Magic how to get rid of an obsessive person. The best conspiracies from ill-wishers and enemies and the features of their implementation. Spell on a scarf

15.05.2022 Operations

All about religion and faith - “prayer to ward off a suitor” with detailed description and photographs.

Getting rid of obsessive fans

Unrequited love is, of course, a disaster, but sometimes it happens that an obsessive admirer does not give life. There is certainly no freedom here - it hangs, walks with its tail, demands an account at every step, torments with advice... Getting rid of this is a holy necessity.

Zambila Lachchaevna’s rituals will help you not only ward off an obsessive boyfriend, but also a disgusted friend who bothers you with his problems, but also generally get rid of all unwanted contacts, for example, from overly sociable fellow travelers on the train, annoying colleagues, etc.

Poppy lapel

In order to ward off an overly obsessive admirer, sew a bag of black fabric and thread a white braid along its top so that the bag can be tightened.

Place poppy seeds in a bag.

At midnight on a debilitated moon, walk three times around the house of the person you want to ward off. Gradually scatter the poppy seeds on the ground, saying:

Empty love, sleep, go to sleep, and don’t wake up again. Sick heart, close yourself and don’t open up anymore. Just as this poppy can’t all get together, so I and the servant of God (his name) will never be together. As the poppy woke up, so love died, and as love died, the road from heart to heart, from soul to soul, from you, the servant of God (his name), to me, the servant of God (his name), became overgrown.

Spruce knot from an annoying suitor

If you are finally tormented by an annoying admirer, try to get a spruce branch from the grave. To do this, you just need to go to an active cemetery, and you will probably find it.

Then tie each branch of the Christmas tree with black thread, saying each time:

Just as the dead man crossed this tree for the last time, so the servant of God (name of the suitor) will cross the threshold of this house for the last time. Let him live and prosper, gain goodness and joy, and let him no longer come through these doors.

This needs to be done on the waning moon, preferably before the arrival of an uninvited guest.

If he bothers you after that, repeat the ritual after nine days, and then after forty. When your obsessive friend finally leaves you behind, go to the grave of the one from whom you took the fir branch and remember him by leaving a bottle of red wine and white bread on the grave.

If your ex-husband or lover is bothering you, then try this old gypsy method.

Take the scissors, open them slightly and tie them with black thread so that the ends are slightly apart and do not close themselves.

Before your friend comes to you, hang these scissors with the ends down over the front door of your house or apartment.

When he takes off his shoes, you must quietly throw one pinch of salt into each of his shoes.

And when he leaves, remove the scissors, unwind the thread and cut it into small pieces with these scissors. Throw the pieces away where no one can get them (for example, you can flush them down the toilet).

How to remove your own love spell

If you foolishly bewitch someone, you will have to get a handful of earth from a fresh grave and a leaf from a funeral wreath, but first sew a bag of black silk fabric.

Place a rusty metal ring (any kind, such as a key ring), three rusty nails, photographs of you and his in the bag.

Then pour soil and a leaf from the wreath onto it.

Wrap this pouch seven times with black cord and seal the ends of the cord with red sealing wax or red wax.

At midnight, go around the house of someone you don't like. At the same time, hold the bag with photographs in your left hand behind your back, and press your right hand to your heart. While making this round, say:

The ritual must be done on a flawed moon. After this, your pursuer will leave you behind.

Take a piece of paper and write on it the name of the person who is bothering you. Now burn this paper, imagining how your obsessive friend is running away from you at breakneck speed (for example, on a train this is easy to do in the smoking vestibule. I tested it myself - it works great. An overly talkative and disgustingly drunk fellow passenger immediately fell asleep and did not wake up for the rest of the journey ).

Then go out onto the balcony (in rural conditions, a hillside, river cliff, field, etc. is quite suitable). Pour out the ashes, saying:

Come to me four winds: the west wind, the east wind, the south wind, the north wind. Take, winds, passion (his name), carry away, winds, his passion to the one that awaits her. She doesn’t see the day, doesn’t sleep at night, waiting for his love. Let him be free in his desires. Let him love the one who is waiting for him.

