Household conspiracies, folk rituals. Magic to help the housewife. Household spells to keep your house in order Cleaning spells

This article contains: prayer for cleaning - information taken from all over the world, the electronic network and spiritual people.

There are three types of cleaning: daily, weekly and general.

The first is dusting and sweeping the floors. At the same time, you must follow certain rules: take revenge not to the threshold, but from it, otherwise you will sweep away all the money, and you cannot do this with two brooms in one day - you will sweep away all the wealth.

Weekly cleaning includes all previous steps, as well as changing bed linen and mopping the floors.

Many housewives have a habit, when everyone at home has gone about their business, to start cleaning, then wash the floor, starting from the back room and ending at the front door (considered correct), and even pour the water backhand onto the street. Under no circumstances should this be done. The floor should be washed in the same way as it was swept, so as not to “wash” anyone out of the house or “to wash out” the road for those who have left.

Wipe the table with a cloth specially designed for this, it is unacceptable to do this with paper - there will definitely be a scandal, or with your hand - to poverty, just as the hand is empty, so the table will be empty.

Do not leave unwashed dishes after dinner: showing your laziness, you will easily irritate the brownie. If you have already become a habit, he may start rattling dishes at night, hitting them, banging cabinet doors, etc.

Do not leave knives and salt shakers on the table - the brownie also does not like this, and you will also have quarrels and misunderstandings between family members.

General cleaning is carried out 2-3 times during the year. Usually it is timed to prepare the home for winter and to clean windows in the spring after it.

During this process, furniture is moved from its place, all objects are removed, they are carefully sorted and dried, paintings are removed, dust is swept away from the walls, ceiling, etc.

When performing work, be extremely careful! If you find suspicious-looking objects that are clearly not yours, you should carefully take them with a protected hand, then take them away from the house (to a vacant lot, trash can), pour on them with any flammable liquid and burn them. When the flame flares up, say the text of the prayer “Our Father” three times, and then say: “Where it came from, go there; whoever sent it, take it.” To complete the work, fumigate the house with incense and consecrate it, sprinkling each room with holy water, reading the prayers “Our Father” and “May God rise again.”

At the front door, draw a cross with a candle taken for the holy holiday and hang a small bunch of thistles. This will reliably protect your home from the invasion of evil forces. And never mark or wash the floor after sunset - this will lead to a scandal or to the fact that you are “sweeping” yourself out of your home.

After sunset, do not take anything out of the house: neither water nor garbage, because you can take the well-being out of the house. Try never to neglect cleaning your home, because you still can’t do without it, and systematically maintaining cleanliness and order will make the house cozy and beautiful, and will protect you from many troubles and failures in life.

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Prayer for cleansing the home

A person’s home is a very important place to which we are destined (and most importantly, we want) to always return. We may be infinitely far away - but we remember him with warmth and joy.

Housing needs reliable protection at all levels - locks and alarms on the doors, but it is also important to protect the house and its inhabitants from the interference of negatively minded ethereal entities.

We often ask God for help and intercession in life’s difficulties in various words - and to keep the house clean, there are special prayers for cleansing the house.

Prayer for cleansing a house (like prayer for cleansing an apartment - the type of housing does not matter) - strong protection of the walls of the house and the people living in them from all evil and defilement. Standing in front of the icon with a candle and sincerity in our hearts and souls, we humbly ask God to enter not only under the roof of our hearts, but also to settle under our roof in the most literal sense.

Strictly speaking, “cleanse” the home to the common man not possible. It is unknown what kind of people lived there before you, and what kind of entities still live there invisibly. By starting to arrogantly “drive” them out of their homes, you can earn yourself such adventures that you would not wish on your worst enemy, and would not even imagine in your nightmare.

To cleanse and interact with your home you need great spiritual experience and inner strength. The most commonly used rite of cleansing an apartment is an Orthodox ceremony, which is performed by a priest in the presence of the owners of the house.

The owners must listen carefully to the priest, delve into the meaning of the words spoken, and pray sincerely and fervently to grant peace and prosperity to the house.

In the future, you need to maintain the “effect” obtained from consecration. Various methods are recommended for this, but the main one is life in the spirit of Orthodox Christianity, subordination of all your aspirations and thoughts to the teachings and commandments of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

Live like a true Christian, be faithful to his commands, build a family, love and respect all its members, raise children - and your life in the consecrated apartment will be fine.

