Kolya name designation. What does the name Nikolai mean: characteristics, compatibility, character and fate. Nikolay and Ksenia

26.03.2024 Thrombosis
You may be indiscriminate in shaping your own image. By and large, the quality and comfort of your clothing is much more important to you than whether its style matches the fashion of today. The only rule that you should probably adhere to is to make sure that your suit does not destroy the impression of you as a person deserving of all trust. After all, this is exactly the impression you should make.

Compatibility of the name Nikolai, manifestation of love

Nikolay, you often forget that family life is incompatible with maintaining the status of a “friend to everyone.” You can be sincerely in love and attached to the object of your sensual aspirations and at the same time try to “attach” your personal relationships to the social ones that already exist at that time. As a result, you can lose the second without really creating the first. If you feel that love is really important to you, give yourself entirely to it, without setting boundaries or boundaries. Then you will become a wonderful lover while remaining a good friend.


Your idealistic nature forces you to indulge those movements of the soul and desires of the heart that are aimed at improving our imperfect world. You won't settle for anything less. We don’t intend to waste time on trifles. If there is even a completely fantastic opportunity to benefit humanity, you will choose it, giving up what literally lies under your feet.

It often seems to you that no one in the world is able to truly understand you, appreciate your motives and grandiose plans. But if this upsets you, it will only be for a short time. What won't you sacrifice for a great goal?

And you donate. Often - “without looking.” And, as a result, you lose “along the way” much of what could make your life more “earthly”.

Often your actions bring real results, sometimes simply stunning. But perhaps you should consider that if you had stronger connections with the world around you, your ideas about its needs would also be more realistic. And the results of actions are more valuable.

The meaning of the name Nikolai, like other names, must be sought in its origin. And so, the story, and then the meaning of the name Nikolai.

The name Nikolai came into the Russian language along with the adoption of the Orthodox faith in Rus'. Most of the popular names today are of Greek, Roman and Hebrew origin. The name Nikolai is a Greek name consisting of two parts. This is the Greek νικαο - “to conquer” and λαός - “people”. Hence, The meaning of the name Nikolai is “victor of nations”.

The meaning of the name Nikolai for a child

Little Kolya is growing up as a calm and sociable child. He easily makes acquaintances in kindergarten and at school, and communicates well with adults. Nikolai is rarely capricious, and if he does show impatience, it is most likely not his fault. He is appreciated by his friends and is popular in the children's group.

In his studies, Nikolai's calmness is transformed into perseverance and perseverance. He doesn't always catch everything on the fly, but his diligence helps him study at a good level. Various active sports are good. He enjoys going to training after school. Especially for various martial arts.

Nikolai is in good health. He is growing up to be a wonderful, healthy child. But like everywhere else, it’s not without problems. It is advisable to direct his activity in adolescence in a peaceful direction. Sports and parents' attention to education will do their job.

Short name Nikolai

Kolya, Kolyukha, Kolyusha, Kolyanya, Kolyakha, Kolyasha, Nikolakha, Nika.

Diminutive pet names

Kolenka, Kolyushka, Niki, Kolyunya, Nikusha, Nikolasha, Nikola.

Children's middle names

Nikolaevich and Nikolaevna. Folk forms of abbreviation - Nikolaich and Nikolaichna.

Name Nikolay in English

In English, the name Nicholas is written as Nicholas or Nikolas.

Name Nikolay for international passport- NIKOLAI, according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name Nikolai into other languages

in Arabic - نيكولاس (This is how the name of St. Nicholas is written)
in Armenian - Նիկողայոս (Nikolaios)
in Belarusian - Mikalay, Mikola
in Bulgarian - Nikola
in Hungarian - Miklos
in Greek - Νικόλαος and Νικόλας
in Georgian - ნიკოლოზ (Nikoloz)
in Spanish - Nicolás
in Italian - Nicolas and Niccolò
in Chinese - 尼古拉斯
in Latin - Nicolaus
in German - Nickolaus and Nicolas
in Polish - Mikołaj
in Portuguese - Nicolau
in Romanian - Nicolae, Niculae
in Serbian - Nikolaj, Nikola
in Slovak - Mikoláš, Mikuláš and Nikola
in Slovenian - Miklavž
in Ukrainian - Mikolay, Mikola
in Finnish - Nikolaus
in French - Nicolas
in Croatian - Nikola and Nikula
in Czech - Mikuláš, Mikoláš and Nikola
in Swedish - Nikolaus and Nicklas
in Japanese - ニコラス (Hitonosori, meaning "victory of the people")

Church name Nikolai remains unchanged - Nikolai. Nicholas is one of the most revered names in the church.

Characteristics of the name Nikolai

If we try to briefly characterize Nikolai, then his most important trait can be called self-control (self-control). He is so unshakable in his calm that sometimes you may feel a sense of detachment, but this is not the case at all. This is one of the outer manifestations of his analytical mind. He seems to observe everything from the side and only sometimes interferes with what is happening.

Work is quite important for Nikolai in life. He is inclined to systematize any processes. In his pursuit of efficiency, he completely loses his humanity, which sometimes becomes an obstacle in communicating with colleagues. However, for the position of manager or systems analyst, he is an ideal candidate.

Family for Nikolai is one of the most important components of his life. He perceives family as one of the criteria for assessing his own success, so the family will be like in the picture. Likes to work around the house, especially if it is not an apartment, but a house. She loves children and enjoys spending time with them. Likes to have a good time with his family.

