What page is Surah Yasin on? Everything has a heart and the heart of the Quran is Surah Yasin

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Islam as a religion appeared among the Arabs in Arabia. The formation of Islam was greatly influenced by ancient beliefs, such as Judaism, Christianity and Mazdaism. Before Islam, there were various pagan cults with elements of fetishism and totemism.

People worshiped the forces of nature, celestial bodies, and believed in demons. While honoring their gods, the ancient tribes knew that others also had gods and did not deny them. In Mecca, for example, there were about 300 idols. The deity of the Meccans was called Illah.

A water source called Zyam-Zyam was also revered. During religious rituals, people sought to touch the idol in order to receive part of its power. There were no prayers as such; there were poems created by poets.

Passers-by threw stones at burial sites to express respect for the deceased.
The founder of Islam was the prophet Muhammad, who, while traveling, met with Jews. Many of his stories were remembered by people, and this new knowledge then became part of the foundations of the new religion.

Islam is considered a natural stage in the evolution of various religious teachings among the inhabitants of the Arabian Peninsula. The activities of the Hanifs were considered significant at this time - these lovers of a solitary life preached monotheism. Their spiritual quest had a serious influence on the Arabs of that time in conditions of political and economic crisis.

Islam says that the Creator created the world in 6 days, and it cannot be assumed that there is anyone greater than Allah.
Allah sends revelations to people through prophets. These revelations are recorded in certain holy books. The revelation of Islam is considered the truest because Muhammad became the last of all prophets. Archangel Gabriel dictated all the revelations to Muhammad.

This is how the Holy Quran, written in Arabic, appeared. All Muslims strive to learn Arabic in order to read the Koran, which is considered the standard of eloquence. The Koran is always in a place of honor in a Muslim's home, as well as in the mosque. The longest suras are located at the beginning of the book, and the shortest at the end.

In addition to dividing into suras and aites, the Koran contains 30 parts (juz). Juzes are divided into hizb, and hizb into 4 parts. This makes the Quran easier to read.
It is believed that the Qur'an was first given to Muhammad in Ramadan.

Muslim believers believe this prayer very important. This text brings relief in a difficult situation. And if you read it next to a deceased person, it brings relief to the soul when leaving the body.

According to Muslim beliefs, any death is fate, Allah has decided so, and there is no escape from it. The date and cause of death are written on a person’s forehead at birth. Death comes when the Angel of Death, Israel, cuts a person's throat. You cannot resist death, just like you cannot change life expectancy or change the cause of death.

According to beliefs, if a person left a large offspring, did a lot and died at a very old age, there is no need to even regret his death. After death, the Mulla must read Yasin (from the letters of the Arabic alphabet at the beginning of the sura - na son) over the deceased.

Yasin does not contain any mention of death, but it is believed that without this prayer a Muslim will not go to heaven, otherwise, the person who dies without this prayer becomes an infidel. An exception is made only for those who died an unnatural death: accidents, catastrophes, etc.

That is, when a person was overtaken by sudden death. This prayer is not read to deceased babies.
Surah Yasin is also read during Ramadan, which emphasizes the special place of this prayer among others. The rewritten text of this surah can be and has always been used as a talisman.

Prayer Yasin from the evil eye

It is generally accepted that by reading this prayer with sincere faith, you can even receive forgiveness for previous sins.
This surah is also read against the evil eye. Muslim believers who have strength can remove even strong witchcraft with the help of this surah.

Here is one of the descriptions of such a ritual, which one Muslim believer shared while watching her grandfather performing a healing: for a healing session, you must have with you needles (a box), a bar of soap (preferably household soap), and tea (1 piece).

The girl remembers that needles are inserted into soap, tea is opened and all objects are placed between the healer and the patient. Next, the grandfather read Yasin’s prayer as follows: first to the first mubin, again first and to the second, again first and to the third, then reaching the seventh. After which he finished the prayer. Then he moved on to Falak (3 times) and Nose (3 times).

The patient should use this soap when washing and washing his things, and the whole family should drink the tea. The needles are placed in any basin, filled with water and placed on top. In this case, you need to pour water from a bucket over yourself 3 times. The contents of the basin are buried in a place where there are no people.

Yasin Prayer performed by Mishari Rashid

We present to your attention an amazing video of the most famous reciter of the Koran performing the Yasin prayer.
Mishari Rashid is considered one of the best performers who read the Quran. He was born in Kuwait (1976).
Having matured, Mishari Rashid entered the University of Medina (faculty of the Holy Quran), where 10 styles of reading the Quran are taught. This performer has already recorded 8 discs and has charmed the hearts of many Muslim believers with his voice.
At the moment he has a wife and 2 daughters.
If you want to learn this surah by heart, listen to the video we posted often. Next, we post the text of the prayer for better understanding.

Prayer Yasin text in Tatar

For those interested, we provide a text with a transcription of Sura Yasin in the Tatar language.


Watch the video

It is believed that Allah read Yasin long before heaven and earth appeared, so the Angels declared that everyone into whose hands this prayer falls and who reads it will be happy. Many Muslims do not begin their day without reading this text with deep attention.

Options Listen to Original Original text وَجَعَلْنَا مِن بَيْنِ أَيْدِيهِمْ سَدًّا وَمِنْ خَلْفِهِمْ سَدًّا فَأَغْشَيْنَاهُمْ فَهُمْ لَا يُبْصِرُونَ Translit Wa Ja`alnā Mi n Bayni "Aydīhim Saddāan Wa Min Kh alfihim Saddāan Fa"a ghsh aynāhum Fahum Lā Yub şirū na We have placed a barrier in front of them and a barrier behind them and covered them with a veil, and they do not see. And We set up a barrier before them [the disbelievers] and behind them a barrier.(so that they cannot come out of disbelief towards Faith) and covered them, and (therefore) they do not see(due to his lack of faith and arrogance)

“We have set up a barrier before them.” Mujahid said: “There is a barrier between them and the truth”; ﴾ ومِنْ خَلْفِهِمْ سَدّاً ﴿ “and the barrier behind them.” Mujahid said: “This is also a barrier separating them from the truth, and therefore they remain in doubt.” Qatada said: “They wander from one error to another”; ﴾ فَأغْشَيْنَٰهُمْ ﴿ “and they covered them with a blanket” - i.e. a veil is thrown over their eyes and they do not see the truth; ﴾ فَهُمْ لاَ يبُْصِرُونَ ﴿ “and they do not see” - that is, they cannot benefit from good and rush towards it.

