Final assignment on the topic of economics. What is factor income from land

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Part A tasks.

1. The main factors of production in a market economy do NOT include:

a) Labor b) land c) state plan d) entrepreneurial abilities

2. Extensive development factors include:

a) NTP

b) Improvement of employee qualifications

c) Expanding the use of resources

3. The consolidated plan for collecting state revenues and using the funds received to cover all types of its expenses is called:

a) financial plan b) accounting report

c) state budget d) economic calculation.

4. Are the judgments correct:

A. The amount of profit received by the manufacturer is one of the factors in supply growth.

B. An increase in price usually results in an increase in supply.

A) only A is true. b) only B is true. c) both are true. d) both are false.

5. Direct taxes are characterized by the fact that they:

a) are collected only from monopolistic enterprises

b) are not charged to citizens

c) are used only to reduce public debt

d) are a mandatory fee in favor of the state.

6. State in a market economy:

a) provides legal protection of private property

b) sets prices for essential goods

c) centrally distributes resources

d) determines the rates and salaries of workers at enterprises.

7. Indicate which of the following refers to exogenous (external) reasons for the cyclical development of the economy:

a) state monetary policy b) wars

c) reduction in production d) all of the above

8. The market of economic resources includes:

a) labor market b) commodity market c) stock market d) foreign exchange market.

9. Labor productivity at the plant has doubled due to new equipment. What factor of intensive growth does this example demonstrate?

a) advanced training of workers b) scientific and technological progress

c) rational distribution of resources d) savings on employee salaries

10. Are the judgments correct:

A. The main goal of the Bank of Russia (Central Bank) is to make a profit.

B. The most important task of the Central Bank is to protect and ensure the stability of the ruble.

a) only A is true. b) only B is true. c) both are true. d) both are false.

11. An economic indicator expressing the market value of all final goods and services produced in a given country during the year:

a) GDP b) GNP c) personal income d) national income.

12. If demand is higher than supply, then the price of the product

a) will not change b) will increase c) will fall d) will fluctuate

13. Economic problems are solved equally by the market and the state, then the economy is

a) command b) market

c) traditional d) mixed

14. A security giving the right to receive dividends is:

a) share b) loan c) certificate d) bill.

15. What is a mandatory consumer expense?

a) transportation costs b) purchase of securities

3) payment for the services of an apartment interior designer 4) property insurance

Part B tasks.

1. Establish a correspondence between the types of taxes and their specific examples:

Examples of taxes:

Types of taxes:

A) income tax

1. Direct tax

B) sales tax

B) excise tax

D) inheritance tax

2. Indirect tax

D) property tax

E) value added tax

2. Find in the list provided characteristic features market economy and indicate the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) state control over production

2) free pricing

3) economic freedom of producers

4) the predominance of private property

5) centralized economic planning


Part A tasks.

1. The concept of "economy" originally meant

a) managing a rural estate b) the art of housekeeping

c) exchange in kind d) money circulation

2. In a market economy, the state:

a) supports competition between producers

b) establishes the required production volumes

c) regulates pricing

d) redistributes resources between enterprises.

3. Private property is the basis:

a) market economy b) command-administrative economy

c) traditional d) planned.

4. Are the following judgments about the consumer in a market economy true?

A. The consumer in a market economy participates in the formation of market demand.

B The price of goods and services on the market is set by the manufacturer without the participation of consumers.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true 3) both are true 4) both are false

5. The economic development of a country is determined

a) its budget b) GDP c) expenditures on education d) number of enterprises

6. Which of the following securities represents a corporate form of ownership?

a) bond b) insurance policy c) share d) banknote

7. The main source of income for a commercial bank is:

a) rental of real estate b) payment by the population through a utility bank c) tax deductions d) payment for the loan provided.

8. Consumer demand is directly determined

a) the level of his individual income b) limited natural resources

c) costs of production of goods d) quality of labor resources

9. The phases of the economic cycle include:

a) deflation b) devaluation c) depression d) default.

10. An individual private enterprise differs from a joint stock company in that

a) is a form of private property

b) has economic independence

c) the owner of the enterprise solely decides management issues

d) the income of each owner directly depends on the profit of the enterprise

11. The excess of state revenues over its expenses is called budgetary:

a) surplus b) deficit c) credit d) appropriation.

12. The extensive path of economic development assumes:

a) involving more and more resources in production

b) increasing labor productivity

c) improvement of technology

d) reduction in the number of people employed in production.

13. The main instrument of the state’s monetary policy in market conditions is regulation:

a) bank interest rate

b) state expenses and income

c) the amount of the minimum wage

d) income tax rates.

14. Are the following statements about limited resources true?

A. The material needs of society always exceed the available possibilities of satisfying them.

B. The problem of distribution of limited resources is one of the main problems of economics.

a) only A is true b) only B is true c) both are true d) both are false

15. A tax established by the state in the form of a surcharge on the price of certain goods

a) direct tax b) indirect tax c) state duty (fee) d) tax in kind

Part B tasks.

1. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics and types of economic systems

Characteristics of economic systems

Types of economic systems

A) variety of forms of ownership

1)Administrative command

2) Market

B) control over production and distribution by the state

C) the action of the law of supply and demand

D) centralized pricing

D) economic independence of commodity producers

2. Find in the list the characteristics inherent in any tax and indicate the numbers under which they are indicated

1) mandatory payment

2) gratuitousness

3) proportionality to income

4) returnable nature

5) legislative establishment



Part A tasks:


2- in;

3- in;










13- g;


15- a.

Part B tasks

1. 1 a, d, d. 2 b, c, f.




Part A tasks:















15- b.

Part B tasks:

    1 b, d 2 a, c, d



Description: tests compiled for textbooks edited by Bogolyubov, Gorodetskaya. Designed for teachers and students in grades 8-11. The tests have tasks of different difficulty levels and are designed for the average student. Author: Elena Borisovna Zhdanova, teacher of history and social studies at Biysk secondary school - boarding school No. 3.
Economics as a science, economic development, market relations
Screening test, 11th grade

1. Give a detailed definition of the concept “economy”
(an economic system that ensures the satisfaction of people’s needs by creating and using the necessary goods of life; the science of the economy, methods of running and managing it)
2. Which of the options voices the main issues of economics?
A) employment, trade, market economy
B) what, how and for whom to produce
B) limited resources and economic choice
3. What concept is hidden behind the definition: “This is a part of economic science that studies economic relations between individual economic entities”?
A) microeconomics B) macroeconomics C) world economy
4. Problems of unemployment, poverty and economic growth are the subject of research
A) microeconomics B) macroeconomics C) global economy
5. Which word is missing in the diagram of the process of transforming natural objects into consumer goods?
Resources → production → …………………….(distribution) → consumption
6. What word defines the volume of goods and services created per unit of cost?
A) exchange B) supply C) productivity
7. What is the gross national product?
A) the sum of market prices of all final products created during the year both domestically and abroad
B) the sum of market prices of all final products created during the year in the country
C) economic growth of the country, taking into account the level of inflation and the standard of living of the nation
8. An increase in GDP due to increased use of resources is called
A) intensive growth
B) extensive growth
B) accelerating economic development
9. From the list, indicate the first, most important factor of intensive growth
A) qualifications of workers
B) rational distribution of resources
B) scientific and technological progress
D) economies of scale
10. Which phase is missing in the economic cycle chain?
Economic recovery → recession →………………….(depression) → recovery
11. Who is the author of the statement: “The poorest is the one who does not know how to use what he has”
A) P. Buast, French lexicographer
B) L. Peter, American writer
B) L. Erhard, German statesman
12. List at least three changes that occurred in Russia as a result of reforms during the transition to a modern market economy
(commercial banks, commodity exchanges, a securities market appeared, the private sector in the economy grew, privatization was carried out, the shortage of consumer goods was eliminated, competition and free economic activity developed)
Key: 2-b, 3-a, 4-b, 6-c, 7-a, 8-b, 9-c, 11-a

