Social studies lesson summary "Political consciousness" (grade 11). Political consciousness and political behavior Political consciousness presentation

22.01.2022 Operations


Subject : Political consciousness and political behavior. (slide 1)

Type lesson: learning new material

View : lesson with elements of conversation

Objective and lesson:


To introduce the main features and essence of political consciousness

Identify the main ideas and values ​​that underlie each of the ideologies,

Find out the motives of political behavior and determine the mechanism for regulating political behavior.


Build skills:

Independent research work.

Analyze political information presented in tables.

Systematize the acquired knowledge in tables.


Develop cognitive interest.

Foster tolerance and information culture.

  • Place and role of the topic in the entire course:This lesson is 14 in the section “Political life of modern society.”, i.e. Students are already familiar with the basic concepts of the topic and 1 in the topic “Political consciousness and political behavior.”
  • Methods and techniques used in the lesson
  • 1. The monologue method is used when explaining a new topic and involving students in the educational process.
  • 2. The control method in the form of working with cards is necessary to determine the degree of assimilation of material from previous topics, on the basis of which new knowledge is acquired, and is also important in the process of working on a new topic to control the assimilation of new material and concepts.
  • 3.Peer checking will allow the teacher to check the students’ work in class.
  • 4.The analysis method is used to identify the main thing and establish cause-and-effect relationships.
  • 5. Instruction is used to organize more productive work of students on a task.
  • 6.The method of group collaboration is used for the fastest reflection during the reproduction of new material obtained from the presentation.
  • 7.Method of time restrictions - to mobilize creative activity when working in the classroom.
  • Lesson steps

Stage name

Teacher activities

Student activities



Organizational moment (1 min.)

Informs the topic and goals of the lesson, finds out the presence of students, explains the work to be done in the lesson, and the principles of assessment.

Prepare for the lesson, listen, ask questions


Set up for work

Motivation for educational and cognitive activities (2 min.)

The teacher explains the importance of this topic (tells a parable)

Listen, ask questions


Interested in studying the stated topic

Updating basic knowledge (5 min.)

Organizes students' work with tests. Comments on the assignment and assessment criteria.

They answer questions, work on tests, conduct mutual checks.

Method of recall, mutual verification, instruction

Recall the material covered, intensify the work of the group.

Formation of new knowledge (15 min.)

Guides students to work, comments on a multimedia presentation, explains terms, and asks questions.

They watch a multimedia presentation, listen, write down notes in the teacher’s notebook, work with notes, and answer questions.

Monologue: conversation, show, story

Assimilation of new information

Applying new knowledge (13 min.)

Organizes work in pairs to study the document, exchange information and fill out the table, checks the work in pairs, orally interviews on the assignment.

Work in pairs, analyze the document, fill out the table in the notebook, read out the answers to the task

Group collaboration

Results (4 min.)


Summarizes the lesson, gives grades, assigns and comments on homework

Ask questions, write down homework.


Express your own judgment

  • At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher names the topic of the lesson, formulates the objectives of the lesson and the basic lesson plan.
  • Lesson Plan

Topic plan: (slide 2)

1. Political consciousness.

2.The essence of political ideology.

3.Modern political ideologies.

4. The role of ideology in political life.

5.Political psychology.

6.Political behavior and its forms.

7. Regulation of political behavior.

(slide 3)

2. POLITICAL IDEOLOGY is a system of fundamental (basic) ideas, concepts that, with greater or less accuracy, reflect political phenomena and processes, in accordance with which political consciousness (worldview) and life position of the individual, social groups, and society as a whole are formed

(slide 4)

Module 1

Main types of political consciousness:

  • Individual political consciousness -
  • Group political consciousness
  • Public political consciousness

Module 2

  • ordinary
  • Theoretical level of political consciousnesspolitical ideology.



1.Learn the terms.

3. Prepare a description of modern ideologies based on individual assignments.


Explain the meaning of the terms:

1. RULE OF LAW - political consciousness -personal views, the position of an individual, based on his life experience.

  • Group political consciousnessdevelops within certain ethnic, religious, economic, professional and other groups, reflecting their political preferences.
  • Public political consciousnessused to characterize the consciousness of macrocollectives. It is formed on the basis of assessments of political life typical for a given society, on the basis of traditional values.
  • Module 2

    • ordinary level of political consciousnessreflects an understanding of political events through the prism of everyday life. Ordinary political consciousness is characteristic of the majority of members of society. It is characterized by vagueness, unsystematicity, and inconsistency. It is formed on the basis of people's life experiences.
    • Theoretical level of political consciousness- knowledge about politics is systematized, political concepts, ideas, views are developed, and political forecasts are made. This level corresponds to such an element of political consciousness aspolitical ideology.


