Thus it is separated by commas. Is “thus” separated by commas or not? “Thus” is separated by commas

01.05.2024 Operations


introductory expression and adverbial expression

1. Introductory expression. Same as “therefore, means.” Indicates the connection of thoughts, the sequence of their presentation. Identified by punctuation marks, usually commas. For details on punctuation for introductory words, see Appendix 2. ()

The balance of power is thus would have turned out clearly not in favor of the United States - and the landing was planned in France. Yu. Semenov, Seventeen moments of spring. Thus, It wasn't a matter of bad or good taste. L. Kassil, A matter of taste.

2. Adverbial expression. Same as "so". Does not require punctuation.

And as a result of such reasoning, he remained forever in the same silent state, uttering only occasionally some monosyllabic sounds, and acquired Thus title of the most boring person. N. Gogol, Overcoat. Thinking this way , he rushed forward. I. Ilf, E. Petrov, Bright personality. Relationships this way were restored, and all three sat down on the bench again. M. Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita.

Dictionary-reference book on punctuation. - M.: Reference and information Internet portal GRAMOTA.RU. V. V. Svintsov, V. M. Pakhomov, I. V. Filatova. 2010 .


See what “thus” is in other dictionaries:

    Thus- therefore, it follows from here, in this way, so, from which it follows, thus, it became, consequently, this, from which it is clear, from this it follows, in such a manner, in such a way of life, therefore, it turns out, in this manner, in this way, in such a spirit , so it turns out... ... Synonym dictionary

    Thus- Unism. 1. In this way, so. With verb. nesov. and owls kind of: how? thus receive, achieve, perform, achieve, perform... Hard work, constant improvement of knowledge and skill - only in this way can one achieve success in... ... Educational phraseological dictionary

    Thus- I still see this; in zn. introductory collocation Therefore, so. II in this way see image I; in zn. introductory collocation Anyway; hence. Thus, the meeting was scheduled for the morning. Thus, you refuse our... ... Dictionary of many expressions

    Thus- after all, Benjamin acted exactly this way... Spelling difficult adverbs

    Thus- adv. qualities circumstances 1. In this way; So. 2. Used as an introductory phrase, emphasizing the meaning of the result, the result of a previous action and the corresponding word: so. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    Thus- *tsu taipara... Russian-Ingush dictionary

    the way I do- adverb, number of synonyms: 4 in my opinion (23) just like me (4) just like me (4) ... Synonym dictionary

    in the same way as- sentence, number of synonyms: 1 similar (20) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

    Conjunction + adverbial expression; conjunction + introductory expression 1. Conjunction + adverbial expression. Same as “in this way”, “so”. An adverb does not require punctuation. Punctuation during conjunction depends on the syntactic structure of the sentence. Mother,... ... Dictionary-reference book on punctuation

    part of a block of shares sold over a period of time in such a way as to avoid a decline in the market price- Can be part of an initial public offering program (placement of a new issue) or a secondary public offering after preliminary registration (shelf registration) ... Financial and investment explanatory dictionary


  • Secret plans of the Nazis A new order for a conquered world This was how the world should have become after the victory of the Third Reich, McNab K.. What would Europe have looked like if Nazi Germany had won the Second World War? The Great German Empire (“Grossdeutsches Reich”), the creation of which Hitler dreamed of, was supposed to...

conjunction + adverb expression; conjunction + introductory expression

1. Conjunction + adverbial expression. Same as “in this way”, “so”. An adverb does not require punctuation. Punctuation during conjunction depends on the syntactic structure of the sentence.

Mother, who knew by heart all his habits and customs, always tried to shove the unfortunate book as far away as possible., and thus The court calendar did not catch his eye sometimes for entire months. A. Pushkin, The Captain's Daughter. ...She did not at all think, as I already noted above, to subject the crocodile to retrograde and humiliating punishment with rods, but simply simply wished that his belly would be ripped open with a knife and thus Ivan Matveich was freed from its interior. F. Dostoevsky, Crocodile.

2. Conjunction + introductory expression. The words “thus” are set off by punctuation, usually commas.

She speaks so well, she suffers so pitifully, everything around her is so bad that you have no indignation against her, you pity her, you take up arms against her oppressors and thus, in her face you justify vice. N. Dobrolyubov, A ray of light in a dark kingdom. Scientists took a long time to discover and thus, it did not come as a surprise to them.

