Consultations for parents of Tatar language teachers. “Use of teaching materials for teaching pupils the Tatar language” consultation for educators. Rules for parents on teaching children

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Language - the main means of familiarization with national culture, a source of folk wisdom. Teaching children the Tatar language in kindergarten is one of the most difficult methodological tasks. But now it has become more interesting to teach the Tatar language to Russian-speaking preschool children. If earlier language teaching was dominated by academics and theory, now there is an appeal to practice-oriented, multimedia, learning with the help of games, fairy tales, and cartoons. That is, children now learn by playing.



Language - the main means of familiarization with national culture, a source of folk wisdom. Teaching children the Tatar language in kindergarten is one of the most difficult methodological tasks. But now it has become more interesting to teach the Tatar language to Russian-speaking preschool children. If earlier language teaching was dominated by academics and theory, now there is an appeal to the practice of orientation, multimedia, learning with the help of games, fairy tales, and cartoons. That is, children now learn by playing.

Play is a natural form of children's existence. And the most direct way to achieve mutual understanding with a child is through play.

But any stressful situation can destroy the child’s desire to play, and therefore, there will be no need for him to use foreign speech. Therefore, the teacher should remember that it is possible to maintain interest in the game only by maintaining a positively colored emotional background in the lesson. Therefore, children in classes should not get tired, be relaxed, and remain interested. The more comfortable the conditions in the classroom, the more intense the acquisition of foreign language speech. Playing with children requires high professionalism from the teacher, awakening many abilities and talents.

In classes, teaching the Tatar language can be organized at the following stages:

the first stage is introducing children to new words;

the second stage is a repetition of the material covered;

the third stage is consolidation, active use of the language.

During the lesson, the teacher sets himself the following tasks:

To cultivate in children a love for their native land, for its nature and a caring attitude towards it;

Arouse children's interest in the historical past of their native land;

To foster patriotic feelings in children, pride and respect for the past and present of their native land;

Introduce children to interesting historical events, work activities, culture, life and holidays of the Tatar people.

At the very first stage of work, we include game exercises aimed at developing facial expressions and gestures, which is the main action for theatrical games, and at the same time introducing children to new words. In language teaching classes, it is necessary to introduce almost every phrase accompanied by one or another gesture and accompany the phrase with it until complete mastery. It is often enough for a teacher to show a gesture for the child to remember the necessary word.

At the second stage, we move on to role-playing games. The situation of verbal communication can be complicated by introducing characters into the game (a bi-ba-bo doll, a toy that help convey the dialogue. Children are happy to engage in conversation, get to know a new character, solve riddles, describe objects that the dolls offer to examine.

At the next third stage, when speech develops without visual support, coherent speech skills are consolidated, you can play theatrical games with children based on familiar works(author's or folklore). Children can only dramatize well-known fairy tales, stories or poems in which dialogue occupies a large place and which, when acted out, easily turn into small plays or skits. In a game, a preschooler enjoys the process itself, even if the game assumes a certain result. Experiencing pleasure from the gaming activities themselves, the child will want to play this game again and again. And by playing repeatedly, you can achieve good results.

Good language acquisition, emotional, expressive reproduction makes children want to actively use it.

During my Tatar language classes, I offer toys, attributes, and animal masks for middle-aged children to play out."Turnips", "Koloboka" etc., I try to ensure that children convey their mood and change their facial expressions. Children learn to correctly pronounce words and phrases in the Tatar language, answer questions, and follow the development of an action.

Together with the children, we watch Tatar cartoons and animated stories that we downloaded from the website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan( . After watching, we discuss and retell the plot. When they hear familiar words, their faces change and they rejoice.

The positive impact of bilingualism on memory development, intelligence, reaction speed, mathematical skills and logic is undeniable.Bilingual children do well academically and are better able to master abstract science, literature, and foreign languages.

In conclusion, I would like to note once again that in the process of learning the Tatar language, the Tatar language teacher - group teachers - specialized preschool educational institutions specialists - parents - we are all important links in one chain. Therefore, the result is possible only if we work together and work together.

Remember that teaching your child the Tatar language should be fun for the child. If your child doesn't like what you're doing, stop it and try something different.

Be sure to create a motive for each speech action of the baby: the child must understand why the mother speaks another language and why he himself needs to speak this language.

Very young children acquire language through imitation, while older children (from 3 years old) learn it consciously. Therefore, the techniques used to teach children depend on their age.