The secret of the name Nikolai

Nikolai’s secret can be called a tendency towards tyranny in managing employees. He himself is so hardworking that the slightest flaw of a subordinate causes him to have an attack of anger. You won’t envy his employees; they will work until they sweat or 24 hours a day.

Another secret can be called Nikolai’s jealousy. He will not allow even the slightest flirtation to his soulmate. Even a friendly kiss on the cheek can cause an attack of jealousy in him. However, the lady who comes to terms with this will have a wonderful man and a wonderful life partner next to her.

Planet- Jupiter.

Zodiac sign- Sagittarius.

Totem animal- Horse or elephant.

Name color- Green.

Tree- Ash.

Plant- Gladiolus.

Stone- Emerald and sapphire.

Meaning and origin: conqueror of nations (Greek).

Energy and Karma: the energy of the name Nikolai has amazing mobility; in a strange way, sociability is sometimes combined with peremptoryness, cheerfulness with severity, lightness with sufficient rigidity and tension.

All this often leads to the fact that Nikolai’s character seems to be entirely created from contradictions, so difficult is it to understand him. On the other hand, this may be reflected in his versatility and breadth of views. It will almost certainly be difficult to find any area in communication with him in which he does not have his own opinion. However, there is no need to imagine Kolya as such a know-it-all, this is simply a property of any fast mind, obeying intuition more than logic. By the way, this statement is easy to verify - just find out what game he prefers - “slow” chess or “fast” checkers? Most likely, he will choose the second one.

Secrets of communication: if you want to find out Nikolai’s real opinion on any request, try challenging him to an argument, during which his secrecy usually evaporates without a trace. In a conversation, he can readily pick up a topic related to his hobbies, but be careful that he does not infect you with his emotions.

  • Zodiac sign: Scorpio.
  • The planet Mars.
  • Name colors: steel, brown, red.
  • Talisman stone: emerald.

Meaning of the name Nikolai option 2

1. Personality. Those who go forward, crushing everything under them.

2. Character. 99%.

3. Radiation. 97%.

4. Vibration. 114,000 vibrations/s.

5. Color. Red.

6. Main features. Will - activity - morality - activity.

7. Totem plant. Willow.

8. Totem animal. Elephant.

9. Sign. Sagittarius.

10. Type. They always go forward, stopping at nothing. They resemble an elephant that pushes through a thicket, crushing everything in its path and not paying attention to the cries of horror.

11. Psyche. They need a clearly defined goal, but prefer to go ahead. They do not forgive people for their weaknesses. These are egocentrics who can nevertheless devote themselves to serving an idea.

12. Will. Relatives begin to learn very early what the will of these boys is.

13. Excitability. They restrain their emotions.

14. Reaction speed. They manage to control themselves so as not to show their feelings, which they believe their enemies can take advantage of. They always need enemies, since their life is a struggle, Nikolai recognizes only one true friend, and this friend is himself.

Meaning of the name Nikolai option 3

Derived from the ancient Greek name Nikolaos, which translates as “conqueror of nations.”

In early childhood, Kolya almost never gets sick, and he doesn’t bother his parents with his whims. He is growing into a strong, healthy child.

Strength, activity and intelligence distinguish Kolya the schoolboy. He usually studies well, without giving preference to any subject. Suffers from lack of parental attention.

He always shows amazing practical acumen and copes with difficulties without outside help. Balanced, hardworking and efficient. He will never refuse the opportunity to earn money. In his relationships with people, Nikolai is simple and friendly, but in the role of a leader, a boss, he looks like a little king. His subordinates are afraid of both his concentrated silence and the violent outbursts of anger that he occasionally has. In this state, Nikolai is capable of destructive actions. Blinded by anger, he has little control over his actions. However, some aggressiveness distinguishes only “winter” Nikolaev. Regret for what he has done sets in quickly, and then he walks around for a long time looking guilty.

Amorous, passionate in love. The woman he likes, without delaying the matter, will invite him on a date, and after a couple of days he will offer his hand and heart. What others will say about him, how they will react to his cavalry onslaught, worries Nikolai little. Being jealous, we are uncontrollable in a fit of jealousy.

He puts a lot of effort into improving his home and does a lot of the work himself. Nikolai must be careful with alcohol, as addiction to it develops quickly and can result in alcoholism. Loves children very much. He transforms with them, indulges all their whims and caprices. Proud. In a woman, he is attracted not only by her beautiful appearance, he is also able to appreciate her intelligence and spiritual qualities.

It is quite difficult to communicate with Nikolai, who bear the patronymic names Semenovich, Dmitrievich, Igorevich, Alekseevich.

Anna, Daria, Zinaida, Zoya, Larisa, Lyubov, Elvira can make up the happiness of Nikolai’s life. There are many more names on the list of those with whom you should be wary of marrying: Agnessa, Alla, Alina, Valentina, Vanda, Venus, Veronica, Veta, Galina, Gelena, Dina, Dominica, Eva, Evgenia, Ekaterina, Elena, Elizaveta, Inna , Lilia, Lyudmila, Lyalya, Marina, Marta, Olesya, Olga, Rimma, Taisiya, Christina, Emma, ​​Yulia, Yadviga.

Meaning of the name Nikolai option 4

Nicholas - “conqueror of people” (Greek)

Internally unstable and unbalanced nature. Not a bad psychologist. Knows how to create an image of a successful person. Self-confident, arrogant, proud. Smart, capable of extraordinary solutions.