Three ties

This will certainly turn away the hateful person forever. True, it is only suitable if he has three ties already tied, and these ties came to you.

You need to perform the lapel three times at night on a debilitated moon.

Take a tie, say the name of the one who is bothering you, then untie the knot with the words:

This is your pain. I unleash your pain. Now you are free, run away from me.

And you do this three times.


Now you have a piece of the ancient gypsy secret in your hands. Use it with caution - remember that you may harm yourself first. Old Zambila told me: “Tell your people, girl, not to go to the gypsies, don’t ask questions, don’t find out anything from us. How do Gypsies treat Goyans? As for the Goyans - for us they are not people. For any of us, cheating people out of money and fooling their heads is a familiar, common thing. We are not helpers to the Goyans, and they are like milk cows for us. Got it, right? Not a single gypsy woman will reveal any wisdom to a Goyan woman. If you want to teach your own, teach yourself. And don’t let them bother us.”

Attention! After each appeal to gypsy magic, you need to wash yourself and read a cleansing spell:

Good luck and happiness to you! I hope that now you can get rid of many problems and find what you really need. You have at your service methods that have lived for centuries. With their help, a wide variety of issues have been and continue to be resolved. And they are solved as they should be by those who solve them.

I repeat once again what you need to manage people:

♦ First, clearly formulate your goal - understand what you need from a particular person.

♦ Look and listen carefully to understand what kind of person is in front of you and what methods of influencing him will be optimal.

♦ Influence the person using methods that allow you to deal with people of exactly his type.

♦ Keep your feminine charm on at all times, no matter who you interact with, men or women.

♦ Constantly monitor the development of the situation, do not let it go until you get what you are looking for.

♦ Borrow active position, manage people and situations, don’t expect everything to go by itself, do it so that everything turns out your way.

I hope this book has made you look at the world in a new way. Of course, you found a lot of spells and practical advice in order to carry out your local, typical plans (to bewitch a loved one, to ward off a hateful person, how to charm a potential buyer’s teeth, etc.). But the main thing is still not this. The main thing is to understand that you are the owner of your life, and not her stepdaughter, that you have an unlimited source of strength to achieve everything you need. That you will achieve everything.

But first you need to learn to understand what you yourself need. And then soberly assess who and what of what you need can give you. And then work with those people who should give you what you are looking for.

You can, if it’s more convenient for you, call it an active life position. Who cares? It is important that you understand that your success is in your hands. It requires constant work on the situation, constant targeted interaction with people. The results will not keep you waiting. Change your attitude towards life right now, and then change life itself, make it the way you want.

How to rid yourself of an annoying boyfriend - an admirer?

Girls face the problem of men's obsession. Intrusiveness is not always pleasant. It turns out that it is quite simple to ward off an unwanted admirer, but in each situation you need to act in a special way.

How to get rid of an annoying fan?

There are rules for getting rid of an unwanted admirer.

If you follow them, you will quickly solve the problem:

  1. Uncompromising is the main thing. You cannot make concessions and give in to persuasion. Be firm and stick to your chosen position.
  2. Eliminate pity. Many fans are starting to put pressure on this feeling. Some individuals blackmail with their own lives (threatening suicide). Remember: people who are capable of killing themselves never say such things out loud.
  3. Feeling guilty is bad, otherwise this feeling will force you to submit to persuasion.
  4. You cannot accept gifts - flowers, gifts and other trinkets.
  5. Don't involve it in your life. Many people try to take advantage of an annoying fan for their own purposes. Remember, if he helps you, then you will not be able to get rid of him.
  6. When communicating, focus attention on your loved one (if you are not there, feel free to invent something). Wear a wedding ring or talk about your future wedding.
  7. Make the conversation more specific. Eliminate misunderstandings and omissions. Otherwise, the fan will think that you are embarrassed to express your feelings.
  8. Avoid coquetry, flirting and smiling.
  9. Try to avoid meetings.
  10. Talk directly, explaining your lack of desire to communicate.