It is very important to pronounce words correctly. Otherwise, the baby will learn the wrong pronunciation and subsequently it will be very difficult to get rid of it. If you are not sure that you are pronouncing a word correctly, check the pronunciation in a dictionary that contains phonetic transcription.

It is advisable that the pictures and toys that you need are intended exclusively for learning: put them in a separate box - a “magic chest” - and take them out only during classes. The “magic chest,” as well as the contents in the chest, must be aesthetically pleasing and colorful to captivate children.

Contents of the "Magic Chest"

Thematic pictures.

The toy is the main character of the lessons. It is best to use a glove puppet or puppet. Toys depicting people, animals, transport.

Construction material.

Materials for crafts: glue, paper, paints, brushes, scissors, plasticine.

Multi-colored counting sticks.

Audio cassettes or disks with recordings of songs in the Tatar language.

You can make animals together with small children. And then you can act out the dialogue. For example: Let's get acquainted, introduce your new friend to other toys, etc.

The fairy tale “Teremok” is very fascinating for children. For this fairy tale, you can use the same characters who were sculpted from plasticine. And play all this with the child in a non-intrusive way in the Tatar language. Watch cartoons, colorful pictures from the “magic chest”.

With children of senior preschool age, you can play the game “Who can name the most toys, animals, products”, “Give a command”, “Treat me”. Gradually, without intrusiveness, the child will develop a vocabulary for further learning the Tatar language.

Consultation for parents "Teaching the Tatar language to Russian-speaking children"

The positive impact of bilingualism on the development of memory, the ability to understand, analyze and discuss language phenomena, intelligence, reaction speed, mathematical skills and logic is undeniable. Bilingual children learn well and master abstract science, literature, and foreign languages ​​better. The younger the child, the greater his chances of mastering a second language to the maximum extent possible and with natural pronunciation.

In the conditions of the new language situation in the republic, the formation of a person occurs under the influence of two national cultures, traditions, two systems of ethical norms of speech and non-speech behavior. Taking into account the age characteristics of children, and guided by the State Standard for Education and Upbringing, classes are held in the kindergarten to study the Tatar language with Russian-speaking children. The lesson notes contain the following tasks:

*increasing children's vocabulary;

*children’s participation in dialogues, development of children’s memory and imagination;

*to arouse children's interest in the Tatar language;

*instill in children a love for their native land, its nature and respect for it;

*introduce historical monuments and sights of the city of Kazan, etc.

This technique was developed specifically for children - a lightweight version, in a playful form. They will learn spoken language. There is a norm - by the first grade a child should know 167 Tatar words. According to the program developers, this will be enough to immerse the child in the language environment and begin learning the Tatar language as an adult - at school.

In the middle group We are working on the project “Minem өem” (“My Home”), which includes the following topics: “Gailә”, “Ashamlyklar”, “Uenchyklar”, “Sannar”, “Kabatlau”. The classes use information and communication technologies, situation games, visual materials, audio recordings, and cartoons based on fairy tales of Tatar writers. Children also complete tasks on workbooks.

The game is an effective and accessible form of activity in teaching Russian children Tatar oral speech. Children don’t even think that they are learning, without noticing it, they learn Tatar words, phrases, sentences much better and on this basis they practice the correct pronunciation of specific Tatar sounds.

In the senior and preparatory group knowledge on topics is expanded and deepened. Projects in senior groups are called “Uyny-uyny үsәbez” (“Growing up while playing”), in preparatory groups they are called “Without inde khazer zurlar-maktәpkә ilta yullar” (“Soon to school”). Children develop skills:

* distinguish between speech in Tatar and native languages;

* understand speech in the Tatar language within the topics studied;

* to ask questions;

* express a request, desire, need, need for something;

* retell short texts;

* compose a story based on the picture and observations;

* tell a poem, counting rhymes, sing songs, fairy tales.

The younger the child, the greater his chances of mastering a second language to the maximum extent possible and with natural pronunciation.

Good educational results appear only when the efforts of teachers and parents are coordinated.

Good educational results appear only when the efforts of teachers and parents are coordinated. The parents of our preschool educational institution have a positive influence on their children’s desire to learn a second language. After the survey, it turned out:

In the middle group, all parents know that there are two official languages ​​in the Republic of Tatarstan, but only one family speaks two official languages. languages. A consultation was held: “Creating favorable conditions for learning a second state language.”

In the older group, parents want their children to communicate with people of other nationalities as equals. A consultation was held: “Cultivating love and respect for people of other nationalities.”

In the preparatory group, parents reported their respect for their native land of Kazan. A consultation was held: “Familiarizing children with the Native Land.”