The introductory expression “thus” is not separated by a punctuation mark from the connecting conjunction “and” located at the beginning of the sentence.

Fedya did not go to college. And thus, he was drafted into the army.

For details on punctuation for introductory words, see Appendix 2. (Appendix 2)

  • - introductory expression and adverbial expression 1. Introductory expression. Same as “therefore, means.” Indicates the connection of thoughts, the sequence of their presentation. Identified by punctuation marks, usually commas...

    Dictionary-reference book on punctuation

  • - Unism. 1...

    Educational phraseological dictionary

  • - colloquial conjunction 1. Used. when attaching the subordinate part of a complex sentence, in which the purpose of the action is expressed as an assumption based on something. data or considerations...

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

  • - in this way the adverb. adv. quality-circumstances decomposition Thus...

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

  • - in this way adverb. quality-circumstances 1. In this way; So. 2...

    Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

  • - Razg. Iron. Just to no avail, no success. Sometimes a car, having slipped on all four wheels, began to slowly but surely slide to the side...
  • - Simple. So, in this way. Yegor got creative, grabbed both of his tormentors by the chests, and slammed them against each other. I felt how they went limp, I wanted to repeat it in the same way, but received a heavy blow to the back of the head...

    Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

  • - adverb, number of synonyms: 3 with the same success equally unsuccessfully equally unsuccessfully...

    Synonym dictionary

  • Synonym dictionary

  • - adverb, number of synonyms: 12 similarly in the same spirit in the same spirit in the same line in the same manner in the same way in the same way in the same way...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adverb, number of synonyms: 13 similarly in the same spirit in the same spirit in the same line in the same manner in the same way in the same way in the same way in the same way ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adverb, number of synonyms: 4 in my opinion, just like I do, like I do, like I do...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adverb, number of synonyms: 9 in such a spirit in a similar way so in such a manner in this way in such a way in this way this way...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - therefore, it follows from here, in this way, so, from which it follows, thus, it became, consequently, this, from which it is clear, from this it follows, in such a manner, in such a way of life, therefore, it turns out, in such a manner, in this way. ..

    Synonym dictionary

  • - sentence, number of synonyms: 1 like...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adverb, number of synonyms: 4 in my opinion the same way as I, the same way as I...

    Synonym dictionary

"and thus" in books

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Myth No. 47. On the eve of the war, Beria deliberately “filtered” intelligence information in such a way that reliable information did not reach Stalin. You know, the answer to this myth will be extremely laconic, succinct, but tough: this is bullshit by mad idiots! And nothing

- before the essence of the matter (topic, question, problem) is realized, thus IGNORED,

From the book Hyperborean teaching author Tatishchev B Yu

Before the essence of the matter (topic, question, problem) is realized, thus IGNORED, it is one of the main symptoms of the modern so-called “mass consciousness”. It is quite obvious that with this approach the semantic essence ALWAYS remains “behind the scenes”.


20. Thus, to turn war into a game, only an element of chance is needed, but it is never lacking. Hence we see how the objective nature of war reduces it to taking into account chances; now only one element is missing to turn it into a game; this is the case.

From the book German Military Thought author Zalessky Konstantin Alexandrovich

29. The theory thus considers the nature of ends and means. Goal and means in tactics So, the task of theory is to consider the nature of means and goals. In tactics, the means are trained armed forces who must fight. The goal is victory. More accurate

Thus, my very first acquaintance with the experience of international congresses had a strong influence on my own style and the style of my colleagues

From the book I Treated Stalin: From the Secret Archives of the USSR author Chazov Evgeniy Ivanovich

Thus, my very first acquaintance with the experience of international congresses had a strong influence on my own style and the style of my collaborators. The Congress also showed the importance of new methods. By that time we had neither new models of instruments nor the necessary reagents, and

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20. Thus, to turn war into a game, only an element of chance is needed, but it is never lacking

author von Clausewitz Carl

20. Thus, to turn war into a game, only an element of chance is needed, but it is never lacking. Hence we see how the objective nature of war reduces it to taking into account chances; now only one element is missing to turn it into a game; this is the case.