Ibn Jarir said: “It is reported that Ibn Abbas read this word as: ﴾ فَأعْشَيْنَهُمْ ﴿ with the letter ( ع ) instead of ( غ ) - i.e. ( العشاء ) which means "impenetrable darkness." Abdurahman Ibn Zeid said: “Allah has placed this barrier between them with Islam and faith, so they will never reach it.” Then he read: “Verily, those about whom the Word of Allah has been confirmed will not believe until a painful suffering befalls them, even if any signs appear to them.” (Sura 10, verses 96-97). After which Abdurahman Ibn Zeid said: “Whoever Allah does not allow, he will never be able to.” Ikrima reported that Abu Jahl said: “When I see Muhammad, I will do this and that.”

Then Allah sent down: “We placed shackles on their necks - until the words: فَهُمْ لاَ يبُْصِرُونَ ﴿ “and they do not see.” People said: “Here is Muhammad,” and Abu Jahl, not seeing him, said: “Where is he? Where?"

Muhammad Ibn Ishaq reports: Zaid ibn Ziyad told me from the words of Muhammad ibn Ka'ab that when they gathered in front of the door of the Prophet, Abu Jahl ibn Hisham, who was among them, said: “Muhammad claims that if you follow him in his cause, you will become Kings of the Arabs and Persians, you will rise after death, you will have gardens like the gardens of Jordan. If you don’t do this, he will stab you, then you will be resurrected after death and fall into the fire, where you will burn.” " When the words of Abu Jahl reached the Messenger of Allah, he said: “Yes, I say this. They will be slaughtered, and he is one of them.” Then Allah Almighty made them blind and they did not see him. Prophet (May Allah bless him and greet him!) began to pour a handful of earth into their heads, reading the following verses: “Yasin. I swear by the Wise Koran that you are one of the messengers of God on the righteous path. This is the revelation of the Almighty, the All-Merciful" - to the words: "We have closed their eyes and they cannot see." When the Prophet finished reading these verses, there was not a single man left whose head was not covered with earth. And the Messenger of Allah went (May Allah bless him and greet him!) by their own business. They stayed overnight near the door, waiting for him. A man who was not among them came to them and said: “Who are you waiting for here?” They answered: "Muhammad." To which he said: “Allah sent you bad luck. Muhammad came out to you, then sprinkled earth on your heads and went about his business. Don’t you believe what’s wrong with you?” Each man put his hand on his head, and there was the earth.

“Everything has a heart, and the heart of the Quran is Surah Yasin, whoever reads it is like someone who has read the Quran 10 times.”

Surah Yaseen is said to be the heart of the Holy Book and hence holds great significance for the believer. Firstly, it should be noted that the surah talks about the unity of Allah, the punishment of those who do not believe in it, the Day of Judgment and the resurrection. Surah Yasin is aimed at introducing awareness of truth into the consciousness of a Muslim.

There are many hadiths about the merits of this surah. So one of them says: “If someone enters the cemetery and reads Surah Yasin, then the punishment (of those in the grave) will be reduced on that day, and he will receive a reward equal to the number of people buried in the cemetery.” .

Another hadith says that Allah read Surahs Taha and Yasin a thousand years before the creation of the heavens and the earth. And when the angels heard, they said: “Happiness to the community to which this Koran will be sent down, and happiness to those hearts that will carry it, that is, learn it, and happiness to those languages ​​that will read it.”

Surah Yasin contains hidden blessings for the believer, both in this and the next world. It supports faith in the heart and reminds us of the Omnipotence of the Almighty. This surah distances the Muslim from the troubles of this world and the akhirat of the worshiper.

One hadith says: “Whoever reads Surah Yasin, his many sins are forgiven. When a hungry person reads, he will be satisfied. If he is lost, he finds his way. If someone who has lost an animal reads it, then it is found. If a person reads, fearing that there will not be enough food, then it becomes enough. If you read on a dying person during his agony, his agony is alleviated. If you read it on a woman who is having difficulty during childbirth, then the birth becomes easier.”

Surah Yasin is recited to the dead so that their soul finds peace in the next world. Not only the dead need it, this surah brings peace of mind and peace to the living.

Muslims talk about the amazing properties of Surah Yasin and its significance in the life of a believer. Abu Ahmad says that some people do not start their day without coffee, but he does not start it without reading the holy surah. “Sura Yasin makes me closer to the Almighty, because it talks about the terrible day of judgment and punishment for sins. This surah is a constant reminder every day of the true purpose of my life - to worship Allah."

