was felt quite quickly - the antipyretic began to act, the temperature dropped to 37.5. But such hyperthermia also raises concerns, and the effect did not last long. After 2-3 hours the temperature began to increase again and rose to 38.5. In the end, I decided to buy antibiotics for 15 rubles, and began taking them in combination with Kagocel. After 3 days of treatment with antibiotics, the temperature dropped to 37.1, and then completely returned to normal. So, from my own experience, I can say that Kagocel is an ineffective medicine. I advise you not to pay attention to advertising, and not to follow the lead of narrow-minded doctors. Antibiotics, of course, are harmful in their own way, but they are, in any case, reliable. I wish you all good health.

I somehow got sick right before going to the theater. All the signs of a cold appeared - sneezing, itchy throat, rhinitis, temperature over 37. Still, we decided to go to the theater, so I bought a package of Kagocel. Just that season it was advertised wherever possible. I had never encountered him before. I took it according to the regimen in the instructions, the next day it didn’t feel a bit better, but it wasn’t worse either. But on the 3rd day I woke up fresh and full of energy - the runny nose and sore throat were gone. I finished the medicine at the previous dosage and everything was fine. One could assume that I recovered myself, but the fact is that I usually get sick for at least a week. But in subsequent cases, when I decided to take it again for a cold, it didn’t work at all. Maybe he somehow softened the course of the disease, but somehow imperceptibly.

I also read in the instructions that it treats herpes. When I'm sick, this nasty thing constantly pops up on my lips. So this vaunted drug never helped; herpes still came out during the illness.

I think that Kagocel helps only the first time, when the body is still sensitive to it, and only then does it really help against colds.

I had a case that allowed me to test the antiviral effect of Kagocel in practice. Since most medications are contraindicated during breastfeeding, I had to limit myself to only this. It stimulates the production of interferon (a protein that protects against viruses) in all cells of the body. Many other drugs work on the same principle. I was choosing between Arbidol and Kagocel, and decided to be treated with the second one, because... on the 1st day you need to take 6 tablets of Kagocel or 8 tablets of Arbidol. And since they are about the same price, the second one was cheaper.

For the first day of treatment, I almost didn’t get out of bed, my temperature persisted, I had a terrible runny nose, tears flowed from my eyes, and I sneezed constantly. But on the second day I was already doing chores around the house, and still had time to look after the child. On the third day I woke up with a feeling of complete recovery. I don’t remember ever recovering so quickly before. By the way, my mother also recovered in almost 2 days - she recommended Kagocel to me.

I don’t want to remember how I was treated before without Kagocel. Unlike various anti-influenza drugs (Rinza, Theraflu, etc.), which simply treat symptoms and not the disease, Kagocel forces the body to produce the antiviral protein interferon, that is, it strengthens the body in the fight against the virus. The only subtlety is that treatment must be started in a timely manner, no later than the 2nd day from the onset of the disease, ideally at the first manifestations. I can easily determine the onset of the disease - I immediately start sneezing. Now, as soon as I feel like I’m getting sick, I take 2 tablets and feel great in the morning. True, I missed time once and started treatment only on the 3rd day. Considering that it was the flu, I recovered within two days. But, in any case, it is faster than when taking the above symptomatic remedies.

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Kagocel /

Antiviral drug. Interferon synthesis inducer. The active substance is the sodium salt of a copolymer of (1→4)-6-0-carboxymethyl-β-D-glucose, (1→4)-β-D-glucose and (21→24)-2,3,14,15 ,21,24,29,32-octahydroxy-23-(carboxymethoxymethyl)-7,10-dimethyl-4, 13-di(2-propyl)-19,22,26,30,31-pentaoxaheptacyclo dotriaconta-1,3 ,5(28),6,8(27), 9(18),10, 12(17), 13,15-decaene.