Test work in social studies. 11th grade. Economics (§ 1-5)
1. What is the name of the part of economic science that studies economic relations between individual economic entities (consumers, workers, firms), their activities and impact on the national economy?
A) economic theory B) macroeconomics C) microeconomics
2. What is not the subject of the study of the world (international) economy?
A) international trade in goods and services
B) the functioning of individual markets and industries
B) exchange in the field of science and technology
3. An economic transaction in which one person transfers a thing, a commodity to another, receiving money or another thing in return is called
A) trade B) exchange C) production
4. What is the sum of market prices of all final products created by producers of a given country during the year, both domestically and abroad, called?
A) gross national product
B) gross domestic product
B) state budget
5. Economic cycle includes the following stages: economic recovery → economic decline (recession) → recovery. Which phase is missing in the circuit?

6. Which of the following is not a factor of production?
A) capital B) entrepreneurial skills C) employee salaries
7. What is the name of the form of the market for goods sold in large quantities, usually according to samples?
A) currency exchange B) commodity exchange C) labor exchange
8. A security that secures the right of its owner to receive from the issuer (issuing) its nominal value or other property equivalent within a specified period.
A) share B) contract C) bond
9. B recent years international organizations recognized Russia as a country with what type of economy?
A) command B) market C) traditional
10. What is the name of the income that an entrepreneur receives by renting out land?
A) dividends B) interest C) rent
11. The entrepreneur’s expenses for materials, energy, and labor services belong to which category of costs?
A) external B) internal C) unexpected
12. What is the difference between a firm's total revenue and economic costs called?
A) production costs B) income factors C) economic profit
13. What is the direct tax on a company called?
A) value added tax
B) income tax
B) income tax
14. What is the value added tax rate established in Russia in 2004?
A) 10% B) 15% C) 18%
15. Authorized capital of this form of organization legal entity there must be at least 100 wages, the capital is divided into shares, and the participants bear the risk only within the value of the contributions made, the number of participants from 1 to 50.
A) partnership
B) society with limited liability
B) joint stock company
Key: 1-c, 2-b, 3-b, 4-a, 5-depression, 6-c, 7-b, 8-c, 9-b, 10-c, 11-a, 12-c, 13-b, 14-c, 15-b
9th grade, social studies
Screening test on the topic: “Politics”, grade 9

1. What is the name of the state in which human and civil rights are ensured and state power is limited by law?
A) democratic B) liberal C) legal
2. Which French thinker formulated the principle of separation of powers into legislative, executive and judicial?
A) C. Montesquieu B) Voltaire C) D. Diderot
3. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, executive power in the country belongs to:
A) Federal Assembly
B) To the Government of the Russian Federation
B) The President of the Russian Federation
4. What phrase defines a skeptical, indifferent, and sometimes negative attitude towards the law?
A) legal denial
B) legal nihilism
B) legal ignorance
5. What does the word “association” mean in Latin?
A) society B) party C) association
6. What do you think is the answer to the question “What, in your opinion, is needed for democracy to be established in Russia and a civil society to be formed?” was the most popular?
A) it is necessary for the authorities to take into account the interests of citizens
B) it is necessary for people to be freed from material need
C) people need to feel involved in what is happening in the country and responsible for it
7. Russia's form of government is a republic. What type?
A) presidential B) mixed C) parliamentary
8. What political regime does this list of characteristics refer to? High centralization of power, non-interference in private life, no loyalty to the regime required, limited and controlled pluralism, minor role of parliament, the opposition under the control of the authorities, freedom of economic activity is maintained.
A) authoritarian B) totalitarian C) democratic
9. Various associations and public organizations arise in civil society. Indicate those that relate to the social sphere.
A) unions of entrepreneurs, farmers, peasant cooperatives, bankers’ associations
B) family, consumer protection societies, youth organizations, insurance funds, sports societies
C) unions of cultural figures, pedagogical societies, communities of scientists, religious associations
10. Do you agree with the following statement: local governments are not part of the system of state authorities. Bodies and officials of self-government are elected by the local population and are controlled and accountable only to them.
A) true B) false
11. What is the age limit established in Russia for participation in elections to the State Duma?
A) 18 years old B) 21 years old C) 35 years old
12. The exercise of freedom of speech imposes special responsibilities. In what case can one be held accountable for what has been said?
A) if false information is spread
B) if it sounds slanderous
C) if there is war propaganda
D) A, B, C are correct
13. In December 2011, elections to the State Duma took place, as a result of which representatives of 4 parties found themselves in the Duma: “ United Russia", Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Liberal Democratic Party. Name the fourth party whose members are represented in the Duma.
(Fair Russia)
Key: 1-c, 2-a, 3-b, 4-b, 5-c, 6-b, 7-b, 8-a, 9-b, 10-a, 11-b, 12-d, 13- A Just Russia,

11th grade, current control
Screening test on the topic “Religious organizations and modern approaches to understanding law”

1. In what year was the Federal Law “On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations” adopted?
A) 1995 B) 1997 C) 1999
2. What percentage of the total number of believers in Russia are Orthodox Christians?
A) 50% B) 65% C) 75%
3. Where is the state registration of religious organizations in Russia?
A) in the justice authorities
B) in local governments
B) in the tax service
4. On what basis does the state have the authority to suspend the activities of religious associations or liquidate religious organizations?
A) if the goals and objectives of the organization contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation
B) if the charter does not comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation
C) if the organization violates public safety and public order
5. What are the specific rights of a religious organization?
A) a religious organization can carry out business activities
B) a religious organization may establish and maintain religious buildings, structures and other places intended for worship, prayer and religious meetings
C) religious organizations may have property abroad, and also have the right to establish international relations
6. What law do lawyers call positive?
A) positive, existing as a documentary reality
B) natural law
C) resolution of the legal dispute in favor of the plaintiff
7. When was the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted?
A) 1915 B) 1948 C) 1975
8. What is the highest value of law?
A) freedom B) justice C) man
9. A legislative initiative involves the further submission of a bill to which body?
A) Federation Council B) State Duma C) Government of the Russian Federation
10. How long does it take for a bill to be considered in the Federation Council?
A) 14 days B) 1 month C) 21 days
Key: 1-b, 2-c, 3-a, 4-c, 5-b, 6-a, 7-b, 8-c, 9-b, 10-a
8th grade, social studies
Current control. Verification Test (§ 4-6)