29. The theory thus considers the nature of ends and means. Goal and means in tactics

From the book About War. Parts 1-4 author von Clausewitz Carl

29. The theory thus deals with the nature of ends and means. Goal and means in tactics So, the task of theory is to consider the nature of means and goals. In tactics, the means are trained armed forces who must conduct the battle. The goal is victory. More accurate

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Announcement 83<581>That we need to remember what we represent, as a result of what and what we have become and where we will go, so that, thus, having ended a good life, we may receive eternal rewards, Brothers and Fathers. I see and notice that I have no other way to benefit you,

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There are many rules in Russian punctuation that are not easy to understand. After all, punctuation marks not only define the boundaries of phrases and sentences, but also help convey the feelings and emotions of the people reproducing them. Whether it’s worth highlighting “primarily” with commas or not, we’ll talk about it in this article.

To understand whether commas are needed to highlight the word “mostly”, it is necessary to determine its meaning and grammatical characteristics.

“Predominantly”, that is, in dominance over others. For example, “He chooses mostly teddy bears,” that is, when choosing from a variety of toys, he chooses bears and not something else.

From a morphological point of view, it can be noted that the word “predominantly” is an adverb formed from the adjective “predominant” in a suffixal way.

This adverb is similar to words such as: certainly, indeed, which, in addition to one of the members of the sentence, can be introductory words.

“His leadership in our team is unquestionable.” Leadership (what?) is unconditional. In this sentence, the analyzed word is part of a compound nominal predicate, expressed by a short neuter adjective.

“Of course, he is the leader of our team.” In this sentence, the analyzed word does not answer the question, therefore, is not one of the members of the sentence, is used to indicate confidence, and is easily omitted without changing the meaning. Maybe highlight “predominantly” with commas?

Introductory words

Introductory words are expressions used to give additional meaning to a phrase. They are not members of the sentence; in writing they are separated, separated by commas on both sides. They can be expressed by words of different parts of speech, phrases, both stable and changing.

Introductory words are used in several cases:

    When formalizing the train of thought (firstly, on the one hand, therefore).

    When expressing emotions, confidence, uncertainty (fortunately, unfortunately, of course, without a doubt).

    When indicating the source of speaking (according to words, according to a message, in other words).

    In case of attracting attention (imagine, see, know).

    When indicating the measure (at least the largest, without exaggeration).

The word we are analyzing does not have any of the above, there is no need to highlight it “primarily” with commas in writing. It cannot be an introductory word.

Exception words

It is correct not to separate “primarily” with commas, as is the case with other exception words, such as: “decisively”, “approximately”, “exclusively”.

    She wanted mainly a warm relationship.

    His actions were strongly rejected.

    To make the pie you need approximately five apples.

    He does this solely for her safety.

Clarifying circumstances

“Predominantly” is an adverb, therefore, in a sentence, as a rule, it acts as an adverb. In some cases, circumstances tend to become isolated.

Is it possible to highlight “primarily” with commas, following this punctogram?

Circumstances stand out in two cases:

    Determining the additional meaning of time: “Today, at nine o’clock in the evening, my favorite film will be shown on TV.” When will the film be shown? Today. And when exactly? At nine o'clock in the evening.

    Determining the additional meaning of the place: “Tomorrow I’m going to the village, to my parents.” Where am I going? To the village. But where exactly? To parents.

Isolated circumstances have a clarifying meaning of place and time. Each subsequent one will answer the question “when exactly”, “where exactly”.

The word that interests us is not a circumstance of time or place, and therefore cannot be isolated.

And thus

conjunction + adverb expression; conjunction + introductory expression

1. Conjunction + adverbial expression. Same as “in this way”, “so”. An adverb does not require punctuation. Punctuation during conjunction depends on the syntactic structure of the sentence.

Mother, who knew by heart all his habits and customs, always tried to shove the unfortunate book as far away as possible., and thus The court calendar did not catch his eye sometimes for entire months. A. Pushkin, The Captain's Daughter. ...She did not at all think, as I already noted above, to subject the crocodile to retrograde and humiliating punishment with rods, but simply simply wished that his belly would be ripped open with a knife and thus Ivan Matveich was freed from its interior. F. Dostoevsky, Crocodile.