Life situations are different; in your circle of acquaintances there may be a person who has become overly annoying. You can meet in a cafe, transport, university, on the street. The situation is aggravated by the close proximity to such a fan, you have to meet often. What can you do if the guy starts stalking you? Initially, it is important and necessary to follow the basic rules.

But the following maneuvers are also used:

  1. In a conversation, you can allow the expression of interest in his person, but this must be done correctly. For example, ask about your financial situation, life position, and career. For any positive answer, express your dissatisfaction. Tell him that his position is absolutely not suitable for you. This situation leads the fan to disgust.
  2. If the admirer is not aggressive, then you can be rude, insult and humiliate. Self-respecting representatives of humanity will not tolerate such an attitude.
  3. If you are given flowers, throw them into the trash bin without regret in the presence of your boyfriend.
  4. Invite your girlfriends and friends. The girlfriend should flirt with him, and he, like a true “gentleman,” will reciprocate. For your part, you will explain to the fan that he did not pass the test. Go for walks with friends more often so that you don’t have the opportunity to communicate alone.
  5. If you make frequent phone calls, picking up the phone is contraindicated; the solution is a “black” list. And don't promise to call back.
  6. Try, looking into his eyes, to firmly explain that he does not belong to your type.
  1. In the workplace, things get out of control because you are forced to communicate. It is recommended to conduct the conversation exclusively about work matters, maintaining an official tone.
  2. Don't agree to have lunch together.
  3. Do not accept compliments, do not show that you are pleased with them. Say directly that you don’t want to listen to them or make a displeased grimace.
  4. If the admirer is a subordinate, do not call him into your office, but give instructions through a third party. If you are a boss, then turn your attention to other employees. Surely you know about the boss’s secret fans. There are superiors above the boss, to whom you should turn for help.

In the Internet

It’s easy to get rid of a fan on the Internet:

  1. Block.
  2. If rudeness occurs, you can contact the site administration.
  3. Don't meet strangers: one person creates different nicknames.

How to rid yourself of a married admirer?

  1. If a married man with children is harassing you, tell them you don't love them. And you are simply sick of his child.
  2. Ask the man to introduce you to his rightful woman. He won't like it.
  3. Calmly but firmly explain that you should never date someone who is married.
  4. Threaten to tell his wife about the obsession.

How to get rid of an aggressive fan who makes threats?

The most terrible situation is when the gentleman is overly aggressive and threatening. Not every person is able to cope with it alone. Therefore, in such situations, it is advisable to involve other people: stronger than the fan, friends, parents and even the police. Be sure to notify the local police officer. Make an audio recording of the threats and provide information to law enforcement. If an aggressive fan only knows contact information, then the best solution is to change them.

Using magic - a conspiracy from an annoying admirer

A simple and effective spell pronounced on salt. Pour 1.5 tbsp. l. salt in your palm, light a candle bought in church and read the prayer:

“The salt is crumbly and white. I was nice to the servant of God (say his name), but I became not nice. As the fire goes out, the eyes do not burn, the heart does not flare up. Amen".

Salt is poured into the shoes and pockets of the fan.

With a hug or a firm handshake. You definitely need to make eye contact. Say three times:

“As if my hands are burned with needles, my heart will prick, and the servant of God (name) will turn away from me. Amen".

Bay leaf - to help

If you make a wish to get rid of an annoying admirer and place a bay leaf in an open fire, then 10 days after burning it, your wish will come true!

What do girls write on forums?

On the forums there are requests from girls with the question: how to get rid of an annoying annoying admirer. At the same time, people give each other completely contradictory advice.

The main point: do not run away from the problem, but discuss it with the fan directly. Often many recommendations turn out to be ineffective. However, every situation is individual, which means it is necessary to act based on the specifics.

