The ideal state project in English. Ideal state. Ideal State As I understand it

22.01.2022 Kinds

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IDEAL STATE The study was conducted by Giller Alexander, a student of class 6 A of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 26. Scientific supervisor Giller Natalya Nikolaevna, teacher of history and social studies of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 26.

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The state is the main central institution of society, possessing public power, territory, population, sovereignty, collecting taxes and loans. Forms of government: Monarchy - Absolute Dualistic Constitutional Republic - Presidential Parliamentary Mixed Political regime: Totalitarian (authoritarian) Democratic

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PLATO'S THOUGHTS A state can be ideal if there are three layers of citizens: Rulers-philosophers, who are the mind of the nation and rule, taking into account the interests of everyone. Warriors who defend their state. artisans and farmers who love society and work in its interests

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THE IDEAL OF IVAN IV THE TERRIBLE The ideal state is cruel terror against all subjects (oprichnina, which established harsh despotism), the absolute power of the tsar, the unquestioning submission of all subjects to him and punishment for the slightest disobedience at his discretion. The king must not answer to anyone for his actions.

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THE IDEAL OF PETER I Won the Northern War Created the Russian Navy Built St. Petersburg Strengthened Russia's international position Conducted transformations in all spheres of state life The ideal state is one that is not similar to the native one Russian Europe- ideal of government

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DECEMBRISTS NIKITA MURAVYEV The ideal of the state is “CONSTITUTION” Constitutional monarchy Liberation of the peasants PAVEL PESTEL The ideal of the state is “RUSSIAN TRUTH” A republic with democracy Free peasants Equality of all layers of society before the law

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THE IDEAL OF J.V. STALIN USSR - the most powerful socialist state Industry, science, construction, Soviet art, military production are developed The largest system in the world concentration camps for dissenters, the 1936 Constitution exists only on paper. International human and civil rights are violated

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ICELAND? The country's population is 304 thousand people. Most of the territory is desert spaces with volcanoes, waterfalls, piles of stones, geysers, and glaciers. People believe in elves, trolls, and secret spirits. There is no unemployment and poverty. Universal education. Clean ecology. Consumption without excess. There is no army, no weapons. Low crime

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IS RUSSIA AN IDEAL STATE? A republic of a mixed type with a democratic political regime. The Basic Law is the Constitution. Human rights and freedoms of international standard are enshrined in the Constitution. Peaceful international politics. High patriotism of the people. High crime rate. Low standard of living of the population. Demographic crisis. Low salaries. Low pensions.

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Geographical location Convenient location. Predominance of flat terrain. Small area up to 450 thousand km?. The territory is rich in mineral resources. The territory must have its own water resources. Richness of flora and fauna. Soil richness. Good climate data.

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Basic ideal state: 1. The state acts only for the benefit and in the interests of its people 2. The state is the guardian of the cultural and material property of its people. 3. The state is the guarantor of the free cultural, spiritual and material development of its people. 4. The state is obliged to ensure the sovereignty of its country, the inviolability of its territory and material wealth and the right to its own path of development. 5. The state is obliged to ensure order and justice within its country. 6. The state must provide each of its citizens with at least the minimum necessary conditions for life. 7. The state must give each of its citizens the opportunity for maximum self-realization within the existing order.

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1. The head of state must be a person elected by the people. Possessing certain qualities and having proven through his entire previous life and specific actions that he is worthy of it. 2. The head of state must have assistants, whom he chooses himself, who do not have legislative initiative, but are knowledgeable in various fields of activity. They will help him in governing the state. 3. Security forces necessary and sufficient to protect state borders.

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Political regime Democracy is a political regime in which the people are recognized as the only source of power, power is exercised according to the will and in the interests of the people.

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National polity My national polity has the features of a unitary state*.