Causes the formation in the body of so-called late interferon, which is a mixture of alpha and beta interferons with high antiviral activity. Kagocel® causes interferon production in almost all cell populations involved in the body's antiviral response: T- and B-lymphocytes, macrophages, granulocytes, fibroblasts, endothelial cells. When one dose of Kagocel® is taken orally, the interferon titer in the blood serum reaches maximum values ​​after 48 hours. The body's interferon response to the administration of Kagocel® is characterized by prolonged (up to 4-5 days) circulation of interferon in the bloodstream. The dynamics of interferon accumulation in the intestine when taking the drug orally does not coincide with the dynamics of circulating interferon titers. In the blood serum, the interferon content reaches high values ​​only 48 hours after taking the drug Kagocel®, while in the intestine the maximum interferon production is observed after 4 hours.

The greatest effectiveness in treatment with Kagocel® is achieved when it is prescribed no later than the 4th day from the onset of acute infection. For preventive purposes, the drug can be used at any time, incl. and immediately after contact with an infectious agent

For the treatment of influenza and ARVI, 2 tablets are prescribed in the first 2 days. 3 times a day, in the next 2 days - 1 tablet. 3 times/day. A total of 18 tablets per course lasting 4 days.

Prevention of influenza and ARVI is carried out in 7-day cycles: 2 days - 2 tablets. 1 time/day, break for 5 days. Then the cycle is repeated. The duration of the preventive course varies from 1 week to several months.

For the treatment of herpes, 2 tablets are prescribed. 3 times/day for 5 days. In total, for a course lasting 5 days - 30 tablets.

For the treatment of influenza and ARVI, 1 tablet is prescribed in the first 2 days. 3 times a day, in the next 2 days - 1 tablet. 2 times/day. A total of 10 tablets per course lasting 4 days.

Prevention of influenza and ARVI is carried out in 7-day cycles: 2 days - 1 tablet. 1 time/day, break for 5 days, then repeat the cycle. The duration of the preventive course is from 1 week to several months.

Why is Kagocel dangerous?

Is the well-known medicine “Kagocel” effective and can it be dangerous, says the professor High school Economics, President of the Society of Evidence-Based Medicine Specialists, member of the Formulary Committee of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, author of monographs on evidence-based medicine and epidemiology, Doctor of Medical Sciences Vasily Vlasov.

Of course, each of us needs good, effective medicine in case of a cold. But I, as a specialist, can say that the effect of the known antiviral drugs that currently exist on Russian market, very small. Many compatriots buy into advertising and purchase the dubious drug “Kagocel”. I would like to warn citizens against this medicine and explain some of the nuances.

Research: is Kagocel effective?

How are drugs tested for effectiveness? For this purpose, there are comparative clinical trials (CTs). During these tests, specialists compare which patients are more likely to recover: those who took a particular drug, or those who took a placebo. The sample of patients must be representative. Such clinical trials are called randomized trials (RCTs).

In developed countries, drugs that have not undergone this type of research are not put on the market. The effectiveness of a drug is determined by RCTs, and not by the Ministry of Health, so manufacturers of many well-known drugs (Arbidol, Actovegin, Cerebrolysin, etc.) conduct research to prove the safety and effectiveness of their drugs.

What do the Kagotsel RCTs show? The American MEDLINE database, which anyone can access on the Internet on the website of the US National Library of Medicine, provides good-quality information. In the search engine on the pubmed.gov website, enter the phrase “kagocel AND randomized controlled trial.” This way you will select all publications mentioning Kagocel and at the same time all publications about RCTs. None of the 12 articles that are registered in the database contains a single mention of the Kagocel RCT.

Some domestic secondary scientific journals nevertheless mention a couple of RCTs of this drug. The sample for the studies was very small: in one (Merkulova L.N. et al. Therapeutic effectiveness of Kagocel. Klin. pharmacocol. and therapy., 2002. 11(6): 21-3) 81 adults participated, in the second (Kharlamova F. S. et al. Clinical effectiveness of the drug Kagocel. Children's infections, 2010. (4): 1-7) - 60 children. The quality of such studies is questionable.