How to get rid of an annoying admirer: conspiracy

The annoying admirer who is pursuing you will be left behind thanks to a magical spell. In a maximum of a week you will get rid of annoying calls and male misunderstandings.

What an eccentric, he doesn’t give way.

He doesn’t even recognize swear words at all.

It's okay, now we'll get him away.

When an annoying admirer calls you again, invites you somewhere or blocks your way, touch him with your hand, having read a rare magic spell in advance.

I will touch you, I will get rid of you soon, leave quickly of your own free will. I suggest you become indifferent and complacent towards other girls. Feelings will cool down, trembling will subside, my image in memory will be erased. The conspiracy will stick through your hand, you will come to me to leave. Let it be done! Done seven times! Locked with keys! Amen! Amen! Amen!

There is another conspiracy to get rid of an annoying admirer.

Read it as a complement to the first.

As soon as you see me, your mouth will open in disgust. You will feel that I smell bad, I will just burp and gasp disgustingly. My admirer, I am not beautiful, ugly, shabby and lousy. I reject importunity and lock it forever. So be it! Thirteen times done! Amen! Amen! Amen!

Now you can safely go on a date.

The main thing is not to forget to touch the fan with your left hand!

In about a week you will be able to get rid of his annoying habits.

If you are not invited, do not enter.
The morning dawn commands,
The dawn of the day orders
The evening dawn is driving,
The night dawn buries from friends.

How to get rid of an annoying boyfriend

From the letter:

“Please tell me if there is a conspiracy from an annoying fan so that this person will simply forget about my existence.”

Read a special lapel spell over a sour apple. Then bite into the apple and throw it away from your home. The words of the conspiracy are:

Like an apple with acid in its mouth,
Undesirable for the mouth, not a joy for the soul,
So I, the servant of God (name), would be disliked,
Unsweetened and undesirable
For the servant of God (name of the admirer),
So he would curl his mouth in front of me,
He avoided me. Amen.

Strong lapel

From the letter:

“I have been living with a man in a civil marriage for four years, but Lately It started to bother me. We constantly fight, I don’t even want to go home, but he calls me all the time and asks where I am. Every evening he throws hysterics, accuses me of deceiving him, and cries. He says that he feels good at the cemetery, he goes there to listen to the birds. It seems to me that his mother bewitched me to him. I tried to break up with him, but as soon as I leave home, my conscience begins to torment me. I don’t know what to do, I probably want him to leave me on his own. What should I do?

You can resort to the following lapel plot:

I'll go out along the mouse path,
I will stand, an idol, in front of you.
Idol, idol, where is your idol?
There's your idol there
He’s not waiting for you, he’s cursing you,
The door is locked,
Doesn't let me near the threshold,
Doesn't answer the window
The bed is not spread,
Doesn't set the table.
So would the servant of God (name)
He didn’t let God’s servant (name) in,
I didn’t make the bed,
I didn’t set the table for her,
I didn’t hug white’s neck,
Didn't love and didn't accept
I would drive her away with word and deed
And my fierce side.
Stick, my words, stick, my deeds,
How leaves stick to a bath broom
To the naked body.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Raven lapel

From the letter:

“Dear Natalya Ivanovna, when I was a child, I heard two women say in front of me that there is a “crow’s lapel,” and they said something about the meat of this bird. I really love reading everything that you publish in books, on postcards and in the newspaper, and I wonder if you will teach us this lapel?

How did this raven die?
That's how your love would die
To the servant of God (name).
Like there is no black crow,
So your love is no more.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

For a girl, sometimes the attention of a guy inspired by feelings is not pleasant. In such a situation, you can escape from the company of an annoying boyfriend by performing the annoying lover's lapel. The magical effects of such rituals cannot spoil human health. This is due to the purposefulness of the manipulations carried out, causing the restoration of harmonious mental balance.

