How is the word feel translated from English? Feel Translation, pronunciation, transcription, examples of use

27.01.2022 Symptoms


    cold to the feel - cold [smooth, soft] to the touch

    let me have a feel - let me touch / feel /

    the cloth was rough and coarse to the feel- the fabric was rough and rough to the touch

    by the feel - to the touch

    I can tell it"s silk by the feel- I can tell by touch that it is silk


    handle this has a sticky feel- this pen is sticky [greasy]

    the feel of a gnat's bite - the feeling of a mosquito bite

    he had a feel of utter joy - he felt great joy

    feeling, flair

    she has a feeling for good poetry- she feels good poetry

    to get the feeling of smth.

    - get used to something; learn something if you keep practicing, you"ll soon get the feel of it

    - if you keep practicing, you will soon get the hang of it

  • setting, atmosphere


      touch, feel, touch the blind recognize objects by feeling them

      - blind people recognize objects by touch feel how sharp the edge of this knife is

      - feel how sharp the knife is feel whether the water is warm enough

      - try to see if the water is hot enough

      feel how cold my hands are!

      - feel how cold my hands are! the doctor felt my pulse - the doctor felt my pulse

      groping, groping(also: feel about, feel around)

      he felt in his purse and took a penny out of it- He rummaged in his wallet and took out one penny.

      he felt under his chair with his right foot and got into his shoe- he felt under the chair with his right foot and hit the shoe

      he felt along the wall until he found the door- he groped his way along the wall until he came across the door

      to feel (about) in one"s pocket for a box of matches

      - look for a box of matches in your pocket to feel for smth.

      - to grope for something, to look for something. by touch the blind man felt for the kerb with his stick

      - the blind man tried to feel the edge of the sidewalk with a stick

      we are feeling around for an answer to our difficulty

      - we are trying to find a way out of a difficult situation

      to feel after smth.- look for sth. by touch

      to feel one's way - a) to grope, feel the way; b) to act carefully / prudently /- feel smb. presence in the dark

      to feel pity for smb.

      - feel sorry for someone, feel sorry for someone; sympathize with smb.

      to feel smb."s mood changing - to feel a change in mood in someone he felt the cold touch of the wet twig

      - he felt /felt/ the cold touch of a wet branch

      I felt the floor trembling - I felt the floor was shaking shut the door, please, I feel the draft

      - please close the door, there is a draft here / it’s blowing / he knows how it feels to be hungry

      - he knows what it means to be hungry

      I feel ten years younger - I feel ten years younger

      he doesn't feel quite himself - he feels out of place test(unpleasant) impact


      to feel the heat - have difficulty withstanding the heat [cold]

      to feel the liquor - feel the effects of alcohol, feel intoxicated to feel the effect of an accident

      - experience the consequences of an accident

      to feel as if /as though/ ... - to have a feeling as if...; ≅ to seem she felt as if her head were bursting

      - she felt like her head was pounding my leg feels as though it was broken, I feel as if my leg was broken

      - I think my leg is broken

      to experience, to experience

      she feels her friend's death - she experiences the death of her friend

      some people cannot feel - some people are incapable of experiencing

      to feel an insult deeply - deeply / acutely / experience an insult

      perceive, understand to feel keenly the beauty of the landscape

      - acutely feel the beauty of the landscape

      to feel music deeply - deeply feel / understand / music [poetry]

      be aware he felt the truth of what was said

      - he was aware of the correctness of what was said to feel the force of smb."s arguments

      - to recognize someone's strength. arguments I feel that he has told the truth

      - I feel that he is telling the truth

      it was felt to be unwise - believed that it was unreasonable I feel that I ought to say no more at present

      - I think that now I shouldn’t say anything more I felt it necessary to interfere

      - I found it necessary to intervene he felt that such a plan would be unwise

      - he considered such a plan unreasonable

      to feel free to do smth.- don't be shy about doing sth.

      please feel free to make suggestions

      - please make suggestions, don't be shy have a presentiment

      I felt that there was going to be a disaster

      to feel smth. in one's bones - instinctively foresee something; be absolutely sure (of something upcoming)

      he felt it in his bones that he will succeed- he had no doubt that he would succeed

      militarydecomposition carry out reconnaissance, “probe”

      to feel for smb. sympathize to smb.