You can from time to time (by asking the priest for a blessing) sprinkle the apartment with holy water while reading prayers - to additionally protect the soul, your home and those staying in it.

How to make prayer effective? The main criterion for the “effectiveness” of prayer is its sincerity.

If you believe in the Lord, His Most Holy Mother and all the saints, boldly ask for their entry and stay under the roof of your home, for the health and happiness, well-being of all its residents and guests, and the Lord will not bypass you with His mercy and presence.

Faith is the main engine, the locomotive of any communication with the Lord. He promises us: have faith the size of a mustard seed, and command the mountain to move from place to place - and it will fulfill your words.

It is difficult to believe so sincerely; a person is sinful and subject to doubt and temptation.

But there is a method, using which, you can use for sincere and truthful communication with Christ. “I believe, Lord, help my unbelief,” answered the pious man to Christ’s question about his faith. This man asked Jesus to heal his seriously ill daughter, and uttered this formula, which became a symbol of humility and trust in the help of the Good and Merciful God. So we, following this father of a sick child, in every need must ask Him, before entering our home, to grant us Faith.

Other types of prayers for cleansing:

Prayers for cleansing the house: comments

Most often, an ordinary person thinks about the cleanliness of the house only in the literal sense of the word; we rarely think about the spiritual purity of our hearth. This article helped me understand that not only our soul needs cleansing, but also our home. Every word, every thought aimed at cleansing my home will make it even more noble and pleasant for spending time. After all, when we wear clean clothes, our body feels much better than when we walk around in dirty underwear. It’s the same with a house - it’s better to be in a clean (in every sense of the word), pleasant housing than in one polluted by various wickedness and troubles.

Necessary good prayer for cleaning the home and women's clothing store

How to cleanse an apartment of evil through prayer and attract grace

Our apartment, our home, is something that should protect us from adversity, be a cozy and pleasant place to live, and give us a feeling of happiness. To do this, our apartment must not only be physically clean, but to a greater extent, comfort is determined by energetic cleanliness. In this case, I lived in search of peace and mutual understanding in our family, and is the place where I want to go to find warmth and peace.

Even human shortcomings such as alcoholism, scandalousness, discord between spouses or lack of mutual understanding between children and parents are all consequences of the presence of a demonic principle and mental dirt in the house. Each subsequent squabble leaves an indelible mark that disfigures the aura of the home.

Prayers for keeping your home spiritually clean

If no misfortune has befallen your home, everything is going well and peace is building, then it would be useful to protect yourself from the influence of any evil spirits, the witchcraft of envious people, or even just the involuntary evil eye. By following simple rules for keeping your home spiritually clean, you will continue to maintain harmony and peace in your family.

First of all, every Orthodox home should have its own “red corner”. This is the place where holy images and amulets that have been consecrated to bestow God’s mercy on you or for another godly purpose are kept in due reverence. Usually the “red corner” was located towards the east.

It is necessary to emphasize one very important detail - the “red corner” is kept clean, preventing disrespect for the holy images.

  • If possible, light a lamp or candle on holidays and corresponding days. Especially during the Great Holidays, the lamp with its light will cleanse the house from sinful filth and attract the mercy of the Almighty.
  • Remove dust with special respect, avoiding a mess in your home iconostasis. Cleaning begins with the reading of canonical prayers and baptism with fingers three times. Then ask forgiveness from the holy images for disturbing them, and read the “Our Father” or “Creed” again.
  • Take time to pray to your Godly guides. Conducted morning prayer will give your apartment a blessing for the next day so that it is joyful and happy.
  • Opposite the entrance, be sure to hang an icon called “Seven Arrows”. It will become a talisman for your home, preventing any evil from entering your home.

Turning to the Holy Spirit will fill your home with happiness and good fortune. Reading it in the morning or before bedtime, you will attract peace and the grace of God into your chambers. An apartment in which a voice sounds to the glory of the Lord will be a pleasant, bright place filled with God's mercy and protection. Afterwards, note for yourself how after a while your ill-wishers will stop coming to visit you, because they will feel bad - all the evil they send will return to them.