1. In paragraph 6 it was given interesting fact from the biography of Janusz Korczak. What did this famous Pole do?
A) he was the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland
B) he was a teacher and pediatrician
C) he was the organizer of the anti-fascist movement in Poland
2. What word defines a person’s internal self-control?
A) honor B) will C) conscience
3. What are the names of all the objective duties that a person needs to fulfill in life?
A) public debt
B) moral duty
B) personal responsibility
4. Who owns this statement: “A person is given not only life once, but also conscience”?
A) M. Gorky B) D. Likhachev C) A. Solzhenitsyn
5. What, according to the authors of the textbook, is the uniqueness of Russian culture?
A) in a large number of operating museums
B) the culture is multinational
C) Russian culture is capable of borrowing the best from world culture
6. Moral value, which expresses a feeling of love for the Fatherland, concern for its interests and readiness to protect from enemies
A) citizenship B) patriotism C) fearlessness
7. Morality - what is it?
A) values ​​recognized by a person as important and significant
B) special spiritual rules governing human behavior
C) recognition of the dignity and self-worth of the individual
8. What does the word “culture” mean in literal translation from Latin?
A) “cultivation, tillage”
B) “education and good manners”
B) “an individual who creates masterpieces”
9. What, according to social scientists, is the main manifestation of love?
A) in selfless service
B) the ability to understand another person
C) in the desire to sacrifice everything for the sake of love
10. Do you agree with the opinion: “Many specialists in modern culture speak bitterly about the dominance of cruelty, violence, criminal romance, sex on television screens, cinemas and in books and magazines. All these “works” do not at all contribute to the development of spirituality. Some people took the absence of censorship as a signal to open all the “floodgates” to vulgarity and low tastes?
A) yes B) no
11. List the qualities of a truly intelligent person. What should it be like?
Key: 1-b, 2-c, 3-a, 4-c, 5-b, 6-b, 7-b, 8-a, 9-a, 10-a

Social studies, 8th grade. Test work
1. Indicate a group of examples that illustrate the material needs of a person
A) labor, education, health care
B) reading books, visiting the theater, traveling
B) food, clothing, housing
D) love, respect, leadership, self-esteem
2. Finish the thought with the logically correct option: “People’s needs...”
A) limited B) unlimited
C) depend on income level D) cannot be satisfied
3. What is one of the main economic problems modern society?
A) limited resources B) lack of cash
C) the lag of many countries in development D) lack of savings in life
4. The means of satisfying human needs, available to society in limited quantities, are usually called:
A) consumer goods B) means of consumption
C) monetary savings D) economic benefits
5. Do you agree with the statement: “Economics shows how society makes rational choices in conditions of limited resources to satisfy people’s needs”
A) true B) false
6. Which of the proposed phrases is inaccurate?
A) all religions on the territory of our country are equal in rights
B) the state guarantees all believers the opportunity to freely practice their worship
B) in modern Russia the church is part of state governing structures
D) Russian legislation provides for equal access to education for representatives of all religions
7. Which of the named religions is not a world religion?
A) Buddhism B) Confucianism C) Christianity D) Islam
8. Albert Einstein was a famous scientist in the field of:
A) physics B) chemistry C) biology D) mathematics
9. Which emperor, by his decree of February 8, 1724, established Russian Academy sciences?
A) Alexey Mikhailovich B) Catherine II C) Peter I D) Nicholas I
10. A student who completed 9 grades received:
A) primary education B) general basic education
B) secondary (complete) general education
D) primary vocational education
11. What word defines the process of acquiring knowledge about the world, familiarizing with the culture, the values ​​of the Fatherland, world civilization?
A) science B) education C) education D) experience
12. What is considered the “golden rule of morality”?
A) “any crime will certainly be followed by punishment”
B) “love your neighbor as yourself”
C) “your own shirt is closer to the body”
D) “don’t do to others what you don’t want for yourself”
Key: 1-c, 2-b, 3-a, 4-d, 5-a, 6-d, 7-b, 8-a, 9-c, 10-b, 11-c, 12-d

All-Russian competition for teachers of history and social studies for the best methodological development test

Annotation. Social studies test, section “Economics”, 9th grade. The test work consists of three parts: the first - test (18 questions with the choice of only one correct answer and 2 tasks to establish correspondence), the second - to understand the truth/falseness of a statement, the third - a crossword puzzle (testing knowledge of terminology). This test can be used by teachers both in social studies lessons and in preparing students for the Unified State Exam. The last page contains the answers.

Social studies test, section “Economics”, 9th grade.

A. Solve the test.

1. A sign of a market economy is...

A) state monopoly

B) lack of competition

B) presence of competition

D) lack of private property

2. What situation will happen in the market if the demand for goods and services increases?

A) supply will increase

B) the price of a product or service will fall

B) stagnation

D) inflation

3. Gr. K. purchased a TV for personal use, but the product did not have instructions in Russian. What consumer right was violated in this case?

A) for a quality product

B) but the purchase of goods

B) for complete information

D) on the demand for goods

4. What type of economic activity is illustrated by the following situation. Masha goes to the grocery store every day.

A) distribution

B) production

B) consumption

5. There were so many people wanting to buy holiday lights in the Christmas decorations store that everything was sold out by lunchtime. The store had to order additional goods. What market situation is represented in this example?

A) surplus of goods

B) competition in the market

B) balance of supply and demand

D) excess of demand over supply

6. Gr. L. Gave my son a car for his 15th birthday. What right of the owner does this example illustrate in relation to the property given to him?

A) order

B) use

B) consumption

D) possession

7. Establish a correspondence between facts and areas of public life. Select the appropriate elements.

8. In a market economy, unlike a command-administrative one...

A) the president is the head of state

B) directive setting of prices for goods and services

C) there are no problems with limited resources

D) what, how and for whom to produce is decided by the manufacturer himself

9. Gr. N. took out a loan to buy a computer. Every month he pays five thousand rubles to the bank. What function of money is reflected in the example.

A) world money

B) means of payment

B) medium of exchange

D) a store of value

10. The Salyut confectionery factory bakes five hundred cakes every day. What type of economic activity is indicated in the example.

B) consumption

B) distribution

D) production

11. Which of the following refers to the economic sphere of society?

A) showing a new film on TV screens

B) an increase in the number of political parties

B) issue of shares

D) participation in the Olympic Games

12. The costs (expenses) of the company are higher than income. This is the situation...

A) shortage

B) surplus

B) stagnation

D) default

13. If a company’s income exceeds its expenses, then the company...

A) suffers losses

B) makes a profit

B) attracts additional capital

D) closes production

14. Marina was given a puppy, which she really liked. What right of an owner does this example illustrate in relation to owned property?

A) consumption

B) use

B) order

D) possession

15. Establish a correspondence between the types of economic systems and their distinctive features. Select the appropriate elements.

16. Which of the following applies to the economic sphere of society?

A) theater, ballet

B) school, hospital

B) referendum, elections

D) property, money

17. Below are situations, one of which illustrates an owner who implements the authority of the order?

A) Masha was given a computer for her birthday

B) Sasha went on vacation abroad, but his favorite book remained at home

B) Marina asked her neighbor for a mixer to whip the cream

D) Lena borrowed a car from her friend for a week

18. Gr. O. opened his own business growing (producing) vegetables for sale on the market. To capital gr. O. can be attributed to:

A) taxes

B) greenhouses

B) agronomists

D) buyers

19. What is factor income from land.

B) dividends

IN) wages

D) interest

20. Dasha bought chocolate for 100 rubles. This is the function of money...

A) world money

B) medium of exchange

B) a store of value

D) measure of value

B. Determine whether the judgments are true or false.

1. If supply increases, then demand will certainly increase.

2. The problem of limited resources is typical only for a market economy.

3. Providing hairdressing services to the population illustrates economics as a science.

4. Trading shares on the stock exchange illustrates economics as economic relationships.

5. An employee’s time wage depends on the quantity of goods or services created.

6. The purchasing power of money is the volume of goods or services that can be purchased with a certain amount of money at a given time.