      I feel for you deeply - I deeply sympathize with you

      to feel for people in need - feel sorry for those in need

      to feel with smb. sympathize with someone, share someone's feelings

      to feel up to (doing) smth. be able to do smb.

      I don't feel up to walking now- I'm not able to go now

      to feel like (doing) smth. to be inclined, to have, to be inclined to do smb.

      I feel like a cup of tea - I would drink a cup of tea

      I feel like a walk - I want to go for a walk

      he feels like being alone - he wants to stay / be / alone

      I don"t feel like eating - I don’t feel like eating

      if you feel like it - if you want it so much

      to feel like smth. to give the impression of smth., to be like smb.

      it feels like wood- it looks like wood [glass, velvet]

      what does it feel like to be (at) home again?- how do you like it at home (after a long absence)?; What can compare to coming home?

      it feels like rain - it looks like it will rain

      as a linking verb in a compound nominal predicate

      be in some kind condition, feel

      to feel ill - to be sick, to be sick

      to feel tired - get tired, feel tired

      my foot feels better - my foot hurts less

      to feel empty - to be hungry; feel hungry

      to feel fine - to feel great

      to feel low - to feel bad, to be in a depressed mood

      I feel cold - I’m cold [hot]

      he felt sad - he was sad

      create a sensation, make an impression

      the air felt warm - the air was warm

      how cold your hand feels - how cold your hand is

      the cloth feels soft and silky- the fabric feels soft and silky to the touch

      the room feels damp - the room is damp

      the load feels heavy to me - in my opinion, the load is quite heavy

  • FEEL

    feel (fi:l)

    1. v (felt)

    1) feel; touch, feel;

    to feel the edge of a knife;

    to feel the pulse of smb. touch smb. pulse; trans.

    try to find out someone's desires, intentions, etc. ; probe

    2) feel;

    to feel the heat (the cold)

    3) feel 4) spicy or to perceive subtly, to be sensitive ();

    to smth.

    to feel beauty (poetry)

    to feel a friend's death

    6) rummage, search by touch;

    to feel in one's pocket search ( smb.) in the pocket;

    to feel one's way

    7) linking verb in a compound nominal predicate:

    1) feel;

    I feel hot (cold)

    to feel fine (bad)

    to feel low;

    to feel quite oneself to recover, to come to oneself;

    to feel angry;

    to feel certain;

    to feel tired;

    do you feel hungry? are you hungry?;

    2) give a feeling;

    your hand feels cold

    velvet feels soft velvet is soft to the touch

    8) believe, count;

    I feel it my duty;

    to feel bound to say

    9) have a feeling

    10) military


    “to probe”; scout

    feel about

    a) move by touch; b) fumble, grope (for);"

    feel out to find out, find out; feel up to

    be able to

    to feel like (eating, etc.) to be inclined to want (to eat, etc.);

    to feel like putting smb. on amer. 4) spicy feel the desire to make fun of someone;

    to feel strongly about to experience a feeling of indignation, to be against;

    to feel one's feet (

    legs) to feel the soil under your feet; To be self-confident;

    to feel in one's bones to be completely confident;

    what do you feel about it? what do you think of it?

    2.n 4) spicy 1) touch; sensation;

    cold to the feel; cold to the touch;

    the cool feeling of smth. feeling of coldness from touching something.