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Deaths in your home require clergy intervention

One of the most important factors that negatively affects the favorable atmosphere in your home is human death. If a person died naturally in an apartment, then it must be cleansed with special ritual prayers, strictly adhering to the algorithm of actions. You can do this yourself, but it is a rather complicated procedure. It is necessary to use prayers for the repose of the soul of the deceased, services in the church and a certain ritual in the house.

In the event that an unnatural death, murder or suicide occurs in an apartment, the cleaning ritual should simply become a mandatory action. And don’t be too lazy to carry out a cleansing ritual so that your home does not suffer the fate of that damned place where similar deaths will be repeated many times.

  • Important! The most severe cases of an aggressive atmosphere in the home require the intervention of a priest. He will conduct a ceremony to consecrate the apartment with the help of strong prayer and the power that he is endowed with as God’s anointed. In order to prevent your apartment from turning into a satanic black hole, taking the lives of its residents, you cannot do without a strong ritual.
  • Do not forget to carry out the ritual of repose of the deceased according to the rules Orthodox Church, even if the death was natural. This will protect your home from binding a suffering soul to it and will save you from the problems of violent spirits.

However, if your knowledge is not deep in such matters, then it is better to turn to a priest for instructions. He will explain all the questions to you and tell you how to properly and consistently cleanse the energy in the apartment so that further life in it does not turn into flour.

A powerful ritual for cleansing evil in an apartment

It happens that we ignore the beginning of troubles. But if someone, voluntarily or unwittingly, brought evil and discord into our home, then a timely ritual can very quickly improve life and return peace to the apartment.

Signs of a problem that requires home cleaning:

  • Nervousness in relations with family has worsened.
  • It’s as if the husband or wife has been replaced, and they are trying to avoid being in the house.
  • Discord and quarrels have become frequent guests in your home.
  • Children show disrespect for elders.
  • You feel the oppressive atmosphere.
  • Friends began to avoid going to your house.
  • Signs of the other world appear in the form of ghosts and ghosts.

If you notice that bad signs have appeared in your home that require energy cleansing, then do not turn to the forces of darkness for this. To cleanse the home, light forces are called upon to help. God's blessing can be received by performing the ritual of cleansing and consecrating the apartment with the help of the words of the Almighty and prayer.

They start with a mandatory trip to the temple. Before you begin cleaning your home, you must undergo a ritual of cleansing your body and soul. On Friday, spend time fasting, and on Sunday, confess in church and receive Holy Communion. In this case, you will be spiritually ready to clean the apartment.

Buy an icon of the Mother of God, it is better if it is an icon of the “Kazan Mother of God”. She has the miraculous power to bring the grace of God into the house and keep it from everything demonic. Also buy three candles and a ribbon with the words of Psalm 90, “He lives in the help of the Most High.”

  • Psalms 6, 8, 9, 65 - they have a strong meaning for cleansing the home from demons that tempt the righteous and bring confusion into virtuous families.
  • Psalm 100 - prays for the granting of God's grace to people and the sending of the Holy Spirit as patrons.

They go around the house and read the psalms in this sequence until one candle burns out. If, while walking around your home with a candle, you notice that somewhere it smokes heavily, then these places require separate reading of prayers.

You need to pick up the icon of the “Kazan Mother of God” and read the words of one of the prayers over this place in order to cleanse this place of the unclean spirit. They read it three times, after each reading, baptizing that place with an icon.

Prayer before the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

When you have walked around all the places in the house where the candle flame smoked, and have recited the consecration with the face of the “Kazan Mother of God,” then you need to walk around the apartment again and check the effectiveness of the ritual. With a new candle in hand, they read the “Symbol of Faith”, going through the same order as before. It happens occasionally that the candle continues to smoke. Then the ritual with the icon must be repeated. Usually, after all three candles burn out, not a trace remains of the unclean spirit. A ribbon with the text of Psalm 90 “He lives in the help of the Most High” is hung above the entrance to the house. It will become a talisman against further misfortunes.

Attracting the Holy Spirit and graces from the Heavenly Forces into your home

To ensure that there is no room left for bad entities in your home, you need to let the Divine Power into your home. Perform a ritual of reprimanding the corners in which, as a rule, the dark force finds shelter. In addition, carrying out the ritual will help not only cleanse the house, but also attract wealth, success and luck, gifted to you by the grace of Heaven, as a zealous Christian.