7. The general economic situation in the country affects the formation of demand.

8. Income of the population, prices and costs of similar goods influence the formation of demand.

9. The basis of a market economy is private property.

10. Central planning is the main feature of a market economy.

B. Solve the crossword puzzle


1. The process of creating a product. 2 . Bargain transaction, exchange in kind. 3 . A security that allows deferred payment or unconditional payment for goods or services delivered within a predetermined period. 4 . The amount of cash payment as part of wages that is paid to an employee for fulfilling labor standards. 5 . the final financial result of an organization's activities for a certain period of time. 6 . everything that can satisfy a need and is offered to the market for the purpose of acquisition, use or consumption. 7 . economic activity that is carried out by an entrepreneur at his own risk and responsibility. 8 . financial institution engaged in transactions with in cash, securities and precious metals. 9 . a decrease in the purchasing power of funds and their complete depreciation in the future. 10 . a loan provided by a lender (in this case a bank) to a borrower at a certain interest rate for the use of money. 11 . A banknote, which is mainly made of metal, has a certain shape, weight and nominal value. 12 . a product of labor that can satisfy the needs of society and has specific properties: intangible, inseparable from its source. 13 . type of activity that is aimed at the purchase and sale of goods, exchange of goods . 14 . something equivalent to another, completely replacing it. 15 . a monetary unit that is a measure of the cost of goods and services on the territory of a particular state. 16 . cash, valuables, reserves, opportunities, sources of funds, income. 17 . The amount of costs expressed in money for the acquisition or production of a specific product. 18 . any object as a result of the labor of a person or group of people.


19 . an enterprising person who always strives for something new, capable of taking risks in market competition. 20 . the quantity of a product that buyers are willing and able to purchase over a certain period of time at all possible prices for the product. 21 . the amount received during the sale of goods. 22 . equivalent that began to be used when making an exchange . 23 . an issue-grade security that secures the rights of its owner to receive part of the profit of a joint-stock company in the form of dividends. 24 . the amount of money for which the seller is willing to sell and the buyer is willing to buy a unit of goods. 25 . a set of economic relations that arise in the process of creating and using funds of funds. 26 . human activity, during which he expends his physical and mental capabilities.

In the 11th grade, for almost the first three months of social studies, we study the topics of the “Economics” section. Upon completion, you can conduct a control test, designed for 2 hours, on the topic “Economics”. I bring to your attention 2 versions of the test for 11th grade, consisting of parts A, B and C. The answers are attached to the test.



Social studies test. Theme "Economics". Option 1.

Part 1. Level A assignments.

A 1 . The market economic system operates under the obligatory condition

1) low unemployment

2) high consumer demand

3) introduction of scientific achievements into production

4) private ownership of the means of production

A2 A tax imposed by the state in the form of a surcharge on the price of certain goods is

1) direct tax 2) indirect tax

3) state duty (fee) 4) tax in kind

A 3. Growing demand for computers that are more powerful processors, cell phones, audio and video equipment reflects the current market situation:

1) raw materials and materials; 2) goods and services;

3) capital; 4) stock.

A 4.

A. the unified social tax refers to direct taxes;

B. sales tax is a direct tax.

1) only A is true; 2) only B is true;

3) both A and B are correct; 4) both judgments are incorrect.

A 5. The following does not apply to securities:

1) bill of exchange; 2) tax return; 3) bond; 4) promotion.

A 6 . Market prices for goods in the economy

1) determine taxes on the manufacturer

2) increase production costs

3) rationally compare production with consumption

4) always depend on the manufacturer

A 7. Are the following statements about monopolies true?

A. The emergence of monopolistic associations in a market economy eliminates competition.

B. The purpose of antimonopoly legislation is to limit the dictates of monopolies in the market.

A 8 . Economics studies the problem of using limited resources for purposes

1) creating conditions for growth in demand for them

2) meeting social needs

3) achieving stable economic development

4) reducing pollution environment

A 9. A sign of a market economy is:

1) freedom of entrepreneurial activity;

2) dominance of the state form of ownership;

3) centralized distribution of resources;

4) directive planning of economic activities.

A 10. The compilation of the expenditure side of the state budget illustrates economic activity in the field

1) consumption 2) exchange 3) production 4) distribution.

A 11. Profit is created in the process:

1) distribution; 2) production; 3) collection of taxes; 4) exchange.

A 12 . Overproduction of household appliances has led to a decrease in prices. This example illustrates the functioning of the market

1) means of production 2) labor

3) goods 4) raw materials and supplies

A 13 . Budget execution in our country is ensured

1) parliament 2) judiciary

3) government 4) law enforcement agencies

A 14 . The basis of the traditional economic system is

1) free distribution of resources

2) directive pricing

3) distribution of resources by the state

4) use of resources in accordance with customs

A 15 Are the following statements about the economy correct?

A. Economics is the science of economics, the way people conduct it, and the relationships between them in the process of production and exchange of goods.

B. Economy is an economy used by people to ensure life, satisfy needs by creating the necessary goods, conditions and means of subsistence.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

A 16. Are the following statements about the state budget correct?

A. The state budget is in the nature of recommendations for all economic entities of the country.

B. The main source of filling the Russian state budget, as a rule, is the activities of financial and industrial groups.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

A 17. Changes in stock prices oil companies in connection with the decline in energy prices characterizes the situation on the market

1) stock 2) capital 3) labor 4) goods and services

A 18. The owner of the company decided to give a car to his retiring employee. This example primarily illustrates the right of the owner

1) dispose of property 2) use property

3) own property 4) inherit property

A 19

private sector



A 20 . Russian industrialist and philanthropist A.P. Bakhrushin donated the collection of Russian antiquities and books he had collected to the Historical Museum. What right of an owner is illustrated by this example?

1) own 2) dispose

3) use 4) inherit

A 21 . The increase in consumer spending is influenced by

1) increase in income tax

2) reduction in social benefits

3) increase in consumer income

4) decrease in labor productivity

A 22 . The total value of all final goods and services produced in the country during the year reflects the following economic indicator

1) national income

2) gross national product

3) respect for work ethics

4) desire to improve skills

A 23. Direct (immediate) methods of government regulation in the modern economy include:

2) monetary policy;

4) forecasting the development of individual sectors of the economy.

A 24. The structure of fiscal policy includes:

1) purchase and sale of securities on stock markets;

2) licensing of banking activities;

3) lending to socially significant industries;

4) establishment of income tax.

A 25. The reasons for consumer income inequality in a market economy include

1) type of electoral system

2) level of education and qualifications

3) establishing a minimum wage

4) resource limitation in the economy

Part 2. Level B tasks

B 1 . Fill in the blank in the diagram.

Types of economic systems




Basic economic issues

B 2 . Fill in the blank in the diagram.

How to produce?

For whom to produce?

Functions of money

B 3. Fill in the blank in the diagram.