    to something;by feel
    2) instinct; taste FEEL Translation and usage examples - suggestionsWelcoming the overall progress that has been made in supporting the return of refugees to all parts of the country, and reaffirming the most important principle that all who were forced to leave should
    feel FEEL free and secure to return to their homes,Welcoming the overall progress made in facilitating the return of refugees to all parts of the country, and reaffirming the overriding principle that all those who have been forced to flee their home should feel that they can return to it freely and in safety,
    Yeah, man, you FEEL so much mellower.Yeah, man, you just melt from it.
    Frankie was up to something- - I could FEEL it-- And I needed to find out what.And I feel the same way.
    How does that make you FEEL ? And how do you feel after that?
    Please do your best to make her FEEL welcome.Please make her feel good.
    Scott does FEEL very protective over Isaac, Erica, and Boyd "cause he can really relate with them.Please don't tell them. Scott wants to protect Isaac, Erica and Boyd because he sees a connection with them.
    He makes you FEEL like he"s giving you some kind of gift, when all he"s done is turn you into a bunch of guard dogs!It seems that he is giving you a gift, but in reality he is simply turning you into watchdogs.
    I FEEL like I recognize her.I feel like I recognized her.
    I just FEEL like a dumbass now.I feel stupid now.
    I just FEEL like my time there is done.I just feel like my time there is over.
    Well, I don't know about you, but I FEEL like I should go and look for her.Well, I don't know about you, but I feel like I should go and look after her.
    I don't-- I don't FEEL comfortable with her with Johnny.I don't-- I don't feel comfortable with the idea of ​​her being there with Johnny.
    I FEEL like I"m on another planet.It feels like I'm on another planet.
    I FEEL like I walked into some kind of a dream or a nightmare, and nobody-- nobody has any answers.It's like I'm walking through some kind of dream or nightmare, and no one has any answers.


    1. (fi:l) n

    1. touch

    cold (smooth) to the ~ - cold (smooth, soft) to the touch

    let me have a ~ - let me touch / feel /

    the cloth was rough and coarse to the ~ - the fabric was rough and rough to the touch

    by the ~ - to the touch

    I can tell it "s silk by the ~ - I can tell by touch that it is silk

    2. sensation

    handle this has a sticky (greasy) ~ - this handle is sticky (greasy)

    the ~ of a gnat "s bite - the feeling of a mosquito bite

    he had a ~ of utter joy - he felt great joy

    3. feeling, flair

    she has a ~ for good poetry - she feels good poetry

    to get the ~ of smth. - get used to something; learn something

    if you keep practicing, you"ll soon get the ~ of it - if you continue to practice, you will soon get the hang of it

    4. setting, atmosphere

    the factory had a homely ~ - there was an informal atmosphere at the factory

    the place has the ~ of an old English pub - the atmosphere of an old English pub reigned here

    2. (fi:l) v(felt)

    1. 1) touch, feel, feel

    the blind recognize objects by ~ing them - the blind recognize objects by touch

    ~ how sharp the edge of this knife is - touch how sharp the knife is

    ~ whether the water is warm enough - try to see if the water is warm enough

    ~ how cold my hands are! - feel how cold my hands are!

    the doctor felt my pulse - the doctor felt my pulse

    2) fumble, search by touch ( etc.~ about, ~ around)

    he felt in his purse and took a penny out of it - he rummaged in his wallet and took out one penny

    he felt under his chair with his right foot and got into his shoe - he felt under the chair with his right foot and got into his shoe

    he felt along the wall until he found the door - he groped his way along the wall until he came across the door

    to ~ (about) in one "s pocket for a box of matches - look for a box of matches in your pocket

    to ~ for smth. - to grope for something, to look for something. by touch

    the blind man felt for the kerb with his stick - the blind man tried to feel the edge of the sidewalk with a stick

    we are ~ing around for an answer to our difficulty - we are trying to find a way out of a difficult situation

    to ~ after smth. - look for sth. by touch

    to ~ one's way - a) to grope, feel the way; b) to act carefully / prudently /

    2. 1) feel, sense

    to ~ smth. under one's foot - step on something.

    to ~ smb."s presence in the dark - feel someone's presence in the dark

    to ~ pity for smb. - feel sorry for someone, feel sorry for someone; sympathize with smb.

    to ~ smb."s mood changing - to feel a change in mood in someone

    he felt the cold touch of the wet twig - he felt /felt/ the cold touch of a wet branch

    I felt the floor trembling - I felt the floor was shaking

    shut the door, please, I ~ the draft - please close the door, there is a draft here / it’s blowing /

    he knows how it ~s to be hungry - he knows what it means to be hungry

    I ~ ten years younger - I feel ten years younger

    he doesn't ~ quite himself - he feels out of place

    2) experience the (unpleasant) effects of something.