Source: Islam-today.ru

Transcription of Surah Yasin

Surah Yasin

page 1
Yasin, walqur'anilhakimi innakalaminal mursalina g'ala siraddin mustakim.
Tanzilal ghazirrakhim. Li tunzira kauman ma unzira abaukhum fakhum gafilun.
La qad haqqal qaulyu gaala aksarihim fakhum la yu'minun.
Inna jagalnya fi agnakihim agyalyan fahiya
ilal azqani fakhum mu'mahun.
Uajag'alna mimbaini aidihim saddan, uamin halfihim saddan, faagshainahum fakhum la yubsirun.
Wasawa un g'alaihim a anzartahum amlam tunzirkhum la yu'minun.
Inna ma tunziru manitabagazikra uakhashchiyarrahmana bil gaib, fabashirhu bimmagfiratin uajrin karim.
Inna nakhnu nuhyi mauta uannaktubu ma qadda mu asarahum wa kullya shayin, ahsaynahu fi imamin mubbin.
page 2
Uazriblakhum masalan ashabal karyahi from jaahal mursalun.
From arsalna ilyaykhimmusnayni fakazzabukhumma fag'azzazna bissalisin fa kallu inna ilyaykum mursalun.
Qalu ma antum ila basharun misluna uma anzalyarrahmanu min shayin in antum illa takzibun.
Kalyu rabbuna yaglamu inna ilaikum la mursalun.
Uama galaina illal balagul mubbin.
Kyalu inna taddayarnabikum la inlam tantahum la narjumanakum walya yamassanakum minna gazabun alim.
Qalyu dairukum magakum aizzukirtum bal antum kaumun musrifun.
Uadjaamin aqsal madinatirrajulun yasg'ak'ala yakaumittabigyu mursalin.
Tabigu manlya yas alyukum ajran wahum mukhtadun.
Uamaliyalagbudu allazi fadarani uailyayhim turdzhagun.
And attahizu min dunihi alikhatan iyuridnirrahmanu bizurrillatugni gani shafagatukhum shayan ula yunkizun.
Inni isanllafi g'alallimmubin.
Inni amantubirabbikum fasmagun.
Killadhulijannah kala yalayta kaumi yaglamun.
Bima gafarali rabbi uajagalani minal mukramin.
page 3
Uama anzalna gaala qaumihi mimmbagdihi min jundin minassama and uama kunna munzilin.
In kanat illya sayhatan uahidatan faizahum hamidun.
I have khasratan g'ala gibbad, ma ya'tikhimmirrasulin illya kanubihi yastakhziun.
Alam yaraukam ahlakna qablyahumminal quur'ani annakhum ilayhim la yarjigun.
Wa in kullullyamma jamigun lyaddaina mukhzarun.
Wayatullyahummul arzu maytahu ahyaynaha uakhrajna minha habban faminhu ya'kulun.
Uajagalna fiha jannatin min nahilin ua agynabin uafajarna fiha minnal gyuun.
Liya'kulyu min sumarihi uama gamilyathu aidihim afalya yashkurun.
Subhanallyazi halakal azuajakullaha mimma tumbitul arzu ua min anfusihim uammma la yagylamun.
Wayatun lyakhummu laylu naslahu minhu nahara faizakhum muzlimun.
Wasshamsu tajri li mustakarrillaha zalika takdirul gazizul gaalimin.
Ualkamara kaaddarnahu manazilyahatta gaadakal gudjunil kaadim.
Lyashshamsu yammbagyi lyaattudrika kaamara ulya laylyu sabikunnahara rihuakullun fi falakin yasbahun.
page 4
Waayatun lyahum annahamalna zuriyatahum fi falki mashkhun.
Uakhalaknalyakhummislihi mayarkabun.
uainnasha'a nugyrikkhum falyassarikhalyahum walyahum yunkazun.
Illyarakhmattan mminna uamatagyan illya khin.
Waizakilallahumu takumabayna aidikum uama halfakum lagallyakum turkhamun.
Uama ta'tikhimmi ayattin min ayatirrabbihim illya kanu gyankha mugarizin.
Waizakilyallahum anfikyu mimma razakakumullahu Kalyallazina kafaru lillazina amanu anudgyimu mallau yasha
u Allahu adgamanahu in antum illya fi zalalin mubbin.
Ua yakuluna mata hazal uagdu in kuntum sadikin.
Mayanzuruna illa sayhatan wahidatan ta'huzukhum wahum yahissimun.
Falya yastadiguna tausiyatan walya ila ahlihim yarjigun.
Uanufikha fissouri faizakhum minal ajdasi ila rabbihim yansilyun.
Qalyu yahuaylana mambagasana mimmarkadina haza mag'addarrahmanu wasadaqal mursalun.
In kanat ila saykhatan uakhidatan Faizakhum jamigun lyadaina mukhzarun.
Fal yauma la tuzlamu nafsun shayan ulya tujzauna illya ma kuntum tagmalun.
page 5
Inna askhaba jannakhi yauma fishugulin fakihun.
Hum uaazuajukhum fizilyalin g'alal ara iki muttaqun.
Lyahum fiha fakikhatun walahum mayaddagun.
salamun kaulyan mirrabirrahim.
Uamtazul yauma ayuhal mujrimun.
Alam aghad ilyaykum yabani adama alla tagbudu shaydana innahu lakum gaduun mubin.
Ua anigbuduni hazza siraddun mustaqim.
Ualaqad azallya minkum jibilyan kasiran Afalam takunu tagkyilyun.
Hazikhi jahannamu latikuntum tug'adun.
aslauhal yauma bima kuntum takfurun.
Alyauma nahtimu g'ala afuahhihim uatukallimuna aidihim uatashkhadu arjuluhu bima kanu yaksibun.
ulau nasha u ladamsna gaala agyunihim fastabaku siradda fa anna yubsirun.
ulau nasha u lyamasahnakhum gaala makanatihim famastadagyu muziyan walya yardzhigun.
Uama tug'amirhu nunakishu fil halqi afalya yagqilyun.
uama g'allamnahu shigara uama yummbagyi lahu, inhua illazikrun uakur'anun mubin.
Liyunzira makana hayan ua yahiqal kaulu g'alal kafirun.
page 6
Aualam yara u anna halyakna lyakhum mima gamilyat aidina ang'aman fakum laha malikun.
uazalyalnaha lyakhum faminha rakubukhum uaminha ya'kulyun.
Ualahum fikha manafigyu uama sharibu afalya yashkurun.
Wattahazu middunillahi alihatan lag'allahum yunsarun.
La yastadiguna nasrahum wahum lyahum jundun mukhzarun.
Falya yahzuka kaulukhum inna naglyamu ma yusiruna uama yaglinun.
Aualam yaral insanu anna halyaknahu minnudfati fa isa hua hasimun mubin.
Uazarabalna masalyan uannasiya khalkahu qala mayukhil gizama wahiya ramim.
Kul yukhiha allazi assa aha waala marrati uakhua bikulli halqi gaalim.
Allyazi jagala lakum mina shajaril akhzari naran faiza antum minhu tukidun.
Aualyaisallazi halyak'a samauati wal arza biqadirin ga'ala ayahluk'a mislyahum balya uahua ha'lyak'ul gaalim.
Innama amruhu isa ardda shayan yakulya lahu kufayakun.
Fasubhanallazi biyadihi malakutu kulli shayin uailyaihi turjagun.
— Ayat Al-Kursi
Allahu la illyaha illya huwalhayul kayyum,
Lya ta'huzukhU sinatuu wa la Naum, Lyahu ma fissamAuAti ua ma filiard,
mangzallazi yashfagu gyingdakhU illya bi of them,
yaglyamu ma beina aidihim wa ma holfahum,
wa la uhytuna bishayimmin gylmikhI illya bima shaaaa,
wasiga Kursiyuhu ssamAuAti wal ard,
wa la Ya udukhu hyfzukhuma, wa huual gaaliyul gazim.