Counting measure

At 4. Correlate the types of economic systems and their characteristics.

Signs Types

1) competition between commodity producers; A) market economy;

2) economic freedom of the consumer B) command economy.

and manufacturer;

3) centralized pricing;

4) directive planning of economic activity.

At 6. Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing.

Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.

“In the modern economy there are three main ____________(1): producers of an economic product, its consumers and _____________(2). Between them there is a very intense _________ (3) of goods, services, money, information. The state ensures a certain orderliness of economic processes, their legal _______________(4), protection of the rights and interests of individual participants in economic relations. At the same time, the state acts as a very large ____________(5) of goods, services, information. At the same time, the state is __________(6), it purchases from producers military equipment for the army, food for government supplies, computer equipment for government agencies and institutions."

A) producer B) exchange C) object

D) state E) proposal E) subject

G) regulation H) demand I) consumer

Transfer the resulting sequence of letters to the answer form.

At 7 . Read the text below, each sentence of which is numbered

(1)The record price of $58.28 per barrel of oil was recorded at auction in New York on April 4. (2) Prices are still high, but their decline can be considered a trend. (3) The reasons for the decline are being studied by analysts different countries. (4) It can be assumed that a decrease in oil prices will have a healing effect on the domestic economy.

Determine which provisions of the text are

A) factual nature

At 8 . Find in the list below the characteristics inherent in any tax.

1) mandatory payment

2) gratuitousness

3) proportionality to income

4) returnable nature

5) legislative establishment

Part 3. Level C assignments.

From 1. Illustrate with two examples the different manifestations of the impact of the economy on the social sphere (in each case, write down the manifestation first and then the corresponding example)

C 2. Name the three main areas in which economic activity takes place.

C 3. You can often hear that the state should not fight unemployment in a market economy: it is inherent in the market. Formulate your own opinion on this issue. Give two arguments.

C 4. What meaning do social scientists give to the concept of “producer”? Using your social science course knowledge, write two sentences containing information about the manufacturer.

From 5. Using three examples, illustrate the process of government regulation of the economy.

From 6. In the structure of land distribution in Russia by type of ownership in 2001, the share of individual plots of citizens was 6%, farm lands 8%, and lands of former collective and state farms – 86%. Russian families manage to produce more than 88% of all potatoes and almost 67% of all other vegetables grown in the country on their tiny plots. Is it possible to draw conclusions based on these data?

Give reasons for your conclusions.

From 7. How are limited economic resources manifested? Give at least three provisions.

From 8. Make an outline for an article devoted to the problems of competition and monopolization in the modern economy

Social studies test. Theme "Economics". Option 2.

Part 1. Level A assignments.

A 1. What economic system is characterized by the following situation: issues of production and distribution of products are strictly regulated by the state, the state sets prices for products?

1) command (planned);

2) free market economy;

3) socially oriented market economy;

4) traditional economy.

A 2. Direct tax is:

1) value added tax; 2) income tax;

3) excise duty; 4) sales tax.

A 3 The opening cellular communication salon announces the terms of the competition for the vacant position of chief engineer. This is an example of how the market works

1) information 2) labor

3) goods and services 4) capital

A 4 Are the following statements about taxes correct?

A. Taxes in Russian Federation are charged in cash.

B. Taxes in the Russian Federation are the main source of the state budget.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

A 5 . The income received by the owner of shares is called

1) profit 2) capital 3) rent 4) dividend.

A 6 . Market functions include

1) ensuring centralized pricing

2) increasing investment in production

3) regulation of exchange

4) support for high profits of producers

A 7. Are the following statements about resource limitations true?

A. The material needs of society always exceed the available possibilities of satisfying them.

B. The problem of distribution of limited resources is one of the main problems of economics.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

A 8 . An individual private enterprise differs from a joint stock company in that

1) is a form of private property

2) has economic independence

3) the owner of the enterprise solely decides management issues

4) the income of each owner directly depends on the profit of the enterprise

A 9 . In a society with a market economy, the state influences economic life through

1) taxation system

2) centralized pricing

3) directive production planning

4) supplying the population with goods

A 10 . What is a mandatory consumer expense?

1) transport costs

2) purchase of securities

3) payment for the services of an apartment interior designer

4) property insurance

A 11 . Developed countries have social security systems that promote the growth of living standards, the development of education and healthcare. This is a type of economic activity in the field

1) production 2) exchange 3) distribution 4) consumption

A 12 . Consumer demand is directly determined

1) the level of his individual income

2) limited natural resources

3) costs of production of goods

4) quality of labor resources

A 13. Increase in taxes on producers

1) reduces consumer costs

2) increases the manufacturer’s profit

3) reduces production growth

4) increases labor productivity

A 14 . What distinguishes commercial farming from natural farming?

1) tools are used

2) material costs per unit of production increase

3) products are produced for sale

4) there is a division of labor

A 15. Are the following statements about taxes correct?

A. Taxes are the only source of funding for government programs.

B. Taxes are mandatory payments by citizens and business organizations levied in favor of the state.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

A 16. Are the following statements about consumers in a market economy true?

A. The consumer in a market economy participates in the formation of market demand.

B The price of goods and services on the market is set by the manufacturer without the participation of consumers.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

A 17. In the real estate market, in particular, supply and demand for

1) apartments 2) labor of workers

3) shares of enterprises 4) technical means

A 18. The closure of a number of outerwear sewing studios due to a decrease in population demand characterizes the situation on the market

1) labor 2) services 3) capital 4) information

A 19 Compare the data from two diagrams showing what were the shares of production of enterprises of various forms of ownership in 1990 and 1995. What changes do these data reflect?

private sector



1) the negative impact of production on the environment has increased

2) the influence of private entrepreneurship on the social policy of the state has increased

3) the scope of privatization of state-owned enterprises has expanded

4) state revenues from the transfer of enterprises into private hands have decreased

A 20 . The mascara purchased by the lady caused her, according to the doctor's conclusion, an allergic reaction. The packaging of the mascara did not contain appropriate warnings. What consumer right was violated?

1) the right to reliable information about the product

2) the right to a quality product

3) the right to safety of goods for life and health

4) the right to replace or return defective goods

A 21 . If demand is higher than supply, then the price of the product

1) will not change 2) will increase

3) will fall 4) will fluctuate

A 22 . The economic development of a country is determined

1) its budget 2) GDP

3) expenses for education 4) number of enterprises

A 23. Indirect methods of government regulation in the modern economy include:

1) budget and tax (fiscal) policy;

2) creation of a public sector of production;

3) formation of state orders for defense enterprises;

4) states. Funding basic scientific research.

A 24. The structure of monetary regulation of the economy includes:

1) trading in blocks of shares on the stock market;

2) establishing the rate of bank reserves;

3) licensing of private commercial activities

4) establishment of a progressive income tax.

A 25 . Competition conditions encourage the manufacturer

1) increase labor productivity

2) use resources in accordance with traditions and customs

3) eliminate specialization of labor

4) constantly increase production volumes

Part 2. Level B tasks.

B 1

B 2 Fill in the blank in the diagram below

B 3 Fill in the blank in the diagram below

At 4. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics and types of economic systems: for each position indicated in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.





variety of forms of ownership



control over production and distribution

from the state


the action of the law of supply and demand

centralized pricing

economic independence of commodity producers

At 5 . Establish a correspondence between the types of taxes and their specific examples: for each position indicated in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



income tax

Direct tax

sales tax

Indirect tax

excise duty

inheritance tax

property tax

value added tax

At 6. Read the text below, in which a number of words are missing. Select from the list provided the words that need to be inserted in place of the gaps.