Relies only on his own strength. You can trust him. Silent, comfortable in everyday life. He stubbornly moves forward, and nothing can stop him. Moving up the career ladder, he sweeps away everything in his path. In life, he needs a clearly defined goal, and he will do everything else perfectly. He prefers to go ahead when he needs to think and, perhaps, retreat. It's subjective in nature, but it serves the idea perfectly.

Parents are faced with the manifestation of their son’s will too early. If they turn their Kolenka, Nikolenka, Nikolashka into a delicate flower of a home greenhouse, then they are planting a time bomb in the soil that feeds it, which will definitely explode. Contrary to logic and the call of this magnificent name, the boy grows into an egoist and defeatist. Because he was born only to win!

But in order to justify this meaning, he must grow up as a patriot from childhood, first of all think about the Motherland, the well-being of society, about the church or, at worst, about the team, and then about himself. It is contraindicated for Nikolai to be an egoist, a narcissistic esthete, or a virtuoso of sophisticated introspection.

This name, unlike many others, does not carry internal contradictions. It obliges the one to whom it is given only to follow the high meaning that is inherent in it. This will bring him fame and fortune.

Nikolai skillfully restrains his emotions when circumstances require it, but he never deviates from what he has planned. He can be an excellent industrialist, lawyer, investigator, military man, surgeon, teacher, artist, philosopher. He has intuition, but easily does without it, replacing it with actions. He has a synthetic and analytical mind, although he rarely uses his capabilities to the fullest. His mental abilities are not striking, since he is secretive and cunning and does not strive to shine with his intelligence, which misleads his opponent and lulls his vigilance. Nikolai’s greatest successes are the least visible at first glance, and only after time can they be appreciated. He cannot stand dishonesty and in this sense is equally strict with himself and others.

Nikolai is born with good health inherent in nature. But over time, the liver and nervous system become weak points, because he leads an intense lifestyle and does not spare himself. Despite the somewhat cold aspects of his personality, he is ardent in love. Sexuality is highly developed, as is the craving for comfort. However, he does not allow his feelings to dominate him. Can stop any manifestation of feelings at any stage. He is overly active, his activity and will are on the same level. Such balance and efficiency of action exceeds the capabilities of ordinary people. Nikolai does not surround himself with a crowd of friends, but only a select few consider themselves his friends. And although he does not value friendly relations very much, he does not allow himself to act immorally towards his comrades and does not tolerate betrayal. Life next to Nikolai requires enormous courage and bravery and does not look rosy at all.

“Winter” is harsh, strict, selfish, sometimes cruel and despotic. An excellent politician, he excels in the fields of mechanics, physics, and mathematics.

“Autumn” - secretive, thoughtful, silent. It's hard to guess what worries him. Can achieve enormous success in any field of activity, all-rounder. The name matches patronymics: Alekseevich, Mikhailovich, Petrovich, Vladimirovich, Viktorovich, Mironovich.

“Summer” is cunning, softly and diplomatically he will fool anyone around his finger. His employees love him, he is a jack of all trades and will not refuse to help anyone. He does everything in the house himself.

“Spring” Nikolai is the most pronounced egoist, but outwardly good-natured, cheerful, and a favorite of the public. He has a well-developed imagination and can express himself in the field of art. The name matches patronymics: Glebovich, Grigorievich, Ivanovich, Pavlovich, Evgenievich.

Meaning of the name Nikolai option 5

They are balanced, hardworking, but become uncontrollable in extreme conditions. Smart, quick-witted. They love an organized life, which they cope well with even without a wife. Loving, jealous. They prefer to cope with difficulties without outside help (they do not wash dirty linen in public).

Sexy. In a woman, they value not only external data, but also know how to enjoy spiritual intimacy. Proud. They feel uncomfortable in unfamiliar company. The character of these people is associated with the patronymic. Nikolai is like their fathers. In early childhood, they almost never get sick, but suffer from a lack of parental attention.

Meaning of the name Nikolai option 6

Nikolai - from Greek. conqueror of nations; folk Nikola, colloquially. Mikolay, Mikola.

Derivatives: Nikolaika, Nikolakha, Nikolasha, Nikola, Kolya, Kolyuia, Kolyusya, Kolyukha, Kolyusha, Kolyanya, Kolyasha, Koka, Nika, Nikah, Nikasha. Nikusya, Nikusha, Nikolka, Nikula, Nikosha.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

  • Better than scolding - Nikola is with us!
  • There is no champion for us against Nikola.
  • Nikola saves at sea, Nikola lifts a man’s cart.
  • Great is God’s mercy if it rains on Nikoya’s day (May 22). December 19 - Winter Nikola, cold, Nikolai the Wonderworker, intercessor against all troubles and misfortunes, patron of agriculture and cattle breeding, master of earthly waters. Autumn Nikola will drive the horse into the yard, Spring Nikola will fatten him.


Nikolai is inclined to feel that he is the center of the universe and, for this reason alone, considers it his duty to be the benefactor of all the humiliated and insulted. He is essentially a very kind person, not picky, and is content with little in everyday life. He thinks in specific categories and prefers business to empty contemplation, to which, as a rule, he devotes all the strength of his richly gifted soul. A characteristic feature of all Nikolaevs is ardor. Slowness is alien and disgusting to them. They do not like to carefully think through life's moves and wait for a favorable moment. Nikolai is an honest person and deliberately straightforward. Maybe that’s why he finds intrigues, cunning, and all kinds of behind-the-scenes, or, as they say nowadays, behind-the-scenes fuss, unpleasant (and incomprehensible!) to him. Therefore, according to his concepts, politics is not a very clean matter. Nikolai cannot be called a self-interested person, but elements of calculation and utilitarianism are present in him.