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

“Combined kindergarten with groups for children with musculoskeletal disorders No. 87”

Executive Committee of the Nizhnekamsk District of the Republic of Tatarstan

Consultation for parents:

Tatar language at home.

Compiled by:

Tatar language teacher

Samatova L.N.


Rules for parents on teaching children

Tatar language at home.

Remember that teaching your child the Tatar language should be fun for the child. If your child doesn't like what you're doing, stop it and try something different.

Be sure to create a motive for each speech action of the baby: the child must understand why the mother speaks another language and why he himself needs to speak this language.

Very young children acquire language through imitation, while older children (from 3 years old)– consciously. Therefore, the techniques used to teach children depend on their age.

It is very important to pronounce words correctly. Otherwise, the baby will learn the wrong pronunciation and subsequently it will be very difficult to get rid of it. If you are not sure that you are pronouncing a word correctly, check the pronunciation in a dictionary that contains phonetic transcription.

It is advisable that the pictures and toys that you need are intended exclusively for learning: put them in a separate box - a “magic chest” - and take them out only during classes. The “magic chest,” as well as the contents in the chest, must be aesthetically pleasing and colorful to captivate children.

Contents of the "Magic Chest"

Thematic pictures.

The toy is the main character of the lessons. It is best to use a glove puppet or puppet.

Toys depicting people and animals.

Construction material.

Materials for crafts: glue, paper, paints, brushes, scissors, plasticine.

Multi-colored counting sticks.

Audio cassettes or disks with recordings of songs in the Tatar language.

Together with young children you can make animals, toys, vegetables, and fruits. And then you can act out the dialogue. For example: Let's get acquainted, introduce your new friend to other toys, etc.

The fairy tale “Teremok” is very fascinating for children. For this fairy tale, you can use the same characters who were sculpted from plasticine. And play all this with the child in a non-intrusive manner in the Tatar language. Watch cartoons, colorful pictures from the “magic chest”.

With children of senior preschool age, you can play the game “Who can name the most toys, animals, products”, “Give a command”, “Treat me”. Gradually, without intrusiveness, the child will develop a vocabulary for further learning the Tatar language.

Development of communicative speech within the framework of teaching materials.

Hello, dear colleagues, in order to understand the current situation, we must first understand for ourselves what a bilingual kindergarten is and why it is needed? Bilingualism is communication, mind you. COMMUNICATION, in two official languages. Therefore, we must direct all our efforts to solve the tasks that the state has set for them.

But a preschool child does not understand why he needs to know a second language. The purpose of adults is not clear to him. The motivation of preschoolers operates according to the “here and now” principle, i.e. the child is not given long-term goals. He remembers only what is interesting to him.

Therefore, the process of teaching the Tatar language to Russian-speaking children should become accessible, entertaining and interesting, while ensuring such a level of language acquisition at which the child could easily use it and be a good partner in a gaming situation.

Communicative speech (this is dialogue) must begin to be improved from the middle group. The program “Tatarcha soylәshәbez” (pp. 16-19) provides samples on all topics.

At the end of the year, children in the older group should confidently, without prompting from the teacher, be able to conduct a dialogue with each other, asking and answering the questions “Hallar nichek? Nindy? Nothing? Narsә kirk?", organize a story game "Shop", on any topic (vegetables, furniture, clothes, toys), a game "Commander".

In the preparatory group, children should be able to ask and answer the questions “Hallar nichek? Nindy? Nothing? Narsә kirәk? Sin by whom? Boo by whom? Bu nәrsә? Nichsch yash? Nishli? Nishlisen? What kind of sheep?? independently organize story games “Shop”, “Commander”, “Let's treat friends”, also buy tickets, make acquaintances, talk on the phone.

A teacher teaching the Tatar language in an educational educational institution uses methods and techniques that create a child’s need to communicate and use familiar words in play, in natural situations, that is, in practice, and teachers in groups. by creating conditions, they consolidate and improve children’s ability to conduct dialogues, i.e. create a unified speech space (where children would be comfortable communicating in the Tatar language).

The child’s partners can be not only the children and the teacher teaching the Tatar language, but also all teachers and parents, since the educational training center provides for joint work with children by preschool teachers and parents.

Objectives: For the successful implementation of teaching materials, teachers need to reinforce in routine moments during the day:

Help children remember vocabulary material;

Learn to listen and hear speech in the Tatar language:

Improve communication skills by creating optimal conditions for the genuine motivation of children's speech and the need for it: different game situations so that children express their requests, desires, the need for something, conduct dramatization games, dramatizations, role-playing games, didactic games.