Depending on the type of magical ritual, the lapel of an annoying lover can carry the destructive energy of the union of two people. Such rituals can be performed not only to get rid of feelings and attachments, but also to create a counterbalance to a love spell. In the latter case, you need to carry out the ceremony not yourself, but by asking a stranger for the service - only he can dispel the spell. This action, aimed at ending unwanted emotional attachment, is called cooling.

Gypsy lapels from an annoying admirer

There are a couple of effective lapels that are often used in magical gypsy rituals and allow you to free yourself from an annoying admirer. Gypsies are convinced that correctly carried out any of their lapels acquired over centuries helps to achieve the fact that the lover, “cooled” in his feelings, will no longer be disturbed.

First lapel

To perform the ritual, take a white candle, a small, equilateral sheet of paper, and a pen with black paste. Write on a piece of paper the full name of the fan you want to get rid of. Light the candle wick and burn the paper in its flame, imagining how the persistent person runs away from you as fast as he can. Next, pick up pieces of ash and go out into the open space (usually a slope was used for these purposes, but living in the city it is enough to go to the balcony). Sprinkling ashes on the back of your right hand, say lapel:

"North wind, south wind,
The wind is west and east.
Take his (her) passion to the one (who) is waiting for it.
Let him (she) be free (free) in his feelings,
Let him love the one who desires it.”

After this, blow on a handful of ashes so that they are picked up by gusts of wind.

Second lapel

This rite of turning away from an annoying lover must be carried out over three nights. The period during the waning moon is best suited. Light a fire. Taking pre-prepared leaves of dried verbena (another name for the plant “pigeon grass”) in your hands, loudly say the name of the suitor who is bothering you with his undivided attention. Now immediately throw the leaves into the fire, accompanying the actions with the text of the gypsy lapel:

"This is my pain,
Take her and disappear.
Now go away
Run away from me."

The most common effective way to get rid of an annoying lover

Ritual actions using a safety pin are considered a fairly popular lapel. You need to pin a pin to any element of the young man’s clothing so that no one notices these actions and say:

“I wish that this pin would prick you, poison you and wound you. I wish that she would rid me of you forever. Let your intense love ardor gradually cool down and let your love for me flow away from your heart forever. As soon as you remove the pin, your love, which I don’t need, will cool forever!”

It is best to pin a small pin so that the lover does not notice or remove it. To maximize the effect of the ritual, it is recommended to perform it by adhering to certain rules:

  • The ceremony is performed on the waning moon. The energy and strength of this cosmic body will reduce the influence of emotions that often arise when a relationship breaks down, and will also speed up the “cooling down” of feelings;
  • on Sunday and Thursday it is not recommended to make a lapel, since Thursday is a sacred day for love magic, but Sunday is the day on which any magical influences have the least power;
  • the words of the lapel text must be pronounced clearly, distinctly with the greatest concentration on your desire to get rid of your persistent lover.

Despite the fact that the influence of the lapel ritual does not pose a serious threat to the guy you want to turn away, you need to take the ritual very seriously. After performing a magical effect, it is strictly not recommended to continue even friendly relations with this person. Attempting to be friends with a former lover can awaken hatred and anger in a man. Therefore, friendly communication can end very badly.

The annoying lover is forcefully turned away by the girl who has become the object of his attention. Moreover, it is important to understand that the boyfriend should not suspect that the cooling of his feelings was due to third-party magical influence created by you.
Watch a video about lapels and their consequences

Valeria Protasova

Reading time: 7 minutes


Indeed, signs of attention from the opposite sex are considered pleasant for every woman. We love it when men give us gifts and compliments. But there are also situations when such attention becomes very intrusive.

How to get rid of an annoying boyfriend? How to react to gifts, courtship, signs of attention from a fan that you liked so much at first?

1. Deny him everything

Don’t try to hide behind kindness when you are overcome by a feeling of fear of refusal. The kindness instilled in girls from childhood is very often used shamelessly and brazenly by men.

Men may evaluate women's behavior inappropriately. Sometimes they believe that behind ordinary politeness there is a call for sexual entertainment.