The meaning of the name Nikolai option 7

NICHOLAY- conqueror of nations (Greek).

Name day: May 22 - The Venerable Martyr Nicholas Vuveni, suffered from the Avars in Thessaly. December 19 - Saint Nicholas the saint, miracle worker, Archbishop of Myra, from childhood until his death led a strict, ascetic life, zealously defended the Orthodox faith from heretics.

  • Zodiac sign - Sagittarius.
  • Planet - Jupiter.
  • Blue color.
  • Auspicious tree - ash.
  • The treasured plant is gladiolus.
  • The patron of the name is the horse.
  • Talisman stone - sapphire.


The main features of Nikolai are strength and intelligence with great secrecy. This is a dark horse: you never know what he is thinking or what he will do. He is distinguished by enormous self-control, which can be explained simply: there are very few things in life that can truly touch his cold heart. Regularly fulfills everyday conventions, looking at life as if from the outside, sometimes from above. This is a merciless analyst who pretends to be simple and friendly. Nikolai is sometimes thrown off his pedestal as an outside observer by his aggressiveness. However, he, just like all people, longs for love and care, and to those who are kind to him, Nikolai responds with tenderness and devotion.

The meaning of the name Nikolai option 8

Nikolai is physically strong and rarely gets sick. He has good ingenuity and is very practical. He knows exactly how to profitably sell a car, will always be able to get a scarce item, and will not miss the opportunity to earn an extra ruble.

Like no one else, he deftly gets out of difficult situations; resourceful, brave. Nikolai is a hardworking person; This is especially evident in a matter that interests him very much. In relationships with people he is simple and friendly. He has no shortage of comrades. Children of any age simply adore Nikolai. He is loving, but very jealous.

It is useless to object to him; he will do everything his own way anyway. In conflict situations he can become uncontrollable, anger blinds him, but Nikolai himself is never the instigator of quarrels. It is not difficult to provoke an outburst of emotions in Nikolai.

The meaning of the name Nikolai option 9

Nicholas - translated from ancient Greek means conqueror of nations.

The meaning of the name Nikolai: The boy's name means "conqueror of nations." This affects the character and fate of Nikolai.

Origin of the name Nikolai: Ancient Greek.

Diminutive form of name: Kolya, Kolenka, Kolechka, Kolyunya, Kolyusya, Kolyusha, Kolyanya, Kolyasha, Koka, Nikolaika, Nikolasha, Nikola, Nick, Nikasha, Nikusya, Nikusha, Nikosha, Nikolka.

What does the name Nikolai mean? The name Nicholas comes from the merger of the ancient Greek words “nike” (lit. “victory”) and “laos” (lit. “people”). The word is translated as “conqueror of nations.” The meaning of the name Nikolai promises quick temper, mobility, and sociability. Kolya tries to be an outside observer, but he is often drawn into the very abyss of conflicts. Because of this, a man becomes hot-tempered and irritable. A guy with this name has a good memory. The name Nikolai was very common in the 19th century, in the 1st half - mid-20th century it became rare, now it is again willingly given to children.

Patronymic: Nikolaevich, Nikolaevna.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Nikolai celebrates his name day several times a year:

  • N. Kochanov, Novgorod, Fool for Christ's sake, August 4 (July 2).
  • N. Sebastian, martyr, March 22 (9).
  • N. Slavyanin, schemamonk, January 6 (December 24).
  • N. Studiysky, abbot, confessor, February 17 (4).
  • N.Japanese, Equal-to-the-Apostles, Archbishop, February 16 (3).
  • N. Sallos (Blessed) Pskov, Fool for Christ's sake, March 13 (February 28).
  • Blessed Nicholas, Fool for Christ's sake, Pskov, lived in the 16th century.
  • N. Myra, archbishop, wonderworker, May 22 (9), December 19 (6). The great saint of the Orthodox Church, Saint N. the Wonderworker, was born in the city of Patara in Asia Minor. In Rus', the cult of Nicholas is especially wide: he is the patron of carpenters, constantly helps peasants, without fear of soiling his vestments, he is the bearer of the beneficial forces of nature in the form of Father Frost.


  • What a day on St. Nicholas in winter, so on St. Nicholas in the summer.
  • Praise winter after Nikolin's day.
  • The first serious frosts are Nikolsky.
  • December 19 - Winter Nikola.
  • If the day covers Nikolin’s tracks, the road will not stand.
  • They drink Nikolskoye mash, and they beat you for Nikolskoe hangover.
  • From Nikolin's day matchmaking began, prayers were served for those who were planning to marry themselves or marry their children.
  • With Nikola, young people began to prepare for Christmas gatherings, sew outfits, and make masks for mummers.
  • February 17 - Nikola is cold. It's a cold day - put your fur coat back on.
  • Before St. Nicholas, don’t do this buckwheat, don’t shear the sheep.
  • You should not swim until spring Nikola.
  • One of the main events of Nikolin's day is driving horses into the field.
  • St. Nicholas of the Spring is a holiday for grooms.
  • Nikola will fatten the spring horse, and drive the autumn horse into the yard.


  • Nicholas' zodiac: Sagittarius.
  • Planet Jupiter.
  • Blue color.
  • Favorable plant: ash, gladiolus.
  • Patron: horse.
  • Nicholas talisman stone: sapphire.
  • Lucky day: Wednesday.
  • Happy time of year: autumn.