    (slide 3)

    1. POLITICAL CONSCIOUSNESS is a set of theories, ideas, views, and ideas widespread in society that express people’s attitude towards political system, system, as well as to the activities of political institutions and leaders.

    2. POLITICAL IDEOLOGY is a system of fundamental (basic) ideas, concepts that, with more or less accuracy, reflect political phenomena and processes in accordance with which political consciousness (worldview) and life position of an individual, social groups, and society as a whole are formed.

    1 of 23

    Presentation - Political consciousness

    Text of this presentation

    Political consciousness
    Social studies 11th grade. Completed by: history and social studies teacher E. N. Yakunina, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1, r. Pachelma village

    Goals and objectives:
    1) introduce the main features and essence of political consciousness, determine the main ideas and values ​​that underlie each of the ideologies, determine the functions of the media in political life; 2) develop the ability to explain the internal and external connections of the social objects being studied, analyze, draw conclusions, solve problematic problems, carry out individual and group educational research on social issues, participate in discussions, work independently with texts, find information in the media, analyze and draw conclusions . 3) to form an attitude towards the problem of forming political consciousness.

    Political consciousness Everyday and theoretical consciousness The concept of “ideology” Modern political ideologies The role of ideology in political life Political psychology The media and political consciousness.

    Political consciousness
    Political consciousness is a set of theories, ideas, views, and perceptions widespread in society that express people’s attitude to the political system, the activities of political institutions and leaders.
    Political consciousness is brought to life by our assessment, our attitude towards politics and the political situation in the country and the world

    Types of political consciousness
    Individual personal views, the position of an individual, based on his life experience
    Group reflects the political preferences of individual social groups
    Social consciousness of macro-collectives, formed on the basis of traditions

    Levels of political consciousness
    Everyday level Reflects an understanding of political events through the prism of everyday life. Characterized by vagueness, unsystematicity, and inconsistency. Formed on the basis of life experience Theoretical level Systemic ideas about politics, political concepts, ideas, views, political forecasts, political ideology.

    Functions of political consciousness
    Cognitive-informational Evaluative Ideological Regulatory Mobilization Integrating Communication

    Ordinary and theoretical consciousness
    Read pp. 156-157; Explain: - What do we mean by ordinary consciousness? - What is ideological-theoretical consciousness?

    The concept of "ideology"
    IDEOLOGY (from idea and logos - word, doctrine) - a system of political, legal, moral, religious, aesthetic and philosophical views and ideas in which people’s attitudes to reality are recognized and assessed. IDEA (Greek idea) - 1) initially “that which is visible”, “visible” (like eidos), then “visible essence”, prototype. Plato called the idea the intelligible prototypes of things in the sensory world, true being. According to Kant, ideas are concepts of the mind that have no corresponding object in sensory experience (freedom, immortality, God). 2) Thought, idea. 3) Intention, plan.

    The essence of political ideology
    Political ideology is a system of basic ideas that reflect political phenomena and processes, in accordance with which the political consciousness and life position of an individual, social groups, and society as a whole are formed.
    The term “ideology” was introduced into scientific circulation by the philosopher and scientist Antoine de Trecy at the end of the 18th century. and meant “science of ideas”

    Functions of political ideology
    Worldview Value Motivational Legitimization Integrating
    These functions are performed due to two properties: 1. claim to total significance 2. normativity

    Forms of political ideology
    Socio-political theories that provide justification for values ​​and ideals Political programs that reflect the demands of social groups, political elites, political organizations Speeches by party and statesmen consciousness of citizens, determining their political behavior

    Which statement seems closer to the truth to you? Give reasons for your choice.
    Ideology is the “remnants” of certain “sensual dogmas”, absolute truths, social judgments based on a mixture of facts and feelings (V. Pareto). Ideology is a “voluntary mystification” (K. Mannheim). “Ideology is an unrecognizable lie” (B.A. Lehey). “Ideologies are value systems that act as a political worldview that has the power of faith and great orientation potential” (E. Shils).