Distinctive features of the state 1. All the fullness of state power is concentrated at the level of the state as a whole, territorial parts do not have independence; 2. One-level legislative system (there is a single constitution at the level of the entire country); 3. Having a single citizenship. *- A unitary state is a simple, unified state, which is characterized by the absence of signs of sovereignty among administrative-territorial units.

The state is the main central institution of society, possessing public power, territory, population, sovereignty, collecting taxes and loans. Forms of government: Monarchy - Absolute Dualistic Constitutional Republic - Presidential Parliamentary Mixed Political regime: Totalitarian (authoritarian) Democratic

PLATO'S THOUGHTS A state can be ideal if there are three layers of citizens: Rulers-philosophers, who are the mind of the nation and rule, taking into account the interests of everyone. Warriors who defend their state. artisans and farmers who love society and work in its interests

THE IDEAL OF IVAN IV THE TERRIBLE The ideal state is cruel terror against all subjects (oprichnina, which established harsh despotism), the absolute power of the king, the unquestioning submission of all subjects to him and punishment for the slightest disobedience at his discretion. The king must not answer to anyone for his actions.

THE IDEAL OF J.V. STALIN The USSR is a powerful socialist state. Industry, science, construction, Soviet art, military production are developed. The world's largest system of concentration camps for dissidents. The Constitution of 1936 exists only on paper. International human and civil rights are violated.

ICELAND? The country's population is 304 thousand people. Most of the territory is desert spaces with volcanoes, waterfalls, piles of stones, geysers, and glaciers. People believe in elves, trolls, and secret spirits. There is no unemployment and poverty. Universal education. Clean ecology. Consumption without excess. There is no army, no weapons. Low crime

IS RUSSIA AN IDEAL STATE? A republic of a mixed type with a democratic political regime. The Basic Law is the Constitution. Human rights and freedoms of international standard are enshrined in the Constitution. Peaceful international politics. High patriotism of the people. High crime rate. Low standard of living of the population. Demographic crisis. Low salaries. Low pensions.

RUSSIA – we have something to be proud of! Victory in Patriotic War 1812 Victory in the Great Patriotic War First cosmonaut - Yuri Gagarin Victory of democracy in 1991 Restoration of world prestige Patriotism of the people

AN IDEAL STATE? At all times, all peoples, all rulers, all great commanders tried to create their own ideal state. It never existed! You can’t make everyone happy based on the ideal of one! My ideal state: People live honestly, work honestly and conscientiously, love their relatives, respect strangers. A state where such people live will be ideal! Is this possible?

Educational project Subject, class: English language , 10th grade Author: Panova I.L. - teacher of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 14 in the village of Podyapolsky”, Shkotovsky District, Primorsky Territory, 2012 Fundamental question: Does an ideal state exist? Problematic questions 1 What political systems exist in Western countries? What are the political systems of the western countries? 2 Who and how expresses the interests of the people in a democratic state? Who and how represets the interests of the population in a democratic state? 3 What should be the Constitution of a democratic state? What the democratic state Constitution should be like? 4 What kind of person should be at the head of a democratic state? What kind of person should lead a democratic state? 5 Are Western democracies democratic? Western democracies. Are they democratic? 6 What should an ideal state be like? What is an ideal state like? Educational questions Social studies 1) What is a state? 2) Signs of a state 3) What is the difference between a state and a country? Name the corresponding English words. 4) What forms of government do you know? Name the corresponding English words. 5) What is the political system? English 6) What is the political system in the USA? 7) What is the political system in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland? 8) What is the political system in Russia? 9) What political system would you like to live in? Group assignment No. 1 Answer questions that guide the project. Complete tasks. Introduce the US political system to the class. Complete the project “An Ideal State. As I understand it.” Present his defense in any available technology: Power Point, Prezi, Glogster, Dream board, oral communication with illustrations. Group assignment No. 2 Complete the tasks that guide the project. Present the political system of the United Kingdom to the class. . As I understand it." Present his defense in any available technology: Power Point, Prezi, Glogster, Dream board, oral communication with illustrations. Group assignment No. 3 Answer questions that guide the project. Complete tasks. Introduce the Russian political system to the class. Complete the project “An Ideal State. As I understand it.” Present its defense in any available technology: Power Point, Prezi, Glogster, Dream board, oral communication with illustrations. Presentation of the results of the work. Each group should be able to ask questions to other teams and answer their questions. Each team must comment on the work of the other teams. Selection of the winner The defense of the projects will be assessed by a competent jury.