Characteristics of the name Nikolai

Positive features: A man named Nikolai loves to eat plentifully and deliciously, cheerful company, and trips to nature. A man with this name loves to read books and listen to music. He has few real friends, he does not value friendly connections, but he will not betray a friend.

Negative features: He is the support of the family and the team; you can always rely on him. A man named Nikolai is proud. Must be careful with alcohol. In everyday life, it is better not to contradict Kolya: he will still do everything his way.

Personality of the name Nikolai: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Nikolai? As a child, the boy is a very active, sociable, cheerful child. He has varied interests, he loves war games, music, chess, and checkers. Kolya is proud and self-willed. He has a cheerful childish slyness that delights his parents, and if they follow his lead, they develop the child’s selfish tendencies, and he will grow up to be a loser. In any situation in life, happy or not, there will be some kind of disharmony, constant bad luck, minor and major troubles. A man named Nikolai will have to learn to push away from them or simply forget, otherwise he will be irritable and gloomy or just a drunkard.

Properly raised Kolenka, following the energy of his name, is a winner in all matters and endeavors. His pride is softened by humor, and his self-will is sharply reduced by independence. A man with this name knows how to respect the desires and opinions of others, is simple and friendly with people, and is able to master any profession.

However, more often the life of the name Nikolai is not so happy. Bright and cheerful in her youth, she becomes monotonous, filled with hard work and household worries. His mind is capable of both analysis and generalizations; he strives to look at life as if from the outside, pretending that he is simple and friendly. But his temper, even to the point of aggressiveness, puts him in the very center of events; he is not an outside observer.

The meaning of the name Nikolai depends on the time of birth. The differences between “winter” and “summer” Kolya in the energy of this name are especially visible: the “winter” owner of the name is strict, selfish, and can even be cruel and despotic. Human activity is low, he thinks and weighs for a long time. A guy with this name loves hunting and fishing and is hospitable. A man with this name treats women condescendingly, considers helping at home to be “not a man’s” job, but is very jealous. “Summer” is active, active, good-natured, cunning, and does not consider it shameful to deceive. He has a developed creative imagination and can express himself in the field of art. He loves his wife and helps her with everything around the house. Both “winter” and “summer” Nikolai, however, like all people, crave love and care, and adequately respond to kindness and devotion.

Nikolai and his personal life

Compatibility with female names: A successful marriage of the name with Anna, Daria, Evdokia, Zoya, Larisa, Lyubov, Ulyana. The name Nikolai also goes with Elvira. Difficult relationships can develop with Alevtina, Galina, Ekaterina, Marina, Raisa.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Nikolai promise happiness in love? Kolya is easily attracted to women; If he falls in love, then after a few days he may propose to marry him. The opinions of others do not interest him. Passionate in love, but jealous, loves children, helps his wife. She may even completely transfer the reins of the family into her hands, leaving her inner world untouchable.

For Nikolai, sex has a special meaning. No matter what condition he is in, he always remains a man. But during intimacy, any external irritant can throw him off balance. A guy is attracted to a woman by her beautiful appearance, intelligence, and spiritual qualities. He is jealous and, in a fit of suspicion, uncontrollable. He loves children very much, indulges all their whims and caprices. In old age, he finds solace in his grandchildren, who most often dote on him. Thanks to dexterity, ingenuity and courage, he finds a way out of the most difficult and confusing situations. He helps his wife around the house and does the home improvement work himself.

Kolya likes plump women, soft and sensitive. He will not forgive his wife’s betrayal; he himself may look for connections on the side. If he is already over 30 years old, he prefers a strong, stable family situation. He strives with all his soul to create the material foundation of his home, takes care of his wife, loves his children very much, and pampers him.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: As a child, the young owner of the name can attend several creative studios, sports sections, and various clubs at once, but he is able to seriously engage only in what really interests him. Nikolai can prove himself as an excellent organizer, diplomat, military commander, artist, writer, composer.

Business and career: Financial affairs are changeable: periods of uncertainty will alternate with the desire to take advantage of the first chance to make money, but Kolya should not participate in speculation, stock trading, or dubious fraud - this is dangerous for him. Attaches great importance to perseverance and perseverance.

Nikolai is an honest, decent person, has practical acumen, is a good organizer, quick-witted, and easily and boldly gets out of difficult situations. Kolya can occupy leadership positions in trade, the army, and industry. He can be a surgeon, lawyer, investigator, teacher, artist, philosopher. He despises slackers and devotes himself completely to work. When Kolya is irritated, he has poor self-control and can create an unfavorable environment.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Nikolai: The meaning of the name Nikolai from a medical point of view. The biggest danger to Kolya’s health and life is a predisposition to alcohol and drug addiction.

The fate of Nicholas in history

What does the name Nikolai mean for a man’s destiny?