An annoying boyfriend needs to immediately show what is for you it doesn't mean anything at all . It is very necessary to refuse correctly , without rude actions. Because it’s already difficult for him if he has sincere, real feelings for you. Therefore, try to smooth out phrases that are unpleasant for him as much as possible.

2. Friendship in exchange for love

It is very often effective friendship proposal method in exchange for a declaration of love.

For men, it immediately becomes clear that you are not at all interested in him as a sexual partner, and then he will be able to switch his attention to another girl.

3. Introduce him to his girlfriend

Another suitable option to get rid of an annoying admirer is his meeting your friend . Don’t tell her about your personal opinion about him, let them get to know each other themselves and form a personal opinion about each other. If a guy is really good, there is no need to throw such good things around left and right. Look around, most likely, among your friends (classmates, classmates, neighbors) there will be pretty, but ownerless young ladies who only do what they dream of a prince on a white horse. Arranging their acquaintance will not be difficult. Let your friend “accidentally” end up in the same restaurant as you. Or, for example, he rides a bicycle in a park area, where you spend time with him.

4. Let's go shopping together

The most effective way to get rid of an annoying fan is in your behavior.

Take it to supermarkets and boutiques. Such joint shopping You can drag it out for a long time so that the very procedure of going shopping with you is as painful as possible for the guy.

5. Show your emotions

You need to become extremely emotional girl . Express your disappointment or indignation at the slightest trifle, emotionally discuss people passing by. If a nail breaks, then you can throw a tantrum with sobs. A bad haircut or terrible weather is also a reason to get on the nerves of an annoying fan. Men are afraid of super emotional girls.

6. Be chatty!

It is necessary to develop talkativeness in yourself, which annoys everyone, especially males.

Tell your boyfriend in full detail about what has happened to you in the last few years. At the same time, do not let him say a word. As a result, your hours-long story may take on an obsessive form. This will very successfully push away an annoying boyfriend.

7. Become a naughty lady

Pretend to be capricious lady . Every time, make a wish that can certainly come true. As soon as you get what you wanted, tell the guy that this is no longer necessary for you, and present new whims. Men in such situations begin to feel like a mat on which you wiped your feet.

8. Be bolderchange your image!

If your boyfriend said that he is annoyed by some color in his clothes, be sure to buy yourself thing of this color . If your crush can't stand brightly colored blondes, lighten your hair color or buy a wig and wear bright makeup - men don't like that. The main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise people around you may think something wrong.

9. Pinvite you to visit your mother

You can also call your boyfriend to visit mom . Her role can be played by a family friend or a respectable colleague. The main thing is the presence of acting skills. She should show your admirer all the delights of communicating with your future mother-in-law. And spouses can live with her. Therefore, he will most likely run away!

10. More criticism of him

To get rid of an annoying admirer, you need constantly criticize him – this can really hurt a man’s pride. Whatever he does, say that you don't like it and... Constantly impose your opinion on the guy and criticize the boyfriend’s words on every significant and insignificant issue. In general, show with all your appearance that his opinion does not matter to you.

Using the above tips, you can very quickly verify their incredible efficiency– Your annoying admirer will quickly run away, and for a long time will be afraid of ever meeting you again in his life.

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you in this article about conspiracies to get rid of an unpleasant person - maybe someone will find it useful. Sometimes witchcraft rituals from evil people are the only way to protect yourself from gossips, envious people, creditors and witchcraft enemies. When a person is unpleasant and unwanted, communicating with him is incredibly difficult. And if he also has access to your house, then it’s really bad.