With a candle in hand, they read Psalm 90 over every corner in the apartment. The psalm “Alive in the help of the Most High” has great power to drive out everything devilish and ungodly. The main thing is that after each reading, cross the place of reprimand with candle fire three times.

After all these procedures, symbolic cleaning of the house will be useful. Pour holy water into a bucket of clean water and, moistening a clean rag, wipe the baseboards, doors, window sills and threshold of the house. This should be the final stage for any ritual that cleanses the home and calls upon the Heavenly Forces to be its guardians.

I am 33 years old, and I don’t like to clean my apartment, I don’t know how to keep it clean. And my children are just as lazy. Although my mother and grandmother keep the house clean and tidy. I ask for a spell or ritual against laziness, so that I have a desire to clean, and I learn to keep the house in order.

Dear Elena! Of course, your children follow your example in everything, and it is very good that you are worried. However, do not rush to scold yourself, this will make your inability to keep the house clean even worse. On the contrary, you need to learn to praise yourself for completing a small task, and not scold yourself for not completing a large one. To help you, I give you a ritual that is simple, but requires regular implementation.

For 21 days, you must wash your plate, mug and spoon every time after dinner, saying just one phrase:

You may or may not want to wash the dishes and all family members. But you must wash your dishes in order to program the subconscious. Start small and end big.

Magic to help the housewife. Household spells to keep your house in order

Sometimes it happens that a woman completely fails to keep up with housework as a result of a pile of urgent matters that have piled up all at once. For example, he will forget that something is cooking in the kitchen, distracted by his child or phone. As a result, the housewife will either burn the pan or ruin the frying pan by throwing it away. a short time more than one kilogram of food.

And most importantly, the husband, who is left without dinner, deteriorates in his mood and instead of a pleasant evening spent together, a gloomy evening passes in front of the TV. And the housewife herself is driven into despair by all the burnt pots that need to be cleaned for hours. It is for such “unbalanced” housewives that the ritual of “raising the dishes” is proposed. Such household magic consists of the following. Fill the bath with water, soak all your dishes in it and read the following over it: CONSPIRACY:

I clean mine, freeing it from all dirt and filth. Serve me, dishes, serve my stove. And if you suddenly refuse, you will instantly find yourself on the street.

Then, taking the pots and pans out of the water, give them a chance to dry and only then put them in their places. The plot will work instantly and after that the housewife will no longer burn anything.

How to get rid of bedbugs using a spell

So, on the waning moon, in the evening, thoroughly clean the apartment, wash the floors and wipe everything with soda, treat the furniture with steam using an iron or steam generator. In the morning, waking up, without getting up, say:

Bedbugs, leave the house of God's servant (name), go far from all the walls and ceilings, from the floors, from seventy corners and corners, from seven hundred nooks. Your teeth are soft, and my body is stronger than flint; you will never bite me. My words turn into deeds. Truly!

Household magic of getting rid of “chaos” in a room

If you work a lot and tidy up own apartment If you have no strength left, then try to create a magic shelf that will “keep an eye on” the order in your room. Such household magic will bring order not only to the house, but also to your life.

Clear at least one shelf in your closet or chest of drawers. Wipe it with a canvas rag. Rub in a clockwise circular motion while repeating the following words of affirmation:

I don’t turn against the arrow - I don’t want chaos. I manage things and command myself to renounce decadence and become an adherent of order.

Then carefully place it on the shelf in alphabetical order books, maybe clothes by color - in general, create absolute order. And somewhere in the corner be sure to place three coins on top of each other from the highest denomination to the lowest.

Perform this ritual and begin to slowly tidy up your apartment every day, at least a little. You yourself will not notice how you will begin to manage everything: come home from work early, and maintain order in the house.

Many people use spells to make their lives better. Most of them are difficult and require a ritual basis, but there are also quick conspiracies that will turn the process of attracting good luck into a pleasant everyday activity.

Quick conspiracies for the home are best suited for housewives, who can very easily turn their ordinary affairs into effective rites and rituals. The most popular in this regard are rituals for the moon. Previously, we wrote about such rituals that can also be performed every day while the Moon is waning.

What are the benefits of quick conspiracies?

