Italy the volcano has awakened. A giant skull appears above Vesuvius, completing the picture of a natural disaster. Why are Californians worried?

The population of our planet carefully monitors everyone, since Lately people often talk about unfavorable prognoses for humanity. Thus, another topic of conversation on the Internet was the awakening of the Vesuvius volcano, located in southern Italy..

Awakening of Mount Vesuvius

The awakening of the Vesuvius volcano began a few days ago, due to which forest fires have already occurred, and the authorities of Torre del Greco were forced to take action and evacuate the local population. According to a source from La Repubblica di Napoli, the fire covered a huge area, about a mile around the perimeter, and thick smoke can be seen from absolutely anywhere in the Bay of Naples.

Why are Californians worried?

Of course, the worries of Italians can be understood, since any natural disaster does not pass without consequences. But why then did Californians begin to worry about their safety? Journalist JoeInfoMedia Nastya Art, having studied information from foreign sources, found out that the residents of California, having learned about the awakening of Vesuvius, remembered the prophet Edgar Cayce. The man is respected and revered in the United States; his words have always been taken seriously, since he was right more than once in his predictions.

Thus, Edgar once reported that the state of California would go under water in the future, and the reason for this would be the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. According to him, as soon as the volcano wakes up, in three months there will be a powerful earthquake in North America, as a result of which all of California will be flooded.

Is it worth believing?

Despite the unrest, many residents of the state feel safe, not thinking about the various forecasts of the prophets. It should also be noted that not all future predictions come true. So, recently the Internet raised the topic of what was accurate in their forecasts, and several times. So, is it worth panicking ahead of time?

13/07/2017 - 10:22

A possible eruption of Mount Vesuvius has caused great panic online. Volcano Vesuvius has awakened after many years of hibernation and now terrifies not only the residents of Italy, but also many tourists. Now there are large forest fires in the area of ​​the volcano, some tourists have been evacuated.

Forest fires have been raging in the area of ​​Mount Vesuvius for several days. In connection with this fact, there are many rumors on the Internet that the volcano has awakened and will erupt very soon. However, this is not the case. Vesuvius is "sleeping".

Today is day 8 of the fire. The volcano itself is no longer visible, everything is in smoke. Huge clouds of smoke continue to rise into the sky. It’s very scary to imagine what will remain after the smoke clears. It makes me angry to think that this was done by the people from the government themselves, in order to then suck money out of the budget for restoration work. An entire national park burned down, an irreparable loss for nature. #vesuvius #fire #natural disaster #vesuvioinfiamme #vesuvio #disastroambientale #incendio #chevergogna #ercolano #torredelgreco #napoli #boscotrecase #allarme #tragedia #fire #maivistaunacosadelgenere Posted by Masha Bogdanova (@mashabogdanova89) Jul 12 2017 at 7:1 0 PDT

#vesuvioinfiamme #vesuvio #emergenza #incendio #incendiovesuvio #macomesifa #tragedia #disastroambientale #fire #vesuvius Posted by Masha Bogdanova (@mashabogdanova89) Jul 11 ​​2017 at 2:58 PDT

When you watch the news and think that this will never affect you. And then you become a witness to a terrible disaster: it all started a week ago with a thin stream of smoke in the morning. By evening it was already a huge fire, planes and helicopters were trying to put it out. Today the entire Vesuvius National Park is on fire, some of the fires have reached a size of 2 km!!! People are fleeing from there in panic, leaving homes, hotels and restaurants. It is clear that this is arson. But no one will prove anything. #incendio #incendiosulvesuvio #incendiovesuvio #vesuvioinfiamme #vesuvio #ercolano #torredelgreco #napoli #campania #ig_italia #instamoment #tragedia #tragedy #natural disaster #instaworld #fire #vesuviusonfire #italy #italia #suditalia #prayforvesuvius #pregapervesuvio #disastro #disastro ambientale Posted by Masha Bogdanova (@mashabogdanova89) Jul 11 ​​2017 at 7:16 PDT

Yes, there are indeed forest fires in the Vesuvius area, and especially in the National Park located next to it. More than 100 hectares of forest are burning there. Plumes of smoke have been hanging over the volcano for more than one day, which ultimately became the reason for rumors that Vesuvius has woken up.