“In Russian, the term “_______” (1) has two meanings. Firstly, this is the name of the way of organizing people’s activities aimed at creating the goods they need for consumption. A synonym for this meaning of the term in question is the concept “______” (2). Second, the term refers to _________(3), which examines how people use their limited ___________(4) to satisfy their unlimited ___________(5). There are three main participants in economic life: families, firms and _______(6). They interact with each other through markets for factors of production and consumer goods. But still, the main character in this sphere of social life is ________(7). It is for the sake of satisfying its needs that economic activity should be carried out in any country.”

The words in the list are given in the nominative case, singular. Choose one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you will need to fill in the blanks.

A) state E) sphere

B) opportunity G) need

C) economics H) economy

D) man I) producers

D) resources C) science

The table below shows the pass numbers. Under each number, write down the letter corresponding to the word you chose.

At 7 . Read the text below, each position of which is numbered.

(1) According to various estimates, in 2002-2003. Russia supplied 16-7 million tons of grain to the world market.(2) The country entered the top ten world exporters of wheat and the top five exporters of barley. (3) This success has a strong tendency to persist. (4) Economists associate the further development of the agricultural sector with the arrival of large capital there and the creation of agricultural firms. (5) If this situation continues, then we can assume that the country’s agriculture will finally become an effective sphere of economic activity.

Determine which provisions of the text are

A) factual nature

B) the nature of value judgments

Write down the appropriate letter under the number, indicating its character. Transfer the resulting sequence of letters to the answer form.

At 8 . Find in the list the characteristic features of a market economy and indicate the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) state control over production

2) free pricing

3) economic freedom of producers

4) predominance of state ownership

5) centralized economic planning

6) ruin of unprofitable enterprises

Write the numbers in ascending order.

Part 3. Level C assignments.

C 1. Illustrate with two examples the different manifestations of the impact of the economy on the social sphere (in each case, write down first the manifestation and then the corresponding example)

C 2. Name the three main areas in which economic activity takes place.

C 3. You can often hear that the state should not fight unemployment in a market economy: it is inherent in the market. Formulate your own opinion on this issue. Give two arguments.

C 4. What meaning do social scientists put into the concept of “producer”? Using your social science course knowledge, write two sentences containing information about the manufacturer.

C 5. Using three examples, illustrate the process of government regulation of the economy.

C 6. In the structure of land distribution in Russia by type of ownership in 2001, the share of individual plots of citizens was 6%, farmer’s lands 8%, and lands of former collective and state farms – 86%. Russian families manage to produce more than 88% of all potatoes and almost 67% of all other vegetables grown in the country on their tiny plots. Is it possible to draw conclusions based on these data?

1. about the ineffective distribution of land in the country.

2. about inefficient use of land

Give reasons for your conclusions.

C 7. How are limited economic resources manifested? Give at least three provisions.

C 8. Make an outline for an article devoted to the problems of competition and monopolization in the modern economy

Answers. Option 1.

A 1.4

A 2. 2

A 3.2

A 4.1

A 5.2

A 6.3

A 7.2

A 8.2

A 9.1

A 10.4

A 11.2

A 12.3

A 13.3

A 14.4

A 15.3

A 16.4

A 17.1

A 18.1

A 19.3

A 20.2

A 21.3

A 22.2

A 23.3

A 24.4

A 25.2

B 1. Traditional

Q 2. What to produce?

B 3. Means of payment





At 8.125

Answers. Option 1.

A 1. 1

A 2. 2

A 3.2

A 4.3

A 5.4

A 6.3

A 7.3

A 8.3

A 9.1

A 10.1

A 11.3

A 12.1

A 13.3

A 14.3

A 15.2

A 16.1

A 17.1

A 18.2

A 19.3

A 20.3

A 21.2

A 22.2

A 23.1

A 24.4

A 25.1

B 1. Budget

B 2. Direct

Q 3. How to produce?

At 4.21212

B 5. 122112



At 8.236

For each correctly completed task in Part A - 1 point.

Total – 25 b.

B 1 – B 3, B 8 – one point each

B4, B 5, B 7 – maximum score – 2, for a completely correctly completed task

At 6 – the maximum score is 3.

Total – 12 b.

From 1. – 2 b. 1 b. for manifestation and 1 point for examples.

From 2. – 2 points, if all 3 spheres are named.

From 3. – 2 b. 1 b. for formulating one’s own opinion and 1 when asserting the role of the state

From 4. – 2 b. 1 b. for revealing the meaning of the concept and 1 b. for suggestions

From 5. – 3 b. 1 b for each example

From 6. – 4 b. maximum. 2 b. for an affirmative answer to the first question and argumentation; 2 b. for the affirmative answer to the second question and argumentation

From 7. – 3 b. one point for each position

From 8. – maximum score – 3 points.

Total: 21 b.

Total score: 58 points.

“5” - 49-58 b.

“4” - 34-48 b.

“3” - 20 – 33 b.

1. The totality of... is considered as the productive forces of society...

○ technology and production organization
○ means of production and scientific and technological progress
○ labor and means of production
○ means of labor and objects of labor

2. The entire set of produced labor products breaks down into...
○ means of production and consumer goods

○ objects of labor and means of labor

3. The means of production include...
○ labor and labor items
○ labor and means of labor
○ objects of labor and means of labor
○ objects of labor and products of labor

4. The process of determining the share according to which each economic entity takes part in the produced product is called...
○ distribution
○ exchange
○ production
○ consumption

5. The final phase (stage) of social production is...
○ production
○ consumption
○ distribution
○ exchange

6. The process of determining the amount of income of a participant in economic activity is called...
○ distribution
○ receiving wages
○ accounting of citizens’ income by tax authorities
○ payroll

7. In subsistence farming, the production process diagram looks like this: ...
○ production – distribution – exchange – consumption
○ production – distribution – exchange
○ consumption – distribution – production
○ production – distribution – consumption

8. The main features of traditional economics include...
○ private ownership of economic resources
○ direct management of all enterprises from a single center
○ market mechanism for regulating the economy without government intervention
○ widespread use of manual labor

9. In a market economy, the answer to the question of what goods and services should be produced is ultimately determined by...
○ foreign investors;
○ manufacturers;
○ consumers;
○ government bodies

10. The predominance of individual private property is considered distinctive feature __________ economic system.
○ purely market
○ mixed
○ traditional
○ planned

11. __________ caused the inevitability of a shortage of goods and services in an administrative-command economy.
○ high inflation rates
○ unemployment
○ prices that do not take into account the relationship between supply and demand
○ competition between producers

12. The subject of microeconomics includes...
□ supply and demand on the milk market
□ sugar production and its price dynamics

□ economy-wide production

13. The subject of microeconomics does not include...
□ sugar production and its price dynamics
□ employment of the population in the national economy
□ supply and demand on the milk market
□ economy-wide production

14. Microeconomic statements include...
□ state budget revenues this year will amount to 6.96 trillion. rub.
□ economic growth has been observed in Russia since 2000
□ the company increased export supplies
□ the poor potato harvest led to an increase in prices