2. Conjunction + introductory expression. The words “thus” are set off by punctuation, usually commas.

She speaks so well, she suffers so pitifully, everything around her is so bad that you have no indignation against her, you pity her, you take up arms against her oppressors and thus, in her face you justify vice. N. Dobrolyubov, A ray of light in a dark kingdom. Scientists took a long time to discover and thus, it did not come as a surprise to them.

The introductory expression “thus” is not separated by a punctuation mark from the connecting conjunction “and” located at the beginning of the sentence.

Fedya did not go to college. And thus, he was drafted into the army.

Dictionary-reference book on punctuation. - M.: Reference and information Internet portal GRAMOTA.RU. V. V. Svintsov, V. M. Pakhomov, I. V. Filatova. 2010 .

See what “and thus” is in other dictionaries:

    Thus- therefore, it follows from here, in this way, so, from which it follows, thus, it became, consequently, this, from which it is clear, from this it follows, in such a manner, in such a way of life, therefore, it turns out, in this manner, in this way, in such a spirit , so it turns out... ... Synonym dictionary

    the way I do- adverb, number of synonyms: 4 in my opinion (23) just like me (4) just like me (4) ... Synonym dictionary

    in the same way as- sentence, number of synonyms: 1 similar (20) ASIS Dictionary of Synonyms. V.N. Trishin. 2013… Synonym dictionary

    Thus- Unism. 1. In this way, so. With verb. nesov. and owls kind of: how? thus receive, achieve, perform, achieve, perform... Hard work, constant improvement of knowledge and skill - only in this way can one achieve success in... ... Educational phraseological dictionary

    Introductory expression and adverbial expression 1. Introductory expression. Same as “therefore, means.” Indicates the connection of thoughts, the sequence of their presentation. Identified by punctuation marks, usually commas. Details about punctuation for introductory words... ... Dictionary-reference book on punctuation

    Thus- I still see this; in zn. introductory collocation Therefore, so. II in this way see image I; in zn. introductory collocation Anyway; hence. Thus, the meeting was scheduled for the morning. Thus, you refuse our... ... Dictionary of many expressions

    Thus- after all, Benjamin acted exactly this way... Spelling difficult adverbs

    Thus- adv. qualities circumstances 1. In this way; So. 2. Used as an introductory phrase, emphasizing the meaning of the result, the result of a previous action and the corresponding word: so. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    Thus- *tsu taipara... Russian-Ingush dictionary

    part of a block of shares sold over a period of time in such a way as to avoid a decline in the market price- Can be part of an initial public offering program (placement of a new issue) or a secondary public offering after preliminary registration (shelf registration) ... Financial and investment explanatory dictionary


  • Secret plans of the Nazis A new order for a conquered world This was how the world should have become after the victory of the Third Reich, McNab K.. What would Europe have looked like if Nazi Germany had won the Second World War? The Great German Empire (“Grossdeutsches Reich”), the creation of which Hitler dreamed of, was supposed to...

Introductory words often raise doubts about whether a comma is needed and where it is placed. This also explains the question of whether a comma is placed in the words “thus” or not. The answer to this question depends on whether these are introductory words or not, as well as on what comes before or after this combination.

“Thus” is separated by commas

On both sides

If this combination is an introductory word, then a comma is needed.

  • Early in the morning, therefore, there was no way the suspect could have been in the city center.
  • The solution to this issue is therefore beyond my competence.

After the phrase

1. A phrase often begins with the words “thus”, since this introductory word indicates a certain conclusion, the result of what was said before. So the question whether “thus” is highlighted with commas or not at the beginning of a sentence must be answered in the affirmative, although a comma, naturally, is placed only after these words.

  • Thus, we have irrefutably proven that these triangles are similar.
  • Thus, I can conclude that the new drug has a beneficial effect on the patient’s condition.

2. A comma is placed only after “thus”, but not before it, if this combination is preceded by the conjunction “and” or “a”. That is, a comma, if necessary, is placed before the conjunction, and then after the introductory word.

No comma needed

The words “thus” may not be introductory, but an ordinary circumstance with the meaning “so”, “in this way”. In this case there is no comma.

  • He grabbed the rope, began to move along it with both hands, and thus got out of the water.
  • A sheet decorated in this way can be used for a congratulatory letter.

Do you know..

Which option is correct?
(according to last week’s statistics, only 78% answered correctly)