  1. Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov (1810-1881) - the greatest Russian surgeon, scientist, public figure. Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov wrote several major works on surgery, the main one of which became the basis of a new branch of anatomy - surgical or topographical, which studies the relative position of organs and tissues. In the creation of topographic anatomy, an important place was occupied by Pirogov’s improved method of freezing corpses before dissecting them. The result of this was “A Complete Course in Applied Anatomy of the Human Body” and “Illustrated Topographical Anatomy of Cuts Made in Three Directions through the Frozen Human Body.” Nikolai I. Pirogov is one of the founders of anesthesiology and military field surgery. For the first time, he involved female medical staff in caring for the wounded and assisting during operations. The body of Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov, according to his will, was embalmed and rests in a tomb on his estate Vishnya near Vinnitsa.
  2. Nikolai Annenkov - (1805 - 1826) Russian military and statesman, Russian amateur poet.
  3. Nikolai Sheremetev - (1751 - 1809) Russian count from the Sheremetev family, son of Count Pyotr Borisovich, patron of the arts. Chief Chamberlain, Acting Privy Councilor, Senator, Director of the Moscow Noble Bank, founder of the Hospice House (almshouse) in Moscow (now the building of the Nikolai V. Sklifosovsky Moscow Research Institute of Emergency Medicine) and the Nevsky Almshouse in St. Petersburg; Maecenas; musician; owner of the village of Ivanovo (now the city of Ivanovo).
  4. Nikolai Golitsyn - (1850 - 1925) Russian statesman, political figure, last chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Russian Empire.
  5. Nikolai Rubinstein - (1835 - 1881) Russian virtuoso pianist and conductor. Founder of the Moscow Conservatory (co-founder Prince Nikolai Trubetskoy) and its first director.
  6. Nikolai Nikitin - (1907 - 1973) Soviet architect and scientist in the field of building structures, Doctor of Technical Sciences (1966), laureate of the Lenin Prize (1970) and the Stalin Prize of the third degree (1951). Author of the Ostankino TV tower project.
  7. Nikolai Novikov - (1744 - 1818) Russian journalist, publisher and public figure, educator)
  8. Nikolai Bukharin ((1888 - 1938) Soviet political, state and party leader. Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1929).
  9. Nikolai Ozerov - (1922 – 1997) Soviet tennis player, actor, sports commentator.
  10. Nicholas Roerich - (1874 – 1947) Russian artist, philosopher, mystic, scientist, writer, traveler, archaeologist, public figure, freemason, poet, teacher.
  11. Nikolai Naydenov - (1834 - 1905) Moscow entrepreneur, banker, local historian, publisher of the albums “Moscow. Cathedrals, monasteries and churches" (1882).
  12. Nikolai Notovich - (1858 - ?) Russian intelligence officer, writer, journalist, nobleman and Cossack officer. He is known for his book, The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ, written in French (better known as the Tibetan Gospel), which purports to contain early sermons of Jesus and suggests that Jesus lived in India from 12 to 30 years.
  13. Nikolai Pilyugin - (1908 - 1982) Soviet design engineer in the field of autonomous control systems for rocket and rocket-space complexes. Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, member of the Council of Chief Designers of Rocket and Rocket and Space Technology, headed by S.P. Korolev.
  14. Nikolai Leikin - (1841 – 1906) Russian writer and journalist, author of the famous book “Our People Abroad”, published the humorous weekly “Oskolki” in St. Petersburg.
  15. Nikolai Iossa - (1845 - 1916) Russian mining engineer and metallurgist.

Nikolay in different languages ​​of the world

The translation of the name Nikolai in different languages ​​has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. In English it is translated as Nicholas, in Italian: Nicola, in German: Nikolaus, in Polish: Mikolaj.


The name Nicholas is of ancient Greek origin. The literal interpretation is “conqueror of nations.” It is a related name to Nicodemus. It is considered an Orthodox name and is listed in the name book according to the Saints. Its main patron saint is Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker.

The male name Nikolai has been in demand among the Slavs for many decades and even hundreds of years, and this is not surprising. It has very strong energy, belongs to the category of Orthodox names and at the same time promises its bearers many good qualities. In addition, it is popular far and wide abroad...

Conversational options: Kolya, Nikolasha, Nikola, Kolyunya

Modern English analogues: Nikola, Mikola, Nicholas

Meaning and interpretation of the name

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The meaning of the male name Nikolai promises a lot of positive characteristics for the newborn boy named by him. Among them are such character traits as energy, sociability, kindness, cheerfulness, an optimistic outlook on life, impulsiveness, sociability, honesty and fairness, hard work and activity, and goodwill.

At the same time, according to many, there are also negative traits, such as stubbornness, cruelty, severity, pride and unwillingness to take other people’s opinions into account. Although for the most part Kolya, these are always good people who grow up to be loyal, constant and reliable men.

Advantages and positive features: Nikolai never gives up and always achieves his goals, always tries to live up to people’s opinions of him, and never acts badly towards his loved ones. Kolya also loves helping other people, most often for free.

Nikolai has a bad attitude towards liars, liars, traitors and selfish people. Kolya hates people who try to manipulate him (his wife doesn’t count), and despises those who profit from other people’s weaknesses.

The name Nikolai has many synonyms. In Hungary - Miklos. In Germany - Nikolaus. In Scandinavia - Nicholas. And there are more than two dozen such options.

Personality of the name Nikolai

The character of the name Nikolai is such that it is capable of endowing the bearer of this name form with a whole bunch of really good and necessary characteristics. The bearer of this name is kind by nature, simple, relaxed, pleasant to talk to, sociable and eloquent, never commits bad deeds for the sake of selfishness or profit, is not a traitor and is true to his principles - in other words, the character bestowed by the characteristics of this name is essentially ideal and in this ideality it can give everyone a head start. But, of course, it is not without its shortcomings - for example, usually the character of a man named Nikolai is also endowed with shortcomings, which can include arrogance, demandingness, adherence to principles, and uncompromisingness. But Nikolai is faithful to his principles and never violates them, and in general, he is a man of his word, who never breaks his promises and follows the rules of moral ethics in any matter - such is his character. However, all this is just a theory that is not always confirmed in practice.