    to ~ the heat (the cold) - have difficulty withstanding the heat (cold)

    to ~ the liquor - feel the effects of alcohol, feel intoxicated

    to ~ the effect of an accident - experience the consequences of an accident

    to ~ as if /as though/ ... - have a feeling as if...; ≅ to seem

    she felt as if her head were bursting - it seemed to her that her head was splitting

    my leg ~s as though it was broken, I ~ as if my leg was broken - I seem to have a broken leg

    3. experience, experience

    she ~s her friend's death - she experiences the death of her friend

    some people cannot ~ - some people are incapable of experiencing

    to ~ an insult deeply - deeply / acutely / experience an insult

    4. perceive, understand

    to ~ keenly the beauty of the landscape - keenly feel the beauty of the landscape

    to ~ music (poetry) deeply - deeply feel / understand / music (poetry)

    5. 1) be aware

    he felt the truth of what was said - he was aware of the correctness of what was said

    to ~ the force of smb."s arguments - to recognize the strength of someone's arguments

    I ~ that he has told the truth - I feel that he is telling the truth

    it was felt to be unwise - believed that it was unreasonable

    I ~ that I ought to say no more at present - I believe that now I should say nothing more

    I felt it necessary to interfere - I found it necessary to intervene

    he felt that such a plan would be unwise - he considered such a plan unreasonable

    to ~ free to do smth. - don't be shy about doing sth.

    please ~ free to make suggestions - please make suggestions, don’t be shy

    6. have a presentiment

    I felt that there was going to be a disaster - I had a presentiment that a misfortune would happen

    I can ~ winter coming - I feel winter approaching

    to ~ smth. in one's bones - to instinctively foresee something; to be absolutely sure ( in smb. upcoming)

    he felt it in his bones that he will succeed - he had no doubt that he would succeed

    7. military carry out reconnaissance, “probe”

    1. 1) decomposition to ~ for smb.

    sympathize with smb.

    I ~ for you deeply - I deeply sympathize with you

    2) to ~ for people in need - feel sorry for those in need to ~ with smb.

    2. sympathize with someone, share someone's feelings(to ~ up to)doing smth.

    be able to do sth.

    3. I don"t ~ up to walking now - now I’m not able to walk(to ~ up to)doing to~like

    to be inclined, to have, to feel the desire to do smth.

    I ~ like a cup of tea - I would drink a cup of tea

    I ~ like a walk - I want to go for a walk

    he ~s like being alone - he wants to stay / be / alone

    I don"t ~ like eating - I don’t feel like eating

    4. if you ~ like it - if you want it so much to ~ like smth.

    to give the impression of something, to be like something.

    it ~s like wood (glass, velvet) - it looks like wood (glass, velvet)

    what does it ~ like to be (at) home again? - how do you like it at home (after a long absence)?; What can compare to coming home?

    it ~s like rain - it looks like it will rain

    as a linking verb in a compound nominal predicate

    1. to be in smb. condition, feel

    to ~ ill - to be sick, to be ill

    to ~ tired - to get tired, feel tired

    my foot ~s better - my foot hurts less

    to ~ empty - to be hungry; feel hungry

    to ~ fine - feel great

    to ~ low - feel bad, be in a depressed mood

    he felt sad - he was sad

    2. cause a sensation, make an impression

    the air felt warm - the air was warm

    how cold your hand ~s - what a cold hand you have

    the cloth ~s soft and silky - the fabric feels soft and silky to the touch

    the room ~s damp - the room is damp

    the load ~s heavy to me - in my opinion, the load is quite heavy

    Translation of words containing to something;, from English into Russian

    New big English-Russian dictionary under the general leadership of academician. Yu.D. Apresyan



    (ʹfi:lə) n

    1. cm. feel II + -er

    2. zool. tentacle, antennae; antenna

    3. trial ball; soil probing

    his remark was meant as a ~ - his words were intended to probe the soil

    to put forth /to send out, to throw out/ a ~ - to probe the soil, to launch a trial balloon; cast a fishing rod