15. In a market economy, the main operating economic entities are...
○ enterprises, exchanges, financial and industrial groups
○ firms, government, households
○ households, employees, entrepreneurs
○ households, banks, investment funds

16. Paper money differs from credit money in that they...
○ cannot be exported outside the country
○ are cash
○ intended for payment for inexpensive goods
○ have forced purchasing power

17. If we purchase goods on credit, then money acts as a means...
○ consumption
○ savings
○ payment
○ appeals

18. If nominal wages increased 1.2 times, price growth in the economy over the same period amounted to 5%, then real wages...
○ increased by 25%
○ decreased by 15%
○ increased by 15%
○ decreased by 25%

19. The employee’s salary in January was 7,000 rubles, and in March 8,400; inflation for the period was 12%. In one quarter it became really...
4% poorer
6% richer
8% richer
8% poorer

20. Fixed capital includes...
○ machines and mechanisms
○ raw materials and materials
○ money
○ depreciation

21. An example of a pure oligopoly that produces a standardized product is the market...
○ grains
○ household appliances
○ crude oil
○ confectionery

22. A distinctive feature of oligopoly is...
○ a large number of competing firms with a homogeneous product
○ extremely limited entry into the industry by various barriers
○ a large number of competing firms with differentiated products
○ free flow of new capital into the industry

23. Monopsony in the labor market is a situation when...
○ the only seller of labor is opposed by the only buyer
○ many sellers of labor are opposed by many buyers of labor
○ the only seller of labor is opposed by many buyers
○ many sellers of labor are opposed by a single buyer

24. Unfair competition does not include...
○ use of someone else's trademark
○ organization of exhibitions
○ poaching specialists
○ technical espionage

25. An increase in interest rates leads to...
○ growth in the supply of borrowed funds
○ growth in demand for borrowed funds
○ reducing the supply of borrowed funds
○ growth in the number of borrowers

27. Absolute rent is received by the owners...
○ the best plots of land
○ plots of land with average fertility
○ worst plots of land
○ all plots regardless of fertility

28. Rent paid from all plots without exception for the right to conduct farming on them is called...
○ economic rent
○ monopoly rent
○ absolute land rent
○ differential rent I

29. The demand for land for agricultural production will be...
grow with increasing demand for food
decrease with increasing demand for food
grow when demand for food decreases
decrease with constant demand for food

30. The realization of the interests of market subjects and the combination of the interests of the seller and buyer is ensured by the __________ function of the market
○ intermediary
○ sanitizing
○ stimulating
○ informational

31. The idea that the market is a self-regulating system that independently comes to an equilibrium state without government intervention belongs to...
○ Francois Quesnay
○ Milton Friedman
○ Adam Smith
○ John M. Keynes

32. Differentiation of commodity producers and liquidation of unprofitable enterprises is carried out using the __________ function of the market.
○ sanitizing
○ regulatory
○ stimulating
○ controlling

33. Market advantages do not include...
○ high degree of flexibility and adaptation to changing production conditions
○ lack of a mechanism for protecting the environment from production and other activities
○ freedom of choice for entrepreneurs and consumers
○ relative restoration of disturbed balance

34. Market imperfections (failures) can be mitigated...
○ by the state
○ households
○ monopolies
○ entrepreneurs

35. The policy of inflating prices for finished goods and services and understating prices for raw materials is...
○ free trade
○ price scissors
○ dumping
○ protectionism

36. When changing the income tax system individuals from proportional to progressive differentiation of incomes of the population is illustrated...
○ by approaching the Lorentz curve to the line of absolute inequality

37. When changing the system of taxation of personal income from progressive to proportional differentiation of income of the population is illustrated...
○ moving a point along the Phillips curve to the left
○ by removing the Lorentz curve from the line of absolute equality
○ by approaching the Lorentz curve to the line of absolute equality
○ moving a point along the Phillips curve to the right

38. Improvements in income inequality are characterized by...
○ increasing the value of the Lerner coefficient
○ decreasing the value of the Gini coefficient
○ increasing the value of the Gini coefficient
○ decreasing the value of the Lerner coefficient

39. The introduction of a corrective tax on a product, the production of which is associated with a negative external effect, will cause...
○ increasing the volume of market supply of the product
○ reduction in the volume of market supply of a product
○ overproduction of this product
○ withdrawal from the market of companies producing this product

40. Externalities arise because...
○ enterprises take into account fixed costs that are not included in the marginal
○ the quality of goods does not meet consumer requirements
○ market prices do not reflect the costs and benefits of third parties
○ the state pays subsidies to producers

41. Costs or benefits not reflected in market prices and received by third parties are...
○ shadow income
○ opportunity costs
○ side (external) effects
○ implicit costs

42. Does not apply to pure public goods...
○ lawmaking
○ national defense
○ second higher education
○ primary education

43. If the economy operates under conditions of full employment of resources, then a reduction in individual taxes will lead to the fact that (other things being equal) the equilibrium price level...
○ will not change, equilibrium real GDP will decrease
○ will not change, equilibrium real GDP will increase
○ will increase, equilibrium real GDP will not change
○ will decrease, equilibrium real GDP will not change

44. Suppose that national production includes two goods - consumer goods X and investment goods Y. In the current year, 200 units of good X were produced at a price of 2 den. units and 10 units of product Y at a price of 4 den. units, then the value of the gross internal product(GDP) is equal to _____ den. units
○ 440
○ 1260
○ 2000
○ 820

45. With a reduction in government spending by 50 billion. units, an increase in consumer spending by 100 billion den. units, investment expenses for 150 billion den. units and net exports by 10 billion. units GDP volume __________ billion den. units
○ will increase by 210
○ will be reduced by 210
○ will increase by 190
○ will be reduced by 190

46. ​​The country produces 2 goods: bricks and telephones. This year, 200 thousand bricks were produced. and sold for 5 thousand rubles. for 1 thousand pieces, phones 2 thousand pieces. at a price of 2.5 thousand rubles. for 1 piece Last year, 210 thousand bricks were produced. and sold at a price of 4.6 thousand rubles. for 1 thousand units, phones 1.8 thousand units. at a price of 2.7 thousand rubles. for 1 piece Nominal GDP amounted to __________ thousand rubles.
○ 5826
○ 5550
○ 7240
○ 6000

47. Natural rate of unemployment...
○ means the presence of only structural and frictional unemployment
○ includes seasonal and cyclical unemployment
○ means complete absence of unemployed
○ includes cyclical unemployment

48. One way to reduce the “natural” rate of unemployment would be...
○ increase in unemployment benefits
○ increasing the minimum wage
○ increasing information about available jobs
○ carrying out expansionary monetary policy

49. The emergence of frictional unemployment is associated with...
○ insufficient qualifications of the unemployed
○ time required to find a new job
○ high real wages
○ fall in aggregate demand

50. The cost of the consumer basket increased from 5,700 rubles. up to 6500 rub. The inflation rate was...
○ 15%
○ 20%
○ 14%
○ 30%

51. The inflation rate in the country last year was 5.6%, and this year it is 8.7%. The inflation rate for two years was...
○ 13,4%
○ 16%
○ 14,78%
○ 14,4%

52. In the depression phase, cyclical unemployment...
○ can be both positive and negative
○ absent
○ reaches maximum value
○ is a negative quantity