A strong conspiracy to get rid of an evil person

There is a very good ritual that acts quickly and strongly. With its help you can cope with the offender. This is a proven home plot from evil people. For the ceremony you need to have:

  • pot of water
  • 3 knives

Cast your spell after sunset. Place a pot of water on the fire, lower the knives into it, and wait for the water to boil. As soon as the water boils and starts to bubble, then read the plot to get rid of a bad person, unwanted:

“You, fire, burn, you, water, boil. And let my enemy (name)’s blood boil like fire, his soul hurts day and night. Let him toil, suffer, never know peace. Eat it, melancholy, eat it, drink the hot blood. Drive him away from me, twist him, twist him, muddy his brains. From the threshold, don’t let me back on the threshold. Fire, burn fiercely! Water, boil furiously! Melancholy, (name) drive away! My word is first and second, but my enemy’s is none. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

In the morning, pour out the water at your doorstep. This is a good way to protect your home from ill-wishers and relatives, who are worse than strangers. An unwanted person will no longer be able to bother you with his visits or stay in your house for a long time. In addition, this plot helps to get rid of uninvited guests.

Self-conspiracy from annoying people - get rid of inspectors

This black conspiracy can serve well when a person is engaged in business. With its help, the sorcerer can hide himself from inspectors if the checks are too frequent.

If you do not practice black magic, but are inclined towards white, then instead of a conspiracy against uninvited guests, try reading a selection of psalms 3 times a day for 3 months. The effect will exceed all expectations.

So, in order to fight off the official people, get rid of annoying checks, and save your business, then do a strong ritual and read conspiracy from dashing people or from one of your enemies, who is malicious, prevents you from living. This black rite is a cemetery one, here’s what you need to take:

  • a ball of pure sheep's wool
  • 3 dimes

Sheep motan should be prepared at midnight on Thursday. That same day, in the evening, when dusk is deepening, go to the cemetery. Find the grave in which your namesake is buried. Throw nickels on the grave, and read the text of the conspiracy from another person on the grave cross:

“I’m going along this path, I’ll lead you on, I’ll confuse you, and I’ll take away the government people from you, and I’ll bring you a dead man. Let them know you, let them throw words at you. Amen".

Having said this, attach the thread to the cross and start winding it from right to left.

While winding the thread, read the words of the conspiracy from annoying people:

“If you disperse, then lay down on the cross with a word, then the government people will take notice, but they will cling to the dead man, who will measure themselves from me, but will not catch my eye, then the court will not come down on me, but everything will be overpowered by me, the dead man will overcome, if the thread twists, Yes, he will climb onto the cross. Amen".

Wind the entire length of the thread around the cross, fasten it with a knot, and then say:

Take a handful of grave soil, and pour it at a road intersection, read witchcraft words from bad people:

“The way it turns out, the government people will be ordered to turn away from me and turn to the dead man. Amen".

Then leave without looking back. This one good protection spell from evil people that are truly unfair to you. Everything will be done, the government people will be taken away, and no matter what they plan, their case against you will not work out. The ritual is carried out in strict accordance with the rules of menial cemetery work.

A strong spell for three candles - to hide from bad people

Magicians know many conspiracies from evil people and the evil they are capable of causing. Here is another good, quite suitable plot to isolate yourself from unwanted people.

Place 3 wax candles on the table. Place a tall candle in the middle, and smaller ones at the edges. The color of the candles can be any, as well as the time of the ceremony. This does not play a special role here, since there is no appeal to a specific force. Interlock your fingers and hold your hands in front of you. You need to look at the candle flame in the center.

Read the text of the conspiracy to protect against bad people:

“Just as the devil cannot stand God’s gaze, fire cannot stand water, and the body cannot stand arrows, just as the blind cannot see, the deaf cannot hear, the dead cannot breathe, so that me, the servant of God (name), my enemy (name) does not see and does not heard, did not come close, intrigues against. He didn’t crush, didn’t curse, didn’t scold, didn’t bother, didn’t talk about me, didn’t write, didn’t mention me to the authorities. How our blood dead and ancestors lie in the ground, don’t hear church singing, don’t see the clear sun, don’t cross themselves, don’t pray, don’t come home, don’t go to church for Matins, don’t fast during Lent, don’t gorge on eggs on Easter, don’t dress up. change, do not remember themselves, so my enemy (name) would not remember, remember, see or know me, the servant of God (name). May my conspiracy be strong at all times. Age forever. Amen".