For quick conspiracies, you don’t need to thoroughly prepare and go out of your way to prepare everything you need. There is no need to wait for the desired phase of the moon, which does not put you in a certain framework. All you need is a little memory and attentiveness, as quick spells are associated with various household chores like laundry, cleaning, or even washing dishes. You are busy with an important task, but are not distracted by the ritual, so, in fact, you are doing two things at the same time without losing efficiency.

From a psychological point of view, it is also a powerful tool, since simplicity is always attractive. We program ourselves for success when we have no doubt about a complex sequence of obscure actions. The lack of a serious approach helps to overcome anxiety about the effectiveness of the planned ritual, and you acquire the mood suitable for the ritual - confidence in what you are doing. After all, everyone can rinse a plate or sweep the floor.

Quick rituals can be repeated as many times as you like, which also increases their popularity. Energy is very important, so it remains the only important point in preparation. Think about what you are asking for to bring you closer to your dream.

Quick conspiracies

Quick conspiracy to “wash away sins”

We all do something wrong in our lives, but we don’t always find the time and energy to admit it or try to fix it. The “washing away of sins” conspiracy is a great way to let go of your guilt and find peace.

If you wash dishes, then say the following lines: “I wash myself, clearing away indifference. Take away, water-water, all my sins and evil thoughts. Amen".

As you read it, think about what you did wrong, what you did not repent for in the past, and how you offended an innocent person. Remember your lies, your flattery and hypocrisy. This conspiracy will be a powerful weapon against grief born of rash acts committed by you. It helps if you cannot get rid of the feeling of guilt or there is no way to atone for an action you once committed. After reading it, you can do a good deed for free, consolidating the ritual.

Conspiracy to cleanse the chakras

Chakras are directly related to the energy of the body - we previously wrote about the meaning of human chakras. In fact, they make up our biofield. If you often feel tired, lack of sleep, loss of luck, irritability, then this is a direct consequence of energy starvation, which is becoming stronger every day. Without the normal functioning of the chakras, it is difficult to achieve success not only at work or in business, but also in love. This is why their condition is so important.

You need to cleanse your chakras when you are going to rest after doing housework. This plot is also suitable for men who work a lot at home, making repairs or rearranging. When you are tired, exhausted, but have finished your work, sit or lie down on a soft sofa and say out loud: “Let my strength come to me on its own. May I be strong/strong as the wind and calm as silence.”

A spell to get rid of bad habits

The spell is pronounced only at the moment of wiping dust, but not from the floor, but from furniture or other household items. As you carefully wipe away the dust and clean the surface, imagine that you are doing the same to yourself and your consciousness. Bad habits are a stain on your soul. It looks like dust that settles on everything around, so when wiping furniture, say the following spell: “Cleanse me, Mother Nature, as I cleanse this place. May I let go of this burden and experience freedom. Let it be so".

Smoking, alcohol addiction, craving for fatty foods and gluttony - all this can be cured with this spell. The main thing is to believe that you are speaking words that have special power. It will cure your mania, make you an ordinary person, will cleanse the body.

The power of such rituals is truly enormous, because they reflect what you say and feel while casting the spell. Try to always keep your body’s energy high to further enhance the effect of these rituals. Affirmations for every day will help you with this, which will direct your thoughts in the right direction. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

23.06.2016 02:20

IN modern world There are many ways to combat this destructive disease, but they are not always effective. Encoded...

Every woman cleans her home, makes it clean and comfortable. All this can be done using magic to remove not only dirt, but also negative energies from your home.

This ritual should be performed during the waning moon, best days– Tuesday, Saturday.

But if necessary - any day.

Earth cleansing

1. Composition of sea ​​salt and scatter dry lavender throughout the house
2. Take a magic broom (or an ordinary house broom).
3. Visualize energy emanating from my hand through a broom.
4. Sweep away the litter along with the composition, starting from the back room towards the entrance.
5. Visualize how all the negativity is collected in litter and the composition of salt and lavender absorbs it.
6. While sweeping, read the plot:

I sweep, I drive out, I drive out all evil spirits

7. Carefully collect all accumulated garbage and remove it from the house. As a last resort, flush it down the toilet. But under no circumstances leave it in the trash bin!
8. You can also do this with a specially purchased new elegant broom with the words:

All my misfortune and failure will go away with a broom (read 3 times)

9. Take the trash out of the house
10. Take the broom to the intersection and leave it there.

Cleansing with water

1. Prepare the composition:
5 drops essential oil hyssop
20 g. Ammonia
1 tablespoon sea salt

5 drops lavender essential oil
1 tablespoon sea salt
wormwood decoction

or just at least one of the components

2. Add this composition to the water for washing floors
3. Cast a spell on the water:

Voditsa-voditsa, cleanse my house.
Take away all the rubbish, all the dirt that is in it.
Let trouble and grief pass by.
Voditsa-voditsa, cleanse my house!