Foster a desire to learn the Tatar language;

Carry out constant work in notebooks.

To interest parents, educators need to carry out systematic work, diversifying its forms:

Give workbooks home for joint work between the child and parents;

Offer homework. For example, short dialogues, etc.

Invite to GCD;

Organize entertainment using educational materials. For example, puppet theaters, etc.

You yourself know that nowadays children have increased interest in learning the Tatar language, their memorization productivity has increased, and the multimedia and playful form of presenting information has reduced emotional tension and instilled in children confidence in success in learning.

We do not set a goal to transfer the communication of Russian-speaking children into the Tatar language, but we would like to hope that soon all our children will be able to communicate freely (in accessible situations) in two state languages.

M municipal budget preschool educational institution "Kindergarten "Altynchech" of a general developmental type" Zainsky municipal district

Republic of Tatarstan

"Use of teaching materials

for training

pupils of the Tatar language"

consultation for educators

Educator: L.V.Mukhutdinova

October, 2017

Kindergarten is the first link in the education system. Therefore, one of the most important tasks of a kindergarten is the formation of children’s initial oral speech on the basis of their mastery of the language of their people. The main goal of speech education is for the child to creatively master the norms and rules of his native language, be able to apply them flexibly in specific situations, and master basic communicative abilities. Language learning should be systematic; it is a purposeful process of developing cognitive abilities, assimilating a system of elementary knowledge about the environment and the corresponding vocabulary, and developing speech skills.

Depending on the intended goals and objectives, taking into account age characteristics, different methods and forms of training are used. Educational activities are carried out in group form. Group learning is entertaining and effective, because language situations are practiced through dialogues and games, and thus the language barrier is overcome. During games, you need to create an environment of unforced communication and children ask each other simple questions, answer them, carry out instructions from the teacher of their comrades, the speech of others thereby influences each other’s speech.

Play is one of the most important forms of learning and is the leading activity of preschool children. During the game, children themselves, without noticing it, acquire certain vocabulary, master language skills, speech skills, and thus the children develop the foundations of communicative competence. They learn the correct pronunciation of words, the construction of connected statements, and consolidate and activate Tatar vocabulary. The game is an effective and accessible form of activity when teaching children Tatar oral speech. Children don’t even think that they are learning without noticing it; they learn Tatar words, phrases, sentences much better, and on this basis they practice the correct pronunciation of specific Tatar sounds. Information and communication technologies, that is, the use of a computer, television, multimedia equipment, listening to audio recordings, increases the efficiency of the educational process, and also reinforces the material covered. For example, using a computer to consolidate the material covered, you can use the following didactic games: “Who’s missing?”; “Guess and name”; “Who is the odd one out?”; "Count"; "Treat the hares"; “Make a salad” and many others. The computer helps improve the level of teaching by providing clarity, control, and a large amount of information. To develop full-fledged gaming communication, game situations are used in which the character “Akbay and Miyau” finds himself. Through the game plot, you can play out the process of a character’s acquaintance with a new object, examine it in detail, study it, and examine it. For older people, problem game situations are most effective. In these situations, the adult attracts the child to his emotional state and the state of other characters. By actively participating in problem situations, the child finds a way out for his feelings and experiences, learns to recognize and accept them. To achieve effectiveness in communicating with children in the Tatar language, didactic material plays an important role. Since all classes are held in the form of a game, the best way to reinforce topics is didactic games. For example, “Add to cart”; “Treat Alsou”; “Invite to the house”; "What changed"; “Who (what) is this?”; Commander"; "Magic Colors"; “I’ll call you, show me” or “I’ll show you, tell me”; "Funny Ball" and many others. The purpose of didactic games: development of sound culture of speech, activation and enrichment of children's vocabulary, coordination of parts of speech, development of fine motor skills. In order to develop and strengthen memory, verbal games are used: “Shop”; "In the cafe"; "At the Circus"; “Where are you going (going)”; "Phone conversation"; "What? , Which one?, How much? and others. The use of workbooks allows the child to learn the vocabulary of the Tatar language, consolidate speech material in a playful form, maintain interest in the language, and attract parents to actively participate in the development of their child. While working in notebooks, children repeat the material covered, ask each other questions, and communicate with the teacher in the Tatar language. The use of audio recordings during the introduction of new words, speech samples, game dialogues, and recordings for showing tabletop theater also improve the quality of teaching the Tatar language.

Good educational results appear only when the efforts of educators and parents are coordinated. I would like to hope that soon children will easily communicate in two official languages.