    4. military

    1) scout

    2) military intelligence agency

    5. those. dipstick; puny



    1. (ʹfi:lıŋ) n

    1. 1) sensation, feeling, consciousness

    ~ of safety (of injury) - feeling of security (resentment)

    ~ of cold (of discomfort, of pain, of hunger)- feeling of cold (embarrassment, pain, hunger)

    the sudden blow made him lose all ~ - the sudden blow caused him to completely lose consciousness

    2) sensitivity

    I have no ~ in my arm - my hand is numb

    I have no ~ in my leg - my leg is numb

    a sense of ~ - sense of touch

    3) feeling

    ~ of smb."s pockets - feeling / searching / someone's pockets

    2. 1) feeling, emotion

    a ~ of pride (joy, gratitude) - feeling of pride (joy, gratitude)

    a man of ~ - sentimental 4) spicy emotional person

    to be dead /lost/ to all ~ - to be insensitive /heartless, callous/

    to speak with ~ - speak with feeling /emotionally/

    2) ordinary pl

    feelings; experiences

    to appeal to the ~s rather than to the reason - appeal to feelings rather than to reason to have mixed ~s - to experience a double / mixed / feeling ()

    joys and regrets, etc.

    to have strong ~s on smth. - take sth. close to heart

    he has strong ~s on ... - he cannot speak calmly about ...

    to hurt smb."s ~s - to offend someone, to hurt someone’s pride

    to relieve one "s ~s - relieve / relieve / soul

    the conversation helped her to relieve her ~s - the conversation helped her relieve her soul

    to control one "s ~s - to control oneself, to control oneself

    3) sympathy, sympathy; kindness

    not to show much ~ for the sufferings of other people - not to show sympathy for the suffering of others

    to have no ~ for smb. - not to sympathize with someone, to be indifferent to someone.

    3. excitement, excitement

    the speech aroused strong ~ on all sides - the speech deeply excited all those present

    I have no ~ about his attack on me - I am not angry with him for his attacks

    to entertain a ~ against smb. - ≅ to have a grudge against someone.

    4. opinion; impression

    he expressed his ~s about the latest discoveries on - expressed his opinion about the latest discoveries

    what is the general ~ on this question? - what is the attitude towards this issue?; what does everyone think/say/ about this?

    5. perception, understanding ( art, beauty, etc.)

    to have a deep ~ for beauty - deeply feel the beauty

    she has a fine ~ for language - she has a very fine sense of language

    6. (emotional) atmosphere; mood

    the place has the ~ of a haunted house - it seems that this house is full of ghosts

    his new picture is full of ~ - his new picture (written) with great mood

    to play the piano with ~ - play (on the piano) with feeling / with enthusiasm /

    7. premonition

    he had a ~ that smth. was going to happen - he felt / he had a premonition / that something was going to happen

    I had a ~ of danger - I had a feeling of (impending) danger

    good ~ - friendliness, goodwill, good feelings

    ill ~ - hostility, unfriendliness

    to bear good (ill) ~ - to experience good (hostile) feelings

    hard ~s - insult

    I hope you have no hard ~s about my going without you - I hope that you are not offended because I left without you

    1) sensitivity;

    I have no feeling in this leg

    2) feeling, sensation, consciousness;

    he had a feeling of safety;

    to appeal to smb."s better feelings

    3) emotion, excitement; feeling;

    feeling ran high passions flared up;

    to hurt smb."s feelings;

    to relieve one's feelings

    4) attitude, mood; ( often pl) look;

    the general feeling was against him;

    good feeling goodwill;

    ill feeling hostility, prejudice; hostility;

    strong feeling(s) (deep) indignation

    5) feeling, impression;

    bad feeling

    6) sympathy

    7) subtle perception ( art, beauty)"

    8) intuition, premonition;

    a feeling of danger

    3. a

    - feel for - feel with - feel like - feel one"s legs - feel one"s way - feel the pulse of smb. 2. n perceiving, perceiving; dotikthis is silk by the feel - on dotik tse shovk

    1. verb
      1. feel
      2. palpate; touch, feel;
        to feel the edge of a knife;
        to feel the pulse of smb. touch smb. pulse; V figurative meaning try to find out someone's desires, intentions, etc.; palpate;

        Examples of using

          Unlocking the long barred padlocks that passed through the grommet that closed the opening of the mouth of the packs, and untying the drawstring at the top of each pack, he felt inside them and verified their contents with his hands.