Semantic translation of Surah Yasin by Elmira Kulieva in Russian

1. Ya. Syn.
2. I swear by the wise Koran!
3. Verily, you are one of the messengers
4. on a straight path.
5. It is sent down by the Mighty, the Merciful,
6. So that you warn people whose fathers no one warned, because of which they remained careless ignoramuses.
7. The Word has come true to most of them, and they will not believe.
8. Verily, We have placed fetters on their necks up to their chins, and their heads are raised up.
9. We set a barrier in front of them and a barrier behind them and covered them with a veil, so that they cannot see.
10. They don’t care whether you warned them or not. They don't believe.
11. You can warn only the one who followed the Reminder and feared the Merciful, without seeing Him with his own eyes. Please him with the news of forgiveness and a generous reward.
12. Verily, We give life to the dead and record what they did and what they left behind. We have counted every thing in a clear guide (the Preserved Tablet).
13. As a parable, give them the inhabitants of the village to whom the messengers came.
14. When We sent two messengers to them, they considered them liars, so We reinforced them with a third. They said: “Verily, we have been sent to you.”
15. They said: “You are people like us. The Merciful has not sent down anything, and you are just lying.”
16. They said: “Our Lord knows that we have indeed been sent to you.
17. We are entrusted only with the clear transmission of revelation.”
18. They said: “Indeed, we have seen a bad omen in you. If you do not stop, we will certainly stone you and you will suffer painful suffering from us.”
19. They said: “Your evil omen will turn against you. Really, if you are warned, do you consider it a bad omen? Oh no! You are people who have transgressed the boundaries of what is permitted!”
20. A man came in a hurry from the outskirts of the city and said: “O my people! Follow the messengers.
21. Follow those who do not ask you for reward and follow the straight path.
22. And why should I not worship Him who created me and to whom you will be returned?
23. Will I really worship other gods besides Him? After all, if the Merciful One wishes to harm me, then their intercession will not help me in any way, and they will not save me.
24. Then I will find myself in an obvious error.
25. Indeed, I have believed in your Lord. Listen to me."
26. He was told: “Enter Paradise!” He said: "Oh, if only my people knew
27. why my Lord has forgiven me (or that my Lord has forgiven me) and that He has made me one of the honoured!”
28. After him, We did not send down any army from heaven against his people, nor did We intend to send them down.
29. There was only one voice, and they died out.
30. Woe to the slaves! Not a single messenger came to them whom they did not mock.
31. Do they not see how many generations We have destroyed before them and that they will not return to them?
32. Indeed, they will all be gathered from Us.
33. A sign for them is the dead earth, which We revived and brought from it grain on which they eat.
34. We created in it gardens of palm trees and vines and caused springs to flow from them,
35. that they may eat their fruits and what they have created with their own hands (or that they may eat fruits that they have not created with their own hands). Won't they be grateful?
36. Great is He who created in pairs what the earth grows, themselves and what they do not know.
37. A sign for them is the night, which We separate from the day, and so they plunge into darkness.
38. The sun floats to its abode. This is the decree of the Mighty, the Knowing.
39. We have predetermined positions for the moon until it again becomes like an old palm branch.
40. The sun does not have to catch up with the moon, and the night does not run ahead of the day. Everyone floats in orbit.
41. It is a sign for them that We carried their offspring in an overflowing ark.
42. We created for them in his likeness what they sit on.
43. If We wish, we will drown them, and then no one will save them, and they themselves will not be saved,
44. unless We show them mercy and allow them to enjoy the benefits until a certain time.
45. When it is said to them, “Beware of what is before you and what is after you, so that you may receive mercy,” they do not answer.
46. ​​Whatever sign comes to them from the signs of their Lord, they certainly turn away from it.
47. When they are told: “Spend from what Allah has provided for you,” the disbelievers say to the believers: “Shall we feed the one whom Allah would feed if He willed? Truly, you are only in obvious error."
48. They say: “When will this promise come true, if you are telling the truth?”
49. They have nothing to expect except one voice, which will amaze them when they argue.
50. They will neither be able to leave a will nor return to their families.
51. The Horn will be blown, and now they rush to their Lord from the graves.
52. They will say: “Woe to us! Who raised us from the place where we slept? This is what the Most Gracious promised, and the messengers spoke the truth.”
53. There will be only one voice, and they will all be gathered from Us.
54. Today no injustice will be done to any soul, and you will be rewarded only for what you have done.
55. Indeed, the inhabitants of Paradise today will be busy in pleasure.
56. They and their spouses will lie in the shadows on couches, leaning.
57. There is fruit there for them and everything they require.
58. The merciful Lord greets them with the word: “Peace!”
59. Separate yourself today, O sinners!
60. Did I not command you, O sons of Adam, not to worship Satan, who is your open enemy,
61. and worship Me? This is the straight path.
62. He has already misled many of you. Don't you understand?
63. This is Gehenna, which was promised to you.
64. Burn in it today because you disbelieved.”
65. Today We will seal their mouths. Their hands will speak to Us, and their feet will testify of what they have acquired.
66. If We wish, We will deprive them of their sight, and then they will rush to the Path. But how will they see?
67. If We wish, We will disfigure them in their places, and then they will neither be able to move forward nor return.
68. To whom We grant long life, We give the opposite appearance. Don't they understand?
69. We did not teach him (Muhammad) poetry, and it is not fitting for him to do so. This is nothing but a Reminder and a clear Quran,
70. So that he may warn those who are alive, and so that the Word may be fulfilled regarding those who disbelieve.
71. Do they not see that from what Our hands (We Ourselves) have done, We have created cattle for them, and that they own them?
72. We made it subject to them. They ride some of them and feed on others.
73. They bring them benefit and drink. Won't they be grateful?
74. But they worship other gods instead of Allah in the hope that they will be helped.
75. They cannot help them, although they are a ready army for them (the pagans are ready to fight for their idols, or the idols will be in Last life ready army against the pagans).
76. Don’t let their speeches sadden you. We know what they hide and what they reveal.
77. Doesn’t man see that We created him from a drop? And so he openly bickers!
78. He gave Us a parable and forgot about his creation. He said, “Who will revive the bones that have decayed?”
79. Say: “He who created them the first time will give them life. He knows about every creation."
80. He created fire for you from green wood, and now you kindle fire from it.
81. Is He who created the heavens and the earth incapable of creating others like them? Of course, because He is the Creator, the Knower.
82. When He desires something, then He should say: “Be!” - how it comes true.
83. Great is He, in Whose Hand is power over every thing! To Him you will be returned.

“Everything has a heart, and the heart of the Quran is Surah Yasin, whoever reads it is like someone who has read the Quran 10 times.”

Surah Yasin is called the heart of the Holy Book and, therefore, has great significance for the believer. Firstly, it should be noted that the surah talks about the unity of Allah, the punishment of those who do not believe in it, the Day of Judgment and the resurrection. Surah Yasin is aimed at introducing awareness of truth into the consciousness of a Muslim.