    Modern political ideologies:
    Social democracy
    Communism (Leninism)

    Working with paragraph 3, § 14, fill out the table “Modern political ideologies.”
    Political ideology Essence

    The role of ideology in political life:
    Strengthens the unification of people in one political organization Helps make their choice during elections With the help of ideology, political organizations disseminate their political views among the population Ideology becomes a motive for political activity Plays a mobilizing role Particularly important role national ideology plays

    Political psychology
    Political psychology – political feelings, emotions, moods, opinions and other psychological components and aspects of the political life of society and the individual.
    Stable parts: morals, mentality of ethnic groups, common sense.
    Variable parts: moods, emotions, experiences, expectations.

    Political psychology
    Political psychology is formed in the process of interaction between citizens and government institutions. Consequently, it is characterized as a practical type of consciousness, including: rational elements, irrational elements

    Mental processes influencing political activity
    Political perception is the first stage of processing political information.
    Political thinking - judgments, conclusions, conclusions are extremely illogical, because determined by the level of political culture.
    Political emotions often prevail over logic due to the complexity of political relations.

    Political propaganda
    What is propaganda? What words do you associate it with? P. 165 of the textbook - 1 paragraph.

    Political propaganda
    Political propaganda is a type of activity aimed at creating certain sentiments in society; Consolidating certain values ​​in the minds of citizens; - a critical attitude towards certain aspects of reality, the actions of political opponents; - stimulating distrust of another ideology and its rejection.

    Media and political consciousness
    Read pp. 165-166, fill in the table

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    Description of the presentation by individual slides:

    1 slide

    Slide description:

    Social studies, 11th grade Social and political consciousness Vera Vladimirovna Serova, teacher of history and social studies MAOU "Gymnasium of the city of Yurga"

    2 slide

    Slide description:

    Social consciousness J. Locke: a specific reality, a special inner world that the subject knows. G. Hegel: a set of ideas - individual or collective. K. Marx: reflection of social existence; a set of collective ideas inherent in a certain era. It essentially reflects the very state of a particular society. A holistic and complex spiritual phenomenon

    3 slide

    Slide description:

    Structure of social consciousness Forms: Philosophy Political consciousness (ideology) Legal consciousness (legal consciousness) Morality Art (artistic consciousness) Science (including philosophy) Religion Levels: Social psychology Ideology Individual and public consciousness - constant interaction

    4 slide

    Slide description:

    Political consciousness One of the forms of social consciousness A set of ideas and feelings, views and emotions, assessments and attitudes that express people’s attitude to the implemented and desired policies, determining a person’s ability to participate in managing the affairs of society and the state. The result and at the same time the process of reflecting and mastering political reality with taking into account people's interests

    5 slide

    Slide description:

    Functions of political consciousness Regulatory (gives guidelines regarding political participation) Evaluative (promotes the development of an attitude towards political life) Integrating (promotes the unification of social groups) Cognitive (helps to assimilate and analyze political information) Predictive (creates the basis for anticipating the development of the political process) Mobilizing (encourages participation in social and political life)

    6 slide

    Slide description:

    Levels of political consciousness Everyday-practical (psychological) - is formed spontaneously, on the basis of people’s everyday life experience and has such features as inconsistency, superficiality, lack of systematization, emotionality, etc. Ideological - theoretical - is formed by certain social groups on the basis of a targeted study of the political process and has such features as integrity, systematization, the ability to forecast, embodied in declarations, programs

    7 slide

    Slide description:

    Everyday practical level Political psychology - political feelings, emotions, moods, opinions and other psychological components and aspects of the political life of society The stable part of political psychology: Morals Mentality Psychological makeup of ethnic groups Common sense The variable part: Moods Emotions Experiences Expectations

    8 slide

    Slide description:

    Ideological - theoretical level Political ideology - a system of ideas, views, concepts on political life, ways of explaining the world of politics, which is based on values, orientations towards certain political phenomena, processes, structures Levels of political ideology: Theoretical-conceptual - formulation of the main provisions (doctrine) Programmatic-political - development of programs, manifestos, ideological basis (program) Actualized - the degree to which citizens have mastered the goals and principles of a given ideology and the extent of their implementation in practical actions (political practice)