4. Wet clean the apartment
5. When finished, the water can be taken out and poured at the intersection
6. Or just pour it down the toilet

Cleaning corners

1. Prepare the mixture:

100 g water
100 g vinegar
1 tablespoon sea salt
1 tablespoon minced garlic
1 tablespoon basil leaves
1 tablespoon rosemary leaves

2. Divide the mixture into two parts
3. Spray all corners in the house with one part, going clockwise
4. In this case, it is necessary to read a prayer or conspiracy
5. Divide the second part of the composition into two parts again and pour into two jars
6. Place one jar next to the front door
7. Place the second one on the balcony

Protection of the entrance door and lock

1. Visualize a protective pentagram or other protective symbol
2. Mentally place it on the front door
3. Read the plot:

Once I turn the lock, I will protect the house from all evil!
If I turn the lock twice, I will take the trouble away from the house!
Let neither the enemy nor the envious person enter this door!
The strength of the castle is a guarantee of this!
Let it be so!

Purification by fire or smoke

1. Light incense in a censer (or take a candle bought on Wednesday at the market, in a store, just not in church)
2. Walk around the perimeter of the apartment clockwise
3. Read the plot:

I cleanse this house and everything I approach with this incense burner (candles).
I protect everything that surrounds me from all visible and invisible harmful currents

I burn out the evil eye!
I burn out a bad word!
I burn out a bad desire!
Let it be so!

Wind cleansing, invitation

1. Open all windows
2. Invite the wind to free and cleanse the house
3. After this, read the plot

I invite wealth here!
I invite joy here!
I call for longevity here!
Let it be so!

After cleansing the house, you should take a cleansing bath or at least just wash your hands and face with running water!!!

House - this is a room that, with the right attitude, helps its owner in all areas of life. If the house is treated properly, then even the smallest closet can be of great benefit if it is created with coziness and the love of the owner is present.

Here are a few rituals that will help maintain order in the house.

First of all, it is worth reminding of all the well-known things: a horseshoe above the front door and a broom looking up, which is a talisman against bad people.

Protective nail.

It is very important that a protective nail is driven into the door jamb, which is located opposite the entrance. It can be any size. It is only important that the nail is new, without traces of rust. It is best to buy it in a store the day before the ceremony. Before driving in the nail itself, you need to dip it in a glass of cold water and quickly pull it out. Drive in with the words: “As long as you are driven in, nothing will harm my family.”

Correct placement of kitchen utensils.

Everyone knows that you should not sleep with your feet facing the door. But few people know that a kitchen stove cannot be placed next to a window. Otherwise, the family’s wealth will erode along with the ardor. Also, the stove should not be close to a water source. If it is still impossible to arrange the furniture differently, place a wooden block between the stove and the window or sink. And the refrigerator should not be in the same row as the sink and stove. Place it opposite, and so that the refrigerator is between them. Ideally, you should get an isosceles triangle. This promotes balance in family life.

Thread of luck.

Be sure to get a ball of red wool. The yarn should be wound from right to left so that the thread runs horizontally. Place it in a secluded place in the main room of your home. If a family member is having problems, cut a piece of thread and tie it on a hand or on an item that the person always carries with them, such as keys.

Wealth angle.

The so-called “red corner”. This is the farthest corner from the entrance diagonally. In this place there should be icons or other symbols of the holiness of the family hearth. You cannot store old unnecessary things here, as well as sharp objects or weapons.

Children's room.

Use any turntable in this room. This will help avoid conflicts with the child, improve relationships, and maintain spiritual closeness.

Family dining table.

Ideally, it should be round and stand in the center of the room or kitchen so that all family members can fit behind it. It should be possible to approach the table from any side.

Another important tip - don’t hoard old things, throw away everything you don’t need from time to time. Along with this, unresolved problems will go away.