The reason for the discrepancy between all of the above and reality may lie in a variety of factors, that is, the character itself may depend on a variety of factors. For example, character depends on parental upbringing (primarily), on the influence of the energy of the patron planet, and even on the strength of the influence of the zodiac sign...

Early childhood

In early childhood, a boy whose parents decided to choose the name Nikolai at birth will have many bright emotions and good impressions, and in general, his childhood is usually filled with positive things. Kindness, a positive attitude and good health, emotionality and curiosity, readiness for new and new adventures, the desire to develop, sociability and eloquence, justice and mobility - all this is not a complete list of the qualities that the name Nikolai bestows as such. Usually this is an active and kind child who never quarrels with anyone, he is always on good terms with everyone and almost never quarrels with children, even if there is a good reason for a quarrel.

The meaning endows the bearer of the name Nikolai with incredible friendliness, thanks to which he gets along even with those children with whom very few people can get along. And on top of everything, he is also kind and friendly, he is always imbued with other people’s problems and treats other people’s misdeeds with condescension, which is also rare, especially for children. But a boy named Nikolai always has one drawback - this drawback lies in the desire to be such that his parents would always praise him for something, to admire him, and parents, by the way, should pay attention to this aspect, because otherwise In this case, Nikolai may become unsure of himself and indecisive.


But be that as it may, in early childhood, having become a full-fledged teenager, the boy who is patronized by the meaning of the name Nikolai will certainly acquire a bunch of new advantages, including self-confidence, determination, stability, planning, perseverance, and determination. , and hard work, and condescension, and tact, and delicacy, and eloquence. By the way, thanks to the last three traits of this boy, Nikolai can make a lot of friends, both among the same age and among older children. He gets along easily with people of all ages, knows how to maintain conversation topics, easily listens to his interlocutors and always delves into their problems like a true psychologist, for which he is actually respected and loved in society.

Nikolai has a good understanding of people, and plus, this boy usually has a well-developed instinct of self-preservation - he will never let a person he doubts come close to him, but at the same time he will not refuse such help if he needs it, not his it is possible. And significance can also bestow this boy with a bunch of additional advantages, among which the important ones are swiftness and perseverance - he achieves his goals at all costs, but only by honest methods, without self-interest, deception and betrayal.

Grown man

The adult Nikolai is a completely unique personality, a man with a unique character. Easily capturing the attention of others and capable of gaining popularity even where it is almost impossible for others to do so, he knows how to please people, and in general, the meaning endows him with excellent charm. A little shy and shy, but eloquent and charming, sociable, friendly, good-natured, benevolent, cheerful, purposeful and hardworking, fair and principled, has an excellent understanding of people and knows how to properly present himself to society in order to please everyone - that’s how he is, Nicholas, who is protected by the meaning of this name.

But there are also shortcomings in him, and one of them is his demandingness towards people - he demands too much from people, he wants to see everyone as ideal, the way he initially imagines them, but not everyone can meet his requirements, which in the end leads only to the eradication of friendship as such with this or that person. But on the other hand, he is fair and will never leave a friend in trouble, he will help, he will defend his opinion and honor, he will not abandon or betray him even for the sake of obtaining real benefits. Nikolai is also prone to self-sacrifice and can sacrifice his own benefits for the sake of the happiness of another person - although this should be a person close to him, truly devoted to him, proven by time, deeds and actions.

Interaction of the character Nikolai with the seasons

Autumn - the meaning of this season gives preference to such character traits of the bearer of the name Nikolai as excessive narcissism and stubbornness. This is a clear leader, a boy who considers himself the best of the best - it is difficult for him to get along in society, he is silent and withdrawn, preferably spends time alone, because people are not very happy with him anyway. Not falling in love - if he falls in love, he will give his heart.

Spring - here an egoist is born by nature, a person who is only interested in what is happening in his own existence. But he is simple and easy, it is impossible to be angry with him, he is loved and revered in noisy companies. Not a leader, not a manager, but the soul of the company, an out-of-the-box thinker who is popular with women. True, serious relationships are not his strong point.

Summer - here a cunning and ambitious diplomat is born, capable of deceiving anyone with such ease that he will not even understand it. He is kind and charming, but distrustful, always avoids close communication, although he is happy to be surrounded by close people. He is overly stable and constant, predictable, which is what ladies don’t like.

Winter - here we should be talking about a reasonable, practical, despotic, sensible man, stubborn and persistent, temperamental and attentive. He is popular with the female half, but does not want to tie the knot - he values ​​​​freedom and independence.

The fate of the name Nikolai

The fate of the name Nikolai in relationships with the opposite sex, in love and in marriage is such that it involves a long search for that same soul mate with whom he can spend a long time. But at the same time, fate does not deprive Kolya of female attention; on the contrary, he is too popular with women and knows how to win their attention, which in the end can lead to him becoming a real womanizer.

It is worth noting that his fate in relationships with women is, in general, very difficult. The fact is that he himself is “a sucker for skirts”, not picky, and can fall in love with the first lady he meets - female attention and affection can turn his head so much that he simply forgets about all his principles and requirements. However, fate will not lead him away from personal problems - he will definitely come across betrayal, infidelity, and lies more than once in his life, which are never forgiven.

Nikolai's fate is such that it ultimately presupposes his becoming a full-fledged family man. When he finally finds “the one,” he will become the ideal man for her, but he also has his downsides. He is very jealous, possessive, and will not allow his lady to show off in front of other men. And in ninety percent of cases, fate assumes that Nikolai will become the husband of a soft, unprincipled, compliant and flexible woman - only such a woman will be an ideal match for his character...