53. The potential volume of output in the economy is achieved when...
○ frictional unemployment
○ cyclical unemployment
○ technological unemployment
○ natural rate of unemployment

54. The phase of the economic crisis accompanied by stagflation corresponds to...
○ reduction in unemployment benefits payments
○ stock price growth
○ drop in interest rate
○ increase in price level

55. The frequency of crises, according to Zhuglar, is connected...
○ with shock changes in production technology
○ with renewal of fixed capital
○ with government actions in the field of monetary policy
○ with the emergence of new markets

56. It is not typical for an intensive type of economic growth...
○ use of new means of production
○ application of new technologies in production
○ increasing the level of personnel qualifications
○ increase in used material resources

57. If the expansion of production capacity occurs on the same technical basis, then there is...
○ intensive economic growth
○ extensive economic growth
○ mixed economic growth
○ real economic growth

58. The source of the extensive path of economic development is not...
○ discovery and implementation of new progressive technologies
○ discovery of new mineral deposits
○ labor force growth
○ development of new lands

59. Economic growth is extensive if...
○ wages of hired workers increase
○ an increase in the production of goods and services occurs due to the attraction of additional factors of production
○ increase in the production of goods and services associated with the use of scientific and technological progress
○ labor productivity growth outpaces employment growth

60. The most significant reason for economic growth in developed countries is ...
○ technological changes in production
○ change in workforce qualifications
○ increase in the amount of capital used
○ increasing the amount of working time

61. Financial investments are...
○ investments that provide an increase in means of production, material assets, inventories
○ investments that involve the replacement of fixed capital worn out over the entire service life
○ volume of investments minus the cost of depreciation of fixed capital elements
○ investments in shares, bonds, bills and others securities, as well as financial instruments

62. The difference between gross and net private domestic investment is the cost...
○ for the purchase of consumer goods
○ to reimburse the cost of consumed fixed capital (depreciation)
○ to improve the level of qualifications of employees
○ for the increase in means of production

63. The source of investment cannot be...
○ tax credit
○ enterprise profits
○ depreciation fund of the enterprise
○ bank loan

64. Investments that provide complete control over the objects of investment are called...
○ fictitious
○ straight
○ portfolio
○ clean

65. An entrepreneur received income in the amount of 25 thousand rubles. After paying income tax equal to 13%, he will have at his disposal an amount equal to...
○ 21.75 thousand rub.
○ 13.25 thousand rub.
○ 23 thousand rub.
○ 20 thousand rub.

66. If a higher percentage is levied on higher incomes than on lower ones, there is a tax...
○ regressive
○ with a fixed rate
○ proportional
○ progressive

67. The total state budget deficit, reduced by the amount of interest payments on public debt represents a __________ deficiency
○ structural
○ primary
○ actual
○ cyclic

68. If the tax rate in the country is 32%, the total amount of taxes collected in the state is 720 billion. units, then GDP is equal to __________ billion. units
○ 230,4
○ 950,4
○ 2250
○ 1860

69. Taxes are not divided into...
○ direct and indirect
○ state and local
○ general and special (target)
○ primary and secondary

70. Overcoming a cyclical economic downturn by increasing government spending, cutting taxes, or a combination of these measures is called...
○ fiscal expansion
○ fiscal restriction
○ investment policy
○ monetary policy

71. Automatic fiscal policy is carried out on the basis of...
○ bank rates
○ changes in transfer payments
○ deliberate manipulation of expenses
○ built-in stabilizers

72. Fiscal policy is represented in two forms - ...
○ restraining and expansion
○ soft and hard
○ expansionist and recessive
○ automatic and discretionary

73. Passive operations include...
○ operations for crediting and debiting money from the client’s account
○ transactions with bills
○ loan operations
○ deposit operations

74. If the reserve ratio is 40%, then each monetary unit entering the banking system will increase by...
○ 5 times
○ 4 times
○ 10 times
○ 2.5 times

75. The minimum rate of required reserves is established...
commercial bank
○ Government
○ independent commission
○ Central Bank

76. Passive operations of banks include...
○ accepting deposits
○ issuing loans
○ issuing loans
○ leasing operations

77. The functions of commercial banks do not include...
○ maintaining current accounts
○ accumulation of deposits
○ provision of loans
○ redemption of government securities

78. The policy of expensive money leads...
○ to expand the money supply
○ to the development of inflationary processes
○ to reduce the money supply
○ to the constancy of the money supply

79. Monometallism is called...
○ type of monetary system in which the role of money is legally assigned to gold and silver
○ type of monetary reform
○ a monetary system in which the weight content of the metal of the national currency is not regulated
○ type of monetary system in which one metal serves as a universal equivalent and the basis of monetary circulation

80. The most liquid monetary aggregate is...
○ M1
○ M3
○ M2
○ M0

81. Free and equal distribution among citizens of rights to acquire state-owned enterprises is the basis ...
○ German privatization model
Chinese model privatization
○ concept of the voucher privatization model
○ the concept of the shareholder model of privatization

82. If the amount of disposable income decreases, then, other things being equal:
○ consumer spending decreases and savings increases
○ consumer spending increases and savings decreases
○ both consumer spending and savings are reduced
○ both consumer spending and savings are growing

83. If the interest rate on loans increases, then...
○ demand for borrowed funds from the population and business is decreasing
○ enterprises are expanding investment activities
○ the population’s debt on loans already taken is decreasing
○ household savings are growing

84. Microeconomics studies:
○ economic growth
○ inflation
○ activities of a separate company
○ opportunity costs

85. The total volume of industrial output, expressed in physical units, called...
○ marginal product
○ average product
○ intermediate product
○ common product

86. Economic profit is equal to the difference...
○ between gross income and total costs
○ between accounting and normal profit
○ between gross income and external costs
○ between external and internal costs

87. Absolute liquidity has...
○ real estate
○ time deposits
○ securities
○ cash

88. To extra-budgetary social funds does not apply:
○ state crime fighting fund
○ compulsory health insurance
○ state employment fund
○ pension

89. An increase in investment expenses, other things being equal, can lead to...
○ increase in tax rates
○ reducing inflation in the short term
○ growth in national production volumes
○ reduction in national production volumes

90. If the inflation rate for the years was 20% and 10%, then the inflation rate for two years will be...
○ 30%
○ 200%
○ 132%
○ 32%

91. A line showing different combinations of two products that can be purchased with a fixed amount of money income at a given price level is called a curve ...
○ budget restrictions
○ Laffer
○ Engel
○ indifference

92. If the nominal exchange rate is 30 rubles per 1 US dollar, and the cost of a comparable consumer basket is 2,400 rubles and 120 US dollars, then the real exchange rate is ____ rubles per 1 US dollar.
○ 40
○ 20
○ 30
○ 80

93. The general economic function of the state in a market economy is associated with the need ...
○ countercyclical regulation
○ protection of the national borders of the state
○ price planning
○ production of public goods

94. The functions of the state in a market economy include:
○ formation of inter-industry proportions
○ maintaining a competitive environment
○ countercyclical regulation
○ setting prices for private sector products

95. According to supporters of protectionist policies, the introduction of trade barriers undoubtedly leads to...
○ protection of sectors of the national economy
○ reduction in employment in sectors of the national economy
○ formation of internal monopolies
○ reduction in prices on the domestic market