There are many hadiths about the merits of this surah. So one of them says: “If someone enters the cemetery and reads Surah Yasin, then the punishment (of those in the grave) will be reduced on that day, and he will receive a reward equal to the number of people buried in the cemetery.” .

Another hadith says that Allah read Surahs Taha and Yasin a thousand years before the creation of the heavens and the earth. And when the angels heard, they said: “Happiness to the community to which this Koran will be sent down, and happiness to those hearts that will carry it, that is, learn it, and happiness to those languages ​​that will read it.”

Surah Yasin contains hidden blessings for the believer, both in this and the next world. It supports faith in the heart and reminds us of the Omnipotence of the Almighty. This surah distances the Muslim from the troubles of this world and the akhirat of the worshiper.

One hadith says: “Whoever reads Surah Yasin, his many sins are forgiven. When a hungry person reads, he will be satisfied. If he is lost, he finds his way. If someone who has lost an animal reads it, then it is found. If a person reads, fearing that there will not be enough food, then it becomes enough. If you read on a dying person during his agony, his agony is alleviated. If you read it on a woman who is having difficulty during childbirth, then the birth becomes easier.”

Surah Yasin is read to the dead so that their soul finds peace in the next world. Not only the dead need it, this surah brings peace of mind and peace to the living.

Muslims talk about the amazing properties of Surah Yasin and its significance in the life of a believer. Abu Ahmad says that some people do not start their day without coffee, but he does not start it without reading the holy surah. “Sura Yasin makes me closer to the Almighty, because it talks about the terrible day of judgment and punishment for sins. This surah is a constant reminder every day of the true purpose of my life - to worship Allah."

Semantic translation of the sura« Yasin» Elmira Kulieva in Russian

1. Ya. Syn.
2. I swear by the wise Koran!
3. Verily, you are one of the messengers
4. on a straight path.
5. It is sent down by the Mighty, the Merciful,
6. So that you warn people whose fathers no one warned, because of which they remained careless ignoramuses.
7. The Word has come true to most of them, and they will not believe.
8. Verily, We have placed fetters on their necks up to their chins, and their heads are raised up.
9. We set a barrier in front of them and a barrier behind them and covered them with a veil, so that they cannot see.
10. They don’t care whether you warned them or not. They don't believe.
11. You can warn only the one who followed the Reminder and feared the Merciful, without seeing Him with his own eyes. Please him with the news of forgiveness and a generous reward.
12. Verily, We give life to the dead and record what they did and what they left behind. We have counted every thing in a clear guide (the Preserved Tablet).
13. As a parable, give them the inhabitants of the village to whom the messengers came.
14. When We sent two messengers to them, they considered them liars, so We reinforced them with a third. They said: “Verily, we have been sent to you.”
15. They said: “You are people like us. The Merciful has not sent down anything, and you are just lying.”
16. They said: “Our Lord knows that we have indeed been sent to you.
17. We are entrusted only with the clear transmission of revelation.”
18. They said: “Indeed, we have seen a bad omen in you. If you do not stop, we will certainly stone you and you will suffer painful suffering from us.”
19. They said: “Your evil omen will turn against you. Really, if you are warned, do you consider it a bad omen? Oh no! You are people who have transgressed the boundaries of what is permitted!”
20. A man came in a hurry from the outskirts of the city and said: “O my people! Follow the messengers.
21. Follow those who do not ask you for reward and follow the straight path.
22. And why should I not worship Him who created me and to whom you will be returned?
23. Will I really worship other gods besides Him? After all, if the Merciful One wishes to harm me, then their intercession will not help me in any way, and they will not save me.
24. Then I will find myself in an obvious error.
25. Indeed, I have believed in your Lord. Listen to me."
26. He was told: “Enter Paradise!” He said: "Oh, if only my people knew
27. why my Lord has forgiven me (or that my Lord has forgiven me) and that He has made me one of the honoured!”
28. After him, We did not send down any army from heaven against his people, nor did We intend to send them down.
29. There was only one voice, and they died out.
30. Woe to the slaves! Not a single messenger came to them whom they did not mock.
31. Do they not see how many generations We have destroyed before them and that they will not return to them?
32. Indeed, they will all be gathered from Us.
33. A sign for them is the dead earth, which We revived and brought from it grain on which they eat.
34. We created in it gardens of palm trees and vines and caused springs to flow from them,
35. that they may eat their fruits and what they have created with their own hands (or that they may eat fruits that they have not created with their own hands). Won't they be grateful?
36. Great is He who created in pairs what the earth grows, themselves and what they do not know.
37. A sign for them is the night, which We separate from the day, and so they plunge into darkness.
38. The sun floats to its abode. This is the decree of the Mighty, the Knowing.
39. We have predetermined positions for the moon until it again becomes like an old palm branch.
40. The sun does not have to catch up with the moon, and the night does not run ahead of the day. Everyone floats in orbit.
41. It is a sign for them that We carried their offspring in an overflowing ark.
42. We created for them in his likeness what they sit on.
43. If We wish, we will drown them, and then no one will save them, and they themselves will not be saved,
44. unless We show them mercy and allow them to enjoy the benefits until a certain time.
45. When it is said to them, “Beware of what is before you and what is after you, so that you may receive mercy,” they do not answer.
46. ​​Whatever sign comes to them from the signs of their Lord, they certainly turn away from it.
47. When they are told: “Spend from what Allah has provided for you,” the disbelievers say to the believers: “Shall we feed the one whom Allah would have fed if He had willed? Truly, you are only in obvious error."
48. They say: “When will this promise come true, if you are telling the truth?”
49. They have nothing to expect except one voice, which will amaze them when they argue.
50. They will neither be able to leave a will nor return to their families.
51. The Horn will be blown, and now they rush to their Lord from the graves.
52. They will say: “Woe to us! Who raised us from the place where we slept? This is what the Most Gracious promised, and the messengers spoke the truth.”
53. There will be only one voice, and they will all be gathered from Us.
54. Today no injustice will be done to any soul, and you will be rewarded only for what you have done.
55. Indeed, the inhabitants of Paradise today will be busy in pleasure.
56. They and their spouses will lie in the shadows on couches, leaning.
57. There is fruit there for them and everything they require.
58. The merciful Lord greets them with the word: “Peace!”
59. Separate yourself today, O sinners!
60. Did I not command you, O sons of Adam, not to worship Satan, who is your open enemy,
61. and worship Me? This is the straight path.
62. He has already misled many of you. Don't you understand?
63. This is Gehenna, which was promised to you.
64. Burn in it today because you disbelieved.”
65. Today We will seal their mouths. Their hands will speak to Us, and their feet will testify of what they have acquired.
66. If We wish, We will deprive them of their sight, and then they will rush to the Path. But how will they see?
67. If We wish, We will disfigure them in their places, and then they will neither be able to move forward nor return.
68. To whom We grant long life, We give the opposite appearance. Don't they understand?
69. We did not teach him (Muhammad) poetry, and it is not fitting for him to do so. This is nothing but a Reminder and a clear Quran,
70. So that he may warn those who are alive, and so that the Word may be fulfilled regarding those who disbelieve.
71. Do they not see that from what Our hands (We Ourselves) have done, We have created cattle for them, and that they own them?
72. We made it subject to them. They ride some of them and feed on others.
73. They bring them benefit and drink. Won't they be grateful?
74. But they worship other gods instead of Allah in the hope that they will be helped.
75. They cannot help them, although they are a ready army for them (the pagans are ready to fight for their idols, or the idols will be a ready army against the pagans in the Hereafter).
76. Don’t let their speeches sadden you. We know what they hide and what they reveal.
77. Doesn’t man see that We created him from a drop? And so he openly bickers!
78. He gave Us a parable and forgot about his creation. He said, “Who will revive the bones that have decayed?”
79. Say: “He who created them the first time will give them life. He knows about every creation."
80. He created fire for you from green wood, and now you kindle fire from it.
81. Is He who created the heavens and the earth incapable of creating others like them? Of course, because He is the Creator, the Knower.
82. When He desires something, then He should say: “Be!” - how it comes true.
83. Great is He, in Whose Hand is power over every thing! To Him you will be returned.