Posted by Sharing_Daily_Inspiration (@altovolume_voice) Jul 12, 2017 at 9:43 am PDT

The most dangerous situation with fires is now at the foot of Vesuvius and in the suburbs of Catania and Messina. Fires are observed in the region of Umbria, Lazio, Ambruzzo, Basilicata, Calabria and Sicily. The main cause of fires is heat. Photos and videos from the site of the alleged eruption of Mount Vesuvius in the summer of 2017 filled the network.

Posted by Paolo (@10paolo) Jul 12, 2017 at 9:18 am PDT

Posted by Ruslan Olkhovatsky (@ruslan_olkhovatsky) Jul 11, 2017 at 1:38 PDT

Posted by E guardo il mondo (@eguardoilmondo) Jul 12, 2017 at 9:55 am PDT

If you liked this post,

The south of the Apennine Peninsula is choking in smoke from forest fires [video]

Real horror grips the residents of Naples when they look at the majestic Vesuvius. The picture is reminiscent of the prelude to the famous painting by Karl Bryullov “The Last Day of Pompeii” - all the slopes are ablaze with fire, the flames reach almost to the sky. However, the cause of this violence of the elements is not a volcanic eruption, but the terrible fires that have been tormenting the south of the Apennine Peninsula for several days now.

At the moment, rescue services report about 200 fires, and the seriousness of the situation is indicated by the fact that it is personally controlled by Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni.

Now firefighters believe that the most dangerous situation has developed right at the foot of Vesuvius and in the suburbs of the cities of Messina and Catania.

The cause of the fires was the heat, as well as the lack of rain, which has not pleased the south of Italy for almost two months. However, not only the weather is to blame for the current situation, because Italians themselves often start arson. As noted by local media, in 2016, almost 200 hectares of forest around Vesuvius were destroyed due to human actions.

The current fires have caused real panic among tourists, among whom Naples is deservedly popular.

About 4 million people visit Vesuvius and its surroundings annually, but at the moment not only guests, but also local residents are fleeing the city, who do not want to repeat the fate of the legendary Pompeii, destroyed by a volcanic eruption in 79 AD. So, most likely, the tourist season in the south of Italy will be, if not disrupted, then seriously spoiled.

The mountain slopes are blazing not only in the Vesuvius region, but also several tens of kilometers further to the south of Italy, in the area of ​​the tourist Amalfi coast. Photo: Natalia KUDRYASHO

#fire #vesuvius

#Vesuvius has woken up!

#vesuvius. #fire

Satellite image of the Mount Vesuvius area on July 12, 2017.© CC0 Public Domain

In Italy, the Vesuvius volcano woke up two days ago. In Naples, located next to the volcano, some areas. Residents of five city districts and tourists had to literally flee for their lives. Among other things, the eruption led to forest fires on the slopes of the volcano.

Naples at night resembled images of hell in the paintings of medieval artists.

The danger is posed not only by the burning forest, but also by the volcano itself, which can at any moment flood the surrounding area with lava or cover large areas with a layer of hot ash.

Posted by TIME (@time)

Jul 11 ​​2017 at 2:19 PDT

The picture is also frightening because the mafia or pyromaniacs are blamed for the spread of forest fires on the slopes of Vesuvius. Some media even reported that the fire was being spread by animals being set on fire.

Organized crime is allegedly spreading the flames in Vesuvius National Park to burn waste at illegal dump sites or prevent the construction of individual buildings in the area.

It is worth noting that while Vesuvius is not erupting, the smoke and fire around the volcano look like a real eruption.

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) issued a special statement that thousands of people, animals and the very territory of the nature reserve around the volcano are at risk. “The situation is extreme and emergency measures must be taken,” WWF said in a statement.

Italian firefighters after working in the area of ​​fires on the slopes of the volcano.

Painting by Karl Bryullov “The Last Day of Pompeii”.

In 79 AD, the eruption of Vesuvius destroyed three cities - Pompeii, Herculaneum and Stabia. The harbinger of the eruption was a strong earthquake, described in the “Annals” of Tacitus and the “Letters” of Pliny the Younger. The city of Pompeii is now an open-air museum.