    Slide 9

    Slide description:

    Political ideology As a rule, institutionalized in political parties, movements, unions, groupings Functions: Educational - mastering mass political consciousness, constructing group values ​​Propaganda - creating a positive image of the policy being pursued Integrating - unifying society on the basis of national values ​​Mobilization - stimulating targeted actions citizens to fulfill assigned tasks

    10 slide

    Slide description:

    Modern political ideologies Conservatism main values: state, church, family, private property Strengthening the foundations of the state Against state capitalism, radical reforms and extremism Inequality is inherent in society Society is changing evolutionarily

    11 slide

    Slide description:

    Modern political ideologies Liberalism Main values: democracy, individualism, guarantee of human rights, fair property, economic freedoms The absolute value of the human person Limiting the volume and spheres of state activity Political equality of all people Society is changing through reforms

    12 slide

    Slide description:

    Modern political ideologies Social democracy (social reformism) – Rejection of the ideas of class struggle, revolution, dictatorship of the proletariat Main values: freedom, justice, solidarity Rule of law, parliamentary democracy, guarantees of individual rights State regulation of a market economy Creation of living and working conditions worthy of humans , redistribution of income in favor of the disabled Accessibility of the education system and spiritual values ​​Improvement of the environment

    Slide 13

    Slide description:

    Modern political ideologies Radicalism is a decisive change in existing social and political institutions The desire for a rapid pace of change Justification of forceful methods of achieving set goals Can act as a theoretical justification and justification for terrorism Manifests itself in crisis, transitional historical periods, when a threat arises to the existence, traditions or way of life of certain layers or radical left and right radical groups

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    Lesson plan 1. Political consciousness. 2. The essence of political ideology. 3. Modern political ideologies. 4. The role of ideology in political life. 5. Political psychology. 6. Political behavior, forms of political behavior. 7. Regulation of political behavior.

    1. Political consciousness. Functions Function The essence of the function is cognitive - informational obtaining political information, studying the surrounding political reality evaluative critical understanding, assessing political events and forming one's own political position ideological generalizes individual ideas into entire systems regulatory determines people's behavior on the basis of political ideas, norms, beliefs, gives political guidelines behavior and participation

    1. Political consciousness. Functions Function The essence of the function is mobilization, encouraging individuals to actively participate in political life in order to defend their political interests, integrating, promoting the unification of society on the basis of common values, ideas, attitudes, communicative, ensuring the processes of interaction between various elements of the political system

    Antoine Louis Claude Destut de Tracy () Antoine Louis Claude Destut de Tracy () A prominent French philosopher, politician and economist. Coined the term "ideology". According to his views, ideology is the science of how consciousness produces ideas from sensations. In addition to sensations, the source of ideas is memory, judgment and will. The French philosopher outlined the foundations of the science of ideas in his work “Elements of Ideology”.

    2. The essence of political ideology. Forms of socio-political theories that provide justification for certain values ​​and ideals; political programs reflecting the demands of social groups, political elites, political organizations; speeches by party and government officials; ; consciousness of citizens, determining their political behavior

    4. The role of ideology in political life 1. Ideology strengthens the unification of people in one political organization. 2. Ideology helps you make your choice during elections. 3. With the help of ideology, political organizations disseminate among the population their assessments of the past and present, their understanding of the political situation, and ideas about the future. 4. Ideology becomes the motive for political activity. 5. She plays a mobilizing role. 6. National ideology plays a particularly important role.

    5. Political psychology Political psychology - political feelings, emotions, moods, opinions and other mental components and aspects of the political life of society and the individual. stable parts: morals, mentality of ethnic groups, common sense stable parts: morals, mentality of ethnic groups, common sense variable parts: moods, emotions, experiences, expectations

    7. Regulation of political behavior Legal regulation. Democratic values ​​of society that determine civilized forms of political behavior. Organization of political subjects. Political education. Spreading truthful political information. The position of political leaders, their ability to relieve political tension.

    A. Ideology is the remnants of certain sensual dogmas, absolute truths, social judgments based on a mixture of facts and feelings. (V. Pareto) B. Ideology is a voluntary mystification (K. Mannheim) B. Ideology is an unrecognizable lie (B. A Lei) D. Ideologies are systems of values ​​that act as a political worldview with the power of faith and great orientation potential (E. Shils)