Based on materials: Islam-today.ru, azan-syzran.ru

Yasin prayer read

(2) wal kuraan il hakiyim;

(3) innaka lamin al-mursaliina

(4) yaala siraatim mustaqiyim.

(5) tanziil alaziiz irrahiimi

(6) litunZira kaumam maa unZira abaa-uhum fahum

(7) lakod hokkal kaulu yaala akSarihim fakhum laa

(8) innaa ja'alnaa fii a'naakikhim aglalan fahiya

ilalaZkaani fakhum mukmahuun.

(9) wa ja'alnaa mim bayni aidihim saddau wa min

halfihim saddan fa-gshainaahum fakhum laa yubsiruun.

(10) wa sauaa-un alaiihim a-anZartahum am lam

tunZirhum laa yu-minuun.

(11) innamaa tunZiru man ittbaaZIkra ua

hashiyarakhmaana bilgaibi fabashshirhu bimagfiratiu ua

(12) innaa nakhnu nuhyi l-mauta ua naktubu maa kaddamuu

wa aaSaarahum, wa kulla shay-in ahsaynaahuu fii imaamim

(13) uadrib lahum maSalan askhaaba alkarati iZ jaa-al

(14) from arsalnaa ilaihimu Snaini fakaZabuukhumaa,

fa'azzaznaa biSaaliSin fakaaluu: innaa ilaikum

(15) kaaluu maa antum illaa basharum miSlunaa ua a maa

anzalarahmaanu min shai-in in antum illaa takZibuun.

(16) kaaluu: rabbunaa yalamu innaaa ilaikum

(17) I'm maa alainaa illalbalaagulmubiin.

(18) kaaluu inna tottayarnaa bikum, la-il lam tantahuu

lanarjumannakum wa layamassannakum minnaa ’aZaabun

(19) kaaluu taa-irukum ma'akum, a-in Zukkirtum bal

Antum kaumum musrifun.

(20) wa jaa-a min aksalmadiinati rajuluy yasaa;

kaala yaa kaum ittabiyu lmursaliin.

(21) ittabiyuu mal laa yas-alukum ajran wa hum

(22) wa maa liya maa abudu llazii fataraniya wa ilayhii

(23) a-attahiZu min duunihia aalihatan, ii

yuridnirahmaanu bidurrin laa-

tugnii annii shafa'atukhum shai-an ua laa yunkiZuun.

(24) innii iZal la-fii d'alaalim mubiin

(25) innii aamantu birabbikum fasma'uun.

(26) kiila dhulil jannata; kaala: yaa laita kaumii

(27) bimaa gafara liya rabbi wa jaalani min

(28) wa maa anzalnaa jalaa kaumikhii mim badikhii min

Jundim min assamaa-i wa maa kunnaa munziliin.

(29) in kaanat illaa saykhatau yakhidatan fakhum

(30) yaa hasratan yaal ibad; maa i-tihihim

mirrasuulin illaa kanuu bihii yastasi-uun.

(31) alam yarau kam akhlaknaa kablahum min alkuruuni

Annahum ilahim laa yarjiuun.

(32) wa in kullul lammaa jamiiyul ladaynaa mukhdaruun.

(33) wa aayatul lahum ulardul maytatu: ahyaynaahaa wa

ahrajnaa minhaa habban faminhuu ya-kuluun.

(34) wa jaalnaa fiihaa jannaatim min nahiilin wa

a'naabin ua fajjarnaa fikhaa minal yuyuun.

(35) liya-kuluu min Samarikhii ua maa amilathuu

Aydihim afalaa yashkuruun.

(36) subhaana llZii halakal azuaaja kullahaa mimmaa

tumbitul ardu wa min anfusihim wa mimmaa laa yalamuun.

(37) wa aayatul lahumul laylu, naslahu minhun nahaara

(38) uash shamsu tajri li-mustakarril lahaa Zaalika

takdiirul aziizil alaim.

(39) wal komara kaddarnaahuu manazila hattaa yaada

(40) lash shamsu yambagii lahaa an tudrikal komara ua

lallaylu saabikun nahaari wa kullun fii falakiy

(41) wa aayatul lahum annaa khmalnaa Zurriyatahum

(42) wa halaknaa lahum mim miSlihii maa yarkabuun.

(43) wa in nasha- nugrikhum falaa sariiha lahum wa laa

(44) illaa rahmatam minnaa ua mata'an ilaa hiin.

(45) ua iZaa kiila lahum uttakuu maa baina aidiikum ua

maa halfakum la'allakum turkhamuun.

(46) wa maa ta-tihihim min aayatim min aayaati rabbihim

illaa kaanuu yankhaa muridiin.