Welfare state is a concept that denotes a set of social institutions in Western countries to provide all members of the community social rights by redistributing income. Welfare state is a concept that denotes a set of social institutions in Western countries to provide all members of the community social rights by redistributing income. The welfare state is a kind of theoretical and practical model of social order in which the wide range of social assistant programs underprivileged sections of the population. The welfare state is a kind of theoretical and practical model of social order in which the wide range of social assistant programs underprivileged sections of the population.

Abstracts of the ideal state: 1. The government serves for the benefit and in the interests of its people. 1. The government serves for the benefit and in the interests of its people. 2. The state is the custodian of the cultural and material heritage of its people. 2. The state is the custodian of the cultural and material heritage of its people. 3. The state is the guarantor of free, cultural, spiritual and material development of the people. 3. The state is the guarantor of free, cultural, spiritual and material development of the people. 4. The state is obliged to ensure the sovereignty of the country, the inviolability of its territory and wealth- and the right to its own development. 4. The state is obliged to ensure the sovereignty of the country, the inviolability of its territory and wealth- and the right to its own development. 5. The state is obliged to ensure order and justice in the country. 5. The state is obliged to ensure order and justice in the country. 6. The state should provide every citizen the minimum of necessery conditions for life. 6. The state should provide every citizen the minimum of necessery conditions for life. 7. The state should give every citizen the opportunity of maximum in self-realization within the existing order. 7. The state should give every citizen the opportunity of maximum in self-realization within the existing order.

The theory of the welfare state suggests social benefits provided by the state regulation of the economy (especially big business) and tax policy.. The theory of the welfare state suggests social benefits provided by the state regulation of the economy (especially big business) and tax policy. the basic functions of the state against its own people - the preservation and maintenance of order and the development of the welfare of people. the basic functions of the state against its own people - the preservation and maintenance of order and the development of the welfare of people.. The theory of the welfare state assumes that social guarantees are provided through state regulation of the economy (primarily big business) and taxation politics.. The theory of the welfare state assumes that social guarantees are provided through state regulation of the economy (primarily big business) and tax policy. The main functions of the state in relation to its own people are the preservation and maintenance of order, and the development of the well-being of the people. The main functions of the state in relation to its own people are the preservation and maintenance of order, and the development of the well-being of the people.

An Ideal state gives benefits to people, it is controlled by the most worthy people, who is patriotic and has only good thoughts. An Ideal state gives benefits to people, it is controlled by the most worthy people, who is patriotic and has only good thoughts. To guarantee free, cultural, spiritual and material development of people the state must provide all citizens, not only equal rights but also equal opportunities of development. To guarantee free, cultural, spiritual and material development of people the state must provide all citizens, not only equal rights but also equal opportunities of development. Today, this problem is particularly urgent for people. Today, this problem is particularly urgent for people. (In order for the state to truly act only for the good and in the interests of its people, it must be managed and controlled by the most worthy people who have proven their patriotism and good thoughts by deeds. (In order for the state to truly act only for the good and in the interests of its people, it must be governed and controlled by the most worthy people who have proven their patriotism and good thoughts. To guarantee the free cultural, spiritual and material development of its people, the state must provide all its citizens not only with equal rights, but also with equal opportunities for development. , the spiritual and material development of its people, the state must provide all its citizens not only with equal rights, but also with equal opportunities for development. Today, this problem is particularly relevant.