          Having unlocked the locks threaded through the rings and untied the ribbons that held the edges of the backpacks together, he checked their contents by touch.

          For whom the Bell Tolls. Ernest Hemingway, page 50
        1. Just FEEL it once." I felt it.

        2. fumble, search by touch;
          to feel in one's pocket to look for (sth.) in your pocket;
          to feel one's way; figuratively act with caution; probe the soil, find out the situation

          Examples of using

          1. Somewhat absent-mindedly O"Brien felt two of his pockets and then produced a small leather-covered notebook and a gold ink-pencil.

            O'Brien rummaged absentmindedly in both pockets, then pulled out a leather notebook and a gold ink pencil.

            1984. Animal Farm. George Orwell, page 154
          2. We pushed aside curtains that were like pavilions, and felt over innumerable feet of dark wall for electric light switches-once I tumbled with a sort of splash upon the keys of a ghostly piano.

            We parted the draperies that looked like tent floors, we ran our hands along the surface of the dark walls in search of light switches; Once I ran into an open piano in the dark, and a fountain of discordant sounds sprayed out from there.

            The Great Gatsby. Francis Scott Fitzgerald, page 111
          3. I felt in his pockets, one after another.

            I searched the captain's pockets one by one.

            Treasure Island. Robert Louis Stevenson, page 22
        3. feel;
          to feel the heat (the cold)
        4. to perceive acutely or subtly, to be sensitive (to something);
          to feel beauty (poetry) to feel beauty (poetry);
          the ship feels her helm
        5. worry;
          to feel a friend's death
        6. linking verb in a compound nominal predicate: a> feel;
          I feel hot (cold)
          to feel fine (bad) to feel fine (bad);
          to feel low;
          to feel quite oneself to recover, to come to oneself;
          to feel angry;
          to feel certain;
          to feel tired;
          do you feel hungry? are you hungry?; b> give a feeling;
          your hand feels cold
          velvet feels soft velvet is soft to the touch
        7. believe, count;
          I feel it my duty;
          to feel bound to say
        8. have a presentiment

          Examples of using

          1. Finally what I felt like, I felt like giving old Jane a buzz and see if she was home yet.

            And then again I really wanted to call Jane on the phone, to find out whether she had finally returned home or not.

            Catcher in the rye. Jerome D. Salinger, page 152
        9. military, colloquial - “to probe”; to scout;
          feel about a> move by touch; b> fumble, grope (for);
          feel for a> sympathize;
          I really feel for you; b> grope;
          feel up to be able;
          feel with share (someone's) feeling; sympathize; empathize;
          to feel like (eating, etc.) to be inclined, to want (to eat, etc.);
          to feel like putting smb. on American, used in the USA feel the desire to help someone;
          it feels like rain;
          to feel strongly about to feel a sense of indignation, to be against;
          to feel one's feet (or legs) feel the ground under your feet; be confident;
          to feel in one's bones to be absolutely sure;
          what do you feel about it? what do you think of it?

          Examples of using

          1. At first it was but a lurid spark upon the stone pavement. Then it lengthened out until it became a yellow line, and then, without any warning or sound, a gash seemed to open and a hand appeared, a white, almost womanly hand, which felt about in the center of the little area of ​​light. For a minute or more the hand, with its writhing fingers, protruded out of the floor. Then it was withdrawn as suddenly as it appeared, and all was dark again save the single lurid spark which marked a chink between the stones.

            At first it was a weak spark that flickered in the gap between the floor slabs. Soon this spark turned into a yellow stripe. Then, without any noise, a hole appeared in the floor, and in the very middle of the illuminated space a hand appeared - white, feminine - which seemed to be trying to grope for some object. For a minute, this hand with moving fingers stuck out from the floor. Then she disappeared as suddenly as she had appeared, and everything was plunged into darkness again; only a faint light made its way through a narrow gap between the two slabs.