(47) ua iZaa kiila lahum unfikuu mimmaa

razakakumullah, kal allZiina kafaruu lillaZiina

aamanuu: a-nutimu mal lau yashaa-Allahu atmahu, in

Antum illaa fii dalaalim mubiin.

(48) ua yakuluuna mataa haZal ua'du in kuntum

(49) maa yanZuruuna illaa sayhatau uahidatan ta-huZuhum

wa hum yahissimuun.

(50) falaa yastatiiuuna tausiyatan ua laa ilaa ahlichim

(51) wa nufikha fis suuri fakhum minal adjdaaS ilaa

(52) kaaluu yaa wailanaa mam ba'aSanaa mim markadinaa;

haZaa maa ua'adar rahmaanu ua sadakal mursaluun.

(53) in kaanat illaa saykhatau uakhidatan fa-iZaa hum

Jamiiul Ladaynaa Mukhdaruun.

(54) Falauma laa tuzlamu nafsun shay-an, ua laa

Tujzauna illaa maa kuntum talamuun.

(55) inna askhaabal jannatil yauma fii shugulin

(56) hum wa azuajuhum fii zilaalin jaalal araa-iki

(57) lahum fiihaa faakihatuu wa lahum maa yadda'uun.

(58) salaamun kaulam mir rabbir rahim.

(59) uamtazul yauma ayukhal mujrimuun.

(60) alam ahad ilaikum yaa banii aadama al laa

tabudush shaytaan? innahuu lakum yadum mubiin.

(61) wa an i'buduunii, haaZaa siraatum mustakiim.

(62) wa lakod adalla minkum jibillan kaSiiran, afalam

(63) haaZihii jahannamu llazii kuntum tu'aduun.

(64) islauhal yauma bimaa kuntum takfuruun.

(65) alauma nahtimu alaa afuaaahihim wa tukallimunaa

Aidihim ua tashkhudu arjulukhum bimaa kaanuu yaksibuun.

(66) ua lau nashaa-u latamasnaa yaala ayunihim

fastabakus siraata faannaa yubsiruun.

(67) wa lau nashaa-u lamasahnaahum yaala makanatihim

famastataa'uu mudiyan wa laa yarji'un.

(68) ua man nu'ammirkhuu nunakkiskhuu fil halkyi afalaa

(69) wa maa 'allamnaakhush shi'ra wa maa yambagii lahuu,

in huua illaa Zikruu wa kuranum mubiin.

(71) aualam yarau annaa halaknaa lahum mimmaa yamilat

Aidiinaa an'aaman fahum lahaa maalikuun.

(72) wa Zallalnaahaa lahum faminhaa rakuubuhum wa

(73) wa lahum fiihaa manafi'u wa mashaaribu afalaa

(74) wattahZuu min duunillahi aalihatan la'allahum

(75) laa yastatiiuuna nasrahum wa hum lahum jndum

(76) falaayahzunka kaulahum; innaa nalamu maa

Yusirruuna ua maa yulinuun.

(77) aualam yaral insaanu annaa halaknaahuu min

nutfatin faiZaa huua hasiimunm mubiin.

(78) wa daraba lanaa maSalau ua nasiya halkahuu: kaala

may yukhyil izaama wa hiya ramim.

(79) kul yuhyihallaZii ansha-ahaa auuala marratin ua

huua bi-kulli halyain yaliim.

(80) allZii ja'ala lakum minash shajaril akhdari naaran

fa-iZaa antum minhuu tukidun.

(81) aualaisallaZii halakas samaauaaati ual arda

Bikaadirin yaala ay yakhluka miSlahum? balaa ua huual

(82) innamaa amruhuu iZaa araada shay-an ay yakula lahuu

(83) fasubhaanallazii biyadihii malakuutu kulli shai-in

ua ilaikhii tujauun.

Note: The following lines are not part of the Surah, but they are recommended to be read as a dua-dhikr after this Surah (optional).

(kullyu shay-in khaalikun illya wajhyuhu: lahul

Yasin prayer read

“Everything has a heart, and the heart of the Quran is Surah Yasin, whoever reads it is like someone who has read the Quran 10 times.”

Surah Yasin is called the heart of the Holy Book and, therefore, has great significance for the believer. Firstly, it should be noted that the surah talks about the unity of Allah, the punishment of those who do not believe in it, the Day of Judgment and the resurrection. Surah Yasin is aimed at introducing awareness of truth into the consciousness of a Muslim.

There are many hadiths about the merits of this surah. So one of them says: “If someone enters the cemetery and reads Surah Yasin, then the punishment (of those in the grave) will be reduced on that day, and he will receive a reward equal to the number of people buried in the cemetery.” .

Another hadith says that Allah read Surahs Taha and Yasin a thousand years before the creation of the heavens and the earth. And when the angels heard, they said: “Happiness to the community to which this Koran will be sent down, and happiness to those hearts that will carry it, that is, learn it, and happiness to those languages ​​that will read it.”

Surah Yasin contains hidden blessings for the believer, both in this and the next world. It supports faith in the heart and reminds us of the Omnipotence of the Almighty. This surah distances the Muslim from the troubles of this world and the akhirat of the worshiper.

One hadith says: “Whoever reads Surah Yasin, his many sins are forgiven. When a hungry person reads, he will be satisfied. If he is lost, he finds his way. If someone who has lost an animal reads it, then it is found. If a person reads, fearing that there will not be enough food, then it becomes enough. If you read on a dying person during his agony, his agony is alleviated. If you read it on a woman who is having difficulty during childbirth, then the birth becomes easier.”

Surah Yasin is read to the dead so that their soul finds peace in the next world. Not only the dead need it, this surah brings peace of mind and peace to the living.

Muslims talk about the amazing properties of Surah Yasin and its significance in the life of a believer. Abu Ahmad says that some people do not start their day without coffee, but he does not start it without reading the holy surah. “Sura Yasin makes me closer to the Almighty, because it talks about the terrible day of judgment and punishment for sins. This surah is a constant reminder every day of the true purpose of my life - to worship Allah."

2. I swear by the wise Koran!

4. on a straight path.

80. He created fire for you from green wood, and now you kindle fire from it.

81. Is He who created the heavens and the earth incapable of creating others like them? Of course, because He is the Creator, the Knower.

82. When He desires something, then He should say: “Be!” - how it comes true.

83. Great is He, in Whose Hand is power over every thing! To Him you will be returned.

Surah Yasin

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful!