Read the plot from unnecessary people three times. After this, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend reading the key. It is also pronounced three times. There are many keys, read the one you are already used to working with. Here is an example of one of the keys:

“This word is strengthening and confirmation. It also strengthens and closes. And nothing - not air, not storm, not water - can solve this matter.”

Do not extinguish the candles; they must burn out completely. A ritual from black people, working. But, quite energy-consuming. The duration of the spell's effect depends on how much strength you have and how many enemies have taken up arms against you. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, believe that it makes sense to periodically fake. But, you decide this yourself depending on the situation.

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, would like to draw your attention to this nuance: the situation with enemies after reading the text of this conspiracy for protection from people who interfere and harm may worsen. This gives reason to assume that a person is damaged in the social sphere and good luck. If you applied this ritual from a person who is interfering, and you have a similar situation, immediately make a diagnosis, find out the presence of magical negativity. If it turns out that damage has occurred, it must be removed.

The cleaning method is at your discretion, it is important that everything works as it should in order to clean out the negativity. Severe damage The social sphere usually affects the area of ​​personal relationships, business, and the area of ​​money. So, you will have to do a series of purges, after which I advise you to put up strong defenses with a return in case the enemy activates and starts doing evil to you again. Combat defenses are activated immediately, and the enemy will get his.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

A ritual and an independent conspiracy to get rid of a person who interferes with life begins to take effect almost immediately. The results are visible, and very soon. After the candles have completely burned out, you can notice the first changes. As for the full result, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will say this: bad people have their own problems, and they no longer care about you. The black person might as well simply disappear from your life.

Homemade milk plot to make an unnecessary person fall behind

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will also share with you, my readers, this ritual. I use it in cases where it is necessary for an unnecessary person to fall behind, not disturb in any way and not appear on the horizon at all. Works quickly. It can also be used as protection against enemies, including spellcasters, as well as in the most banal everyday situations, for example, as freeconspiracy from unwanted guests and annoying relatives.

Start the ritual on Sunday and complete it on another Sunday. When reading an independent plot to get rid of a person who is annoying, visualize the result: how bad people stop, how your enemy wants, but does not dare, to come close to you. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend repeating it in a couple of weeks, maximum in a month. For the ceremony you need to take:

  • spoiled milk
  • clean basin or large cup
  • piece of cloth

On Sunday morning, buy milk for the ceremony. When going out to the store, mentally say:

“I’m going to buy milk for my enemy (name).”

Bring the milk home and set it to sour. When the milk reaches the desired condition, next Sunday after sunset, pour it into a basin and wash your hands up to the elbows and your feet up to the knees in the milk.

While washing, read the text of the conspiracy from envious people and ill-wishers:

“Just as the dirt has been washed off from my hands and feet, so you are my enemy (name), as soon as the dirt is washed off from me, you touch me, and you will disappear forever. The key and the lock, and my witchcraft word is true. Amen".

Wipe your hands and feet with a piece of natural cloth prepared for witchcraft. Take the bowl of milk outside the threshold and throw it out with a backhand. Take the scrap away from the house and burn it there. Do everything that same evening. This one is independent conspiracy from a bad person works well, drives away gossipers, those who do harm at work, and envious neighbors. It may scare off inspection services. It will save you from overly active relatives who, under good pretexts, ruin your life.

The person on whom the text of the protecting plot from evil people was read will keep his distance. If you try to do harm, you will receive backlash. During the action of a witchcraft spell, a person may simply lag behind and not show himself in any way.

The main action here is to make your ill-wishers lose interest in you. What if the enemy is not just a banal envious person, but a person who casts a spell? I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, think that under the influence of this protective ritual from unwanted people, the desire to magically harm you will disappear for some time. However, in such a situation, the effect will depend on your strength and the strength of the casting enemy. After all, whatever one may say, a free conspiracy from an unnecessary person works on personal strength.