            The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Union of redheads. Arthur Conan Doyle, page 20
      3. noun
        1. touch; sensation;
          cold to the feel; cold to the touch;
          the cool feeling of smth. feeling of coldness from touching something. or to smth.;
          by feel
        2. flair; taste

          Examples of using

          1. You probably feel guilty at this moment

            Subtitles for the video "Three concerns about children watching screens - and why they are unfounded. Sara DeWitt", page 4
          2. I remember I felt an extraordinary persuasion that I was being played with, that presently, when I was upon the very verge of safety, this mysterious death--as swift as the passage of light--would leap after me from the pit about the cylinder and strike me down. CHAPTER SIX THE HEAT-RAY IN THE CHOBHAM ROAD

            I remember I had a feeling that someone was playing with me, that now, when I was almost safe, a mysterious death, instantaneous, like a flash of fire, would suddenly jump out of the dark pit where the cylinder lay and destroy me on the spot . 6. Heat ray on Chobham Road

            War of the Worlds. Herbert Wells, page 21

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    irregular verb

    feel - felt - felt

    1. feel (feel, seem)
    2. count (believe, think, relate, count, count)
    3. sympathize
    4. feel (feel)
    5. feel
    6. touch (feel)
    7. feel
    8. experience (feel, experience)
    9. please feel free to make suggestions
    10. touch
    11. fumble
    12. probe


    1. feeling (feeling, opinion)
    2. touch

    Plural number: feels.

    Verb forms


    FEEL strongly
    feel strongly

    FEEL the heat
    feel warm

    FEEL for him
    sympathize with him

    FEEL no bottom
    find the bottom

    FEEL a pulse
    feel the pulse

    FEEL a sense
    feel the sensation

    FEEL the moment
    feel the moment

    FEEL danger
    anticipate danger

    familiar FEEL
    familiar feeling

    warm FEEL
    warm feeling


    Frankie was up to something- - I could FEEL good now.
    I don't feel well now.

    I FEEL the same.
    I feel the same way.

    I"ve spent so many years as chairman that I FEEL it's time I stepped down.
    I have been chairman for so many years that I feel it is time for me to step down.

    It's fine this morning and I FEEL like a walk.
    It's a clear morning and I want to take a walk.

    The high percentage of oxygen makes humans FEEL energized and alive.
    A high percentage of oxygen makes people alive and energetic.

    How does it FEEL to be back home?
    How does it feel to return home?

    I FEEL like I"m forgetting something.
    I think I forgot something.

    Frankie was up to something- - I could FEEL like playing either.
    I don't want to play either.

    I FEEL like I let you down.
    I feel like I've let you down.

    I FEEL as if I"m catching cold.
    I feel like I'm getting a cold.

    He feels relaxed when he"s playing the guitar.
    He relaxes when he plays the guitar.

    He feels a lot better today.
    Today he feels much better.

    Driving in the dark feels like flying!
    Driving in the dark is like flying!

    Tom said that he feels much better today.
    Tom said he feels much better today.

    My mother feels better.
    My mom is feeling better.

    You"re not the only one who feels that way.
    You're not the only one who thinks so.

    This wall feels very cold.
    This wall is very cold to the touch.

    This toilet paper feels like sandpaper.
    This toilet paper feels like sandpaper.

    He feels very happy.
    He feels very happy.

    I"m not the only one who feels that way.
    I'm not the only one who thinks so.

    I felt bad.
    I was sorry.

    Tom felt very lonely.
    Tom felt very lonely.

    We all felt sorry for Tom.
    We all felt sorry for Tom.

    Even standing right in front of the stove, Tom still felt cold.
    Tom continued to freeze, even standing right in front of the stove.

    Tom felt he owed Mary an explanation.
    Tom felt that he owed Mary an explanation.

    All of a sudden, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.
    Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my stomach.

    She felt no shame at having said what she did.
    She felt no shame in saying what she said.

    Before I met you, I never felt this way.
    Before meeting you, I had never experienced this.

    Tom felt a bit tired.
    Tom felt a little tired.

    I felt tired last night.
    I felt tired last night.