Love and marriage

Nikolai is a very sensual and amorous man. He feels women very subtly, understands their psychology, so with a little gallantry in addition, the desired woman is ready to follow him to the ends of the earth. In his youth, he has quite a lot of novels, each of which he regards as a serious relationship. Nikolai can start a family quite early and suddenly, but his loving nature can push him to more and more betrayals, ultimately leading to divorce. The most interesting thing is that he himself will not be the first to decide to separate from his wife. But marriage at a more mature age can work out quite successfully.

His wife will be an intelligent, beautiful, feminine, charming and patient woman. Kolya loves when everyone around him admires his wife, but at the same time, he is very jealous, so quite often he can have attacks of jealousy. His beloved must understand this and learn to tolerate these outbursts of emotions if she wants to maintain harmony and peace in the family. Betrayal on her part is an instant break, which is why Kolya is so afraid of it. In turn, he is able to cheat only if his wife no longer satisfies his needs in bed.

Nikolai appreciates attention, care and tenderness from his wife. For him, the atmosphere of love and happiness is more important than ideal order, but an evil wife. He sincerely cares about the well-being of his loved ones, is always ready to help his beloved with housework, but in return he needs a little personal space.

Nikolai as Father

It is impossible to say exactly how a person will manifest himself as a father or mother, based only on the qualities of a particular name. All people are unique and act completely differently. However, given that Kolya has so many positive character traits, we can assume that he certainly will not be a bad father.

Nikolai approaches fatherhood responsibly and reverently. For him, the birth of a child in the family is both joy and stress, because now he will also have to bear responsibility for the baby. As a father, he is ready to do everything possible to ensure that his child has a happy childhood and a bright future. He has enough strength and love for the baby to have company in the form of a brother or sister.

Nikolai enjoys spending time with the children and often offers his wife his help. He is involved in raising children with interest and patience. It is important for him that children grow up to be active, positive, honest and hardworking people. Kolya has a stronger connection with his son, as with an heir. He will diligently teach him everything that a real man should be able to do. He will always support and protect his daughter from any troubles.

Horoscope named after Nikolai


Nikolai, who was born with the meaning of Aries, is sincere and spontaneous at the same time, knows how to find positivity in everything he touches, is open and kind, sympathetic, incapable of betraying or deceiving, and is always true to his own principles and moral values. Character is fickle and constantly changing.


Taurus - here, a boy named Nikolai, is by nature strong and courageous, trusting and vulnerable, strives to idealize everything in the world, and therefore often gets upset and disappointed in people. He gets depressed easily, but comes out of it easily. If he falls in love once, he will give all of himself to his chosen one.


Gemini - and here, who received the name Nikolai, has a changeable nature by origin, but at the same time he always feels great in society, be it a noisy company or a couple of friends. Eloquent and charming - women are crazy about him, and he does not deprive them of tenderness. He strives to please everyone who comes his way.


Cancer is inquisitive and creative, pleasant and interesting to people, eloquent, a good storyteller and listener. It is pleasant to communicate with such a person, and his charm and charm make themselves felt. But his nature changes easily - he is too changeable. Frivolous and fickle.

a lion

Leo - this sign promises excellent compatibility with women of different characters. He is temperamental and honest, sincere and sociable, trusting and values ​​mutual understanding. But duplicity and lies infuriate him and enrage him. It's better not to quarrel with someone like that.


Virgo - here we are talking about a calm and balanced guy, whose soul strives for harmony with the world around him. But he is not confident in himself and is often simply afraid of serious decisions - he withdraws into himself and plunges into depression, suffers from loneliness and buries himself in adversity. Closed and mysterious, but good-natured, which is not bad.


Under the zodiac sign of Libra, Nikolai is born impressionable and narcissistic, sensitive and dreamy, romantic and dreamer. He dreams of the impossible, but this is what feeds his soul, and therefore he is always in a good mood and ready for close communication, positive-minded and positive.


Scorpio is independent and freedom-loving, it is better not to take away his independence, his pride cannot be encroached on - the slightest encroachment on any of the above will enrage him. He is too demanding of people, and therefore most often remains single for a long time.


But Sagittarius is cheerful and good-natured, an optimist by nature, and his compatibility with women, especially cheerful ones, is highly rated. Faithful and devoted to his soul mate, but not everyone can trust him - he needs someone who can support and protect him from adversity.


Capricorn is energetic and active, enterprising and active, always doing something, moving, improving. Fickle and unstable, but rarely completes the things he starts. He does not know how to divide himself between affairs and people, and therefore often fails in relationships and work.


Aquarius - this zodiac promises a man named Nikolai short temper and temperament, absent-mindedness and disharmony with the world around him. He has a difficult character, is not sociable, does not get along in large companies, but he is ready to devote one hundred percent of his life to his wife and family. If you fall in love, then forever.


Pisces is a completely selfless and disinterested person, who from childhood has shown a tendency to self-sacrifice for the sake of people who need his help. He is always ready to sacrifice something, give something and give in, a kind-hearted person for whom family is the main component of being.

Compatibility with female names

Nikolai has the best compatibility with such female names as Augusta, Alla, Zhanna, Zinaida, Isabella, Roxana, Flora, Edita.

You can build a strong and happy marriage with Daria, Nadezhda, Nelly, Nina and Susanna.

But with people like Ninel, Serafima, Alisa and Valeria, most likely, it will not be possible to build any relationships at all.