Yasin (Sura 36) is one of the most famous surahs of the Holy Quran, and on this page you can read, download or listen to mp3 online.

Read Surah Yasin online in Arabic

Transcription of Surah Yasin (text in Russian)

Semantic translation of Surah Yasin by Elmira Kulieva in Russian

2. I swear by the wise Koran!

3. Verily, you are one of the messengers

4. on a straight path.

5. It is sent down by the Mighty, the Merciful,

6. So that you warn people whose fathers no one warned, because of which they remained careless ignoramuses.

7. The Word has come true to most of them, and they will not believe.

8. Verily, We have placed fetters on their necks up to their chins, and their heads are raised up.

9. We set a barrier in front of them and a barrier behind them and covered them with a veil, so that they cannot see.

10. They don’t care whether you warned them or not. They don't believe.

11. You can warn only the one who followed the Reminder and feared the Merciful, without seeing Him with his own eyes. Please him with the news of forgiveness and a generous reward.

12. Verily, We give life to the dead and record what they did and what they left behind. We have counted every thing in a clear guide (the Preserved Tablet).

13. As a parable, give them the inhabitants of the village to whom the messengers came.

14. When We sent two messengers to them, they considered them liars, so We reinforced them with a third. They said: “Verily, we have been sent to you.”

15. They said: “You are people like us. The Merciful has not sent down anything, and you are just lying.”

16. They said: “Our Lord knows that we have indeed been sent to you.

17. We are entrusted only with the clear transmission of revelation.”

18. They said: “Indeed, we have seen a bad omen in you. If you do not stop, we will certainly stone you and you will suffer painful suffering from us.”

19. They said: “Your evil omen will turn against you. Really, if you are warned, do you consider it a bad omen? Oh no! You are people who have transgressed the boundaries of what is permitted!”

20. A man came in a hurry from the outskirts of the city and said: “O my people! Follow the messengers.

21. Follow those who do not ask you for reward and follow the straight path.

22. And why should I not worship Him who created me and to whom you will be returned?

23. Will I really worship other gods besides Him? After all, if the Merciful One wishes to harm me, then their intercession will not help me in any way, and they will not save me.

24. Then I will find myself in an obvious error.

25. Indeed, I have believed in your Lord. Listen to me."

26. He was told: “Enter Paradise!” He said: "Oh, if only my people knew

27. why my Lord has forgiven me (or that my Lord has forgiven me) and that He has made me one of the honoured!”

28. After him, We did not send down any army from heaven against his people, nor did We intend to send them down.

29. There was only one voice, and they died out.

30. Woe to the slaves! Not a single messenger came to them whom they did not mock.

31. Do they not see how many generations We have destroyed before them and that they will not return to them?

32. Indeed, they will all be gathered from Us.

33. A sign for them is the dead earth, which We revived and brought from it grain on which they eat.

34. We created in it gardens of palm trees and vines and caused springs to flow from them,

35. that they may eat their fruits and what they have created with their own hands (or that they may eat fruits that they have not created with their own hands). Won't they be grateful?

36. Great is He who created in pairs what the earth grows, themselves and what they do not know.

37. A sign for them is the night, which We separate from the day, and so they plunge into darkness.

38. The sun floats to its abode. This is the decree of the Mighty, the Knowing.

39. We have predetermined positions for the moon until it again becomes like an old palm branch.

40. The sun does not have to catch up with the moon, and the night does not run ahead of the day. Everyone floats in orbit.

41. It is a sign for them that We carried their offspring in an overflowing ark.

42. We created for them in his likeness what they sit on.

43. If We wish, we will drown them, and then no one will save them, and they themselves will not be saved,

44. unless We show them mercy and allow them to enjoy the benefits until a certain time.

45. When it is said to them, “Beware of what is before you and what is after you, so that you may receive mercy,” they do not answer.

46. ​​Whatever sign comes to them from the signs of their Lord, they certainly turn away from it.

47. When they are told: “Spend from what Allah has provided for you,” the disbelievers say to the believers: “Shall we feed the one whom Allah would feed if He willed? Truly, you are only in obvious error."

48. They say: “When will this promise come true, if you are telling the truth?”

49. They have nothing to expect except one voice, which will amaze them when they argue.

50. They will neither be able to leave a will nor return to their families.

51. The Horn will be blown, and now they rush to their Lord from the graves.

52. They will say: “Woe to us! Who raised us from the place where we slept? This is what the Most Gracious promised, and the messengers spoke the truth.”

53. There will be only one voice, and they will all be gathered from Us.

54. Today no injustice will be done to any soul, and you will be rewarded only for what you have done.

55. Indeed, the inhabitants of Paradise today will be busy in pleasure.

56. They and their spouses will lie in the shadows on couches, leaning.

57. There is fruit there for them and everything they require.

58. The merciful Lord greets them with the word: “Peace!”

59. Separate yourself today, O sinners!

60. Did I not command you, O sons of Adam, not to worship Satan, who is your open enemy,

61. and worship Me? This is the straight path.

62. He has already misled many of you. Don't you understand?

63. This is Gehenna, which was promised to you.

64. Burn in it today because you disbelieved.”

65. Today We will seal their mouths. Their hands will speak to Us, and their feet will testify of what they have acquired.

66. If We wish, We will deprive them of their sight, and then they will rush to the Path. But how will they see?

67. If We wish, We will disfigure them in their places, and then they will neither be able to move forward nor return.

68. To whom We grant long life, We give the opposite appearance. Don't they understand?

69. We did not teach him (Muhammad) poetry, and it is not fitting for him to do so. This is nothing but a Reminder and a clear Quran,

70. So that he may warn those who are alive, and so that the Word may be fulfilled regarding those who disbelieve.

71. Do they not see that from what Our hands (We Ourselves) have done, We have created cattle for them, and that they own them?

72. We made it subject to them. They ride some of them and feed on others.

73. They bring them benefit and drink. Won't they be grateful?

74. But they worship other gods instead of Allah in the hope that they will be helped.

75. They cannot help them, although they are a ready army for them (the pagans are ready to fight for their idols, or the idols will be a ready army against the pagans in the Hereafter).

76. Don’t let their speeches sadden you. We know what they hide and what they reveal.

77. Doesn’t man see that We created him from a drop? And so he openly bickers!

78. He gave Us a parable and forgot about his creation. He said, “Who will revive the bones that have decayed?”

79. Say: “He who created them the first time will give them life. He knows about every creation."