Let's take a closer look at them. In the first, the sampling frame was based on the clinical manifestations encountered in patients, which means that people could have other diseases in addition to influenza. And the report says that out of 81 people, 81 had the flu - this sounds completely implausible. Another strange point: the clinical trial included patients in the first two days, and the data that their intoxication disappeared was given for everyone for the same period! Moreover, in 71 percent of patients, the temperature subsided on the same day when they came for the study.

The second study (with children) also seems questionable - it lacks detail. It may not be an RCT at all in the way it should be.

On the Rusnano website there is a list of studies whose titles look like they are RCTs, but the published scientific texts themselves are not on the site. Moreover, this list does not include so-called phase three studies - they are necessary to establish whether the drug is effective and safe for adults. What is most striking (unpleasant!) is that the lion's share of studies are studies on children. This is a frightening statistic, especially since the adverse effects of this medication may be irreversible. We'll talk about this further.

We can confidently conclude that Kagocel is not an effective means of preventing, let alone treating, influenza and colds.

Ministry of Health warning?

The Ministry of Health considers Kagocel an antiviral drug, which is “recommended for the treatment and prevention of ARVI (acute respiratory viral infections) and influenza, as well as for the treatment of herpes.” Thus, if a healthy person drinks this medicine, he will get sick less often (prevention), and if a sick person drinks it, he will recover faster (treatment). But it’s one thing to relieve the symptoms of a cold, and quite another to treat the disease. I'm not even talking about the risk of complications that the influenza virus can cause, or side effects, which some medications can have on an organism weakened by infection. There is no information about the side effects of Kagocel in published studies.

But it is a known fact that the scientists who invented this medicine created a molecule of two parts - carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) and gossypol. The first is found, for example, in wallpaper glue, and in large quantities. And gossypol is a substance extracted from the cotton plant that negatively affects reproduction in both men and women. Once they wanted to use it as a contraceptive, but due to its high toxicity they did not push this idea further. You can read about how toxic gossypol is in the article by E. Ushkalova and N. Chukhareva (E. Ushkalova, N. Chukhareva. Leaders in sales of over-the-counter drugs and problems of their safety. Doctor, 2014. (9)).

The manufacturers of Kagocel claim that gossypol is not present in free form in the medicine - it is in a bound form, which is safe. This is confirmed by experiments conducted on mice: no pregnancy disorders were detected in the experimental animals. But the manufacturers do not provide any studies on the safety of the drug for humans. Over the years of massive sales, such studies could have been conducted. Therefore, I believe that the question of whether Kagocel is toxic remains open.

Untested medicine - in all pharmacies in the country

It has been proven that Kagocel promotes increased production of interferons in the human body - these are substances that cells produce in response to external aggression, infection. This is how the body protects itself from viruses. It would seem that everything is logical - but clinical trials do not confirm this assumption. This or that medicine can help the body produce interferons, but it does not protect against infection. Scientists don't know why. Therefore, we cannot say that Kagocel helps against colds or flu: as already mentioned, there are no confirmed RCTs.

Another question: how did a poorly tested medicine get into pharmacies and why is it sold without a prescription? After all, only safe, proven, well-studied products are sold without a doctor’s referral. An even more serious question: why did Kagocel, a drug with unproven effectiveness, which in addition can be toxic, appear on the Russian List of Essential Medicines? However, a place on this list greatly increases sales of the drug in all pharmacies in the country...

IA No. FS77−55373 dated September 17, 2013, issued by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor). Founder: PRAVDA.Ru LLC

Antiviral drug Kagocel: pros and cons

Every fifth Russian does not have enough money to buy the necessary medicines; more than half of the country’s residents assess the costs of purchasing them as significant for their budget, according to a survey by VTsIOM.

Among the most popular medications in Russia, sold in pharmacies without a prescription, you can find not only absolutely useless, but also potentially harmful.

Medicines containing codeine must be sold strictly according to prescriptions, the head demanded today Federal service Drug Control Department (FSKN) of the Russian Federation Viktor Ivanov.

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